HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-133 - Change Order - #5 - Northwest Cascade, Inc. - 76th Ave S Improvements - 05/12/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cheny colored paper)WAsHtNcroN Department; PW Engineering Originator: S. Anderson Date Required: N/A Date Sent: 6t t21 Date of Council Approval N/A Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee [J Mayor Grant? EYes E No Type: N/A Budget Account Number: R20082.64110.'120 Budget? EYes E No Category: Contract Vendor Name: Northwest Cascade, lnc Sub-Category: Change Order #5 Vendor Number: 72783 Project Name: 76th Ave. S. lmprovements - S. 220th St. to S' 214th St. project Detaits: Alternative construction means require to install the storm system as it was shown in the plans due to an unknown storm connection to Blue Origin. Basis for Selection of Contractor: $igl TerminationDate: 151 Working DayS Agreement Amount: $1 0,1 I 6.57 Start Date: N/A Local Business? E Yes E No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, ptease complete "Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace. Contract Number: cAG2020-133 Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes E No Comments:Date Received by City AfiorneY: Date Routed to the Mayort Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: rd(W22371-1-20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements KENTWAgHrNcTof, NAME OF CONTMCTOR: CHANGE ORDER NO. #5 Northwest Cascade. Inc. ("Contractor") CONTMCT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER:TAth a.ro c nrrrrramahfc - C lfnth cl.1-a Q .11rth Cf ORIGINAL CONTMCT DATE:May 5, 2020 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contrac$ all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the pafties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: Alternative construction means required to install the storm system asit was shown in the plans due to an unknown storm connection to Blue Origin, 2, The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of completion," and section III, "compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates and wssT) $4,472,667.25 Net Change by Previous Change Orders ( incl. applicable WSST) $124,881.01 Current Contract Amount (incl. Previous Change Orders) $4,s9i,s49.26 Current Change Order $10,n6.57 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $0.00 Revised Contract Sum $4,607,664.83 CHANGE ORDER . 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion (insert date) 120 working days Revised Time for Completion under prior Change Orders (insert date) 26 working days Days Required (+) for this Change Order s calendar days Revised Tirne for Completion (inseft date) 151 working days In accordance with Sections L-O4.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless othenruise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, pafticularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the pafties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below, DATE: (utte) Print Name: By: Print Nam", cnua("f',lJi',i] r.r.Its Public Works Direcbr CITY OF KENT: UJ B; , S/nlet (titte) CHANGE ORDER . 2 OF 3 ATTESTI ! Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: (appltcable if Mayofs slgnature requlred) Kent Law Department [n thls idd, you may €nter the €lsGtronlc file9.th whqe ti€ 6tr$.ct h8s bsn gavedl CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 Lfi0")o - B*Idtta,*) FA Sheet No.:Lfr DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED /A\./ KENTD.rrr.r.i. Description of Work: Used Eductor truck to dig storm line due to unlocated private utilities in blue origin Prime Contractor: NW Gascade by Project Name: 76th Av S lmprovements Project No: 19-3006 driveway - Crew on Item No.: Work bt S;b;niraaior?; NO Sub-Contractor: Date: 912212020 LABOR STRAIGHTTIME OVERTIME NAME CODE OCCUFATION Hrs Hourly Rate Hrs OT Rate DOLLAR AMOUNT foreman 5 90.01 450.05$ ODeralor Grouol 5 81.67 $408.35 Dipelayer 5 65.36 $326.80 laborer M.19 $ $ LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT, INCLUDING SICKLEAVE FOR THE MEDICAL LEAVE @ LABORTOTAL $r,662.61 31Yo $ SUBToTAL - LABOR: S 1 ,185.20 367.41 EOUIPMENT OPERATED STANDBY Hrs Hourly Rale Hrs ulanoDy KSte DOLLAR AMOUNT EOUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equ,pment # Equtpment Description c632 foreman huck 5 37.59 187.95$ D221 5 14 -71 $73.55JD 85D mini ex DlSS JD 644J ER loader 5 16.33 81.65$ $ c SUBTOTAL - EOUIPMENT EOUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EOUIPIUENT TOTAL 4',15,21$ s $ 343.1 5 72.06 ,ICES'RENTALS MATERIALS / SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Prlce DOLLAR AMOUNT dump fees 1 LS $ 150,00 150.00$ 3.6% soils use tax 0,036 tax $ 150.00 540$ Flowhawks 1 LS $ 1,657.50 1,657.50$ *-- -4'1? 2 TOTAL $ & PROFIT @21oA $ SUBTOTAL 2,193.61 380.71 rification of Hours Worked: Date DateRepresenlalive SHEETToTAL: $ 4,161.+S 120lo MARKUP prlm€ when subcontract work) (for $ 4O\T L{ FA Sheet No.:29 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED Project Name: 75th Av S lmprovements Project No: 19-3006 Item No.Date: 9l29l2A2O Description of Work: Deleted Blue Origin connection to the Citv svstem on Stand Prime Contractor: NW Cascade Work by Subcontractor?: Sub-Contractor: l.ABOR NAME CODE OCCUPATION STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourly Rate Hrs OT Rate loreman 5 00,01 $450-05 Cperator 5 81.85 $40s.25 oipelayer 5 85.36 $326.80 $ s SUBTOTAL- LABOR: $1 ,186,10 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT.INCLUOING SICXLEAVE FOR THE MEDICAL LEAVE @ 31% S 387.69 LABORTOTAL $1,553,79 EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment # Equipment Oescriptlon OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNTHr9Hourly Rate Hrs Standby Rate c632 foreman truck 5 37.59 $187.S5 D.221 JD 850 mini ex $ D199 JD 31 0 SG loader 5 33.83 $169.1 5 JD 245G LG excavator 5 104:71 $523.55 $ SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT EOUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 2'I% EQUIPMENT TOTAL $880.65 't 84.94 $1 MATERIALS / SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT dump fees 5 CY I 7.50 $37.50 3.60/o solls use tax 0.036 tax $ 37,50 c 1.35 displacement fee3 5 CY $ 14.50 $72.50 $ $ SUBTOTAL $11 1 .35 oVERHEAO&PROFlr@21% g 23.38 TOTAL $ 134.73 Verification of Hours Worked:ToTAL; $ 2,754.11 120lo MARKUP prime when subcontract work) (for $ 4 SHEETTOTAL: $754.',11Contreclor'g Ownefs Representatlve l/Dato , Commenls y u, g \ ?*Q-*.rJ- fv r u,-- FA Sheet No 31 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED {4" Project Name: 76th Av S lmprovements Project No: 19-3006 Item No,:Date: Description of Work:Encountered unknown connection to private storm svstem, Efforts to drain and Prime Contractor: NW Gascade Work by Subcontractor?: Sub-Contractor: I.ABOR NAME CODE OCCUPATION STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourly Rate Hrs OT Rate Foreman 5 90.01 I 450.05 Operator - Hesvy 5 81.85 $40s,25 Laborer Grade checker A 66.17 $330.85 $ $ SUBTOTAL. LABOR: LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFTT @ 31ol" LABORTOTAL $1 190.1 5 368,95 t0 IP[IENT EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment # Equlpment Descrlption OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNTnr8Hourly Rate Hrs Fitandby HaIe JD 20C LC Excavator 5 