HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Kent City Council - 06/23/2020 Approved Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes June 23, 2020 Date: June 23, 2020 Time: 4:00 p.m. Place: THIS IS A REMOTE MEETING 1. CALL TO ORDER Council President Troutner called the meeting to order. 2. ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Toni Troutner Council President Present Bill Boyce Councilmember Present Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present Marli Larimer Councilmember Present Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present Les Thomas Councilmember Present Dana Ralph Mayor Present 3. AGENDA APPROVAL 4. DEPARTMENT PRESENTATIONS A. Resolution Adopting the King County Hazard Mitigation Plan and Kent Plan Annex - Adopt Emergency Management Coordinator, Kimberly Behymer, advised the resolution will adopt the City of Kent's annex to the King County Hazard Mitigation Plan. The Kent Office of Emergency Management has been working closely with King County Office of Emergency Management in the development of the 2020 update to the Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan. The adoption of this plan is a requirement for the city to be eligible for mitigation grants from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and some other Department of Homeland Security agencies. Additionally, the approval and adoption of this plan is a critical part of the City’s Community Rating System program. This program provides for credit, in the form of premium reductions, in the National Flood Insurance Program to city residents and businesses. Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes June 23, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 2 of 5 MOTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2015, adopting the King County Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan 2020-2025 update and City of Kent Plan Annex for application in the City of Kent, subject to any minor changes or terms and conditions acceptable to the Kent Office of Emergency Management and the City Attorney. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 7/7/2020 7:00 PM B. Joint Funding Agreement with the USGS for Water Resources Investigations - Authorize Toby Hallock, Environmental Engineer 3, provided information on the U.S. Geological Survey - Joint Funding Agreement for the Operation of Stream and River Gages. Hallock provided details on the gages on Rock Creek near the City’s water supply near Maple Valley and Ravensdale and the gages in the Kent Valley. Hallock advised of the stream data collected during large events. MOTION: Move to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a Joint Funding Agreement for Water Resources Investigations between the City of Kent and the U.S. Geological Survey in an amount not to exceed $108,360 subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 7/7/2020 7:00 PM C. INFO ONLY: 2020 Transportation Grant Opportunities Senior Transportation Planner, April Delchamps provided extensive details on the 2020 Transportation Grant Opportunities. Delchamps reviewed the specifics of the available federal grants that are overseen by the Puget Sound Regional Council and the Washington State Department of Transportation. Kent submitted two projects to the PSRC Regional Program, two projects to the King County Preservation Program, and two to the King County Non-Motorized Program. The Highway Safety Improvement Program Spot Location Program is reserved to locations with a history of severe and/or fatal collisions and WSDOT chooses the projects to award funding from submitted Local Road Safety Plans. Delchamps provided details on the spot locations listed in the City of Kent Local Road Safety Plan. The Highway Safety Improvement Program Systemic Program is reserved for Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes June 23, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 3 of 5 locations with one or more risk factors and WSDOT chooses the projects to award funding from submitted Local Road Safety Plans from Cities across the state. Delchamps detailed the Systemic locations listed in the City of Kent Local Road Safety Plan. Awards for the HSIP programs will be announced in the Fall. The City of Kent submitted one project to the Railway-Highway Crossings Program for pedestrian gates at Smith and BNSF. Delchamps advised that the City of Kent is in the process of developing two applications for WSDOT’s Safe Routes to Schools Program. WSDOT distributes state grant funds for administering three programs: the Pedestrian and Bicyclist Programs, the Regional Mobility Grant, and the First Mile/Last Mile Grant. Delchamps detailed the four project applications the City is developing for the Pedestrian and Bicyclist Program, the City submitted one concept letter for the Regional Mobility Program, and the city submitted one application for the First Mile/Last Mile Grant. Delchamps indicated the Transportation Improvement Board Urban Arterials Program is a statewide competition with $60 million in available funding. The City is currently developing two projects for the Safety band, one project for the Growth & Development band, and one project for the Physical Condition band. The Transportation Improvement Board - Urban Sidewalks