HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/19/2014W ASHINOTON Kent City Council Meeting Minutes August 19, 2014 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Mayor Cooke. Councilmembers present: Ralph, Berrios, Boyce, Fincher, Higgins, Ranniger, and Thomas. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA FROM COUNCIL, ADMINISTRATION, OR STAFF Chief Administrative Officer Derek Matheson suggested adding Item 8C, Limited Release of Covenants pertaining to Kent Station. Mayor Cooke suggested adding Item 4C2, Proclamation for Trinity Community Church Day. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Public Recognition -Councilmember Ranniger asked for a moment of silence to recognize and honor Michael Brown who lost his life in Ferguson, Missouri. She said Mr. Brown deserved to have a life and what happened in Ferguson is a flashpoint in this country. This incident communicates to her that people have much work to do around the issues of racism and prejudice. This should serve as a painful and tragic reminder to all of us how critically important it is to embrace and make a top priority the strategic goal we all set for ourselves of foster inclusiveness. It is really important to create connections, embrace the community we live in, and get to know our neighbors. It is also important to make an effort to reach out to each other and build the community together. Councilmember Thomas stated that it is premature to make statements like that. He stated that normally a moment of silence is given to those who have great honor such as a Nobel Prize winner dying, president, governor, even the mayor. Councilmember Thomas said he finds it difficult giving honor to an 18 year -old thief especially in light of some of the statements that were made today by witnesses who actually saw that the police officer was more correct than some of the other statements that were made. He said he wouldn't mind joining Councilmember Ranniger, some of the statements she made were really well done. However, he felt this isn't the correct time or place for the Council to be taking sides or making this a race issue. It would not have mattered if it was a Black or Asian officer who had shot Mr. Brown. He stated that there was a theft of a nearby convenience store and tragically things happened. The real victims right now are the officer and his family who can't go outside and have to be protected and moved to a different location, said Councilmember Thomas. He said he can't stand silently as requested and said he would be walking towards the door if anybody wants to join him because he finds it difficult to pay tribute in this format. Councilmember Boyce replied that you can call Mr. Brown a thief or a liar, whatever, but he has a hard time listening to Councilmember Thomas talk about someone's life like it's not worth anything. He added that he cannot judge what the police officer has done, but the jury is still out. A life is a life and to belittle that life regardless of what a person may have done is not right. People deserve to live, he said, and there are consequences to all things that happen. He added that he is very shocked and surprised that Councilmember Thomas would go in that direction. Kent City Council Meeting Minutes August 19, 2014 Councilmember Fincher said she feels the same as Councilmember Boyce. She stated that there are two different issues and felt that race does have something to do with this. She said a number of things have come out, but not everything has come out and we do have to wait. Whether he stole something or not in that situation does not mean that he should automatically die. That's why there is a justice system and that's why we have jails for people who steal things and other crimes. The penalty shouldn't be death. Mr. Brown was one of three young black men killed in police actions this week, she noted. We are a country that race is still an issue and whether you realize it or not things from the past still affect us today. He was somebody's child; he was a person, added Fincher. Councilmember Ranniger said that is why she brought this up. It points out that we still have work to do, we are all responsible and need to work together to work through the issues that still plague our country, she said. Councilmember Thomas said he apologizes if Councilmember Boyce or Councilmember Fincher felt as if he was making light of someone's life. That is the furthest thing from my mind, he said. He stated that this is very premature and we have only seen one side of the scale so far. He said he would join Councilmember Ranniger if at some point in time this young man is found out to be innocent. He felt the whole story needs to be revealed and felt the Council is premature in honoring someone before the whole truth is discovered. He added that if Mr. Brown is proven innocent after the stories are investigated he will gladly honor him. Councilmember Higgins commented that it is troubling to see what has been happening in Missouri and the full story hasn't been revealed. He said he has been thinking about what can be done here in Kent to have wider open doors and encourage communications. He noted that Councilmember Ranniger spoke very well about that and he wants to be a part of that. He added that the Kent Police Department cares about the community and they are invested in it. He said what he sees in Missouri is L80 degrees different than what he sees here in the Kent Police Department. He said he hopes everyone reaches out and talks to one another going forward. Councilmember Ranniger stated that the issue is not the whole story, but that there is work still to be done. She stated that there has been some good