HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council Workshop - Minutes - 04/17/2018Kent City Council Workshop Mínutes April 17, 2018 Kent, Washington Approved May 1, 2018 Date: April t7, 2018Time: 5 p.m. Place: Council Chambers East/West Attending: Mayor Dana Ralph Bill Boyce, Council President Brenda Fincher, Councilmember - Absent Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember Dennis Higgins, Councilmember Les Thomas, Councilmember Toni Troutner, Councilmember Council President Boyce opened the meeting at 5:03 p.m. Agenda: Council Chambers Renovation Update Derek Matheson, Chief Administrative Officer, gave a brief overview of the council chambers renovation project. The council approved $100,000 in the 20t7-2OL8 mid-biennium budget adjustment for chambers renovations. Revisions will improve the functionality to host regional meetings, improve the aesthetics to make consistent with the recent technology updates, and for economic development - to help present Kent as a sophisticated city. Alex Ackley, Facilities Superintendent, advised that the city hired Broderick Architects for preliminary designs. Alex detailed the proposed revisions to the walls, dais, removal of the benches, and new security measures. Discussion took place regarding decommissioning the existing artwork and the potential to display the city's mission and vision, and values on the walls. Alex advised of the timeline - currently at 30o/o design phase and anticipate work to begin in mid-summer. YMCA Update Julie Parascondola, Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Services, advised that Nathan Phillips Regional Vice President of the YMCA will be available tonight to provide additional responses. Parascondola reviewed the project summary that included the agreement/partnership development, master plan/SEPA, and formal city councilpublic updates. Details regarding the land conveyance included surplus consideration, dates appraisals completed, consideration for land and property use rights are linked to community benefits, and property conversions with King County and the Recreation Conservation Office. Page I of 3 Kent City Council Workshop Minutes April L7, 2018 Kent, Washington Approved May 1, 2018 The City/YMCA need to finalize five documents: the Conveyance Agreement, Ground Lease, Project Lease, Project Development Agreement, and the Operating Agreement. The items still pending; need to be finalized priorto signing lease agreements: final project design; final project budget; final construction schedule; final schedule of monthly lease/rent payments; insurance review; and all agreements and exhibits. The following items are under development: establishment of a temporary dog park at the East Hill Shops site; finalize the agreement with Kent United Methodist Church for overflow usage of their west parking lot for YMCA and park; work with city's Communications division to create a public communications plan; actively update Aquatics Management Group; and once agreements are signed, develop a dissolution plan for the Kent Meridian pool. Parascondola provided a design update where the City is the design lead and reviewed renderings of the main entry, natatorium, fitness room, lobby, and an external aerial. Parascondola reviewed the project budget, including the total project budget, YMCA project budget, and City total budget. Current total construction expenses are estimated to be over budget $1.5 - $2 million and the YMCA is behind in fundraising targets by $3-$3.5 million. Work continues to confirm all bids/costs and explore cost saving opportunities. The City shared with the YMCA that it is not willing to consider a reduced YMCA facility footprint and the City has already provided a reduced alternative to frontage expectations from the original approach. Parascondola provided details regarding fundraising / New Market Tax Credits The next steps include the May L, 2Ot8, YMCA board meeting, April-May, 2OL8 YMCA and City continue to refine and finalize design, cost and other project details, June, 20L8, re-confirm New Market Tax Credit opportunities. Council President Boyce indicated Kent is one of the most diverse cities in state and that not building the YMCA would not be good because there is such a need for this facility. The City has met its obligation and "No" is not an answer. Boyce expressed his concerns about the status of this project. Phillips advised that during the May 1, 2018 meeting is when the board will give a notice to proceeded authorizing the project. The YMCA does not need 1000/o of funding in place to proceed with groundbreaking but does need a pathway in place to fill funding gap. Page 2 of 3 Kent City Council Workshop Minutes April L7, 2018 Kent, Washington Approved May 1, 2018 Mayor Ralph indicated the City and YMCA staff are working hard on this project, including coming up with $1 million cost savings. Kent is diverse and there is significant need for the YMCA. The facility we committed to our community needs to get build. Higgins expressed optimism and advised that we have come a long way already and are not going to stop now. Higgins expressed a desire to convey the fundraising message to key businesses. The meeting conclude d at 5:3 p.m. 0 Kimberl ey A. Komoto City Clerk April L7, 2018 Page 3 of 3