HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council Workshop - Minutes - 10/27/2020 Approved City Council Workshop Workshop Special Meeting Minutes October 27, 2020 Date: October 27, 2020 Time: 5:32 p.m. Place: THIS IS A REMOTE MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER Council President Troutner called the meeting to order. Councilmembers Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud and Thomas were present. Mayor Ralph was in attendance. II. PRESENTATIONS 1 2021-2022 Biennial Budget Paula Painter 90 MIN. Finance Director Paula Painter advised that she will respond to the last of the Councilmember’s questions for the 2021-2022 Biennial Budget. Question #76 - On page 86 we see $1M REET listed under Kent Memorial Park Renovation. Where does REET show on the revenue pages? Is it part of property tax? I don’t see the acronym prior to this page. Painter indicated that REET does not show on the revenue pages. Those pages are just for General Fund revenues. This is not part of property tax. The State of Washington levies a real estate excise tax (REET) upon most sales of real property. The tax is calculated based on the full selling price, including the amount of any liens, mortgages, and other debts given to secure the purchase. The tax is due at the time of sale and is collected by the county when the documents of sale are presented for recording. In addition to the state real estate excise tax, cities and counties may impose local real estate excise taxes. The two main REET options for cities and counties are: REET 1, or the “first quarter percent” - a 0.25% REET which may be imposed by any city, town, or county primarily for capital projects and limited maintenance; REET 2, or the “second quarter percent” - an additional 0.25% REET which may be imposed by any city, town, or county fully planning under the Growth Management Act, to be used primarily for capital projects and limited maintenance. ½ goes to general capital, ½ goes to parks capital - budgeted at $1.75m City Council Workshop Workshop Special Meeting Minutes October 27, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 2 of 2 each in 2021 and 2022. Question #81 - Will the departments go in details on their cuts (revenue reductions)? Painter indicated the departments were focused on reducing the expenditures and advised that there is a $450K reduction for licenses and permits and $850K reduction for charges for services. Budget Proposal Modifications Police Related Data Consultant: Use $50K of fund balance to hire a consultant to evaluate best practices on police-related data, including technology platforms, data points data collection, and public accessibility, and make recommendations to the City Council in early 2021. Co-Responder Program: Use $100K in funds from the newly-enacted 1/10 of 1% sales tax for affordable housing and mental health to research and develop a mental health co-responder program in concert with other interested South King County cities and make recommendations to the City Council in early 2021. All councilmembers spoke in support of both the $130K - Youth behavior health and $70K - Youth behavior health proposals. Human Services Manager Merina Hanson indicated her staff would be happy to research options for supporting youth behavior health. Councilmembers Thomas, Boyce, Larimer and Michaud spoke in support of the Multimedia Asset Management system proposal. Councilmembers Thomas, Boyce, Larimer, and Michaud spoke in support of the SPROUT proposal. Council President Troutner provided closing comments. Councilmembers expressed appreciation of the work of Paula and the Finance Department and for staff for all their hard work responding to requests for information. Meeting ended at 6:05 p.m. Kimberley A. Komoto City Clerk COUNCIL WORKSHOP –October 27, 2020 #76 –ON PAGE 86 WE SEE $1M REET LISTED UNDER KENT MEMORIAL PARK RENOVATION. WHERE DOES REET SHOW ON THE REVENUE PAGES? IS IT PART OF PROPERTY TAX? I DIDN’T SEE THE ACRONYM PRIOR TO THIS PAGE. Page 103 2021 2021 2021 2022 2022 2022 Baseline Changes Proposed Baseline Changes Proposed Revenues Taxes: Sales & Use Tax 4,734,420 4,734,420 4,888,280 4,888,280 Utility Tax - 2% int util tax 1,585,290 (1,585,290) 1,611,480 (1,611,480) Utility Tax - 4% int util tax 3,171,610 3,171,610 3,224,000 3,224,000 Real Estate Excise Tax 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,500,000 Streamlined Sales Tax Miscellaneous Revenue 413,360 413,360 393,330 393,330 Transfers In - GF B&O 2,829,680 1,800,000 4,629,680 2,507,180 1,800,000 4,307,180 Transfers In - GF 3,196,610 (3,171,610) 25,000 3,249,000 (3,224,000) 25,000 Transfers In - Other Sources Total Revenues 16,259,360 214,710 16,474,070 16,149,270 188,520 16,337,790 #81 –WILL THE DEPARTMENTS GO IN DETAILS ON THEIR CUTS (REVENUE REDUCTIONS)? 2020 2021 Adj Budget Proposed Property Taxes 30,457,820$ 31,684,600$ 1,226,780$ 4.0 % Sales Taxes 20,849,490 19,327,550 (1,521,940)(7.3) Utility Taxes 19,278,260 17,624,990 (1,653,270)(8.6) B&O Taxes 14,900,000 17,000,000 2,100,000 14.1 Other Taxes 897,440 866,260 (31,180)(3.5) Licenses and Permits 7,490,520 6,786,980 (703,540)(9.4) Intergovernmental Revenue 2,966,570 2,733,560 (233,010)(7.9) Charges for Services 6,266,770 5,695,140 (571,630)(9.1) Fines and Forfeitures 1,145,660 1,158,500 12,840 1.1 Miscellaneous Revenue 2,444,020 2,630,590 186,570 7.6 Transfers In 2,754,770 1,277,700 (1,477,070)(53.6) Total Revenues 109,451,320$ 106,785,870$ (2,665,450)$ (2.4) % 2020 vs 2021 $ Change % Change BUDGET PROPOSAL MODIFICATIONS Police Related Data Consultant Use $50K of fund balance to hire a consultant to evaluate best practices on police-related data, including technology platforms, data points, data collection, and public accessibility, and make recommendations to the City Council in early 2021. Co-Responder Program Use $100K in funds from the newly-enacted 1/10 of 1% sales tax for affordable housing and mental health to research and develop a mental health co- responder program in concert with other interested South King County cities and make recommendations to the City Council in early 2021. POLICY DISCUSSION Behavioral Health Programs $130k –youth behavioral health $70k –youth or adult behavioral health MMAM Sprout