HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2021-322 - Original - S.K. Consulting - Monitoring Services - Emergency Management Performance Grant No. E21-125 - 07/12/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form iombines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WAsHrNoro* ? oLce Originator: Robert Goehring Department: Finance Date Sent: 0710912021 Date Required: 0712612021 Authorized to Sign: EI Director or Designee [J Mayor Date of Council Approval NIA Budget Account Number: 10009000.64190.2155 Budget? EYes ENo Grant? E Yes El No Type: tro iP IE ELora- E *tco EooL UI Vendor Name: S.K Consulting category: Contract Vendor Number: 1251611 Sub-Category: Original proiect 11ur". Monitoring Services - Emergency Management Performance- Agreement No. E21-125) Grant (Grant ^ .. The City is required to perform grant monitoring activities designed to ensure that PrOJeCt lJetailS:met. The City does not have the pre-requisite knowledge or expertise to perform EMPG grant requirements are these monitoring services. Agreement Amount: $ 1,500.00 srart Date; 0110112021 Basis for Selection of Contractor: Other - V/A Termination Date: N/A Local Business? EYes E No* *!f meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, ptease complete "Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? DYes E No Contract Number:C\hzozl- 322 olc {J)\ro asagE,it!c .9UI Date Received by City Attorney:Comments: Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office:t2 2l adcw22l7l_l_?0 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements KENT WA 5 H I N G T o N CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEM ENT between the City of Kent and S.K. Miller Consulting THIS AGREEMENT is made between the City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation (hereinafter the "City"), and S.K. Miller Consulting organized under the laws of the State of Washington, located and doing business at 610 H Street Northeast, Auburn, WA 98002 (253) 293-578L (hereinafter the "Consultant"). I. DESCRIPTION OF WORK. Consultant shall perform the following services for the City in accordance with the following described plans and/or specifications: The Consultant will perform subrecipient monitoring services as identified Exhibit A with respect to the Cityis Emergency Management Performance Grant (hereafter "EMPG), identified as Grant Agreement No. E21-125 which is attached as Exhibit B, both Exhibits which are incorporated by this reference. Consultant further represents that the services furnished under this Agreement will be performed in accordance with generally accepted professional practices within the Puget Sound region in effect at the time those services are performed. II. TIME OF COMPLETION. The parties agree that work will begin on the tasks described in Section I above immediately upon the effective date of this Agreement, Consultant shall complete the work described in Section I and provide the monitoring reports to the City by forty-five (45) days each time after the puget Sound Regional Fire Authority has submitted a reimbursement request to the Washington State N4ilitary Department under Grant Agreement No. E21-125, effective January t,2021- III. COMPENSATION. The City shall pay the Consultant, based on time and materials, an amount not to exceed $1,500, plus applicable Washington State sales tax, for the services described in this Agreement. This is the maximum amount to be paid under this Agreement for the work described in Section I above, and shall not be exceeded without the prior written authorization of the City in the form of a negotiated and executed amendment to this agreement. The Consultant agrees that the hourly or flat rate charged by it for its services contracted for herein shall remain locked at the negotiated rate(s) for a period of one (1) year from the effective date of this Agreement. The Consultant's billing rates shall be as delineated in Exhibit A. The Consultant shall submit a written invoice to the City for the cost of the services provided pursuant to this Agreement after each related monitoring report for the Grant Agreement has been provided to the City, The City shall provide payment within forty-five (4S) Oays of receipt of an invoice. If the City objects to all or any portion of an invoice, it inait notify the Consultant and reserves the option to only pay that portion of the invoice not in dispute. In that event, the parties will immediately make every effort to settle the disputed portion, A. CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT - 1 ($20,000 or Less) B IV. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The parties intend that an Independent Contractor- Employer Relationship will be created by this Agreement. By their execution of this Agreement, and in accordance with Ch. 51.08 RCW, the parties make the following representations: A. The Consultant has the ability to control and direct the performance and details of its work, the City being interested only in the results obtained under this Agreement. B. The Consultant maintains and pays for its own place of business from which Consultant's services under this Agreement will be performed. C. The Consultant has an established and independent business that is eligible for a business deduction for federal income tax purposes that existed before the City retained Consultant's services, or the Consultant is engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, profession, or business of the same nature as that involved under this Agreement, D. The Consultant is responsible for filing as they become due all necessary tax documents with appropriate federal and state agencies, including the Internal Revenue Service and the state Department of Revenue. E. The Consultant has registered its business and established an account with the state Department of Revenue and other state agencies as may be required by Consultant's business, and has obtained a Unified Business Identifier (UBI) number from the State of Washington. F. The Consultant maintains a set of books dedicated to the expenses and earnings of its business. V. TERMINATION. Either party may terminate this Agreement, with or without cause, upon providing the other party thirty (30) days written notice at its address set forth on the signature block of this Agreement. After termination, the City may take possession of all records and data within the Consultant's possession pertaining to this project, which may be used by the City without restriction. If the City's use of Consultant's records or data is not related to this project, it shall be without liability or legal exposure to the Consultant. VI. DISCRIMINATION. In the hiring of employees for the performance of work under this Agreement or any subcontract, the Consultant, its subcontractors, or any person acting on behalf of the Consultant or subcontractor shall not, by reason of race, religion, color, sex, age/ sexual orientation, national origin, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, discriminate against any person who is qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates. Consultant shall execute the attached City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Declaration, Comply with City Administrative Policy !.2, and upon completion of the contract work, file the attached Compliance Statement. VII. INDEMNIFICATION, Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits, including all legal costs and attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the Consultant's performance of this Agreement, except for that portion of the injuries and damages caused by the City's negligence. The City's inspection or acceptance of any of Consultant's work when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification' Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.tLs, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Consultant and the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers, the Consultant's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Consultant's negligence. CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT - 2 ($20,000 or Less) IT IS FURTHER SPECIFICALLY AND EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THE INDEMNIFICATION PROVIDED HEREIN CONSTITUTES THE CONSULTANT'S WAIVER OF IMMUNITY UNDER INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE, TITLE 51 RCW, SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS INDEMNIFICATION. THE PARTIES FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE MUTUALLY NEGOTIATED THIS WAIVER. In the event Consultant refuses tender of defense in any suit or any claim, if that tender was made pursuant to this indemnification clause, and if that refusal is subsequently determined by a court having jurisdiction (or other agreed tribunal) to have been a wrongful refusal on the Consultant's part, then-Consultant stratt pay att tne City's costs for defense, including all reasonable expert witness fees and reasonable attorneys' fees, plus the City's legal costs and fees incurred because there was a wrongful refusal on the Consultant's Part. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement' VIII. INSURANCE. The Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance of the types and in the amounts described in Exhibit C attached and incorporated by this reference. IX. EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION. The City will provide its best efforts to provide reasonable accuracy of any information supplied by it to Consultant for the purpose of completion of the work under this Agreement. x. owNERsHIp AND USE OF RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS. Original documents, drawings, designs, reports, or any other records developed or created under this Agreement shall belong to and become the property of the City. All records submitted by the City to the Consultant will be safeguarded by the Consultant. Consultant shall make such data, documents, and files available to the City upon the City's request. The Consultant acknowledges that the City is a public agency subject to the Public Records Act codified in Chapter 42.56 of the Revised Code of Washington, As such, the Consultant agrees to cooperate fully wittr the City in satisfying the City's duties and obligations under the Public Records Act. The City's use or reuse of any of the documents, data, and files created by Consultant for this project by anyone other than Consultant on any other project shall be without liability or legal exposure to Consultant. xI. clTy's RIGHT OF INSPECTION. Even though consultant is an independent contractor with the authority to control and direct the performance and details of the work authorized under this Agreement, the work must meet the approval of the City and shall be subject to the City's general right of inspection to secure satisfactory completion' xII. WORK PERFORMED AT CONSULTANT'S RISK. Consultant shall take all necessary precautions and shall be responsible for the safety of its employees, agents, and subcontractors in the performance of the contract work and shall utilize all protection necessary for that purpose. All work shall be done at Consultant's own risk, and Consultant shall be responsible for any loss of or damage to materials, tools, or other articles used or held for use in connection with the work' XIII. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. A. Recvclable Materials. Pursuant to Chapter 3.80 of the Kent City Code, the City requires its contractors and consultants to use recycled and recyclable products whenever practicable' A price preference may be available for any designated recycled product' B. Non-Waiver of Breach. The failure of the City to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement, or to exercise any option conferred by this Agreement in one or more instances shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of those covenants, agreements or options, and the same shall be and remain in full force and effect. C, Resolution of Disputes and Governinq Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordince with the laws of the State of Washington. If the parties are unable to settle any CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT - 3 ($20,000 or Less) dispute, difference or claim arising from the parties' performance of this Agreement, the exclusive means of resolving that dispute, differenCe or claim, shall only be by filing suit exclusively under the venue, rules and jurisdiition of the King County Superior Court, King County, Washington, unless the parties agree in writing to an alternative dispute resolution process. In any claim or lawsuit for damages arising from the partiel' performance of this Agreement, each party shall pay all its legal costs and attorney's fees incurred in defending or bringing such claim or lawsuit, including all appeals, in addition to any other recovery or award provided by lSwf provided, however, nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to limit the City's right to indemnification under Section VII of this Agreement' D. Written Notice. All communications regarding this Agreement shall be sent to the parties at the addresses listed on the signature page of the Agreement, unless notified to the contrary' Any written notice hereunder shall become effective three (3) business days after the date of mailing by registered or certified mail, and shall be deemed sufficiently given if sent to the addressee at the address stated in this Agreement or such other address as may be hereafter specified in writing. E. Assignment. Any assignment of this Agreement by either party without the written consent of the non-assigning party shall be void, If the non-assigning party gives its consent to any assignment, the terms of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect and no further assignment shall be made without additional written consent. F. Modification. No waiver, alteration, or modification of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the City and Consultant. G. Entire Aqreement. The written provisions and terms of this Agreement, together with any Exhibits attached hereto, shall supersede all prior verbal statements of any officer or other representative of the City, and such statements shall not be effective or be construed as entering into or forming a part of or altering in any manner this Agreement. All of the above documents are hereby made a part of this Agreement. However, should any language in any of the Exhibits to this Agreement conflict with any language contained in this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. H. Comoliance with Laws. The Consultant agrees to comply with all federal, state, and municipal laws, rules, and regulations that are now effective or in the future become applicable to Consultant's business, equipment, and personnel engaged in operations covered by this Agreement or accruing out of the performance of those operations. I. public Records Act. The Consultant acknowledges that the City is a public agency subject to the Public Records Act codified in Chapter 42.56 of the Revised Code of Washington and documents, notes, emails, and other records prepared or gathered by the Consultant in its performance of this Agreement may be subject to public review and disclosure, even if those records are not produced to or possessed by the City of Kent. As such, the Consultant agrees to cooperate fully with the City in satisfying the City's duties and obligations under the Public Records Act' J. City Business License Required. Prior to commencing the tasks described in Section I, Contractor agrees to provide proof of a current city of Kent business license pursuant to Chapter 5.01 of the Kent City Code. // // // // // // CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT - 4 ($20,000 or Less) // K. Counterparts and Siqnatures bv Fax or Email. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, and all of which will together constitute this one Agreement. Further, upon executing this Agreement, either party may deliver the signature page to the other by fax or email and that signature shall have the same force and effect as if the Agreement bearing the original signature was received in person' IN WITNESS, the padies below execute this Agreement, which shall become effective on the last date entered below. Un thls field, you may enter the eledronlc filepath where the contract has been savedl CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT. 5 ($20,000 or Less) CONSULTANT: By Print Its: me: f-o^l (titte) DATE CITY OF KENT: By (signature) Print Name Its: Paula Painter, CPA Finance Director IDATE: NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: CONSULTANT: Sarah K. Miller S.K. Miller Consulting 610 H Street Northeast Auburn, WA 98002 (253) 293-57 Bt (telephone) (facsimile) NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: CITY OF KENT: Robert Goehring, City Auditor City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 (253) 856-5262 (telephone) (253) 856-6255 (facsimile) 3 DECLARATION crw oF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNTTY POLTCY The City of Kent is committed to conform to Federal and State laws regarding equal opportunity. As such all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers who perform work with relation to this Agreement shall comply with the regulations of the City's equal employment opportunity policies. The following questions specifically identify the requirements the City deems necessary for any contractor, subcontractor or supplier on this specific Agreement to adhere to. An affirmative response is required on all of the following questions for this Agreement to be valid and binding. If any contractor, subcontractor or supplier willfully misrepresents themselves with regard to the direciives outlines, it will be considered a breach of contract and it will be at the City's sole determination regarding suspension or termination for all or part of the Agreement; The questions are as follows: 1. I have read the attached City of Kent administrative policy number 1.2. Z. During the time of this Agreement I will not discriminate in employment on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, age, or the presence of all sensory, mental or physical disability. During the time of this Agreement the prime contractor will provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. During the time of the Agreement I, the prime contractor, will actively consider hiring and promotion of women and minorities. Before acceptance of this Agreement, an adherence statement will be signed by me, the Prime Contractor, that the Prime Contractor complied with the requirements as set forth above. By signing below, I agree to fulfill the five requirements referenced above. By: For: Title:C)4^/(& Date: 4 5 q EEO COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS - 1 CITY OF KENT ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NUMBER: L2 EFFECTIVE DATE: JanuarY 1, 1998 SUBJECT: POLICY: Equal employment opportunity requirements for the City of Kent will conform to federal and state laws. All contractors, subcontractors, consultants and suppliers of the City must guarantee equal employment opportunity within their organization and, if holding Agreements with the City amounting to g10,000 or more within any given year, must take the following affirmative steps: 1, Provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer' Z. Actively consider for promotion and advancement available minorities and women' Any contractor, subcontractor, consultant or supplier who willfully disregards the City's nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements shall be considered in breach of contract and subject to suspension or termination for all or part of the Agreement. Contract Compliance Officers will be appointed by the Directors of Planning, Parks, and Public Works Departments to assume the following duties for their respective departments. 