HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2019-084 - Change Order - #26 - Scarsella Brothers, Inc. - LID 363: S 224th Street Project - 06/14/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form lombines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WASHtNoroN 3 oLae Originator: S. Anderson Department: PW Engineering Date Sent: 7t19121 Date Required 7t19121 Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee E MaYor Date of Council Approval: 2t19t2019 Budget Account Number: R90094.641 1 0.1 20 Budget? ElYes trNo Grant? @Yes E No Type: N/A c .9fo ELorr- E lFco EooLl'l Vendor Name: Scarsella Bros, lnc. category: Contract Vendor Number 34547 Sub-Category: Change Order #26 ProjectName: LID 363: S 224th St Project prniorr setaitq.Tho city requested Scarsella's crews to mow the area around the pond and the planter stripvrLLL "''""' along tire roadway. This work was paid by force account and tracked on FA sheets 185-190 Agreement Amount: $4,695.43 Start Date: N/A Basis for Selection of Contractor: $id Termination Dare: 225 Working Days Local BusinessT EYes E No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, ptease complete "Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes ElNo Contract Number: cAG2019-084 UIc {Jt \iO ESagc,ioc .9vl Date Received by City Attorney:Comments Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: ad(W22l7l I 20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements Ltt^'* KENT WASHIN6TO\ CHANGE ORDER NO. #26 NAME OF CONTMCTOR: Scarsella Bros' Inc' ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROIECT NUMBER: Lid 363: S 224th Street Proiect ORIGINAL CONTMCT DATE: FEbTUATY 19' 2019 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this change order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equiPment necessarY to : The city requested Scarsella's crews to mow the area around the pond and the planter strip along the roadway. This work was paid by force account and tracked on FA sheets 185 - 190' 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensatiori," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates wssr) and $8,4233n1.67 Net Change bY Previous Change Orders (incl. applicable WSST) $736,652.9s Current Contract Arnount (incl. Previous Change Orders) $9,159,960.62 Current Change Order $4,695.43 Applicable WSST Tax on Order this Change $0.00 Revised Contract Sum $9,164,656.05 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for ComPletion (insert date) 130 working daYs Revised Time for Com pletion under prior Change Orders (insert date) 225 working daYs D a ys Req U red (+)for t h i s ch a ng e o rd er 0 calendar daYs Revised Time for ComP letion (insert date) 225 working daYs In accordance with sections t-04.4 and 1-04'5 0f the Kent and wsDoT standard specifications, and section vII of the Agreement, the contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Alsoi pursuan't to !19 above-referenced contract' Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may n-avl regarding this Change order and acknowledges and accepts that this change order constitutes final seltlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connecteid with any work either covered or affected by this change order, including' without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Changl OrOer, uniu.s otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance wiln the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date' All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous change orders !!f ?nv)' and this Change Order, prior to the effective date oitfris Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the ngreemenL previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change order shall be deemed to have aPPlied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract' 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above' IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below' Nk Its Public Works Directgr CITY OF KENT: Print Name:Chad Bieren. P.E. /tt (signature) (title) kianaturd^D*r- A. -AlEet CONTRACTOR: me DATE: Print By: CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 (applicable if Mayorb signature required) Kent Law Department APPROVED AS TO FORM:ATTEST: Kent City Clerk ltn ihis neld, you haV $ter the eleat'onic lilepalh whec the rottra't hs been $vedl CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 File No. 2OO.2 KENT CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO.26 construction Engineering Division - Public works Project: LID 363 224th St Improvements Project Engineer: StePhen Lincoln Capital Projects Project No: Fed-Aid No: Contractor: 14-3010 ScarsellaJason BryantManaer: Date: 6/3/202I I Pro ed Chan e planter strip along the B5-# 190 heehdnatdhreaaroanutdmsWoteponSdrsecacrewacereuesteityq #ets 1ockedFnSAehnuatdntradbrcefoccoasoWkraWSWdThYroapaY II. Reason and Bac round for Chan e III. Method of PaYment NEW