work done here in Kent, but there is a lot more to do and it involves all of us. It will take reaching out to this richly diverse community and making sure all of us feel safe. Mayor Cooke stated that the issue relating to Mr. Brown parallels to an event that occurred in our own community. She communicated that we are in a day and age where the world has come to Kent. She stated that those that were born and raised in this City have a whole new City and it behooves each of us, no matter what age, profession, or beliefs to have respectful conversations with our neighbors of different races, religions, ethnicities, and orientations. Our future dearly relies on these types of conversations to learn from each other. She stated that this Michael Brown case involves the police and our Kent Department trains on understand those differences. She communicated that Missouri is a far away in miles and in many ways far away from Kent in mindset. She noted that Kent has come much further in these types of conversations thanks to the leadership of the Council and those in the community Kent City Council Meeting Minutes August 19, 2014 willing to have them. She asked everyone to be conscious of their actions, not rush Co judgment towards others, and be courageous in future conversations with our neighbors. Mayor Cooke led the Council in a moment of silence to encourage open conversations with our neighbors. Councilmember Higgins recognized three Kent residents who have made an impact in our community. He noted that one has moved to the Spokane area and the other two are moving to West Seattle shortly. He noted that Tom Hinkle has been very active in the Green Kent program and appreciated all of his work to make Kent parks better. He also thanked and bid farewell to Paul and Holly Seim who lived in the Mill Creek neighborhood who have been very active in procuring a quiet zone in downtown Kent. Councilmember Ranniger departed the meeting at 7:24 p.m. B. Community Events -Council President Ralph reminded everyone that school starts next week and asked drivers to watch out for children on their way to school. Councilmember Fincher discussed the Experience Historical Kent event last week and stated it went well. She thanked the Mill Creek homes that opened for everyone. Mayor Cooke invited the public to the Wilson Playfields Turf Replacement Celebration which is scheduled for September 6 at 10 a.m. C. Proclamation for Gay Pride Day -Mayor Cooke presented the Gay Pride Day proclamation to Wade Schwartz and proclaimed September 14 as Gay Pride Day in the City of Kent. C2. Proclamation for Trinity Community Church -Mayor Cooke stated that Trinity Community Church is celebrating over 50 years of reaching out to the community and are having their first ever evangelical conference this week. D. Public Safety Report -Police Chief Ken Thomas noted that this past month there have been some very serious events that surrounded police actions. He stated that four of the five officers that were involved in the Kent shooting have made it back to work and the final officer is still healing. He communicated that the Kent Police Department takes all issues in policing seriously. He added that he has read a lessons learned document which communicates what could be done better or differently. He said whenever there is a loss of life it is a tragedy. He discussed diversity in the community and at their Friday trainings every one of his officers gets refreshers on how to work in this diverse community. He noted that he shared the main points of a national executive research forum lessons learned document with his staff. He noted these main points consisted of before the major incident occurs, have a previous relationship with the community and transparent communication. He noted that in Missouri there was no information released for five days and when protests occurred it was met with force. 3 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes August 191 2014 Chief Thomas highlighted crime statistics stated that the number of vehicle thefts in Kent hasn't increased or decreased. He reported that residential burglaries have declined. Specifically, noted there was one person arrested who committed four different types of burglaries. Commercial burglaries are also trending down, so are vehicle prowls, he said. He noted that robberies have increased and it may be attributed to kids robbing from each other. Based on this, he said the numbers may not sufficiently represent the activity in the City. He announced that the City of Kent Police Department will be highlighted in a documentary for its community policing by the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Additionally, he stated that all seven of the defendants from the La Raza Kent Car Show shooting in 2011 have been convicted. He concluded and discussed the City's partnership with the Seattle Seahawks for the Alive and Free Grant program. E. Intergovernmental Reports -Council President Ralph thanked Police Chief Ken Thomas, the Police Department, and the community for the communication and relationship building that occurs here in Kent, which will be instrumental in allowing us to find the truth should a bad situation occur. She noted that anytime anything negative happens there tends to be a rush to judgment, which is not fair to anyone. The facts need to be uncovered first, she explained. She said she attended the Watershed Ecosystem Forum on Thursday at Renton City Hall. There was discussion about ecosystem restoration projects, specifically the Boeing Levee and ongoing discussions with the King County Flood Control District (KCFCD) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on the design of that