HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2021-373 - Other - WSDOT - Updated - Grant Funds for 108th Ave SE & SE 264th St Compact Roundabout - 09/01/2021FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL UsE ONLY 5up/Mgr: Dir Asst: DirlDep: KENT Agr€€lllent Routi ng Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor's signature and contract cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherty colored paper) (Optlonal) Wa3Hrxoroil IE oLq o. Originator: Cheryl Viseth for Drew Holcomb Department: n,l ^. ,^-l^ ASfiaa Public Worksl'l(-ly\.rl J vrrrvv Date Sent: 9.1.21 Date Required: 9.8.21 Authorized to Signl Mmuyot or Designee Date of Council APProval: March 2,2A2L Budqet Account Number: R20098 Budset? [ZYes o Grant? Yesffi U"[ Type: l\/fl STATE g o ,Po ELorts E flco Eo (1, Lul Vendor Name: WSDOT Category: Other Grant: Non-Real ProPertY Vendor Number: 383 19 Sub-Category: Original Project ruame: 1o8th Ave SE & SE 264th St Compact Rdbt ProjectDetails: Grant funds from WSDOT for Highway Traffic Safety Improvement program 108th Ave SE & SE 264th St Compact Roundabout project. Agreement Amount: $900, 000 Start Date: Sept. 2021 Basis for Selection of Contractor: Othef * Memo to MaYu must be attached Termination Date: APril 2023 Local Businesslf]ves fUq, Business License Verificatio'i f] lf meets rcqulrements per KCC 3.70.1 00, pleote complete "vendot Purchase'Lacal Exceptions' lorm on cityspoce' vesn tn-Proc"ttf E*.tot (Kcc s.o1 .045) Notice required prior to disclosure? [vesfir,ro Contract Number: z+4sa+ CAG202I-373 City Clerk's OfficeDate Routed: MaYor's OfficeDate Received: City Attorney: UI atL -cc'lctrg|E a3>8,o otE adccw22373 1-,20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.20210513 9/2/2021 Okay to sign 9/3/2021. (Updated) -.w Washington State Department of Transportation Local Agency Federal Aid Pro Prospectus (WSDOT Use Only Prefix Route ( FederalAid Proiect Number Local Agency Project Number 2t-3004 Date 9lU202l DUNS Number 020253613 91-6001254Federal Employer Tax lD Number Federal Program Title Vzo.zos E otner Agency City of Kent CAAgency fves nruo Start Longitude W -122.197199 End Lonqitude W -122.197199 Start Latitude N47 .365238 End Latitude N47.365238 Project Title l08th Ave SE, & SE 264th St Compact Rdbt Project Zip Code (+4) 98032-5895 Nearest City Name Kent Project Termini From-To l08th @,264th Intersect 264th & 108th Intersect. Award Type f Locatfltocat Forces ! state I Railroad Length of Project N/A Begin Mile Post End Mib Post County Name King End Mile Point City Number 061 5 County Number t7 Route lD Begin Mile Point Urban Area Number 80389 Congressional District(s) 8th Legislative District(s) 47th WSDOT Region Northwest Region B Phase Total Estimated Cost (Nearest Hundred Dollar) Local Agency Funding (Nearest Hundred Dollar) Federal Funds (Nearest Hundred Dollar) Phase Start Date Month Year P.E 100,000 10,000 90,000 9 2021 RA/|/50,000 50,000 6 2022 Const.750,000 750,000 4 2023 Total 900,000 10,000 990,000 Description of Existing Facility (Existing Design and Present Condition) Roadway Width 22 feet Number of Lanes 2 This is currently a two lane 3-legged intersection with stop control at one end of the Tee Description of Proposed Work Description of Proposed Work (Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary) This project will install a compact roundabout at this location and eliminate the stop sign Local Agency Contact Person Mark Madfai Title Design Engineering Supervisor Phone 253-856-5521 Mailing Address 220 4th Ave. S City Kent State WA Zip Code 98032 Project Prospectus By Approving Authority 111" Public Works Director IDate I I Revised 0412015 Previous Editions Obsolete Agency City of Kent Project Title l08th Ave SE & SE, 264th St Compact Rdbt Date 9lll202l Ty of Proposed Work Number of LanesRoadway WidthProject Type (Check all that Apply) Z trtew Construction n Path /Trail ! s-n ! Reconstruction ! eeOestrian / Facilities n Z-n n Raitroad ! Parking ! otner ! erioge Geometric Design Data Description Through Route Crossroad Federal F u nctional Glassification M urban fl Rurat n ruHs I erlncipalArterial ! VtinorArterial ! Collector f, wlalor Collector ! tvtinor Collector ! tocal Access M urban ! Rurat n NHs I RrincipalArterial I VinorRrterial ! collector fltvtalor Collector ! trltinor Collector M tocat Access Terrain Flat n Roll flMountain E rtat E nott n Mountain Posted Speed 25 mph 25 mph Design Speed 25 mph 25 mph Existing ADT 89e0 (2018) Design YearADT Design Year Design Hourly Volume (DHV) Performance of Work Others %o/o Agency 100 Preliminary Engineering Will Be Performed By City of Kent Agency %o/o Contract 100 Construction Will Be Performed By Contractor Envi ronmental Classification ! Class I - Environmental lmpact Statement (ElS) ! Project lnvolves NEPA/SEPA Section 404 lnteragency Agreement I Ctass lll - EnvironmentalAssessment (EA) flProject lnvolves NEPA/SEPA Section 404 I nteragency Agreements M Ctass ll - Categorically Excluded (CE) E Projects Requiring Documentation (Documented CE) Environmental Considerations No major environmental impacts. Revised 0412015 Previous Editions Obsolete Agency City of Kent Project Title l08th Ave SE & SE 264th St Compact Rdbt Date 9^/2021 Right of Way M nignt of Way Needed M No Relocation ! netocation Required n ruo Right of way Needed * All construction required bY the contract can be accomPlished within the ht of way. Utilities Railroad ! ruo utility work required Z nlt utility work will be completed prior to the start of the construction contract All utility work will be completed in coordination with the construction contract M ttto railroad work required flnlt railroad work will be completed prior to the start of the construction contract nrut the railroad work will be completed in coordination with the construction contract Description of Utility Relocation orAdjustments and Existing Major Structures lnvolved in the Pqect Existing overhead utilities will need to be relocated by the appropriate utility companies FAA lnvolvement ls any airport located within 3.2 kilometers (2 miles) of the proposed project?nves Z ruo Remarks This project has been reviewed by the legis lative body of the administration agency or agencies, or it's designee, and is not inconsistent with the agen Agency cy's comprehensive plan for community development. Date DOT Form 14O-'10'l Revised 0412015 Mayor/Chairperson By Previous Editions 0bsolete Page 3 09/03/2021 KENT E.F Packet P9.104 WASHtNGToN DATE: TO: SUBIECT: March 2,202t Kent City Council Highway Traffic Safety Improvement Program l08th nn-"nu.-S.E. and S.e. iOeth Street Compact Roundabout Grant - Authorize SUMMARY: The Washington state Department of Transportation (wsDoT) sends out a call for safety proJects every two years, with funds available through the Highway Safety Improvement Progiam (rfbIp). In lvlarch of 2A2O, the City applied to WSDOT for City Safety funds thiough ine n-SIp. Accompanying these applications was the City's Local noad Safety Pian, an engineering document that includes analysis of traffic accident data. WbOOf sllected from the projects and countermeasures identified in the Local Road Safety Plan and has chosen to award two City Safety projects to the City of Kent: (f) C'1ty Safety Road Diets' and (2) 108th Avenue s.e.'l s.E.264th Street compact Roundabout per award letters dated December 23, 2020- The t04th Avenue s.E. / s.E. 264th Street compact Roundabout city safety project would convert the existing stop-controlled intersection to a compact roundabout' The project is estimiteJto-totai 9900,000 and a 10o/o local match is required forall phases; however, the 100/o match may Oe ry?l-veg. for the construction phase if construction funds ire obllgated by April 30,2023. The preliminary project schedule assumes that construction-will be completed by December 2O22 and every effort will be made to ensure this schedule is met. while the total city match may be up to $90,000, the resulting local match is only expected to be $15,000 for the preliminary Engineering/Design and right-of-w'ay phases. staff proposes that the required match funds be paid from the B&O fund' BUDGET IMPACT: Minimum budget impact is $15,000 to match federal funding for MOTIO N Authorize the Mayor to AGGE pt g ra nt fu nds from th e Wash in gton State Depaftme nt of Tran sportation for the H ighway Traffic Safety Im provement P rog ra m 1 oSth Aven u e s.E an d s.E 264t h Street Com pact Ro da bout proj ect,n the mou nt of $885,OO0,am en d the bu dget,un funds rdingly uthorize th eauthorizetheexpenditureofthegrantacGo, ditu of u p to $9O,O oo tn oca I match n9 fu nds from the B&o fu nd fexpenrebjecttofinalandauthorizetheMayortosignaltneGessarydocuments,su terms and conditi ons acceptable to the ciry Attorney and Pu bl ic Works Director. project design. If obligation of construction funds occurs after April 30, 2023, then a $90,000 match would be required' SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOALI @-Connectingpeopteandptacesthroughstrategicinvestmentsinphysical a n d tech nolog ica I i nfrastru ctu re. Thrlvlno Glty - creating safe neighborhoods, heatthy people, vibrant commercial districts, and inviting parks and recreation. 8.F Packet Pg.105 ATTACHMENTS: 1. HSIP Grant Awards MaP 02/2312t COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS RESULT: (PDF) Committee of the Whole RECOMMENDED TO RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 312l2O2L 7:OO PM