HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-133 - Change Order - #7 - Northwest Cascade, Inc. - 76th Ave S Improvements - 05/12/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cheny colored paper)WASHINGToN Department: PW Engineering Originator: S. Anderson Date Required: N/A Date Sent: 61 121 Date qf Council Approval: N/A Authorized to Sign: El Director or Designee E Mayor Grant? EYes E No Type: N/A Budget Account Number: R20082.641 10.120 Budget? EYes E No category: Contract, N o ?7*ltDv-fi l*scAP 6, lNc. Vendor Name: Sub-Category: Change Order #7 Vendor Number: 83 Project Name: 76th Ave. S lmprovements - S. 220th St. to S' 214th St' project Detaits: Pour concrete manhole collars on Metro's sewer structures to connect non-matching sections. Extra work 32 and 36. Basis for Selection of Contractor: $i6l Termination Dare: 157 Working Days Agreement Amount: $1,767. 1 I Start Date: N/A Local Business? E Yes E No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete'Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace. cAc2o2o+ t3b Contract Number:Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes E No ?jilIN\tP Comments:Date Received by city Attorney; Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Oflice: adr(W2217]-1-20 Visit Documents.KentWA.govto obtain copies of all agreements KENTWasHrrotox CHANGE ORDER NO. #7 Northwest Cascade, Inc. (..Contractor,,) 76th Ave. S. Improvements - S. 220ttr St. to S. 214tnSt. Mav 5. 2020 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of thecontract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuableconsideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to addadditional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, 'and equipment necessary to: NAME OF CONTMCTOR: CONTMCT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: ORIGTNAL CONTMCT DATE: 2. Completion, Pour concrete manhole collars on Metro's sewer structures to connect nonmatching sections. Extra work 32 and 36. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II .'Time of" and Section III, "Compensation,,, are hereby modifiea as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including appllcable wssr) alternates and $4,472,667.25 Net Change by Previous Change Orders (incl. applicable WSST) $13s,72s.58 Current Contract Amount (incl, Previous Change Orders) $4,608,392.83 Current Change Order $7,732.52 Applicabl e WSST Tax on this Change Order $o.oo Revised Contract Sum $4,616,125,35 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion (insert date) 120 working days Revised Time for Completion under prior Change Orders (insert date) 32 working days Days Required (*) for this Change Order s calendar days Revised Time for Completion (inseft date) 157 working days In accordance with Sections t-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home offiCe overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the pafties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS' the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONTRACTORT Print Name: DATE (tttle) (signature) Print Name: Chad Bieren. P.E. _ CITY OF KENT: (title) shtlet DirectorItsPublic CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 ATTESTI I Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORIII: (appllcable if Mayor's signature regulred) Kent Law Depaftment Pn thlr idq )reu mry enter the slsdtlntc il€p*lr wftorc thc sntnct hrs besr $vedt CHANGE ORDER. 