1. Ensuring that contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and suppliers subject to these regulations are familiar with the r.egulations and the City's equal employment opportunity policy. Z. Monitoring to assure adherence to federal, state and local laws, policies and guidelines. MINORITY AND WOMEN CONTRACTORS SUPERSEDES: April 1, 1996 APPROVED BY Jim White, MaYor EEO COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS - 2 CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNTW COMPLTANCE STATEMENT This form shall be filled out AFTER COMPLETION of this project by the Contractor awarded the Agreement. I, the undersigned, a duly represented agent of Company, hereby acknowledge and declare that the before-mentioned company was the prime contractor for the Agreement known as that was entered into on the (date) between the firm I represent and the City of Kent. I declare that I complied fully with all of the requirements and obligations as outlined in the City of Kent Administrative Policy 1.2 and the Declaration City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Policy that was part of the before-mentioned Agreement. By: For: Title: Date: EEO COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS - 3 EXHIBIT A CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEM ENT Scope of Work and Price ProPosal EMPG Grant Agreement Number E2l"'1'25 Consultant Services Agreement S.K. Miller Consulting May L9,2O2L Robert A. Goehring City Auditor City of Kent 220 Fourth Ave. S Kent, WA 98032 of nt Mr. Goehring, I'm pleased to submit this Scope of Work and Price Proposal pursuant to your request for an EMPG grant subrecipient monitor' My company proposes to do the following Provide a qualified subject matter expert with previous experience as both an EMPG Administrator and an EMPG Subrecipient Monitor. Conduct grant monitoring of entities that the City of Kent passes EMPG monies through to. Verify that grant activities conform to laws, rules, and procedures that are specific to the EMPG grant program. This will be done through: o Review of performance rePorts o Monitoring and documentation of completed agreement deliverables, to include review of exercise after-action reports, training records, funded event reports, purchases, personnel expenditures, and other performance items listed in the grant agreement o Review of documentation required to address all of the above, including e-mails, documented phone calls, invoices, training and exercise rosters, etc, o On-site visits as necessary (and subject to COVID protocols) to view equipment and other items that cannot be provided electronically. Provide monitoring services no more than two (2) and not less than two (1) times per EMPG grant cycle, to coincide with established EMPG reporting requirements. Create a report, to be delivered to the City of Kent, which details whether grant provisions have been met. Please note that recommendations related to the monitoring findings will not be made. If deficiencies are found, they will be specifically noted, however no corrective action recommendations will provided. a a a a a Il?ag,* For these services, my company will charge a flat fee of $1500 for each EMPG grant cycle, to be paid upon completion of the final monitoring report, This fee is inclusive of all vehicle use, mileage, tolls, office space, supplies, and any other costs that may be associated with carrying out the activities specified above' Thank you forthe opportunity to submit this proposal. If you have any questions, please contact me via e-mail at saral]@skmillercon".?ultinS,ctm or via phone at253-293-5781. Sincerely, {?mxdeq vilhrrah K. Principal 217 *g* EXHIBIT B CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT Grant Agreement EMPG Grant Agreement Number E21''L25 Consultant Services Agreement S.K. Miller Consulting Washln gton State Mllltary Depafiment AGREEMENT 3. Granl Agreement Numbet: E21-125 2. Grant Agreement Amount: $71,193 L Subrecipient Narne and Address: Kenl, City of Emergency Management Dlvision {EMD} 220 4th Ave S Kent, WA 98032-5838 6. Grant Agresm€nt End Dale: August 31,2021 5. Grant Agreement Start Date: Juno 1, 2020 4. Subrecipiant Contact, phone/emait: Paula Painter, 253{56-5260 ooalnier@kentwa.qov 9, UBI # (state revenue): 173.{t00-002 8, Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS): 020253813 7. Department Contact, phone/email Gary Stumph, 253-512-7483 qa ry.stumph@mil.wa.gov (DHS)10. Funding Aulhority: (the "and the U.S. Deoartmont of HomelandWashlnoton Stats Military s * (formerty CFDA)& Title:11. Federal Funding ldentification #: EMS.2020.EP-00002€01 't6. EtN: er{00t254 15. Program lndex# & OBJ/$UB-OBJ:703PT I'lZ 14. Total Federal Amounl: 37.550.758 1 9. Women/Minority-Owned, State Certified:8Nte Druoil ves,oMWBE 18. Service Area by CountY(ies): Klng 17. Service Districts: (BY LEGISIATIVE DISTRICTI: 11, 33, 47 (BY CONGRESSI0NAL DISTRICT): 8,I 21. Contract TYPe (check all that D Contract El Grant I lntergovernmental {RCW EI Agreementfl lnteragency ,39.34) apply):20. Agreement Classification: il Personal Services n Client f] Research/Development Services I Puolic/tocal Gov't D rue E oiher'- Subrecipient Type (check ell that apply): I Private Organizationilndividual lJ For-Profit X puUtlc organization/Jurisdiction D Non-Profitn corurRRbron El sueREclplENT n orHER 22. Subrecipient Selection Process: I "To attwho apply & qualiff" il Competitive Biddingfl sote source fl rue ncw D nn fl ribo w/oFM? [ Advertised? n YEs D tto tho6e programs as described in the Work Plan. The Department is the Reciplent and Pass-through S01, which ls incorporated in and attached herelo EMS-2020-EP40002-AwardDHS No.for GrantLettertheof2OEMPGEntlty fundsaward lhetoandmadahassubawardaFederalofasFAttachment ofu5e awardFederal fundstoaccountabletheforThsisDeparimentthistoSubrecipientpursuantAgreement.Subrecipient funds. or to bind hereto. hereof, Sheet; of referencedallandtermsthisincludinglheAgreement,andrtment acknow'ledge acceptthBDepaIN datethe below.executedhave this ofasandinmadeandAttachmenlssndarewhichhepartAgreementExhibitsrebyincorporated PlanWorkConditionsTermsGeneralB);and&Terms Conditions {Attachment(Attachment A);This Face SpecialAgreement allandEMS-2020-EP-00002-S0'lLetter F)l(AttachmentAwardTimelineE);20EMPG(Attachment BudgetD);(Attachmenic);(Attachment the andallcontaintermstheconditionsandparlies govemandrefurencedhereinuponagreedbydocumentsotherincorporatedexpressly ofmattertheororal lhisregardingothen'vise,subjectNootharlhistounderstandings,and lheof parties Agreement.the dghts obligations ln the eveni of an incqnsistency in this Agreement, unless otherwise provided herein, precedence in the following order: l. Applicablo Federal and State Statutas and Regulations 2. DHSTFEMA Award and program documents 4. SpecialTerms and Conditions 5, General Terms and Conditions, and' 6- Other orovislons of the the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving incorooreted by rafsrcncs3. Work Plan. Tlmeline. and Budgat hereto have of Kent THE I DateSignature Date on the day andyear FOR THE 1212212020 Date Anne Hesse, Chief Financial Ofiicer Monis, Fire Chief, City of Kent {if applicable); Washington State Military Department BOILERPLATE APPROVED AS TO FORM: Brian E. Buchholz 4l23l2O2A Sr. Assistant Attomey General DHS-FEMA.EMPG.FY2O Page 1 of 34 City of Kent EMD, E21-125 Gary StumphNamePaul PainterName CoordinatorTitleFlnance DlrectorTitle gary.stumPh@mil.waE-MailE-Mail 253.512-7483Phone253{56-5260Phone NameMorrisName TitleFlre ChlefTitle E-MailE-Mail 253-512-7456Phone253-8564311Phone NameNameJeff DlDonato TitleTitleEM Divislon C E-MailE-Mail Phone253.8564345Phone Namenifer KeizerName TitleTitleEMPCoordinator E-MailE-Mail PhonePhone253-8564342 Attachment A SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDIT]ONS ARTICLE I. KEY PERSONNEL The indivldual* listed below shail be c*nnidered. key personnel fCIr point of contact under this.Agreement' -Any substituticn cf teey personnet by either Ba*v-dtiil'bt 'iuo-,; 6v *'itie?-noiincation to the current kby personnel' SUBRECIPIENT ARTICLE II. ADMINISTRATIVE AND/OR FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS The subrecipient shall comply with all applicable state and federal laws, rules, regulations, requirements and program guidance identilied or rafereneeo in ttris Agreem*nt.and the infonnatisnal dfi$trlrJentg pr*blished by DHS/FEMA applicable to the zcFMpG irogru*, in'ctucing,*uul net limited to, all criteria' restrictian*, and requirements of rhe'n*p*rr**ni of l-tomeiai* se*urity {Dn$i Notice of Funding sppartunity (Ns'Fo} Fi*cal year {Fy}, ZSZ0 Fmergency Manag***oi t*o#ans's eranl 1eg3,9l,q1utrT:Jhe FEMA Fr*paredness Granrs Manuar dscume*r, rhe DHs n**ie i;il; i;ibFnl'ry; HM$:2020-HP's00s2-s01' and th* federsl regulations commonly applicabte to pH$fFiMA gi"ni", all of which are incorporated herein by reference' The OfrS nward Letter is incbi'porated in this Agreernent as Aftachment F. Th* $ubreciplent ackngwledg*r that $inas thi* Agreem**t involves faderal rward funding. the peformance p*riod descrtbed n"r*i* nrav fegin priar t+ flre avaiii*irig at appropriated fotar*t funds" The $ubrecipient agrees that tt will not rroru gre oepa*mint, the state of washingtan, or the lJnilad stales liable ftr any demages, claim for reimbursement, or any type of payment whatsoever for serviees perfarrned. undor this Agre*ment pricr to distribution of appropriatei rederat iunds, or if federal funds are not appropriated or in a particular amount' A, STATEANDFEDERALREQuIREMENTSFoRDHSIFEMAPREPAREDNESSGRANTS: The folowing ;quii**ents apply -io ,l DHS/FEMA Preparedness Grants administered by the Department. 1. SUBAWARDS & CONTRACTS BY SUBRECIPIENT a. The Subrecipient must make a case-by-case determination whether each agreement it makes for the Oisnursement of 20EMpG funds received under this Agreement casts the party ie"eiuing the funds in the role of a subrecipient or contractor in accordance with 2 cFR 200.330. b. lf the subrecipient becomes a pass-through entity by making a subaward to a non-federal entity as its subreciPient: i. The subrecipient must comply with allfederal laws and regulations applicable to pass-through entities ot zoErupg funds, including, but not limited to' those contained in 2 CFR 200. DHS-FEMA-EMPG-Fy20 Page 2 of 34 Citv of Kent EMD' E21-125 ii. The Subrecipient shall require its subrecipient(s) to comply with all-appll":O]* state and federal laws, rules, regulations, requirements, and program guldance identified o, i"i*r"n"eO in ifris-ngreement and the informational documents pubtished OV OiSffffVfA applicabl6 b the 26EMPG Program, including, but.not limited to, all criteria, resirictions, and requirements of The Department of Homeland security (DHS) Notice of Funding opportunity,uo^fo^) Fiscal Year {Fy} 2020 emergendy Management Performince Grant (EMP-G) document, the DHS Award leu6rfofCrant tio. EMS-2020-EP-00002-S01 in Attachment F, and the federalregulations commonly applicable to DHS/FEMA grants' iii. The Subreoipient shall be responsible to the Department for ensuring that all 29EMPG teOeiat award funds provided to its subrecipients, and associated matching funds, are used in accordance with applicable federal and state statutes and regulations, and the terme and canditions of the federal award set forth in Attachment F of this Agreement' 2. BUDGET, REIMBURSEMENT, AND TIMELINE a. Within the total Grant Agreement Amount, travel, subcontracts, salaries, benefits, printing, equipment, and other dooOs and services or other budget categories will be reimbursed on ai..' "ctu"l cost basis"upon completion unless otherwise provided in this Agreement' b, The maximum amount of all reimbursement requests permitted to be submitted under this ngiee;ent, including the finat reimbursement iequest, is limited to and shall not exceed the total Grant Agreement Amount' c. lf the Subrecipient chooses to include indirect costs within the Budget (Attachment E),.an indirect cost rate "g*urunf n"gotint"U between the federal cognizant ry9ryJ 3ll ll" suurdpi"nt establisning approriea indirect cost rate(s) as d*escribed in 2 CFR 200'414 anJ npienoix Vll to z drn 200 must be submitted to the Department Key Personnel' xo**uur, under 2 crn zoo.+14 (0, if the subrecipient has never received a negotiated indirect cost rate agreement estiniisning federally negotiated.rate(s),-the^subrecipient may negotiate a rate with the Departmen[or chargb a d-e minimis rate of 10% of modified total direct costs. The Sunr".ipldnfr actual indirect cost rate may vary from the approved rate but must not **.*LJ th*'upprou"d negotiated indirect cost rate percentage for. the time period of the expenditures. it a Sunreiipient chooses to charge the 10% de minimis fr:;r#,$l*l:J}}:fi #:ti,i;f-ii#ffi 'rb'";:i?rTift .iF$:n"::rrr"'1*1 d [T' Jfi,f,|:i;5ii::,'-ii,'J:SfJl.iTJl,ff#['1"X3'f -":&3?!'X'.1 #dH|q. iS':X now existing or amenueJ,lno t"a*t"i maximum rates set forth at ht't$:{u4@*gsaggl' and follow the most restrictive. lf travel costs exceed set state or federal limits' travel costs shall not be reimbursed without written approval by Department Key Personnel' e. Reimbursement requests will include a properly completed.State A-19 lnvoice Form and Reimbursement SpreJsneet 1in the format p'r'ovided b.V fhe Department) detailing. the "*p*nOitutts tor whicn reimbursement is sought' Reimbursement requests must be submitted to Reimbur.sements@mil.v{a.aav no iater than the due dates listed within the Timeline (Attachment D). Reimbursement request totals should be commensurate to the time spent processing by the Subrecipient and the Department. f. Receipts andlor backup documentation for any approved items that are authorized under this Agreement must G maintained by the SuUrbbipient consistent with record retention i*qritEt"nts of this dgieement and b-e made available upon request by the Department and auditors. g. The Subrecipient must request prioJ written approval from Department Key Personnelto waive or extend a due daie in tl6Timeline lAtiachment D) and, once approved, submit DHS-FEMA-EMpG-Fy20 Page 3 of 34 Citv of Kent EMD' E21'125 3. those costs on the next scheduled reimbursement due date contained in the Timeline' waiving or missing deadlines serves "t an indicator for assessing an agency's level of risk of non*n*Ji"il"" *ittitni iegulations, requirements, and the tCrms and conditions of the Agreemont and may increasugequired m-onitoring.activities' Any request for a waivar or extension of a due date in tne firn'efine will be treited as a request for Amendment of the Agreement. This request must be submitted to the Department Key Personnel sufficiently in advance of the Oue Uaie to provide Sdequate time for Department review andconsiderationandmaybegran;dordeniedwithintheDepartment'ssolediscretion' h. All work under this Agreement must end on or before the Grant Agreement End Date' and the final reimbursement request ruJ b* submitted to the Departmenl within 45days after the Grant Agreement End Date, eicept as otherwise.authorized by either (1)written amendment oi ini* Agreement or (2) written notification from the Depadment to the subrecipient to piouiaJaooitionattimefor completion of the subrecipient's proiect(s)' i. No costs for purchases of equipmenflsupplies will be reimbursed until the related equipment/supplies have been received by the Subrecipient' its contrastcr' or any non- federal entity tJwfri"f, tf," Subrecipient nraftes a subawald and is invoi*ed by the vendor' j. Failure to submit timely, accura.te,.and complete reports and reimbursement rsq6*$t$ as required ov tnis igre"i-'uniir.ruding, b,.,t not ti*it*b to, those reports in the Timeline) will prohibit tfre SuUr[cipient from bein['reimbursed until such reports and reimbursement requests are sunmitted and the Depirtment has had reasonable time to conduct its review' k. Final reimbursement requests will not be approved for payment until the subrecipient is current with all reporting requirements contained in this Agreement' l. A written amendment will be required if the subrecipient expects cumulative transfers to budgel.rr*Sor;,lt i;*ntiluJ ili th. Au*gX (Attachment E), to exceed 1070 of the Grant Agreement emount. Any changeu in fu4?ut'catggsry totals not in compliance with this p$r"graFt, willnct be reimburse} without approvalfrom the Department' m. Subrecipients shall only use federal award funds under this Agreement to supplement existing funds and wlll ntt use thsm ts {sslsc* {$ilpplant} narFfeder*t fundo that have been budgnted tor tnl same purpo$€. Tf1e S*nrecibient may be reguired !o demcnstrate and document tnui.a reauction'in ncn-f*deral r**+urccs asluned fot raatoRs other than the receipt or expected receipt of federal funds' REPORTINGa" with eaeh reimbursernent request, the subrecipient shall report how the expenditures' for which reirnb-;;;;'; "oudnt, tbiut. ro the work Plan (Attachment c) activities in the format Provided bY the DePartment' b. With the final reimbursement request, the Subrecipient shall submitto the Department Key personnel a tinal report describing all completed activities under this Agreement' c. ln conjunction with the final repofi, the subrecipient shallsubmit a separate report detailing how the Erurpc iraining requirements were met for all personnel funded by federal or maiching funds under this Agreement' d. The subrecipient shall comply with the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATAI anJrefaieo Ofrrrg cuiO;nce consistentwith Public Law 109-282 as amended by section G202(a) of Public l-aw t iO-ZSz lseu U !,S:c' 6101 note) and complete and return to rn" o"pritt*ent an Audit Certificatior/FFATA Form' This form is required to be completed once per calendar v""t, p", subrecipient, and not per agreement' The Department', conir""t* office wirr reqriest ihe*subiecipient submit an updated form at the beginning or eacn calendar year in *ni"n ilt* subrecipient has an active agreement' e. The Subrecipient shall participate in the State's Stakeholder Preparedness Review (SPR)' Threat and Hazard ldentification and Risk Assessment (THIRA)' core capabilities assossments, and data calls' DHS-FEMA.EMPG-FY2O Page 4 of 34 City of Kent EMD, E21'125 4. EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLY MANAGEMENT a. itre Sunrecipient and any non-federal entity to which the Subrecipient makes a subaward shall comply with 2 CFi 200.318 - 200.326 when procuring any equipmen-t -or ilqplies under thisAgreemant, 2 CFR 200.313 for management of equipment, and 2 CFR 200'314 for management of supplies, to include, but not limited to: i. Upon successful completion of the terms of this Agreemenl, all equipment and supplies purchased through this Agreement will be ovrned by the Subrecipient, or a recognized non-fed-eral entity to which the Subrecipient has made a subaward,-for which a contract, Subrecipient grant agreement, or other means of legal transfer of ownership is in place. ii. All equipment, and supplies as applicable, purchased under this Agreement will be recorded and maintained in the subrecipient's inventory system. iii. lnventory system records shall include: A. descriPtion of the ProPertY B. manufacturer's serial number, model number, or other identification number c. funding source for the equipment, including the Federal Award ldentification Number {FAIN) D. Assistance Listings Number (formerly CFDA Number) E. who holds the title F. acquisition date G. cost of the equipment and the percentage of federal participation in the cost H. location, use, and condition of the equipment at the date the information was rePorted L disposition data including the date of disposal and sale price of the ProPertY. iv. The $ubrecipient shall take a physical inventory of the equipment, and