HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2019-320 - Change Order - #1 - Calytera US, Inc. - Amanda Permitting System for Phase 1 Pilot Phase - 01/13/2020CALYTERA PROJECT CHANGE REqUEST City of Kent City of Kent - Permitting System for Phase L- Pilot Phase Calytera Derek McConnery - Calytera Project Manager co-1 High January 1,3,2020 Client Project Name Change requested by: Project Manager: Change Request # Urgency:uestedDate Change Title Milestone Adjustment for Phase 1 lnterfaces Change Request ldentification Description The complexity and work required to complete the integration between Amanda & Bluebeam was underestimated. The work required to properly lmplement this integration will extend beyond the Phase l" timeline as descried in the SOW. Calytera recommends decoupling the Bluebeam integration from the rest of the scope of Phase 1. This would mean that the work would continue after System Verification in Phase 1, run in Parallel to the early tasks of Phase ll, but be completed sooner than the remainder of the interfaces in Phase 2. The GIS intertace would happen within Phase l- as originally planned - there is no change to the scope of timing of the GIS interface tied to this change order. Justification This S0 change order aligns the project milestones better with the work and distributes payments more evenly. Processing this change order allows us to maintain momentum for the project without delaying the Phase 2 work until the Bluebeam integration is complete. Priority H igh uest DetailsChane Cost There is no additional cost associated with this change order Existing project milestones will change as follows; Milestone 5 lnterfaces Analysis and Mapping Specification - 520,000.00 will be split into two milestones; o Milestone 5A lnterfaces Analysis and Mapping Specification GIS - 57,500.00 r Milestone 5B lnterfaces Analysis and Mapping Specification Bluebeam - s12,500.00 Milestone 9 lnterfaces Configuration QA - - 520,000.00 will be split into two milestones; Milestone 9A lnterfaces Analysis and Mapping Specification GIS - 57,500.00a Evaluation Dona I nI ) CALYTERA PROJECT CHANGE REQUEST Milestone 98 lnterfaces Analysis and Mapping Specification Bluebeam - s12,500.00 Schedule There is a minor impact to the schedule caused by this change order, a portion of the Phase 1 work will not be completed as scheduled. lt is assumed through this change order that the work associated with the Bluebeam integration will extend into the Phase 2 timeline. The overall project duration of Phase 0, Phase l and Phase 2 is not impacted through this change order. Schedule will continue to be maintained and update by Calytera & City of Kent Proiect Managers. Risk There are no significant risks with associated with this change order Alternatives and recommendation This change order has already been verbally agreed to, in not moving forward, we would need to pause in progress on Phase 2 tasks. It is recommended we move forward with this change order lm plementation Options N/A ct: (by signing this form, the client outhorizes Calytero to engoge Vision33 to implement the chonges identified in this Chonge Order): Derfsion Wnn Rationale: (if denied or on hold) Approved Denied Place on Hold Section 1: To be completed by the Client Vt(€ eAwtrJa+tztr,lName (Print) Title:.t/Tr ileffie Signature: Date:I v "47e Dana ) al 2 CALYTERA PROJECT CHANGE REQUEST City of Kent City of Kent - Permitting System - Phase 2 Calytera Derek McConnery- Calytera Project Manager CO-1 (Phase 2) High February 2nd,2020 Client Project Name Change requested by: Project Manager: Change Request # Urgency:Date Requested Titlech lnterface Chan nal contract sco addi of Kent Portal SSOto Change Request ldentification Description The City of Kent contract identified 9 total interfaces (2 in Phase I and 7 in Phase ll). The following interfaces identified in Phase ll are no longer needed and are removed from the contract scope of work, by approval of this change order: r State/e-Gov Alliance lnterface r Address Authority lnterface The following interface, by approval of this change order will be added to the Phase ll interface: . City of Kent Portal SSO ln accepting this requested change, please be aware of the following assum ptions; 1-. No additional interface other than what is outlined above in the scope description is included. 2. Exhibit A describes the high level scope of the SSo integration requested by the City of Kent which Vision 33 used to estimate the effort required to complete this integration, and validate a similar level of effort required to the interfaces originally in scope, so that we could accommodate the request to swap interfaces This detail will be used to formally document the scope of this interface during the analysis sessions. 