3 OF 3 FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED 96lLr arbr v.r. r.. ej^;>\-/ r<ENT ew36 Prime Contractor: NW Cascade Project Name: 76th Av S lmprovements Description of Work:Pour collar around metro MH Project No: {9-3006 Date: Various Work by Subcontractor?; NO Sub-Contractor: Item No.; LABOR OVERIIMESTRAIGHTTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsOT RateHrsHourly RateCODEOCCUPATIONNAME $90.01122.54190.01forcman 81.85$1 10.8SI81.85Operator 65,36$65.361pipslayer 87.96 $64.1 gleborer $ LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT, INCLUDING SICKLEAVE FOR lHE MEDICAL LEAVE @ 31% LABOR TOTAL STANDBYOPERATED Rate 237,22 3{0.76 73.54 SUBTOTAL - LABOR: EOUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment #Equipment DOLLAR AMOUNT 37.59$1 37.59forernan truck 104.42$,l 1 104142JD 245G LG0223 $ $ $ SUBTOTAL. EOUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL 142.01 171_83 29.52 DOLLAR AMOUNTUnitsUnit PrlceOuantilyMATERIALS / SERVICES s 45.99$ 45.9S1concrele 45,99 $ $ $ $ SUBTOTAL oVERHEAO&PROFIT@21% TOTAL 95.65$ $ $ 45.99 s,66 Verification of Hours Worked; At Date 12% MARKUP prime when subcontract work) 538.24mlSHEETTOTAL: $ $ $ ssa.zqTOTAL: {for N*ru wN FA Sheet No.: 7L. DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED Project Name: 76th Av S lmprovsments Project No: 19-3006 Item No.Date: Various Description of Work Rebar and concrete collar on Metro MH raisinq Work by Subcontrsctor?: NO Prime Contractor: NW Cascade T.A,BOR NAME CODE OCCUPATION STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourly Rate Hrs OT Rate foreman 5 90.01 3 122,96 $818.93 Operator 22 81.87 3 1 10.69 $2,128.81 pipelayer 65.36 $ laborer 22 a4.B 3 87.96 $1,676,06 $ SUBTOTAL-LABOR: $4 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT, INCLUDING SICKLEAVE FOR THE MEDICAL LEAVE @ 31 % LABOR TOTAL $I 18 EOUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment # Equipmsnt Description OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNTHf5Hourly Rate hlrs slandb) K9ls foreman huck 25 37,59 $939.75 JD 35D mini ex 17.56 $ generator 10 E $ $ SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAO & PROFIT @ 21% $939.75 $19735 EQUI PMENTTOTAL S 1,137,t0 VllrEOrt MATERIALS I SERVICES Quantity Units Unll Price DOLLAR AMOUNT rebar r00 LF $ concret6 5 CY $ forms s $ $ SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD&PROFlr@21% TOTAL s $ s Verification of Hourc Worked: ,1 TOTAL: $ 7 194,28 12% MARKUF prime when subconttact work) (for $ ,1 SIIEET rOTAL: $ 7 194.28Date E R€ptosenlative OalE Cnmmenls KENT Project: 76th Av S ImProvements Project Engineer: Mark Madfai Capital Projects phil McConnell CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO' 7 construction Engineering Division - Public works Project No: Fed-Aid No: Contractor: File No. 2OO,2 19-3006 N/A Northwest Cascade Date: Various I Pro ed Chan e Extra Works 32 and 36 ect nonmatching manhole sectionsMetro Sewer Structures to connPour concrete manho le collars on II. Reason and Bac round for Chan e III. Method of PaYment NEW PAY ITEMS I NotaPPlicable manhole sections during road raising match uP, non matchingwhat was required toifferent body of work thenThe pay item descri bedad Sch. No Item DescriPtion Total Est. Qty Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost of Item 5 ur co ars on an era s g Extra Work 32 and 36 1 LS $7,732.52 $7,732.52 $ $ New PaY Items Total: $7,732.52 DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-O9'5 p t'totappricabre Sch No.Bid ltem No.Item DescriPtion Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of Item $ Page 1 $ $ Delete Existing PaY Items Total: $ INCREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) E trtotappricabre Sch No.Bid Item No.Item DescriPtion Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of ltem Increase/DecreasetoExistingPayltemsTota|l *TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER: IV. WORKING DAYS $ $7 732.52 x Total of the Cost of Item Columns L52Previous Total:5Due This Change Order:L20Original Contract: lanation/Justification for Additional Working Days:Exp Capital Projects Manager: Construction Engineering Supervisor: Construction Manager: il McCon Paul Kuehne Eric Connor XTOTAL WORKING DAYS:1.57 x This Change Order + Previous Total Date q Dater Date: l-21-zt q/ta , Page 2 Metro Manhole Raising Force Account Tally Extra Work # 32 7194.28 36 538.24 7732.52 N*3u wY FA Sheet No 7L'/A\-./ KENT DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED Item No. Project Name 76th Av S lmprovements MH rai Prime Co ntractor: NW Cascade Description of Work:Rebar and concrete collar on Metro Project No:19-3006 Date: Various Work by Subcontractor?: Sub-Contractor: LABOR OVERTIMESTRAIGHT TIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsOT RateHourly RateHrsOCCUPATIONCODENAME 818.933122.9690.016n 2,128.81$1 10.692281 $65. 