supplies as applicabli, and reconcile the results with the property recordl at.leasl once every two years. Any differences between quantities detarmined by the physical inspection" and thoie shown in the records shall be investigated by the SuLrecipient to determine the cause of the difference. The $ubrecipient shall, in connection with the inventory, verify the existence, cunent utilization, and continued need for the equiPment. v. The Subrecipient shall be responsible for any and all operational ?nd maintenance expenses and for the safe operation of their equipment and supplies including all questions of liability. The Subrecipient shall develop appropriate maintenance schedules and procedures to ensure the equipment, and supplies as applicable, are well maintained and kept in good operating condition. vi. The Subrecipient shall develop a control system to ensure adequate safeguards to prevent loss, damage, and thefr of the property. Any loss, darnage, or theft shall be investigated, ind a report generated and sent to the Department's Key Personnel. vii. The Subrecipient must obtain and maintain all necessary certifications and licenses for the equiPment. viii. lf the Subrecipient is authorized or required to sell the property, proper sales procedures must be established and followed to ensure the highest pos_sible return. For disposition, if upon termination or at the Grant Agreement End Date, when original or replacement supplies or equipment acquired under a federal DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FY20 Page 5 of 34 Citv of Kent EMD' E21-125 awardar€nolongerneededfortheoriginalprojegtorprogramorforother activities ,urr*nitytt previously supportei by a iederal awarding agency' the Subrecipient must comply with the following procedures: A' For Supplies: lf there is a residual inventory of unused supplies exceeding $5,000 i; total aggregate yalu* upon tennination sr cnmplelirn.ol. th6 project oi progr#;ni tnu sJppties are not needed far any other federal award, ifraSuirecipicnt must re'tain *t* supplies for.use on othsr actlvljles or sell them, but mu$t, in either G8sa, cs{T}pen**t* the federsl governrnent for its snare. }n" "*ount of compensation must be computed in the same manner as for equiPment' B. For EquiPment: 1) ltems with a current p*r-unit f*ir'market.value of $5'000 or less may ne retaineO, ssld, or*therurise disposed of with no further obligation to the federal awarding agency' 2) ltems with a current per-unit fair-market value in excess of $5,000 *iv o* retained or sold. The $ubre*ipient shall compensate the fedlral awarding agency in accordance with the requirements of 2 cFR 200'313 (e)(2)' ix. Records for equipment shall be retained by the Subrecipien! for.3 period of six v*J* ir** trre'c6te of the dispasition, replacement, er transfcr' lf any litigation' claim, er *ueii iili"*"; #-* the expiritiol gi-th?" *ix'vear ptriod, th.e reeards shall be r*ain*aIy in" sun***ipient until all litigation, claims, or audit findings involving the records have been resolved' b. The S$bre*ipient shall comply with the Department's Purchase Review Process, which is incorporated by reference inO maOe part of this Agreement. No reimbursement will be pruil*O ,ntes! tre appropriate approval has been received- c. Allowable eatsga1es for the EMPG Program are listed an the Authoriaed Equiprnentlist (AHL) lonated cn the tEMt **b*it* is important that the suUreeipient anO angfin-t*Cerat enii$ t* whi+h the $ubrecipient makes a subaward 1.ug"ro tire AEL as an authorized purchasing list identifying items allowed under the specific grant pr*gram and includes items that may not be-categorized as equipment according to the {ederal, state, local, and tribal definitions of equipment' The subrecipient is -"[ri- t""pon*ilr" for ensuring and documenting purchased items under this Agreemeni are'authorized as allowed items by the AEL at time of purchase' lf the item is not identified on the AEL as allowable under EMPG, the Subrecipient must contact the Departm*nt r"v personner for assistance in seeking FEMA approval prior to acquisition. d. Unless expressly provided othgnruige, all equip_m9nt mu*t mest all mandatory regulatory and/or DH9iFEMA "d;i;i;dncargs ta ui etigiote for purchase using fsderal award funds. e. The subrecipiertt must p8s$ on equipment and supply manesement requirements that ;;;i;;;!!$x in" ;;qffi;1ngnts iuilinac above ti any non-federal entitv to which the SuUrecipient makes a subaward under this Agreement' S.ENVIRoNMENTALANDHISToRICALPRESERVATIoNa. The Subrecipient,stratl en$ilre full c*mpliance wilh .tne DH$/FFMA fnvironrnental planning and nistoric-pt***ution {EHpi ptogiam'. El"lP.program informat.ion ean b* found at http$li&.iema.ao#environ{nenlAlplanninl'${'d-Fists. fic-nr.*-servati$- **pri"n'u attotade a partof this Agreement. b,Projectsthathavehistoricalimpactsorth*pctenli"|j?]Tt.?ttheenvironment,inclr.lding, but not limited to, construction of eommunieation towers; modification *r rencvatiqn of existing buildings, stiuctures and facillties; or new construction including replacement of DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FY20 Page 6 of 34 Gitv of Kenl EMD' 821-125 6. 7 facilities, must participate in the DHS/FEMA EHP review process prior to initiation' Modification of lxisting buildings, including minimally invasive improvements such as attaching monitors to iiterior wills, and training or exercises occurring outside in areas not considered previously disturbed, also require a DHS/FEMA EHP review before project initiation. c. The EHp review process involves the submission of a detailed project description that includes the entire scCIpe of work, including any alternatives that may be under consideration, along with supporting documentalion so FEMA may determine whether the proposed prqect tias the i6tential to impact environmental resources and/or historic ProPerties. d. The Subrecipient agrees that to receive any federal preparedness funding, all EHP comptiance ;"qriir-ri*nts outlined in applicable guidance must be met, The EHP review pro"b*" must lire completed and FE[riR approval received by the Subrecipient before any work is stirted for which reimbursement will be later requ€sted' Expenditures for projects started before compleiion of the EHP review process and receipt of approval by the Subrecipient will not be reimbursed- PROCUREMENTa" The $ubrecipient shall comply with all procurement requirements of 2 CFR Part 200.318 through ZOO.326 and as "p*"ifi*O in the General Terms and Conditions (Attachment B' A.10). b. For all sole source contracts expected to exceed $250,000, the $ubrecipient must submit to the Department for pre-procurement review and approval the procurement documents, such as ,*qr*.i* ioi pioposals, invitations for bids and independent cost estimates. This requirement must be passed on to any non-federal entity to which the Subrecipient makes a subaward, "t *hi"h point the $ubrecipient will be responsible for reviewing and approving sole source justifications of any non-federal entity to which the Subrecipient makes a subaward. SUBRECIPIENT MONITORING a. The Department will monitor the activities of the Subrecipient from award to closeout. The goal of the Department's monitoring activities will _b.e to ensure that agencies receiving iederal pass+niough funds are in cimpliance with this Agreement, federaland state audit requirements, fedlral grant guidance, and applicable federal and state financial regulations, as well as 2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F' b" To document compliance with 2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F requirements, the Subrecipient shall complete and return to the Department an Audit Cerlification/FFATA form This form is required to be completed once per calendar.year, per subrecipienl and not per agreement. fne nepariment's Contiacts Office will request the Subrecipient submit an u[OateC form at the beginning of each ca]endar year in which the Subrecipient has an active agreement. c. Monitoring activities may include, but are not limited to: Review of financial and performance reports Monitoring and documenting the completion of Agreement deliverables Documentation of phone calls, meetings {e.g. agendas, sign-in sheets, meeting minutes), e-mails and correspondence Review of reimbursement requests and supporting documentation to ensure allowability and consistency with Agreement work plan, budget, and federal requirements Observation and documentation of Agreemant related activities, such as exercises, training, events, and equipment demonstrations l. ii. iii. tv DHS-FEMA.EMPG.FYzO Page 7 ol 34 City of Kent EMD, E21-125 8" L vil#d.JF$xix';i$isiHi'#iltJ::iJix.Tl''iH,*::"'L;"-'::li?Ji:;?; d. The Subrecipient is required to meat or exceed the monitoring activities, as outlined above, fot' "nV non+edeial entity to whieh the Subrecipient makes a subaward as a pass- through entity under this Agreement' e, Compliance will be monitored throughout the performance period to assess risk' concerns will be addressed through a conective Action Plan' LIMITEDENGusHPRoFIGIENCY(clvlLRIGHT$AcToF1964T|TLEvl}a. The Subrecipient must **ply r"itn the Title Vl of the Civil Rights Ac! 9f 1964 (Title Vl) prohibition against discrimination on the basis of national origin, which requires that Sunre"ipield of tederal financial assistance take reasonable steps to provide meaningful "*.uu, lo-per$ons with limited English proficiency {!f!)to their.programs and services' providing -meaningfut access foi persons with LEP may entail providing language assistance services, includinjoral interpretation and written translation' Executive Order 13166, iriii*iiig A""r*i to dervices foi Perscns with Limited English Proficiency (August 11, 200bi: *quir". federat igencies to issue guidance to recipients, assisting such organizations ino entities in-inOersfanding their language-accesj obligations' DHS published the requireO recipient goigan***in..April 2-011, DHS Guidance to Federal Financiat Assistance Recipi|nts nigarding Title Vl Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination etrecting r-imiiJEngish Pioficient Persons, 76 Fed. Reg' 21755-21768' (April 1,s, g011). The Guidan"u proiid"s helpful inform*ticn *uch as how a recipient can oetermin+ tbe sxtent of its obllgation, io provide langu*ge gervicel, selecting language seruices- dd-+lemente of an:e$etive pui on langudge aeslstanee for LEP p*rsons' For additional assistance anO intoimation regarding tanguige access obligations, please refer to tn"'-br-rt'- n".,pi"nt Guidance ai *ttiE:#rnnana,.cns.sov/suidanf*nqblis-hed-h*11 d*o*rtn:ent-sspaortqd-qropnie#tianp-provi6GAntnfi**'ascsss-seople*limited and aooitionai resources on h"ttpll^{Mry-]eggay. NlMs coMPLIANcE ,*m,,ni svstem f NIMS nd principles thata_ The National tncident Managsment $ystem (NIMS) identifies snn*sFt$ a answer how to manags onrergencies from prepa.redness to recovsry regardless of their cause, size, location, or "orfrr"iiiy. NIMS provides a consistent, nationwide approach ana vo"auuiary for multiple ,gi"-nririr or jurisdictions to work together to build, sustain, and oetiver ihe core capabiliiies nleded to achieve a secure and resilient nation. b. Consistent implementation of NIMS provides a sotid foundation across jurisdictions and Oiscipflnes io "n"ur* effective and intesrated preparedness, planning, and response' NIMS empowers the compon*t* of the l\:alicnaiPreparedness -System, a requiremenl of presiCent-ial'Rotiry Directive g. to gulCe activities within the public and private sector and describes the planning, org6niz;tional activities, equipping, training, and exercising needed to build and sustain ih" ror" capabilities in support of the National Preparedness Goal. c. ln order to receive FY 2A?A federal preparedness funding, to include EMPG' the Subrec]pient wiil-"nsure all NIMS objectives hav.e been initiated and/or are in progress toward completion. f.f lnfS implementation Objectives are located at https:ll$Urw. tgma.aovlm"e"$lia$bmndlR-s€gt#dqc$$enlel t 90743' EMPG PROGRAM SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS The Department rdceiver Ertrpg funding from DHS/FEMA, to assist state, local, and tribalgovernments to enhance and sustain all-hazards emergency management capabilitie: al rytlgrlred by Robert T' stafford Disaster Retief and Emergency Aisistince Act, as amended (42 u-s.c. S$ 5121 et seq') and S""tion 662 of the Post Kairina Emergency Management Act (6 U'S'C' $ 762)' B. DHS.FEMA.EMPG.FYzO Page I of 34 City of Kont EMD, E21-125 A portion of the 20EMpG is passed through to localjurisdictions and tribes with emergency management prbgra** to supptement their tocalitribal operating budgets to help sustain and_ enhance emergency it"i"g"**nt capabilities pursuant to Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 118-09' 1. The subrecipient shall use the EMPG funds authorized under this Agreement only to perform tasks as described in the work plan of the subrecipient's application for funding, as approved by the Departmenl and incorporated into this Agreement' Z. Funding may not be used to replace or supplant existing local or tribal government funding of emergency management programs' 3. The Subrecipient shall provide a fifty percent match of non-federal origin. The Federal share applied toward the EMpG budget snail'not exceed fifty percent of the total budget as submitted "ni "pprou*dintne application-and documented in the-Budget (Attachment E).. ]o meet matching requirements, the Subrecipient's cash matohing contributibns must be considered reasonable, altowable, allocable, and necessary undor the grant program-and rTt 9glqly with all Federal requiremenrs anc iegutations, inctlding, but nit.limiteO to,2 CFR Part 200. An appropriate mechanism must be ii ptace to capture]track, and document matching funds. ln the final report, the Subrecipient shall identifu how the match was met and documented' 4. lf funding is allocated to emergency communications, the $ubrecipient must ensure that all projects .o*pfy *itf.t SnFgCOff,iGuidance on Emergency Communications Grants ensuring the investments arl compatible, interoperable, resilient, and support nationalgoals and objectives for improving emergency communications. S. Subrecipients are encouraged to participate in the State's annual Training and Exercise Planning Workshop FEpWjllntegraied Preparedness Planning Workshop (IPPW) or may conduct their own locallregional TEPWIPPW. 6. 7 c.DHS TERMS AND CONOITIONS n* - SuUr*cipient of 2OEMPG funding, the Subrecipient shall comply with all ap.plicable DHS terms and conditions of the 2OEMPG Award Letter and its inccrporated documents for DHS Grant No' EMS-2020- ip-ooooe-Sg1, which ire incorporated and made a part of this Agreement as Attachment F. Countering Violent Extremism prior to attendance All personnel funded in any part through federal award or matching funds under this Agreement shall complete and record proof of completion of: a. NIMS training requirements outlined in the NIMS Training Program located at . l$pst#v,rww.flma.csvipdfiemecaency/nimslninne traininil praeram'odf (to include ICS- 100, ICS+00JS-?00, and lS-800 for most personnel) and b. Either {1)the FEMA Professional Development Series lS--120, lS-230, lS-235, lS-240, lS- Z4i,ld-242, "nO ls-24a, or (2) the National Emergency Management Basic Academy' The Subrecipientwill report training course completion by individual personnel along with the final report. DHS.FEMA-EMPG-FYzO Page 9 of 34 Cig of Kent EMD, E21-125 A.1 A.2 4.3 A.4 A.6 Washington $tate Military Bepartment GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Department of Homeland Security (DHS[ Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Grants this Agreement, the terms will have the same meaning as defined in 2 CFR 200 o.orpo?x"a treiein by reference), except as otherwise set forth below: a. "Agreement" means this Grant Agreernent' b. ,,Department,,means the washington state Military Department, as a state agency, any division, section, office, unit or other entity of the Department, or any of the-offrcers or other officials lawfully representing tnJ oepartmeni. TheDepuil**ot is a recipient of a federal award directly from a federat "*"rOing ;#^;t and is tne-pass-tnrough entity making a subaward to a Subrecipient under this Agreement' ^.i*o.irrr,,earl rhrrrrn n rgfergnce to thec. ,.3ubr*cipienf'wh+n capitalized is primarily uye{.ltr1o1uhnut tlris Agr**ment i non-foderal entity identified sn tr'r* f**u sieet of thi* sr*ement that has received a subaw*rd frorn the oepartrne*t. However- tns deJinition ai"Su*toiipientr is ihe eame *s in 2 cFR ?n0"93 for all other Purposes ,,Monitoring Activities" means all administrative, financial, or other review activities that are conducted to ensure ""*pii".i" *itn "tt staie and iederal laws, rules, regulations' authorities and policies. "lnvestrnenf,means the grant application submitted by the Subrecipient describing the project(s) for which federat f";;id'-il silgnt and provided under.this this Agreement. such grant ,ppfi""tion is hereby incofoorated into this Agreement by reference. Aa used thrcughout Subpart A (which is i d e. Attachment B thal the $ubreciPient is not or valu*tarilY excluded from AOVAN#F PAYMEI'i-r$ FROHIBITES. . Trre Department sr,*ttffiffi;Sffients in advance or iR antieipation of goods or servicas to be provided under this Agreement. S;treciiieni $hall nol invoice the Separtmcnt in advance of delivery and invoicing of such goods or services the SubreciPient's Project(s)- parties. Th* Agraemed perfonnance period shall only be. extended by (1i writle*.notifieatinn sf DHSiFEMA apprnvat a{the nward;#"{id;;e per:o*, tornweo up with a mutu'atty agreed written amendmsnt, sr {?} writtan natificatisn fr*m the Departrr.rent to t#suntebipient to provide Jdditional lime for compl*ticn of A.5 ** uuor".ipient must comply with the ADA, which provides comprohensivs,civil rights protection to individuals with disabilities in the areas?',r*plov*ent, public'acscmmodations, state and local government services, and telecommunication' A$S...UFANf{F The Departmext and $ubrecipient agree that all activity pursuant to this Agreement will be in accordance *iih;llih; appticable currtnt feOetai, state and local laws, rules and regulations' DHS-FEMA.EMPG-FY2O Page 10 of 34 CiV of Kent EMD, E21-125 A.7 A.8 The Subrecipient shall complete, sign, and return a Cefiification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, rneiigiuitity, ano Votuntary Exctusibn form located at hlipl#mi!.w9.+*yler.rersq,ficv.rnsng$glns& eiyi$lnnlqi#r$*/pauk*qi+n*pntrq. Any such form completed by the Subrecipient for this Agreement shall berilorporated into this Agreement by reference' Further, the Subrecipient agrees to comply with all applicable federal regulations concerning the federal debarment and suspension'system, inituoing 2 cii Part 180. The Subrecipient certifies that it will ensure that potentiat contractors or subrecipi"-nts ot any of their principals are not debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligibh, or voluntarily excluded from participation in "covered transactions" by any federal department or agency. "covered transactions" include procurement contracts for gobds or services awarded under a non-procurement transaction (e'g. grant or cooperative agreement) tiat are expected to equal or exceed $-25,000, and subawards to Subrecipients for any amount. With respect to covered iransactions, the Subrecipient may comply with this provision by oUt"ining a certificaiion statement from the potential contractor or subrecipient or by checking the System for Award Managementihttnsytsam.aovna*u) maintained by th9 federal government.. The $ubrecipient also agrees not to enter into any atr"ng*ffits or contracis with any party on the Washington State Oepart"ment of Labor anO lndustries' "Debaned Contractor List" (fltils;llsscurs.lFi.wa-cpr/depafandstfikglcjq#factol0$b$,fLi$!.4$sx). The Subrecipient also agrees not toenterintoanyagrodsandserviceswithanypartyontheDepartment of Enterprise services' Debarred vendor List (hltp:l/w!yw.dss.