3. Any changes requested to the City of Kent SSO interface not described in this change order or in the analysis documentation completed in phase 2 will be considered not in scope and may result in additional change orders. Justification The contract included 2 interfaces that are no longer needed and did not include the portal SSO which is needed for consistency within the City of Kent for the online services they provide the public. Prio H Detailsch Cost Total cost for this change order is S0 and includes the analysis, lnterface configuration, internal QA testing, support, project management. Evaluation Doaa 'l nf Q CALYTERA PROJECT CHANGE REQUEST Schedule As part of the detailed analysis of interfaces, Vision 33 will assess the impact to the project schedule duration as a result of this change. Currently, we do not expect a significant impact to the project duration. Calytera, Vision 33 & the City of Kent will work to accurately update the project schedule based on the change in scope. The project schedule will continue to be maintained and update by Calytera & City of Kent Project Managers. Risk Additionalwork effort has a potential to impact duration on the project schedule Depending on availability, the impact may be mitigated by a dedicated resource assigned to concu rrently deve lop fu nctional ity. Alternatives and recommendation Calytera recommends moving forward with this change order lmplementation Options N/A DecisionBnn Approved Denied Place on Hold Rationale: (if denied or on hold) GI: (by signing this form, the client authorizes Colytera to engoge Vision33 to implement the chonges identified in this Chonge Order): Sectlon 1: To be completed by the Client Name (Print)$r"tz, P^,L+- Title:f,r*** /tu/^--*- Signature AE:{ Date:2 /a?/e^r n I Dana 2 n{ Q CALYTERA PROJECT CHANGE REQUEST Exhibit A; SSO High Level Scope; City of Kent SSO- Amanda lntegration Meeting Msting: Attende€si 01-16-2020 I AM PST Amy Keophilavong - Clty of Kent Gregg Sconce - City of Kent Fang Gao - Vision33 Jo*ph Jung - Vlslon33 Rhonda Lake - Visionfl We had a great meeting thls mornlng. Thanks for the brainstormlhg sesston and progresslve design conversations to integrate the City of Kent SSO portal with the Amanda Enterprtse Platform. Let me know if I have missed something or would like to add. Thanksl Amy Summary The meeting was about using the City of Kent SSO portal as the authorlzation and authenticatlon gateway to the Amanda Enterprise Platform. We revlewed the last meeting notes and connrmed the hlgh-lev€l dlscusslons of fhe SSO workflow proeess, In this meeting, we dug deeper to brainstorm solutions to send authenticated users to Amanda, We have come up with a couple of solutions: . Web service. Server to server authentication o Because Amanda is hosted in-house The web servlce ls the prefefted solution for the Clty of Kent because of the outlook of lntegrating with many other third-party solutlons, The Clty of Kent lvants a standard practlce of SSO integrdtion. Gregg will explore the possibility of server to server authentication. Amy will draft a web service for Amanda to use. Once th€ Amanda proJect ls on schedule, Amy wants to work with a dedicated developer from Vlsion33 to design, test, and integrate the solution for Amanda to use the City of Kent SSO for authenticatlon. We talked about the log-out functionality for the user and determined that the relationship between SSO and Amanda is for authentication only. Amanda will manage its own log out functionality for the user. Gregg and Amy agree because given the scenario that the user can be logged into the Business and Occupation Tax website and be in Amanda at the same time. If the user logged out of SSO in Amanda, they will also be logged out of the Business and Occupation Tax website. Daaa 2 nf Q CALYTERA PROJECT CHANGE REQUEST The next following pages will contain details about the web service design conversation we had in the meeting. I made some assumptions and we can finalize those assumptions later. Please note that the following design and architecture identified is a rough draft and is not considered final, lt is to clarify and give an idea qf what wc talked about in th€ meeting. The story and scenarios are additional background to give an understanding ofthe design conversation. It may be too much lnformation now, but it's best to have the details beforehand to help with the design. We will have additional discussions once the praJect is seheduled. Story A r€sldent wants to apply for a city permit to bulld a deck on the second story of thelr house. The resident contacts the City and is told that they can apply online by going to this website address, http l //amaawbtlv . ci . kent . vra , u5 ;8980/ citizenportal/ The website requires the resident to log in, The resident is automatically redirected to the City of Kent SSO portal where the resident enters thelr username and pa$sword, The username and password are authenticated, and the resident is redirected back to the website to apply for a city permlt. Design and Architecture The City of Kent will give Amanda an encrypted 5SO client token to use when lt ls redlr€ctlng the resident to the S5O portal. This encrypted token is for SSO to verify that Amanda is a valld applicatlon ln the SSO system. * Figure l. Step I When the resident's credentials are authenticated, 5SO will generate a verification token and redirect the resident back to Amanda with a verification token, This verification token is different from the 5SO client token and the token will be different for every authentication. ryF*rreL*gBtrsythdc,sr Doaa A al A CALYTERA PROJECT CHANGE REQUEST ilrymv.d$ f rffia*m*rrrr-dlLs Flgure 2. Step 2 Amanda will take