1,676.06a87.9664.122laborer $ LABoROVERHEAD&PROFIT,INCLUDINGSICKLEAVEFoRTHEMEDICALLEAVE@31% LABOR TOTAL SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $ $ 4 623.80 1,433.38 18 EQUIPMENT STANDBYOPERATED DOLLAR AMOUNTHourly Raie EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment DescriPtionEquipment # s39.75$37.5925foreman truck $17JD 35D mini ex $10 $ $ $ $ 137.10EQUIPMENT TOTAL 939.75 197.35EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT $ DOLLAR AMOUNTUnit PriceUnitsQuantitY MATERIALS / SERVICES $LF1rebar $CYconcrete b forms $ $ SUBTOTAL OVERHEAD&PROFIT@21% TOTAL $ $ $ Verification of Hours Worked DateContractor's DateRepresentative 12% MARKUP prime when subcontract work) $ $ 7 194.28 7 194.28SHEET TOTAL: TOTAL: (for NoRrElYEsT cascADE, nic. Nwc fRorBcr #4255 DESCRIPTIONT Coilsr fd MH 10*65 & 14+95, D@tg LOCATTON: T6lb^vc Sodt hppva@ts bbcGnup3 - Go@llrbffi P@ OpfitorGEuP3-Ltgit Bllto: COK 9,1til 32 l9 .69l,- . ., I.ABOR 15475,41 ,/. 3U. 29Y. SICKI,,FAVS: SMALLTOOI-S: MARKI'P: I,ABORTOTAL: $09,s, $164.26 $1587.87 31337.M c890 2019 cIlEvRoLEf, F-350 D224 2014 Ll'/c MARKIjP: EQUTPMF.IT Tq'AI; t260.29 t1499.?6 $!€,to O% MARKTJP: MATERHLTOrALI 10.00 t844.56 l2t/. MARKUP; SUBCONTRACTORTOTAL: s0.00 $0,N LATBST REVTSION O9/3 U2OI I Northwest Cascade ConstructionJob Name: City of Kent 76th Ave S lmprovJob Code4255Daily ReportMird-(60-75);Partly Sunny / Cloudy;Normal GroundFA raise sewer MH station 1 0+65 and 1 4+95. Roto hammer rebar dowel 8" OC place hoop top and boftom of seams form 1' concrete seal 52.5 LF of fJ4 rebar + appoxy rebar . Grindtron2Q+21to 22+09 @ 188 x 18 = 376 SY. Hauled in 590 to GB and hauled out 3 LDS of spoils.1769c555010503791677840105128337105346589D204M2874890D220527839186590HONEYWELL,DAVID OPER-FOREPICK UPWAGNER, ELZADA FI-AG TCSWYATT. MATTHEW APPR. LABRLEA, ROBERT OPERATOR LDEMANKO, JESSICA FIAG TCSORN,ANN LABORERDEMELLO, JOEL APPR. LABRSMITH, DARRELL OPERATOR LARTICULATED \A'I.IEELSELF POWERED COLDGRAEBER,JR,KEN OPERATRHHCRA\A/LER MOUNTEDRODY, BLANE OPER-FOREGARNER,RONALD PIPELAYERROESCHLEIN, JOE OPEMTOR H8/3812.5812.58/38/38/38/3118/3118t38/38/38n.58t2.58/38/3I98/311ot1.50/1.50/38/3Io8/31111.5t1.5t3Totals for LaborTotals for EquiprnentHourc: 104Hours: 40Worked:104Worked:40Broken Out:Broken Out:(7U32tO)(40/010)T:7i6i6ates a compti#difem -*'''(R)' - indicates a rework quanilA.Date:Printed on: 11n4/2020 09:49:32Page 1 sn*n*Shope Concrete LLC 1618 E Maln Puyallup, WA 98372 Phone: (253) 848.1551 Fax (253) 8454252 HIGH KO'S rNvolcE 10003401 tnvoies Date: 7 12812020 Office Structure: 0lC MH485BHKO426 48"X5' MH483SKOS326 MH483SKOS326 LA4SPL 48'x 3'MH SECTION w3-26'KO'S & STEPS 48'X 3 MH SECTION W/3-26" KO'S & STEPS 4 STEP POLY I-ADDER 48'MANHOLE GASKET POLY STEP HAND HOLO P.14850 $253'92 $253.e2 $106.00 $o.oo $0,00 Structure Total w3.44 $253.92 $253.92 $106.00 $o.oo So.oo $1,277.09 Dunn tr3 MG48 1 LAHHO Taxable Non-Taxable $0.00 $'t,277.09 Sub Total $1,277.09 Tax $o.oo lnvolceTotal $1,277,09 Less Deposit $1'277.09 lnvolce Batance $0.00 29569 76TH AVE SOUTH IMPROVEMENTS POZZI BROTHERS FRONT YARD 2'1441 TiTHAVE S CALL BEFORE DELIVERING KENT, Sold to: PUYALLUP, WA 98373-0399 Job Number: Shlp to: 1460 NORTHWEST CASCADE INC. P O BOX 73399 110TH, N/17t28t2020 417 4 IDeanneE4255 Item Unlt Prics D( Extenslon Page 1 #:OWNER:PAGE *7 t6d t$tut*7b 4re#: 7'7o *L e4 G-NORTHWEST CASC ADE INC. POSI OFFICE BOX 73399, PUYALLUP' WASHINEION 98373 / IOLL FREE 800-562-44{2 DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT SHEET EaUtPMEN-T.