\r$4.e0 ) .CTRTIFIOAT$N REG ei tnat to the best of its knowledge and Oenef;'(1) no federatiy appropiiat*d funds have been paid or will be paid by or on behalf of the Subrecipient to any pui*on for influencing or attempting lo influence an officer or employee of an agency, a Member of Congress, an ofiicer or em-ptoyee of Congress, or-an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any tiOerat contracl the making of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the enterin{ into of any cooperative ag.reement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modiication of any federal contraCt,.grant, loan, or cooperative agreemenl (2) th;iif any runos other tnan federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress' an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee oi a_-Member of Congress in connection with this Agreement, gr"nt, loan, or cioperative agreement, the Subrecipient will complete and submit Standard FJrm-LLL, ;,disclosure Form to Report Libbying," in accordance with its instructions; (3) and that, as "p'pfi""nfl, the Subrecipient will require tnat iniianguage of this certification be included in the award dbcuments for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, ro"ni, and cooperatiu" ugi""*ents)and in"t alt sibrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly' This certification is a materialieptesentation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into and is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, title 31, U.S. Code' The Subrecipient and all its contractors and subreci pients shall comPlY with , and the Department is not responsible for determini ng compliance with, anY and all applicable federal,state, and local laws, regulations,executive orders, OMB Circulars, and/or policies.This obligation incl udes, but is not limited to: nondiscrimination laws and/or policies,Energy Policy and Conservation Act (PL 94-163, as amended), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)' Age Discrimination Act of 1975 , Title Vl of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Civil Rights Act of 1968, the Robert T $tafford Disaster RBlief and Emergancy Assistance Act, (PL 93-288, as amended), Ethics in Public Service (RCW 42.52), Covenant Against Contingent Fees (48 CFR Section 52.203-5'!, Public Records Act (RCW 42.56), Prevailing Wages on Public Works (RCW 39.12),$tate Environmental Policy Act (RCW 43.21C), Shoreline Management Act of 1971 (RCW 90.58), State Building Code {RCW 19.27), EnergY Related Building Standards (RCW 1 9.27A), Provisions in Buildings for Aged and Handicapped Persons (RCW 70.92), and safetY and health regulations. ln the event of noncompliance or refusallo comply with any applicable law, regulation, executive order, OMB Circularor PolicY bY the Subrecipient,its contractors or subreciPients , the Department maY rescind, cancel, or terminate the Agreement in whole or in pa* in its sole discretion The SubreciPient is DHS.FEMA.EMPG-FY2O Page 11 of34 City of Kent EMD, E21-125 responsible for all costs or liability arising from its failure, and that of its contractors and subrecipients' to comply with applicante taws, regutations, executive orders, oMB Circulars or policies' A.9 A.10 settlement. 3)EqualEmploymentopportunity.Exceptas"otherwis:pr0Yjjedunder4lcFRPart60,all contracts trat meeitt,i'aeRnition or "rel*r,atlyaesist*d ioneiructian contracf in 41 cFR Part 60-,t.3 must include the equal opportunity"-fa@ pravidsd undcr 41 Cfft,!il:I'4{b}. in accordance witn rxeiutive brder'irz+s, ;tc1$l Empleymenl Opprrir'rnily' {3! FR 12319' 12935, 3 cFR Part' 1964-1965 Comp'' p' 3!g)' as amenrled by Executive order 11375' ,,Amending fxecutiu" Order 1fe+O fiiatin-g-'iq-ryual Employment Opportunity.'' and implementing |'*du*i"tion* ,t +f CFn part^C"O: -?T-T^.{ Federal Contract CcmBliance ;;&;;, iir"f "e, pf oyment Opportu nity, Department of Labor." 4\Davis-BaconAct,asam+nded(40u.s.c.3141-3148).WhgnrequiredbyFederalprogram legislation, all prime $nstruction conliacts in excess of $2,000 awarded by non-federal entitie* muut i.'oiuJ* " pi--i;l"n t*t *o*ptiance wilh ihe trauis-*ne+n Act {4il U'S'C' 3141- 3144, and g14s-314s) as supplern*niut'ny n*purtmelt CIf Lab*r r*gulations (29 CFR Part 5, ,.Lahor *tan*Jr*s-Fi*visidns eppfiJffJ to Contracis Couering F*4*rally' Financed and Assisted construction"). ln accordance with the statute, contractors must be required to pay wages to laborers and mechanics at a Jte not less than the prevaiiing wages specified in a wage deterrninat]on mrJ* OV tfre Secietary of Labor. tn iUdition, contra*tcrs must be required to pay wages not less than once a week' The non'fed*ral'entity mu*t place a copy of the current prevailing wage deter*i*iion issued by the Department o-f. Labor in each solicitation. fne Jecisioi to iward a conhact or subcontract must be conditioned upon the acceptance of tfre wa* Oetermination. iy." non-federal entity must report all suspected or reported violatians to-the federal awafding asgncrl,-lf.e contracts mus't also ineiude a provision tor *ofiipriin** *if, :qe. dop*ru-no iantl-xi*ttb"ck" Act {40 U'$'C" 3145)' as supptemented by sepe*3*.11. of ;il; i;gotatiun* {29 .CFR Fert 3, "Contrsclsr$ and $ubcsntractoo o'" p"fifii nuiginq ar Public frork Financed in Whole or in Fart by Loans or 0rants fiom tha united $tates"). rne nJipiovicos m* oach conrracror sr $ubredpient must be prohibiteo trom inousing, by any meana, any per$on emplcycd in the con$truction' esmptatisn, or ripaii oi*uffic urCIrt, io giuu:u;,"ny pttt of the cbmp6n$gtisn tt which he or DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FY2O Page 12 of 34 City of Kent EMD, E21-125 she is othenrvise entiiled, The non-federal entity must report all suspected or reported violations to the federal awarding agency- 5) Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act {40 U.S.C" 3701-3708}, Where.app]icable, all contracts awarded Oy ttre non-federal entity in excess oJ $100,000 that involve-the **pfoy1n*nt of mechanic! or laborers must include a provision for compliance with t9 9,S.C' glAZ ina3704, as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR Part 5).1Jnder 40 u.s.c. 370? of the Act, each contractor must be required to compute the wages of every mechanic and laborer on in" basis of a standard work week of 40 hours. Work in excess of the standard work weeL is plrmissible provided that the worker is compensated at a rate of not less than one and a haif times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in the work week. The requirements of 40 U.S.C" 3704 are applicable to construction woik and provide that no laborer or mechanic must be required to work in surroundings or unOei working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous . or dangerous' These requiremenis do not apply to the purchases of supplies or materials or arlicles ordinarily available on the open *ur[et, or contracts for transportation or transmission of intelligence' 6) Rights to lnventions Made Under a Contract or Agreement. lf the federal award meets the deiinition of ,,funding agreement" under 37 CFR $401-2 {a) and therecipient or Subrecipient wishes to enter into a contract with a small business firm or nonprofit organization regarding the substitution of pailies, assignment or pefformance of experimental, developmental, or research work under that "funding agreement," the recipient or Subrecipient musl comply with the requirements of 37 Cfn Fart 401: 'Rights to lnventions Made by Nonprofit Organiiations and Small Business Firms Undei Government Grants, Contracts and Colferative Agreements," and any implementing regulations issued by the awarding agency' 7) Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 74AF7671q.) and the Federal water Pollution control Act (33 u.s.c. 1251-13g7), as amended-cOntracts and subgrants of amounts in excess of $tSO,OOO must contain a provision ihat requires the non-federal award to agree to comply witn-ait applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. iifu4oztq) and the Federal waler Pollution Control Act as amended (33 U'S'c' 1251-1g87). Violations *r.i n* reported to the federal awarding agency and the Regional Office of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)' S) Debarment and Suspension (Executive Orders 12549 and 12689FA contract award (see 2 CFR 1g0.220) must not ne "iaO" to parties listed on the government-wide exclusions in the $ystem for Award lirtanagement (SAM), in accordance wft[ tne OMB guideline.s.{-{!lfj-so ttrai implemenr ExecutivE-orJ"i" 12549 {3 cFR part 1986 c-oTq,,.p:189) and 12689 (3 cFR part lggg Comp., p. 235), "Debarmeni and Suspension." SAM Exclusions contains the num** of parties OebarreJ, suspended, or otherwise excluded by agencies, as well as padies declared ineligible unOet it"trtbry or regulatory authority other than Executive Order 12549' g) Byrd Anti,Lobbying Amendment (31 U.S.C. 1352)-Coniractors that apply or bid for an award ""..*oing $f ob,o-OO *u*iRl* the required certiiication. Each tier certifies to the tier above that it will not and has not used federal appropriated funds to pay any Person or organization for influencing or attemp,i* i; influence'an officer or employee 9f any agency, a member of Oongress, officer or emplJyee of Congress, or an empioyee of.a member of Congress in connection with obtaining lny federal contract, grant or any other award covered by 31 U.S.C. 1352. Each tier riust also disclose any tobOying with non-federal funds that takes ptace in connection witn.oLiaining any federal award. Such disclosures are forwarded from tier to tier up to the non-federal award' 10) procurement of recovered materials - As required by 2 CFR 200.322, a non-federal entity that is a state agency oirg*n"y of a political subdivision of a state and its contractors must "o,,'pty with se|tion"6002;f the Solib Waste Disposal_Act, as^amended by the Resource conservation and Recovery Act. The requiremenis of Section 6002 include procuring only ite*s Ou*ignated in guidelines of the Enviionmental Protection Agency (EPA) at 40 CFR part z+1 tnatcinain tnJrrighesi fercentage of recovered materials practicable, consistent with mainiaining a satisfactdry f"uiiot com[etition, where the purchase.price of the item exceeds $11i,000 oi tn" value of'the luantity acquired during ttte preceding. fiscal year exceeded gf O,OOO; procuring solid waste *anigerent services in a manner that maximizes energy DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FY20 Page 13 o{ 34 City of Kent EMD' E21-125 A.11 A.12 A.13 and resource recovery; and establishing an affirmative procurement program for p,o.u,**"ntofrecoveredmaterialsidentifiedintheEPAguidelines. 1 1) Notice of federal awarding agency requirements and regulations pertaining to reporting' 12) Federal awarding agency requirements and regulations pertaining to copyrights and rights in data' 13) Access by the Department, the Subrecipient, the federal awarding agency, the Comptroller General of the united states, oi"nv or'tneir duly authorized representatives to any books, documenls,'pup*6, "ru i*"oiui of ihe contractor which are directly pertin*nt to that specific contract #fi;;";pose of making audit, examination, excerpts, and transcriptions- 14) Retention of all required records for six (6) years after the subracipient has made final payments and all other pending matters are closed' 15}Mandatorystansardsandpoliciesrelatingtoenergyefficiencywhicharecontainedinthe state energy s6n$ervation plan issued in compliance witn $re Energy Policy and ConservatiJn Act {Pub' L' 94-163, 89 Stat' 871}' 16) Fursuant to Executive Order 13s58 "$tr*ngthening fiuy-Arn*ri*an Preferences for Infrastructure projects," the Department encouragec Suhrecipionts to use, tc thn graatast extentpracticableandconsistentwithtl'lelsw,theuse.ofgoade,prcducts'andmalerial* produced-iir-'6,* t-lnit.o states i; ;";t *onto*t, +ubc*ntract, surchase srdsr, otr sub*award thatischargeableagainstfederalfinancialassistanceawards. b. The Department reserves the right to review the $ubrecipient's procurement plans and documents "nJ t"quit* tne sunreci"pient to Tqe c!?itg:s to biing its plans-and documents into compliance with the requirement* lr i cFR Part 20031s through 200.326. The subrecipient mugt ensure ?h*t its prc*urement process requires contractors and subcontractors to provide adequat€ *ccumentarian wi{h uum*ilniJ*tail to support the costs of the project and to allow both the $ubrecip#i;;a frepartment to rnak* a determination on eligibility of project costs' c. All corrtracting agreements entered into pursuant to this Agreement shall incorporate this Agreement bY reference' OISCLQSURF -^:-a lr^^ r\^narlmonf {r.: Tha use or disclosure by any party of any information conegrning the Depertment for any q.up3s6 ryj direcuy eannaded with lhe adrninistration of itr* n"ra*ment's orihe subrecipientts respcneibiiitins wth respect to services p*oiC*i uod*, firis ngie;**tjs ryoybited except by prior writt*n *onsent o1 lhe Fepartment o,. "* r*q,ii*l} "o*pr' wim ifre stata Public Records Act, other law or court order' Sffirherwise provided in this Agreement, when a.1gtfid*"giseuJl:1isi:"?:t*u*n the parties and it cannot Ue ,uJoU"J through Olicuiiion and negotiatlon. either p6fty. may. request a dispute rssslutisn panal tr rssclw the dispute. A reque$t for. a uilpute resolutisn b*ard shall ba in writing, state the dixButad i$su*$, *t*t* il.,J relaiive paslt-#* af the parties, *nd be s*nl ts all parties. The Banelsfrall eoncist of a repreoentative appainted by the Depa{mer"rt, arepre$entative appointed by the $ubrecipient and a third parry ,uti*ify *gi*** upoL ti *oti pu**.. rrt* panol *hall, by majority veie, resolve the dispute. Each parry Jralini"r the cost toi iir panel rnemuer and its a$crney fee* and co*ts and shsre equally the cost of the third panel member' ffiagreedthatthisAgreementissolelyforthebenefitofthepartiestotheAgreement and gives no right di;y other partyl No joint ventuie or partnership is formed as a r:es$!t of this Agreement. To the extent allowed by law, the subrecipient, its successors or assigns, will protect' save and hold harmless the Department, the state of fi""ni"gton, and the. United $tat91-Government and their aUlhorieed agents "nJ **bnyees, from all claimJ, sotiofi$, *csl*' damsse6 or expet]$ss of any naturs what$sever by reason of tf,e'"cts or omission= oi ihe $ubreeipienf its y-l-*11fgaro' subracipients' assigns, agents, contractors, consultants, licensees, invite&g' emplOyees-sf Any per$sil urhgmsogvsr arising out of or in connection with any acts or activities authorized by this Agreement' DHS-FEMA-EMPG.FY2O Fage 14 of 34 City of Kent EMD, E21-125 To the extent allowed by law, the Subrecipient further agrees to defend the Department and the state of Gstrington and their authorizec agents and emptoyeeJin any litigation; including payment of any costs or attorieys, fees for "ny "f"i*r or"action commented thereon arising out of or in connection with acts or activities authorized by this Agreement- This obligation shall not include such claims, costs, damages or expenses which may be caused by the ,oi" n"giig"nce of tnu-n"["rt*ent; provideO, tnat ii tne clJims or damages are caused by or result from the concurrent negligence of (1) the'Department, and (2) the Subrecipient, its agents, or employees, this inJ"n.,nitv provisio-n itrat ne vilic and enforceable only to the extent of the negligence of the subrecipient, or the Subrecipient's agents or employees. lnsofar as the funding source, the Deparlment of Homeland Securi$ (DH$)/Federal Emergency frrtrn"g**"nt Agency (Fffrln), is an agency of the Federal government, lhe following shall apply: 49 li--HS 2.S$,g"',No4:li*3ititq. The Federal government shallnot be liable for any claim based upon the ffi,orthefailuretiexerciseorperformadiscretionaryfunctionordutyonthe part of a federal "g*n.y or an ernployee of the Federal government in carrying out the provisions of the Stafford Act. A.14 A.15 A.16 A.17 A,18 A.19 The signatories to this represent that theY have the authority to bind their respective organizations to this Agreement. OnlY the Department's Authorized Signature rePresentative and the Authorized Sig nature rePresentative of the SubreciPient or Alternate for the SubreciPient, formallY designated in writing, shall have the exPress'implied, or aPParent authoritY to alter, amend, rnodifY, or waive any clause or condition of this Agreement.Any alteration, amendment,modification, or waiver of any clause or condition of this Agreement is not effective or binding unless made in writing and signed by both parties' Authorized Signature representatives , except as provided for time extensions in Article A.3. Further, only the Authorized Signature representative or Alternate for the Subrecipient shall have signature authority to sign reimbUrsement reqUests, time extension requests' amendment and modification requests, reqJests for changes to projects or work plans, and other requests, certifications and documents authorized by or required under this Agreement. LOSS OR REDUCTION OF FUNDlltg l,orotherSourceSiswithdrawn,reduced,orlimitedinanyway after the effective date of this Agreement and prior to normal completion or end date, the Department may unilaterally reduce the workllan and budget or unilaterally terminate all or part of the Agreement as a ,,Termination for Cause" without providing t6e Subrecipient an opportunity b gulg: Alternatively, the purti*, *"v renegotiate the terms of this Alreement under "Amendments and Modifications" to comply i,uiin ner fundinglimitations and conditions, althougtr the Deparlment has no obligation to do so" NONASSIGNABILITY Neither this Agreement, nor any claim arising under this Agreement, shall be transferred or assigned by the Subrecipient. NqND|SCRlMlNArloN The subrecipient shaftomply with all applicable federal and state nan-discrimination laws, regulations, and policies. No person shall, on the grounds of age, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, maritat status, honorlnly discharfied veteran. or military status, or. disability (physical' n.,*r,t"t, or iensory) be denied the benifits of, oi otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any project, program, or activity, funded, in whole or in part, under this Agreement' NOTICES The Subrecipient shall comply with all public notices or notices to individuals required by applicable local, state and federal laws and reguiations and shall maintain a record of this compliance' (OSHF/WISHA) The Subrecipieit represents and warrants that its work place does now orwill meet allapplicable federal and state sat*iy ani health regulations that are in effect during the subrecipient's performance.under.this nlieernent. fo 6re extent allofted by law, the Subrecipient fu*her agrees to indemnify and hold harmless DHS-FEMA-EMpG-Fy20 Page 15 of 34 city of Kent EMD' E21-125 A.20 A.21 A.22 A.23 A.24 A.25 the D*partffient 8nd its emplcy*as-and. agelts fraru af liability, damages and costs of any nature' inctuding, but *ot UrntieO ;;,;;;t* of suits i:oA "euin*ys' fees aisessed against the Depaftment' as a i"urrt oiif,e failure sf the Subreciplent to sc comply' ffiprovidedhereinshallbeusedforanypatiisanpolitiealactivityortofurtherthe et*ctisn or defeat ot u"!l"n*l*Ge for pubtii office or influenci ihe approval or defeat of any ballot issue' The assistance Provided this Agreement shal I not be used in PaYment of any bonus or commlssmnunder for the purpos€of obtaining approval of the aPPlication for such assistance or any other aPProval or concurrence under this Agreement provided, however,that reasonable fees or bona fide technical consultant, managerial,or other such services, other than actual solicitation, are not herebY Prohibited if otherwise eligible as project costs' #Hffiipient agrea$ ts suhnllt ti) tl€ Depertment prior to issuance all advertising and publicity $att*rs rerating to this Agrecment wher*in tirs *eeart*ent's.name is me'tioned, or ranguage used from which the ccnnsstion *f the Department'* *u*J *uy, in the Department's iudgment' be inferred or impried. Th* $uhrec;pie*iagr*ed not t* pu*fisrr ai use sucn advertising and pubricity matters without the prior *r:iten eCIn$ent ;itrt* d*B*tr**ot. The subrecipien! Tr-v-iopvright original work it develops in the cour$e ef or under this AgreerneRi; howsvei p'i*'r""'t t" Z Cf n.plrt fOO'gt S' FEMA reserves a royalty- free, nonexclusive, .nOl**uo.anie ticense'i" *pt"O"ce, publish or othenruise use' and to authorize others to use the work for government purposes' publication resurting from work perfarmed under this Agreement shalr incrude an acknowledgement of FEMA,s financiat support, by the As*istsnce-l;titJ; Nuilrber (formorly CFDANYT.buI)' and a statement that the publication Obes not constitute an endorsJment by FEMA or reflect FEMA's views' ffintfailstoexpendfundsunderthisAgroerysnrqaccarda1,cewithapplicable federal, state, and tocai taws, regutatibns,-"nol* thi prcvisiCI*ns of the Agre€rnent, the ilepa*rn*nt .eserues the right to recaplure funds ih *n r*ouni*quiveilent ta ths extsnt of non$amplianc*' such rigl':l ef recapturc. s*atr oxrs? ior ths rrfe cf the #i--t;;ri.