84.78 U 423.90 F450 Foreman truck 5 33.84 a 169.20 $ c $ SUBTOTAL- EOUIPMENT $593,10 EQUIPMENT OVERHEAO & PROFIT @ 21o/o $124.55 EQUIPMENT TOTAL 717.65 MATERIALS / SERVICES Quantity lJnits Unit Pric6 DOLLAR AMOUNT 12" scr6w Plug 1 EA $ 120.71 $120.71 H&H Pump vls Flow Haks 1 LS $ 750.00 a 750.00 Fuel for Pump I GAL $ 3.50 $28.00 $ $ SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD&PROFlr@21% TOTAL $858.71 $'188.73 $1,087.44 Verification of Hours Worked:TorAL: $ 3.364.1S 12% MARKUP prime whsn subconlract work) (for u SHEETTOTAL: $ 3,364'19 --.-t=7.- Owner's Representative {Date Comments File No. 2OO.2 KENT CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 5 Construction Engineering Division - Public Works Project: 76th Av S Improvements Project Nol 19-300b project Engineer: Mark Madfai Fed-Aid No: N/A capital Projects phil Mcconnell contractor: Northwest cascade Manager: Date: I Pro sed Chan e ystem as it was shown on the Plans'Alternative construction means requ ired to install the storm s Covering Extra Work numbers 28,29 and 31 IL Reason and Back round for Chan e III. Method of PaYment NEW PAY ITEMS f, t',totaPPlicable around. Requiring an eduction truck versus conventional construction means' 2. An unknown strom connectin to Blue Origin, not shown on the plans creating additional work to plug the connection. The system was submerged under water creating additional challenges including a diver' ing to Blue Origin that had to be excavated1. There were unknown sensitive P rivate utilities belong Sch No Item DescriPtion Total Est. Qty Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost of Item 4 Additional means required to install the storm system as it was shown on the plans. Covering Extra Work 28,29 and 31 1 FA $10,1L6.57 $L0,Lt6.57 $ $ New Pay Items Total: $LO.1L6.s7 DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-O9.5 ptrtotappricabre Sch No,Bid Item No.ftem DescriPtion Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of Item Page 1 $ Delete Existing PaY ltems Total: $ INCREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) E Notappricabre Sch No.Bid Item No.Item DescriPtion Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of ltem $ $ Increase / Decrease to Existing Pay Items Total: $ *TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDERT $10,116.57 x Total of the Cost of Item Columns IV. WORKING DAYS L46Previous Total:5Due This Change Order:L20Original Contract: Explanation/ Justification for Additional Worki ng Days: *TOTAL WORKING DAYS:151 x This Change Order + Previous Total Date: el Capital Projects Manager: P Construction Engineering Supervisor: Paul Kuehne Construction Manager:----1ru- '// ;- ,'' ',1 --t I zr-u ?/z Date: Date:9/z t Eric Connor Page 2 l]z" Storm Tally EW 28 EW 29 EW 31 Eduction Truck for privet utilities Delete unknown private storm connectio Delete unknown private storm connectio 3998.27 2754.LL 3364.19 10116,57 FA Sheet No I ',1,l_u DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED r,A\/ 1<ENT Project Name: 76th Av S lmp rovements Project No:19-3006 Item No Date: 912212020 Description of Work:Used Eductor truck to d iq storm line due to unlocated orivate utilities in blue orioin d - Crew on Stand Prime Contractor: NW Cascade Work by Subcontractor?: Sub-Contractor: LABOR NAME CODE OCCUPATION STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourly Rate Hrs OT Rate foreman 5 90.01 $450.05 Operator Groupl E 81.67 $408.35 pipelaver 5 65.36 $326.80 laborer 64.1 9 $ $ SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $I 185.20 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT, INCLUDING SICKLEAVE FOR THE MEDICAL LEAVE @ 31% $367.41 LABORTOTAL $1 .61 IPMENT EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment # Equipment Description OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR ANNOUNTrsHourly Rate rs LbSZ foreman truck 6 37.59 $187,95 D221 JD 85D mini ex 14.71 $73.55 nl oo JD 644J ER loader A 16.33 $81 .65 $ $ SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL $343.15 $72.06 $415.21 MATERIALS / SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT du fees 1 LS $ 150.00 $150.00 3,60/0 soils use tax U. UJb tax $ 150.00 o 5.40 Flowhawks 1 L5 $ 1,657,50 $1,657.50 $ Q SUBTOTAL subcontractor mark uP @ 12o/o TOTAL $1 ,812.90 $217.55 $2,030.45 Verification of Hours Worked TOTAL:3 998.27 12% MARKUP prime when subcontract work) (for $ SHEEr TOrAL: $ 3,998.27 Contractor's Representative Date Owner's Representative Date Comments NORTSWEST CASCADE! INC. NWC PROJECT #4255 DESCRIPTIONT gy&o aevslc s@d ulqtrd utiliiiq h BhG Ori8i! D$ LOCATION: 76tl Avo South ltryry@b lrbffi Grcup 4 ' Phc lryq Fol@ ODqrtdON\D3.Litltr Opatorcrup 2 - HalXt D199 2OO8 JOHNDEERE 644' D22' 2OI3 JOIINDBRE EsD EW# Bulao: COR 28 X'/t SMAITCTOLSI MARKI'P: I.AEO&TOTAI.: t47,83 3462.429'/t MARKIJP: $l26,EI s2t(x.70 t730,66EQUIPMENT TOTTTL; 67.E3 E/. MARKUP: MATBRIALTOTAL| $0.00 t{1.00 r TEST RSVTSTON 096y201 I lzrh MARKUP| SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL: il98.90 ll&56{0 TOTAL f,691.76 ]Job Gode4255Northwest Cascade ConstructionJob Nams Clty of Kent 76th Ave S lmptovDaily ReportMird-(60-75);Pardy Sunny / Cloudy;Nomal GroundDug 32 tree pits 28'in depth 10'@ 320 LF. Rernoved curb and gutter from station 8+61 to14+77,15+30 to 19+49, 19+90 to 22+22= a total of 1267 LF. Exba wo* Hanson picke<l up@ncrete out of planters ard slopes. Hauled out 4 loads of curb to Miles176901050379167788D206o10512010318D221M310c549HONEYVI/ELL, DAVID OPER-FOREWAGNER, ELZADA FLAG TCS 8/.5TA'YATT,MATTHEW APPR.ISBRLEA" ROBERT OPEMTOR LCRAVI'-ER MOUNTEDDEMANKO,JESSICA FLAGTCSJONES, DAVID OPEMTR HHCRA\A'I-ER MOUNTED3.WHEEL S\A'EEPER TWATERTRUCKHANSON, JOHN APPR.I-ABRTRACTOR LOADER BA8/.58/-5u.58/0.s8/0.5u0.58/0.58|/0.58/1).58/0.5I6010314D169'c'- indiates a rcmpleted item.'(R)'- idicates a reworkquantity.8Printedon: AgnS/2020 O9:8:ffiPage 1 IJob Code4255Northuest Cascade GonstructionJob Name: City of Kent 76th Ave S lmprov176301050379167788D206010512010318D221M310Daily Report8r/.5HONEIT'\ELI- DAVID OPER-FOREWAGNER, ELZADA FI.AG TCS\MYATT, MATTTIEIA' APPR. I.ABRLEA, ROBERT OPEMTOR LCRAIA'LER MOUNTEDDEMANKO, JESS]CA FLAG TCSJONES, DAVID OPERATR HH U.5CRAWLERMOUNTED 63.VWEEL SWEEPER TWATERTRUCKHANSON, JOHN APPR. LABRTRACTOR LOADER BATotab for l-aborTotals for Equipment8/0.5€t/0.58m.58/0.58/O.s8l/0.58t0.5I6c549010314D1698/.5I18Hours: 59.5Hours: 24Worked:59.5Worked:24Brcken Out:Broken Out:(56/3.510)Q40nlCode176901050379167788010512010318010314l{ameHONENTVELL, DAVIDWAGNER. EIZADAVUTATT, MATTHEWLEA, ROBERTDEMANKO, JESSICAJONES, DAVIDHANSON, JOHNBeginEndStart07:0007:@07:0007:0007:0007:00O7:00Break (1)Lunch Break(2)12:0G12:3012:fi!12:30'12:OU12:3O12:0G12:3012:0l+-12:3012:0G12:3012:0G12:30End Diem Subsistence Noies16:0016:0016:0016:0016;0016:0016:00IUeal (2)b'-indietesa ampleted item.Date:-_'(R)'- indicates a rcwork quantity.Printed on: @2;5nO20 O9:59;55We2 NorthrYest Cascade ConstructionJob Name: Ci$ of Kent 76th Ave S lmprov1000.11005.21025230523108080EW-003EW{)26'c'- indicates a completed item.lR)'- indicates a rework quantity.4Dlnspector Note5Dlnsp€ctor Note6Dlnspector Note2Hlrcpector Note1Dlnspector Note7Dlnspector Note3Dlnspecior NoteI John picked up oco @ncrete in planbrslnspector NoteDaily ReportJob Code4255Date:Printed on: 09n5/2020 a9:59:55Page 3 IIJob Gode4255Northwest Cascade ConstructionJob