HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-137 - Change Order - #9 - Active Construction, Inc. - Willis St & 4th Ave S Roundabout - 08/19/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form -ombines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WasHtNcroN 3 oLco. Originator: C. Frame Department: PW Engineering Date Sent: 8t2412021 Date Required N/A Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee E Mayor Date of Council Approval N/A Budget Account Number R901 1 2.641 1 0.1 20 Budget? EYes ENo Grant? EYes ENo Type: N/A co ,Po ELo5 E{)tro EooLgl Vendor Name: Active Construction, lnc Category: Contract Vendor Number: 231 9336 Sub-Category: Change Order #9 Project Name: Willis Street and 4th Ave S. Roundabout projecr oetaits:Adjust J-boxes and Luminaire base due to the layout of the swale creating a conflict with the proposed grade causing them to settle. Agreement Amount: $4,385. 1 6 Start Date: N/A Basis for Selection of Contractor: $id Termination Date: NiA Local Business? El Yes El No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete "Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes ENo Contract Number: cAG2020-137 otc jy: E$o=Ei IEc .9tn Date Received by City Attorney:Comments: Date Routed to the Mayort Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: adril22l/l 1,20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements Cww KENT WAsqrNdron This change order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this change oia", shall remain in effect' For valuable consideration and by mutuar .onr"ni'or tne parties-, the proiect contract is modified as follows: 1. Section t of the Agreement, entitled "Description of work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: InadditiontoworkrequiredundertheoriginalAgreementandanyprior Amendments, contractor shall provide all iabor, materials' and equiPment necessary to: Adjust J-boxes and Luminaire base due to the layout of the swale creatl;;u *nni.i witn tne pioposed grade causing the J-boxes to settle' z. The contract amount and time for peformance provisions of section II "Time of Completio n," andiection III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: CHANGE ORDER NO. 9 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Acllve Construction' Inc' ("Contractor") coNTRAcr NAME & PRoJEcr NUMBER: Willig street and 4th Ave' s' Roundabout ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: MAY 15, 2O2O $4,759,759.00Original Co (including ntract Sum, applicable alternates and wssr) $246,495.25Change Orders incl. applicable Net Change by Previous (wssr) $s,oo6,zsa.zsCurrent Contract Amoun incl. Previous Change Orders) t ( $4,385.16Current Change Order $oApplicable WSST Order this ChangeTax on $5,010,639.41Revised Contract Sum CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 100Original Time for (insert date) Completion 100 prior Change Orders letion underRevised Time for Comp (insert date) 0 calendar daYsardroetsI+ChangthforReuired()DA qys 100Revised Time (insert date) for ComPletion