project, including the integration of flood control and recreation. There also was discussion about salmon habitat and the recommendations the watershed forum is making to the KCFCD as a part of the System wide Improvement Framework which looks at the Green River as a whole. Additionally, there was a presentation given by the King Conservation District concerning what they are doing about food resources, salmon habitat, and farms in this community. The next meeting of the forum is in November. Councilmember Higgins reported on the Sound Cities Association Board of Directors and said there hasn't been a meeting since his last Council meeting. He communicated that there is a Regional Transit Ad Hoc Committee meeting on August 28 and they have been pointing out the need for better data from King County Metro and the failure of the Metro proposition. He noted that the committee feels the reason it failed is because people don't trust the data they are receiving from Metro. He noted that they will be coming up with recommendations at their next meeting on Thursday. Councilmember Higgins also gave a report on the Association of Washington Cities (AWC) Ad Hoc Rail Committee and announced they are meeting in Olympia on August 29. Councilmember Boyce noted that Sound Cities Association took August off and will be meeting in September. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. Kent City Council Meeting Minutes PUBLIC COMMENT August 19, 2014 1. Michael Keyes, Auburn - Keyes discussed short plat expirations. He stated that he has had a short plat in place in Kent and during the economic downturn the engineering firm he hired for the short plat went out of business. Based on this, he stated he had to get the engineering documents recreated and the plat term has run out. He asked the Council to extend short plat limits to fall in line with King County and state. 2. Kim Chapman, Kent -Chapman communicated that she called 911 on July 31 for a ride to her doctor's office. She said she is speaking for equality and diversity. She communicated that there should be an option for the police or fire department to take people to doctor appointments. She noted that she will be boycotting cities when things aren't right. CONSENT CALENDAR Council President Ralph moved to approve Consent Calendar Items A through M, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. Motion carried &0. A. Minutes of Previous Meetings and Workshops -Approve. The minutes of the workshop and regular Council meeting of August 5, 2014 were approved. B. Payment of Bills -Approve. Payment of the bills received through June 30 and paid on June 30 after auditing by the Operations Committee on August 5, 2014. Checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 6/30/14 Wire Transfers 5909 - 5922 $1,636,905.59 6/30/14 Regular Checks 683949 - 684351 $5,115,074.28 Void Checks $0.00 5/30/14 Use Tax Payable $708.52 $617521688.39 Payment of the bills received through July 15 and paid on July 15 after auditing by the Operations Committee on August 5, 2014. Checks issued for vouchers: Date Check Numbers Amount 7/15/14 Wire Transfers 5923 - 5939 7/15/14 Regular Checks 684352 - 684725 Void Checks 7/15/14 Use Tax Payable $1,997,153.09 $3,095,008.96 $0.00 $1,835.51 $51093,997.56 5 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes August 19, 2014 Checks issued for payroll for June 16 through June 30 and paid on July 3, 2014. Date Check Numbers Amount 7/3/2014 Checks 335796 - 335953 $90,379.73 Voids and Reissues 7/3/2014 Advices 331007 - 331656 $1,270,271.18 $113601650.91 Checks issued for payroll for July 1 through July 15 and paid on July 18, 2014: Date Check Numbers Amount 7/18/2014 Checks 335954 - 336118 $99,880.60 Voids and Reissues 7/18/2014 Advices 331657 - 332317 $1,285,744.30 $1,385,624.90 C. Kina County Sheriff's Office Reaistered Sex Offender Grant -Accept. The Mayor was authorized to accept the 2014-2015 Registered Sex Offender Grant from the King County Sheriffs Office in the amount of $54,567.88 for officer overtime costs associated with registered sex offenders, amend the budget, authorize expenditures in accordance with the grant terms, and execute any required documents, subject to fina terms and conditions acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney. D. Consolidating Budget Adjustment Ordinance for Second Quarter 2014 — Adopt. The Mayor moved to Adopt Ordinance No. 4119, approving the consolidating budget adjustment ordinance for adjustments made between April 1, 2014 and June 30, 2014, reflecting an overall budget increase of $1,670,964. E. Latecomer Sewer Connection Charge Agreement -Authorize. The Mayor moved to authorize the Public Works Department to establish a sanitary sewer connection charge for property along the west side of 124t" Avenue SE between SE 248t" St. and SE 252"d Street subject to terms and conditions approved by the City Attorney and Public Works Director. F. Public Works Aareement with Dunkin &Bush, Inc. for Cleaning Water Tank Exterior -Authorize. The Mayor was authorized to sign a Public Works Agreement with Dunkin &Bush, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $28,470.00 for exterior tank cleaning at the 3.5 million gallon reservoir, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. G. Consultant Services Aareement with Environmental Science Associates - Approve. The Mayor was authorized to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with Environmental Science Associates in an amount not to exceed $45,200 for environmental services needed to update the Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO) subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. H. Consultant Services Agreement with