Name: City of KentTSth Ave S lmprovDaily ReportMird-(60-75);Overcast;Parfly Sunny I CloudyWoft on CB 'lB and 28Flow Hawks on site to vac out trench line to locate existing utilities not on the plan or marked by one call52786583D199D221887@55212112@2IARNCUISTED 1/vTIEELCRA\AII-ER MOUNTEDBLANE0103266590DELGADO, ANTHONY PIPE I.AYER 2OPEMTOR H 1Totals for LaborTotals for Equlpment282Hourc: 26Houns: 15Worted:26Worked:15Broken Out:Broken Out:(261010)(15/0/0)Code52786589010326'c'- indicates a nmpleted item.TR)' - indicates a rewoft quantity.Name Begin EndRODY, BLANESMITH, DARRELLDELGADO, ANTHOT{YLunch Brcak(2)12:00-12:30120G12:30End Dlem Suhslstence Notes15:3015:3009:00Start07:0007:0007:00Brcak(1)ileal (2)xDate:Printedon: 49l2ffi020 09;59:55Page 4 jNorthwest Cascade ConstructionJob Name: City of Kent 76th Ave S lmprov10104080EVV-028'c'- natrates a conpeesJob Gode4255Daily Report1 For CB 1 and 2 B use road hog to remove the asphaltlnspector Note2 lnstall CB 1 and 2 B back fill around thernlnspector Note3lnspector l.loieitem.Extra workFlow Hawks on site today to vac out one ditch line for CB 1 & 2 B storm linesStarted at 1B vac out CB and trench line to find the existing utilities not on the plan or from one callOne call marked out 2 power lines we found one 4 and one.6 inch white SCH 40 and 6 one inch gmy power clnduits this is from 830 am to 130 prnSee Flow Hawks truck ticket'(R)'- indicates a rewotu guantity.Date:Printed on: 092ffi020 O9:59:55Page 5 n FloHavrk Plrflrilng+$ftic Billing Address PROFIT CENTER 1 # 1041 2 John Bananola Way East Puyallup, WA 98374 USA PO BOX 73399 PUYAT[UP, WA 98373 P:253-446-8485 F: 253-848-2399 Description of Work lnvoice 561 1 5582 lnvoice Date 9122/2020 com pleted D ate g /22 12020 Customer PO Job Address orofitcenter 1 #4255 21n+1 TSthlvenue South Kent WA 98032 USA ET to hydro excavate as directed on site dump at Canyon Pit. Mt rtf need to return tomorrow I am to Finish. Task # L'ET Description ET TRUCK (Hourly Rate, after 2 hour minimum) Quantity 8.50 Your Price $19s.00 Your Total $ 1,657.s0 Sub-Total Tax Total Due $1,657.50 $000 $1^65?50 Ealance Due $1,657.50 Please pay from this invoice, Terms: due 30 days from invoice date. Delinquency Charge 1% per month. Northwest Cascade, lnc, DBA FloHawks is hereby authorized to furnish all materials and labor required to complete the requested work/service at21441 76th Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 USA and dtscribed herein. The estimated cost to perform this work is $1,839,90 at the time of inspection and with the information available it itri iime of the inspectlon. lf cost changes, the customer will be made aware prior to invoiiing. lf you Have any questions about thls job, please ask your iervice Expert SHAUN KROGNESS, he or she will be happyto help! ^J 4J 9122t2020 Acknowledoement of Work/Service to be performed. i. on U"tiitt6f oionfcente, I *IZSS hereby acknowledqe that the work a121441 76th Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 USA has been dompleted as igreed upon. I have inspectrid the work and it is complete to my satisfaction. c h 9/2212020 FA Sheet No 29 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED KENT Project Name: 76th Av S lmprovements Proj ect No: 19-3006 Item No.:Date: 912912020 Description of Work Deleted Blue in connection to the C dri - Crew on Stand Prime Contractor: NW Cascade Work by Subcontractor?: Sub-Contractor: LABOR STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNT NAME CODE OCCUPATION Hrs Rate Hrs OT Rate foreman (90.01 4s0.05 Operator 5 81,85 $409.25 pipelaver 6 65.36 $326.80 $ $ SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $1,186.10 