*ing Agroernent termin*tion. R*payrnent by the subrecipient uf funds under this receplur* priol*ion shaubcJur witlrin $0 days of dernand' in tlre evenl the $epartment is req*ired ts institUte: flgaj p*ceedings.. to enforce the recflpture provision' the oepartment shsq be intiged ta its cssts*?ro'*p****i thereof, incruding attarney fees from the SubreciPient. Sry: subrecipient asrees to meintain all books' '3-t9'dLt 1"tti::l--l.f:ify;P' invoice$ and all other electranlc or written reccrds t*t*t"w to sufficiently and properly reflect the $ubrecipionfs contracts, subewards, gr*nt *o*iiiJi*troir, -*od paym'ents, including ell.direct and indirect charges, and expenditures in ttre pe*crmance of thi's Agreement (the "records")' b. The $ubrecipient,s reccrds related te this Agreernent and th* projeet* funded nray be inspeeted and audited t;il b*parrm*t t "t ##*d#;lytn*.om"e oi *b stale Auditor' sHS' FEMA or their design€es, by the Cornptrorrei sdlral of itt* united $tates ar its designee$, ot by ctfier state or federal officials authorized ny-taw, for the.purposes of determining compliance by the subrecipient *ip, ir",* terms of tnis ng'reemeni and to determine the appropriate level of funding to be Paid under the Agreement' DHS-FEMA.EMPG.FY2O Page 16 of 34 City of Kent EMD, E21-'125 A.26 A.27 A.28 c. The records shall be made available by the Subrecipient for such inspection and audit, together with suitable space for such prrpos*, at any and all times during the Subrecipieni's normal working daY. d. The Subrecipient shall retain and allow access to all records related to this Agreement and the funded proi""tt"l for a period of at least six (6) years following final payment and closure of the grant under this Agreement" Oespite tne rninimum federal ietention requirement of three (3) !uar*, the more striigent State requirement of six (6) years must be followed' Rrs.pqN$lBlLlrY" FQR F*SJECrl$1Ar*MHryT. OF !/VglltqffqRK Pl=Al\ WhiletheDepartmentrojecUstatementofworldworkplan iproi".tl nV p?oviding federal award funds pursuant to ihis Agreement, the project itself rernains the sole i"*eioniiuiiity ot 6e-suurlcipient. The Department undertakes no responsibility to the subrecipient, or to any third party, other than as is expressly set out in this Agreement' The responsibility for the design, development, construction, implementation, operation and maintenance of the proiect, as tnese pno'!*! are applicable to this project, is solely that of the Subrecipient, as is r"rponliUifity io, uny claim or suit of any nature by any third party related in any way to the project' prior to the start of any cnnstruction activity, the subrecipient shall ensure that all applicable federal, state, and local permits and clearances are oOtained, including, but not limited to, FEMA compliance with the National Environmlntal Foncy Act, the National Historic Preservation Act, the Endangered Species nct, anO all other environmental laws, regulations, and executive orders' The Subrecipient shall defend, at its own cost, any and all claims or suits at law or in equity, which may be brought against the Subrecipient in conn*ciion *ith the project. The Subrecipient shall not look to the Department, or to any stat*'or federal agency, or.to any of their employees or agents' for any p*ioir"n"", assistance, or any payment 6r indemnity, inciuding, but not limited to, cost of defense lnaror attorneys, fees, in'conneition-with any claim or iawsuit brought b.y_uny third party related to any design, development, tonstruction, implementation, operation andlor maintenance of a project' SEVERABILIT\/ iT:ffirrl?"ghtfutjurisdiction holds any provision or condition under this Agreement or its application io rriy proon or"circumstances invalid, this invatidity does not alf.ect other provlsions, terms or conditions of the Agreement, which can be given effect without the invalid provision' To this end' the terms and conditions of this Agreement are declared severable' $lN$J.t*"unrr ACTSEQUTFEMFtIl$.{inp'tqdiqis St AMFNSJdlFlllT.$}' TheSubrecipient5haditrequirementsinanysubawards. Non-federal entities, as subrecipients of a federal award, that expend $?50,000 or more in one fiscal year of federal funds from all sources, direct and indirect, are required to have-a single or a program- specific audit conducted in accordance with 2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F. Non-federal entities that spend less than $250,000 a year in federal awards are exempt from federal audit requirements for that year, except as noted in z cFR part 200 subpart F. As defined in 2 cFR Paft 200, the term "non-federal entity" means a state, local jovernment, lndian tribe, institution of higher education, or nonproflt organization that carries out a fedeial award as a recipient or subrecipient. subrecipients that are required to have an audit must ensure the audit is performed in accordance with Generally Accepted Gou*rr,r*nt Auditing Standards {GAGAS) as found in the Government Auditing $tandards {the Revised yellow Book) developed by the United states comptroller General and the oMB compliance supptement. The subrecipient iras the responsibitity of notifying its auditor and requesting an audit in compliance *itn Z CFR Part200 Subpart F, to includethe Washington State Auditor's Office, a federal auditor, or a public accountant pe*orming work using GAGAS, as appropriate' Costs of the "uJii *"V be an allowable grant expenditure as authorized by 2 CFR Part 2AA'425' The Subrecipient shall maintain auditable records and accounts so as to facilitate the audit requirement and shall ensure that any subcontractors also maintain auditable records' The Subrecipient is responsible for any audit exceptions incurred by its own organization or that of its subcontractors, Responses to any unresolved management findings and disallowed or questioned costs shalt be included wiln tf,e audit report. The Subreiipient must lespond to QgRartment requests for information or corrective action concerning audit issues or findings within 30 days of the date of DHS-FEMA.EMPG-FY2O Page 17 of 34 City of Kent EMO, E21-125 request. The Department reserves the right to recover fram the subrecipient all disallowed cosis resulting from the audit. After ihs singte ar:dit has been complete4 and if it includea *ny audit findings' the subfseipi*nt must send a fullroBy;f tir; ftit "na it. conective Action Plan ta the bepartment at the following address no later than nlneigl ffi$nths after the end sf th* subreeipient's fis*al y*ar{s}: Contracts Office Washington Military DePartmert FinancJDivision, Building #{ TA'20 CamP MurraY, WA 98430-5032 The Department retains the sole discretion to determine whether a valid claim for an ex*mption frorn the auditrequirementsofthisprovisionhasbeenestablished. condunting a single cr Brogram*specific audit in ccmplknce wlth 2 cFR Part 200 $ubpart F is a m*terial r.equlremerrt of thie Asreement rn *l"*Gu*** *,t 1 v.t11 clairn *f exempti*n from tht a*rdit requirement$ of ? cFR eurt aoo-6u1;# F, tn* *ulrecipL$'s f*ilure to romply with.said audit requirements may result in one or more of the following actioni in-tfiJoup"rt*unt-s sole dlscretion: a percentage of federal awards being withheld untitthe auditls ccmpleted in accnrdance wiirr 2 cFR Part 200 subpart F;the withholding or disagswine ;i ooerr,ead ccsts; il;';;#;-io* of federal awards until the audit is conducted and submittsd; orlerminatian *f the federal a"tard' A.2e SUBfiEC|PLENT-NOr EMPIOYEE Thapartiesinffiente*ntrae1grrelstionshipwiltbecreatedbythisAgreem*nt,The $ubrecipient, *ndlcr enrplOyees o3^ "U*-t* p"*orgrngln6er this Agreament are nnt emplcye*s CIr ag6nts of the Departm*nt in any rnanner *i*troiu*r. Trrisubrecipientlrilt not be presented &$, flsr clairn to bp, an cfficer cr er*ployee or *e *ep#m-ent uy ,e**on or inii Agreem.ent,.nor luill the $ubro*ipisnt make any elairn, dernand, nr *ppticatim ro o, ior *n1a right cr ptiuitugi applicable to an cffieer or employe* *f the Depar.tment uiot ths stats rf wa*t'rington'by foason sf thi; Agreemunt' ineluding, but nut limited ta' workmsn,s comp*nsation cnverai;,' u1-,u*fi"ymell insuran& $ensfits, socisl seeurity hsnefit*' retirement membership or credit, oi?iuGg; or nenefit which would accrue to a civil service employee under ChaPter 41'06 RCW' It is understood that if the subreeipient is another state department, state.agency, state university' state --rr-g-,;til- co*munity *cllege,!*te board, or stat* commission, that the officers and employees are emBloyed uV rne *ate *i Washingtorf in in"ir own right and not by reason of this Agreemenl' A.3O IAXF$; FEES ANil LICENSE$ ,r , ^..L---:^:^-r -r-ar !.o rsennnci*ra fnr nav an, mainl urlloss otherwise provided in thi* Agreement, the subrecipienl"hltl?":::feasible for' pay and maintain in current $aill aiitaxes, unemptoim"nt contrinumns, fees, licenses, as$essrnents, permit charges and expenses of any other kind tor tne'sunrecipient or its staif required by statute or regulation that are applicable to Agreement performance' A.31 TqqMlil*Tl0$ roR +qHvsFilErycE NEtwithstanding any provisions or ffis Agree.meTt, the. subrecipient may terminate this Agreement by providing writt# noti"'e of such tsnninrtioi to tne ne-p-artment Key Personnel identified in the Agreement' specifying the;ffo*tive date thareof, al les$t thirty i30) days prior to such date. *xeepl aa oth*rwise provided in thls Agreement, the. Department, in its ssle dieeretion and in the hest interesis cf the stat* of washingrt;; #t;*inite tt*s Agreeme*t'in whsle.6r ln ryt by providing ten (,10) ealendar days written notice, ueginriinqon the,second"day att*r mailing t* the $ubrecipiCInt" upon notice of t*nni*aticn fcr conueniencJ, ttre*separtrnent rsseffis the right to su*pend aflar part of thc Agreement,;ihfi; turftrer puv**iir, ;ipil"riiniiihe $ubrecipient from incurring additional obligations of funds. tn the event of termination, ine Sunrecipient snatl ob liable for all damages as authorized by law. The rights and remedies or ti"'n*p*rt*eni 'prouiaeJ for in this section shall not be exclusive and are in addition iouny other rights and remedies provided by law. A.32 TSRMiNATi*N qF $tl$PEtt$l*:I rQR QAilqF rnr has faited ro frltf,il in a ln the *yeni tffi $orc?scr€tfin, determines the $ubrecipie timely and proper rnannsr its oblig*iions one*r this Agreenrent, is in an unsound financial conditicn so as to endanger pedormance f,eriun**r. iu in violatlisn'*f any iaws or regulati*n* that rsnder lhe Subrecipienl unable ta per{crm u*y'ut#.1-of the ;{gr*emefit, *r has fielated any cf ths csvsnaRts' DHS-FEMA-EMpG-FY20 Page 1B of 34 Citv of Kent EMD' E21-125 A.33 agreements or stipulations af this Agreement, the Department has the right to immediately suspend or terminate this Agreement in whole or in part' The Department may notify the Subrecipient in writing of the need to take corrective action and provide a period of time in which to cure. The Department is nit required to allow the Subrecipient an opportunity to cure if it is not feaslble as determined solely within the Department's discretion' Any time allowed for cure shall not diminish or etiminate the subrecipient's liability for damages or otherwise affect any other remedies available to tfie Oepartment. lf the Department allows the Subrecipient an oppoftunity tocure' the Department shall notify the Subrecipient in writing of the need to take corrective action' lf the correc{ive action is not tat<en within ten (i0} calendar dJys or as_otherwise specified by the Department, or if such corrective action is deemed by the Department to be insufficient, the Agreement may be terminated in whole or in Part' The Department reserves the right to suspend all or part of the Agreement, withhold further payments, or prohibit the subrecipient from incuning additional obligations of funds during investigation of the "ir.lg"d .i*pli"nr" uiJa"rr, pending corrlective action oy tne Subrecipient, if allowed, or pending a J".ilion by tire Department to terminate the Agreement in whole or in part' ln the event of termination, the Subrecipient shall be liable for alldamages as authorized by law, including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original Agreement and the replacement or cover Agreement and all aiminishative costs directly relatel to the replacement.Agreement, €'9', cost of administering the competitive solicitation pro"es", mailing, advertising and other associated staff time' The rights and remedies of the Department provided tor ii tnis section shall not be exclusive and are in additiin to any other rights and remedies provided by law' lf it is determined that the subrecipient: (1) was not in default or material breach, or (2) failure to perform was outside of the suir""ipi*nt's'control,'fault or negligence, the termination shall be deemed to be a "Termination for Convenience". T ERM I $lATlPt\t PSQCFDU RE$ ln addition to the pr,oceOures set forth below, if the Department terminates this Agreement, the Subrecipient shalt follow any procedures specifieO ,,n 1!" t^eimination notice' Upon termination of this Agreement and in aooition t6 Lny other rights provided in this Agreement, the Departmeni may require the Subrecipient to Jetiver to the Depart-meni any propedy spiciflcally produced or acquired for the p"ttor*"n"" of such part of this Agreement as has been terminated. lf the termination is for convenience, the Departmeni shall pay to the subrecipient 8s an agreed upon price, if separately st"i"O, toi p*p"tiy authoiized and compleied work and services rendered or goods delivered to and r.""piuO uy tne'Department prior to the iffective date of Agreement termination, the amount agreed upon by the Subrecipient and the Department for (i) completed..wgrk and services and/or equipment or suppliei pioviJeu for which no "eparate price is stated, (ii) partially completed work and services and/or equipment or supplies provided which are accepted by the Department, (iii) other work' services and/or equipment or supplies which are accepted by the Department, and (iv)the protection and preservation of ProPertY. Failure to agree with such amounts shall be a dispute within the meaning of the "Disputes" clause of this Agreement. lf the termination is for cause, ine oepa*ment shalf dgt*rmine ihe extent af ths liability of the Deparlment. The Department shall have no otn'er obligalian ts the $ubrecipient for terminetion" The Department may withhold from any amounts due the-subreeipienl $u0h s.yT,..?s the ilepartment determines to ne necesriw to proteit the Department againsi potential loss or liability' The rights and remedies of the Department provided in this Agreement shall not be exclusive and are in additioln to any other rights and remedies provided by law' After receipt of a notice of termination, and except as othenrvise directed by the Department in writing' the SubreciPient shall: a. Stop work under the Agreement on the date, and to the extent specified' in the notice: b. place no further orders or contracts for materials, services, supplies, equipment and/or facilities in relation to this Agreement except as may be necessary for completion of such portion of the work under lhe Agreement as is not terminated; c. Assign to the Department, in the manner, at the times, and to the extent directed by the Department, "il ot ihe rights, tifle, and interest of the subrecipient under the orders and contracts DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FY2O Page 19 of34 City of Kent EMD, E?1-125 d e. Eo terminated, in which case the Department has the right, at its discretion, to settle or pay any or all claims arising out of the termination of such orders and contracts; setile all outstanding liabilities and all claims arising out of such termination of orders and contracts, with the "dpi"""r o.ratification of the Department to the extent the Department may *quir", which "pprourl or ratiflcation shall be final for all the purposes of this clause; Transfer tige to the Department and deliver in the manner, at the times' and to the extent directed by the Department "ff;r;p6ttv which, if the AEreement had been compteted, would have been required to be furnished to the Department; complete performance of such part of the work as shall not have been terminated by the O"pJrt**nt in compliance with allcontractual requirements; and Take such action as may be neCessary, Or as the Department may require, for the protection and preservation of the pi6p"rty _t"tateO to this AgreemeT .ylilh is in the possession of the buOrecipient and in wnici'' tn6 Department has or may acquire an interest' T g A.34 A.3s A.36 The SubreciPient is encouraged to util busineso firms that are eertified a*minority-owned and/or women-owned ln carrying out the purposes of this Agreement-The SubreciP ient may set utilization standards, based upon lccal conditions or may utilize the state of Washingto nMW BE goals, as identified in WAC 326-30'041, VEN.UE ffitsr***ent shall be construed and enforced in *ccordanc* *rith, and the validity and p€rfsrnasnce shall be govarnad by, the laws of the state of washingtcn. vsnue of any sui? between thc partias edsing out of this Agreement shalt be the Superioi Court otitrur$lsn Ceunty, Wa$hingtsn' .The Subrocipient' ;t;;;ilti""? tnis n'gieemunt, "rtno*tedges the jurisdiction of the courts of the state of washington' WAIVERS No conditions or provisions of this Agreement can be waived unless approve-d in advance by the sap*sment in writing. ir,* b*prrtmenls. failure to insist upon *trist perlnrmanco of any provision of the Agreement u, to *ruJoi"* *Gilghib*uud upan a breach.thereefo $r th* ecceptanoe of any performance i'iii*i -*ei1 hreach, shall ntf cinstiiute a waiver cf any right under this Asrssrnen1 DHS.FEMA-EMPG-FY2O Page 20 of 34 City of Kent EMD, E21-125 Attachment G WORK PLAN FY 2020 Performance Grantncy nt DivisionManof Kent E The purpos e of EMPG is to assist with th e enhancement, sustainment and improvement of state, local, and tribal emergency management programs'Activities conducted using EMPG funding should relate directly to the five elements of emergency management: preventi on, protection, response, recovery' and mitigation Washingto n State does not require a specific number of activities to receive EMPG funding' However, there are required capabilities that must be sustained in order to remain eligible for EMPG funding, including but