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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council Workshop - Minutes - 04/21/2020
City Council Workshop
Workshop Regular Meeting
April 21, 2020
Date: April 21, 2020
Time: 5:10 p.m.
Place: Chambers
Attendee Name Title Status Arrived
Toni Troutner Council President Present
Bill Boyce Councilmember Present
Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present
Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present
Marli Larimer Councilmember Present
Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present
Les Thomas Councilmember Present
Dana Ralph Mayor Present
1 2021-2026 Transportation
Improvement Program
April Delchamps 15 MIN.
Senior Transportation Planner, April Delchamps provided the councilmembers
with an update on the 2021-2026 Six-Year Transportation Improvement
Program (TIP). The City is required by state law to update the six-year plan
annually. Project development flows from the Transportation Master Plan
(TMP) to the TIP. Essentially the TMP feeds the TIP with projects moving
from planning to design and construction.
The focus of the 2021-2026 TIP update is adding projects eligible for grant’s
due in 2020. The focus of the 2022-2027 TIP will be integrating projects from
the TMP update as well as upcoming grant opportunities.
Federal aid programs fall under two agencies, the Puget Sound Regional
Council and the Washington State Department of Transportation as direct
grant programs from the federal government. PSRC grants include five grant
programs. All but the Transportation Alternatives Program are due this year.
WSDOT includes Highway Safety Improvement Program which has two grant
opportunities both due this year. Direct Federal grant programs include
INFRA and BUILD grants. State grants include four sources, WSDOT, the
Transportation Improvement Board, the Freight Mobility Strategic Investment
Board, and local appropriations. Kent currently has funding from the TIB for
76th Avenue South for $2.5M.
TIP Changes include projects removed, new projects, and projects with
City Council Workshop Workshop Regular
April 21, 2020
Kent, Washington
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significant changes to either the project description or limits. Delchamps
reviewed the three completed projects and the Safe Routes to School
projects that were removed and new projects. Two projects were added for
upcoming Transportation Improvement Board State grant opportunities and
the four projects were added for upcoming federal grant opportunities.
Delchamps detailed the three projects that required an update to the project
descriptions and the five projects that had updates to their limits.
The steps from here are to incorporate feedback received from committee
members followed next month by a draft 2020-2025 TIP document and a
request to schedule a public hearing. State law requires the TIP is approved
by June 30th.
2 Comprehensive Storm System Update Alex Murillo 30 MIN.
Environmental Engineering Supervisor, Alex Murillo presented the
Councilmembers with an update on the City's Comprehensive Stormwater
System that included:
· Green River Watershed
· Green River High Water Event in February of 2020
· Overview of the Kent Watershed
· Kent Valley Local Flooding in December of 2019
· Green River Projects in 2020
· Kent Valley Stormwater Projects in 2020
3 HCMA (Workday) Teri Smith
Mike Carrington
45 MIN.
Human Resources Director, Teri Smith and Information Technology Director,
Mike Carrington provided details on the Workday (formerly HCMA-Human
Capital Management Automation) project.
The objective for selecting Human Capital Management System is “To
systematically resolve the City's human capital management and automation
"pay" related issues and needs with a focus on best practices for Human
Resources, Finance, IT and Citywide timekeeping.” Supporting this work will
include the deployment of new business system technology platforms by end
of year 2020.
The two major components are: (1) Workday (Collaborative Solutions is the
implementation vendor); and (2) Telestaff (Kronos) - implementation is
running simultaneously.
Smith reviewed the guiding principles, functional areas/workstreams and the
City Council Workshop Workshop Regular
April 21, 2020
Kent, Washington
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implementation plan.
Due to COVID-19, the projects requires changes including the project budget
and related change orders that will be brought to the Council through the
Committee of the Whole
Meeting ended at 6:45 p.m.
