HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2019-477 - Change Order - #6 - Tapani, Inc. - GRNRA South Stormwater Pump Station - 05/26/2021Agreement Routing Form KENT For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Maybr's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms, (Print on pink or cheny colored paper)WaSHtNGToN Department: PW Engineering Originator: S. Anderson Date Required: N/A Date Sent: 61 121 Date of Council Approval N/A Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee E Mayor Grant? EYes E No Type: N/A Budget Account Number: D20047.641 10.330 Budget? ElYes tr No category: Contract Vendor Name: Tapani, lnc. 5ub-Category: Change Order #6 Vendor Number: 35124 Project Name: GRNRA South Stormwater Pump Station projecr Detaits: Supply and install garage door remotes FA #22, skylight interior ceiling wrap FA #21, and patch electrical opening in the ceiling FA#23. Agreement Amount: $7,17 4.48 Start Date: Jrj/{ Basis for Selection of Contractor: $id Termination Date: 240 Working Days Local Business? trYes E No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete'Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace. Contract Number: cAG2019-477 Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes E No Comments:Date Received by City Attorney: Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk! Office ad(W22l7l_l_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements KENT WaSHTNGToN CHANGE ORDER NO. #6 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Tapani. Inc' ("Contractor") CoNTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: GRNRA South Stormwater Pump Station ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: November 22, 2019 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: t. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessarY to: Supply and install garage door remotes FA #22, skylight interior ceiling wrap FA #2L, and patch electrical opening in the ceiling FA #23. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "CompenSation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates and WSST) $4,836,590.00 Net Change by Previous Change Orders ( incl. a pplicable WSST) $99,335.21 Current Contract Amount (incl. Previous Change Orders) $4,935,925.21 Current Change Order $6,516.33 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $6s8.ls Revised Contract Sum $4,943,099.69 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion (insert date) 240 working days Revised Time for Completion under prior Change Orders (insert date) 0 Days Required (+) for this Change Order o calendar days Revised Time for ComPletion (insert date) 240 working days In accordance with Sections t-04.4 and 1-04,5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agreel to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and aicepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have aPPlied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONTRACTOR:OF KENT: By By C/./ (signature) Print Name:Derek Kemo rnen Print Name:Chad Bieren P. E. Its Its Public Works rector (title)s/ealat (titte) DATE:5t24t21 DATE: CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 frt-L ATTEST: (; Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's signature required) Kent Law Depaftment [In thls field, you may enter the electronic filepath where the contract has been saved] CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 Project: GRNRA PumP Station Project Engineer: StePhen Lincoln KENTWA'A{GIO{CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 6 construction Engineering Division - Public works File No. 2OO.2 Project No: L7-3OL2 Fed-Aid No: Contractor: TaPani UndergroundCapital Projects Jason BrYantMader: Date:5/4/2021 I Pro osed Chan e opening in the ceiling FA # 23 electricalWrap FA #2L, Patchight Interior Ceilingotes FA #22, SkYlSupply and insta ll garage door rem II. Reason and Bac round for Chan e IfI. Method of PaYment NEW PAY ITEMS E NotaPPlicable nsta ati onmusIatolowdocatifionpIededempnshelterthnemuShtuctrntohteppnricostkygnuDIwraheedtnadstapnuseIdrdaeShetBaplpwraeceInnsteplessustaIredodcatfilonhTmreqeotesmodrorearaendanIstarctosuIIethtraconreestedplypucirecWSqtyethdnufotrnstacoceinitodenhtesWAneedIcariworknoaecteloanitiddnricostnructDugbetohSSeoreadancceisThuetewsareqcomethcepdaeddfteraatthrengWCSnthWIhcesntruost