GeoEngineers, Inc. for Geological hazard Areas -Approve. The Mayor was authorized to sign a consultant services 0 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes August 19, 2014 agreement with GeoEngineers, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $19,901 for environmental services needed to update the Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO), subject to terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and the Public Works Director, I. Interagency Agreement with Washington Department %R Enterprise Services for LED Street Light Replacement Grant — Authorize. The Mayor was authorized to sign a an interagency agreement for up to $64,000 with Washington Department of Enterprise Services (DES) and select and Energy Services Company from the DES list to complete an investment grade audit and assist with the application of an Energy Efficiency and Solar Grant, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. J. Local Option Capital Asset Lending Program for LED Street Light Replacement - Authorize. The Mayor was authorized to sign all applicable documents to apply for a Washington State Local Option Capital Asset Lending loan, not to exceed $3,000,000, for the purpose of replacing City -owned high pressure sodium street lights with LED lights, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. K. Consultant Services Agreement with GeoEngineers, Inc. for Kentview Sanitary Sewer Interceptor — Approve. The Mayor was authorized to sign a consultant services agreement with GeoEngineers, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $57,843 for materials testing and inspection services related to the Kentview Sanitary Sewer Interceptor project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. L. Kent Valley Loop Trails Master Plan Resolution -Adopt. The Mayor was authorized to Adopt Resolution No. ].897, approving the Kent Valley Loop Trails Master Plan. M. Green River Corridor District Zoning Code Amendment, Ordinance -Adopt. The Mayor was authorized to adopt Ordinance No. 4120 amending the zoning code to eliminate the Green River Corridor District height restriction and add G&MU to the building length exception as recommended by the Land Use and Planning Board, OTHER BUSINESS A. Economic Development Plan, Resolution —Approve. Ben Wolters, Economic and Community Development Director discussed the Economic Development Plan. He stated that the plan was created to foster the growth of the City. He noted that the purpose of the plan is to serve as a comprehensive playbook of strategies for economic growth for the next five to ten years. He noted that the first phase of this began in 2011 when Community Attributes utilized a variety of quantitative and qualitative methods to develop a baseline and analyze retail, employment, demographic, real estate and industry trends. Phase II draws from and expands upon the themes, goals and priorities outlined in Phase I of Kent's Economic Development Plan to articulate a robust playbook of specific strategies and action steps which are supported by case studies and examples across the country for economic growth in Kent, he said. Wolters 7 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes August 19, 2014 gave a brief overview of the 112 action steps, each of the six strategies, and the plan implementation and coordination section of the Plan. Councillilember Boyce moved to adopt Resolution No. 1896, the final Economic Development Plan for the City of Kent as prepared by Community Attributes International, seconded by Councilmember Berrios. Councilmember Boyce communicated that the Council has spent countless hours looking at this and it is a road map with a lot of good data. He highlighted the City's growth over the last 124 years and said this document will continue to showcase Kent. He thanked the team for this and stated that this is a lot of work. This is an awesome job with metrics and checkpoints to ensure progress is made every six months, he said, concluding that it is the best plan he has seen in a long time. Councilmember Higgins agreed with Councilmember Boyce's comments. He noted that each item is discreet and easily understandable. He appreciated all the work of the staff, community, and business community. A vote was taken on the motion on the table. Motion carried 6-0. B. Riverbend Surplus Property Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Amendments, Ordinances — Adopt. Erin George, Senior Planner discussed the two ordinances. She noted that the Economic and Community Development Committee recommended the ordinance to the Council by a unanimous vote of 3-0 for the area to be rezoned to General Commercial Mixed Use and the City staff also recommends approval of this for this area. If these ordinances are adopted, she highlighted that the site will allow for a variety of retail and office and multi -family residential with five percent commercial. She stated that the next step is to issue a request for proposal and this will lead to a development agreement for the Council to consider. Councilmember Boyce moved to adopt Ordinance Nos. 4121 and 4122, approving a Comprehensive Plan land use map designation of MU, Mixed Use and a zoning designation of GC -MU, General Commercial Mixed Use for the Riverbend Surplus Property as recommended by the Land Use and Planning Board, seconded by Councilmember Higgins. Councilmember Boyce discussed the motion and noted that the Council is still open to suggestions and ideas for the property. However, the City has to address the debt and as the City moves forward, if a proposal comes out which covers the debt the City will be open to it. A vote was taken on the motion on the table. Motion carried 