HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2021-095 - Insurance Certificate - Catholic Community Services - Liability Coverage - 07/01/2021iQo-CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSUHANCE DATE (MMiDD/YYYY) 7tlt2021 THIS CERTIFICA TE ts lssuED AS A MATTEF OF INFORMATION ON LY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFI CATE HOLDEH.THIS CEHTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFI RMATIVEL Y OR NEGATIVEL Y AME ND EXTEND OF A LTER TH E COVERAG E AFFORD ED BY THE POLtCtES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT REPBESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. BETWEEN THE ISSUING NSUREF(S),AUTHORIZED the holder is an pollcy(les) musl have ADDITIONAL provislons or be endoreed. It SUBROGATION lS WAIVED, eublect to lhe terms and condlllons ol lhe pollcy, carlaln may requlre an endorsgment. A slatemenl on does not confer to lhe cerllllcate ln lleu of euch PFODUCEB Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management $ervices, lnc. 777 l19lh Ave NE, #200 Bellevue WA 98004 Erni INSURER(S) AFFOFOIilG COVERAGE NAIC f rNsuREB A : Underwriters at Llovd's London 15792 INSUFED Corporation of the Catholic Archbishop of Seattle Catholic Community Services of Western Washington 100 23rd Ave. $ Seatfle WA 98144 CORPOFT"Ol TNSUREBB ' Old Republic Union lnsurance Company 31 143 tNsuRERc r ZUrich Amorican lnsurance company 16535 INSUREF D : INSIJREF E: lNst|FEH F ! COVERAGES TEN 41 361 568 REVISION NUMBER: POLICY EFF .MII/DOiYYYYI LtidTspot-tcY t{UMBEnINSFrTn At)DL INSD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF IN$URANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REOUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OFI MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD ANY CONTRACT OR OTHEF DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS BY THE POLICIES DESCFIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUOH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCEO BY PAID CLAIMS, TVPE OF INgURANCE $ 1.000.000EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 $ NilMED EXP (Any on€ psrson) PEHSONAL & ADV INJUBY $ 1,000,000 $ 1.000.000GENERAL AGGIlEGATE PRODUCTS - COMF/OP AGG $ '1,000,000 $ BP1 023021 71112021 711t2022ACOMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY X X APPLIES l_l LIMIT PRO. JECT X CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR PEFI: LOC $ 1.000,000 $BODILY INJURY (Per peBon) BODILY INJUFY (Per accid€nt)$ $ $ 7t1t2021 7t1t2022BP1 023021AAUTOMOEILE UABIUTY SCHEDULED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS ONLYXX AUTOS HIRED AUTOS ONLY ONLY X ANY AUTO OWNEO $ 5,000.000EACH OCCURBENCE $ 5.000.000AGGFEGATE OCCUR CI.AIMS,MADEX UMBFELU\ LIAB EXCEgS LIAS $ 7nt2a21 711t2022I DED RETENTION S 8221000785428 X t"tst-t STATI ITE UI H. FR $ 1.000.000E.L. EACH ACCIOENT E,L. DISEASE " EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000 $ 1.0r)0.000 7t1t2021 7t1t2022 E.L. DISEASE . POLICY LIMIT N/A EWS8741411-00WOEKEHS COIUIPENSATION AND EMPLOYEFS' LIABILITY ANYPROPFIETORi PARTNEF/EXECUIIVE OFFICEF/MEMBEREXCLUDED? (ttlandatory ln NH) It y6s, describB urd€r DESCnIPTION OF OPEFATIoNS b€low Y/Ntl $2,000,0007t1 7t1 t2021 t2021 7t112022 711t2022 Each Clelm/AggregaieA B Errors & Omisslons / Prot. Liab.BP1 023021 8221000785428 DESCRIpTtON OF OPERATTONS / LOCATTONS / VEHtCLEg (ACORD 101, Addltlonel Fsnail(s Scheduls, m|y b6 attshgd ll moro tp6cs ls r6qulr€d) llmiii st own aie inctuiive of aetenCe and insuied rotention. Coveraga for Additional'lnsureds is restricted to the amount of insurance required by contract.or permit.