Program has been cancelled indefinitely. Staff are working to identify projects for the Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board. The grant might be suspended in 2020. D. INFO ONLY: Update on Small Business Grant Development and Worker Wage Reimbursements, COVID-19 Safety Training Programs Chief Economic Development Officer, Bill Ellis, provided information on the CARES Act funding - Small Business Granting, Wage Reimbursements and Job Safety Retraining program. Staff is negotiating with Craft3, a Community Development Financial Institution non-profit, for third party administration of grants. Ellis detailed the eligibility criterial, that is yet to be finalized and approved by the City. CARES Act funding will reimburse local governments for Covid- 19 expenses. The City is a pass-through for federal dollars from the Department of Commerce to impacted businesses. The City will model its program using King County’s announced eligibility criteria. Focus on most highly-impacted Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes June 23, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 4 of 5 types of businesses, and those kinds of businesses most likely to have missed out on other federal opportunities from SBA programs. Ellis indicated Kent will model designing the grant program and application materials from King County. Kent’s sole responsibility is for outreach. Craft3 is proposed to be responsible for announcement, application intake, decide grant awards, notifications, forms, sign and distribute funds, and follow up. Outreach to business planning is underway and includes: • Breaking down steps and identifying lead persons • Building on relationships City has established over years in communities for support • More equitable outcomes from the competitive grant process best enabled by lowering barriers to application • Part of the reason to follow King County is to build upon their translation push on the voluminous federal application materials, waiver language - then supplement for other languages more prevalent in Kent • No substitute for local networks to help those eligible to self-identify, ensure their business is properly licensed with the City, and makes an application • Anticipating an ability to make approximately 290 grants, or roughly a third of those kinds of businesses most impacted. E. Payment of Bills - Approve MOTION: Approve the payment of bills received through May 31, 2020 and paid on May 31, 2020 and approve checks issued for payroll May 16, 2020 - May 31, 2020 and paid on June 5, 2020, all audited by the Committee of the Whole on June 9, 2020. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 7/7/2020 7:00 PM F. INFO ONLY: Utility Customer Support Program Customer Services Manager, Molly Bartlemay advised the Council of the Utility Customer Support Program. Bartlemay advised the Governor’s Proclamation 20-23: • Prohibits disconnecting residential water customers due to non-payment • Ensures customers that have previously been turned off for non-payment can have their water services restored • Suspends late fees and reconnection fees • Mandates that cities create a Utility Support Program by July 10, 2020 • Current Proclamation is set to expire July 20, 2020 The City of Kent has addressed the proclamation by: Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes June 23, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 5 of 5 • Suspending shut offs • Discontinued assessing late fees on utility bills • Replaced the shut off notice with an urgent notice • Set up short-term payment arrangements • Closely monitoring delinquent accounts • Continued collaborating with surrounding cities • Explored options for customer assistance 5. ADJOURNMENT Council President Trouner adjourned the meeting. Meeting ended at 5:11 p.m. Kimberley A. Komoto City Clerk US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY –JOINT FUNDING AGREEMENT OPERATION OF STREAM AND RIVER GAGES City of Kent Committee of the Whole June 23, 2020 Rock Creek at SR-516 Near Ravensdale Rock Creek Near Maple Valley Clark Springs Watershed USGS Stream Gages along Rock Creek / Clark Springs Watershed USGS Stream Gages in the Kent ValleyUSGS Stream Gages in the Kent Valley USGS Stream Gage Data –Green River/South 200th Street WATERDATA.USGS.GOV/WA/NWIS/RT OR WEB SEARCH “USGS GAGES KENT WA” Green River High Water Event –Feb 2020 Milwaukee 2 Levee Existing River Gage Proposed New River Gage New US Geological Survey River Gages MEEKER STREET BRIDGE S 277TH STREET BRIDGE US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY –JOINT FUNDING AGREEMENT OPERATION OF STREAM AND RIVER GAGES City of Kent Committee of the Whole June 23, 2020 2020 TRANSPORTATION GRANT OPPORTUNITIES City Council Workshop June 23, 2020 Federal Grants Puget Sound Regional Council Regional Program Countywide Programs Larger Jurisdiction Preservation Non-Motorized Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) WSDOT Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Spot Locations Systemic Railway-Highway Crossings Program Safe Routes to School (SRTS)(Federal & State Funds) Direct Federal Grants PSRC Regional Program + Countywide Larger Jurisdiction Program •South 218th Street/98th Avenue South from 94th Place South to South 216th Street •76th