HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2010-0984 - Original - City of Enumclaw - Emergency Inmate Housing - 01/01/2010CITY OF 4 Ad m i n istration DePartment February 24,2010 Lt. Curt Lutz City of Kent Correctional Facility 1230 S. CentralAvenue Kent, WA 98032 Dear Curt: Please find enclosed a copy of the Jail services Agreement signed by the city of Enumclaw's Mayor, City Attorney and City Clerk' lf you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Tyler Chilman, Enumclaw Corrections Sergeant, at 360'6 1 5-5704' Sincerely, Yflrrr^t'* Maureen J. Burwell Administration Secretary cc: Tyler Chilman 1339 Griffin Avenue, Enumclaw, Washington 98022. (360) 802-0226 ' FAX (360) 615-5632 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 I2 13 L4 15 T6 t1 1_B L9 20 27 JAIL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into between the city of Enumclaw, a municipal corporation of the state of washingtoh located at 1705 Wells, Enumclaw, Washington 98022 and the City of Kent,amunicipalcorporationoftheStateofWashingtonand pursuant to the City and County Jails Act (RCW 10'48, as amended)' In accordance with the interlocal Cooperation Act (chapter 39.34 RCW) and in considerati{p. of the conditions herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. PURPOSE The Purpose of this agreement is confinement of the prisoners of the City of of Enumcl-aw Corrections Facility' DEFINITIONS Unlessacontextclearlyshowsanotherusagej-s i-ntended, the foll-owing terms shall have these meanings in the agreement: (1)CityofKentmeansaprisonerhousedintheBnumclaw corrections Facility .when a city of Kent charge is the Jail Services AgreemenL Page 7 January 5, 20J.0 provide for Kent in the CitY 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 L2 13 I4 15 16 T7 18 T9 20 2! principalbasisforconfiningthatperson(e.g.,the person is confined by reason of a City of Kent ordj-nance violation pretrial or post trial) ' It includes' but is not limited Lo' (a) a prisoner arrestedbyand.bookedbytheCityofKentbyreasonof an "open charge" or investigati-on of a felony; and a prisoner detained after a city of Kent "hold" has been released; (b) it includes an individual arrested by CityofKentandbookedandhousedintheEnumclaw Corrections FaciIitY (2) "Corrections Facility" means a place primarily designed,staffed,andusedforthehotlsingofadults chargedwithcrimina]-offense;forthepunishmentand correction of offenders after conviction of criminal offense; or for confj-nement during a criminal investigation or for civil detention to enforce a court order.Uponthedateoftheexecutionofthis agreement, the term "iail" includes the City of Enumcraw corrections Facitity operated by the city of Enumclaw pursuant to this agreement' (3) ..Medical Expenses', means any and a1]- costs and fees Jail- Services Agireement Page 2 January 6, 2010 1 2 3 4 tr 6 7 B 9 10 1l_ L2 13 L4 15 1"6 T7 1B 19 20 2t 3. .JATL associated with any form of medical, dental, mental health or l-ike treatment includj-ng but not limited to doctors fees, hospitalization costs, doY fees of any medical practitioner' x-rays, MRIs, cat scans' dental and vision expenses. AND HEALTH SERVICES The city of Enumcl-aw shall accept for confinement. in the Enumcl-aw Corrections Facitity those peISonS who are the City of Kent prisoners as defined j-n ArticLe 2 and shall furnish the city of Kent . with the corrections facility, bookingi and custodial- services and personnel for confinement of city of Kent, s inmates at l-east equal to those the city of Enurncl-aw provides for confinement of its own inmates. The servj-ces provided herej-n shall include basic medical inspection' AII- medical- expenses shall- be paid -by the city of Kent holding the city of Enumclaw harmless therefrom and indemnifying the city of Enumclaw for any medical expenses that it has to'pay on behalf of an'inmate of the city of Kent. The services included herein shalI incl-ude the standard police use photograph for each pelson booked and hel-d by the city of Enumclaw for the CitY of Kent JaiI Services Agreement Page 3 January 6, 2010 1 2 3 4 tr 6 1 a 9 10 11 I2 13 L4 15 I6 1"1 18 1"9 20 2L 4. COMPENSATED TheCityofEnumc]-awherebyauthorizestheuseofthe Enumclaw Corrections Facility, by the City of Kent ' for confinement of persons boo.ked and held by the City of