inaccordancewithSectionsL-o4.4and1-04.5oftheKentandWsDoTStandard specificationr, anJ s"ction vrr of th"e ngi"ur";t, the contractor accepts all requirements of this change order by signing berow. nrsoi pursuant to the ibove-referenced contract, contractor agrees to waive any prote-st.it may'-#[ tipttding ihl Cn"ngt Older and acknowledges and accepts that this change order constiiutes finar r.tttlr.nt orltt craims of any kind or nature arising from or connectJd with any work either .ou"r"i'oi affected by this change order, including' without rimitation, craims rerated to contract time, .ontri.t accereration, onsite or home office overhead, or rost profits. This chJng; i;iJ"r, uni*r oinerwise provided, does not relieve the contractor from strict comprianc" *iin the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particutJrl; th;;; pertaining to subsiantial completion date' Ail acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous change orders (if any), and this change order, prior to tn"lri"iiive date oiinir cnanie order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the ngr""rn'"r,t"-previous cnangebrd#s (if any), and this change order shall be deemed to have aPPlied' The parties whose names appear belo.w swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this.ontruillr'.,odification, whichls binding on the parties of this contract' 3, The contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent *-iif', ifre revised contract sum shown in section 2' above' INwlTNEss,thepartiesbelowhaveexecutedthisAgreement,whichwill become effective on the last date written below' DATE: (title) Print Name:C ndBi e /at CITY OF KE NT: (signature) ame: 'r- I CONT RACTOR: DATE: Prin By: CHANGE ORDER - 2OF 3 ccun lhls lield, you may enter the etectrcnic filePath whec the contrad has been savedl Kent Law DePaftment APPROVED AS (applicable if MaYor's TO FORM: slgnature required)ATTEST: Kent Clerk I CHANGE ORDER. 3 OF 3 File No. 2OO.2 KENT CHANGE ORDER Construction Engineeri Project: Wilt is St & 4th Ave S Roundabout Project Engineer: Thomas Leyrer Capital projects WORKSHEET NO.9 ng Division - public Works Project No: Fed-Aid No: Contractor: 1B-3020 Brian Shields ACI Date:021 I.P Cha e ust J aoxes nd a numi at re ba s ae fter the s WA e W s co n structe dum eTh Wsinane a ebas con stes runda ctionJthe-b exp osedoxestosettle If, Rea so n and round for Chan ffl, Method of payment NEW PAy ITEMS l Nota pplicable is c h a onge rder ls to cover th e add oiti n a ma rite a ls la b or a dnu umna neireeg totsbaepm rserathta eth Jrea OXb esa aacent nddjtotheWNbioretenntiodtarheponA4thsaWVCSle&wilt screateda Stconft Thict e lawith ofttheyouproosedpdofe9raerhJcoTheaboxesnflctndunrminaaedbreaIcausentsedhatethJlocatino-boxes to settle as th e wereanchY inset erh soerd eger fo tcostop he swa3B e T561ota$4, Sch No ftem Description Total Est.Unit Unit Price Total E stim ated Cost of Item FA $4,385.16 J-Box and Luminaire Base Raisin g 1 4,395.16$ $ $ New Pay ftems Total; $ )ELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per t-O9.5 D Not No. Page 1- applicable 4,395.16 Sch Bid