not limited to the ability to communicate and warn, educate the public, train and exercise, plan, and be NIMS comp liant. The Work Plan delineates the Emergency M anagement Organization's emergency management program planning and priority focus for this grant cycle (to include EMPG grant and local Meeting Refreshments 4.l1EmergencY Public lnformation and Education CommunitY Resilience RESULT OF THE WORK - Larget number of CERT trained members in the cornmunitY' - CERT graduates become volunteers in other emergency management teams. - The communitY is better PrePared to respond to and be more resilient after a disaster. - More youth and adults interested in Participate in multiple community events throughout the Year such as Cornucopia DaYs, Covington DaYs, National Night Out, Kids SafetY DaY and multiple other City/School events. Focus is on building communitY safety and emergency preparedness for both adults and Youth. emergency preparedness and having the knowledge of how to PrePare for and respond during a disaster' - An engaged communitY who feel involved and have a better understanding of their role in the event of a disaster lnk CartridgesSatellite Phones esOfflcePhoto Copier LeaseWebsite Fees Program Area-Susteinment T-*ffiiiarr Corg Caprbillty_ :; ..: , . , r I * ;-- c---ri.rr tans frnrlrilllU Mass Search and Rescue OPerations WHV THE WORK IS BEING DONE A known gap is that there are not enough responders to helP the community when a maior incident happens. With continued trainings being offered each Year, the CitY is building the volunteer database and becoming a more resilient community. Deliver in-Person FEMA CommunitY Emergency ResPonse Team (CERT) courses and/or online training modules at least once a Year to the City of Kent, Covington, Puget Sound Fire Response Area and Kent/Covington. Major Purchases coutd include rnanuals, suPPlies, sustenance for trainings, and OT for WORI( PTANNED instructors. - A more resilient communitY prepared for and able to respond to a disaster, and that is educated in all aspects of disaster preparedness so that they can help mitigate loss and assist the community in rebuilding after a disaster. A known gap is that the cornmunity is not self-reliant; and for the community to rebuild theY must be educated on how to be PrePared and how to take care of themselves and others around them. Conduct sPecialized CERT/Preparedness classes for local businesses, neighborhoods, and schools. Program Area #tr DH8-FEMA-EMPG.FY2O Page 21 of 34 City of Kent EMD, E21-125 Core CaPabllltY WHY T}IE \ITORK IS SEING to enhance the CitY's capabilities through testing, activation, exercise, and training' To continue DONE Participate in the design, co and evaluation of a minimum of one virtual exercise or real activations during the Performance Period to test parts of the COOP/COG Plans as well as the CitY's CEMP. nduct, WORK PIANNET} Test Kent's EmergencY Center {ECC) systems (electronics, displays, forms, c0mPuter systems' etc.I on a quarterly basis as part of Coordination the ECC in Service Fro6ram.Area 82 4.10 Exercises, Evaluations,and Carrective Actions ope rational Caordination Planning gaps that maY arise from the test in order to fullY maximize ECC capabilities. identified gaPs in communication sharing and the need for uPdated eguipment. RESULT OF THE WORK Successful Partici pation, comPleted AAR's identifYing areas for improvement, and for participants to be able ts better resPond to an ine ident/event. electronics, communications, forms, software that is able to operate effectively in an incident/ disaster' functionality increase in situational awareness between tCC, DOCs and regional Partners during and To find and correct anY issues an dlor An ECC that is uP to date with Purchase items to enhance functionalitY and caPabilitY for situational awareness for the Kent ECC and DePartment OPerating Centers WORK PLANNED Conduct trainings an d/or send EM Staff/CitY Staff/Fire Staff and EM Volunteers to career develoPment workshoPs, seminars, conferences, and training for emergencY ma nt. \N'ORK PIANNED Acquire MREs and emergencY drinking water. (ltems are tracked and updated per expiration date on a re-!agt&b9si$l Dritls, exere ises, and activations have Greater communication a nd activatisn/exercise 4.9 Training CommunitY Resilience Operat isnal Coordination IJT'HYTIIE WORK 15 BEIN6 DONE RESUIT OF THE WORK owledge Fully trained staff and v olunteersTo increase job skills and kn in EmergencY Management functions. who are better able to respond to the Kent ECCIDOCs in an incident/event' 4.4 Operati onal Planning and Proce dures Long-te rm Vulnerability Reduction WHY THE WORK IS BEING DONE RCSULT OF THI WORK i;support staff in the event ofa Provides sustainable 0perational Coordination major incident/event' foad and water for all staff working during major i ncidentsfevents' PdmarYCore CapabllitY Secondary Core CapabilltY Program Area S3 PrimarY Core CaPabilltY hondsryCore Capability Prograrn Area S4 DHS-FEMA-EMPG.FY2O Page 22 of 34 City of Kent EMD, E21-125 Attachment D TIMELINE FV 2020 Emergency M Peformance Grant DATE TASK June 1,2020 Grant Agreement Start Date January 31,2A21 Submit reimbursement request April30, 2021 Submit reimbursement request August 31,2A21 Grant Agreement End Date October 15, 2021 Submit final reimbursement request, final report, training requirement report, and/or other deliverables. DHS.FEMA-EMPG.FY2O Page 23 of 34 City of Kent EMD, E21-1?5 Attachment E BUDGET Ma Pedormance GrantFY 2020 2OEMPG SOLUTION AREA SUDGETCATEGORY Salaries & Benefits(' ?Overti s EMPG AMOUNT MATCH AMOUNT (7Ug3 5 13,893 $ $ 71,193 3,500 50,500 13 ( q $ 5 $ s btotat5u a z,otr Nz uEo zz J ulgu& tr,lXlll Consu & Services Diem Salaries & Beneiits Consu Contractors Goods & Services Diem Salaries &Benefits Goods & Services Diem & Overti Consu ractors s & Services Diem ent ) $ 5 5 (9 =z ag $ 5 s $ 5 $ $ 5 $Su d. 3(t gJ 5 5Subtotal Salaries & Benefits {d E Consu Goods & Services TraveUPer Diem lndirect lndirect Cost Rate an file TOTAL GfANt AMOUNT: $71,193 $ r The subrecipient will provide a match of $71,193 of non-federal origin, 50% of the total proiect cost (local budget Plus EMPG award). r cumulative transfers to budget categories in excess of 10% of the Grant Agreement Amount will not be reimbursed without prior wriftLn authorization from the Department' Funding source: u.s. Department of Homeland security - Pl# 703PT * EMPG DH5-FEMA-EMp6-Fy20 Page 24 ot 34 City of Kent EMD' E21-125 $ $ s $ $ $ 0% ckfill $ Itttachment F 2OEMPG Award l-etter Enfi s-2CI20-EF-00002-s0 t Axcr{ Latbr U $ Dopartment 0f Homeland SecuriSi \iVashin gttn , D.C 2il47? Brct DsughPfiY Washington,lvlilitary il opta ilme nt Building 20 Camp Murray,1A/AgS4S - 51?2 Re: Grarrl No FMS"202fi-EP-9000? Dear Srei BaughertY. congrairlalions, on behaliof the Depadmen.l of Hsmeland Security, y0ur aFplicatinn forfinancial assistance submilted under the Fiscal year {Fy} 2020 Emergenry Management Performance OrEnts has been epprov-e--d-i1-t!1i€mouill r:f $7,558,75S 00' Asa condition cf this a,,varJ,yo,i*.*i*quir*ita conlribute a cosl matuh in the ernouniof ff7$53139'0il of rron-Federe lfunds, ar 5fl percent ofthe total appioved pr0jsct ccct$ of $15,104,497'0fi' B*fore you request ani1 receive any of the Fe.derslfunds awarcled 10 you, you mufi Pslabiish acceptance of ihe av'rard' By urruptiig this ar,vald, yuu *.[no"rtJ,lge that the tenns ef 'lhe fnllowing docum*nte ar* incotpotat*d inlo tlre 1€rme 0f yfi{lr *r,Vaf d: . A$rsement Artir:les {attached to this AtrianJ l-eti*t) " Obligating [ocument iatiachod lo this Award L*tterJ . f y fpg Em*,g*n.y Management Perfcrmancp Gronts Nstics of Funding Cpplrtunity' lileasa make $,,,r€ you rearJ, und*rsiand, and maintain a cnpy nf these dccumsnts in y,-rur olficisl filt for this awatd' ln q,rderto **tablieh acc€ptancs r,f the award and ils terms, please followlhess instructions: Step 1 : Flease log in to lhg: hlS Grants $yslern at htlpsl/porlal fema'gov Step Z:After logging in,you will see lhe Home paga with a PendirrgTseks.mentt. Ciiuk r:n the PendingTssks ntenu, selerl the Application sub-rnenu, *no tnun rii* trr* link far "&ward Ofi'er Hevi*er,v" tasks. This link wiil navigate yul tc Avrard Fackagee lhet arE periding review. Btep 3: *lick the Review-qvdard Package ican (rnrrcnch) to review the Award Fackag* and accept or ducline the award' Pleasa sav e fir p rint lhe A.ward Facka ge fo i' yo ur r accrds' Systsm for Arrdard Managament {SAhrl}: Grani recipients are io kaep ail sf their inf*tmatinn up la date in SAM, in pertbular, your nrganizalin n,s name,-ad Oreis, UUtIS numbei, FIN and ba nking irrforrnatio n. Please en sura that th s OUhIS n unrb er used in SAh{ isthe same on* gr*Ulo *ppiy forall Ff;MA ain;ards. Future *payments wiil be contingenl nn the informatian provided in the SAM; th erefore, lt is-imp eraiive that th€ in fomiitiort is cer rre ct.'The Systff fi l'o r ,Alvfi rd Mana gem ant is locate d at htlp:/1 wlws.$am.gsv lf you have any questianeorhav* updated your information in 5Alvt. please let yourSranle.M*nag.ement $peeialist {SMSi t*ri* *u *oon is pnssirte. itris vritf netp usi': make the ne.e$,$Fry updales and qvoid any intsrruplions in ths $aymrnt procE$s. FATRICK GERARD MARCHAil4 DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FYzO Fage 25 ol 34 Gity cf Kent EMD, E?l-125 AgFcrndA*&tt Tue Oct0l ffi:0n:00 GMT ffig U,$. Department 0f Homeland $ecurity Washingtan, O't.2n472 GRAtiTEET PRSGRAMT A6RTTUEilT IIU}IBTR: tutide I A*icl* ll A.ftide lll .Articte lV Adicle V Article Vl Artic,le Vll Arlicle Vlll Articls lX Aficle X Arlicte X I Article Xll AGREEME}IT ARTICLES E merg ancy ilara gemenl Parforman*e Grants Waehington Milit* rY De Parlffient Ernerganty Mana g ement Pe dorrn*n ce Grcnts rMs-202["rF-nfl0il?'s1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Acliv iiies C s ndu t{e d Abro ad Reporling of MEttsrc R*lated t0 R€cipient lntegrily tnd Petfsrrn a nce Americens with Disabilities Act of 1W0 Trafficking Vrclims Pratection Acf of 2U00 [\#AJ Federel Leaderlhip on Reducing Text Messaging while Drivittg Debarmenl end $usPe noian Fly Arnerica Act qf 1974 Acceptanr.n sf F'lst Award Changas SuPlicatic n uf fle$efits CoPYright ivil Rights Act of 1968 Best Fraclices for Cslledion and Use ol F*rsonally ldentifi able I n{armatir n {Fll) DHS.FEMA-EMPG.FYzO Page ?6 of 34 City of Kent EMD, 821-125 Article xlil Article XIV Artiele )l/ Aticle )0/l Article XVll Article XVlll Article XIX Articte )fr Article X{l Ariide )Ctll Article )C{lll Article XXIV A*icle XXV Article )C{Vl Aticb nul Aftiole xxvlll Article XXIX Article S(X Article )CtXl Article )C(Xli Article XXXlll Article )O(XIV Artiele )OfiV Limited Fnglieh Froficiency {Civil Rights Aci of 1964, Title Vl} Hstel and Motel Fire Safety Act of 1990 Dispositian of Equipment Acquired Under the Federal Award Patents and lntellectual Property Rigltts DHS Specific Acknoruledgements and Assurances Proeurerrent of Reeovered Mateilals Tenorist Finanaing Civil Right* Act of 1964 'Title Vl Prior Approvalfor Modification af Approved Budget Acknowledgement of Federal Funding from DH$ Rehabiliiation Act of 1973 False Clalms Act and Program Fraud Civil Remedies N.)ndiscrimination in Maiters Rrtaining to Faith-Ba$ed Organhations Lob&ing Prahibitions Edrioatlon Amendments of 1972 (EqualOppoitunity in Education Act) - Trtle lx Age Discriminatisn Act of 19?5 National Erwirenmental Pelicy Act Assuranoes, Administrative Requirements, Cost Frinci$es, Representations and Certifications USA PATRIOT Act cf 2001 N0n-supplanting Requir€rnent Drug-Fr*e Workplace Regulations Univereal lder*ifier and System of Award Management Reporting Subawards and Execuiive Campensation DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FY2g Fage 27 ol 34 Ci$ of Kent EMD, 821-125 Article )Q(XVI Article )OQO/ll Article XXXVlll Article XXXIX Article XL Article X-l Article XLll Article I - Ac'tivities Conducted &broad gnergy Policy and Canservation Act Wristle$ower Pratectian Act Federai Debt Status Use sf DH$ Seal- Loga and Flags Notice of Funcling Qppodunity Requirements SAFHCOM Arnendment required ts release remaining funds Recipients r,flfigt en:Eure ihai projest ectivitres carried on ouxnide the United $ta{ss $re coordintsted as rccessary with appropriate g*rrernrn*d autiicriiies snd tf6t app*priate licenses, permits' or esprssals are obtained' Article ll - Reporting of Maters Related to Recipient lntegrity and Perturmance lfthetotatvsllleofanyc,urrentlyac'tivegra*ts.cooperatrveagrcer*r{s'andFrc!0urarfiefilcontrfrcl$tmrnallfeders|awarding aseno€$exueed*gloi*na.i#raianyierio*"rr**aunngT1ppencdof perf*r*tnn*eef thiefederal at'ard thentlffi reclFieffs musi 6{?rnpty *iih th; nuqi,i***nt*-*et r*inln id gou**rn*nt*idr Awarel T*rm and eo*Jlti*n fi:r Reaipe*? lr{efiritu and trsrtsfrnance Matle€ t+mted *t 2 C F.*' &; ?dg Appendix Xll' the fuli t€xt of whieh ic in'.orporated here b7 refeien,:e in the award t€rms and conditione Artlcle lll - Amerlcans wlth Disahilltles Act of t980 ft*erpenls*rualennrplyrvithlherequrrer"rrent aflilesi, ll aryJ llt orllisAr'rerrcansl"viilrsisebrl'itiesAct. Pr"rh' L. hj*' 1g1-as6 {1sss} {cod6ied "u ,n*ncis ar 4? U s.c ;;;;;;;ac*ro,r::ret, whinh prchrbi$ rucipi*nt* frarn Ejis*nrninating oir the haei* of di*atility rn the opErattcn ct po,gfio *iili*", e'*'* u#e*ateiransp'o*atiotl $'Tslei1€' places af puyie accomrnodalion, and certain testing entities Aftlcle lv - Tralflcking vlctlms Prot€etlsn Act o12000 (wFAl Rasi$r;*ts fi{Jsl ffmply wilh ih0 fequ.I*fi1}nt$ Of tne g*v€rmlfll{t':Iry"ft$6*cial B$sf stance sr'tdrs tenrl which implement$ $e+rion 1*s{g} of rN}* Traff*bilg vicii,.yrs rygygi i.Jioie*eg 6'vpAl, eo*rtreg n$ ameRded ar ?? r.J:s.c section 7104' The aydefd t4rrfi is lscate{, at tcr-ft. se$ticn 1?5 15, the fut: ?eXl et v/hie} is ififrofp*iatsei hsre ry referer*'a' ArticleV-FederalLeaelershiponReducingTextl/|essagingvrtrileoriving ft€$iFierlt$.€rceacouragedt*adrrptandenfcr**..poticiesthothntextmessagingwhi{edrivingasdeecribedinF.O.lSS,lS' inr:ltdinc ccnduotingrr$fiatlves descrlbed ilr Se*ion ilaiJn* Ota"t*ten oi ofriciat govemment business or when n-;r.*i"*;* utoti fot or *n behsif af lhe federal governmerrt Artlcle Vl - Debarment and $uspenslon Fiecipi*nts are subject to rhe nsn-Brccur€Jrierir debarme*l and *uspeRsion regurariare imprementrng Exerutive olders {E Q') 1?34$ ar.ad 1?6S$, whicn ir* nia c.r.n p*rt rea ul*d6pt*d *y si{s at 3 c F.fi. Pad 3009. Tf*se regirlal}ona reslfist f*deral financial assistance soeards, **uawards, anJ *rrir*t* silh uertarn partiec that are deba*cd' $u$$)end€d' or sthsfwise excluded From or inerigisl-i; pa'ti"ip"tion in federal aEsistance prograrns or activities. Article Vll - FlyAmerica Act qf 1974 RecipierrismustcomplywithPrefele*cefarU'$.FtagAir-Caniers{aircarriers.holdingcertificatesrrnder49U,S.C, section 411o2) firr international air tJanspprtscion or teople ano property to the extenithat such servioe is availabie' in DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FYzO Page 28 of 34 Cig of Kent EMD, F?1'125 acaordance with the tnternationdl Air Transportation Fair Competitive Practices Aot af 1S174, 4S U S C. section 40'1 18, and the interprektive guidelines issued by the iomptroller General of the United States in tf€ Maroh 3'1, 1981, anrendment to Comptroller General Decision B'1 38942. Article Vlll - Aceeptance of Fost Arvard Changes ln the eveni FEMA determine6 that changeG are neoessary to the award document after an award has been made. including "nung"" to pedod of performance sr terris and condiiions, recipients wilt be notified of ihe changes in writing. Once notification has been made, atry subFequant reguest for funds will indicate recipient acceplancs of the changes to the awald please call the FEMA/GMD Cail Centerat is66i s27-5€46 or via e-mail to AsK$.lvlD(QdIrs.So! if you have any questions. Adlcle lX - Duplicatlon of Benefits Any cost allocable to a particular federal financial assi$tance award provided for in 2 C'F R. PaIt 200, $ubpart E may not be charggd ts other federal financial a$$istance awards to overcome fund deficiencle$, to avoid restrictions imposed by federal it"tut**, regulations, or federal financial assistanc€ atvard terms and corditiorn; or for other rea$ons. Howev'er, these prohibitions would iot preclude reclpier*s fram shitting costs that are allowable under twa or more alqards in accordance with exisung federal statutes. regulations, or the federal flnancial assistanoe awatd ierms ard conditions. Article X - Copyright Recipients must affix the applicable copyright notice$ of 17 U.s.C. seclions 401 or 402 and an acknowledgement of U S. Government sg:neorship {inclr:ding tne 'award number) to any work first produced under federal financial assistanOe awards, Artlele Xl - Cicll Rlghts Aet of 1988 Reciptents mu$t comply with Title Vlll of the Civil Rights Ast of 1968, Pub. L No. S0-?84, as amended through Pub' L 113"4' wnich proniuits recipients frgm discriminating in the iale, rental, financing, and advedising of diivelling$, or in the provision of services in connection therewith, on lhe basis ol race. color, national origin, religi*n, disability, familial status, and sex (see 42 U.S.C section 3601 et seq.},'as impiemented by he U.$. Departmenl af Housing and Urban Development at ?4 C.F'R, p*rr roo The prohibition on dieability discrimination includes the requirement that new multifamily housing with fsur or more dweiling units-i.e., the pilblic and comrran use areas aild individual aparlment units (all units in buildings with ele.vators and trounu-"Roo, units in buildings without elevators)-be designed and conskucted with ceriain accessible features, {$ee 24 C.F R Part 100, Subpart D.i Article Xll - Best Prac.tices lor Collection and Use Ef Fersonally ldentifiable lnformation {Pll} Recipients who collect pll are requireel io have a p.rblicly available privacy-polisy that describes standards on the usage and nninienarce of the pll they colleit. DH$ defiries personally identifiable information (Pll) ae any information that permits the iU*nt'q, oi en individual to-be directly or indirectly inferred, including any irformation that is linked or linkable to that individual' Recipiente may also hnd the DHS privacy hpact Assessments: Privacy Guidance and trrivacy Template as useiul .esources respectivelY. Article xill . Limited English Proticiency {civil Rights Act of 198f, Title vl} Recipients must comply with Title Vl of the Civil Righte Act of 1964, (42 U"S.C. section 2000d et seq.i prohibtition against di$riminstion on the hasis ol national origin. whiclirequire$ that recipients of lederal financial essistance t6he reasonable steps to provide meaninglul acce6$ to persons with timited English proficie-ncy {LEP) to their ptogra-ne and services For additional assistanee and irformatisn regarding larrguagd access abligations, please refer io the OHS Reciptient Guidance: idta6 itircvw dh6goviquida$'"f-lv$t$Lqdlt€tp'ds$$,try4frit-2f&Sllel*Gr*qfli;,Sti*n6-fifovid?:rae$fiin$ful-Ecse$s: f;gg*,gjitrieg and additlcnal resr)urce$ on hltp$.