-netention unO"ipoticy*AFiOZSOZ1 (A XV, Non-Admitted) ii$250,000 for Liabllity. The appllcable location maintenance deductible that applies to this Certificate is $0 for Liability. Grtifidi; Hotueiisln.iuiid as Additional Assured. Coverage only extends for claims arising out of the Consultant Services Agreement (C$A) between Catholic Community Services and the City of Kent for the operation of a community engagement canter. SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCHIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE T}IE EXPIFATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED lf.I ACCORDANCE WTTH THE POLICY PBOVISIONS. REPFESENTANVE CiW of Kent 220 4lh Ave. S Kent WA 98032 @ 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All righte reserved. ACORD 25 (2016/03)The ACORD name and logo are registered marks ol ACORD 2'ol 4 30752 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. NAMED ASSURED: Corporation of Catholic Archbishop of Seattle Policy Number: BP1 023021 Effective Date: July 41,2021 Authority Ref No: 80356JA281N19 Endorsement No. 14 CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE ENDORSEMENT CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE: It is hereby under$tood and agreed that holders of Certificates of lnsurance issued against this P_oliey ihat are shown as Additional A$$URED$ are added to this Policy pursuant to the terrns of this Policy as described in GENERAL POLICY DEFINITION {. Where Certificates of lnsurance are reque$ted for Additional AS$UREDS who do not fall within GENERAL POLICY OEFINITION 1, prior agreement of Underwriters and subsequent endorsement of this Policy is required GENERAL POLICY DEFINITION 1. A$SURED is stated as follows - ASSURED means not only the NAMED ASSURED as stated on the Declaration Page, but also includes any past, present or future: agencies, subsidiaries, affiliates, institutions and societies owned by or operated by the NAMED ASSURED, officials, members of boards or cornmissions, trustees, directors, officers, partners, volunteers, studenl teachers, or employees of the NAMEO ASSURED while acting within lhe scope of their duties as such, and any person, organization, trustoe or estate to whom the NAMEO ASSURED is obligated by virtue of a written contract or agreement to provide insurance such as is offered by this policy, but only in respect of operations by or on behalf of the NAMED ASSURED, GENERAT POLICY CONDITION 20. WAIVER OF SUBROGATION is stated as follows - WAIVER OF SUBROGATION: This policy shall not be invalidated if the ASSURED, by written agreement, has waived or shall walve its right of recovery from any party for loss or damage covered hereunder; provided that any such waiver is rnade prior to the occurrence of ssid loss or damage. MORTGAGORS. LOSS PAYEES B LENDER LO$S PAYFE$:, It is understood and agreed that GENERAL POLICY CONDITION 12, of this policy is deleted and replaced with the following: iZ. MORTGAGORS, CREDITORS & LOSS PAYEES: Where required by written contract, the interest of any mortgagor, creditor or loss payee on property covered by this policy is included as if a separate endorsemenl were attached hereto to the extent of the amount Except as amended in this Endorsement, this insurance is subject to all coverage terms, clauses and conditions in the policy to which this Endorsement is attached. 1 20 3*of4 30752 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. NAMED ASSURED: Corporation of Catholic Archbishop of Seattle Policy Number: BP1 023A21 Effective Date: July 01, 2021 Authority Ref No: 80356JA281N19 of mortgage, loan or interesl in property held by the AS$URED as of the date of loss subject to the limits of liability set forth in this policy. P Rr M ALY_N QN {O NTBI BUT QtsY : It is also agreed that, only where required by written contract between the NAMED ASSURED and the Certificate -holder, this insurance shall bs considerad primary to any insurance held by the Cartificate holder and theirs shall be excess. MUNIGIPALITY PERMITS; Further, where required by written contract or evidenced in the insurance requirements of a permit issued by a municipality it the request of the NAMED ASSURED, that municipallty shall be added to this policy ai an Additionai ISSURED but only as respects liabilities arising out of the subject matter of the written contract or issued permit and then only for liabilities arising from actions by or on behalf of the NAMED ASSURED. Except as arnended in this Endorsement, this insurance is subject to all coverage terms, clauses and conditions in the policy to which this Endorsement is attached, 4. ol 4 30732