HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-418 - Change Order - #1 - T. Bailey, Inc. - West Hill Reservoir Construct New 5.0 Million Gallon - 07/15/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management - This form iombines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WasHtNcroN o oL CLct Originator: S. Anderson Department: PW Engineering Date Sent: 7t19121 Date Required: 7t19121 Authorized to Siqn: },oi,".,o, or Delignee '€}1ltrf,cf, Date of Council APProval: 12t8120 Budget Account Number: w20054.641 1 0.330 Budget? EYes ENo Grant? E Yes EI No Type: N/A c .9+,G ELota- E ]Hco EooLgl Vendor Name: T. Bailey, lnc. Category: Contract Vendor Number:Sub-Category: Change Order #1 Project Name: West Hill Reservoir project Details: Steel cost adjustment for reservoir floor, shell, and roof due to escalating steel Prices. Agreement Amount: $25,800. 1 5 Start Date: MayOr'S SignatUre Basis for Selection of Contractor: $id Termtnarion Date: 350 Working Days Local Business? E Yes @ No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete 'Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes El No Contract Number: cAG2020-418 Comments:Date Received by City AttorneY: Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: E'lc ry J\o:E=\-vUt|'5 S'o=E8 tgE .9ttl ad(W221/l_l_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements _____07/15/2021 d KENT WAgHtNoro{ CHANGE ORDER NO. #1 NAME OF CONTMCTOR: CONTMCT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: ORIGI NAL CONTRACT DATE : T. Bailev. Inc. ("Contractor") West Hill Reservoir December 23. 2020 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contracfi all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect, For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to : Steel cost adjustment for reservoir floor, shell, and roof due to escalating steel prices. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates and wssT) $8,493,470,12 Net Change by Previous Change Orders (incl. applicable WSST) $o.oo Current Contract Amount (incl, Previous Change Orders) $8,493,470J2 Current Change Order $23,433.38 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $2,366,77 Revised Contract Sum $8,519,270.87 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion (insert date) 350 working days Revised Time for Completion under prior Change Orders (insert date) 0 Days Required (*) for this Change Order 0 calendar days Revised Time for Completion (insert date) 350 working days In accordance with Sections 7-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. AII acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its pedormance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. (signature) Print Name: Chad Bieren, P.E. CITY OF KENT: (title), 'tlr/st DirectorItc trr rhlir \l\/nrke dlTl€l Bonnie Wardlaw Its Contract Manager CONTRACTOR: By Print N (titte) DATE: Atqtz1 CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 ATTEST: tvVl^./ Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORMI (appllcable lf Mayor's slgnature required) Kent Law Department [In thls fleld, you may enter the elecfonlc fllepath where the @ntract has been savsd] CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 File No. 2OO.2 KENT CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 1 construction Engineering Division - Public works Project: West Hill Reservoir Project Engineer: RH2 / Drew Holcomb Capital Projects phil McConnell Project No: Fed-Aid No: Contractor: L9-3027.t N/A T Bailey Inc. Date:Various I. Pro d Chan e shell and roofSteel cost adjustment for reservoir floor, II. Reason and Bac round for Chan e III. Method of PaYment NEW PAY ITEMS ! ruotaPPlicable During Construction)" s eb Iuctreostru ngrrfoethservrecostniethsteelstutmenasannsteecesecaatidjUDtoeeprithg ll r UsecutianotenacentmP(fostuCostaymheSteelAdjtnstusotoitiancongactuaddItsatheamed Sch. No Item DescriPtion Total Est. Otv Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost of Item 16000 a r reservo r oor, shell and roof 1 LS $23,433.38 $23,433.38 $ $ New PaY Items Total: $23A33.38 DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-09'5 p ruotappricabre Sch No.Bid Item No.Item DescriPtion Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of ltem Page 1 $ Delete Existing PaY Items Total: $ INCREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) p ruotappricabre Sch No.Bid Item No Item DescriPtion Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of Item fncrease / Decrease to Existing Pay ltems Total: $ *TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER:23,433.38 x Total of the Cost of Item Columns IV. WORKING DAYS 350Previous Total:oDue This Change