HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2021-349 - Original - The Public - Release of Agreements of Parcel 232204-9034 - 08/09/2021Doc #8503060025-Signal Participation Cov. - agreed-upon participation fulfilled. Doc #7804100825-Agmt re rezone-Property was dedicated as shown in agreement- condition fulfilled 8/3/21 8/6/2021 Okay to sign - C. Schuck CAG2021-349 PL09-271 RECORDED AT THE REQUEST OF AND AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: Stoel Rives LLP 600 University Street, Suite 3600 Seattle, Washington 98 1 0l Attn: Emily Kelly Document Title: Grantor/Grantee: Abbreviated Legal Description: Assessor's Property Tax Parcel Account Numbers Reference Number: RELEASE OF AGREEMENTS CITY OF KENT, a municipal corporation Ptn of Lots l-3, City of Kent Short PIat recorded under recording no. 850321 1054. Complete legal description on Exhibit A. 232204-9034 7804 1 00825, 8503060025 r r 1680020. I 006941 l-00004 RELEASE OF AGREEMENTS This Release of Agreements ("Release") is made by the City of Kent, a municipal corporation (the "City") with respect to (i) that certain Agreement dated March29,l978 and recorded in the official records of King County as Instrument No. 7804100825 on April 10, 1978; and (ii) that certain Signal Participation Covenant dated March l, 1985 and recorded in the official records of King County as Instrument No. 8503060025 on March 6, 1985 (collectively, the "Agreements"), which Agreements granted certain rights in favor of the City with respect to the real property described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by reference into this Release (the "Property"). The current owner of the Property has requested that the City relinquish the rights granted to it in the Agreements. The City is willing to so relinquish such rights pursuant to this Release. RELEASE As of the date the City signs this Release, and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are acknowledged, the City vacates and releases all of its right, title and interest in and to any and all rights acquired by the City pursuant to the Agreements, and otherwise releases the Agreements. ls i gnatur e pa ge fo I low sf ,) I l 1680020.1 006941 l-00004 STATE OF WASHINGTON COLINTY OF KING 2021 CITY OF KENT, a municipal corporation By: Name: Title: appeared before me KENT, a municipal corporation, such instrument to be the free and vo EXECUTED thisq ouv orQ$l4L, On this day personally l,Advut orblrY or instrumEnt and acknowledged to me known to be the executed the foregoing luntary act and deed of such corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated thatihe was duly authorized to execute such instrument. Given under my hand and official seal this I Tuv of 2021 0. Name: Notary Public for the ofW My commission expires: Op WAttl A o. 3 t20tt? 1 1 1680020. I 006941 l-00004 EXHIBIT A Legal Description of the ProPertY: Lots l, 2, and 3, City of Kent Short Plat Number SP-84-8 (SPC-85-2), recorded under recording no. 8503211054, in King County, Washington; (Being described as Lots l, 2 and 3 in City of Kent Lot Line Elimination No. LL-201 8-8 recorded under recording number 20 I 8 1 029 90 00 03 ) ; EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed to the City of Kent for road right-of-way by deed recorded under recording number 20190123000547. 