PAY ITEMS I notaPPlicable # 185-# 190 a ternnoaddnethroanduethtatherasspcontcenrnpafromIresegdcamolanItngcicerreedhepTty ht erethedoctnarctedahcosetemktuNrantrctoucpBrScaeauscoeyrserybharoWdSstrilonatevIpeetsnuhonStdkeSaeforcaccooWWrktraascreaassThmathOWeedestcSrsaeciereuOWmnsThtyqg Sch. No Item DescriPtion Total Est. Qtv Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost of Item Mow the pond area and Planter striP 1 FA $4,695.43 $4,695.43 $ $ New Pay Items Total: $4,695.43 DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-O9'5 [ruotappricabre Sch No,Bid Item No.Item DescriPtion Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of ltem $ Page 1 $ Delete Existing PaY Items Total: $ INCREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) I t"totappricabre Sch No.Bid Item No.Item DescriPtion Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of Item $ $ Increase / Decrease to Existing Pay Items Total: $ *TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER:695.43 x Total of the Cost of Item Columns IV. WORKING DAYS 140oPrevious TotalL40Due This Change Order:Original Contract: lanation/Justification for Additional Working Days:Exp *TOTAL WORKING DAYS:140 x This Change Order + Previous Total Date:ttalCapital Projects Manager: Construction Engineering Supervisor: Construction Manager: Jason n Pau Kuehne ric Connor Date Date: 6 €y - z \ (*/ Page 2 SEECLICKFIX ID 9845798 REQUEST TYPE Mow/Trim/Spray/Clean Request for Public ProPertY ASSIGNEE Public Works Construction- Jason Br PRIORITY Normal ADDRESS 88th Pl S & S 218th St Kent, WA, 98031, USA SLA EXPIRES June24,2Q21 11:28 about 2 months left REPORTED May 05, 2021 11:28 SECONDARY QUESTIONS What is the requested action? Mow What needs attention? (lf tree, please submit using the tree request tYPe) Shoulder or AlleY Please enter your name, or the name of the best person to contact regarding this request. This information will not be displayed on the public website' Mary Otani Please enter the best way to contact you directly in case we need more information. This information will not be displayed on the Public website. NA SUMMARY & DESCRIPTION Mow/Trim/Spray/Clean Request for Public Property The grass on this strip is getting to be four feet tall in places because no one has mowed it. And on the sidewalk, grass and blackberry bushes are creeping onto the sidewalk, The problem is on 88th Pl S and S 218th St parallel with Hwy 167 just north of the new Sunridge town homes and around the retention Ponds. Repo rted by: KentWAReg istered Reporter 05 | 05 | 2021 - 11:28AM LOCATION us F6ods cHEf'sroRE9 i i, $oot*r. srcn. oora or;;r @ ? ga ;s I s:rnr,:, f owooQ rFtwillo v{3la Moblle Y H0[re E$lutesI Ernie's Fildl SloP Gorgle n t ooorsQ t l-ldm$on Cre* Map dsta @2q21 @ MEDIA No images available. TIMESTAMP INTERNAL COMMENT May 05, 2021 Kent, wA assigned this issue to Public works Admin- Kara 11:28 COMMENTER Kent, WA May 05,2021 Yes 11:28 May 05,2021 Yes 11:28 May 05, 2021 11:34 May 05,2021 Yes 11:42 May 05,2021 Yes 13:21 May 05, 2021 13i21 EXTERNAL EMAIL PUbIiC WOTKS Admin - I walk everyday down mY hill' Maria A year or so ago the road was widened a bit and new asphalt and new sidewalks and a strip between the road and sidewalk. The grass on this strip is getting to be four feet tall in places because no one has mowed it. lt looks awful! And on the sidewalk, grass and blackberry bushes are creeping onto the sidewalk. The problem is on 88th Pl s and s 218th st parallel with Hwy 167 just north of the new Sunridge townhomes and around the retention ponds' Please send someone to mow and weed soon as it really is an eyesore' Seems like it was only maintained for a few months at the beginning after the improvements were made. Thank you Mary Otani Sent from my iPhone public Works Admin - Maria assigned this issue to Public Works Admin- Miki Public Works Admin' Maria Thank you for contacting the city of Kent Public works department. Your request has been received and has been dispatched to the street Vegetation section for review, This area is still under contract and maintenance is the responsibility of the contractor. Thanks, Ryan lnspectorforthis project isJason Bryant, reassigning toJason to contact the contractor for maintenance. Public Works Admin- Miki assigned this issue to Public Works Construction' Jason Br Public Works Admin - Maria Public Works Admin - Maria Public Works Admin- Miki Public Works Admin- Miki nt:Se B nt, Jason From: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Bryant, Jason Wednesday, May 26, 2021 11:21 AM Jasmine Graham Dan Rivera; Bobby Scarsella RE: 143010 Mowing FA FA#190.x1s;FA#1B9.xls;FA#1B8'xls;FA#187'xls;FA#186'xls;FA#185'xls Dan, Attached are the FA sheets for your signature. On #187 Alejandro's rate was listed at $60'69' All of the other days had him at #4z.to. itrat is the only difference I found. That brings the total to $4,695.43. Thank you, Jason