Kimberley A. Komoto
City Clerk
Comprehensive Stormwater System Update
City of Kent Council Workshop
April 21, 2020
Presentation Outline:
•Overview of Green River Watershed
•Green River High Water Event -Feb 2020
•Overview of Kent Watershed
•Kent Valley Local Flooding -Dec 2019
•Green River Projects in 2020
•Kent Valley Stormwater Projects in 2020
Kent City Limits
Kent City Limits
Upper Green RiverMiddle Green River
Lower Green River
Kent City Limits
Upper Green RiverMiddle Green River
Lower Green River
Kent City Limits
Duwamish River
Puget Sound
Upper Green RiverMiddle Green River
Lower Green River
Kent City Limits
Duwamish River
Puget Sound
Howard Hanson Dam
USGS River Gage -
Upper Green RiverMiddle Green River
Lower Green River
Kent City Limits
Duwamish River
Puget Sound
Howard Hanson Dam
USGS River Gage -
Upper Green River
Howard Hanson Dam
Howard Hanson Dam
Middle Green River
Howard Hanson Dam
Green River
SR 18
Black River
Pump Station
USGS River Gage
Upper Green River
Middle Green River
Green River
Kent City Limits
Howard Hanson Dam
Green River Watershed
Presentation Outline:
•Overview of Green River Watershed
•Green River High Water Event -Feb 2020
•Overview of Kent Watershed
•Kent Valley Local Flooding -Dec 2019
•Green River Projects in 2020
•Kent Valley Stormwater Projects in 2020
Storm Event –February 6, 2020
Howard Hanson Dam
Regional Precipitation Data: 2/5 thru 2/8/2020 -Feb 2020 Storm
Green River High Water Event –Feb 2020
Milwaukee 2 Levee
Green River High Water Event –Feb 2020
Milwaukee 2 Levee
Near Overtopping of
Green River High Water Event –Feb 2020
Signature Pointe Levee
Green River High Water Event –Feb 2020
Signature Pointe Levee
Green River High Water Event –Feb 2020
Flood Storage -Riverview Park and Leber Homestead
Green River High Water Event –Feb 2020
Flood Storage -Downey Farmstead Restoration
Green River High Water Event –Feb 2020
Flood Storage –Agricultural Areas on Left Bank
Green River High Water Event -Erosion Areas
Lower Russell Levee –Holiday Kennel
Green River High Water Event -Erosion Areas
Desimone Levee –Downstream of Pedestrian Bridge in Tukwila
Green River High Water Event -Erosion Areas
Frager Road Levee –Left Bank
During High-Water Event
After High-Water Event
Green River High Water Event -Erosion Areas
Signature Point Levee
Green River High Water Event -Erosion Areas
Kent Airport Levee –Left Bank
Green River High Water Event -Erosion Areas
Left Bank –Across and Just Upstream of Milwaukee 2 Levee
During High-Water Event
After High-Water Event
Presentation Outline:
•Overview of Green River Watershed
•Green River High Water Event, Feb 2020
•Overview of Kent Watershed
•Kent Valley Local Flooding, Dec 2019
•Green River Projects for 2020
•Kent Valley Stormwater Projects for 2020
Kent City Limits
Drainage Basins to
Kent Valley
Kent Valley East Hill
West Hill
Mill Creek
Garrison Creek
Mill Creek
Springbrook Creek
Garrison Creek
Mill Creek
Black River
Pump Station
Springbrook Creek
Mill Creek Garrison Creek Springbrook Creek
Kent Valley East Hill
West Hill
Presentation Outline:
•Overview of Green River Watershed
•Green River High Water Event -Feb 2020
•Overview of Kent Watershed
•Kent Valley Local Flooding -Dec 2019
•Green River Projects for 2020
•Kent Valley Stormwater Projects for 2020
Storm Event –December 20, 2019
Regional 48-Hour Precipitation Data: Dec. 2019 Storm
Howard Hanson Dam
Kent 48-Hour Precipitation Data: Dec. 2019 Storm
Kent Valley Local Flooding –Dec 2019
James Street, Mill Creek Middle School
Kent Valley Local Flooding –Dec 2019
East James Street and Mill Creek Middle School
Kent Valley Local Flooding –Dec 2019
Woodford Ave N, Kent Memorial Park, Central Ave North
Kent Valley Local Flooding –Dec 2019
Mill Creek and Kennebeck Ave North
Kent Valley Local Flooding –Dec 2019
76th Ave South and Mill Creek
Local Flooding in the Kent Valley –Dec 2019
81st Avenue South and South 196th Street
Presentation Outline:
•Overview of Green River Watershed
•Green River High Water Event -Feb 2020
•Overview of Kent Watershed
•Kent Valley Local Flooding -Dec 2019
•Green River Projects in 2020
•Kent Valley Stormwater Projects in 2020
Lower Russell Levee
Construction Started in 2019
Signature Pointe Levee
Preliminary Designs and Real Estate
Artist Rendering of Proposed Levee with Riparian Plantings
Signature Pointe Levee Looking South, Aug 2019
Future 500-YR Levee
Milwaukee 2 Levee
Real Estate, King County Permits, Union Pacific Railroad
Future 500-YR Levee