Order:350Original Contract: Explanation/Justification for Additional Working Days: Capital Projects Manager: Construction Engineering Supervisor:f^'{ dvl*^r {r'8 Ll alAr I McCon ne *TOTAL WORKING DAYS:350 x This Change Order + Previous Total Date: Date Date: Paul Kueh Construction Manager: Eric Connor Page 2 TBAILE,Y 9628 South Marchs Point Rd., Anacortes, WA 98221 (360) 293-0662 . FAX (360) 293-3893 WWW.TBAILEY.COM March 25,2021 City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 RE: KentWestHill Reservoir, Project 19-3027'1 Steel Plate Price lncrease Attn: Phil McConnell, Capital Projects Manager CERTIFIEO FABRICI\TON As you are likely aware there has been a historically unprecedented escalation in the price of steel over the last few months. when we bid this project on D"ecembe r 1 , 2O2O the price of steel was averaging $0.4igllb. By the date thl Project was actually awarded on December 23,2020 the price of steel had jumped to an average of $0.515/lb. we were watching the market movement and immediately after lle bid results were known and in an effort to mitigate its impact on the Project, we issued a Po to EVRAZ on December 2,2020' lf there was a prontem *in tf'e Award we were prepared to take that risk to controlthe cost' Turns out steel pricing had become so volatile EVRM refused to honor their November 20, 2020 quote that we used in our giO. in fact, they refused to even accept our order - they closed their o-rder books We continued working wltn tnem and were finally able to get the-o,rder.placed on December 16, 2020 at the piil* "t $0.423ltb: This represented an increase of $23,433.38 on the over 654-ton order in a mere two weeks. steel pricing has continued its historic surge into 2Q21. Had T BAILEY not taken an aggressive approach and instead waited to flace the order untiiour recently approved tank design calculation package, the increase would have been nearly $0.30i1b. or $400,000' The source of this surge arises from a correspondingly unprecedented jump in the.price of scrap' Starting in the spring of 2020 Mitts anO Service Centers sawitreir inventory positions d.f9q.9.,u. to COVID-19 shut downs and lowered demand from the market. As a result, they were caught with little to no inventory or incoming mate1al when scrap prlces increased. This ultimateiy translated into the price spike we are "*p*ril'i.ing and a refusal to l'ronor outstanding quotes like the one on this Project. Mills, like EVRAZ, just closed their order books and would not take arf new orders. These actions, in turn, prompted panic buying from Service Centers and large contracied customers in the automotive and equipment industries making problems allthe worse' we realize that our contract with the city of Kent is a fixed, unit price contract. However, we are asking the City to consider "ojusiing the Contratt Price to reflect the added costs associated with what is essentially a force mal'eure Jvent taking into consideration the exposure T BAILEY assumed unto itself by ;laci;g in order at a time when we lacled contract award or an approved tank deston etilculation package. we request tne city issue a change order for the direct cost delta of $23,433'38 as demonstrated on the "ii;"h;d po compariJon sheet and the supporting pre and post bid communication from the supplier. sER 664-001 ,^,STI+SiIrFA \-/ t:tl:bnt,ry ttt)'tit'$sgr$ wlg cg4 'tl,lt t hltsv UETllEN We appreciate your consideration and understanding of the magnitude of the issue lf you have questions or wish to discuss this request please don't hesitate to contact me directly' Kent West Hill Reservoir T BAILEY, lNC. Steel lncrease Letter March 25,2021 Page 2 Sincerely, T ,lNG. n Rawls, VP / Director of OPerations Enclosure Comparison table Plate cost Bid vs' PO Post bid email rejection of PO Pre bid emailmaterial quote EVRAZ order accePtance ,fi\STI +Ei]'FAArfe,. CEFTIFIES FASf,ICAT6Rffi Mmffi i'f,M ;0P3 -i &ltant \.,./ QtztuohtatstYeur PLATE PURCHASE SUMMARYT BAILEY, INC.VENDOR: EVRAZATTENTIoN: Lance RichardsPHoNE: (8771276-0570FAx: (503) 240-5291REFERENCE: KentPO#: AC-664-01-13201-5DATEORDERED: \AOZ2ODATE REQUIRED: 02losl2'lFROM: Alan CloseCOMMENTS: MTRs RequiredPlate to be marked with PO #. hard stamped Heat #, and lD # (lf Supplied)eft237DELIVERYPC MARKEPCQTYDon't ship until Feb 2021THKNESSWDTHEDGF LENGTHMAT'LWEIGHTLGVN test 15 ft-tbs+20" FlmNotuired122FAx: (360) 293-3893TERMS: NET 30 DAYS aclose@Tbailev.comFOB Mill delivered to 9628 S Marchs point RD Anacortes. wA 98221SEE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ADDENDUM ON PAGE 2COMMENTS: This is your notice to proceed.Please conlirm price and delivery by signature below'cou6e 5cou6e 4couFe 3couFe 2couce 