Bryant, Capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 | Cell 253-261-5663 JBrvant@ KentWA'gov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA.gov Facebook "T"inii{t{*r YouTube l}I,.ilA$Ii CONSINEft TI4'i *IS\/TPOMMffNT AH'FSR'S TRTI{TIftG TI'{T$ M'MAII" From: Jasmine Graham <jasmine.g@SCARSELLABROS'com> Sent: WednesdaY, MaY 26, 2021 9:06 AM To: Bryant, Jason <JBryant@kentwa.gov> Cc: Dan Rivera <dan.r@SCARSELLABROS.com>; Bobby Scarsella <bobby's@SCARSELLABROS'com> Subject: RE: 143010 Mowing FA Joson, Here is the work for the pond. I will send Hytek when ihey're done there. Thonk you, Ja*wt't'nu Gna.Ina'vw Operotions Assistont SCARSETLA BROS, INC. PO Box 68697 Seqttle, WA ?8168-0697 Cell: 206-902-8488 1 EXTERNAL EMAIL 224th Ph 2 - Change Order #26 - Pond Area & Planter Strip Mowing Item Date Descri on Change Order #19 Tota l: $ 4t695.43 Amount $ t,346.640s/06/21 Mow grass alon he oondo 224th and at tFA 185 $ L,270.50nd224th and at theMowrass alonosl07/2LFA 186 $ s4s.B8ndrass al 224th and at theMowoslL0/2LFA 187 $ 84.s0ond224th and at therass alMowos/to/21FA 1BB $ 998.91ond224th and at therass aloMowoslL2/2LFA 189 $ 449.00ond224th and at therass aloMowFA 190 0s/L4/2t FA Sheet No 185 14h"\-/ KENTFORCE ACCOUNT WORKED DAILY REPORT OF d Project Name:LID 363 224th St Phase 2 Prime Contractor:Scarsella Project No: 14-3010 oWork by Subcontractor?: Sub-Contractor:Peterson Brothers DescriPtion of Work: Mow 224th and at the Item No.:Date: 51612021 OVERTIMETIME DOLLAR AMOUNTOT RateHrsRateHrsOCCUPATIONCODENAME 294.75c107.7565.54.5Laborer 168.40b142.1LaborerroL 242.761telRafael257.97$85.oreman 59.96 $1 00.55 275.53 LABORTOTAL $ LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 290/o 963,88SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $ STANDBYOPEMTED DOLLAR AMOUNTRate EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHM Equipment DescriPtion ENTS Equipment #25.58$ F1 sO-PU2-210 59.73$19.91F1 50.PU2-251 $30,16F-3503-126 c58.23Cat 938 Loader15-74 a $ SUBTOTAL -EOUIPMENT EAU IPMENT TOTAL 85.31 103.23 17,92EouIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% DOLLAR AMOUNTLJnit PriceUnitsQuantlty MATERIALS / SERVICES $ $ s $ $ oVERHEAD&PROFIT@21% TOTAL SUBTOTAL $ cation of Hours Worked: Dareb Representative oab 61212021 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work) SHEET TOTAL: 1 346.64TOTAL: $ Pay Estimate Entered: Date: By: )t.,i1'SCARSELLABROlHTRS INC,1945RAEDAILY FORCE AGCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTP.O. Box 68697Seattle, WA 9816&0697Otfrce: (2531872-7173Fax (253) 395-1209GONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:Bid lten#:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:Paid on PE#Citv of KentstMoil grass along 224th and pond-5rcn021Robert ScarsellaRafael BarajasAleiandro LunaSiaosi PeleLABOR - Name, ClassificationofiREGorfREGo/TREGo/TREGonREGo/TREG3.044.04.5HOURS$8s.99$60"63$42.1 0$65.50LOADEDHOURLY RATE$ 963.881$$$s257.97$242.76$$2s,4.750sEXTENDEDAMOUNTSEQUIP.NO-F150 PUF150 PUEQUIPMENTOWN orRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPER3.02.OHOURS$0.00$0.00$0.00$0_00$'19.91$12.7SHOURLYRATEsE5.31$$$$s$ss$$59.73$$25.58EXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBTOTALSUBCONTRACTORS$0.00s$ss$$SUBTOTAL SUSCARSELLA BROS,, INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATESUBTOTAL EQUIPMSUETOTAL MATERIAL:MATERIALQTY.UNITcosri$$$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAL THIS REPORT:MARKUP MATERIAL:21YoSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:21o/oMARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:29o/"MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL TABOR:1?/oMARKU P SU BCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL SUBGOMTMCTORS:$1,346.63$$$'t7.9258s.31$279.535963.88$$0.00OVV}IER / CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE ;-{"f.i}--l?iDAILY FORCE ACCOUNT ' EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME, NO.OWNER / GONTRACTOR:DATE:P.O. Box 68697Seatle, WA 981684697Off@: (253) 872-7173Fa: (253) 39+1209COSTDESCRIPTION OF WORK:SUBTOTAL LABOR:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:1v\EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:--, '-- *lr :5t. t -iBROS., INC. REPRESENTATIVE.,j{t,cr\'tt l\\c4_,. ! Ilii: Jr'^vLLi, Li,.f\!,t1-t.i -tLABOR - Name,ClassificationonREGo/TREGonREGo/TREGo/TREGo1TREGolTREGo/TREGOTTREGoffREG.}lJt4u.{u^l locLOADEDHOURLY RATEs$$$$$$b$D$$$D$$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTS\\ ,, /\//.AL.Z7\7,'Ll"EQUIPNO.'5,/er.a- i::,.t.rQs.-Jc,{ --\- l-i.tL^ t "'Yo 'Lclj{"'t'- K';'.srS ?,alc'5liLLf,.\caL S..;fV-15 rirrr'o i-c're3\45r357; $"L!( ^! 