ftem No.ftem Description Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of ltem Delete Existing Pay ftems Total: $ INCREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) ri Notappricabre Sch No.Bid ltem No.Item Description Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of Item $ $ $ Increase / Decrease to Existing Pay ltems Total: *TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER: IV, WORKING DAYS $ * Total of the Cost of ltem Columns $4,385.16 Original Contract:100 Due This Change Order:o Previous Total 100 Explanation/Justification for Additional Working Days: *TOTAL WORKING DAYS:100 * This Change Order + Previous Total Capital Projects Manager:Date Date: ilr/et Date: ,il1u - f-, Construction Engineering -/ -/Supervisor: -4.-- -424--- Brai iel Construction Manager: tu-Paul Kuehne Eric Connor Page 2 ACI ACTTVE CONSTRUCTION INC. CII^A}IGE ORI}ER / ADI'ITIONAL WORK SUMMARY A.C,I. PROJECT JOB # 20.014 EQUTP. NO, Willis St. and 4th Ave. S Roundabout DATE WORK PERFORMED: I l22l2l to2l3l21 DESCRIPTION OF WORK J-Box, Street Light Base Adjustment and Carnera Credit/Charge for Willis Strect (updated 3/5/2 l) A.C,I. PHASE CODE TBD MANPOWER woRKlNC FOREMAN @ r.0 0 oPERATOR @ r.0 () otlcRAroR @ l-o o oPERATOR @ r.0 0 LABORUR @ l.o 0 L-ABORER @ 1,0 0 LABOR CLASS 1 RATLS HOURS 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 $85.82 $82. I 7 $82. I 7 $82. I 7 $64.49 $64,49 SUBTO'NAL LABOR @ RATE LS @ $o,oo SUBTOTAL MATERIALS @ RATE SERVICE SUETOTAL @ RATE LS @ $3,915.32 SUB CONTRACTOR SUBTOTAL @ at @ @ (n @ a9 TOTAI, $0.00 s0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 s0.00 $0.00 EQUIPIV1ENT DESCRIPTION / RATES EQUTPiVTENT DESCRIPTION HOURS @ RATE SUA'TOTAL EQUIPIVISNT TOTAI, $0.00 TOTAL $0.00 $0.00 DESCRIPTION MATSRIAI, COSTS UNIT 1.00 DBSCRTPTION SERVICE COSTS UNtT SUB CONTRACTOR DESCRIPTION UNIT l-otem Elcct.ic {.l-Box, Slreet Light Basc Adjushenl ond Camerr Credil) 1.00 I\IARK-UP ON LABOR 29% SUBTOTAL LAEOR MARK-UP ON EQUIPMENT 2I% SUBTOTAL EQUIPI\'IENT TAX ON MATERTALS (N/A ON WATER & SE}VER) O,OO% MARK.UP ON MATERIALS 2I% SUBTOTAL MATERIALS MARK-UP ON SERYICI COST 2I% SUBTOTAI- SERVICE COST 12 % MARK-UP ON SUB-CONTRACTOR COST (>$25'000 = 10%) 12% SUBTOTAL SUB-CONTRACTOR COST TOTAL $1,91 5.12 $3,915.12 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL s0,00 s0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 s469.84 $4,3E5. I 6 GRAND TOTAL $4,385.1 6 % {A rtEcTRtc Phone (1$31 383.$0t2 f*x {z$$} 272-5214 Transmittal (}F TACOittr\, lNC, 4696 - Willis Street & 4th Ave S. Roundabout Subject : Totem Labor & Equipment Rates To Jim Holland ACt 5110 River Road East Tacoma, WA 98443 Phone No:253-248-1090 Mobile: 253-495'8286 Fax No: 253.248'1093 j imh@activeconstruction.com Contract No: Transmittal Number : Spec Section No : Transmittal Date : TYPe : Method Sent: Reason For Sending : Status : 1 8-3020 4696-16 713112020 Original Transmittal Email As Requested To Be Submitted Return To Roger Palfenier Totem Electric of Tacoma lnc 2332 Jefferson Ave Tacoma, WA 98402 Phone No:253-722'2838 Mobile: 253-678-1504 Fax No: 253-272-5214 Rpalfen ier@totemelectric.com GoPY To Fred Duke Details Line No Item Copies Date Reference No Description 001 Project Documents 1 7t3112020 Totem Labor Rates 002 Project Documents 1 7t3112020 Totem Equipment List Notes Jim - Attached are Totem's Labor & Equipment Rates for the willis Street project sisnedBy: b \ P"ll--= Roger Palfenier HighwaY Division Manager Dated:713112020 %tV ttEcrRtc l,n0nS lufi$ 5UE'illzE Fax f253! 