HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-137 - Change Order - #8 - Active Construction, Inc. - Willis St & 4th Ave S Roundabout - 08/19/2021Agreement Routing Form KENT For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WasHlNcroN G oLo.q. Originator: C. Frame Department: PW Engineering Date Sent: 8t24t2021 Date Required: N/A Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee E Mayor Date of Councll Approval N/A Budget Account Number: R901 1 2.641 1 0.1 20 BudgetT EYes trNo Grant? EYes @ No Trrna N/A'/v-. co Io E liora-5 Pco EooLol Vendor Name: Active Construction, lnc Category: Contract Vendor Number: 231 9336 Sub-Category: Change Order #8 Projecr Name: Willis Street and 4th Ave S. Roundabout project Detaits:Upgrade irrigation controller that will allow base remote communication and control Agreement Amount: $2,51 4.69 Start Date: N/A Basis for Selection of Contractor: $i6l Termination Date: N/A Local Business? EYes E No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete "Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes ENo Contract Number: cAG2020-137 gl tr P =\.oTE .g tt-tg,o=E,ioEut UI Date Received by City Attorney:Comments: Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: ad(W221/l l_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements Cv-y\z- KENT UJAgHINGION CHANGE ORDER NO. 8 NAME OF CONTMCTOR: Active eonstruction' Inc' (t'contractor") CONTMCT NAME & pROJECT NUMBER: Willis $Lreet and 4th Aye' S' Roundabout ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: MAY 15, 2O2O This change order amends the above-referenced contract; at other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this change bia", sharr remain in effect' For valuable consideration and by mutual .onruni'oi 1l" p.rties-, the project contract is modified as followsr 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled ..Description of Work,', is hereby modified to add additionalworkorreviseexistingworkasfollows: Inadditiontoworkrequiredundertheoriginal.Agreemen!andanyprior Amendments, contractoi shall provid6 all labor, materials, and equiPment necessary to: Upgradeirrigationcontrollerthatwillallowbaseremotecommunication anj control for the irrigation system' The contract amount and time for peformance .provisions of section II "Time of n," and Section Iri, JCompensation"'are hereby modified as follows:2. Completio $4,759,759.00 alternates and muctSrnaContraorig applicable(including wssr) $243,980.56rdorSenoChaUSPrevgebChanetNvge WSS r)incl applicable( $5,003,739.56 Orders) ntuAMotractConrreCunt vio us ChangePre(incl $2,514.69Current Change Order $oApplicable W Order this ChangeSST Tax on $5,006,254.25Revised Contra ct Sum CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 100Original Time for Com (inseft date) pletion 100 prior Change Orders etion underRevised Time for ComPl (inseft date) 0 calendar daYserOrdcha+f th Sfo n9euredDa()Reqys 100Revised Time (insert date) for ComPletion In accordance with sections L-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and wsDor standard specificationr, anJ-s"ci; VII of il.r"e ngieer"nt, the contractor accepts all requirements of this change order by signing bergw, ersol pursuant to the above-referenced contract, contractor agrees to waive any prote_st.it may Gve regarding ir.rL chung" order and acknowredges and accepts that this change order constitutes finar s"tttEment of;il craims of any kind or nature arising from or connectei with any work eithe. .ou"."i'oi arectea by this change order, including' without limitation, claims related to contract time, contia.t acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or rost profits. This chJn;; 6.d;r; ,niu* oinur*i.e provided, does not rerieve the contractor from strict comprianc. *iin the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particutJdy th;;; fertaining to substantial completion date. Ail acts consistent with the authority of the Agreeme.nt, previous change orders (if any), and this change order, prior to tn"lii".ii"e date "iilil change order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the ng."",;"nt,-frlr'orr cnange orde-rs (if any), and this change order shall be deemed to have aPPlied' The parties whose names appear belo.w swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contracl-modirication, wniin is binding on the pafties of this contract' 3. The contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent w-iifr tfre revised contract sum shown in section 2' above' IN WITNESS, the pafties below have executed this Agreement' which will become effective on thi tast date written below' CITY OF KENT: (title) I Print Name:c ren DATE Its d Bie (signature) CONTRACTORI DATE: Print By: CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 Kent Law Depaftment RMFOTOASAPPROVED required)signatureifMayor's(applicableATTEST: Kent CitY Clerk c Un this field. you may enter th€ electronic Flepath where the cootEct h* be€n savedl CHANGE ORDER. 