Artist Rendering of Proposed Levee with Riparian Plantings
Milwaukee 2 Levee Looking West, Google Earth
Future 500-YR Levee
Milwaukee 2 Levee
Real Estate, King County Permits, Union Pacific Railroad
McCoy Levee –Flood Damage Repair
US Army Corps of Engineers and King County
McCoy Levee –Flood Damage Repair
US Army Corps of Engineers and King County
Desimone Levee –Flood Damage Repair
US Army Corps of Engineers, King County, City of Tukwila
Desimone Levee –Flood Damage Repair
US Army Corps of Engineers, King County, City of Tukwila
Downey Farmstead Side Channels
Continue Next Phase of Construction in Summer 2020
Downey Farmstead Side Channels
Continue Next Phase of Construction in Summer 2020
Briscoe Desimone Levee Completed in 2016
NEW FEMA 2017 Preliminary Map
Upper Russell Levee Completed in 2017
FEMA Flood Maps Update
Green River Levee Repairs Have Reduced FEMA Flood Mapped Areas
FEMA Flood Map Schedule:
•May 2019,FEMA Revised Preliminary Flood Map
•Feb 2020, FEMA Letter of Final Determination
•Aug 2020,FEMA Flood Maps Become Effective
FEMA Flood Maps Update
FEMA Flood Maps to Become Effective –August 2020
FEMA Flood Maps –Kent Valley Creeks
Revise Flood Map Areas along Mill Creek, Garrison Creek, and Springbrook Creek
Mill Creek High Water Event, Looking Northeast, Feb 1996
Existing River Gage
Proposed New River Gage
US Geological Service River Gages
Install New USGS River Gages at Meeker Street and South 277th Street
Presentation Outline:
•Overview of Green River Watershed
•Green River High Water Event -Feb 2020
•Overview of Kent Watershed
•Kent Valley Local Flooding -Dec 2019
•Green River Projects in 2020
•Kent Valley Stormwater Projects in 2020
GRNRA South Stormwater Pump Station
Reduces Flood Risk –Construction in Progress
South 240th Street
Upper Mill Creek Dam
Reduces Flood Risk to Kent Valley -Construction Restarting May 2020
Upper Mill Creek Dam
Reduces Flood Risk to Kent Valley –Construction Restarting May 2020
Mill Creek Reestablishment
Reduces Flood Risk -Pursuing Environmental Permits
76th Ave South Improvements
Raise Road Elevation to Reduce Flood Risk –Currently in Bid Advertisement
Mill Creek & 76th Ave South Culvert Replacement
Reduces Flood Risk –Progress Designs and Environmental Permits
One of Several Undersized Culverts to be Replaced along 76th Ave South
GRNRA North/S 212th Street Stormwater Pump Station
Reduces Flood Risk –Prepare Preliminary Designs
81st Avenue South Stormwater Pump Station
Reduces Flood Risk –Prepare Preliminary Designs
Roadway Flooding along 81st Ave South, Dec 2019
Washington Ave South Stormwater Pump Station
Reduces Flood Risk –Prepare Preliminary Designs
Existing Stormwater Pump Station to be Relocated and Improved
Presentation Summary:
•We have a complex stormwater
•The recent storms have
emphasized the critical nature of
our work
•Our goal is to reduce flood risk to
our Kent Community
•We will continue to complete our
stormwater projects with urgency
•We are preparing for the next fall
and winter wet season
Comprehensive Stormwater System Update
City of Kent Council Workshop
April 21, 2020
City Council
April 21, 2020
Short range
Annual update
required by state
Declares list of
projects, plans and
programs by year
Master Plan
Updating the TIP
2021-2026 TIP
•2020 Grants
2022-2027 TIP
Master Plan
Puget Sound
Large Jurisdiction Preservation Non-Motorized
Program (TAP)
Highway Safety
Program (HSIP)
Spot Locations
Highway Safety
Program (HSIP)
Section 130
Federal Grants
Bicycle and
Safe Routes to
Transportation Improvement Board
Freight Mobility
Board (FMSIB)
Freight and Goods
System (FGTS) T-1 &
T-2 Routes
Budget Line Items
State Grants
TIP Changes
Projects Removed
New Projects
State Grants
Federal Grants
Projects with
Project Limits
Project Scope
South 224th Street
Extension (Phase I)
-84th Avenue
South to 88th
Avenue South
South 224th Street
Extension (Phase
II) -88th Avenue
South to 94th Place
Kent Valley
Flashing Yellow
Left Turn Arrows
State Grants: Safe Routes to School –Removed & New Projects
Projects Removed
Meridian Elementary -
SE 256th St and 140th
Ave SE
Elementary –64th Ave
S and S 236th St
Projects Added
School Zone Flashers at
7 Elementary Schools
East Hill Elementary
and Mill Creek Middle
State Grants: New
Improvement Board
132nd Avenue Southeast
Improvements (Phase 4)
-Southeast 2248th Street
to Southeast 2340th
Russell Street Pedestrian
Improvements from
Meeker Street to 500 feet
south of James Street
Puget Sound Regional Council –Countywide Preservation Program