272-6214 Items { 1l 1,,\i irit.i,\. [l]1.. Line Number: 1 Item: Project Documents Gopies: 1 Date:713112020 Description: Totem Labor Rates IBEW Local #46 HighwaY Electrician Wages Effective 08/03/20 through 0113112021 (Next L&l and State lJnemployment Rate Changes 1/1/21) Joumeynan [.oadnan Foreman Gangrsl u n Rate $ 58.78 58.78 61.72 64.66 70.54 Health & Welfare hour 9.80 9.80 9.80 9.80 Local Pension hour 9.88 9.88 9.88 9.88 Annuitv-401K per hour 2.AO 2.00 2,00 2.00 Traini hour 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 National Emplovee Benefit Fund 3.00%1.76 1.85 1.94 2.12 N.E.C.A./A.M,F 1.000k 0.59 0,62 0.65 0.71 Substance Abuse hour 0.10 0.10 0.'10 0.10 L.M.C.C hour 0,10 0.10 0.10 0.10 L.M.C.C.hour 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 id Sick Leave 1.47 1.54 1.62 1,76 Total Benefits 26.54 26.73 26.93 27.31 al & Medicare 7.65%4.50 4.72 4.95 5,40 3.96% I Unem nt 0.600% 2.33 2.44 2.56 2.79 0.35 0.37 0.39 0.42 Labor and lndustries hour 1.57325 1.57325 1.57325 'l,57325 Fam & MedicalLeave t's s hour 0.08622 0.09053 0.09484 0.1 0347 Total Iaxes 8.84 9.20 9.56 10.29 Cost Hour 94.16 97.65 101.15 {08.14 TotalF Benefits and Taxes 35.38 35.93 36.49 37.60 Labor Burden Pe 60,180/o 58.22o/o 56.430/o 53.31% Tlme One-Half Rates Premium Portion of Time & One-Half Rates 29.39 30.86 s2.33 35.27 and rollTaxese 4.76 5.00 5,24 5.72 Total Additional Cost Hour 34.1 5 35.86 37.57 40.99 Labor Burden 16.21%16.21%16.21o/o 16.21o/o I Gost r Hour 129.31 133.51 138.72 r49.t3 Rates remiu m Portion of Double Time Rates 58.78 61.72 64,66 70.54 Fri and I Taxes 9.53 10.00 10.48 11.43 otalAdditional Cost Hour 68.31 71.72 75,14 81 97 Labor Burden 16.2104 16.21o/o 16.21o/"16.21% Total Cost per Hour 162.46 {69.38 176.29 1s0.12 Holidays - New year,s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving Day' Christmas Day, Martin Luther King's Birthday 7t3112020 IBEW Local#46 Highway Electrician' APPrentice Wages Effective 08/03/20 through 0113112021 (Next L&t and State llnemptoyment Rate Changes 1/1/21) if! Second Pe{iodPorlod 49.964.1.0927.6358.Rate 9.809.80I9.80& Welfare hour 7.41 8.4060.10 14 1.50 1.701.300.25 .040.25hourK 0.83 0.8300.83hour 1.32 1.500.0.83Em3,Benefit 0.500.28F 100.1hourAbuse 0.10 0.100.10 0.100hourc 0.010.010,01 0.0't0.0hour 1,2510.69 0.760.Leave 24.1912.99 9.011Benefits 2.922.11 21.89& Medicare 7 1.09 1.210,983. 260.18 230,17U 173251.57325 11Labor and lndustries 0.056050.044840.