HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council Workshop - Minutes - 06/06/2017Kent City Council Workshop Minutes June 6, 20L7 Kent, Washington Date: Time: Place: Attending: Approved June 20, 2Ot7 June 6, 2OL7 5 p.m. Council Chambers East/West Bill Boyce, Council President Jim Berrios, Councilmember Tina Budell, Councilmember Brenda Fincher, Councilmember Dennis Higgins, Councilmember Dana Ralph, Councilmember Les Thomas, Councilmember Council President Boyce opened the meeting at 5:02 p.m. Agenda:1. Puget Sound Gatewav Update (SR 167l SR 5O9ì Kelly Peterson, Public Works Transportation, introduced Omar Jepperson, P.E., Gateway Program Administrator, and Craig J. Stone, Project Administrator with the Washington State Department of Transportation, and briefly outlined the information that will be presented during this workshop. Craig presented an update on the project that included the program schedule for the construction and implementation plan and April public outreach that included open houses. Omar indicated that the 509 project will include one toll point and Craig detailed toll rates. The project is scoped for two lanes in each direction. The legislative direction for 2015 and 20L7 were reviewed that included local contributions. Any additional funds will be used to acquire right-of-way and any savings realized will stay on the Puget Sound gateway corridor until the project is complete. A Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") with local project stakeholders that identifies a schedule for stakeholders to provide local matching funds to fund the project must be finalized by July 1, 2018. Omar detailed the refined design of the 516 interchange and provided an update on meetings with Poulsbo RV and preliminary impacts to their property. Kelly Peterson will schedule Omar and Craig for a future workshop presentation that will last 60-90 minutes. 2. Sound Transit Update Auburn/Kent Sound Station Access Imorovement Proiect Sandra Fann - Project Manager and Chelsea Levy - Government & Community Relations Officer, provided information regarding the Federal Way Link Extension Light Rail project, including ensuring that projects are sited in the right place, that they provide the most benefit to Kent residents, and are consistent with Kent's vision. The new project manager is Dan Abernathy. Page I of 3 Kent City Council Workshop Minutes June 6, 20L7 Kent, Washington Approved June 20, 2Ot7 Chelsea reviewed the project timeline, the preferred alternative, the station concept for the Kent/Des Moines station, the South 272d Street station, and the Federal Way transit center station. Details were provided regarding existing, additional and total corridor parking spaces at the stations. Additionally, she reviewed the frequently asked questions regarding corridor parking. The council expressed their concerns with the number of parking stalls proposed at the stations that will be located in Kent. Ben Wolters, Economic and Community Development Director, provided information regarding the history of the City's Vision Midway planning area located around the Kent/Des Moines station project. Councilmember Boyce suggested councilmembers reach out to Sandra and Chelsea with any questions they may have. Sound Transit will be working on a development agreement that will guide the development of the project. Sandra and Chelsea will return to a future workshop to provide an update. A brief update was provided on the Kent Station access improvement project. The potential sites have been reduced from eight to four. Sound Transit will seek input from City Council committees during the month of July with the potential to bring the matter to the full Council in August. 3. Kinq Countv Ballot Measures Diane Carlson, Regional Initiatives Director, with the King County Executive's Office, provided a brief presentation on King County revenue trends and ballot measures. Diane indicated that two underlying trends have reduced general fund revenue capacity: to/o cap on property tax revenue and sales tax paid as a percentage of personal income. Details were provided on four types of ballot measures in King County: (1) response to Lo/o cêp, Q) periodic capital, (3) new initiatives, and (4) State authorized expansion. Information was reviewed on King County Lid Lifts, including: Best Starts for Kids, Emergency Radio system, Parks, AFIS, Children Family Justice Center, and Vets & Human Services. Diane gave a brief overview of potential measures from King County, Regional, City of Seattle, School Districts, Cities/Fire/Other. Further details were presented on the Access for All and Veterans Seniors Human Services Levy. Council President adjourned the workshop at 6:58 p.m. Kimberley A. Komoto Page 2 of 3 Kent City Council Workshop Minutes q, c Cle June 6, 20 June 6, 2Ot7 Kent, Washington ved June 20,2OL7 Page 3 of 3