1repad /couFe 15couFe 14couBe 13couFe 12couce 11couEe 10couFe 9cou6e 8couFe 7couree 5annularrcofbottombottomPO COSTBID COST$ 23,433.38Difference*Width was increased 1" from the initial quote oneach shell course to net 120 or 96"Date-s 530.306.38$ 22,329.27$ 3.308.04$ 38,359.48$ 2,481.03$ 26.439.82$ 21,681.45$ 25,434.00s 29.503.51$ 33.773.02$ 10.462.02$ 11,719.38$ 13,53s.06$ 18.942.95$ 60.4s7.88$$ 47.11s.45$ s1,701.91$ s6,288.37.4050.4050.4050.4150.4050.4050.4050.4050.4050.4050.4000.4000.4000.4050.4050.4050.4050DeliveredEVRAZAt Bid$ 3,430.56$ 553,739.76$ 2,572.92$ 27.395.47$ 23,156.28$ 30.699.94$ 35,023.87$ 39,780.20$ 12,30s.3s$ 14,2'11.81$ 19,890.10$ 22,484.46$ 25,376.00s 10.849.50$ 49,442.14$ 54.255.09$ 59,068.04$ 63,443.455.4200.4300.4200.4200.4200.4200.4200.4204.4200.4200.4200.€00.4200.4200.4254.4250.4250'19ACCEPTED POTOTALDelivered$/LB,.42501,308,659.66s5,1348,1686,12663,71053,53462,80073.09583,39094,71525,83229,29833,83847,357I21105,010116,334't27.659138,984149,279A36A36A36CSA44WCSA44WA36csA 38WcsA44WcsA44WcsA44wcsA 38WcsA 38WCSA 38WcsA 447CSA 447CSA zl4TcsA 38WCSA 447CSA 447CSA 447360.00240.00360.00500.00375.00375.00375.00375.00375.0037s.00375.00260.00375.00375.00375.00375.00375.00375.00375.00375.00MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME96.0096.0096.0096.00121.OO121.O0121.OO121.0097.0097.00121.OO121.0097.00121.OO121.OO121.00121.OO97.00t 21.00{ 21.002600.3125.3125.9200.3125.4600.5200.610071 00.81001.4500.2600.3130.3550_4{001.45001.0200{.13001.24001.35001842188888888888I88818Page 1 Justin Rawls From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Benjamin Erdmann < Benjamin.Erdmann @evrazna'com > Friday, November 20,2020 12:12 PM Alan Close Lance Richards; Amber Chambers RE: quote AC plate RFQ (002) with Evraz Pricing'pdf Happy FridaY Alan, The prices below are FOB Miil with freight via full rcil car to Anacortes, wA. Material is expected to ship late January Thanks a ton Benji Erdmann District Sales Manager - Northwest h.VftAZ North Arnerica office cell: 503-978-61 07 503-964-9930 beniamin.erdmann@evGzna. oom lvww.evraznacQm rPleasecontactyoursalesRepresentativeforpriceandleadtimeconfirmationattimeoforderplacement. r All shipments from Evraz Oregon Steel are FOB Mill' Portland' OR' r prices shown are based uporiorder placement of the complete quotation as shown. lEvrazoregonSteelstandardterms(Subjecttoapprovalofcredit)andconditionsshallapply. o All quotations are subject to price in effect at time of order acceptance o Lead times are suOjeit to prior sale of mill space and slab availability' r This quotation i, uroil.i to a Raw Materiat durcharge at time of scheduled ship week' The prices in this quote are subject to renegotiation as a result of any regulatory change impacting raw materials From: Alan Close [mailto:aclose@tbailey'com] Sent: Friday, November 20,2020 9:24 AM To: Benja min Erdman n <Benja m in' Erd ma nn @evrazna'com>; Cha m bers <Am ber.Cha mbers @evrazna'com> Subject: quote La nce Richa rds <Lance' Richa rds@evrazna'com>; Amber HiGuys here is anothertankwe are biddingshortry preasetake a rookand ret me knowwhatyou can dothanks, Alan Alan Close PURCHASING MANAGER/ESTIMATOR T BAILEY, INC. (360) 630-s838 DIRECT (360) 941-0762 CELL (360) 293-3893 FAX aclose@TBAILEY.COM www.TBAILEY.COM coNFlDENT'ALlry No'cE: This e-mail message including attachments, if any, is intended solely for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or proprietary material. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. lf you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. Thank You. 2 PLATE PURCHASE SUMMARY T BAILEY, INC. DELIVERY PC MARK VENOOR: ATTENTION: PHONE: FAX: REFERENCE: PO#: EPC QTY Delivered $/LB-TOTAL #NiA #N/A #N/A #N/A DATE ORDERED: DATE REQUIRED: FROM: Alan Close cOMMENTS: MTR'S Required Plate to be marked with PO #. hard stamoed Heat #' and lD # (lf Supolied) LCVN test 15ft/lb @ -10f THKNESS WIDTH EDGE LENGTH MAT'L WEIGHT 1,244,409.83 Fff )* ji?'J'1"1:68 2 Ext 237 TERMS: NET 30 OAYS aclose@Tbailevcom SeE rEnrulS nruO CONOltlOt'tS ROOET'IOUw|Oru pnCE z $ COMMENTS: This is your notice to proceed' Please contlrm price and delivery by signature below' Date.._- Slgnatu I I 8 I I I I 8 I I I .2600 .3130 .3550 .4100 .4600 5200 61 00 7100 .8100 .9200 1.0200 1.1300 96.00 96.00 96.00 96.