Avenue South –North Segment PSRC Preservation Program •South 212th Street from Green River Bridge (west) to Orillia Road •East Valley Highway from S 212th Street to South 196th Street PSRC Non-Motorized Program Transit & Non-Motorized Improvements at W Meeker St and 64th Avenue S HSIP - Spot Locations HSIP - Systemic Railway-Highway Crossings Program: Pedestrian Gates at Smith & BNSF WSDOT Safe Routes to School Program (SRTS) •Due July 20, 2020 •$19.15 million Statewide •No match requirement but preference will be given to projects with a cash or in-kind match •Purpose: •Eliminate all traffic crashes involving children walking or biking to school. •Build connected networks of pedestrian and bicyclist facilities for children within two miles of a school (based on road distance). •Increase the number of children who can, and, do walk or bike to school safely. •State & Federal State Grants WSDOT Pedestrian and Bicyclist Program Regional Mobility Grant (RMG) First Mile/Last Mile Grant Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) Urban Arterials Program Urban Sidewalks Program Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (FMSIB) WSDOT Pedestrian & Bicyclist Program •Due July 13, 2020 •$18.38 million Statewide •No match requirement but preference will be given to projects with a cash or in-kind match •Purpose •Eliminate pedestrian and bicyclist fatal and serious injury traffic crashes. •Increase the availability of connected, low traffic stress, pedestrian and bicyclist facilities for all ages and abilities. •Increase the number of people that choose to walk and bike for transportation. WSDOT Regional Mobility Program (RMG) •Concept Letter Submitted in May •Application due September 2020 •20% Local Match Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Non- Motorized Access to Transit Equity Populations WSDOT First Mile Last Mile Grant •CTR for Small Businesses •Focus: •Downtown Kent including the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) Regional Growth Center •PSRC Kent Manufacturing and Industrial Center •Education, Marketing, & Incentives •No Local Match Required TIB -Urban Arterials Program •Due August 14, 2020 •$60 million Statewide •20% Local Match •4 Bands: •Safety •Growth & development •Physical condition •Mobility •Federally classified route (principal, minor, collector) •Consistent with state, regional and local transportation plans Transportation Improvement Board (TIB)- Urban Sidewalks Program •Usually due in August •2020 Grant Cycle Cancelled •20% Local Match FREIGHT MOBILITY STRATEGIC INVESTMENT BOARD (FMSIB) CARES Act Funds Update Bill Ellis, Chief Economic Development Officer June 22nd, 2020 Small Business Granting, Wage Reimbursements and Job Safety Retraining •Negotiations with Craft3, a Community Development Financial Institution non-profit, for 3rd Party Admin. of Grants On-Going •$800,000 for business less fees from state Department of Commerce •$200,000 pass from King County; potential for same contract •Building upon Partnership with Aerospace Joint Apprenticeship Committee and Green River College: Dislocated Employee Wage Reimbursements and Covid-19 Safety Trainings •$200,000 plus $65,000 from Port of Seattle and $32,500 from City of Kent •Potential to serve 100 workers in manufacturing •Advancing Kent Valley brand; leveraging with Impact WA outreach to businesses •AFA Job Fair: Still Hiring in Manufacturing/Aerospace CARES Act Funding •Reimbursing local governments for Covid-19 expenses •Reimbursing business for Covid-19 expenses •City is a pass-through of federal dollars from state Department of Commerce to impacted businesses •Modeling upon King County’s announced eligibility criteria •Focus on most highly impacted types of businesses, and those kinds of businesses most likely to have missed out on other federal opportunities from SBA programs Screen Shot King County Website taken 6/19/2020 at 8:16 AM Small Business Grants Work Stream Follow-UpOutreachApplication intake Decide grant awards Notifi- cations, forms Application materials Accounce- ment Design grant program Sign & disburse funds What Craft3 did for JP Morgan & Chase Co. City of Kent’s Sole Responsibility What Craft3 did for Prosper Portland Kent will model from King County What Craft3 is proposed for Kent Late July, Early AugustLate JuneEarly June First Weeks of July, Apps Open 2 weeks Mid-July City Negotiating with Craft3 for service City to sign Contract City to follow 1 week after King County opens Craft3 to sort hundreds of applications for compliance to eligibility,evaluate, select,and send checks. Special consideration for minority owned business,indigenous peoples,and immigrants unable to access other sources.Technical assistance in filing apps will come from the City’s many community partners. Outreach to Business Planning Underway •Breaking down steps and identifying lead persons (GRC SBDC, Kent Cultural Diversity Inclusion Group, Cultural Communities Board, KDP, Kent Chamber of Commerce) •Building on relationships City has established over years in communities for support •More equitable outcomes from the competitive grant process best enabled by lowering barriers to application (translation, mentors from peers and cultural communities ready to help out) •Part of the reason to follow King County is to