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT, INCLUDING SICKLEAVE FOR THE MEDICAL LEAVE @ 31% $367.69 LABORTOTAL $1 79 EQUIPMENT EOUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment # Equipment Description OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNTHoRate c632 foreman truck 5 37.59 $187,95 D221 JD 85D mini ex $ D1 99 JD 3'10 SG loader 5 JJ. OJ $1 69.1 5 JD 245G LG excavator 5 104.71 523.55$ $ SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL $880.65 $184.94 1,065.59 TALS MATERIALS / SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT fees CY $7.50 37.50 dum 0,036 tax a 37.50 1.35 3.6% soils use tax 72.50fees6CY$14.50 SUBTOTAL OVERHEAD&PROFlr@21% TOTAL 111.35 $23.38 $134.73 cation of Hours Worked TOTAL (for 754.11 12% MARKUP prime when subcontract work)$ Date SHEET TOTAL: $2,754.11 Contraclor's Owner's Date 73 ?U€k L Vr,v-frr"'*-4b\ FA Sheet No.31 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED KENT Project Name: 76th Av S lmprovements Proje ct No: 19-3006 Item No Date: Description of Work Encountered unknown connection to private storm svstem. Efforts to drain and the existin Prime Contractor: NW Cascade Work by Subcontractor?: Sub-Contractor: LABOR NAME CODE OCCUPATION STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourly Rate Hrs OT Rate Foreman A 90.01 $4s0.05 Operator - HeavY 81.85 $409.25 Laborer Grade checker t bb.t/s 330,85 $ $ SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $1.190.15 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 31% $368.95 LABOR TOTAL $1 10 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment #Equipment DescriPtion OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourly Rate Hrs Standby Rate JD 20C LC Excavator 5 84.78 $423.90 F450 Foreman truck E 33.84 $169.20 $ $ SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT EOUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL $593.1 0 $124.55 $717.65 MATE MATERIALS / SERVICES Ouantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT H&H PumP via Flow Haks 1 EA $ 120.71 $120.71 1 LS $ 750.00 $750.00 Fuel for PumP 8 GAL $ 3.50 $28.00 $ SUBTOTAL ovERHEAD&PROFIT@21% TOTAL 898.71 188.73 1,087.44 Verification of Hours Worked A TOTAL: $ 3 19 ,12% MARKUP prime when subcontract work) (for $ SHEET TOTAL:364.19 Contractor's Owner's Representative Date Comments a.NORTFTVEST CASCADE, rNC.NWC PROJECT#4255DESCRIPTION: Addilional 12"DIPlugIICATION: 76th Ave Sorth ImprovementsBitrto: COKEW# 31Additional 12' Dl/Plug - STA 191379R,0D020WORKI-aborer Gmup 5 - Grade CheckerForerranOperatorrGroup 2 - HeavyD17O 2OO5 JOHNDEERE 2OOCL(DISO 2006 JOHNDEERE 3IOSCREG 5o.REG 5o.TSTNBY5MOUNTEDI.,OADER5700$81.85LABORSUBTOTALzYO SICKLEAVE:29'/o MARKUP:LABORTOTAL$1 190.15$23.E0$345.14EQUIPMENT STJBTOTAI;IIVO MARKIJP:EQUIPMENTTOTAL:$s93.05$124.54s1559.09$717.59RATEHOIJRSMaterialsScrewvlaFugltor L-u!g!88MAIERIAL SIJBTOTAL:21Yo MARKUP:MATERI,ALTOTAL:$1 l 1s.34{234.22$134955LATEST REVISION 09 I 3I DO 1 Il2o/o MARKIIP:SIJBCONTRACTORTOTAL:s0.00TOTAL$0.00fft62c25 W0-J"FA Sheet No L7 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED Prime Contractor: NW Cascade d Description of Work:Used Eductor truck to d iq storm line due to unlocated private utilities in blue orioin Project Name: 76th Av S lmProvements Project No: 19-3006 - Crew on Stand Work by Subcontractor?: Sub-Contractor: Item No.:Date: 912212020 LABOR STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsOT RateHrsHourly RateCODEOCCUPATIONNAME 450.05$90.014foreman 408.35$5 81.67Operator Groupl 326.80$5 65.36oipelaver $64.1 Ilaborer $ LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT, INCLUDING SICKLEAVE FOR THE MEDICAL LEAVE @ 1,185.20 31% $ 1 