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME 363.00 363.00 363.00 363.00 353.00 363.00 363.00 363.00 363.00 363.00 363.00 363.00 CSA38W csA38W CSA38W csA38W cs438W csA44T csA44T csA44T csA44T csA44T csA44T csA44T 20,557 24,748 28,069 32,417 45,463 51,393 60,288 70,171 80,055 90,926 1 00,809 111,681 122,553 $41.50/cwt $40.50/cv/t $40.00/cwt S40.0o/cwi $40.00/cwt $40.50/cw1 $40.50/cwt $40.5O/cwt $40.5o/cwt $40.5o/cwt $40.5o/cwt $40.50/cwt $40.5o/cwtI 8 8 18 22 1.2400 1.3500 1.4500 .2600 3125 120.00 120.00 120.00 96.00 96.00 ME ME ME ME ME 363.00 363.00 363.00 480.00 360.00 csA44T csA44T csA44T A36 A36 133,424 | 143,308 61 '162 67,386 $40.50/cwt $40.5O/cwt $41.50/cwt $40.50/cwt Page 1 Justin Rawls From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Alan Close Tuesday, JanuarY 19,2021 9:1 6 AM Justin Rawls FW: PO AC plate PO.Pdf From: Lance Richards <Lance' Richards@evrazna'com> Sent: Friday, December 4,20201:45 PM To: Alan Close <aclose@tbailey'com> Subject: FW: PO Alan, I cannot confirm this order as it stands' I am sorry and hate to bug you with this on vacation but this scrap situation is real' Please call me at your earliest convenience and we can discuss' Thank you, Lance Richards National Sales Manager - Flat Products IVRAZ I'lorth America phone: 503 240-5772 cell: 503 432-6597 fax: 503240-5291 lancg, !:icharclQiQeYla;:,n4.09{}l :4{iU,9,.VI?3r&{!&.P'P"fi I From: Lance Richards Sent: Thursday, Decembe r 3,202011:38 AM Tor Alan Close <aclose@tbailev'com> Subject: FW: PO Alan, My manager is out of the office the next few days' At this point and time I have not found a way to get this order on the books and confirmed' we closed our order book last week and it remains that way' .s going to jump $zo to gtoo at All this stems from a huge scrap increase that is being quantified' Projections are scrap ll ton and will directly impact our slab cost to produce future orders' Hope to have something definitive in the next few days' Thank you, 1 Lance Richards National Sales Manager - Flat Products f;VRAZ l{orth Ameriea phone: 503 240-5772 cell: 503 432-6597 fax: 503240-5291 I q[eedsmrd$tr?gvj.azngJ:$m u,ww.evrazfla.cQlll From: Alan Close Imailto:aclose@tbailev'com] Sent: Wednesday, December 2, 2020 2:12 PM To: Lance Richards <Lance' Richa rds@evrazna'com>; Erdmann <Beniamin,Erdmann@evrazna'com> Subject: PO Hi Lance here is the PO we talked about Alan Close PURCHASING MANAGER/ESTIMATOR T BAILEY, INC. (360) 630-s838 DIRECT (360) 941-0762 CELL (360) 293-3893 FAX aclose@TBAILEY.cO M www.TBAILEY.COM Amber Chambers <Amber,Chambers@evrazna'com>; Benjamin coNFlDENTlALlry NolcE:This e-mail message including attachments, if any, is intended solely for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or proprietlry material. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. lf you are not the intended re.ipient, piease contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. Thank You. 2 PLATE PURCHASE SUMMARY T BAILEY, INC. VENDOR: EVRAZ ATTENTION: JENNifET PHONE: (8771276-0570 FAX: (503) 240-5291 REFERENCE: PO#: AC-664'01 -1 3201 -5 Don't ship until Feb 2021 EPC QTY THKNESS 160 EDGE LENGTH DATE ORDERED: 12lO2l2O DATEREQUIRED: O2IO5I2O FROM: AIan Close COMMENTS: MTR'S Required Plate to be marked with PO #' hard stamped Heat #' and lD # (lf Supplied) LCVN test 1Sft/lb @ -10f DELIVERY PC MARK WEIGHT Delivered $/LB, 1,244,409.83 PHONE: (360) 293-0682 Ext 237 FAX: (360) 293-3893 Date- TOTALMAT'LWIDTH 504,273.43 TERMS: NET 30 DAYS aclose@Tbailevcom SEE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ADDENDUM ON PAGE 2 COMMENTS: This is your notice to proceed' Please confirm price and delivery by signature below' Siqnature 8 I I 8 I .2600 .3130 .3550 .4100 .4600 5200 96.00 96.00 96.00 96.00 120.00 120.00 ME ME ME ME ME ME 363.00 363.00 363.00 363.00 363.00 363.00 csA38w csA38W csA38W csA38W csA38W csA44T 20,557 24,748 28,069 32,417 45,463 51,393 .4150 .4050 .4000 .4000 .4000 .4050 $ 8,531.25 $ 10,022.83 $ 11,227 .41 $ 12,966.86 $18,185.24 $ 20,814.19 I I I I I I I 't8 22 61 00 7100 8100 9200 1.0200 1.1300 1.2400 1.3500 1.4500 .2600 .3',|25 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 96.00 96.00 ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME 363.00 363.00 363.00 363.00 363.00 363.00 363.00 363.00 363.00 480.00 360.00 csA44T csA44T csA44T csA44T CSA44T csA44T CSA44T csA44T csA44T A36 A36 288 70,1 71 I 055 s26 100,809 111 1 1 1 14 61 162 67 b .4050 .4050 .4050 .4050 .4050 .4050 .40s0 .4050 .4050 .4150 .4050 $ 24,416.64 $ 28,419.37 $ 32,422.10 $36,825.1 0 $40,827.83 $ 45,230.83 $49,633.83 $ 54,036.83 $58,039.56 $ 25,382.22 $ 27,291.33 Page '1 ry EVRAZI,o*u,rNrNA PM-360923 00 puc L0, 4020 L t-ea !-I eqro? orolrDtl Gto6l pHoile 14d00 N. nlvEfrGAl'E Bl.vD,, FORTIAI|o' oR 97?03 {603} ?40.6?4S AC- 654 * l1"-13301-5 EvnAE oxp{et* to shlp ths viosl( ot az / 0 1 / 21 gVnAZ'S 0stlm0l6{l p{odu€llon flnd dellvery scn0dul03 0rs {ub}eca to ch0nEs vlltnoutilstho' EVRIZ sh$ll !t{nf$lt 9lqtug ropodr to Qustoln€r' {8t0) 46&8sl I wo a.knowbrlotwlth thmkr thg rrc0lpi ot yout ord.f lttjlch hst b00n honrcllbtd !s rhown tbovo. iou nttrrl nollly lE lfimtdlohly tllhlt. 