& Modical 7.757.025.35 6.29984.63Total 81.8965.54 73.7254.934542.27HourCost ,t o?27.33 29.6324.36117.58TaxesFBenefits 63.92%67.21o/o79,71.530/o71Burden Rater 24.9819.11 22.0515.29822.35& One-HalfPortion of 4.053.572.48 3.10242.00Taxes 29.0322.20 25,62170514.35Additional Cost Hour 18.2116.21%1%'t6.21121o/"16.21%Burden {0.9299.3472.89 87.746156.61I Cost Hour Rateg 49.9644.0938.2127.63 30.57of 8.10154.96 6.194.48Taxesand 061.2444.4032.11 35.53CostH 1Yo16,21 16.21o/o16.2111 139.9s124.9690.45 109.9477.7170,96CostHour Holidays - New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July' Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day' Day after Thanksgiving Day' Christmas Day, Martin Luther King's Bitthday 7t31t2020 Locals #252 and #440 Laborers and Flaggers Wages Effective June 1,2020 through May 31 ,2021 (Next L&l and Sfafe llnemployment Rate Changes 1/1/21) viltlv Trafflc Conbol 41.4339.81 40.7734.9031.82Rate g 6.706.706.706,70 6.70r hourHealth & Welfare 4.794.794.794,79 4.79hourPension 0.950.950.950,95 0,95hourTrain 006hourc.l.s.A.P ai40.140.140,14 0.14hourN.W.t.E.C.E.T 1.000.80Paid Sick Leave 13.6813.6613.51 13.6413.4TotalBenefifs 3.173.05 3.122.672.437.650/o& MedicareSocial 1.641.58 1.611,381.263.96%Unem ent 0,24 o.25o.24D.210.190.60%ederal Unem 1.773851,771.773851.773851.77385hourr and lndustries 0.060770,059800.058390.04667 0.05119r hour& Medical Leave 6.89.816.695.71 6,09TaxesTotal 62.0061.2460.1450.s7 54.50HourCost 20.5720.4720.3319.15 19.60Benefits and Taxes 49.64%50.21%56.17o/o 51.06%6A.17o/oLabor Burden Perce Tlme &Rates 2A.7220.391719.9115.91Premium Portion of Time & One-Half Rates 2.532.492.13 2.431.94TaxesFriand 23.2522.34 22.8819.58'17.85otalAdditional Cost Hour 12,21%12.21o/o12.210/o 12.210h12.19o/oBurden Pe 85.2484.1174.08 82.4768.82CostHour Double TIme 41.4340.7734.90 39.813'1,82Premium Portion of Double Time Rates 5,064.984.863.89 4.26Taxesand 46.4945.7539.16 44.6735.71HourAdditionalCost 12.2112.21o/o12.21o/o 12.21%12.23o/oLabor Burden Perce 108.49106.99104.8193.6686.68r HourTotal Cost Holidays - New Yeat's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day afterThanksgiving Day' Christmas Day 7t3112020 Locals #612 and #302 Operators Wages Effective 06101120 through 05131121 (Next L&l and State Unemployment Rate Changes 1/1/21) King, Pierce, Snohomish, ODsrator! I Oporatort ll ODontor!lU Base Hourlv Rate 48.77 48.15 47.60 Frinqe Benefits Health & Welfare per hour 8.57 8.57 8.57 Pension per hour 13.15 13.15 13.15 Apprentice Trainino per hour 0.70 0.70 0.70 NationalTraininq Fund per hour 0.05 0.05 0.05 Paid Sick Leave 1,22 1.20 1.19 Total Frlnge Benefits 23.69 23.67 23.66 Pavroll Taxes Social SecuriU & Medicare 7.65%3.73 3,68 3.64 State Unemployment 3.96%1.93 1.91 1.88 Federal Unemployment 0.60%a.29 0.29 0.29 Labor and lndustries (emplover's portion) per hour '1.77385 1.77385 1.77385 Familv & Medical Leave (emplove/s share) per hour 0.07154 0.07063 0.06982 Total Pavroll laxes 7.80 7.72 7.66 Total Gost Der Hour 80.26 79.54 78.92 Total Frinqe Benefits and PavrollTaxes 31,49 31.39 31.32 Labor Burden Percentage 64.57o/o 65.2A%65.807o Tlme E One-Half Rates Premium Portion of Time & One-Half Rates 24.35 24.48 23.80 Aoplicable Frinqes and Pavroll Taxes 2.98 2.94 2.91 Total Additional Cost per Hour 27,36 