HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council Workshop - Minutes - 10/16/2018Kent City Council Workshop Minutes October L6,2OL8 Kent, Washington Date: Time: Place: Attending: Approved November 6, 2OL8 October 16, 2018 5 p.m. Council Chambers East/West Bill Boyce, Council President Brenda Fincher, Councilmember Dennis Higgins, Councilmember Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember Marli Larimer, Councilmember Toni Troutner, Councilmember Les Thomas, Councilmember Council President Boyce opened the meeting at 5:04 p.m Agenda: 2019-2O2O Biennial Budget Process Aaron BeMiller, Finance Director, provided responses to the following questions from councilmembers: Question #38 BeMiller provided the written response to Councilmember Kaur's question regarding providing additional detail regarding the 2019 increases in Finance and Police. Question #39 BeMiller provided responses to Councilmember Higgins question regarding expanding on an analysis of the parking enforcement 7lo/o cost recovery. Are there any industry standards? What do other cities experience? BeMiller advised that he could not locate any analysis done by other cities. Question #40 BeMiller and Chief Padilla provided responses to Councilmember Higgins request to fund the parking enforcement officer to a 1.0 FTE. Chief Padilla provided additional information to Councilmember Thomas regarding the reason for this increase. The other cities that are the equivalent size of Kent have more than one parking enforcement officer and Kent needs more than one officer. Higgins indicated he requested increasing this position to a 1.0 FTE, given the fact that this position is more than 70olo revenue backed and the hope is that the tickets issued by this officer will cover 100o/o of the cost of the FTE. Question #4L Uriel Varela, the City's Community Engagement Coordinator, provided details regarding Councilmember Fincher's request of $30,000 for cultural/diversity training. Varela is working in partnership with King County on the "Under our Skin" project. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together Neighborhood Association groups, Cultural Community Board Members and City staff to discuss race, diversity and inclusiveness. Councilmembers expressed their support of this request. Page 1 of 3 Kent City Council Workshop Minutes October 16, 2018 Kent, Washington Approved November 6, 2018 Council President Boyce advised that budgeting the $30,000 would set the funds aside while Varela investigates alternatives. Varela will bring the results to the Operations Committee. Varela advised that he has received interest from neighborhood groups and churches for this type of program. Matheson advised that as this program develops, staff will provide an update during an Operations Committee that will include outreach strategies and metrics. Question #37 - Julie Parascondola, Parks Director, provided details in response to Councilmember Higgins' question regarding additional information on the plan for Green Kent and the role of volunteers in parks, including: . Why Natural and Forested Areas are Importanto Benefits of Natural Areas and the Urban Forest o Threats to Natural Areas o What Happens if we do Nothing o If we Re-invest and Protect. Summary / History of Green Kent Program. Park Acres Relevant to the Green Kent Planr Maintenance / Restoration Needs and Definitions o Four Phases of Active Management. Plan Approach for Parks Department. Current Park Restoration Accomplishments. King Conservation Grant / Park Program Cost Summary¡ What Changed Since Plan Adoption / Challengeso This issue should have been addressed when the City Authorized the 2OL2-13 Teamsters Collective Bargaining Agreement o Maximum capacity of community engagement has been reachedo Cost to produce a restored acre is not yielding the expected return o Park system continues to be under-fundedo Park staff do not have the resources to keep up with active restoration efforts¡ Next Steps / Recommendations o Reduction in annual overtime o Re-purpose the existing King Conservation District Granto Use grant funds to fund part-time staff crew to focus exclusively on restoration efforts of priority siteso If the grant cannot be re-purposed, recommend the Parks Depaftment pull out of Green Kent completely until new plan and appropriate funding is identified o In 2020, update the full Green Kent Plan, including Public Works effortso Continue existing routine, natural area level of service by Park staff Page 2 of 3 Kent City Council Workshop Minutes October 16, 2018 Kent, Washington Approved November 6, 2018 Parascondola responded to Councilmember's questions regarding Green Kent volunteers and the union agreement. BeMiller provided the next steps for tonight's Council meeting and advised that his staff will update the budget reflecting the increase to the parking enforcement position and the additional funds for community engagement. The budget ordinances will go before the November 6, 2018, Operations Committee and then onto the full City Council on November 20, 2018 for adoption. Boyce encouraged councilmembers reach out to BeMiller and Matheson with any additional questions or concerns. The meetin I concluded at 5:56 m û motoKimberley A. City Clerk October 16, 2018 Page 3 of 3