4 I I 1680020. l 006941 1-00004 ) ) , ..1j. ri::r-i.: ''i1 :.::i. ,J a CcUOr)Otr,@ l t\Jo N I \s - \, MAIL TO: Cjty of Kent Property Management 220 S. 4th Avenue Kent, l,lashington 98032 ATTN: Carol Isaak CITY OF KENT, hJASHINGTON SiGNAL PARTICIPATION COVENANT and Russell Road anilsaid property will derive special benefits from the construction of a traffic s ignal at.that intersectioni and THE UNDERSIGNED, Theodore L. Rand and Glorja K. Rand, his wife; Marc Christian Zener, as his separate estate; Helen J. Boice' formerly Helen J. Cichy, as her separate estate; Ralph Benaroya, as his separate estate; Estate of Hans Christensen, Dorothy Berschauer' Personal Repre- sentative; William L. Henson, Sr. and C. Ann Henson, hjs wife; Clyde A. McKale and Evelyn V. McKale, his wife; Merwin E. Casey and Irene P. Casey, his wife; Bert J. McNae, as his separate estate; Bert J. McNae Inc., a l,lashington corporationi Jean Manning, formerly Jean Yeager, who is identical with,iane Yeager, individually as her separate estatei Capital Cascade Corporation, a Washington corporation, ,lean Manning, President; Robert H, Thurston, Severt ll. Thurston, ,lr., Susan Thurston (former'ly Grathwohl Divelbiss), and Sherry Thurston Tossell, all as their separate and individual estates, sole and surviving shareholders of Thurston Realty Company, a dissoived |/lashington corporation; Roderick J. McNae, as his separate estatei AND l,lilljam Bruce McNae, as his separate estate; AS the interests of said parties may appear, Ot'lners of the fol lor,,ling described real property: REFER T0 t*ttBilr"flrolTIAcHED AND MADE A do hereby covenant with the City of Kent as follows: bIHEREAS, the covenantors have submitted a building application known as 0kjmoto for approval by the Cjty of Kent and/or have applied to the Citt-Tor a permit to build on the above described property which will coniribute traffic tol-aii-adversely affect the efficient operation of the intersection of I'1. Meeker St., and 64th Ave. S., and l,l. Meeker St IIHEREAS, in the future when traffic volumes at said intersection meet the leve1s specified in the latest edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devjces, the City may construct' reconstruct, or improve a traffic signa I at the intersection of l,l. Meeker St. and 64th Ave. S and l,,l. Meeker St. and Russell Rd.6 all appurtenances consistent with good engfieerTng FEcTiEes ; and- WHEREAS, the distribution of costs to all parties participating in the construction, reconstruction, or improvement of a traffic signal at the stated location shall be determined by the amount of t,raffic origina- ting from or destined to the above described property and approachino the subject intersection from the side streets(Russell Road & 64th Ave. S) divided by the amount of traffic required in the traffic sjgnal warrants specified in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, latest editionTraffic counts shall be determined b_v actuai measurement. N0tl THEREFoRE, to mitigate the environmentai jmpacts on traffjc resulting from the proposed development, and in consideration of the City approving said building permit the undersjgned owners, for themselves,thbir heirs, su?iEssoitl-and'assjqns, and is a covenant to r"un with theland, do hereby agree to participate in the constnuction, reconstnuction,or improvement of a traffic signal at the location stated above, with the costs to be distributed as described above. i:jr,:l a a a a o a a - e ,:l _1... .;,.'L6 :.'