1i$EQUIPMENT< \'-x:'i,i/ 14iL<J ([\OWN orRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPER5frHOURSHOURLYRATEb$u$$$$b$sbD$$$$c$b$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSbMATERIALQryUNITcosT$!sUsEXTENDEDAMOUNTSToTAL THls REPORT:l$MATERIAL:l$% MARKUPSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:lE% MARKUP EQUIPMENT:lESUBTOTAL EOUIPMENT:l$LABoR:l$-% MARKUPSUBToTAL LABoR:l$% MARKUPSUBTOTALDATE FAS eet No 186r/A\./ KENTFORCE ACCOUNT WORKED DAILY REPORT OF Project Name LID 363 224th St Phase 2 Prime Contractor:Scarsella Project No:14.3010 Work by Subcontractor?: Sub-Contractor:Peterson Brothers Description of Work: Mow 224th and at the Item No.:Date: 51712021 OVERTIMESTRAIGHT TIME DOLLAR AMOUNTOT RateHrsRateHrsOCCUPATIONCODENAME 524.00D107.758borer 336.80$,1 42.1 $160Laborer $ForemanS 1t2.0859.9656.04Laborerbster $100.55 972.88 282.14 LABOR TOTAL $ LABOR ovERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29olo SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $ EQUIPMENT STANDBYOPEMTED DOLLAR AMOUNTHourly Rate EOUIPMENT OR ATTACH Equipment DescriPtion MENTS Equipment #12.79$12"791F1 5O-PU2-210 $19.91F1 50-PU2-291 U30.16F-3503-126 $ Cat 938 Loader15-74 $ $ $ $EQU IPMENT TOTAL 12.79 15.48 2.69EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% SUBTOTAL - EOUIPMENT DOLLAR AMOUNTUniisUnit PriceQuantitY MATERIALS i SERVICES $ $ $ U s $ $ oVERHEAD&PROFlr@21% TOTAL SUBTOTAL S of Hours Worked: Date Jmon s7pGl2l2021ClwfiePs 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work) SHEET TOTAL:1 I 270.50TOTAL: $ Pay Estimate Entered: Date: By: SCARSELLABROIHTES INC.1945Aeir Q,VDAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTP.O.Box68697Seattle, WA 98168-0697Ofiice: (253) 872-7173Fax (253)39s-1209CONTFACT NAME, NO.:OWNER ' CONTRACTOR:DATE:Bid ltem*DESCRIPTION OF WORKPaid on PE#S- 224th St Proiedof Kent51712021and$$12.79$$s$$$$$$sEXTENDEDAMOUNTS't2.79$$0.00$0.00$0.00$12.79$0.00$0-00HOURLYRATE'1.0HOURSOPERSTDBYCPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERoWN otRENTAL?F150 PUEOUIPMENTs$'112.O8$524.00336_80$$s 972-E8EXTENDEDUNTSEQUIP.NO-$s6.04LOADEDHOURLY RATE$65.50$42,1028.08.0REGo/To/TREGo/TREGo/TREGOTTREGo/TREGWebster FepuleaiLABOR - Name, ClassificationSiaosi PeleAlejandro LunaSUBTOTAL LABOR:SUBCONTRACTORSl$lsl$l$$0.00SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRAGTORS:SCARSELLA BROS", INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATEEXTENDEDAMOUNTS$$$$$$UNITcosTQTY..MATERIALSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENTSUBTOTALs0.00$$ 972.EEs242i4$12.79$2"69gs1,270.49SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:12% MARKUPSUBCONTRACTORS:SUETOTAL TABOR:2*/pMARKIJP LABOR:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:21%MARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:MARKUP MATERIAL:21o1"TOTAL THIS REPORT:OWNER / CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER/DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OFWORK:P.O.8ox 68897Seatils, WA 98168{697olfi@: (253)A72-7173Fax (253)395-1209SUBTOTAL LABOR:SUBCONTRACTORSt$l$bSU BTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:EXTENDEDAMOUNTS$b$$UNITcosTQTYSUBTOTALBROS., INC. REPRESENTEXTENDEDAMOUNTSb$$$b$bb$$$$$$Db$$$$LOADEDHOURLY RATEHOURSofi,2_LABOR - Name, ClassificationREGo/TREGoffREGoffREGoffREGo/TREGo/TREGoffREGotTDEI:o/TREGolT\c./ L,:r,'r i.riw"\\4!r\. ( \ i)I1, jtv,4\t r F {,t::L!'z LG-EXTENDEDAMOUNTS$$b$$$$$0$b$$b$$bb$$HOURLYRATEHOURSIOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYCPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBY)PERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOWN orRENTAL?.lJY\EQUIPMENTi'\5--l,a-{fiit.,c- iili \.'.1-r,r'1-i.'r'-€,... =r t1 zrKl[ ..,-- R.,ri--,.(i rrvo r1' . < ZlrS \^*"tEQUIP.NO.$$SUBTOTAL LABoR:l$YoMARKUP LABOR:l$IPMENT:l$SUBTOTAL EQU% MARKUP EQUIPMENT:MATERIAL:MATERIAL:lS% MARKUPTOTAL THIS REPORTil$ATIVEL FA 1876FORCE AGCOUNT WORKED DAILY REPORT OF Project Name:LrD 363 224th St Phase 2 Prime Contractor: Scarsella Project No: 14-3010 Date:511012021 Work by Subcontracto r?: Sub-Contracto r: Peterson Brothers Descriptio n of Work: Mow Item No 224th and at the OVERTIMESTRAIGTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTOT RateHrsHRateHrsCODEOCCUPATIONNAMEILaborer 168.40$1 00"5542.1roL 242.76c1 00-5560.69 $79.3585bert59"9656ebster Q1 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29% $ 41 1.16 s30.40 119.24 LABOR TOTAL $ SUBTOTAL. LABOR: STANDBYOPERATED DOLLAR AMOUNTRateEOUIPMENT OR ATT ACHMENTS ipment DescriPtionEquipment #12.75$12.791F1 5O-PU2-210 $19,91F150-PU2-291 U30.1 6F-3503-126 c Cat 938 Loader15-7 4 $ $ $ $ SUBTOTAL.EAUIPMENT EOU IPMENT TOTAL 12.75 '15.48 2.69EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% DOLLAR AMOUNTUnit PriceUnitsQuantitY MATERIALS / SERVICES $ $ b $ $ ovERHEAD&PROFIT@21% TOTAL SUBTOTAL $ rification of Hours Worked: Date s^861212O21/s Representative 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work) 545.88 SHEET TOTAL:545.88 TOTAL: $ Pay Estimate Entered Date: By: SCARSELLABR0lHtSS [,rC.tb?DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER l CONTMCTOR:DATE:Bid ltem#:P.O. Box 68697Seattle, WA 9816&0697Office: (253) 872-7173Fax (253) 395-1209DESCRIPTION