552.61LABORTOTAL $ 367.41 SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $ EQUIPMENT STANDBYOPERATED DOLLAR AMOUNTHourly Rate Hrs Standby RateHrs EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment # Equipment Description 187.95$5 37.59foreman truckc632 73.55$14.71JD 85D mini exD221 81.65$^16.33JD 644J ER loaderD1 99 $ $ SUBTOTAL. EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT[-Jnit PriceUnitsMATERIALS / SERVICES $ $ RIALSIS 343.1 5 415.21 72.06 Quantity '150.00$LS $ 150.001dump fees $ 150.00 5.40$0.036 tax3.6% soils use tax 1,657.50$1 LS $ 1,657.50Flowhawks $-:- t TOTAL $ SUBTOTAL $ EAD&PROFlr@21% 2,193.61 380.71 1,81 Verification of Hours Worked 161.43 Owner's Representative 40t,2 L{ (for DateConlractor's Date 12% MARKUP prime when subcontract work) SHEET TOTAL: $ NORTETVF,ST CASCADq rNC.NWC PROJECT #4255DESCRIPTION: Storm Stub not Shown - Tie In - Blue Odgin - STA 19+40LOCATION: 76th Ave South hnpmvanentsIaborer Gtoup 4 - Pipe layerForemanSill to: COKEW#D9n9Dt20550s122.96REG 5OperatorGroup2 - HeavyD22O 2OI4 JOHNDEERE 245GUD179 2W6 JOHNDEERE 3IOSGc632 20t5FORDF450o-T.REG 5551.85LABORSTJBTOTAL:2n/. SICKLEAVE:29o/o MARKUP:I.ABORTOTAL:HOURSRATE186.tt23.72$343.97$1553.t0sl.59i33.837.62TRUCKSTNBY2lo/o MARKUP:EQ1JIPMENT TOTAL:$184.%$106559Drmp Fees for CW $"pe (2a TCY Minimun) .3.6% Soil Refuse Tax on $180.005550zlYot4.J0SUBTOIAL:MARKUP:MATERIALTOTAL:$23.65$136.26RATE0l2o/o MARKUP:SIJBCONTRACTOR T'OTAL:$0.00$0.00I-ATEST REVISION 09t31 nOl tTOTAL$2755.65 ftNorthrest Gascade ConstructionJob ilanre: Gi$ of Kent 78ffr Ave S lmpmvDaily Report)JobGode4255Warm - fa5 -s0);Par0y Sunny / Clor.rdy;Sunnyf8F stormForce account she€t 13 cf 55 aound STA 19+ 40 remove exisfing CBPipe hooked b Blue Fperty pad<ing krt 68 full of waEr phe not on the plans,Zt839186590Dl99D170DlEORODY, BI.ANE OPERfOREC'ARNERRONATD PIPELAYtRROESCHLEIN, JOE OPERATOR HARTICULATEDWHEELCRAV\ILER MOUNTEDTRACTOR LOADERBA3,2;5#2.538t.51J5555558/25-8t2.5d2.511010Totalsfor LaborTotals forEqulpmentHouns: 31-5Hours: 21Wortst3l.5Wor*ed:21Eroken (lut:BrukEn Out:l24t7.$t0lewnlCode8n8391865SllarnsRODY, BI."ANEGARNER, RONAI.I)ROESCHLEIN, JOEBegin Endshft020007:fi)O7:00BreaktflLunch Brcd({2|120&12:3012G[}.12:301200.1e30End Dicm Subelstence Nob18:ff)18:@18:0ulleal (21x'(R)' - k fu" I a rework qumfly.tlate:Printd a")zn*mza tMI6:36Pagr,bta fINofi hwest Gaecade Construcff onJob t{ama: Clty of l(.nt 78th Ave S lmprovJob Code,l,!155Daily Report4025EW-0311 lnstall 'l 27 of I 8' storm going to CB #8 we arc 1 1 ' fiom Cts #8Load oul I trucfts of sPoilsRemoved Ml slz exisling CB wlll be on tdnonou,$ DPRLafrJ the pipe orer the 2 CB and left open b instdl concrete h themlnspecftr Hote2lnspector NoteAt around STA. lgi40 at note 4145 and 4130 at the existing CB we found the existing plpe that goes to Blrc Oigiins paddng lot CB that has 2.5 foot ofwater need to pump outto r€move and plug the pipeBUT on the plan there is no plpeto rcmore loolcs lil<e a GB by ib selfXP 11 H&H Pump not in lfre system to put on Ume cardSet up H&H ard rrctlt on pumdng got it dou/n ryound 9o this is in the mftldle dfte way of Blue OdginPer Pady and Phfll remow tre pump and more it to the south drive rray and set it up an<l pump all nlght'(R)' - inW' a mtmh guantltY-DelelPintedqt'Pmn10:46:36PryaJ F$*Ffawdrs Plumbing+SeNc a arsrg tovrffit &ftF r Cwst Billing Address PROFIT CENTER 1 # Must Email lnv Puyallup, WA 98374 USA PO BOX 735457 DALLAS, TX75373 F:253-446-8485 F: 253-848-2399 Estimate Details Estimate 120514503 Job Estimate Date 319/2021 Job Address profit center 1 W255 21441 76lh Avenue South Kent WA 98032 USA GET EQUIPMENT READY FOR JOB Task # RNT Description EQUIPMENT RENTAL CHARGE (PER DAN