.t'lil DATED AT Kent, Washinston, tnts /5faav of l9_%- -4, As Attorney In Fact for the above named owners.&4 rf)croo(!of)oIn(D STATE OF I^IASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss 0n this A[dav of L n*, ts En.ror" me personallv appeaied e . ElGat-, who $k&iTdii-tfre wlthii-i-nstrument as Attorney iir'Fact for the owners or grantors 'ljsted herein and pursuant to recorded durable powers of attorney to the Attorney in Fact and acknowledged to rnb that he signed and sealed the same as his free and voluntary"act and deed as attijrney in fact for the owners or grantors Iisted herein and pursuant to recorded durable powers of attorneJ to. the Attorney in Fabt for the uses and purposes therein mentjoned, and on oath staied that the power of attorney authorizing the execution of this instrument has not been revoked and that the said owners or grantors are now ljvjng, and are not insane i/sfa^v,'JEi'under my hand and official seal thi of hz-d, of l,Jashi res i di ng ir;: .,,..]ii: : ,ii.--Itt'- Ji i: I i i i t i' L I ti : i : I, 'l; ,. !:. ,. 'G' AC;ti I . t"i.ll;;N1' trfi l0 t ag Fll'tll r, frEC0R0ED t{.C BECOft0S r AGl..tii'gil1-uNT nrircie on i,he daLc$ ol] execuLj.oil irel'eafter shorvn Letween the CiLy o-C I(ent, 'lYash.ir)gton, a nruuicip*l corl:oration, anci BEll1'ltAN J. lrlcNAIi, as agerrt Iol lrj.rtrselI ir"nc] oLher l)elsorrs orvning an luLerest in Lbe ron.1 P::opel'ty d(}scr'ibecl jn Lhe exhj.biLs atLached Lo Lhls ilgreerrent (hor.'ca.[Ler. knorvn irs "Cwnet's") IlUCI1'ALS A. tr'lcNac anC 'Ll:ose he represenLs al'c o$,ners o{ cer'[ain lerl esLete l-ocil,ted .in the Ci.L5, 61 l(enL, lYashingtion, conrpri.sirtg of r-or,rgh1y 30 lcles arrd boundeci on Lhe uoltll siclc bv liesL lrleel<er. StIeeg, on 1:he ea.sL by 64 Lh Ar.,enue $ou*Lh, and on {:lre u,est by Ilussell Roacl , ancl 1egaJ.11, descr.i.becl irr the ir-b baehecl Dxhibi-t A hereLo. ll , The leal es!ate l-e-tertred [o j.s cur:reu l,ly zotted .']i14" . (llesidential. Agricultural), itnd lrlcNae lrus ap1:Iied to Lhe City of lienl: Lo have Ltre lrortheastern corncr. of Lhc property lezotred to Conrmurri-'Ly Cortutei.-ciaI anct tlie balerttce of tire pl'opetty to l\lulti-llesiclential L,lecliunr Densi'Ly (Mli-N{) C, 'l'lte goveruirigS body o:C the CiLy oI lietlL, ttilnteIV, Iire CiL5' 9,1u,',.i1 oI Lhe City of l(eut, irius gr:&litcrcl lrlcNae's a.1:1:lica.Lioti to rezone sub.jecL to l\lcNile etr'Lcrittg orl bclr:1l f o-l hj-ruself ntttl 'Llte ot:lrcl owlrers inLo it rvt:iLLt-rn irgl'(:(llllollL t:t"r1tti.t'.i-r:1i il{c}Iao llnd -'\ i\ny sttccossoI.s, lrr.')i.r's oI ussi !{nsi t,o ciil'l'), otr l; t:cI Lii.i tt cottclit.i.ottl; outs'iloprouurttenLs Lo [:lrc propclLy rrt Llrt: o\r'llcl's' exllt:ttsc, ) -suo{t'concliLj.ptts belng scb Ioxttll olr plge ? 6"t Llro l(eDt Plrntlilig rf' Agcrrey's . Stirl'.t lleport o f Octobcr 25 , .