Kent' subject to available space and facilities as may be +l-'a r-ir-rr nf Rr of Police or his /Lrefdetermined by the city of Enumclaw Chief of Police or r duly authorized rePresentative' TheCityofKentagreestopaytheCityofEnumclawthe sum of FIFTY FIVE DOLLARS ($55.00) per prisoner per 24 hour period calculated from the initial booking time, (or any portionofa24hourperiod).Suchpalrmentshal]-bemade promptlytotheCityofEnumc]awwj-thin20daysafterthe monthly statement is submitt.ed by the city of Enumcl-aw to the City of Kent Eachpartymayexaminetheothersbooksandrecordsto verify charges. If an examination reveals an improper charge, the amouiit shal-l be applied to the,next monLh's statement' 5. TERM_-_-' This agreement shal-I take effect t/1"/2070 and shall ext.end through 12/3I/2OLO, and shall automatically renew from Jail Services Agreement Page 4 January 6, 2010 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 1"2 13 1,4 l_5 I6 L7 1B L9 20 27 year to year unless otherwise modified or terminated as providedherein.Thisagreementmaybeterminatedbyeither pafty upon 90 days written notice from the party desirinq termination. This agreement rnay be modified or canceled in writing PROVIDED THAT notice of the proposed modification or cancellation is provided at l-east 90 days prior to the date on which such modification or cancellation would become effective 6.INDEMNIFICAT ION/INSURANCE (A) The City of Kent shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the city of Enumclaw and its officers, agents, and employees, or any of them from any and all claims' actions, suits, liability, loss, cost' expenses and rny nature whatsoever' by reason of or arising out of any action or omission of the City of Kent, its officers, agents, and employees' or any of them j-n arresting, d'etaini-ng, charging or transporting third persons In the event that any suit based upon such l-oss or damage is brought against the City of the City of Kent shall defend the same at its a claim' Enumclaw' sole cost JaiI Services Agreement Page 5 January 6, 2010 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11_ T2 13 74 15 76 I7 18 19 20 2I andexpense;providedthattheCityofEnumclawreLains the right to participate in said suit if any principal ofgovernmental-orpublicl-awisinvol-ved;andiffinal judgement is rendered against the City of Enumclaw' and its officers, agents, and employees or any of them' or jointty against the City of Enumcfaw and the City of Kent and their respective officers' agents' employees' or any of them, the City of Kent shall satisfy the same. (B) The City of Enumclaw shall defend' indemnify and holdharmfesstheCityofKentanditsofficers' agents, and employees, or any of them from any and all- c.l-aims, actions, suj-ts, Iiability' loss' cost' expenses, and damages of any nature whatsoever' by reason of or arising out of any action or omission of the City of Enumcl-aw, its of f ic.ers ' agents ' and employees, or any of them in confining persons who have been presented to and accepted by the Enunclaw Corrections Facility by the City of Kent' its officers' agents, and employees while said persons are in the Enumclaw Corrections Facility or in the custody of the I Jail Services Agreement Page 6 JanuarY 6, 201-0 1 t 3 4 q 6 7 B 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 L6 77 1B L9 20 2t City of Enumclaw outs j-de the .Enumclaw Corrections Facility. In the event that any suit based upon such claim, action, Ioss CityofKent,theCltyofEnumclawshalldefendthe sameatitssolecostandexpense^providedthatthe CityofKentretaj.nstherighttoparticipateinsaid suit if any principle governmental or public law is >ndered againstinvolved, and if final judgement be r€ the city of Kent and its officers, agents, and employees, or any of them, or jointly against the City ofKentandtheCityofEnumclawandtheirrespective officers, agents, and employees, or any of them' the City of Enumclaw shall- satisfy same (C)Aprisonershallbecometheresponsibilityofthe Enumclaw Corrections Facility at the point that the prisoner is booked into the city of Enumclaw Facility orwheretheprisonerh'Fbeenre]-easedtothecare' custody and control of the city of Enumclaw. Liability shal-I transfer to the city of Enumcl-aw at lhis point ' Thearrestingagencysha].Ibehe]-dharmlessbytheCity ofEnumclawunderthetermsofthissect'ionforall JaiI Services Agreement Page 7 January 6, 2070 1_ 2 3 5 6 1 o 9 1_0 l-1 T2 13 L4 15 t6 I7 1B 19 20 2L cl-aims arj-sing out of the detention of the prisqner except for medical expenses' Accordingly, the City of Enumc]-aw(CorrectionsFacility)shallbeheldharmless bytheCityofKentunderthetermsofthisagreement' for claj-ms arj-sing out of the arrest of the prisoner' or arising out of any situatj-on occurring prior to the point where the city of Enumclaw assumes responsibility for the prisoner. (D) Each city agrees to provide the other with evidence of insurance coverage. Each city shal-l obtaj-n , ai-r^ir.:+.