3 OF 3 FILE NO:2OO.2KET CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 8 Construction Project: Willis St & 4 Ave S Roundabout Proiect Engineer: Thomas LeYrer Capital Projects Brian Shields Division - Public Works Project No,: Fed-Aid No.: Contractorl 18-3020 nla ACI Manager: Date: 03-11--2021 I. PROPOSED CHANGE II. REASON AND BACKGROUND FOR CHANGE ITI. METHOD OF PAYMENT NEW PAY Not Appllcable DELEIE EXISTING PAY IIEM(S) per 1{9-5 Not Appllcable TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) Gost Thi s change ord e r I s to a dd th e necessa ry u pgrad es to t he s pecified I rrigation controller that will This change was managing theaowcloudbasedremotecommuncationandcontrolfotheIrrlgationsystem initi ated by the City of Kent Pa rks Department a nd assi sts tn the effi ci e n cy of lrn ation m. Total u rade cost is 14.69 Th rs ch a n g e o rder is to add the n ecessary u pg rades to th e specified irri I ati on cont ro ller that w allow cl o u d based re mote co m m unication a n d co ntro fo th e rrigation syste m Th i s cha n I e was n iri ated by th e c ity of Ke nt Parks Depa rtm e nt a nd asst sts n the efficiency of ma na I tng th e lrn ation m. Total rade cost is s14.69 Chan$e(HrerNo. __$2,51.4:69 Prlce Item LS $2Ft4.g:9_1 Qty this PE Irri gdion cg,4!qo[t_et qpgl?de Sch. No. 1 Total Est. Qty of workdalq UpCn -c,P r,n PlgtionREQUIRFP THISPAY ESTIMATEPAYbetomadePaymentmateEstiAttachedIndependent a,la-tgl NoSubI{ew Rcqrd? ONIYChaWlB OnlerNo. ItemUnitoty .ItemSch. No. U Independent Estimate Attached' REQUIRED FOFACEOU'YNilC usEoiltyChan$e otdler No. TNcREASE/DECREASE Item I\lot it REV. DATE:3127118 FILE NO: 2OO.2 ched - REQUIRED KENTd{!-!! 1,!-q 1.i!-! TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER'I' of the Cost Golumns THIS PAY ESTIMATE 514.69 IV. WORKII{G DAYS TOTAL WORKING DAYS*100 *This Changc Order + PrGvious All work, materials and measurements to be in accordance wlth the Standard SPecifications and Coniract Spccial Provisions for the type of work described. Capltal ProJects llanager:Date:b3 - lt ' z'az-\ Conotruction Engincering Superuisor: Gonstruction Manager: Date: Date; g,/r,/2, a/,, t Total 2 '4.69 Duc Thls Change Orderr'100 g tl 100 DATE:I Previous TotalOriglnal Gontract REV. DATE:31271L8 ACI ACTWE CONSTRUCTION INC. CHANGE ORDER / ADDITIONAI" WORK SUMMARY A.C.L PROJECT IOB f 20-0t4 EQUIp. NO. Willis St. and 4th Ave. S Roundabout DATEWORK PERFORMED : DESCruPTION OF WORK TBD 2O2O Irrigation Conroller rddcd options of the Wi-Fi control and Security Card access for Willis street Roundabout. A.C.I. PHASE CODE TBD MANPOWER WoRKIN0FoREMAN @ 1.00 oPERATOR @lo0 oPERAroR @ I 00 oPERATOR @ I 00 LABORER@ 1.00 LABORER@ 1.00 DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION II\BOR CIIISS/RATTS HOURS 00 0.0 0'0 0.0 00 0.0 MATERI,ALCOSTS UNIT 100 sERVrcE cosrs UNIT SUB CONTRACTOR UNIT $85 82 $82 17 $82 17 $82.17 $64.49 s64.49 SUBTO'IALI.ABON @ RATE ui @ $o.oo SUBTOTAL MATEnIAI,S @ RATE SERVICE SUBTOTAL @ RATE LS @ {2,24s.26 SUB CONTRACTOR SUBTOIAL @ @ @ @ @ @ @ TOTAL lo.oo $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 t0.00 $0 00 s0.00 EQUIPMENT DESCRITNON / MTES EQUIPMENTDESCBIPTION HOUNS @ RATE SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT TOTAL 30.00 TOTAL s0.00 $0.m TOTAL $0.00 TOTAL i2,24526 s22{5.26 IIESCRISTION Castcnada tandscaping (addded equipment)1.00 MANK'UP ON II\BOR 29O/O SUBTOTALUTBOR MARK.UP OIY EQUIPMENT 2lo/o SUBTOTAL EQUIPMEI{T TAX ON MATERIALS(N/A ON WATER& SEWER) tWo/o MARK-UP ON MATERIAIS 2lo/o SUETOTALMATERIATS MARK-UPONSERVICECOST 2I% SUBMTAL SERVICE COST 12 7o MARK-UP ON SUB-CONTRACTOR COST (>S2s'lm = r0%) 12o/s SUBTOTAL SUFCONTRACTOR COST $0.00 s0.00 s0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 30.00 s0,00 s0.00 t269.43 $2,5r4,69 GRANI'TOTAL '2.514.69 H.D. FOWLER COMPATItr BIDDING CONTRAGTORS GabrlelAgulnaga WILTIS STREET & 4TH AVENUE SOUTH ROUNDABOUT KENT,WA Estlmate: Bld Date: 8ld No: E435091 Page 1of1 E435091 u8l2o2t Customcr: Estlmator: Job Name: Locatlon: Line Clty Uottlt Descrlptlon 1 oqoTEp MATERTAL I EA CS3-16-S1 l&statlon base model CS3Ofi) with heavy-duty stainless-steel pedestal enclosure, support for a slngh conventlonally-wlred POC, transient protection, and flcld-replaceable modules. Supports up to 48 conventlonally- wlred statlons wlth additlonal &statlon modules. Enclosure lncludes pre- drilled antcnna hole(s) lf ordered with STUBBY antenna(s). 