27.01 26.71 Labor Burden Percentage '12.21%12.21%12.21% Total Cost per Hour 107.62 106.56 105.63 Double Tlme Ratee Premium Portion of Double Time Rates 48.77 48.15 47.60 Applicable Fringes and Payroll Taxes s.95 5.88 5.81 Total Additional Cost per Hour 54.72 54.03 53.41 Labor Burden Percentage 12.21o/o 12.21o/o 12.21% Total Cost per Hour 134.98 133.57 132.33 Holidays - New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day 7t3',112020 tsnOFa t3[$] rU$'ilJza Fex {15$} 212-6211 Items %V e-trcrRtc r lt I,\{ ()l\r^. l";i Line Number: 2 Item: Project Documents Gopies: 1 Date: 713112020 Description: Totem EquiPment List cosrPER HOURs16.32s'16.65s16.51516.65514.32$ 16.75518.50s16.50$10.82510 82sla a5s1 8.85s1 8.505',I /.gttE15.0051U.r?s1e65s1 8.6s$12_73911 1351 5./2919.0!s1s,05s18.72519"05s13.10s19^3_ffiFs1/.34s15_6i51 t.92s'ta.J?$1 08.25$6.32s3E r/s6.50s27.88s38 88ATrACHMENINONENENONENONENONENONENONE\]ONEIIONENbNE-NONENONEI NONENONENONEtoNhNONENUNLNONE\]oNE\ONE\ONE\ONENONENONENONENiJNENONENONENONf\(]Nh\ONENONENONEEM3SOOSX EAIVNONE\IQNENONE14000 FtLbl{000 FtLb'1400c FlLb\ONEEH4cooesfiAt\QNhiM3800sx 490{sER*g923700€ATTACHMEN| *1!ONE\ONE\ONENONFNCNENONLNONENONEt']ONENONTEM3800SX 1057603GCBhTNONENONE-M3aOOSX GOCA4843/8CNONENONElrovbuiltxD'7000wNONEEM38005X 1008177NONENONENONENONENONENONEEi/14000sx EBRC10073t3:M4000SX EBRC100776€Elv13800SX EAi/lC1 o120/111400OSX FBRCl004606NONENONENONE:r\,14000s,( EBRC100t 7 87EM4000sx EBRCI 007234:M4000sx E8Rc100187514EMSOOOSXEir3500s 4583647erexfes c4047 ser#2060531019\ONE\ONEeTl3TlH se#071 1C78254ITONES0. istel@ R2450-TGTelelect TL38P ser#207033339'lolan H-237\ational - 425 ser#27392BOOMNANANANAiNANANANANANANAr.tANANAMNAINANANANANA i IlANANANANANANANANANANANANA2:NAJMiNANANANANA47'42?5'HAULCAPLIFTCAP.NANANANANANANANANA200 li 60002NA]NANANT.NANAINANANANAINA2\NANANANANANA.NANANANANANANA2NAINANANANANANA240442400024000300300300NAM2)i.'lAMNANANANANA2iNANA2NANA2NANANANANANA2INANA2tMNANANANA2NANANANANANANANA2 I FIXEDFIXFD10000FIXE2i 4000226000 i 24000 I 2600022221 00002222222222222222i95001222222t226000 I 260000315000 2z2GVW600c1000060G500040004000400002051ZO{JO600012000100001 00006000120008000I 600c12UU0! 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COMPACT)late CompaclorRTNUH UUMHAU IAir ComoressorAit CompressrIi{tNUH L;UMPAU IPlaieComa(tsV$sletirahdmIRENCH COMPACT{ir TamperAir TmoerAir TamgerTamperhuskivamiaAirTamoerAirTampe.*7 i 20152A02?412YEAR850 I 20152AO42U15200r2016859 i 2003860 : 2007200720084632OG€20'i5200020cl'241119S0200s200920092V12ID43285685/858861ea4869a70492901903904905906gut %V tt[cTRrc Fhone {2631 }83.S022 Fax {25.3) 272-$214 Change Order Request OF TAC$frtA" h\D^ 4696 - Willis Street & 4th Ave S. Roundabout COR Subject: T&M - raise j-boxes & light pole fndtn. 