that verification token and call the 5SO web service to send a request for the aulhenticated resident. Figure i. StEp 3 The SSO web service verifies the verification token. [f the verification token has expired, 30 second lifespan, the resident will be redirected back to the City of Kent SSO portal to log in again. This will restart the cycle of authentication and regenerate a new verificalion token and send it to Amanda for Amanda to verify the token again. The verlfication token contalns a unique ID ofthe authentlcated resldent. SSO takes that ID to g€t the resldent's data: flrst name, last name, emall address and phone number. SSO will generate an authenticatlon token to conclude that the request from Amanda is compl€te. SSO will package the data and send via web service(?) to Amanda. AErtr Cly ol K.(l ssor1,s Dona E nf Q CALYTERA PROJECT CHANGE REQUEST Figure 4. Step 4 Amanda will accept the package and authorize access to the authenticated resident Details When the resident Eo€s to the website, Amanda checks if the resident is authenticated to access Amanda. If the resident is not, Amanda redirects the resident to this website address using the following URI structure: https I //s sotst , kentwa . gov/IT+08paC6oApOt'lHCVdQlPKnBEvjSIHXDbt4DDpgYbF3QRWiBaxt z0skv20kPygC)Ol26TuYAA60ABgUFsvQTf59pmEDgKVvn4Sr',ZnYoEz0ou?sgg+m{lLLpK99 This is the City of Kent gSO portal address https: /lssotst . kentHa. gov/IT+0Bpac6oApOt4HCVdQlPKnEEvjBIHxobtlDDpgYbF3QRtiJisaxt Z9s kV2OkPySC)(l126TuYAoGOAB gU F sVQTf 5 9pmE DSKVv n4Sh,ZnYoBzOoU2Sgg+lv1w3 L LpK99 This is the encrypted S5O cllent token that the Clty of Kent wlll give to Amanda to use to redirect to the SSO portal, https : //ssotst . kentwa . gov/IT+OBpaC6oAp0{,{HCVdQIPKnBEvJgIHXDbI{DDpgYbFSQRWIBaxt z0s kvzokPyScxfl 26TuYA06OAB gUF 5VQTf 5gpmEDSKVvn4SwZnYoBzOoU zs8g+{'',b,r3 L Lp(g 9 The SSO client token is generated by the CiW of Kent and is uniquely different to each application that integrates with SSO, The SSO client token is encrypted and given to Amanda to use as a handshake between Amanda and SSO. SSO decrypts the SSO client token and uses it to redirect the resident back to Amanda once their credentials are authenticated, If the SSO client token ls compromlsed, lt does not hold any value. It is a token for 5SO to know where to redirect back when the resident's credentlals are authenticat€d. Dana A nf Q CALYTERA PROJECT CHANGE REQUEST If the encrypted SSO client token was manipulated or changed, it does not afrect Amanda or SSO. SSO will prompt the residentto select one of the options in the, J wantto..., drcp-down list. See Figure 5. Amanda will be one of the options in the drop-down list. if the resident does not use the given website address and goes directly to the 5S0 portal, https:/,/ssotst.kentwa.gov/, the resident can select Amanda in the, I want to... drop-down llst and wlll be redlrected to Amanda when the resldentt credentlals is authenticated. KENT Prrrmrd T Ffc Surira!$ & osl?rilon Til flgure 5. I want ta ... optlons to rcTess City of Kent servlces When the resident's credentials are authenticated. 5SO wlll generate a verlfication token. The verlfication token will contain a unigue identifier of the authenticated resident and the lifespan of the token is 30 seconds. SSO will redirect the authenticated resident to Amanda with the verlfication token, Amanda will take the verification token and send it back to SSO using a web service call, Dona 7 al L CALYTERA PROJECT CHANGE REQUEST The SSO web service accepts the request from Amanda and verifies the verification token. If the verification token expired, SSO web service will redirect the resident back to the SSO portal login page. If the resident's session in 5SO is still active, the resident does not need to enter their username and password. The ASP .Net ldentlty Manager manages the session activlty of the authenticated user, If the session activlty l$ stale for one hinute, the Manager logs the user out by cl€anlng out the se$sion. If the resident's sesslon in SSO in not active, meaning they've been logged out, the resident must enter their username and password to be r€authenticated. SS0 will regenerate a new verification token and the process starts over again. If the verification token is still active, 5SO will extract the token to find the unique identifier. The unique identifier will help SSO get the following data of the authenticated residenti first name, last name, email address, and phone number. 5SO will generate an authorhation token to complete the reque$t and be packaged together with the authenticated resident's data. Not sure how to send the data package to Amanda. In the workflow diagram I assumed Amanda web servlce. We can Flnalize that deslgn lat€r. Once Amanda receives the data package, Amanda will use its authorization functionality to authoriz€ the authefiticated resident. Log off procedures for 550 and Amanda The relationship between Amanda and SSO is to only authenticate users. We have agreed that there will not be any functionality to log the user out of S5O from Amanda. Amanda will manage its own log out functionality. SSO will automatically log out the resldent when there ls no session a€tlvity ln the Identlty Manager. Dona a nf a