*sJep,ggy. Article XIV - Hoteland nfiotel Flre SafetyAct o11990 tn aocordance with g6c'tion 6 of the Hotel and Motel Fire Safety Act of 1990, 15 U.S.C. $ection 22254. recipients must ensLlre that all conference, meeting, convention, or traimng spce furded in wlnle or in part with federal funrls complies with tne fire prevention and corrtrol guidelines of the Federal Flre Preventton and Control Act of 1974, (cadified ac ametrded et 15 U'S'C' section 2225.) Article XV - Disposition of Equipment Acquired ljnder the Federal Annrd DHS-FEMA.EMPG-FYzO Page 29 of 34 City of Kent EMD, E21-125 ffi*r *rglnal or r€ss$€$r€fl| equipffient acqurred.uff er tlro award by tlre recipient or its $ufi"raslpients is no longer needed forthe otigifial prqe*t or pf*g[am ilr ftlr ofhef actrvnies eulrentty erprau'lcusly supported by D1*|$/FEMA' you must request iltsrructton$ rfom nngraudto m*t4& F *p*r d$po$iti*n cf rhe'equlpment pursuant to 2 C.F'R. Section 200 313" Article XVI - Patentr and lntetlectusl Property Rights Reaip*erds ar* $rjttisci to ths Bayh-ilele Act, 35 U.S C s*ctiaE ?0s et seq' unleas oih*ftr'iee pr*vrdud bry law ft*cipter*a are susJeet to rhe sgeairi* reqoil#*iJs;t*ttilgin" ceu*{apmsnl, reryrtilu a1i tiiapcnrtrm af:*ghls ?a lnrsn*ont end p*tents res'dting ircm f*derst iirranelsl **u*i*r*u awlrds ro""t*i it e; 'c r g pi* aot lan* the stand*tJ Fatsni rishlq *h$se i$ratsd at 37 C.F.R. $eotion &1.14' Artlcle X\tll " El{S $peclflc Acknowtadg€tn€nts and Asssrances Ali reap,*nts, subr*eiprent$, succes$or$, transfelees, and assignees mllst act(nowledge and agree to efimply wtth applicable provis*sn$go\rstningDH$aecesstoreecrrds,accounts,docurnents,information,facilities'and$taft' 1. Recipients must cooperate viiith any campliance reviews or eompliance investigations condustcd by DHS 2- Reoipients mLst give DH$ ac*ess to, and the rigl"rt to examine and ccpy, records, accounts, and other docurnenis and ssurces oi information relat*d to the ferleral financialassistanse award arid Srermit aceess to facilities, personnel' and athet individuals and infarmation as may iie necessary, as required by DH$ regulations and qther applicaHe laws qr prngram guidance 3. Recipients must submit tinrely, eomplete, and accurate teports to the appropriate DH$ officiaie and maintain appropriate backup dooumentation to support the repcrls' 4. Recipient€ must comply with all other special reporting, data collection. and evaluaticn requiremeilts' as pre$cfibed by iaw or dehiled in Program guidance 3. Recrpenta cf f*d*rsl:fineficial assistafice frcm Llris ffru$t cofiplets the oH'$ civil Rlshts fivauatier: T+a] wt?'rrn lhit$ {3s} deys sf receis cl ifle Nslrce at Aqt'ard or, lor Satu Ae*Jefut'ry'Agercl9€' thi&' (30i days from rec€ipl ot tl€ gHS Civil Rights Evaruegoft To*r r** *us cr its awareling "nn-rBon*nta#nJy, enar tf'te initiel subfiissisfl tsr tr€ fir$t a+rariJ und€t whrc* fria lerm aFpltB6, ,ecipient€ affi requireci s,mvrde tt'ri* lksrmetiun ar*e every lws (?) years as lo'rg as lney fBVe $rf active award, not every ti# an award is maoe neJJe;;;fu lurm'{tlrl compl-eted tool, inuluding suppnrtlng materials, to givil,RigfilaFlEle$Jirn&-hfl dls.qfrrr. This lcal "turiti*" fi-e civil rights obligations and i"elated reporting requirenents contained in tl"e Dll$ $em;T;;;a a*eJ Csnditirns' -suUrecipiJnts are iot required to compiete and 'submit this tool to DH$. The evaluation tool can be fcund at flttss]lfr'ri#,dh6'd{}YfpiJHir:a@ 6. The DH$ office for civil Rights and civii Libertiee r,rrill consider, in its diecrctir:n, granting an extension il the recipient icJentifies stepe and a ti;iin;*f;r;nrpleting tne toal. Recipionis should request extensions by emailing the request t"-c,*rg|shrre,ral!atio_{:!@h-s,.gj-h,$.gov- prior to expiration of the 30-day dearlline. Article XVlll - Procurcrn€nt of Recovered fulaterials States, political subdivisions of states, and thsir oontractcrs rnust comply with $eotion s002 af the $olid waste Disposal Aot' pub, L. No. 89-272 (1965), (codiiied as amended b^/ th" a;-ilt* cornervation and Recovery Act, 42 U'S'C section 6962 ) TiE f$qulrcffients ol s#i;ifi sQ+? irrsir.ide pru*,rriit] ontlr iretnr e*signated in guidelines of the Environmental Frotection Asensy {Ep&) st 40 c F,,ft p&# z6i lhat csnt*in tne"tugi;.t ryro*ntJg* of recovered materials practioable, consistent with *iinttiting a satisfaclary lsvei crf competilron Article XIX . Terrorist Flnancing Recipierrts must cornply with E.o. 13224 and u.s. laws that prohibit traRsactiotrs with, and the pr*visions of resources and support to, individual$ and organiaation$ assoctated with teriori*m. lteclplefits arc legally reswnsihle lo ensure compliance wlth the Order and laws. Arttele xx - civil Rights Ac{ of 1964 ' Title vl Recipients rnust comply with the requirements of Title vl of ihe civil Rights Act of 1 964 {eodified as anended at 42 U $'c' section 2000d et seq.), which provides that no purron in the United $taies will, on the groun& of taoe' color' sr national origin' be exciuded from participation in, be denied the nenetiii Lr, or * su$ected to discrimination under any program or activify DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FYZO Page 30 ot 34 eiiy of Kent EM0, E21-125 receivi1g fetleral 1inancial assrstanee. DH$ impienrenting regulatians for the Acl are found al 6 C f R' Part 21 and 44 C'F R' Fart 7. Article XXI - Prior Appraval for Modification of Approved Budget Befcre making arry change to the DHSJFEMA approved budget for this aw-ard, you must reqwst prior written approval from DHSIFEMA rvhere required b/ 2 c.F.H. .Section i00 so8. DHJS/FFMA is aleo uiilizing its discreticn to impose an addiiional restriction under ? c.F.R. SeJtion 200.3CIs{ei regareling ihe tran6fer of funds among direct eost eategories. programs, functions, or aotivities. rnereicre, for awa*switi an alnroved lrudget where the Fbderal share is greater than the simplified ioqulsition threshold (or.rrrenily slSo,ooOl, your*y noi transfer funds among direct cost categoriee, programs' functions' or activitiee without pior writttin appiovaf'trorn OHsnf ug tqhere the cumulitive amour* of sr-ch transfer* exceeds or is expected to €xceed ien p*rount iiO'*) artne total budget CIHSIFEMA last_approvec. You must report any deviations from your DHSIFEM4 oppr*ui ulogltl-in- rint Feoerar Financial Report (sF-425) ysu submit following any budget deviation' iegarArces of whether lle UuAget deviatian requires prior written approval' Article XXll . Acknowledgentni of Federal Funding from DHS Recipientr must acknowledge their use of federal funciing when issuing staternents. pr€ss releases, request6 for proposal, bid invitations, and other docurients desuibing projects or prograrns funded in wl$le ar in part wiih federal funds Article XXlll - Rehabilitation Act of {973 Reci6ientsmustcomplyuriththereguirementsof SectisnS04of theRehabilitatinnActof 1973, Pub L. No' 93-112{i973)' (codified as amended at zS U"S.C, eeotion 7g4.) which provides that no otherwise qualified handicapped individuals in the United Staies will, uof*fy q/fuu*on of the handicap,' be excluded from participatian in, be denied the befiefits of' or be subjected t0 discrimination under ar$l program or activhy* reoeiving lederal financial assistance' Afticle XXIV - False claims Act and Frogram Fraud Civil Remedies Recipients must comply with the requirements otthe False Claims Act, 31 U.$.C. seetions 372s-3733, which prohibits the submission of lalse or lraudulerit claim$ For payment io ihe lederal government. (See 31 U.$.S' sectians 3801-38'12' which details the adminislralive remedies fDr false claims ancl staiement$ rnade ) Article XXV - Nandiscriminallon in [llattess Pertaining to F*iih€ased Organirations It is DHS policy to ensure the equal treatment ol failh-basecl orgarrizations in.socisl service programs administered or supp,orted bi DHs or it* *o*poiunt ilencies, enalling lhose Jrganizations fa participate in providing important social services to beneficiaries. Reriipient* riust cornply r,,sitlrihe equal ireatment policies and requirements contained in 6 C F R' part 19 and other applicable $tatues, regulatiore, ana guioance governing ihe participations of faith'baserl olganizatior$ in individual DH$ Progranrs. Artlcla XXvl " Lobbylng Frohlbitlons R*cipients r-nust comply with 31 u.S.C. section 1352, Which provides that none ol the fund6 pravided under a f€deral financial assistiar*€ award may ue experded by the recipientio pay any person to tnfluence, or aitempt to influence an ofiiceI or emf,oyee ol arry agenOy, a Membe r ei Congress, an offtcer or employeo of Congress ot an employee. of a Member ol congrass in conilection witfr any ieoeral aciion relatEd to a federai award or contract, including any extension' cantinuation' i'enewal, amendrnent, or rrrodification Article XXVII . Education Amendments of t9?? (Equal Opportunity ia Education Act) 'Title lX Recipients must comply vrith the requirements olTitle X of the Eduoation Amendmer*s of 1972, Pub L No' 3?-318 (1S72) (codified as amended at ZO U.S.C. section 1681 et r*q.), *ni"f, previde that no per3on in the United States uill, on the basis of sex, be excluded from pB*icipation in, be denied the'nenefits ol or be subjected lo discrimination under any educational program or activity receiuinl fe&ral financiat as$i$tance DH$ impernentingj regulatlans are codified at 6 C'F.R' Part 17 and 44 C.F-R" Part 1S. Adaele xxvlll - Age Discrimlnatlon Ad of 197S ftecipiente must compty with the requirernents o'f the Age Discrirnination. Ac'i. of 1975, Pub. L, Ns' 94-135 {'l 975) (codified as anended at Title 42, u.s. co<le, section 6101 et seq.;,ivhich piohibits diectimination on the hsis af age in any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance, DHS-FEMA'EMPS.FYzO Page 31 af 34 City of Kent EMD, E21-12$ Article XXIX - National Environmental Policy Aet Rsoip{ent$ rrlusl c*rnpfy waih the requirefil$flt$ cf the seironal f;m/ironmenlal Policy Act of 1969 (NEPAI Pub' L' No' 91-190 t1g?si (md;fiec a* annn*d *tja u.s.c" *ec4i*rr *ii?**q,i"nd the council on Environmental oualitv {cEo} Regulations fsr lmp€mg#lng the frns€Juiil trrnvisi*rs sf SI€FA, whisn r*qr:lre recipie-nts to use all practicable means wtthin lheir agthslly, and csfisist*nt'w,tlr cgle, e$*entiel ffi*$tdsrcti;s of rratlonal poticy, to create arld malntain conditjilra Hl$ef which F€epls sr'd *attJre eafl exiei in pnu*,io* t,errnony afid tilttill tlte social, economic, and other needs of prasent and future generations of Americans- Article XXX - Assurances, Administrative Requirements, cost Principles, Representations and Certifications DHS financial assisbnce recipients must complete either ihe c:,ffice of Management and Budget (oMB) sitandard Fam 4?cs Assuranc*s - Non4onstruction progranrs, ar ourg sianou.c ror* 424D Asiurances - canstiuction Programs, as appicable" Cafnirrassr:r3f}sgsinthesedoaurn*{isfieynstb*a*plisab}*t*yourplaglaffigndthe#H$finar:cialasslstaftceoffice(DH$ fAg) may reqitirg apgicerts l* {*rtily a*lrtionaf asrurarrs&8. Applirqnts-qgregr.rired t* fill orrt ihe assuran*e* applicable to thsir pro$rafi as instrust€d by the awar,Jrr* ag*n$y, Fl*a*e *ritlg l;.g DltS FAO if you hcve any questions DHS financial assistance recipients are required to follow the applicabl€ pravisi*ne af the Unilorm Aciministrative Requirements, cost pwrcrples, ano Audrt Requrrern"nr" to, Federal Awar{,c lwttss at fiile ?" *ode af Federal Regulahons tc.r n I Part 200, ard agase* by DHS ai ? c F R rutt 3002' Article XXXI - USA PATRIOT Act of 200{ Recipi€nt$ mu$t compy with requirements of seqtion 817 of the uniting and strenstils*iug Ameritlb'Y Providing Appopriate Tools Requrred to tntercept and Obstruct Tenorism Act of 2001 {USA FnfRnf nc4. fu*' L' No 107-56' wh6$arneniJs 1B U.$.C. sectlons 175-17Sc. Article XXXI - ilon-Supplantlng Requirement Recipients receiving federal financial assistance awarcb made under programs that prohibit supplanting bv law must ensure that federal lunds ds nd ;il"; i;pphnt) funds tnai 6au* neen UuOget6C for the same purpose thri:ugh non-federal sources. Article XXXtll - Drug-Free Workplace Regulations Reclpients must oomply wiih drug-free worlplaee r*quirennnts in subpart B (or Subpart c, if the recipient is an individr-nt) oi 2 c.F.R, part 3001 , which adopfs the Goverfinrenl,wi;8:imftementafion (2 C.F.R. Pad 1s2) of sec. 5152'5158 of the Dtqg-Free Workplace Act of 1988 i41 U'S G sections S101-8106)' Adiclexxxlv.UniversalldentifierandSystemofAvuardlVlanagement Rocipienta ar* reguired to rcrfil}'y wiih tl1e tsquiretnents set fotth in the go:r*rnrnenl'wide financial sssistance award ierm renardino the syeJem for Aryard Managen*nt *nd universal ldentifier Riqulr*menls located et 3 c'p R Pad 25' Apperdix A tf6 turr tixt of wirish i$ ir*illpsrated here by reference' A,rticle XXXV - Repo*ing Subawards and Exectrtive Compensation Recipientsarereqr-tlredtocomplywiththSisg{relenFsetforthinl.hegovernment.wideawardtermonReportingSubawards and Executive compensation tocated at ? c.F.R p"tt izo, npp"ndix A."the full text of which is incorporated here by reference in lhe award terms and conditions' Articb XXXVI - Energy Policy and Conservation Act RecipientsmustcomprywiththerequirementsoftheEnergyPolicyand cornervationAet,Pub L'No 94-163(1s75){codified as amended at 42 u.s c section 5?01 et seq,), wi,i6h co,#in pottiu* relating to cnergy efficiency that are defined in the state energy ccnservation plan issued in compiianoe with this Act' Artlcle XXXVII - Whistleblorner Protec'tion Act Recipients must comply with the $latutory requirer$ents for whistleblawer protectiom (if applicable) at 10 u $ c section 2409' 41 U.S.C. section 4712, and 10 U $,C. sectioh 23?4, 41 U.S'C. sections 430'4 and 4310' Article XXXVlll - Federal Debt $tatus DHS-FEMA.EMPG-FY20 Page 32 of 34 City of Kent EMD, E21-125 All recipients are required to be non-delinquent in their repayment-sf any lederal deht' Examples of relevant debt inolude delinquent payroll and othei taxes, audit disallorvances, anO bunefit overpaYments' ($ee OMB Circular A-12S') Article XXXIX - Use sf DHS 6eal, Logo and Flags Recifienta rnust obtain permission from their DHS FAO prior ta using the oH$ seal{*}, logoe, crests or reproductiors of flags or likenesses of DHS agerny officiats, including use of the United SiJtes soast Guard seal, loga, crests or reproductions of flags or likenesses of Coast Guard sfficials. Article XL - Notlce of Funding Opportunity Requiremenb Ail the instructions, guidanoe, limitaiions, and other conditions set forth in the Nalioe of Funding Oppr:rtunity (NoFo) for this program are incorporat"c n"i* by reference in the award tenns and conditiorx AII recipients muFt coffiply with any suth re{uiremenb set forth in the prograrn NOFO' Article XLI -SAFECOM Recipents receiving ft&ral finanoial assistance awards macie under programs that provide emergersy communication equiprneflt and its related activities must comply with the 5AFEOOM duidanee fqr Emergency communication Granxg' *ii joing provisions an technicai standards that ensure and enhance intenperable communisatians Article XLll . Amendment required to release remaining fu$ds The reoipient will have immediate aocess to i0% of the Federal shafe, or s3,775,379' The recipient agrees not to obligate' expend or drawdown thu t;;;id;0% of the Feoerat share, or $3,775,379 until a detailed budget and workplan, to ir$lude the exerci$e end training dah tables, have been reviewed and approved by the FHtulA Regianal Program Maflager, and an official notice has been issued rcmoving this special condition. The oetailed budget and workplan needs to be suhmitted by Seplember 30, 2S20. Parsonnel Fringe Benefits TravBl EquiPment $upplies Cortractual Coretruction lndirect Charges Other BUDGHT COST CATEGORIES $4,031,487.m $1,470,S61.00 $s 695"00 $1,921.00 $8,900"00 $s,186,9S0,40 $0.00 $3S4,643.00 $0.00 DHS.FEMA-EMPG.FY2O Page 33 cl 34 6ity of Kent EMD, E?1-125 Obfigrring Ooolnrcnl for Award/Aelc$d$en' la. ACREEMENTNl}.T. AMENDMENTNG 6MS-2020-EP-0(XX}2-s0l &** 6. RECIPIENTNAME AND 7' ISSL'INC FEMA OFFICE A1\'lS ADDRESS ADDRESS Wnshinglon Mititary F€tulA-CPD Deparlrncnl {tt{} C Slrc:ct' $W' 3rd fioor Buil,ting:o Washingtoq DC ?0't?2-36'15 Camp triurnry. WA. 9813$ - POC: 866-9??--i646 il22 3, +.TY?ECIF ACTION RECIFIENT AWARD No" 9l6tlur0956 5. CCINTROL NO, FYli)2{}R.li}EMPC 9. NAMEOT'RECiPIENT PROJECTOFFICER Tir*rh Kinchclac II. EFFECTIVE DATS OF T1{I5 ACT1ON ltlnl/?019 PROSRAM NAME ACRONYIVI CFDA NO. lint*grn11' lvlarrlgeltuot Pcrfonttgnc* Cnmls q7.$,li PIIOTE NO. ?5-3"r t2?.[56 12. METHOP OF PAYMEHT PARS ACCOUN"TINC DA'TA {ACCS CODE) XXXX-XXX.XXXXXX- X1{XhT.)CXKX-X,\fiX.X 2010-r.\"(i,\o I J( l0?" -41 ?{}'ll IO. NAME CIF FEMA PROJEE"T COCIRDINATOR L'entral Scledtrting and infonnation Sesk Phone : 8(X)-36114"998 Enra i I : Ashc.gidi.ri:dhs. gor' I]. ASSISTANCE ARRANTJEfu1ENT Cost Rcinthtrscr€nt 8. PAYMENT OFFI{E AND ADDRSSI; FEMA Finanec Ccnter 430 L'tarkct Strcct Winchcstcr. VA 3?fdi-1 I.{, PERFORh,IAN{E PERION From: 10/01/2019 Budget Pcrinrl 10/r)1/:01C Ttl: 0s/301302? I,5. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIOh' ir. (trrdicatc funding data lorarvards sr finarrial cltnngcsi $o.(xi 5?.5i0,?58 0ll s?.55t!.?-{8 0t} cft$o $?,5,{0.7$L{l$ $?.s1175&00 09t3012a22 CTJMULATIVE NON" FNDERAL COMMITMENT Sc+'l otolt 5?.5&1.?39.i10 DATF FriM.ry 08 l5:53:0* GMT ?{i}{) PATE Tlrrr Apr 30 l7;-15: t5 0MT 20?0 b. To describc clurngcs orlrer lhiu furxling dala or tina:r0iul clungcs. alt$ch sshcdulc and cbcc'k l*re' NIA I{i A. FOR HON-DIS.ASTER FROGRAMS: RECIPIENT IS REQI.NRED TO $ICN AND RETURN THREE (3} COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENTT0 FEMA (Sec Block 7 forrrddtt"'ss; Enrergerrr. Mauagenlert performarre cranrs recipienls are fot reqrrired tc sigu arrd reluir copies ol llljs docume$l' l{orver'er' recipienls shouli print arxl kce p a csp.v of lhis {lsclrnrcttt fcr ihcir rceords iai. rOn niS,-{SrER pRiiGRAMS: RECtptEN'l'tS NOT REQUIRED'rCI $lGN Tlds irssi$runce is subjeet ro [oo, o*,r "o*lirlcrr aitarhea ra tt ii aruaro notice of bl incorpocrted mfertrce in prcgrafir legielalion cited abor"e. 17. RECIFIENT $lGl'IATORY OFFICIAL {Nnrne and Titlc} Tirr.rlh Kincheloe, hfrs 18. FE&IA SISNATORY OFFTCIAL {Name nnd "l'itle} PRIOR TOTAL A!VARt} AMOUl.l.l. AWARDED THl$ ACTION + oR (-) {]URREFT TOTAL AWARD KIMBERLY EFIH PENFOLI} - Assistarce Officer DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FY2O Page 34 ol 34 City of Kent EMD. E21-125 SIG NATU RE AUTII ORIZATIO N FORh'I WASHINGTON STATE MILITARY DEPARTMENT Camp Murray, Washington 98430-5122 Piease read instrucflons on reverse side before completins this form. NAME OF ORGANIZATION City of Kent - Emergency Management DATE SUBMITTED 1112512A20 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Emergency Management Performance Grant CONTRACT NUMBER E21-125 1. AUTHORIZINGAUTHORITY SIGNATURE PRINT OR TYPE NAME TITLE/TERM OF OFFICE Dana Ralph Mayor Matthew Morris Fire Chief I 2. AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CONTRACTS/CONTRACT AMENDMENTS SIG TURE PRINT OR TYPE NAME TITLE Dana Ralph Mayor Matthew Morris Fire Chief {- 3, AUTHORIZED TO SIGN REQUESTS FOR REIMBURSEMENT SIGNATURE PRINT OR TYPE NAME TITLE ,)rr,*{taq Jennifer Keizer EM Specialist ?m DtDona-b Jeff DiDonato EM- Division Chief I\NAC-1\VOLt\HOME\KARENB\....\WP\SIGNAUTH Revised 3/03 INsTRUcTIoNsFoRSIGNATUREAUTHoRIZATIoNFoRM This form identifies the persons who have the authority to sign contracts' amendments' and requests for reimbuisement' lt is required for the managbment of your contract with the Military Department (MD), Please complete all sections. one copy with original signatures is to be i*nt to' Md with tre iigned contract, and the other shourd be kept with your coPY of the contract' when a request for reimbursement is received, the signature is checked to verify that it matches the signature on file. The payment can be delayed if the request is presented wittrouifir* prop", signature. -rt is important that the signatures in MD's files are current. CftangeJ in stafling or responsibilities will require a new signature authorization form' 1. Authorizing Authority. Generally, the person(s) signing in this box heads the governing no-OV oi'tn" otgunization, such as the board chair or mayor' ln some .rr"rl tne'cnief exeiutive officer may have been delegated this authoritY' 2. Authorized to sign Gontractslcontract Amendments. The person(s)with this autnoriif *ioufO sign in this space. Usually, it is the county commissioner, mayor, executive director, city clerki etc' 3. Authorized tO sign Requests for Reimbursement. often the executive director, city clerk, treasurer, or administrative assistant have this authority' It- L adviiahle io have more than one person authorized to sign reimbursemJil-requests. This will help prevent delays in processing a request if one psrson is temporarily unavailable' lf you have any questions regarding this form or to request new forms' please call your MD Program Manager' Doing business as (DBA) Kent Office of Emergency Management NAME Jeff DiDonato WA Uniform Business ldentifier (UBl) 1 73-000-002 Federal Employer Tax ldentification #: Applicable Procurement or Solicitation #, if any: ADDRESS 400 West Gowe Street #414 Kenl, WA 98032 This certification is submifted as ofa to contract. Washington Military Department Contract prt5"t' E121-125 Debarment, Suspension, lneligibility or Voluntary Exclusion Certification Form lnstructions For Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, lneligibility and Voluntary Exclusion:Lower Tier Covered Transactions 1. By signing and submitting this proposal, the prospective lower tier participant is providing the certification set out below.2. The certification in this clause is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was entered into. lf it is later determined that the prospective lower tier participant knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government the department or agency with which this transaction originated may pursue available remedies, including suspension and/or debarment. 