OFSUBTOTAL LAAOR:SUBCONTRACTORS$0.00$$$$$sSUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:Paid on PE#SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:MATERIALQTY.UNITcosT3$$$s$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBTOTALSCARSELTA BROS.. INC- REPRESENTATIVEDATESity of Kent224th StMo,v grass along 224th and pond.5nono21Rafael BarajasAlejandro LunaLABOR - Name, ClassificationorfREGo/TREGo/TREGQIIREGo/TREGo/TREG4.04.OHOURS$60.69$60.69LOADEDHOURLY RATEs 485.52$$$$$$$$$$ 242.76$$ 242.76EXTENDEDAMOUNTS2-210EQUIPNO-F150 PUEQUIPMENTOWN orRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPER1.0HOURSs0"00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$12.79HOURLYRATE$12.75$$$s$s$$I$$$12.79EXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAL THIS REPORT:MARKUP MATERIAL:21%SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:21VoMARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:?gVoMARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL TABOR12% MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTMCTORS:i641.80$sD2.69$12.79$140.60$4E5.52$90.00OWNER / CONTMCTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTP,O" Box 68697Seatle. WA 98168-0697Ofii€: (253)872-7173Fa: (2s3) 395-1209CONTRACT NIAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:C \'\.4 of, l(.-i\L(t4Ar /& l eX e"t ".t o lt*rt-,l l-"-V't>(LABOR - Name. Classificationo/TREGo/TonREGo/TREGoiTREGolTREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGIt{uHOURSLOADEDHOURLY RATE$$Ir>EXTENDEDAMOUNTSEOUtP.NO.3R jos tesl-- i\rr;.*f-i..t 'R",iL.r ({ \ ti. **xi +t t i,Jt,a:"t*L|r?,t\-r1 fti."rJa{-i{?5.25?3{U ft;\-rrr" -9",q1..\{ riveicctrt(>EQUIPMENT,I',,r\OWN orRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERHOURSHOURLYRATE$$$$$$$$$$$uD$$$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBCONTRACTORSb$$$$ub,SUBTOTAL LABOR:/./ SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:REPRESENTATIVESUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:MATERIALQTYUNITcosTbb$$$EIfiENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAL THIS REPORT:% MARKUP MATERIAL:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:% MARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:% MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR:% MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL SUBGONTRACTORS:I$sub$$$$OWNER/r"_'fZt FA Sheet N 188./>\-/ KENT DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED OCCUPATIONCODENAME ers HrsRate 65.51Laborer Project Name:LID 363 224th St Phase 2 Hrs Prime Contractor:Scarsella Project No: 14-3010 Description of Work:Mow rass STRAIGHT TIME Item No.: 65.50 OVERTII/E OT Rate 107 Sub-Contractor: Peterson Subcontractor?: 224th and at the Date: 511012021 DOLLAR AMOUNT Laborer Laborer 79,35 100.5s 100.55 42.1 60.69 Saiosi P Aleiandro L Rafael B o Q c $59.9656.04Laborerh/ebster F STANDBY $ LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29% $ $1 LABOR TOTAL 65,50 84.50 19.00 ENT OPERATEDEQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment DescriPtionEquipment # OOLLAR AMOUNT SUBTOTAL. LABOR: $ 12.79F1 5O-PU2-210 19.91 30.16 2-291 3-126 $ $ F1 50.PU Cat 938 Loader F-350 EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL I $ t $ $ SUBTOTAL - EOUIPMENT DOLTARAMOUNTUnit PriceunitsQuantity MATERIALS / SERVICES $ $ 84.50 of Hours Worked: SHEET TOTAL:84.50 Owne/s b Jwou TOTAL: 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work) Date 61212021 Pay Estimate Entered: Date: By: SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD &PROFtl @21% TOTAL SCARSELLAEROIHEfiS tNC.19A5ilu,DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRAWORK REPORTP.O. Box68697Seattle, WA 98168-0697Office: (253) 872-7173Falc (253) 39s-1209CONTRACT I.{AME, NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:Bid ltern#DESCRIPTION OFWORKPaid on PE#LABORTSUBCONTRACTORSl$l$lsl$$0.00SUBTOTALSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENTEXTENDEDAMOUNTS$$$$$$UNITcosTQTY.MATERIALSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:SCARSELTA BROS,, INC, REPRESENTATIVEDATE224rh stof Kent1rail belween 224th and SR167behindEXTENDEDAMOUNTS$ 65.50$$$$$$s$$$$3 65.s0LOADEDHOURLY RATE$65-s0HOURS1.0LABOR - Name, ClassificationREGo/TREGOTTREGolTREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TSiaosi PeleEXTENDEDAMOUNTS$$$$$$e$$$$$$HOURLYRATE$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00s0.00HOURSCPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYoWN qrRENTAL?EOUIPMENTEQUIPNO-$0.00$$55.50$19.00$$$$E4.s0SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:12o/o MARKUPSUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL TABOR:29o/oMARKUP TABOR:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:21"hMARKUP EOUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL II/IATERIAI:MARKUP MATERIAL:21o/cTOTAL THIS REPORT:OIANER / CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT I EXTRA WORK REPORTP.O, Box 68697Seatth, WA 98168-0697Ofic€: (253) 872-7173Fax: (253)395-1209CONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:SUBTOTALDATESUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:MATERIAL:BROS,, INC. REPRESENTATIVE- ":/ r'ow r.red ft or.iinnCr''on aeFd*semrnrrved,K..