6rd fiy kotrMllrlioh 0rl0E-'. .Eii;Aiil;;rd;;;ivour irdor tt tonottlonod onvuur eirrorntnlthet lh' TERhfi ANB c;;$fldN-6;;;;ii"tt-thi aqh rnd Excludvr icme lnd condluorr 0t EvF'Arl dsltsct wilhvo! {ovfilntvour ordrri yotlt sgroomffil(othnt oftool sb0l bd pr66fmtd utl0tt ro'riuj*tttt*oti in*rtllfl0;lulln l./tdryr tofi your roctlpt hltset' uMrATloN Or tuAnflA*TlEs At{D Remsolss sFEgIFtC PROVTGIONS DISCLAIMII.IE CERTAI!{ WANFA$IT{ES Ail} r.lrirrttto rrmgntre Fok EnrAcH APP€AR oN xvf,Az'r TERMS nuu coNprto;ta nuD GoveRu TH!8 COIITRACI' EVRAS lilc. HA{EvFAe',) TOTAL IJIJEIOI{T 3*38-53309-04-03 1,/28 10fi{ 25TII NET 30 T. BAII'EY.It{C 9628 SOT'T$ MARCHS POINT RD ANACORfES, 9fA 98??1 ORAO€ SPECINCATION ceRBoll srRuc"uRAL QOAtrrY FITATS cs* c{0,?1-13 GRADE 38st t260Wi KILLED T'TNE 6RAXN PR}CTTCE 3./2 ASrM A6lA?0 FLATBISSS TOrJEn. DIS STAT'{Pi[TT{I, PIJATS ID, PO]I Erg sT.aJdp ll{sTrl{t#r PLATF rF, FO# FRBP}:D I - RAIIr t{sA-ANACORTng, wa T" BAII^'EY" TNC 96?8 B. lrARctl'g PoIffr nn AT{TACORTES, WA 9822L srrEtAL rN$t,tusll0l'lt STOCK *** NO S?OCK ORSERS / Cg4L *** ALL ORDEN ROI'I'TNG DUE TO DIS STAMP RgQliXREllENgS rRC'!4 CUS?OMER EXACT PTSCE COT'NS SUBMIT SUE-SIZE &Ufo STEITCIL FO# AUTO STEFCIL ITEE I}?FO AUTO $TE}ICI& PAN,T NUMBER I4AK LI!'T WT -LZ (TO$S) DO NOt DIrx grzEslMorg Il{ A trFT TARP - TJOAD FROTECT rARP I,VA-f'AnP ONLY N0 DL&STIC OVERHSAO CNANE RECEI NG llR$ : TAld-? r 30PlI OlilIrY NSA A$ACORTES,WA rle I{ITII SgrpldENT s il I p r o s o L 0 0 FISCE I4EIGHI ITE}I WSIGHT 3{o? 1.5 N P&ICg (USD} g0s TTEM 1 cusT, ITEI'f QTY. pcs I SIU S . DESCBXPTION .1600x97MEX315 F3# COITR$E 15 .3130 X 97tffi 't 3',|fi P?{l couRsE .14 .3550 1( 97ME 11 3?5 Fq{} couRsE 13 L577',1 6 2692 ?1.456 43 .00 cwt 3229 25832 4A.00 c!{r 3651 29296 *?.00 Cl'lr Ascrylorcherfiewlllb0*secteedst 18qt PgR ANIrU${ Aa I AC-664-01-13201*5 CUEYOMM OREER NUI'4BEN By A}'BSR C}TAMBSNS P[r-360923 00 1 COMI H EVRAZI,u*ourNc NA pM-360923 00 pEC 10, 20e0 t lgqsj Evrtl dfs$sn StoBl PH0l'lE {d400 N. RIVfROATE B|'VD'' pAfiTlANn, on 97?03 (s03) ?40"6?40 Ac*664-0L*1"3201-5 EVnAi oxrlests ro $htp ih$ w00k or Dz / 0 L / 21" EVfiAt'$ s$thllatell produetlon and dellwty e0lr€dule$ nr0 si.rlrlwt to challUe wlthout notloc, EVnA? eh0ll hrnlsh sttt{s rouolts to ctl$iolnor' {800) 4Ba'osls lvr0ctnotalsdct|tllh lhrngr tho ticlldotyoul drdtr urhl6h hil b66n l'ercdb?d st .t'own 6bov0. Vou $usltdlfyul lmm!Clsl{ly lfu0l. u. rny lrMlollptlqLtrl-ojsj-. r\;iid;r-cmri6;;;ivour orrlrrlr condltldrrort onvour'0r00fl0n{thrtulsTERftlS Ailr iiirionlor.r-s iir*tt tcGs rola rnd cxcturiug t mr rr{ ooR'lluow 0t EVRATT eonbrrl ultir-vou lqvrrlrla your ofdrr; ya ur 00rrrmsnt t0 lh Et {tract ihrll be lrrgtmid untt: I vuu iutrir ureoriin w*urtg iitt"ln ld; dsytlrom yodr ncslpt herooL tllvlllATlo& 0r wAFRAfllllS At.lD RefilEOtEs tt?EclFrs pRovtsloils Dlscl"AlMNC CER'AI$ wAnR&lTlE8 Ailo iiruriilrc n:meorg FoR EReAct{ AFpEAR 0ll ?vRAr'g TEBI'/la At'lD col'lptTlorun Atlo GovEnll THls c6NIRACI' svnAl lNC, tlA {"EVRAZ'} EHIP V'A CODE I o L F T o H I P T o GRADg SFECIFICATION SFECIAL lf lsrR{tgTlollS ****t* OF.DEA pld-360923-00 coNTf NUEn FAGET ir***** trog ITEM CUsT. ITEM prY. pcs sv7,E - tIESCA.TPTION FXSCS WEIGIIT ITEM WEl6HY PR:,CE (usD) 4 o ,4100xg?t'fEx375pfll couRsE 1? {e30 33840 42.00 c!{s I .4500x1.21.I{EXs?5 FTif COURSE 11 5919 4?35t 42,00 c9{T A s{r{he dlarso wlllb€ileeescedat lgB PER AIINUM ec-664 - 01 -X3201-5 15'.17',16 rrfra ffnllilom dlow{d by}svr, eJncfl.vot PliFl, aru t$bl0{t to 6h.ur0p h lgcodande b 1t68, on 03Btdr:e 8caaufllc, ili& gogl'?E h&lrEnd condfilollr' ALt PRICESAlE Fobfllrt uNtE$t O'}IEFU'ISE EPECIFIfD illiyftllll{col'l ?tlE FACE OF THE NOOUMIIIIT, Bt AUBSR CHAMBERS PM-3609X,3 00 2 ESTD E EVRAZIuu*rrNc NA Plt-36093{00 DEC 10, 2020 L I en$Sl Evme orcgon $loal r{400 N. Elvef,oATE SLV0. poRTtANq oR S??03 (8001 rl68-s0t3ptioNE (603) 240.5240 gvnAz*rpsctt to shllt lhe rr{6t or 02 / 0L 12L EvnAZ'8 €eltmalsd prodilcu$n 9nd dollr0ry tctl0dul0e srs subloot t0 ehangt wllhou notlc0' gvRAU 6h0ll nlrnlsh slat(s rtnorts to cusloln4r,Ac- 66{- 01 - L3201- 5 w.ackh$flllds. rvllh thnnfi! lf{ rtcolpl dtyou ordrrwilch h!! b0tn $silfllbtd l' shovm rbow, isu mottnolltyur hmodlatdlylt{hlro ril ffiy lt6ntqlpffo[ 6trcN'-. Ev-liait ".aninnct otvour irdrr ls condllhtod on tour rgrsrrysntihBt lhi TERttS AflD lirirdirlril.riiiniurqro'tht tol, fid.3el{tlve t$mt stld condluont ot EvRArl conbnct wllivou covtrlng ys$t ordorl yourlgr&nunll0$sl.ltecl rh6fi bs prsrunod urt'dt ioil iUs"t unnlo tf, tdl[fi{ rYilfttn l0n dlyr ttdn yourm(rl0l homol TMITATIOH OF WARRAIITISSA}ID REMEbIES npEcrFtf pnff Blotls olsculM$Io CERTAIN li,AfiEASTrce AND irrlriituc neusotre FoR ERgAaH AFFEAR oN Evnrz'a TEn[43 AND COtlDlTlONs Al'lD GOVERil tfllS COIITRACT. €vnArl',rs, NA {',EViAt} TOTAI WEIGHI 3-36-53309-0{-03 l/2s6 L!fii ?5TIl NET 30 T " B&XfrEYr INC 9638 SOUTTT MARCHS POXNT RD AN&CORTE$, WA 9e221 gRANE EPECINCATION CARB0I{ $TRUCTURAI, QvALITv FLAfF csA G40"?1"*L3 GEADE 44Iq (300W' L/2 ABTM A6/A?0 Fr,ATNsSg TOI'ER' DIE STAXFIII?