build upon their translation push on the voluminous federal application materials, waiver language—then supplement for other languages more prevalent in Kent •No substitute for local networks to help those eligible to self-identify, ensure their business is properly licensed with the City, and makes an application •Anticipating an ability to make approximate 290 grants, or roughly a third of those kinds of businesses most impacted (which is a guess…incomplete data to say for certain) Thank you. WEllis@KentWA.gov | 253-856-5707 806 Critically Impacted 9,106 15% ©2020 Esri 135,113 Employee/Residential Population Ratio (per 100 44 Total Residential Population: Employeesby SIC Codes Number Percent Number PercentBusinesses 1.2%471 0.8%Construction 332 7.6%3,669 6.2% 53Agriculture & Mining 6.1%9,898 16.6%Transportation 256 5.9%3,849 6.5% 264Manufacturing 0.9%245 0.4%Utility 17 0.4%408 0.7% 39Communication 7.4%8,524 14.3%324Wholesale Trade 21.9%13,386 22.5% Home Improvement 77 1.8%1,224 2.1% 956Retail Trade Summary 0.9%674 1.1%Food Stores 109 2.5%1,932 3.2% 38General Merchandise Stores 2.7%1,020 1.7%Apparel & Accessory Stores 19 0.4%406 0.7% 117Auto Dealers, Gas Stations, Auto Aftermarket 1.8%1,068 1.8%Eating & Drinking Places 324 7.4%3,742 6.3% 80Furniture & Home Furnishings 4.4%3,320 5.6%192Miscellaneous Retail 8.0%2,886 4.8% Banks, Savings & Lending Institutions 58 1.3%491 0.8% 348Finance, Insurance, Real Estate Summary 0.7%187 0.3% Insurance Carriers & Agents 60 1.4%229 0.4% 29Securities Brokers 4.6%1,979 3.3%201Real Estate, Holding, Other Investment 33.6%15,022 25.2%Hotels & Lodging 27 0.6%302 0.5% 1,463Services Summary 3.3%1,068 1.8%Motion Pictures & Amusements 83 1.9%1,068 1.8% 142Automotive Services 4.5%1,811 3.0% Legal Services 57 1.3%317 0.5% 194Health Services 1.4%2,779 4.7% Other Services 900 20.7%7,677 12.9% 60Education Institutions & Libraries Government 64 1.5%950 1.6% Unclassified Establishments 242 5.6%209 0.4% Source: Copyright 2019 Infogroup, Inc. All rights reserved. Esri Total Residential Population forecasts for 2019.Date Note : Data on the Business Summary Esri’s Data which uses census block groups to allocate business summary data to Totals 4,358 100.0 59,517 100.0% Business Summary Page 1 of 2 March 30, 2020 Eligibility for Business Grants •Draft Eligibility Criteria (to be finalized and approved by City of Kent) •Craft3 will ensure compliance of all awardees based on the following eligibility criteria. •To be eligible for an award, a business must: •Have no more than 15 full-time employees pre-Covid-19, Jan. 1, 2020 •Have been in business for at least three years as of June 30, 2020 •Have gross revenues of $1.5 million or less per year •Experienced loss of revenue due to COVID-19 related business closures or interruptions •Have received no other COVID-19 related aid from government programs, including grants, loans, or other support, including: •Paycheck Protection Program •SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan •SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan Advance (grant) •State of Washington Governor’s office Small Business Grant •Or any other Covid-19 related grant programs over the amount of $2,500 •Be active and licensed in the state of Washington, with a physical business address in the Kent city limits on or before March 1, 2020. Home occupation businesses operated from the owner’s primary residence may qualify if the residence is physically located in Kent city limits, and must be the primary source of income for the owner. •If business is temporarily closed due to COVID-19, the business intends to reopen as allowable by government mandates •Must be current on all city business licensing and other regulatory requirements, and not been delinquent in payment on any taxe s or fees owned to the City of Kent as of December 31, 2019. •Award Size: $2,500 per business ($3,000 if able to co-mingle Department of Commerce Funds with King County Funds) Utility Customer Support Program Committee of the Whole June 23, 2020 Molly Bartlemay Customer Service Manager Agenda •Governor Proclamation 20-23 •How Has the City Addressed the Proclamation? •Utility Customer Support Program •Questions? Governor Proclamation 20-23 •Prohibits disconnecting residential water customers due to non-payment •Ensures customers that have previously turned off for nonpayment can have their water service restored •Suspends late fees and reconnection fees •Mandates that cities create a Utility Support Program by July 10, 2020 •Current Proclamation is set to expire July 29, 2020 How has the City of Kent Addressed the Proclamation? •Suspended shut offs •Discontinued assessing late fees on utility bills •Replaced the shut off notice with an urgent notice •Set up short-term payment arrangements How has the City of Kent Addressed the Proclamation? continued… •Closely monitor delinquent accounts •Typical average monthly turn offs (2019): 100 •May 2020 turn offs (if occurred): 423 •Continued collaboration with surrounding cities •Explore options for customer assistance Utility Customer Support Program •Disconnection of Service •Reconnection of Service •Payment Arrangements •Suspension of other Fees and Charges •Public Notification Questions? Contact Information: Molly Bartlemay Customer Service Manager 253-856-5206