S 212th Street –Green River Bridge (east) to 72nd Avenue S Preservation
Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)
Local Road Safety Plan –Spot Location Safety Improvement Projects
Local Road Safety Plan –Systemic Safety Improvements Program
Section 130 Funds
Project Changes –Updated Project Description
Naden Avenue and Willis
Street Intersection
Meeker Street and 64th
Avenue South -
Midway Subarea TOD
Street –S. 244th Street
and 32nd Avenue South
Project Changes –Updated Project Limits
76th Avenue South -South,
Middle and North projects
South 212th Street -–Green
River Bridge (west) to
Orillia Road S/City Limits
South 224th Street
Extension (Phase III) Split
South 218th Street/98th
Avenue South -94th Place
South to South 216th Street
South 216th Street -98th
Avenue South to 108th
Avenue Southeast (State
Route 515/Benson
Next Steps
April 21, 2020 City
Council Workshop:
Present the Draft Project
Changes for the 2021-2026
May 26, 2020 Committee
of the Whole:
Present Draft 2020-2025
Improvement Program &
Action to Schedule a
Public Hearing
June 2, 2020 City Council:
Consent Agenda to set a
Public Hearing
City Council :
Public Hearing on June
16, 2020
(formerly HCMA-Human Capital Management Automation)
City Council
Project Update
Workday Project
Human Capital Management
•Primary –Derek Matheson
*Mayor Ralph
•Executive Sponsors:
•Teri Smith
•Paula Painter
•Mike Carrington
•Rafael Padilla
Workday Project
Human Capital Management
Objective for Selecting Human Capital Management System:
To systemically resolve the City’s human capital management
and automation “pay” related issues and needs with a focus
on best practices for HR, Finance, IT and Citywide
Timekeeping.Supporting this work will include the
deployment of new business system technology platforms
by EOY 2020
Workday Project
Human Capital Management
Workday Project
Human Capital Management
Two Major Components
Collaborative Solutions -Implementation Vendor
Telestaff (Kronos) -Implementation running
Workday Project
Human Capital Management
Core Implementation Team
•Project Manager –Annette Pape
•Business Process Analyst –Kari Endicott
•Primary Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) -
•Human Resources: Jennifer Davidson, Gina Esposito,
Kareena Hobson, Stephanie King, Wendy Campbell
•Payroll: Natesha Gainer, Susanne Shaw
•Secondary SMEs -
•Human Resources: Brent Ashbaugh, Laura Horea,
Natalie Winecka
•Payroll: Lavina Brennecke, Brenda Goodson-Moore
•Technical Lead –Somen Palit
•Business Analyst –David Deal
Workday Project
Human Capital Management
Guiding Principles
Workday is system of record for employee data
Adhere to leading practices
Standardize processes, policies and data values across the enterprise
Design with elevated levels of security; data access on need-to-know
Design to simplest solution that meets business needs; do not design to
the exceptions
Focus on end user; ease of transactions
Build a simple, intuitive end user experience
Leverage Employee Self Service (ESS) and Manager Self Service (MSS)
Workday Project
Human Capital Management
Functional Areas/Workstreams:
Overall/Reporting/Security (Kari)
Human Capital Management Core (Kari/Laura)
Recruiting (Stephanie/Natalie)
Benefits (Kareena/Laura)
Compensation (Gina/Brent)
Absence Management (Kareena/Laura)
Time Tracking (Gina/Brent)
Talent/Performance Management (Jennifer)
Organizational Change & Training (Jennifer)
Payroll (Natesha/Lavina)
Data Conversion (Wendy)
Integrations (Somen)
Workday Project
Human Capital Management
Implementation Plan
Planning –January 16 –31
Architect –February 3 –March 20
Configure: Customer Confirmation –March 23 –May 8
Configure: Build –May 8 –29
Configure: Data Validation –June 1 –5
Test : End to End Preparation –June 8 –12
Test : Test –June 15 –August 14
Test : Build –August 17 –September 4
Parallel: Payroll/Integrations/User Acceptance Testing –September 7 –
October 30
Deployment: Build –November 2 –December 4
Post Production: December 7 –January 8
Workday Project
Human Capital Management
Wrap Up
•Project complexity + COVID-19 = Required Changes
•Clarify project budget and contracts with Council
•Separate & ratify multiple contracts
•Recurring subscription costs
•Collaborative Solutions
•One-time professional services
•Change Order #1 –Schedule (Sep->Dec 2020 release date)
•Change Order #2 –Business process complexity
•Recurring subscription costs
•Council motion at upcoming Committee meeting
Human Capital Management
Q & A