- 1.i*'i+- ^€ rcoveragie. rn minimum liability limits of oNE MILLION AND 00/100DOLLARS($1,000,000.)foritsliability exposures/ includ.ing comprehensive general J-iabitity' errors and omissions, auto liability and police professional liabilitY. 1. NON _ DT SCRIMINAT ION / BQUALI TY OF EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY TheCityofEnumclawwi]-lprovideequalemplolrment opportunity in administerj-ng this Agreement, in implementing this Agreement, and in administering the Enumcfaw corrections Facility, and will prohibit. discriminatory treatment. Jail Services Agreement Page B January 6,20r0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 B. REMEDIES No waiver of ahy right under this aqreement shall be ef fective unl-ess made in writ.ing' by the authorized representatj-ve of the party to be,bound thereby. tr'ailure to insist upon fuII performance on any one or several occasions does not constitute consent to or waiver of any later non- performance, nor does pdyment of a billing or continued performance after notice of a deficiency in performance constj-tute an acquiescence thereto Jail Page Services AgreemenL 9 January 6, 201'0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 I2 13 L4 15 L6 T1 1B I9 20 9. ENTTRE AGREEMENT This Aqreemenl represents the entire understanding of the parties. It supersedes any oial representations that ar9 inconsistent with or modify its terms and conditions fN WfTNESS WHEREOF' the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day written below. CITY OF KENT CITY OF ENUMCLAW BY: Ltz Aer TTT DATE:a ATTEST: City Cl-erk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City torney Jail Services Agreement Page 10 January 6, 20l-0 City Cler APPROVED AS TO FORM: City AttorneY TITLE: DATE: ATTEST: lvts- 7'?Ll'lO MOTION: Move to recommend authorizing the Mayor Agreement on the condition that the Agreement will be u oses onl to sign the Jail Services exercised under emergencY flood KENT DATEI TO: SUBJECT: BUDGET IMPACT: Public SafetY Committee January 12,2OLO January L2,20tO Public Safety Committee Jail Services Agreement POLICE DEPARTMENT Steve Strachan, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5BBB Fax: 253-856-6802 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S' Kent, WA. 98032-5895 suMMARY: The city of Kent correctional Facility (cKcF) requests authorization of the Agreement with ttre iity of Enumclaw Corrections Facility. The Agreement would only be exercised in the event of a flood or threat of flood wherein the facility would need to be evacuated. Certain inmates of the CKCF who would be determined to be ineligible for release from CKCF for general release to the public would be transported to the City of Enumclaw Corrections Facility, booked and housed there. Also, during the emergency evacuation period, any arrests made by the City of Kent will be transported to the City of Enumclaw for the purpose of booking and housing until their court appearance. The number of CKCF inmates transported to the City of Enumclaw is expected to be less than ten percent (10o/o) of the totai ct<cF inmate population. The majority of the CKCF inmate population *ouid be released from the facility based on an administrative order from Kent MuniciPal Court. The City of Kent agrees to pay the City of Enumclaw the sum of fifty-five dollars ($55.00) per prisoner per Z,+hour period calculated from the initial booking time, (or any portion of Z Zq norrp.rioO;. fhe City of Kent also agrees to pay the City of Enumclaw for any medical expenses that it has to pay on behalf of an inmate of the City of Kent. EXHIBITS: Jail Services Agreement (approved to form by Law Department) Jail Services Agreement, Enumclaw