\977 ' noN€o() !iI., .O€ l''J i:, ..i ir 5 G j !i h it l, ', l' : f. L ;, i. : I : I I i-:,r lr) cv cOO "+O6 l\ TllunuroB[,rNcoNs]DIJRA'|rr)Nlr0llTlJL;FNACfi\llll'{'.i'ollAN bttnluapcri cttANl,INc TIIU ltuZoN;:l A1)PLICATION olr llcNAu AND Tllll sUBSUQUI;N'I' ISSUANCII oF A BUIL,DII,IG putlfiIiT IN ACCOnDANCII \VlTll SUCH ZONING, IT'IS AGIIu-UD: , t. Th:i.s tlg::eernent sha1l. Lle considercd os a coveuan L Itttttling rviLh the Ia.ud aticl be Iecordab.lc so trs'Lo gi've con- s {,r.uc t ive lto b ice ttr all pe,I' Solls o1 ttris agreenlellt ' -s existense. 2, 'I'he O\ttlers, bl-re j-r heirs, successolrs aud assigus slra1l on or belore tlre 15r'arit.i.ng o-f any i-nJ.'Liiri, builrling, grading ol: othc'x cievelopntetr.L lrermiL oI Lhe subjec'b plcper''Ly' cotrvey by .quitcJ.aint cleecl j-u a folnt a1:prover-l by thc City. of l(cnt the follorving 1:a.rcels rvhiclr are llolv a lloltion of the per'imeter of the Orvtret'sr l>r'opor'1:y *: f9r LiftrL o{ way pulPo:-e: a 10-ft. i1ic1e strilr r.unniug tlre length oJ: Lhe o\vuer's'1:t.'o1:erLy lrlong the bor.tndar:y of West lrleeher. Slreet . b. Su{f icien L propel'0y Lo colls Lruct tr tadius liurn of 25-ft. at th.e corller o"t ti4th Aveuue; sortLh o.nd tfest Illeelier S Lleet .' c. A s brip 5- { L deep along L tre west bortndaly of Ihe 1::.'ollerty rvlrictr boltrrclar'1' bo]:clcl-'s llussel'1 llotIci:[ol lhe purtrlosos oI adtlj.l; j.orrirl r:'igtrL ol. rvay, it'ncl itt a<icli'L:i on shtl'l- clc:t".c! strl'.t.i.ii-<lnL 1rl.()Pt:r't;r sO l:hitt; lr. llli-l'1,. L'lrrl itli:i t,tlL'll t:ittt llct c<:rr$Lr.r,rcLod irU Lll() col'u(J1' O.f lluSsct 1..1. ttoil.cl itntl \voo^'[ [lct]lielr S Llee U.,. _9_ {) at i,1) i (,! '::r 'la :, ..- ..".1,, ii i ! I .1 5 j I 1 :I : I I ': 1 iI i i 1Ij ""' ''':' "' \ f t-' r,a:, ,' .-i'l -. " .':., :' ''-l' u ,-:} -J- tn c\l6O r+,- co 3. , AL bhe Linre l-hat ani j.ni.t-iai building permit, grading or clevelopmenL pernlil is appliecl for whether such pernit be aL Lhe city or counlly level, Ovuer:s sha1l subm.it ba the City, thcir prlans for an<l subscclucnLly co]rstruct Lhe f ollorving inrprovenrerl ts a.L rro cost Lo Lhe city: . a. Inlprove to a toLal streeL width of 3.6 feet by aclclilrg a concret,e curb alrd guttpr {:o thaL por:tioll of 641.h Avenue Souih rvhich borders on the subjecL propetty, linealy frorn the intersection of l,leeke)r'SLreei: Lo Lhe south(iriilrost access poillt to the prcperty. b. Inlprove to a LoLaI streeL wj.dth of 32 feel: by means of constructing a concreLe curb and gutber cn the .rvesterrl boundary of bhe subject pxoperty along ilussel-I Road ancl. running lirrealy f rorn the inhersecLiorl of Meeker Street .1, ,,to bhe souLher:nlnosi: aciess tol the propertyr1, . c. Comply witli the Cra-inage req\.uirements then in effect by .l(ing County or the City eg KerrL (wh\ichever: is appticable) for drainage. If ponds aue required, provide a 7-day storage by nreans of poncls on i:he properLy, It is undetstood these ponds lmay be .removecl a{: such time as later enactn:ents of Liing Coullty and the Gl:eon River Fl.ood CoilCrol .D!sLrict rnay pcr..nli.L 4. t{iLhin 30 clays a"f Ler Lltt:-- oxt:cuLj.otr oli Llt.Ls agrccrlloliL, Lhe C:LLy of KenL sltall .etracL iLs orclittartco gr:arrl-itrU Lo Lho owners Ltre re:rone classi.f icab.ions appliod .for. 5. tsob.h 1:arLies agree l-haL if . this agreement is breachecl, clamages rvqulcl be inaclecluaLe; anrl j.f Ll'ris agreernenl: ..q.-t()" l'J (f '.