1 EA RB-1, Weether Sensors TIPPING RAIN BUCKET 1 EA FM 1.258 FTOW SENSORS 1,4' BRASS TEE-MOUNTED FI-OW METER. Secdon Subtotal: Unit Prlce Extended Prlce 4,64t.L6 4,641,16 4 5 59s.89 511.05 1,695.79 549.47 59s.89 511.05 5,848.10 1,695.79 549.47 2,245.,,6 8,093.36 2 3 rEA lEA MATERIAT NOT ON PIAN CS:I-GR-K|T,4G tTE CCIIUIAR MODEM FOR CS3@0 TO provlde communlcatlon wlth cloud-based Command Center Onllne web applicatlon. lncludes GR-STUBBY antenna. Requires Calsense cellular data plan, purchased separately. CS3-W-X|T, C53000 WEATHER CARD AND TERMINAL BOARD. Allors connectlon of €TGage {model ETG), Raln Bucket {model iB.l}, Wnd 6age (model WG), thlrd-perty Raln Swltch, and/or thlrd-party Freeze Switch. Sectlon Subtotal: Approxlmate Totel Shields, Brian Sent: To: Cc: Subiect: From:Jungman, Terry Monday, January 25,202L 8:18 AM Shields, Brian Hopper, Joshua; Leyrer, Thomas; Connor, Eric RE: Willis - Calsense Controller Thank you. This is a wofthy investment, based on our experience managing irrigation systems city-wide. Terry 'ungman, Park Plannlng and Development Manager Park Planning and Dev I Parks, Recreation & Community Servlces 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5112 | Fax 253-856-6050 TJunoman(oKentWA.ogy CITY OF KENT, WASHII{GTON [gOlflA,CAU faSebssk YouTube PLEASC CONSIDEN THE ETIVIROI{MEI{T BEFORE PRINTING THIS E'MAIL From: Shields, Brian <@> Sent: Monday, January 25,202L 8:14 AM To: J ungman, Terry <TJungman@kentwa.qw> Cc: Hopper, Joshua <JHooper@kentwa.sov>; Leyrer, Thomas <TLevrer@kentwa.qoD; Connor, Eric <EConnor@kentwa.eov> Subiect RE: Willis - Calsense Controller Terry, l'll have the contractor send over the quote. They mentioned it and if I remember right, we were looking at roughly S10k for the wifi and necessary security upgrades. l'll get a more dialed m cost from the contractor. Brian Shields, Senior Construction Inspector Construction Management I Public Works Department 22O 4th Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 iteln I cell 2E:3-293.497 ? | Desk 2s3-856-c51o bshields@KentWA.oov crw oF KEI{T, WASHTNGTON KentwA.oov Facsbaok .,'.ii. , lnglgE PLEASE CONSIDER THE EI[VTRONilENT BEFOFE PRINTTT'G THIS E-MAIL From: Jungman, Terry Sent: Monday, January 25,2OZI 8:07 AM To: Shields, Brian 1 Ci: Hopper, Joshua Subject FW: Willis - Calsense C.ontroller Brian, I am reaching out to check on the status of the Calsense controller that is part of the 4th and Willis roundabout project. Josh (Parks Irrigation) and I have been talking and we both feel it is important that the controller come with communication. This option does not significantly raise costs and it allows for management of the system through a centralized system, which is very important for water management purposes. This should have been included in the plans, but perhaps it was missed somehow. Has the controller already been ordered? Can we modify it to include a controller with communication enabled? Josh has good contacts with the Calsense reps and ean helP us with equipment selection and coordination. Let us know what you think, thanks. Terry Jungman, Park Planning and Development Manager Park Planning and Dev I Parks, Recreation & Community Services 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5112 | Fax 253-856-6050 TJungman@KentWA.oov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KcntWA.oov fgeebgg.k,i';rr YouTubc PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONITIENT SEFORE PRINTI'{G THIS E-I.IAIL From: Hopper, Joshua <JHoooer@kentwa.Ew> Sent Monday, January 25,2021,7:57 AM To: Jungman, Terry <TJuneman@kentwa.sw> Subject: Willis Did you determine a contact for Willis project that I can forward to Steve with Calsense about getting the controller with communication? Joshua Hopper, Mtc. Worker lV WaterTech Parks I Operatlons 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Csll 253-740-7082 lhoooer@KentWA.oov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON l(entWA.oov Facebook t,,ijr ' IAllItlIg PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS €-I.IAIL 2