\{-A t! 1(-''t"* o +c^J\,t, <1, t 1.r/EXTENDEDAMOUNTSsb$$$b$$$$u$$$$$bb$tLOADEDHOURLY RATEu^t tEcILABOR - Name. ClassificationREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGoffREGoffREGoffREGo/TREGo/Tatrt:o/TREGo/T,/-))tt<- c5. U t \L i Lr,V.,r pr:rrtvr\EXTENDEDAMOUNTS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b$$uuHOURLYRATEHOURSOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYCPERSTDBYOWN qtRElfTAL?EOUIPMENT("c"n'ilcJ- fi',r.i.+5 r,\,*,"r2! q ",< z1-; 3{F,.r" R",rt-r{1 i\i/9.c,<-? 3 i,,5 i35EQUIP.NO.uu$$$$$SUBCONTRACTORSEXTENOEDAMOUNTSsD$b$UN]TcosrQTY:MATERIALSUBTOTAL SUBCONTMCTORS: I$% MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS: l$SUBTOTAL LABOR:l$% MARKUP LABoR:l$SUBToTAL EQUIPMENT:l$-% MARKUP EAUIPMENT:I$SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:l$% MARKUP MATERIAL:I$TOTAL THIS REPORT:I$,DATE FA Sheet No.:189/A\-,./ 1<ENT DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED d Project Name:LID 363 224th St Phase 2 Prime Contractor: Scarsella Project No:14-3010 Sub-Contractor:Peterson Brothers DescriPtion of Work: Mow Item No.: 224th and at the Work by Date: 511212021 OVERTIMESTRAIGHT TIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsOT RateRateHrsCODEOCCUPATIONNAME107Laborer 168.40142.4Laborerro Q 1 79 Foreman $ Laboterbster b1 00.55 SUBIOTAL - LABOR: $ LABOR OVERHEA D & PROFIT @29% $ 168.40 217.24 48,84 LABOR TOTAL $ STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNTHourlRateEQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment DescriptionEquipment # $12F1 50-PU2-210 19.91F1 5O-PU2-291 11111Ford2-203 $58,23Cat 938 Loader15-74 s EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ $ 11.82 14.30 2.48 SUBTOTAL. EOUIPIVENT DOLLAR AMOUNTUnit PriceUnitsQuantity MATERIALS / SERVICES 336.91$bea9352535-0011sRental#NVUnitsd 297 "28$$ 297.28ea1125-00105#321lnvRentalsHerc b $ $ SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD&PROFlr@21% TOTAL $ $ $767.37 133.18 634.19 Verification of Hours Worked Jason Dav 61212021 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work) SHEET TOTAL: $ $ 998.91 rorAl: $ 998.9'l Pay Estimate Entered: Date: By: \ilUDAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME. NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:P.O" Box 68697Seattle, WA 98168-0697Office: (253) a72-7173FaK (253) 395-1209Bid lter#:DESCRIPTION OF WORKPaid on PE#SUBTOTAL$$ls$$SUBCONTRACTORSSUBTOTALSCARSELLA BROS., INC" REPRESENTATIVEDATEof Kent2241hMow grass along 224thand pond. Return Herc rentalAle.iandro LunaLABOR - Name, Classificationo/TREGo/TREGotTREGonREGo/TREGo/TREG4.0HOURS$42.10LOADEDHOURLY RATE$ 16E.40$$$$$$$s$$$$ 168.40EXTENDEDAMOUNTS2-203EQUIP.NO.Ford Ranger PUEOUIPMENToWNdRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPER1,0HOURS$0.00$0,00$0.00$0-00$0.00$11.82HOURLYRATE$u.a2s$s$$$s$$$$s11.82EXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENTSUBTOTALHerc Rentals 32105125-001Rentals 19352535-00111QTY.LSLSUNITcosT$ 634.19$$$$297.28$ 336.91EXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAL THIS REPORT:MARKUP MATERLCL2lsloSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:27%MARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:29o/oMARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL TABOR:12o/o MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:$99E.91$133.14$ 634.19$2.44s1',t.E2s48.84$ 168.40s$0.00OWNER ' CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTP.O. Box 68697seatils, wA 98168-0697Offi@: lz53ra72-7173Fax (2s3)395-,1209CONTRACT I.IAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:COSTCODE:DESCRIPTION OFWORK:SUBTOTAL LABOR:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS :7l\xJ \c",s\ cr\,rrri .]-oiLl (^i,r;r* i,c,i\.1{ / t3.t;tf.,j'''t- 6Q K<-t{SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:INC. REPRESENTATIVE{*A*,=-* "---,{ I r --ii i *, ) t-r\dL{ o i_ i_+\ 61rLABOR - Name, Glassificationo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGoffREGo/TREGotTREGo/TREGo/TREGotTREGL.lLOADEDHOURLY RATEb$$$$bD$$$$b$!$$$$$D$BCTENDEDAMOUNTS7-zr3EOUIP.NO.aLl"*>t L1!-.N\*-. ce.-'titiq\t1?*-\*.tt v\rc{LTrr.o,cc i47sz67\i-t;i, \ ..i- l{..,tV-15T.:, L i".t*x3" iEQUIPMENT'\ rJ(\OWN olRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERHOURSHOURLYRATE$$U$$b$$b$s$bD$$$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSl$lsl$SUBCONTRACTORSl$l$ls$MATERIALQTYUNITcosTb$$u$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTALTHIS REPORT:I$% MARKUP MATERIAL:l$SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:l$% MARKUP EQUIPMENT:l$SUBTOTAL EOUIPMENT1I$% MARKUP LABOR:I$SUBTOTAL LABOR:l$7o MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS: l$SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACToRS: l$O!