230+67 +l- To Jim Holland ACr 5110 River Road East Tacoma, WA 98443 253-248-1090 253-248-1Oe3 (FAX) Contract No: 18-3020 COR Number: 4696-10 COR Revision Number: 0 COR Date: 211712021 work rype: Fiejd work order /-. T&M Days Valid; 5 Return To Fred Duke Totem Electric of Tacoma lnc 2332 Jefferson Ave Tacoma, WA 98402 253-722-2840 253-272-5214 (FAX) fduke@totemelectric.com Details Oescription Cost / Rate I otv Hrs Workers Ext Foreman, Schaun Brodie 1122121 $101.71 4.00 Hrs 1.00 $406.84 remove j-boxes, add material Laborer group 3, Justin Flint 1t22t21 $62.68 4.00 Hrs 1.00 $250.72 remove j-boxes, add material Foreman, Schaun Brodie 1126121 $101.71 4.00 Hrs 1.00 $406 84 raise pipe & fndtn. I place boxes, Operator, Roland Palfenier 1t26121 $81.08 4.00 Hrs 1.00 $324.32 raise pipe & fndtn. / place boxes, Foreman, Schaun Brodie 213121 $106.09 4.00 Hrs 1.00 $424.36 Descrlption Cost / Rate I Qtv Hrs Workers Ext form I pour conc. / finish Laborer group 3, Justin Flint 2t3t21 $62.68 2.00 Hrs 1.00 $125.36 form / pour conc. / finish T228 - 2008 Utility Truck $18.72 10.00 $ 187.20 j-box and fndtn. work 230+67 L T639 - 1999 Backhoe $36.47 4,00 $145.88 j-box and fndtn. work 230+67 L T641 - 2006 Track Excavator $22.05 4.00 $88.20 j-box and fndtn. work 230+67 L couplers and allthread $615.8B 1.00 LUMP SUM $615.88 rebar, formwork, conduit fittings $ 100.00 1.00 LUMP SUM $ 100.00 credit for COR#9 add COHU camera $524.08 -1.00 LUMP SUM $-524.08 reverse above credit (back to original) $524.08 1.00 LUMP SUM $524.08 Breakout Labor: Markup @ 31%: Equipment: Markup @ 21%: Material : Markup @ 21%: $1,938.44 $600.92 $421.28 $88.47 $715.88 $150.33 Total: $3,915.32 Reservation of Rights This COR does not include any amount for impacts such as interference, disruptions, rescheduling, changes in the sequence of work, delays andior associated acceleration. We expressly reserve the right to submit our request for any of these items. ? f- P,(* Fred Duke Project Manager Signed By:Dated: 211712021 \ ilrL3 Portland Bolt & MANUFTCTI'RING COMPANV goo-gnz-oZgo I w*'".porllandboll,co m cusT. No.58888 tNVorcE N0.138292 TERMS Net 30 lNvolcE DATE 1./t81202L PAGE 1of 1 TOTEM ELECTRIC 4310 TOTH AVENUE EAST FIFE, WA,98424 ORDERED ON 7173/202L sALESPERsON Gary ]NACKING NO.L29456440365660522 WEIGHT 24 lbs. oFa o TOTEM ELECI-RIC PO BOX 1093 TACOMA, WA,98401 oF & n CIJSTOMER PO 4596-t4A SHIP UPS ORDERED Jane QUANTITY ORDERED QUANTTY PRODUCT BACKORDERED CODE DESCRIPTION QUANT]TY UNIT PRICE sHIPPED TOTAL Portland Bolt & Manufacturing Co. 3441 NW Guam St. Portland, OR,972LO oF L u 4 4 L2378 1 X 20 GALV F1554G105 ALL THREAD ROD L2343 1 X 3 DOM GALV A553.DH HVY HEX COUPLER 4 4 S101.7s S48,ss $qoz,to $rg+.zo FREIGHT CHARGES No credit will be lssued for goods teturned without our permlsslon. Speclal order merchandlse wlll not be accepted for credlt, No claim for shortages allowed unless reported immedlately upon receipt of shlpment' A servlce charge of on" inJ on"-fr.f f percentlr-i2x) per month whic'h ls an APR of elghteen percent (18%) will be charged on all past due accounts. We hereby certlfy tiat th".e goodt were produced ln compliance wlth all appllcable requlrements of Section E, 7 and 12 of the Fair Libor standards Act as amended and of regulatlons and orders of the US oepartment of Labor issued under Sectlon 14 there of. 46qu-tq S14,s2 $61s.88 I rtrvorcr rotet I AMOUNT PAID AMOUNT DUE s61s.88 l+*