- EOUIPMENT NUMEEB-HOURS STANDBYIt g I s LABOR -vr6RREmoeerimll9N- - REG TIME TIME & A HALF DOUBLE TIME WORKER'I fr 33U\T'ftfr 1,f, l,.g I 7 I G-N POST OFFICE BOX 73399. PUYALLUE 90373 / IOLI FREE 800-t62-4442 OAILY FORCE ACCOUNT SHEET ORTHWEST AS CADE INC. #: OFPAGE:a ,t to-l--'?qL ntoR REG TIME TIME & A HALF t} o Lrt sffi,tr 4'3 FA Sheet No6FORCE AGCOUNT WORKED DAILY REPORT OF Item No. Project Name 76th Av S lmprovements Description of Work:Pou r collar around metro MH Prime Contracto r: NW Cascade Project No. {9-3006 Work by Subcontractor?: Sub-Contractor: Date: Various LABOR OVERTIMESTRAIGHT TIME DOLLAR AMOUNTOT RateHrsHrsHourly RateCODEOCCUPATIONNAME 90.01$190.01Iforeman 81.85$110.6918'1 .85 65.36$65.361 $87.9664.19laborer $ LABOROVERHEAD&PRoFIT,INCLUDINGS|CKLEAVEFoRTHEMEDICALLEAVE@31% LABOR TOTAL SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $ $ $ 237.22 310.76 73.54 EQUIPMENT STANDBYOPERATED DOLLAR AMOUNTHourly Rate EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment DescriPtionEquipment # 37.59$a7 601foreman truck 104.42$1104.421JD 245G LGD223 $ $ $ $ $ EQUI PMENT TOTAL 142.01 171 .83 29.82 SUBTOTAL. EQUIPMENT EOUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21 % DOLLAR AMOUNTUnit PriceUnitsQuantityMATERIALS / SERVICES 45.99$45.991concrete 45.99 $ $ $ SUBTOTAL OVERHEAD&PROFIT@21% TOTAL $ $ $ 45.99 55.65 9.66 Verification of Hours Worked: Contractois Owner's Date 12% MARKUP prime when subcontract work) 538.24 538.24 $ $ SHEET TOTAL: TOTAL: (for NORTIIWEST cAscrJrE, lNC. NWC PROJECI #425J DESCRIPTrON: Sqa Mubole Collu - Pou LOCATTON: ?6tt Avesqth IDPtffid t ior6 Cmp 4 - Pipc lalq Fm Otmtq GilsP 2 .Iiavy c665 20lJ FORD F450 u)23 2ol4 JoHNDERB 2430 EW# ailto: COK 36 2V. 3U. 79'/" SICKLEAVB: SMALLTOOB: MARKIJP: LABORTOTAL $4,74 $7.12 s68.79 flrl7.88 BQUPM'T $I42.0t 2l'/. MARKUPT EQUIPMBNTTOTAL t29,82 OVO MARKUP: MATBRALTOTAL: 00.00 tr?t,83 $,15.99 12% MANKUP: SUBCONTRACTORTOTAL; $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL $5rs.70 LATEST REVISION O9/3I|2OI I Northwest Gascade GonstructionJob ilame: Gity of Kent 76th Ave S lmprovMird-(60-75);OvercastCB13 and 14Abandon CB and PiPesFA concrete collars sewer MHGrind streetsJob Code4255Daily Report;r:.' ,':--r.i, ', ,.*.,II,.:'-'=;"nTE{'.'..i _ _".', ,*1,:=rr;::'*-*.T;,li*ifffiffi.ffilf-ffiffff$;::f:;:1-52786590105663918D221D199RODY, BLANE OPER-FOREROESCHLEIN,JOE OPERATORHMILLER.JONATHAN OPER-FOREGARNER, RONALD PIPE I-AYERCRAWLERMOUNTEDARTICULATED WHEEL118t28t28t28t210105126121t251255I1115552786590105663918D221D199RODY, BLANE OPER.FOREROESCHLEIN, JOE OPERATOR HMILLER,JONATHAN OPER-FOREGARNER, RONALD PIPE LAYERCRAWLER MOUNTEDARTICULATED WHEEL1148t28!28t281210'10xHours: 40 Worked:40 Broken Oufi (32/8/0)a completed item'(R)'- indicates a rework quantitYTotals for LaborDate:Pinted on: 1?J24/2020 10:46:38Page 370 Job Code4255Northnrrcst Cascade ConstructionJob Name: City of Kent 76th Ave S lmprovDaily ReportTotals for Equipment Hours: 20 worked:20 Broken out (20/0/0)Code52786590105663918NameRODY, BLANEROESCHLEIN, JOEMILLE& JONATHANGARNER, RONALDBegin EndStart07:0007:0007:0007:00Break {1)Lunch Break (2) Meal (2)12:0G12:3012:00-12:3012:O0-12:3O12:A0-12:30End Diem Subsistence Notes17:3017:3017:3017:301009127401540854130YI Grind existing streel in front of Pozilnspector Note1 Backfill and compact 2 existing sewer MH after we installed concrete collarslnspector Note3 lnstall a 10' and a 11 ' run of 12' Dl into CB # 14lnspector NotecB# 14Dig and expose the existing 24'storm cut it out and re install itSet up and take down PumPinglnspector NoteAbandon in Place with concreteDate:46'(R)'- indicates a rewort quantitY'Pinted on: 12/24n020 10:46:38Page 371