nreurednohlepatch gnoethceaqnocometigceInUtunttoeplhcgp Sch No Item DescriPtion Total Est. Otv Unit Unit Price Total Estim ated Cost of Item Skylight interior ceiling wraP 1 FA $4,636.27 $4,636.27 Supply and install garage door remotes 1 FA $940.03 $940.03 Patch Ceiling DrYwall L FA $940.03 $940.03 New Pay Items Total: $6,516.33 DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-O9'5 n ruotappricabre Sch No,Bid Item No.Item DescriPtion Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of Item $ Page L $ Delete Existing PaY Items Total: $ TNcREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) ! ruotappricabre Sch No.Bid Item No.Item DescriPtion Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of ltem $ Increase / Decrease to Existing Pay ltems Total:$ *TOTALESTIMATEDCOSTOFCHANGEORDER:6,516.33 x Total of the Cost of Item Columns IV. WORKING DAYS 240Previous TotaloDue This Change Order:240,Original Contract: Expla nation/J ustification for Additional Working Days: Capital Projects Manager: Construction Engineering Supervisor: XTOTAL WORKING DAYS:24(J * This Change Order + Previous Total Date: Date:r 1\, z- Date:t/,,/rt -QIJ/E- Paul Kuehne Construction Manager: c Connor Page 2 F A Sheet No.:21 rKENFORCE ACCOUNT WORKED DAILY REPORT OF niU and GRN RA Pump Station Prime Contractor: T Project No: 17-3012 und lnc Sub-Contractor: Work bY Subcontractor?: nO Project Name: Item No.: Description of Work: Date: 1 OVERTIMESTRAIGHT TIME DOLLAR AMOUNTOT RaieHrsRateHrsOCCUPATIONCODENAME10774. 77.54100771ForemanBrad$100.5543.05Welder 79.3543.05 $59.9643.05 $143 Neal LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29% $ 77.54 1 00.03 22.49 LABORTOTAL $ SUBTOTAL - LABOR: STANDBYOPERATED DOLLAR AMOUNTRateEQUIPMENT OR ATTACH Equipment DescriPtion MENTS Equipment # Deere Excavator1 105078 $lJ.Crew Truck5220049 Deere 50 Excavator1203119 54.14Komatsu Loader'1530047 $850.00stock1 25Crew Truck5040076 $ $ SUBTOTAL. EOUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% IPMENT TOTAL $ DOLLAR AMOUNTUnit PriceUnitsQuantitY MATERIALS / SERVICES $4ea1 Ballard Sheet Metal $ s SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 12ol" TOTAL 4,536.24 $ $ $ 486.03 .21 of Hours Worked 1DateContractor's Owner's RePresentative Date ) 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work) SHEET TOTAL: 4 4 .27 TOTAL: Pay Esti Date: By: Force Account/ Chan Order Wo rksheet Water P on # c #17-30 Name:GRNRA TaPani lnc. PO Box 1900 r',l904 SE 6th Place Battle Ground, WA 98604 360.687.1 148 Description: Skylight lnterior Ceiling Wrap Long DescriPtion neovot RatE UnltHouBRatoCl63s$ 77.54 r Sub unltREtcUnlts# Labor Overhead & Profit Labor sb Equipment Overhead & Profit Equip 21% Total $al Material Overhead & Profit 21% Material Total T- 486.03Subcontractor Overhead & Profit 12% Subcontractor Total $ $ s $ er Other Overhead & Profit 21% $4,636.26 changesforcostsincludedoesandalmarkupsnormandassuchtheandelementscosttheonandlorcosts;acceleration,impactproposalrtime),nlessove(u specifledoverhead,extendedrescheduling thconsiderncework,of disruptionsdelays,Pleasethethisofcontractsequealcompletionflntoitemstheseofpriorrelatedallandany)(ifformaketoanyclaimreservedrsexpresslyright conlract.marnand/orsubcontracttndase{ined"notice"officiallaenouao $ s 4,636.26$ Day(s) Accepted bY: increases the time to theDate: ni" Cn Total Amount General Liability lnsurance Bond 0 Ballard Sheet Metal Works, Inc' 4T6gBallard Avenue N.W. Seattle, Washington 98107 (2o6)7s4 0545 Fax: (206)781'OtlS Change Order ProPosal BSM# Proi ect N G Detail / Spec. / Section: pump shelter -*Add garvanized,subfaming to plang out sides of skyright, and perforated anodized ui"-i""m ceiling flat pan-els on interior sides of skylight opening' x 1 X 20 s1 .00 Fla heet 20 sause 5 x .94:s12 70 72" x l0'.040 nerf 2 1 1 05 Alternate: ll xl2 Brya nt, Jason From: Sent: To: Subject: Bryant, Jason Friday, FebruarY 26,2021 8;25 AM Brad Barnish RE: GRNRA PumP shelter Brad, Please Proceed Thank You, Jason Bryant, Capital