H8IH POWER UNIT AND HOSE Quantity 1.00 Your Price $750.00 Your Total $7s0,00 Sub-Total $750.00Tax $0.00 Total $?50.00 Please pay from this invoice. Terms: due 30 days fom invoice date, Delinquency Charge 1% per month, Notes and Exclusions: Bid is oood for 30 davs. Price iicludes no laniscape testoration Customer is resoonsible to provide clear access Price based on iash/check dayment, please add 3% for credit card Payment FloHawks is herebv authorized to furnish all materials and labor required to complete the work described above for the ;;id;; uo6n 1# termi inO conditions stated above and upon thos€ ADDITIONAI TERMS that are printed on tlre iOaitionat-ittichment to this proposal. Customer acknowled'ges having read, understood, and received a coPy of the AOotflONlt TERMS (which idcluile an INDEMNITY PROVISION relating to HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES) as well as the statutory NOTICE TO CUSTOMER that is also printed on the a$achment. Customer Printed N T{.t}" FOT$I#LER COMPAItlY REMIT: PO Box 84368, Seattle, WA 98124 3633 136th Pl SE, Sle 100, Bellovue, WA 98006 PO Box 160, Bellevue, WA 98009-0160 Phone 425-654-8800 * Fax 425-641-8885 Bellevue Branch 13440 SE 30rh St Bellevue, WA 98005 (425) 746-8400 Fax (425) 641S885 Page I of 1 lnvoice Number r5600756 BEWH # 143940 o:NORTHWEST CASCADE PO BOX 73399 PUYALLUP WA 98373-0399 Ship to:HD Fowler Company - Bellevue 13440 SE 30th St Bellevue WA 98005 Order Writer: Ben Pimentel arma: NET 1OTH PROX oB: H, D. FOWLER PO/JOB: #/.255 76TH AVE SOUTH Unit PriceLine Qty aty Ship'd BO'd UoM Part # Description Extended Price lnv Date: 09/30/20 Order# o6820754 Due: 1Ol10l2O Ship Vla: Will-Call Here (Order & 1 1 EA CHGP5 12" T-HANDLE ALUM GRIPPER PLUG LESS BY.PASS 272922 CHERNE 337.34 Sub total Freight Tax Grand Total 337.34 337.34 PADDY Servino the Pacific Northwest since 191 1- rrm hdfowlernnm 337.34 Northwest Gascade ConstructionJob ilama; Cityof l(entT6thAve Sl knprovDaily ReportJobGorle4l55Warm-fr5-90IPartly Sunny/ Cloudy;Sunny18"stofmForoe ac@unt sheet 13 d 55 arcund STA" 19+ 40 rernove exbtiE CBPlpe hooled to Blue property pa*ing lot CB tull of water pipe not on the plan5'?:t839180590Dl99D170D{80RODY, BLANE dPEN.TONEGARNER,RONALD PIPEI.AYERROESCHLEIN, JOE OPERATOR HARITCX'IATEDWHEEfCRAWLERMOUNTEDTRACTORLOADERBAffi..s3t'2.5*2515555558f2.5v7.58t2.511010ToblsfurlaborTotals for EquiBmentHoqs: 31.5Hours: 2llfforbd:31.5Worked:21Broksr Out:Broken Out:(24t7.5t01erruo)Code527839186590Break {1}Date:%d'F{)" idiq"^s a rcwo* watW--l ptuEdd pnlrntm fi:48:30 Pa* 32\NameRODY, BI.ANEGARNER,ROMLDROESC}ILEIN, JOEBedn E ldE:tart07:0007:0007:00Lunch Brcdr{2}12:dF't23012:0G12:3012{(L12:30End Diear SubsieGnce Notes18:fi)18:0018:00lloal (21 Northrest Cascade GonstnrctionJob llame: Gity sf Kent 78th Ave S lmprwJob Gode4255Daily Report4025EW-031Ilnstall 127 of 18" sdorm golqs b GB #8 ua are 11' from CB #8Load outS trrcks ofspoilsRenprred half of 2 sistlng Cts wlllbe on tomonows DPRLaid the pipe over the 2 CB and left open to hstall concrste in tpmlnspector llob2 At arowtd STA" {9+40 st note 4145 and 41S at the odsling CB we for.rnd the existing pipe thd goes to Blue Onigins paldng lot CB that has 2.5 bot ofwabr need to purnp out b rcnrovts and flug the pheBUT on the plan there ls no plpe to rcmove lool€ lika a GB by ib sdfXP 11 H&H Pump not in the rystem to put or tine cardSet up H&H and work on prmprng got lt dorm mund 9' thls is h tre mkldle drive way of Blue OdginPer Paddy and Phill remow lhe pump and mow it t'o tre souh ddve way and set it up and pump all nlglrtlmpeclor HoteIE'-ittdica|es a @nfledad ftem.TR)' - lndicatgs a rewql+, quanffiy.{\aDete:HinHdonl. 2t fvtn 10:t[6:36a.Page