{(: -: '.ii '. I),,',Ia)4!i:, ..\,-Jj:iL(\i:..iiI:j1l"t78041 00825.i.1.'ci .+ o ! : ! 'H ':j i - ts.J.5h"\4oFjO=AOOOO..aO=.-O a J ._F,. H- p- o C a) i'i= p o r..o rJ ': r-j F,. 1-. 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I P- p' O 0,.:='iP.ptnqidt't-POC!=(-t.-oc-rpdFa i F. !t O 5 'P r-o p F = o o H. 4.oPt--aooo,JjPo{fPEi-sHclro-ciOtsitBHOO*GAc.c.lOFJry<c-FJtstsP.l'trlj==ccr.J<tOctsCrl'?.htots-ooP.<.OF-ciO(,)0lc.i)< r\' 7 7 P- - tsijOOc!F.ciOnkH(nu=tdF-.oJAPttflp.poci_oo4 ri:o.6 i)*PH=a4P.P=o1.t{,Ii:.rjfl"o4No(rrzI.-.i-.:\.J.DiiiI1Ii./ll.'Ill't, :_/ .),:l }Llit;iii1 .- iJi' -.. 'l ,,;D..r..' d;7;. .lO () o il q ,:,r i.- tr.ii '* (J. D Jf,Nmo() @i\ Sl'/\'l'E OF \t'r\SlllNGl'ON, I counr.vof x r [I c f ""' On this day personally appcared beforc mc RF:IIT .7. tir me koown to be thc iodivjdual_dcscribed in and who cxccutacl thc wirhin and foregoing instrurnenr and acknowlcdged to rnc rhar he -siqned rlc "-nr" ""_. hi s frce and voiunrary act anrl deccl (or the purposes rherein nrcnrioned il tt! Git'en uniq my btnd and Zt f:otary Puhlic in @d lot thc TL"3i l/66 i..cutrty I rllc lnsu.onc. Lo'npony I t. ,' f I I lr' 't_ ai ' ., t ,,,t ")..'a-: a ,.-l i:i'ii i='r i,li'.'r EXHIts\T A toAIsOO r!: cof'- That portion of sectiqn 23, Township 22 iY., R' 4 8., ll.M. in fing County, washington, described as follows: commencing ab the corner common to sections L3, I4r 23 and 24, saiil tordnship and rangei thence west along the sectiotr Line between secbions 14 and 23, I'Loz feetr tltence south along the prolonqation of the west iine of Thorrpson Donatign Claini along said ttest line 2,029 feet to ttte north }ine of Meeker Ave.; tbence west along the south line of Meeker Ave., 30 feet to the TRUE pOrNT oF BEGINT'IINGr thence we.St along sai-d south l'ine'of Meeker'Ave;, ilfr59-;3 feeb, more or'lesd to the easbelly line of the road, 40 feet in width, conveyed to King County by deed clated Mareh 7, I9o5i tlt€ince Eoutheasterly along said easterly Iine of the road, 873.feet to a poj.nt on the right bank of the wh.ite River; thence continuing on the sarne course 50 feet, more or lessr to ttre inter.section .of the.easter,Iy ]-ine of said road with the water Iine of the rj.ght bank of the White River, thence easterly along said water line 504 feet;- thence north 50 feet, ntore or less. to said right bank of the white tiiver; thence continuing cjn the same ccurse north 35.3 feet t-o the northwest corner of the tract of lanil conveyed to Elizabeth Stewaral Robb by deed recortled under Auditor's File No, 6296!5i thence east 996.8 f,eet, more or less,' to a poirrt 3o feet west .of the i'est line of the Thompson Donation C]-aim; bhence north parallel with said west line 758'55 feeb to the True Point of Beginning: EXCEPT any portion thereaf lying belovr the line of ordinary high water of the white River, ALSO ExgEPs land conderoned in King County superior court cause No. 115085 on the south side of Meeker Avenue' (: ,a I {l .:. 4 3r)f :lilrl: .ri1- :i$* .;l',. .. "'"." -"- ';, -,i"':'l-'ir!l'i!a:..r,!,qg*.-ittIpg.IItIIIi,If,1III8.00APn-10-Tb c.0r 5 6 7901J1008?5 - E ftfl1'..,1',i. -.'-l-.:i]i\.:rtrnc3(Df](3a(DU>o\Nitr-,", ,'. i...1' ,.i.',:_I..1I1,.1i1j!".;jji),iarl :.' 'o--{.),':: ',,:I I '-- l:': : '.' -a:1. i .i,. .,r.r... ,.i..' ];,. :'': : i.'.