#, PI,AT$ 1P, PO# DIS SfAHp IllSf rHT#, 9IJATE ID. FOlf rJcvlr L5 FI.I;BF AvG @ 20 F (I{) PREPATP r - !(Jtru N8A-tt{AcsR3gs, 9{A g. FAXLEY' IllC 96?8 S. MARCH'6 POINf RXI ANAC0RTEST WA 9a22L sF€ctAl tusTEUcTlolls STOSK *** N0 8r0cx ORDSRS I CC41 *** ALL ORDER ROIrLIblG gUE TO DIE $IAI{P NEQTTIRSMENf,g FROM CI'STOEIER EXACT PIECE COUNT SI}sMTT SUB-8IZE AUTO S?E$CIL PO* AUTO S"EI.TCTI, ITES{ INtr'O AUr0 S?EI{CII, PART NUMBER MAjK IrIg'T 111' *J.? (TO$S) to NoT UIX STUESy'MO|S lll A IrrrT TARF . T,OAP PROTNCT TARP IJY4 -TARP ONTJY IUO PLASfSC OVER}IEAU CRAI{E RE0HI $16 HRSr ?AM-3;30PM OI{LY !{sA 3,}tACORf[s, ?{A T/R rlrll{ sHrruENT I Gt D ? o & H Ip T(| PsECE WElGIIT TTEI.f WEIgHT 11?3 1.5 N PRlCE (u8D)EOS TEFifi cu8r. ITSM Qrv. PCS I Ie-664-0L-13?0L-5 cuBTOilen ORPER t\tt MBER SI?$ - DESCBIFTTON 1"0200 x 121il8 lc 375 pr# couR$E 5 1.1300 lc L2l,uE lc 3?5 PT{+ COUnSE 4 1.?400X:.21M8x375 p?# couRsE 3 631240 L3L26 105008 {? .50 c'$qr r.4541 X16328 42.50 cwT ts95? LA7666 42'50 CWr Aserulreehsrgewlllheasi$sFodat X8% BER AIINOM or rhg mulmuil illogod byl8w, whlchcu€llf lals ofl part dJ! {t8ouil(' Prlrlt ffi lutdrclt0 chuio ln iccodarcc wlthEollMr itmr ed cofidlllone 1 a I3 5y AIIBER CRA!{BENS PM-3 60924 00 1 CONT s EVRAZI,u*ur{,,c NA FI't-350924 00 DEC 10; ?020 zEvmr Oregon 8!e6l pHoNE 14400N,RIVERGATE8tV0.,poRTtAl$D'ORs720S (603124.+5?40 AC- 554 -01-1320X-5 !bova.int tutEAil8Ai{O rok rfidtxciI'vabnnrand r[h you c{Ylthg tolobtsrlhfiio U$sJ EvlrAze$pecte to EhtF thr wetk ot oz / 0L / 2J' FVnAZ'd €rilma(od producllon and dGllvety ithodul0$ aro lubl|ct to changs wllhoul n0ll6e, SVRIZ sholl njmlsh slalu$ rgporti lo customer. (800),16&8s13 TIMITAIIOIT OF WARRAII'IES AIO REMEDIE8 SpECmC PBovlslo!{8 oltcultltl'le cERTAll{ I{ARR ll{flEa AI'ID uMlTtila nemeoEe Fon bREAcH APPEAR O]l wRAi!'G ffnfils Ar{B CONO'TIOI{S Allo Gownll ?tff8 cot{TRACT' EVRAZINC.l,lA fEvRAr) I ot p r o B tl I p T o GMO; SPECIFISATIOII SpEClll l[ETRIJCtIONE r***** oRDER p!,I-360924-00 CON'rINUED PAClg2 **"*** EOS rTEfi cusE, I'IEI{ QTY- PCS SIZE - DNgCRIPTIAN PTFCE WEI€HT XTElE WETGHT PRICE {asDl 4 I 1.3500x1?1u8x375 PT# COURSE 2 L73?2 L38976 4?.50 Cwr 5 I 1.4500XL21!dEX3?5 Ps# couRsE l" 18559 !49272 42,50 CIdf Ac-664-01-13201-5 637244 Aeervlcecharosrvlllbsa$$eSsedat 181 PER ANNtm or Hl. $6rlmun dlttwd by |ar, $,tl€h.vcr b h 14 on lart du. lcccuntt-. .. Pdr.t art ruHr€ttt shlrlll ln lracrd'llcl YrluEool{l bm! lnd sondRloru' ArL pRlcEs ARE roB mlLL UtlLEss otfiE8lflt8s SpEclFlEo cuSToMSR OnWniluh4EEF N WH'ltIE OH ?lH FlcE oF ftlls Doc0fllEl{T. [lst'thcllld,b. of F,/Met.d&sct By A!,IBER CNAUBERS pMr3 50924 00 2 glfi' E EVRAZI,'*^,NC NA 6vror Ore0on 8t6ol PHONg I4dO#N. RIVERGA|E BLVD,, POfiTI.ANO' OR S72S3 (603)?40.52C0 AC*6 64 - 0L*13 301 -s (800) 480.$st3 EvIw oxFesrs ro Bhlplho wse{ ol a2 lILl2L evllAl'8 esill*atsd producilon ard dollvery echsdulss ttru sulrJsol to chstgs wl{ho{t noti06, HVRA! endl flllrleh stalug l€pons l0 q$ilolllel TIMITATIOI{ Of WARRA$ilE8 4flO NEffiEDIES EFACFIC FtrOVISIO'{E OIECI.TIMUIO CERTAIH WAfifiAI{IIES AiID LIMINHE NE{I,IEDIIE FOT SNgAfiH APFE}R O$I EVIAE'E T8NM8 Atlb cot'lolTliltg n$O GoVeRH ?lll8 cOl'lIkAcT. EVRAU rNC, flA f'SViArt prd*360926 00 DEC L0, ?0?0 1 LIISEJ W{ rdknoBfudso sfihlt$,llil lht tlc{ltl of}roqrot{or $ft10h hu blsn lnnlEdltsd * rhor,tn oltovo.iou nurlro$ry ur lffixr{ficldy llth.To 6/l Mytrntirlpsot 'rt0la-..ivfrrtiiiri.cot*ci of vour 6rdlr lr condiUdnrd on vsu rgr.flrlht hot hr tESt{3 ANO EOlfOfnOt'fS ionmi]ll ths rc|. lnd otductuo t ttflt mdsondlllotl of F/RAfl contflct ;ti'toii;;v.ffit;tord.ti yout !ers.m!t*l lo thattltsrl fidl b! pterumodunlott w'iiltrcl tlrnto tnwrtllns l4lthln tsn dsyr fionyourl.illPt htnoL 3-38-53309-04-03 1l2q 10TH z5TlI NUT 30 T. SAIIrQY, JNC 9628 SOttTtl MARCHS pOTIIT nD AlrAc0RfEs, wA 98221 6RA'E spEelfi4ATloll CARBO$T SgRgglURAI, OUAT,ITC PUATE c$A G.{0.21--L3 GRADE 44W t30ow} L/2 AsrM A5lA2o rr,ATNEss ?oIrER' DIE SBAI4PTHT#, PY,AYE ID, PO# DrE $..TAU9 llitsTrllr#, FI,AT8 rD. goif r,cvN ls P5"LSr Av6 @ 20 F (H) FREFATD 1-esrt N8*-A$ACORTES, WA T. BAILEY. TNC 96?8 $. MARCIT'g POINT ND AHACORTEET WA 9823L EPECIAL INSTNUCTIOilS STOCK *** ![O STOCK ORnFnS / CC41" *** AI'L OSDER ROLXTING DUE T0 DIE 9TAMP FSQI}IRES{B!,ITS FROM flgSTOUER SXACT PIECE COITAIT $UE!.