Proiects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 | Cell 253-261-5653 JBrvant@KentWA'gov crTY OF KENT, WASHTNGTON KentWA.gov Facebook'f"'*ii:t':-'; YouTube pL*A$g C$NSSDtr{d T}iS FNVIIRONI'{fiN{ SfF{Jilt 1'RIN"|lS{GT $fS S-I'!AXL From: Brad Barnish <bradb@taPani'com> Sent: FridaY, FebruarY 26,2O2L 8:19 AM To: Bryant, Jason <JBryant@kentwa'gov> Subject: Fwd: GRNRA PumP shelter Forwarded message From : Lisa Valadez <LisaV@bal la rdsheetmetal'com> Date: Fri, Feb26,202IaI' 8:13 AM Subject: RE: GRNRA PumP shelter To: Brad Barnish <bradb@tapani'com> cc: Derek t<.tpprin@>' Kevin Tapani <kevint@tapani'com> I finally received the anodized pricing and leadtime (approx' 10 days from receipt of material) Please see attached ProPosal 1 EXTERNAL EMAIL Sincerely, ,@a*Qfr*g Lisa Valadez, PM Ballard Sheet Metal Works, lnc 206-8Lg-7L95 (cell) *Home Office Mailing 4763 Ballard Avenue NW,le, WA 98L07 Main Office: 206-784-0545 ext.4 From: Brad Barnish <bradb@tapani'com> Sent: Friday, February 19,202712:53 PM To: Lisa Valadez <LisaV@ballardsheetmetal'com> cc: Derek tcemppain@>; Kevin Tapani <kevint@tapani'com> Subject: GRNRA PumP shelter 2 @ 44"x2I" 2 @ LI'3"x2I" Thank you , Good afternoon Lisa , the city of Kent has requested that we enclosed the exposed interior of the skylight opening with perforated panels along the sides of the cutout. can you please provide a quote for this work? The exposed surfaces are; 2 Bradley Barnish FA Sheet No.:22 FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED DAILY REPORT OF ni Unde Project Name GRN RA PumP Station Pri me Contractor: T round lnc Sub-Contractor: Descriptio n of Work: Su door remotes Item No. 17-3012 Work by Subcontractor?: no and lnstall Project No: Date: OVERTIMESTRAIGHT TIME DOLLAR AMOUNTOT RateHrsHouRateHrsCODEOCCUPATIONNAME $10774. 77.54I1ForemanBrad$10043.05Welder $79.3543.05Welder 59.9643Weldercl $100.5543 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29% s 77.54 1 00.03 22.49 LABORTOTAL $ SUBTOTAL - LABOR: STANDBYOPERATED DOLLAR AMOUNTRateHoursEQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS DescriptionEquipment # 52Deere Excavator1 1 05078 $ Crew Truck5220049 26.59Deere 50 Excavator12A3119 $54.14Komatsu Loader 1 530047 $850.00stock1 25Crew Truck5040076 $ $EOU IPMENT TOTAL SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% DOLLAR AMOUNTUnit PriceUnitsQuantitY MATE RIALS / SERVICES 750.00$ 750.00ea1Door $ $ SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD&PROFIT@12% TOTAL $ $ $ 750.00 840.00 90.00 Verification of Hours Worked o"tuSl5l21 Contractor's Owner's RePresentative oaoJ 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work) 940.03 940.03SHEET TOTAL TOTAL: Pay Esti red Date: By: Order Worksh eetForce Accou nt/ Ch Date: aterSouthName # ption: Furnish Remote Transmitters for Doors lu 204002 1 2 TaPani lnc' PO Box 1900 r 1904 SE 6th Place Battle Ground, WA 98604 360.687.1 148 TgOvefiln6. .'SttalEht' UnltHoutsRat6Rato' Hourr $ 116.31 = - Brad Barnish T-------@ 22.49Labor Overhead & Profit 29% untt Labor Sub Tot.l -$Equipment Overhead & Profit Unlt bT 2',| Total $ ) $ Material Overhead & Profit 21% Material Total T- 90.00 rs Subcontractor Overhead & Profit 12o/o Subcontractor Total $ G $Other Other Overhead & Profit 21% e 940.O2 costsnotdoesandnormalandmarkupsassuch and theelementscostcosts;on and/oracceleration,impactovertimespecified),overhead,(unlessextendedrescheduling,thisconsiderwork,of disruption Pleasetheindelays,thisof contract.sequence finalto completionitemstheseofpriorrelatedallforand(if any)maketo claim anyreservedtsexpresslYright contract.and/or malsubcontracttndefinedas"notice"official $ s 940.02$ Day(s AccePted bY: increases the time to Sub theOut", n,, General Liability lnsurance Bond 0.0% Total Amount SUPERIOR DOOR OF1^'A Superior Door of WA, LLC P.O. Box 533 Battle Ground, WA 98604 Date: March LI,2027 Addendat TOTAL 360-931-25OL www.superiordoorwa'com otation for: Green River PumP lf you have any questions concerning this quotation' contact Don Long 360-702-8383 AMOUNTDescription Furnish and program 4 remotes- L for each door 750,00$ Excludes: Taxes 750.00s d @su riord rwa m Biyant,Jason From: Sent: To: Subject: Bryant, Jason