HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council Workshop - Minutes - 05/15/2018Kent City Council Workshop Minutes May 15, 2018 Kent, Washington Approved 6/5/L8 Date¡ May 15, 2018 Time: 5 p.m. PIace: Council Chambers East/West Attending: Mayor Dana Ralph Bill Boyce, Council President Brenda Fincher, Councilmember Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember Dennis Higgins, Councilmember Toni Troutner, Councilmember Council President Boyce opened the meeting at 5:04 p.m Agenda: Sound Transit Sounder Access Improvement Project Chelsea Levy, Government & Community Relations Manager, provided a brief review of the project timeline that included alternatives, development and screening, environmental review and preliminary design, final design, construction, and the planned opening to the public. Melissa Flores Saxe, Project Development Director, advised that the board identified Site 3 as the preferred alternative, advised of the estimated increased parking spaces of 500-550, and potential non-motorized improvements. Saxe provided an update on the status of preliminary engineering design phases: Phased 1 - Alternative Analysis; Phase 2 - Conceptual Engineering & Environmental; and Phase 3 - Preliminary Engineering that is set to begin in the Spring of 2019. Saxe detailed the timeline of engineering and environmental activities from the Spring of 2018 through the Spring of 2019. Sound Transit will return to a Council workshop in the fall with the conceptual engineering work and anticipate executing a contract amendment with the consultant team to begin Phase 3 engineering. Council suggested Sound Transit engineer the new garage so that additional floors could be added at a later date, 228rhl224th Street Corridor Funding Remaining Segments Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director, provided a review of the transportation planning for this project that began in 1984. LaPorte provided in-depth details regarding the 196th, 228th and 277rh Street Corridor projects, including how they have been funded: Page 1 of 2 Kent City Council Workshop Minutes May 15, 2018 Kent, Washington Approved 6/5/L8 LaPorte provided information regarding the South 228th Street BNSF Grade Separation project that opened in 2OO9 at a cost of $19.6 million. The South 228th Street Overpass at UPRR is a more complex project that is expected to cost $43,1 million with $12 million in funds still needed. The City is working on one remaining parcel for certification. LaPorte indicated the East phase does not have federal funds, so work is continuing, The South 224th Phase 1 is under construction at a cost of $23.4 million. Phase 2 is under design and is expected to cost $6.9 million. Carla Maloney, Design Engineering Manager provided information regarding Connecting Washington Projects and inflation factors that are driving up construction costs. LaPorte indicated the South 228rh project is ready to go out to bid, but the City needs to find funding for the inflation factor. Chad Bieren, Public Works Deputy Director, provided information regarding grants that have been applied for. LaPorte indicated that once the last piece of right-of-way has been acquired for the South 228th Street Project, it will go through the accreditation process - Department of Transpoftation certification, and then go ahead and advertise the project for bid. LaPorte advised the Council that he will return to a workshop during the summer to provide an update. Th meeting concluded a 5:57 p û Kimberley A. City Clerk moto Page 2 of 2