$T SUB-SIEE AUTO STE$TCII, FO# AUTO STESCII. ITEM INT;O AI TO STEHCII, PART N:UMBER I{AX LI!'g Wf, *L2 (foNsl DO NOT MIX SIZES/MO'g IN A tlFT TARP . I,OAD PROTECT TAn" LV4-TA&P ONI,Y $O PLASTXC OVERIIEAD CRAITE RECSI N8 lt?sI ?.4$!-3:30P!f ONLY lrsA AllAcoRtEs,lfA ?IR WXTH SSTIFMENT TTEM WETG}IT s 0t 0 T o I H I $ T 0 PIECE wErsnr 1123 15 N PR,:CE {usD}EO8 TTNM I fitsr. ITEN QTY. FCg a ^ee- 654 - 01-13201- 5 sru n * DE$eRrFlro!l 1.4500 IC 121Mn X 260 FTll RAPAD/t'laltwAY 12937 1.?93? 12937 4e.50 Clsr As€tvlceahnrgewltlli€dssoesedat X8& 8ER AlINttM d lhr rn!llmufl allowddbyl$#,Mtch.vlt la 16l!, an ns[tdBt rccoilntc' Fdr6, rr, lqbj.dt4 ch.Ilst lil rccordd,lt vs0t E03M'r trmr rnd condlltrc' Atr PR6ES NRE FOfi l![LL UIILEES oTltEnllllsE €pEclFlE0 lll wHT$lc of{THE FACE OF T$rg oocl,ME fTTOTAL WIISHTCUBTOMSN OROiR N,MEEFRETER''.ICE ORDEN N6. ay R!{BER CSAIdSERS pld- 360 9t 6 00 1 END H EVRAZ{,u*,rNC NA PM- 3 6 09?7 00 DEC 10, 2040 1 Evrar orsgotr Etsdl FHONE I44OO N. frJVERGATEOIVO., POHTIANO, OfI O72OO (600) 210.6240 Ae-664-03.-1320:.'5 L$s*-l EVnAzextlscts toshlp thewoah ol az / oL I 2a HVfiAtr'$ csllm0ir{ Fl0ducllolr ard dslltt6ly gchsdulss are *ubldct lo {hnlt0e r\lllhout holles, E\rRAt 6h8ll ft/mlell stf, lus report9 10 cuslonler, tsoo) 4s8'8913 3-38-53309-0*-03 1/t& lorH 25TlI NEf 30 T. BAILEY,INC 9528 goXtTH !{ARCIi6 Forlls RD ax{AcoRfEg, IilA 98?21 CNAOE EPE6IFICAT*ON CARBON 6TRUCTI,RAL QIIA&ITY FLATE AsrM 436-lslestes sA36 2019 ASTM A?09-18 ERADS 36 KII'I,ED FI$S SRAI$ PRICTICP ] 12 ASTM A6/A2S rr,ATNEg$ TOTER- OIE S?]IP!F:T{T#, PI,ASE ID. PO# DrE grAMp IN$T:Htil, pIrA?E Ip, poi* 9NEFAID 1-NAII, !'SA.ANACORTES. WA g, BAILEY/ fiqC 9628 S. MAnCilrS FOXNT RS AhIA.COR?8g. wA 98?t1 SFEC}8L lilSTRt CT|0HS STOCK *** NO STSCK ORDERS / CC4L 't** AIJt Ohl)EB NOLTING DUE TO D]E STA$P &EQOIREI,ISNTS FRCM CUSTOMER SXACT PIESE SOUNT SUBHTT SUB-gIZg ATXTO STE}ICII, FO# Agro $TENCXL rrsu r$ro AUTO STENCTb PARt $UI4BSR S{AX LIFT 911 *12 {TONS} DO NOT MIX STZES,/MO'g T$ A LTTT TARP . LOAD PRO?ECf rANP I,V4-TARF ONLY NO }I,ASAIC OVSRHEAD CRANE BECEtrVII{G ER6r 7.[!6'3 :30FM Olfi'Y NgA ANACORTES,!{IA T/R vrrTl{ SHIF!{ENr ITEM wEr6HS E H I F T a * 0t 0 T 0 r.L01 15 N PRICE tusD)EOS IIEM L cssT, TTEM QTV. FCS x8 18 Ac- 664- 01- X5 201 -5 SIAE . DgSCEIPTION .3125 ti 96ldE x 360 Ff# AN}TtIilAR .t600x96M8X500 pr# n00F .3125X961f8X360 FT# BOTTOM PTECE I{ElGIiT 3 063 3539 3063 A !0rvlta ch0rn€wlll nsa63€tssd !t 6L26 42.00 c9fr 637G2 43.00 cl{l 55L34 44.00 et{T 18* PER ANNUM t 3 133 13C CSSTOMER OR$ER IIUMSEBonDEnilo. FSFEITEI{CE w' [eftnoithdor wlth tlmrltl lfi! rlcohl olyst ordqtwlrlch hil brql lrmrgrlbed rr rhdvn nbovo, You lhuEt muly ul lDmrdlnltly |tth0n 5r0 s4yl'strtlgl]on. enql! . rviriin iio.utrn$ olvout;rdlr lr toiditlolrd sn vourrgioolrnl bit tht TERitls Al'lo ctilloffoNs ionsgf,rtr tht i0l0 .ltd erclesivo h$n. lnd colld-lons ol A/R'l!l contlrt !fi{lhyou 0ov0rln0 your Dtd0ti yotJtqtr!.honl to0r[t 6froc'l lhdlb' pre'um'd ilnllt' viJ,iltra [,q,"6 h wdtlnn it*ln tu arvr rrom yout rcctlplh6noL LlMllATlOt{ oF $lAFRAtlTlEs A!{0 ngfifEuE8 6Fg6IFfC PROViSIOSI$ D'SCLAIMIIIO CEilTAIH WAf,RAf{IIEB ANO [mnrirlrc nemepEg roR BnEAcH AFPEAn ol{ gv*Az'$ TEnMs AfiO goNslTlollB AND 80V:St* Tlltg doHTfiAgT. EVnAeNC, fiArEvRAl"; AUSEfl, CHAIcBENS By prd-36 0 92 ?00 1 CONT H EVRAZiuuoorr*c NA Evmr orcson dlo$l FIIO$IE I4dOO N. RIVEK€ATE BIVO.. FORTLANO' OR 07203 (s0s) x40.$?40 AC-564-01*13?01-s pM-35092?00 {808) 4Sr}.€$1 S EVnAg0xps0ls t0ehtprhee/s0k of a2 I gLl 2L EVRAI'S esllmntsd ptodttc{lon and dsll'rory 5ch0dul6s {rE suhtsct to clroltg{ wlth0rlt n0llcs, EVkrA shsll tt}rlllsh ststus reuorlg to Ctlglomrr. LIMI1ATION OF WAf,RAI{TIEB A''IO *EMEOIT8 spEclFlc pRovl8lolls 0l8clAlill$lc cERTAlt'l wAnRAfi llE0 AilD LIMITI'{C REMEDISS FOf, SREACH APPEAR OI'I EVRI3'S ?ERIVIS At'lD COIlDltlONg A$O g0VERt'l fHF CONTRACT' EVRAZ rfiC,llA fEvRAz1 DBe L0, 2a2a 4 Ll.npr I lvr !ckho!r10tlo! wilh ttlanls lh0 lls.ltt o?your oldrt vftl6h h$ b{on bsntcrlbrd 'lehown nbstr, iott tttusl nollfy u tfihodldely ll0tor0 [n sny krnldlptlon ormn. pvilz'" no.*oturo ofvour;rdrr l* condlllorl.d ofi yoilt agtoemont th0t t're TER''ls Al'lD comlflOND ionrtrufo'thc loio rnd erolulul t{nrt ed endtlorr ot fvRAz'l c0nhcl vdtr,viuoivurtirg|tnutordsliyoura0t0otionttolh0l.t ttltt llbtpnrumldunlorr yoD 6q*cl ltrilrfiin vv?ll,n5 wlllln ldn dryrl.omytur rsollpl hlfiol, CUBTOMER sHlp vlA fODE I o L o T o 6 q I p T o 0RASE $ptClFlCATloll FPBAIAL INBTRUCTIoI'lF *lr***1roRDERFM-36092?-00co!{T:NUEDPAGS?****rtv EOS J?EI'{ CUST" IgEM Qrvpcs SIZE - NEECNIPTIO!I PIECE WgIEHT ;TE!