\NER /DATE ounfred Rentata' llllllllllillilillllllllllllllillllilllllllilllil *PA RTIAL RETURN INVOICE 1935257 5-001 . .z 22$I&9,.z 65/LOlZa.o5'/05'/21 o8:50 AM I 05/Lo/2L o2:17 PM ;224TH ST, KENT t 111 ARANCE 805 t7700 wgr TU<WIIJA WA 425-25X-8L I'ALT'EY HTCHWAY 9A78e 50 CusInvoiceRenta1 Out RcntaL ln ItR ifob lroc UR .fob # o +J.r{u noFl 22ATH 224TH ST KENT WA 9803]. office z 253-872-7L73 CeII z 206-A17 -0978 SCARSEI,LA BROTHERS INC PO BOX 68697 SEAT'ILE WA 98].68 -0697 Customer ilob XDtP.O. # r 224TH Oraerea AY ; BOB SCARSELLA Reserved BY I iIORDAN RIZVI 3-if"speisoir I CARoIJINE WRIGHT lnvoice Amount: $336.91 ! 'r"trtit"r'r r"' Terms: Du€ UPon RBceiPt eaym"nt optioni, Contait our credit otfice 2 12-333'6600 Ext' 84883 REMIT TO: UNITED RENTALS (NORTH AMERICA)'INC' P,O. BOX 051 122 LOs ANGELES CA 9007 4-1 122 Dav Week Week -QtY Equiprnent 300.00 MOWXR WEED SELF POUIERED Make: BILLY GOAT Model: BC2500HM Serial: 091916111 82,00 L20 . 00 300.00 851. 001 L0542140 Rent.al Subtotaf:300.00 ExEended AnE ' N/c 5.00 5.00 SAIES/MISCEIJIJANEOUS ITEMS :Price unit of Measure Qtv Item REFUELING SERVICE CHARGE SMAI'IJ EQUIPMEN ]. EWIRONMENTJ\L SERVICE CH.ARGE lruEr, sMALr. EQ/MCrl tENV/MCrl 5.000 EACH 5.000 EACH sales/Misc Subtotal: Agreement Subtotal-: Tax: Tot.al: 306 30 336 00 91 9J" CoMMENTS/NOTES: CONTACTI BOB SCARSELLA CELL#: 206-AL1-O9'18 AREYoUoRYoUREMPI,oYEESINNEEDoFoPERAToRCERTIFICATIoNTRAINTNG? CoNTACT rJNrrED acaonMi-iopny 8 4 4 - 222 -23 45 OR WITW. UNTTEDACADEMY. IIR. COM TRAININGIsNoTAVAII,ABL,EoNCERTAINEQUIPMENTINCANADA. Ef,fect,ive tlnuary L, 2O2L antl shere Pe:dtcleat by lar' ualted Rengals nay l'pos' t surchargs of 1'8t lor ctedlt ca!'l pay'etrts on charqe accounts', This surcharge rs not, greaEe" irr"i-i"i-""i"t"o. ai""oriit'iii!-llt-JilJil'"""a lransactiong and is aubjec! Eo sales tax In sone JurlsdictLon6' NorrcE! Thts rnvorce is subjecb co.the te''s and condrliong of the Rertal and gaflice Agreements, wblch are avallable at hrLper/,/w.unirecrrencais. iii/tegar/zcatal-serviieli;;;;:ua-;a *r,r"u o;!'ii";;;;;;; iiliern lv'ref,erence' A coDY or rrE RENTAT' Am sERvrcE AGREEIIENT rimri-liu iveir.lar.c ltt PApER FoRlt uPoll REQUEET. Page: I -ffitnentals* SEIPPING ADDRESS: KENT .TOB 22598 ?5TlI A]IE S KENT, WA 98032 lnvoice Number: CUSTOMER NUMBER: MAIL PAYMENT TO: HERC RENTALS INC. PO BOX 936257 ATLANTA, GA 31193 RENTA'J DAYS/HOURS: INVOTCE FROM DATE: INVOICE THRU DATEI Page I 32105125-001 $ 297.28 6677366 slLg.62 s/06/2t l-3:01 s/72/21 9:37 AMOT]NT E atr 5.25 RENTED FROM: HERC RENTAJ,S ( 722 I 4403 2OTT{ STRXET EA'ST FIFE, wA 98424 PIt: 253-922-3852 Faxt253 -922-7735 Po# : .IOB NT]MBER : R-ENTAI, START DATE I DELIVERED BY: ORDERED BY: SIGNED BY: SAIES REP: CI,OSED BY: QTY EQUIPMENT # CUSTOMERCOPY ORTGINAL INVOICE 5lL2lzl AMOUNT DUE: |lllllllllff Jlllllllllll Res/Quote Number: 534927 07 PAYMENT TERMS ARE DUE UPON RECEIPT LATE CHARGES MAYAPPLY Customer is responsible for FUEL, FLATS' DAMAGE and GLEANUP FEES. SCARSELLA BROTHERS I NCORPOMTE PO BOX68697 ,, 4 ^ sEArrLE, wA e8168_06e7 F -)*w" Tolnsureaccurateandtimelypost]ng,detachandsendtopportionwithyourpayment FORCE ACCOUM| KENT s/06/21 13: oo CUSTOMER BOBBY SCARSEI,I,A WET SIGNATURE AI,DEN MCCORMICK CURT BOYLE Qriqinal AdiustmenEs HT 250 .00 1,0.50 270.50 26.75 297 .28 RENTAL CTIARGES OTHER CHARGES TAXABI.E CIaRGES TAX TOTAI, CHARGES 250 .00 10.50 270.50 25.78 297 .24 NET DUE 297 .28 HRS/ MIN HOI]R DAY WEEK 4 WEEK AMOUNT l- LEAF BLOWER BACKPACK GAS 4/ 8oo240g4L Make: STIHL Model: 8R600 ser #: 24.00 5L8252454 5.83 3s.00 L4o-00 315'00 L40'00 6.57 40.00 1,20.00 480'00 120'00tL52420 1 WEED EATER GAS 4/ 28 ' OO 800026645 Make: STIHL Modelt FS24O Ser #: t7'7845662 LLs2320 SA],ES fTEMS: QTY ITEM NUIVIBER T]NIT PRICE 1 SMAI,T, ENGINE PREFIIEL EA 5 ' 2 5 O 3?6T000001 . PROCONTRACTOR PREPAID FIIEL 1 SMAI,I, ENGINE PREFUEI' EA 5 '25O 3761000OO1 - PROCONTRACTOR PREPAID FTIEL 6677366 Res/Quote Number: 53492707 lnvoice Number: 32105125-001 lnvoice Date: 5112121 AMOUNT ENCLOSED Customer Number: FoTGREATDEALSonUSEDEQUIPMENT-VisitusatEsrqR$ptgls;eor't FA Sheet No.190 .rA>\.