HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Kent City Council - 08/25/2020 Approved Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes August 25, 2020 Date: August 25, 2020 Time: 4:02 p.m. Place: THIS IS A REMOTE MEETING 1. CALL TO ORDER Council President Troutner called the meeting to order. 2. ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Toni Troutner Council President Present Bill Boyce Councilmember Present Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present Marli Larimer Councilmember Present Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present Les Thomas Councilmember Excused Dana Ralph Mayor Present 3. AGENDA APPROVAL There were no changes to the agenda. 4. DEPARTMENT PRESENTATIONS A. Payment of Bills - Approve MOTION: Approve the Payment of Bills received through 8/15/20 and paid on 8/15/20 and approve the checks issued for payroll for 8/1/20-8/15/20 and paid on 8/20/20, as audited by the Committee of the Whole on 8/25/20. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 9/1/2020 7:00 PM B. Star Lake Rezone Ordinance - Adopt Economic and Community Development Planner, Sam Alcorn spoke about the Star Lake Rezone Ordinance. This is a proposal to rezone the property located at 2526 South 272nd Street from half CC-MU (Community Commercial - Mixed Use) and half MRT-16 (Multifamily Residential Townhouse) to GC-MU (General Commercial - Mixed Use). The site is currently developed as a single-family house, which is currently vacant and Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes August 25, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 2 of 3 in disrepair. Following the public hearing and reviewing the recommendation by the hearing examiner, the City planning staff agrees with this rezone and recommends Council adopt the ordinance. MOTION: Adopt Ordinance No. 4367, approving the Star Lake Rezone application from half CC-MU (Community Commercial - Mixed Use) and half MRT-16 (Multifamily Residential Townhouse) to GC-MU (General Commercial - Mixed Use). RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 9/1/2020 7:00 PM C. King County Flood Control District Milwaukee 2 Levee Interlocal Agreement Amendment - Authorize Environmental Engineer, Steven Lincoln spoke about the Milwaukee 2 Levee and the amendment to the interlocal agreement with the King County Flood Control District. This amendment will add additional funds necessary to purchase the remaining properties required for the project, which increases Kent's reimbursable amount to the District from $3.65 million to $11.0 million. MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign an amendment to the existing Interlocal Agreement with the King County Flood Control District for the Milwaukee II Levee project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 9/1/2020 7:00 PM D. Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement with the Water Resource Inventory Area 8 - Authorize Public Works Environmental Engineering Manager, Mike Mactutis presented an amendment to the interlocal agreement with Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) 8. This amendment will be to re-admit Snohomish County into the WRIA 8 partnership which requires approval from the other participating jurisdictions. Snohomish county terminated it's partnership with WRIA 8 back in 2018 due to budgetary issues and is requesting to be readmitted. MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign the First Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement for the Watershed Basins within Water Resource Inventory Area 8, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Public Works Director and City Attorney. Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes August 25, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 3 of 3 RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 9/1/2020 7:00 PM E. Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Covington - Authorize City of Kent Water System Manager, Sean Bauer presented a second amendment to the interlocal agreement with the City of Covington for Joint Public Works Operations for CIP 1127, S.E. 272nd Street improvements between Jenkins Creek and 185th Place SE. This amendment is to extend the existing interlocal agreement to December 31, 2023 to relocate the transmission mains as a part of the street widening improvement project. MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign a Second Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement between the Cities of Covington and Kent for Joint Public Works Operations for CIP 1127, S.E. 272nd Street (516) Improvements between Jenkins Creek and 185th Place S.E., subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 9/1/2020 7:00 PM F. INFO ONLY: Quiet Zone Update Transportation Engineering Manager, Rob Brown provided an update on the Quiet Zone project. The next step in the process is to submit the grade crossing modification petitions to the Washington State Utilities and Transportation Commission. The City has been working with the railroad to try and come to an agreement on crossing modifications prior to submitting to the UTC. Once these modification petitions are approved they will be constructed through a separate construction contract. Following the completion of the construction, the quiet zone can be established 60 days after a notification of quiet zone establishment has been sent. This has been a long process, but progress is continually being made. 5. ADJOURNMENT Council President Troutner adjourned the meeting at 4:35 PM. Meeting ended at 4:35 p.m. Kimberley A. Komoto City Clerk Milwaukee 2 Levee Committee of the Whole King County Flood Control District Interlocal Agreement Amendment August 25, 2020 Milwaukee 2 Levee Milwaukee 2 Levee -Low Freeboard, Feb 2020 Milwaukee 2 Levee -Low Freeboard, Feb 2020 Milwaukee 2 Levee –Preliminary Design Milwaukee 2 Levee –Amrik Commercial Rentals Parcels 3RD AV E N U E S . 5TH AV E N U E S . Amrik Parcel Amrik Accessory Parcel Future 500-Year Levee Current Conditions Milwaukee 2 Levee –Artist Rendering of Future Project Milwaukee 2 Levee Committee of the Whole King County Flood Control District Interlocal Agreement Amendment August 25, 2020 City of Kent Committee of the Whole August 25, 2020 Water Resource Inventory Area 8 (WRIA 8) Interlocal Agreement Amendment Where in the world is WRIA 8? Lake Washington/ Cedar/ Sammamish Watershed Kent Governance / Leadership: WRIA 8 Watershed Ecosystem Forum •Stakeholders representing:-30 Local governments (+1 in this amendment)-Community and environmental organizations-Business-King Conservation District-State and federal agencies-Citizens •Fostering strong regional collaboration and governance •Leveraging individual jurisdiction dollars for watershed benefits •Integrating other efforts Interlocal Agreement Funding Local government partners share costs of coordination and implementation Cost share formula: jurisdiction area / population / assessed value Kent cost shares: •Total WRIA 8 2021 ILA costs = $629,774 Kent 2021 cost share = $203 Interlocal Agreement Amendment •Accept Snohomish County back into the Salmon Recovery Council Kent –Covington Interlocal Agreement Amendment ~State Route 516 Jenkins Creek Project City of Covington~ Committee of the Whole August 25, 2020 S. 272nd Street City of Kent Armstrong Springs Watershed City of Kent Armstrong Springs Watershed SR 516 LOOKING EAST Quiet Zones Update Committee of the Whole August 25, 2020 •Train Horn Rule established by federal law •Different methods to establish •Crossing modifications and Utilities and Transportation Approval •Construction •Quiet Zone Establishment •On-Going Maintenance Quiet Zone Overview •Continue working with the railroads on crossing modifications •Continue working with WSDOT on the Willis St maintenance agreement •Submit crossing modification petitions to the UTC •Construction contract documents •Construct crossing modifications •Issue Notice of Establishment •Maintain the crossings Quiet Zone Next Steps Union Pacific Railroad Schedule Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Schedule