( WEIg}iT FRICE tusD) 4 4 .3X25X96HSX240 FTI' BOITOM 2042 8168 43 ,00 CWT Ac- 664 - 01-13201*5 13 313 0 As0rvtsootr0rftevlillbBaFfasredat 18t PER ANNU34 orlho nreillmunl dlowsd byl6w,whlchov6/lr lor9,0n p88l due scedlnlr, Pd.!r lrc rublrcl tr ch|fi!. lh rc€ofdtnggwt& EosMs ttdftrmd tondlUcnl, ALL TRI€E$ ARE FOg MItt UNLE88 OTHENI}$8E 69ECIFIEO IN WRITh{A ON THE TACE Of TIIIE DOCUMSI'IT. ay AI4BER CI'AMBERS plr-350927 00 2 EN! g EVRAZIuo*orNC NA Evrsz orsgot! Stosl PHONS 14400 N. RIVffieAlE BIVO,, PonTLAl'I0, oR s72S$ {so$} 14&o?40 .Ac- 564 - 01- 13t01- 5 prs-3609{7 00 DEC 1-0, 2020 1 kCIsEJ(000) 460.80t 3 glfftArsxpocre to rlltp ulo ws6h of az I 0L I21" gVFAZ'g glthutcd producll0il 0nd $0llv3ty schsdlllcs ore rubJeci lo ehangs w{tho{lt notlde, gVRAx sh0ll filrltlsh slqtus rssolh l0 cqetobler" dUSTOflISB ONOER I.IUME€R 3*3S-53309-S{-03 1./2t t0TH 25llt $ET 30 f' BAXTEY'INC 9628 6OI'TH MARSII$ POTI{T RF ANACORTES, WA 9822L 6RAtr SPECIF|CAT'ON CARBON FTRUCTURAT QUAIIITY FIATE egA e40.2L-13 *RADE 38tf (260Wi KIIJLBD FINE GRAI}I FRACTICS t/z Asr$ A6,/A?0 r'tATNEss aorJER. l]IE ST"ildP:I{T{i, PLA?E 15t, PO# DIg STAl,Ip II.IST:!I!*, PLATS ID, FOs PREPAXD L-R&rt NSA-ANACORTES, WA f. BAILEY, INC 9628 g. l0ARf,Jltg F0INT &[ SNACOR?ESr WA 98421 sPECIAL INSTNUC?IONB STOCK *** I(O STOCIC ORDER$ / CC41 tt** At{L ORDAR ROLLINC DUE fO DIU $fA}!p REQITTAEMSIrrS rR0lf cusroMER EXACT FIEEE COI}NT ST}BMIf S1'B-SItrE AUgo STEHCXI, POS ATITO STSHCII. ITEM INFO AUSO STENCI', PART }NTifBER MAX &II'T WT *L? (YoNS] DO NOT UI:I SIEES/MO'g IlE A LIFT TARF - T.OAD PROTECT IARF I, {-?ARP ONI'Y N0 PLASTXC OVNRSAAP CRANE RECEI H€ llRS; ?Atr{-3r30PM ONLV NgA A$ACORTEg,?{& T/n wrrn SHTpMENT PTECS l{Ex6gx I"EId l{ETOHf, s 0 I B T s il Ip T s 3t107 15 N SRICE {usD} EO8 TTEM cusT. TTEU Qrv. pcg L SIEE - DESCA, IFTSOg .5?00x121rdgx3?s Ff{l couRss 1.0 .6r.00x121r{EX3?5 PT# COURSE 9 .7100 :r 72IME tr 375 Fr# COXTRSE B 3 67528 6692 5353S {2.00 c!{T 7850 6280A 4:r .00 Cl{t 9i.37 ?3095 4?,00 c}{t Aesrvlroohsrsewl,lbs{scsgtedat X8t FEn AIINUM ot hf me(llnw$ !ll6r0d by l0vr, shlchwil ll |tss, sn pt8l d{r lc|ou$tl. Prlofi eo r$lld tl ohmip ln lccotdrnst vrlttr €0gl6t iar{t md eondltlont. AtL PRICES AFE FOB M|IL U'{L?€8 ATHf RWSE SPECIFISD lt'r tgFtr!fio o$ rHE FASB Otr ?$le DoslrMEHT' I I a 3 Ac-654-01-13201*S fiEFEREIITE m ictln0urlrd(t $ltlt thrfikt lho te.tlFlolyouronjlrvJfilth hdr b€.n lmn$tlbod at rhown ibovr, ios musi notlty ur hilnidlilri/ llU.?e .r0 any tranloiltllon ad0rr' EVfrA.l r rocrDt0nct ofyouritdtrh rondlllonrd pntour 00.6ffi0nt $atlht TBRM9 ANo col,iolnoNs;onr0luL hr soh md u.lulg4 t{[nr .ndrondluonl al EVftAI! {{$tBct fdlhy$ucovrllIro youtotd0r; yiltr 0gl6tmtnt t0 tll6l 0tr{ct !h.[ bl trurqtlid tldslc you obj.et$lroio lFt{l{tltr|trilhhtit dryr tlom WlI' Itolttl hlnot' LIMI?ATION OP WANNAff *E8 ANB REMEEIE8 spEcmc fRovlslofls olBcLAlMfllc cE[TAlt{ UtARRANne$ AND uMtTlilB nef$rolB$ ron BRSACH AFpEAR ol'' ntXAt',E T?nM8 AHD CONOTT|OflS A!'lD GoVEBN ?lll$ CON!nACT. EVR g tf'lc" lgA f'EvEAri Bt AIdBER CHeI'tBERg p!d-36094?00 1 CONT ffiEVRAU luu*orNcNA pt{ot'lE (00S) ?.1&6?d0 gvtat 0rsgo[ 8lc6l l4d00N. RtvsnoATE Btvl],, PoftTlAN0 0n 9720$(000! 40ff-$81 3 LltrltT*Tlot't oF in AnR$lrle8 Atlo nEglsolE8 EFSCIFK! pnovls'OlrB BlscLAIM|NG cEnTfi il wARflAllTiEs ltlD LlilrTrt{c nEMEoEst0n SREACI| AFFSAR Ol{ SVnAU'6 TER$i8 Ailb COt{SlTloltlS AllD covBnil THls coHTRACr, EvnAz F,lc, llA ('EvRAz") PM-36094?00 Dgc 10, 20?0 4 l-russt EVRII ex0ecls to $hll) lhe wsoft ol 02 / 0L / 21" EVRI{U '6 ostlnrelod pr0(luotlon and flol|ry€ry 6chsdulos are rubr?ct to chan$$ wliho{l nolico. eVnA: shnll ll,rnlsh elEhrs to|lofii to cuttafltsr'&c- 56 4 - 0:" - 1^3:01- 5 W! lehrloModgr*lthl}lllilkr lht r.atlpt otyo{.lr ordsr whllh hE6lrron irsnrc$bcd n rhoeri tbovf.You lnuBl trollfyud lorfirrdhtoly Iths.0 wo mytrsnroilpfl0n 6110lr' EVeAz'. rrcoptsncr olyotrrildtr fr condttlon.d 0t1ysu. [gr0omlnltit!{ UToTERilS ANo C0}t0lllol'|g c6n0$lutt thr rdr lrd exllullv.ttrmt qhd cotldlllons ol EvfrA.X8 contJ(ct vrllhy0{ cqlo4ng yo{rordlri yoursgrorfittlttd 8}ni.ltadl..ht l n0lt/orllnsdunlt!t yon oblGc't li.rat{ lr} l.{dllng sltlnht dty! f.ot* your ftcslpt htrol a g L D T o g fi Ip t o EnACe spsclFroAlt0N SPHCL[t tN gTRUgflOI'IE ****r* oRDER pM-56094?-00 CONTII{UED PA6E? *****.i s()s ITE}I CUST. TTEM Qsv pcs SIfrE - DESCRTFIIO$ plgcg WEISTIT lTEM WEIGHf DDT'TE {usD} 4 s .8100 x 121lrB x 375 P"# cous,ss ? L0423 S3384 4?.00 CWT .9200x1a1M8X375 PTI{ COURSE 6 1ts3 9 94'.1L2 4? .00 CWr Ac-664-01-1-3201-5 367s28 Asorulcocnarf0trlllbe!s$ess0(ftt :.8q, pER AlINtII,l 0r Sr mdlfllm {llowod by l.!9r eril€hlvfl {r 10.t, oD p6tl dur rt0aunls, Pd$t ur fltblrc'th dhilgihccsrdrn.iwLh€08Mb hnht md r0n$tloftt. ALL PREEI} ARE FOg MILL UNLE8A OTHERIIVIgE 8FECIFIED tilvdmfff'lo oN ?t{B fAcs oF ?#lQ nocu'llEfll.CUSTOMEN Of,OEfl NUMFEBH6. By ATIBSR CITEiltsERS BM-360947 00 2 EIID