6-0. C. Kent Station Release -Approve. Tom Brubaker, City Attorney communicated that ten years ago the City approved all the documents for the Kent Station Project and there were four phases. He noted that Kent Station LLC (through its parent company is in the process of refinancing two of the three developed phases on the four phase Kent Station site. This removes the memorandum from the County's property records, as it applies to the three completed phases on the Kent Station development. Kent City Council Meeting Minutes August 191 2014 He further explained that the memorandum is simply a document that communicates that the agreements exist. Councilmember Berrios inquired if there was any risk in doing this and Brubaker replied that he checked with outside counsel and the Planning Department which doesn't feel there will be any risk. Brubaker explained that this only releases City and Kent Station from the memorandum that was recorded with King County, not from the agreements. Councilmember Higgins asked why memorandums are placed with the agreements and Brubaker communicated that there were concerns and this provided some checks and balances. He concluded that Kent Station has executed on their promises. Councilmember Higgins inquired about the phase that isn't complete and Brubaker replied that this provides notice to banks they wish to borrow from or any party that may take interest in the development in its final phase. Councilmember Boyce moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a release relating to the purchase agreement and the development agreement for the completed phase of the Kent Station Project, subject to terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney, seconded by Councilmember Berrios. Motion carried 6=0. BIDS None. REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES, STAFF AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES A. Council President. Council President Ralph noted that the King Conservation District (KCD) presented their 2015 Program of Work to the Council at the workshop. She highlighted KCD's six priorities. She also announced that there was a reception for the City's new Finance Director Aaron BeMiller and Chief Administrative Officer Derek Matheson. B. Mayor• Mayor Cooke discussed working on the 2015 - 2016 Budget and on reaching an agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers concerning the environmental restoration project on the Boeing Levee. She noted that the City responded to the Corps on Friday and continues to try to weave in the City's obligation to the public in having received that property along the Green River to make certain it is maintained for public recreation use. She stated it is difficult to blend habitat restoration with public recreation. Mayor Cooke announced that "The Platform" apartment complex is open and there are 176 units to lease with a large waiting list. Mayor Cooke also highlighted the Sister Cities from Norway and Japan visited Kent this past month. She spoke about the exchange program and recommended it to the public. She announced the sale of the Grandview property on Veterans Drive and stated the revenues from the sale will be applied towards the City's unstructured debt. Kent City Council Meeting Minutes August 19, 2014 C. Administration, Chief Administrative Officer Derek Matheson thanked the City for the reception and noted that he has a great first week. There will be a ten-minute executive session as per RCW 42.30.110(1)(b). D. Economic &Community Development Committee. Councilmember Boyce communicated that the report is in the minutes. He added that Wilson Playfields was renovated under budget. He welcomed CAO Matheson and his wife. E. Operations Committee. No report. F. Parks and Human Services Committee. Councilmember Higgins communicated that the August meeting is cancelled. G. Public Safety Committee. Councilmember Berrios thanked the Police Chief for what they are doing and being recognized nationally. He said the Mayor, Council, and City staff is doing a great job reaching out to the community. He noted that outreach is important. H. Public Works Committee. Councilmember Higgins noted that the report was in the minutes. I. Regional Fire Authority No report. RECESS At 8:41 p.m. Mayor Cooke called for a three minute recess. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 8:44 p.m., Mayor Cooke reconvened the regular meeting and announced that the Council would recess into an Executive Session for ten minutes to discuss property acquisition as per RCW 42.30.110(1)(b). At 8:50 p.m., the Executive Session concluded and Mayor Cooke reconvened the regular meeting. ACTION AFTER EXECUTIVE SESSION A. Pro erty Acquisition, as per RCW 42.30.110(1)(bZ Jeff Watling, Parks and Human Service Director discussed the surplusing of "Old Fire Station" located on West Hill and undeveloped 9,000 square foot parcel. The property was appraised at $72,000 and put on the market at that price. Sound Built Homes has given the City a full price offer. Councilmember Fincher moved to authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents to complete the sale of the Old Fire Station" property located at 3536 South 252"d Street to Sound Build Northwest, LLC for $72,000 subject to the approval of the final terms and conditions by the City Attorney and the I0 Kent City Council Meeting Minutes August 19, 2014 Parks and Human Services Director, seconded by Counciimember Higgins. Motion carried 6=0. Mayor Cooke clared that there was never a physical fire station on this property. It was just what the property has been called over the years, she said. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m. Ronald F.' City Clerk li