Monday, March 15,2021 10:04 AM Derek KemPPainen; Brad Barnish RE:Green River PumP Derek, Please Proceed ! ! Thank you, Jason Bryant, Capital Proiects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 I Cell 253-261-5663 JBryant@KentWA.qov CITY OF KENT' WASHINGTON KentwA.gov Facebook j"irui?'ttir YouTube pL*A$ii c0l*sIssK r'lr g *s{v}ldQNMliit{T SEF(}R$ PRXI$ }'rlsG'rFix$ *:-MAIL From: Derek Kemppainen <derekk@tapani'com> Sent: MondaY, March 15,202L9:42 AM To: Brad Barnish <bradb@taPani'com> Cc: Bryant, Jason <JBryant@kentwa'gov> Subject: Re: Green River PumP Good morning Jason ! Did you want us to go ahead with this work as a change order? Derek KemPPainen Special Projects Tapani lnc. (360) 97s-2011 onThu,Mar11,2o2'J,al4:23PMBradBarnish<bradb@tapani'com>Wrote Forwarded message From : <don@suPeriordoorwa'com> Date: Thu, Mar L1", 202L, 4:2O PM EXTERNAL EMAIL FA Sheet No':23 4r,FORCE ACGOUNT WORKED DAILY REPORT OF ni UndePrime Contractor: T Project Name GRNRA P ump Station Description of Work: Patch Electrical Access in Ceilin Project No: 17-3012 round lnc Sub-Contractor: Work by Subcontractor?: no Item No.:Date: 31512021 OVERTIMESTRAIGHT TIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsOT RateRateHouHrsOCCUPATIONCODENAME10774.74eth 77.54$10077Foreman $1 00. Welder 79.3543Welderarrod $59.9643.05 $'100.5543.05 Neal LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29% s 77.54 100.03 22.49 LABORTOTAL $ SUBTOTAL - LABOR: STANDBYOPERATED DOLLAR AIVOUNTRateHoursEQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment DescriptionEquipment # $52.94Deere Excavator1 1 05078 $25.59Crew Truck5220049 Deere 50 Excavator12031 19 $54Komatsu Loader71 850.00Istock 25.46Crew Trucks040076 EOUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21OlO EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ $ SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT DOLLAR AMOUNTUnit PriceUnitsQuantity MATERIALS / SERVICES 750.00$ea1 DNC $ SUBTOTAL OVERHEAD&PROFIT@12% TOTAL $ $ $ 7s0.00 840.00 90.00 n of Hours Worked Date Contractor's DateRepresentative 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work) 940.03 940.03SHEET TOTAL $ roTAL: $ Pay Esti Date: By: ChanForce Accou Order Works heet StationWater P # Description # c.o. GRNRA 204002 17-3012 Tapani lnc' PO Box 1900 o 1904 SE 6th Place Battle Ground, WA 98604 360.687.1 148 on: Patch Electrical Access in Ceiling freat'alaht UnltR6tsHout€Ratallourr _$_!q!_1_$ 77.54 s 77.54 T------@ 22.49 Sub T Labor Overhead & Profit 29o/o Labor Total St 1oo.oz - Total ( Rato Equipment Overhead & Profit UnllRatq Material Overhead & Profit 21% Material Total T- 750^ooT- 9o.oo Rate Subcontractor Overhead & Profit Su bcontractor 12o/o Total $ b Other Overhead & Profit 21 940.02 forcostsdenotmarkupsamateriallaboras theandcostsicostand/orusualonthe mpacttsaccelerationnlessproposalovertimespecifled)overheaded (uextendreschedulidisrung,thisconsiderptions,Pleaseencework,of delays,thisof contract.tn the seq finalto completionitemspriorrelatedtheseofalandforclaim(if any)make anytoreservedtsexpresslY contract.matnand/ortnbconlractdefinedas"notice"officialan9uage $ $ 940.02$ DaY(s) Accepted bY: the General LiabilitY lnsurance 0 out"' n'"increases the time to Bond Total DNCDryrvalLILO 3181 1 Pacific HWY South Ste B #216 FederalWaY, WA 98003 (206)856-9735 dncdrywall@Yahoo.com dncdrywall.com $$,{v#$cil B-ILITO Mr Nick Moreno TEPANI INC 1904 SE 6th PL Battle Ground wA 98604 JOBTOCATTON 6015 S 24OTH ST KENT WA f.!l: j r}hre f .j,lLiStrrr! itjl'Atr DAI-I: 0212612021 AOI !VITY Serdces lli::s(-lfllPl'loN - DRYWALL PATCHING, MUDDING, SANDING AND TEXTURE . TWO HOLLOW DOOR FRAMES INSTALLED, TO INSTALL THESE FRAMES WE HAD TO CUT bniwnlr- ARouND DooR oPENINGS AND THEN PNTCTT IT AND FINISH IT ALL THIS WORK INVOLVED 15HRS X 150 $ 2,250 - DRYWALL PATCHING AT CEILING SHRS X150 $ 750 - MATERIALS $2OO BALANCE DUE TNVOTOE # 2227 DATE 03/1512021 DUEDATE 0312612021 TEflMS Due on receiPt RAI E 3,200.00 $3100-00 Al/()tJ[]'l 3,200.00 THERE WILL BE A $1 5 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS' 1.5 % INTEREST WILL BE ASSESSED ON ALL UNPAID BALANCES AFTER 15 DAYS FOR EVERY WEEK AFTER. Thank You for Your business