-.r KENTFORCE ACCOUNT WORKED DAILY REPORT OF Project Name LtD 363 224th St Phase 2 alo Prime Contractor: Scarsella Project No: 14-3010 Sub-Contractor:Peterson Brothers 224th and at theDescriPtionof Work: Mow Item No. Work bY Date: 511412021 OVERTIMESTRAIGHT TIME DOLLAR AMOUNTOT RateHrsHrsOCCUPATIONCODENAME $107 "75Laborer 1100,s542"1Laborer $60.69B $85.99 56.04borerebster c'100.55 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29o/. $ 126.30 162.S3 36.63 LABOR TOTAL $ SUBTOTAL - LABOR: STANDBYOPEMTED DOLLAR AMOUNTEOUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment # $12,F1 50-PU2-210 19,91F1 50-PU2-291 11.82$tlFord2-203 $ Cat 938 Loader15-74 $ D $ b SUBTOTAL -EOUIPMENT EQU IPMENT TOTAL 14.30 2.48 11 EOUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% DOLLAR AMOUNTUnit PriceUnitsQuantitY MATERIALS / SERVICES 224.60$€a 224.601#NV 1 93525735-002RentalsUnited $ D $ $ $ $ 224.60 271.f7 47.17oVERHEAD&PROFlr@21% TOTAL SUBTOTAL $ of Hours Worked: Jwon t oa@ 6t2t2oz1 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work) 449.00 SHEETTOTAL: $449.00 TOTAL: $ Pay Estimate Entered: Date: By: 0!)'1I194?SCARSELLABBOlHTRS INC,DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT ' EXTRAWORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME,OWNER 'CONTRACTOR:DATE:Bid ltem#:DESCRIPTION OF WORKPaid on PE#P.O. Box 68697Seattle, WA 98t68-0697Office: (253) a72-7173Fax (253) 395-1209SUBTOTALSUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:30-00l$l$ql$QSCARSELLA BROS., INC" REPRESENTATIVEDATESUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:224th stofal224lhAlejandro LunaLABOR - Name, classificationo/TREGo/TREGotTREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREG30HOURS$42.1 0LOADEDHOURLY RATE$ 126.30$ss$$$$$$$$$ 126.30EXTENDEDAMOUNTS2-203EQUIPNO.Ford Ranger PUEQUIPMENTOWN orRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPER1.0HOURS$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$1 1"82HOURLYRATEt'tI-82$s$s$$$$$sG$11.82EXTENDEDAMOUNTSLjnited Rental 19352573'002MATERIAL'lQTYLSUNITcosT$s 224.60s$$$224.&EXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAL THIS REPORT:TVIARKUP MATERIAL:21o/oSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:21o/oMARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:29o/"MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL TABOR:12o/oMARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:t.149.0047.17c$ 224.60$2,48$11.82$36.63I126.30$30.00OWNER / CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER I CONTRACTOR:DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:P.O. Box 68697Seatile, WA 98168-0697office: (253)872-7173Fil: {2sg) 395-1209SUBTOTAL LABOR:blsl$lslslsSUBCONTRACTORSl$SUBTOTAL SUBCONTMCTORS:INC. REPRESENTATIVEDA"-g ----:.,n ,/'{ / q./",ai\(r*{ f ,lf rl,.k,> Lr$ri* l:Lov,r(LABOR - Name, Classificationo/To/TREGo/TREGoirREGo/TREGotTREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGHOURSLOADEDHOURLY RATE$$$$$$$$ub$$su$s$$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTS^ ^42'l-/r>EQUIPNO.\4is1'{;3{ - a'&C,...riic} fint*f 3{\s-r,i<-cfre\*n 6gu"\t*tl'{fotr.t- Rorrl- f Q'r-6'{EOUIPMENTe.'$oWN orRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYCPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERIHOURSHOURLYR.ATE$$$$$$$b$DE$I$$$$$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:MATERIALQTY.UNITCOST$b$$$EXTENDEDAMOUT{TSTOTAL TI{IS REFORTTI$-% MARKUP MATERIAL:I$SUBTOTAL MATERIALTI$06 MARKUP EOUIPMENT:l$SUBToTAL EQUIPMENT:l$o/o MARKUPLABoR:l$SUBTOTAL |-ABOR:l$-7o MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS: l$SUBToTAL SUBCoNTRACTORS: l$DATE {lunifednentars' llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|| RENTAL RETURN INVOICE 1935257 s-002ERANC'T 805 17700 trEsr TuKWTI'A WA 42s-25l-815 VALLEY HTC$IIAY 9878e 0 1 9cnstomer l* I Invoiee Dabe ! RenEal OUE ! RenEal In ! Un ilob Loc ! UR itob f ! CusEomer dlob ID:P.o. * r Ordered BY r Reserved BY I SaLesperson t zo s/.s/s/ 24 11 o 0 0 z L ta /2L 06 /21 o8 :50 Alvl ta/zt 08:29 AMIH ST, KENTotl.rl UI g oFl 22ATH 224TH ST KENT WA 9BO3]- office z 253-872-7L73 CeIt z 206-8!7-0978 SCARSEITLA BROTHERS INC PO BOX 68697 SEATTIJE WA 98]-58-069'7 lnvoice Amount: $224.60 224TH BOB SCARSEI,I,A .]ORDAN RIZVI CAROL]NE WRIGHT T6rms: Psyment oPtions: REMIT TO: Ex1.84883 UNITED RENTALS (NORTH AMERICA)'INC" P.O. BOX 051122 LOS ANGELES CA 9007 4-1 122 i .. ..lrli.i!\rla,,ivjlitN:ii\\il.' Dav Week week Qtsy ion s0.00 50,00 150 . 00 395.00 200.00 1 11L043 92 CUTTER BRUSH GAS POWERED Make: STIIIL Modelr FS111 Serial: 518955556 Rental subtotala 200,00 SAI,ES/MTSCEI,I,NiIEOUS ITEMS :Price Unit of Excended Amt. QtV Ieem tENV/MCI]4,000 EACH Sales/Misc subtotal: Agreement Subtotal: 4.00 1 ENVIRONMENTAT, SERVICE CHARGE 4 .00 Tax:Total: 204.00 20 ,60 224.60 COMMENTS/NOTES t CONTACT: BOB SCARSELLA CELL#:206'8L1-0978 AREYoUoRYoIJREMPI,oYEESINNEEDoFoPERAToRCERTIFICATIoNTRAINING? coNrAcT uNrrED eCaoerai-iopx 844- 222 - 23 45 0R www' UNTTEDACADEMy. uR' col4 TRAINING rS rqoi-nvaII,ABlJE ON CERTAIN EQUIPMENT IN CANADA. k\ #lL\t A' Ef,f,ecEl.ve January L, 2O2r and sb€ra Pgrsltted by law, unlte'l RenEals mav lnpose a turchargo of 1'8t for credlg card Palmeate on charse accountss. rhis surcharge rs noc greaEe, [rr"i"l"i"i.I.rr"tc ai"oo,iilr']iii!-el"-i;;ar;-;";; lransacttons and ls subjecc Lo saleg ::;rL""fir1"llllllitil";ubjec!. uo.r,h6 t€rns-,and condrbion6 of che Benrat and s€rvlce Agr€eoent' wbicb are avallabre-as hetsps3//www.un{r,etrrenrais]Iii,Tiisiil;itiil-".r,iJ"Ii;;;:G-;d *rrrcr, iil-ri";;;;;;;e r,!i"i" uv'refe'ence' A coPY oF rEE RENrArr AND gERvrcE AcREEMEII:I rexui-Aii iveirlslr rx rAPER FoR.lt uPoN REQgEsr' Page: 7