3. The prospective lower tier participant shall provide immediate written notice to the department, institution or office to wnicn this proposal is submitted if at any time the prospective lower tier participant learns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or had become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. 4. The terms covered transaction, debarred, suspended, ineligible, lower tier covered transaction, participant, person, primary covered transaction, principal, proposal, and voluntarily excluded, as used in this clause, have the meaning set out in the Definitions and bouerage sections of rules implementing Executive Order 12549. You may contact the person to which this proposal is submitted for assistance in obtaining a copy of those regulations. 5. The prospective lower tier participant agrees by submitting this proposal that, should the proposed covered transaction be entered into, it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered transaction with a person who is proposed for debarment under the applicabte CfR, debarred, suspended, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded irom participation in this covered transaction, unless authorized by the department or agency with which this transaction orig inated. 6. The prospectirTe lower tier participant further agrees by submitting this proposal that it will include this clause titled "Certification Regarding bebarment, Suspension, lneligibility and Voluntary Exclusion-Lower Tier Covered Transaction," with6ut mddification, in all lower tier covered transactions and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions.7. A participant in a covered transaction may rely upon a certification of a prospective participant in a lower tier covered transaction that it is not proposed for debirment under applicable CFR, debarred, suspended, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered iransactions, unless it knows that the certification is erroneous. A participant may decide the method and frequency by which it determines the eligibility of its principals. Each participant may, but is not required to, check the List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement and Non-procurement Programs. g. Nothing contained in the foregoing shall be construed to require establishment of a system of records.in order to render-in good faith the certification required by this clause. The knowledge and information of a participant is not required to-exceed that which is normally possessed by a prudent person in the ordinary course of business activity. g. Except for transactions authorized under paragraph 5 of these instructions, if a participant in a covered transaction knowingly enters into a lower tier covered tranJaction with a person who is proposed for debarment under applicable CFR, siipended, debarred, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government, the department or agency with which this transaction originated may pursue available remedies, including suspension and/or debarment' Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, lneligibility and Voluntary Exclusion--Lower Tier Covered Transactions The prospective lower tier participant certifies, by submission of this proposal or contract, that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily.excluded irom participation in this transaction by any Federal department or agency. Where the prospective lower tier participant is unable to certify to any of tne statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this form. Bidder or Contractor Signature.DaDanab READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING THE abide by the terms of this certification, involvi federal funds. I regulations require contractors and bidders to sign and order to participate in certain transactions directly or CERTIFICATION. Federa without modification, in Print Name and Title:Jeff Di Division Chief - EM Date:12t21t2020 Washington Military Department Contract Number E121-125 FEDERAL DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION lNEL|GlBlL|TY and VOLUNTARY EXCLUSION (FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS) What is "Debarment. Suspension. lneliqibilitv. and Voluntarv Exclusion"? ompanythatcannotcontractwithorreceivegrantsfromafederalagency' ln order to be debarred, suspended, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded, you must have: . had a contract or grant with a federal agency, and r gofle through some process where the federal agency notified or attempted to notify you that you could not contract with the federal agency. . Generally, this process occurs where you, the contractor, are not qualified or are not adequately performing under a contract, or have violated a regulation or law pertaining to the contract. Whv am I required to siqn this certification? WashingtonMilitaryDepartment.Federallaw(Executiveorder12549) requires Washington Military Department ensure that persons or companies that contract with Washington Military Department are not prohibited from having federalcontracts. What is Executive Order 12549? FederalExecutiveorderNumber12549'Theexecutiveorderwassignedbythe president and directed federal agencies to ensure that federal agencies, and any state or other agency receiving federal funds were not contracting or awarding grants to persons, organizations, or companies who have been excluded from participating in federal coitracts or granG. Federal agencies have codified this requirement in their individual agency Code of Federal Regulations (CFRs). What is the purpose of this certification? totellWashingtonMilitaryDepartmentinwritingthatyouhavenotbeen prohibited by federal agencies from entering into a federal contract. What cloes the word "proposal" mean when referred to in this certification? est,invitationtoconsiderorsimilarcommunicationfrom you to Washington Military Department. What or who is a "lower tier participant"? io*er tter filtc'pants means a person or organization that submits a proposal, enters into contracts with, or receives a grant from Washington Military Department, OR any subcontractor of a contract with Washington Military Department. lf fou hire subcontractors, you should require them to sign a certification and keep it with your subcontract. what is a covered transaction when referred to in this certification? nagreement,grant,oranyotherarrangementwhereyoucontract with or receive money from Washington Military Department. Covered Transaction does not include mandatory entitlements and individual benefits. sample Debarment, suspension, lneligibility, voluntary Exclusion Contract ston Debarment Gertification. The Contractor certifies that the Contractor is not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participating in this Contract by any FeOerat department or agency. lf requested by Washington Military Department, the Contractor shall complete a Certification Regarding OeOarment, Suspension, lneligibility, and Voluntary Exclusion form. Any such form completed by the bontractor for this Contract shall be incorporated into this Contract by reference. EXHIBIT C TNSURANCE REQUTREMENTS FOR CONSU LTANT SERVICES AGREEM ENTS Insurance The Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to pro.perty which may irise fiom or in connection with the performance, of the work hereunder ny tne Consultant, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. A. Minimum ScoPe of Insurance Consultant shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1. Automobile Liabilitv insurance covering all owned,.non- owned, hiied and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liabilitY coverage' commercial General Liabilitv insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01' The City shall be named as an Additional Insured under the Consultant's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for fhe City using ISO additional insured endorsement cG 20 10 11 85 0r a substitute endorsement providing equivalent coverage. 2. Workers'Compensation coverage as required by the Industr'tal Insurance laws of the State of Washington. B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance Consultant shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined aingle' l'lrn'rt foi noOity injury and property damage of $1,000,000 Per accident. 2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with ffi,000,000 each occurrence, $4,000,000 general aggregate. The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance: 1. The Consultant's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any Insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool. coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Consultant's insurance and shall not contribute with it' 2. The Consultant's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. 3, The City of Kent shall be named as an additional insured on all polic.ies (except Professional Liability) as respects work performed PV o_f on behalf df tne Consultant and a copy of the endorsement naming the City as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. The City reserves the right to receive a certified copy of all required insurance policies. The Consultant's Commercial General Liability insurance shall blso contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability. D. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. E. Verification of Coverage Consultant shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Consultant before commencement of the work. EXHIBIT C (Continued) C. Other Insurance Provisions F. Subcontractors Consultant shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance requirements as stated herein for the Consultant' &,& sffrctt S#f|€F"4#rtfiTti fiaug es-FttrE' 3rv6r#riMrru#rClv. ftrisCt$ RINEWAL DfCLenA??Ol{S i"; fiAf#'?f$f.s& ?s otl 5 " s *a$ Nssr€d insure$ ^72 s$?tr#5 31+!:LLrRo $A*&ii t{ATt{$Y}4t18 fi $? r{[ slrBu8t{ i{s 98$fla*{38e *llNtlll",itltl,,llrtt,t,rllillllt,;*,t11iltlr${r1,11'iiNl'll,lr ^".{d"1 5-2778-FACD r $J/i? Pslicy P*dsd 12 Mbntn$ fe{icy f{urnbar gs-98-A4r/-S ffloe*iv* fEB 13 0als {\t( t froiratisn Oab FEB 12 2522 ffii Ihe paliffv reri*d beain ttme at hir 'plerrrises ,toc s end ends at l? 81 am standardafliln. Agent and Mai$nE Address SCSTT HUB€RT flIS NSCY INC} E HAJH ST STE I4O AUSUR}| sA 9800e-4906 PH0Sg; {?5S) 833*393sr846) f33*3038d Offica Folicy willbe re*ewed sr a3 lalg lndividual NOTfcf: lnforriation concerni*g changes in ya*r pohcy tanguege i$ included. ptease calt y*ur aganlif you have any ql!6stjsn€. prri*d is shown as ll prlicy p*riod. lf ns'lrlll$, dris p*lirV policy is termina?ed,we will6ive y*u automate nlly subjectto the lremiums. and the Mcrtga gee/LLenholder writtsn rufes a*d nstice iR PSLICY FNCMITJM $dinimr:r* Premium Drscou6lts Anplied: Renewal Y6dr Yeale in Susirass Frctsctive Devi*es Clairn Recsrd s s25.*{: Pr*pared sEil 21 AS2S cMF-40*0 ars033 a*4 i E fi fi aryri glri Slstq Far*r $,4utu ai Aut*irrcbil* |nsi: f rfi cr f s:$x *y. ;.ltjil* l*r?riel*s*r:pytlghr*ri *ar*ri$J fllnlliJr*lrc*$?rvire* *ilir:ar,iile.,luritilir*pilrtt:rt*i*n. f*ntinued eil $l*verss $ids ni pa$*Page 1 oi 7 X gl,l EWAL $fi CTAEATIS I'I3 {COSI?I t't$g$} Ofiice Pallcy lor MILLE$, S4{4S-KiTHRYN ffut-y N-ust6et s'a&A477'o Ssssarntl ansfsa$e* 8u$nogs Perscnsl ProPrfY Llm*t ct lnsurance' Covergqa B - Busiseoss Persongl PrspsnY Llmlt q{ {nguisnco" Coverage 8*tild{ng A- s l-scaXisn ot Ssecrlbed Peerrriges Lsca{iolt l*$r'|bsr *Nal*s 1,S**$* C*v*ra6*61S H ST NdE *r:gunili wA gBC0?-43S8*01 ;: €.e$y 0fea$$*&$ Cnv A " lnflalion Govemge lndex: Cov g - Consum*r Frice lndex: zule ?ss,4 Easlc $oduetlbls Spocirl Deduoliblesl Monev and Seeurilies fquipinent Breakd*wn $1,*s# &23**mployee Dish*ne*iY &1,*** szss Cther dodu*tiblee r*ay appty - rsfet t* n*11*y' fteparedsrf 21 aS?* s$,{P-4fl00 0lssg* ie fuprlrr6ht, $tsrs f;arm lr4ri'**iAut*fi#biia In+urenaa Ctrrpcnt' ?Ss{ l*tat:**a6$$y{i$hitd fi*t*r ial r:f lnsurefi*e $erviees *Sira' l*e'' w1lh h* $prnrrasiuil Csnti*uod *r hloxt fag*Page 3 *f ? &. ffi$ Offlce Felicy Policy lor ?uilI-LER, $AfiAH KATHRYNt$umb€r $8.88-A4724 REM*1#AL SECLAfrAT|OT{S {C$Nfi r*uECI} M 1fi033 Ll$ulT 0F llf$tlRAl-lCE $$s.**{3 *"r5,0$0 $5,oso sJ5,*0S lilc!ud€d Ccvornge I Llmit 25$l* *f c*v*red lusg 1n*hi#*d $$,fi*$ $5,$l}$ $10,OCIf] lnciuded 1S*/+ $5,00* $1$,*fi# $'',0s# sr#c,os* $2SS,St]* t6 $sGrfoN , - fixrFt'lplosg pf s.g?f;sAeE;.-t*itr *r rlgg{rFAryfiF " sA.cri pEsE*rBqp pRr&lsE$ .- , ,. 'fhe coverages and corr.espc*d.ing {lmtls lrr8yl} qglgw apply separataty tCIeach descrlb€d prennises ghswn in theseseelaration*. unless iildlcated by-'-see schsdule." rt a c'ileragri goei ;di il";'J;orresponding timtt stuown bsloy*,but has "includod" indicatad, piease-r"tiit';irtii'pnijJv-tir.i"iilion lor a* explanarlsn of that coverage. #S1IfiRAfiE Accour"rls ftercivable C* Fremiaes Sff Frernis** Arssn fteward Back-*p Of $ewer 0r *rain Coliapse Samage Ts Nrx-fr*rr*d Buiie3i*ga Fr*m Theft, Surglary *r R*bbery **i:ris ftem*val fiquipme*t Erealcd&w* Fir* Depa$menf Serui*e Ch*r6* Fire Fxtinguishar $ystems fieuh*rg* Hxpen,** Forgery Or &lt*ratisrr Giass Ixpenses lnffeassd Co*t Of C*n$lrueti*r1 An* ilsrn*litio* Ssst$ iapp{ies *n}y wh*n br:ilding* *r*insured on a r*placomcrll *{}s1 basisl M**oy And $ecuritic* {Oif prerrris**} M*nay And $ecuritr*s {*n frcminas} {vlaney *rdors A*d cs*rrtertcit Mo*sy I?*Jy Actlired Birsrn*ss Fersonal Property {appires oirly if this p*ticy provid*sCoverage B - Business porsonal eropeity; ' Itlcwly Acquired or constructed sultdings {appliss oniy if this policy providesCovera$e A " Buildings) Prepared D*C 2l t$z* c'\jp-4.**fr tr1S$94 '1}|r4 E. qi *ofvti{irt $t*t* fsis* ltiiraiei A$irrs-:i:b;l* }!*ura$e * f tnrFa+y. f$rg rlri*rlsr i;oFr/ri{i*isd nrltsri*i i:l iq.Blrrarr;9 $eryici}s 0{firv, i:rs., yvitk itt pxrmis*ir:n. ***tinu*d ** Rsverse $ide *i Fage Pag* 3 at 7 R[t{gwAL ogslAfr ATiof{s {cosTi tttjH*} Sfrice Fallcy for llfrlll€ft, S$44SJISTHRYF|Ht!& Nii{ti*si es-Bs-44?7'o Srdinanc* *r lew - tu*sipm**z**t*rag* 0utd*ar Pr*PertY personal Ff{ects {appiies o*1y tt ths$e $xs{Tlic*s pr*vid*# ccv*tage s' Busine*s Personal Prop€rty) Persanal ProPartY *if Prarxiaes Pollul.a*t Cle** UP And RersovaN Frnservati*tt Cf Ft*Pe*Y *rp#*tly *{ Others Pets*aal Fr*Pe*Y] {erppliss ***y t* tl'r*se premi*e* plcvidnd C*vor*ge S - *usiness $i6ns Ufiac.ith*rized $u'$i*ess Car# *J*e V*luable FaP*rs A*d See*rd* {}n Premisss S{f Prcrnisas Wa1*r Oarna$*, Sther L*qui$*, Powdsr *r ld*lta* hdaterial Sa$lags lnctud*tJ $,#ilfr $*,sss $15,000 $1s,0** 3* Dayc sr,5## $2,6** S*,*fiil $5*,**{it1 q, nfin lncli-r*Jad OF E:eFl -p €n Thecoveragssandcorrespo*d"lngllmitsshownbelowarsthsrnogtwewil|payiUiciitiil p."l*lses J*own ln ths$e oeclaratiot'ts' regardb$* of the r*$rabar of covrnAsE Sep*nde*t Pr*p*rty' L*ss CIl l*came Empl*yea Sisl't*nestY {Jtility l*t*rupti** - L*ss Of i*r*ne l-oss fi{ 1n***a And f;xtra fxPens* Lt$#? oF tllgURAlil0E $s,0** $1t)*s** S1#.ft** Aetr-ral L*$$ Su$lais*4 - i2 M*fiths Prepared Dtc21282A cMP-4S00 01s034 ri) trpyrialrt tlst* f*rin M*t*alArrtcr**:i:il* lltgurait;i* 0smr:sn?' ?fi0$ lnr:l*dsr co{ryri$lrXsli n:ar*r:al +f i**ur*nr:* SstuJi*cs fllli;e' lflr'' !'ilh it* permit*i*tt" Conlinusd on Next Fage ?ag* 4 *t 7 &ilrt 1ss3* rgsEWAL s[cLAnAT$r*s {csilTtf.{{Jf s} pftl.ce f-ol8cy lor Mllt-Eft, $ARAh{ KATHHY{{Po$cy HurnDsr gf-Bg-A4ZI-S ffi & ts CfVTSAGE *rv*ra6e L " Su*ine*s Lr**iiity **verage M - MeSi*alIxpenses {A*y *n* Fers**i ***rag* Tc Pr*mi**s Rsnl*cJ T* y;:r"t AGGHf;ffiATT #A{ry$ ProductsiCcmptctecl Sperations A0 g r*gate Generai ASgr*$als {-t?6rQr {$lSuRAt{cE $?,0$$,t]0s s5,0*s s30s,**0 ffnir &F 'fd$uRAHsg S4.sOs,fiofl $4,S*S.#*S Eanh paid slaifi for liability correrage f6oil{:es tfis &m*ljnl *f ire*urgnce wc pr*vide riL,uirrg the *ppli*ablean;rualpnriod' Flease ro{ei to $*cri*n *i 'Litbr$ry-;* itr; $&r"e#'Fotrir [*rf'*]ry *irX}ri* e*oornsrne*r$ Y**r policy cs$$ist$ al thsso Dsclarati*ilff, {ho SLJsll{e $$owrurns c*vfiftA#r F*,lM sh*w$ bet*w, and a*y *t**rlormc and end*rsemenl$ lhsl apply, inciu*t,':g rl'r**e s.ho#i-diljil"ae turelt a* ihJ*e i$$$ld $$*$sqfi$fil t* #.lei$suance of this pclicy. FOft1'!r ai$l' FlIrrnRaF cMP-410* rE-$9S9.3 ordF4810..t c{up-4247.f 0s{p4705.2 cMp-471S *M?-4789 cMP-4706 cMp-4704"1 cMp-4703.1 CI&,lp-4713.{ cMP{78$ CS'iP-4779 Businsss*wners *oa*rag* f*r*nTerfo*sst !ns*lacse *ov Ngiic* Unauihorizsd Biisiness Carci Use Am*ndatory ****rseft*fi t Ls**q ol {n*sn* & Extra Sxp*se Er*playee Dish*nerty M**ey an* Se*irriliss ftack"Up af $ewcr cr fia!* D*pa*dent Prap Loss *{ t*corrre UXiliXy lnterruption Loss ln*m Ex*l Testi*g fr*r:**tting f&* Addiinsd CIwners Lessse $**e# Srcpl*yers l-iai:iiity Fr*porud DECfI 2020 cMP-4SS0 fi1$S35 2s4 *. S ikryrigilt, $teis lei*'r s3rrglr*l,q$tcnrbile lnsgr€nce fu*1rony, ?.|?flli ll*lutir:rr*pyrrglrrcdry:atrri$l $llfi$tir$nrs$*rvice$.n#ii:s,in*.,lgithtrltrm.:*rior, t**lini";Ecj r:* Rev*rse $id* r:f pag*PaSe $ *1 7 n3$tswAl SscLARATISf'*s tcsruxNtjtDl o*ice Pollcv lor MlLl-EH, $A14H-K$THRYI'C Fit!6 Nlid6r;i" - sd'es-neil'o ftr-af;d{'l *MP'457? #MP-4S$1.1 f9-s$*7 Aetual Saslt Vslue f rr**rs*m*nt Amsndme*l oi Fremi*m **nd P*li*y fndorsemex? inNa*d fdari*c Attash Dee " $*w Form Atta*hed OF lntsrest Tvpe: Addl lnuured-Sectrofi ll Lioors€nfint #: CMP4786 Loan Humher: N/A KTFJG CSUSTY. 1T$ OFFIOEN$. AT'IS EI*PLOYEHg 4*1 $TH A r *Lnrlr-r wa 981s41*1s tcrtc(sst ?ype: Endorsem€nt #: Loan l{unnbar: TITY *F KEf{T '?S 4TH AVf; $ KFNT WA Addl 1r*sured-$**ti*ri $l si\fp478S f{lA gs#32$S*S Tilla p*licy i* iasued by t1':* *tste F*rr* Fire and Caaualty Scrnpa*y Fa*icipating F*licY you ars entillsd ta particlpate in a ciistributi*n of the eal*iilgs *l llt* **rnpa*y es d*lermin*d hy *ur **ard cf slre*tor* in acccrdancc wiih tha d;;i#;f; Ar*it*o oi tr**orp*rali*n, as ani*nde*. ls !?ittsrs li&rsrecf, tlr* $tatc far*.r Fire and casu*liy scnrpany has cauced ttris peticy to ba *$ned by ita Frosident and ixittJt"w at Bloomingbn- lllinois' tYvLSt*,it- tr-*qy.:*t{t u Frsside*rSecreary Frcpared *ECy 2a2fi sMP-4*$s $1s0e5 & C*pfri$hr, #t*t* lar$ ffitilqalAjj*rr]lrbris itl$*{*ncs Cs$lpsny' ?ffifl lnei*det *u*,nnt*O m*t$rial Bf lnssr*nte Sstrrices Sf{ice' lne ." witk itc t?stlt*acina' Ca*iinusti ** l"lext Paga Fago * n{ ? & ffii REH€W&L STCLAfi &r$OS* {COr{TtNijgD} Qff.tce Pclicy for il!$LLf;S_ SAfiAI* KA?NIRYF{Psilcy Nurllbsr 9S-BB-A4TZ-$ E 1l 14 3 iloTrc€ T0 FoltcYHot_OEfi : F*r e eomprehsri*iva das*ription *t c$rier?ges a*d f*rms, please relar to y**r p:ulicy. Policy change* requested bal*re th* 'ilatJ pr*pared,,, wnir.lr app,:a, *oif.,l* il"ti--, are elfsctive c* the flsnswal Dat6 of thi$pollcy unless #thenryise lnriiceted by a seprir*te'*ndsrsei'ileirt. tilircer. *r arnen*eg'cJecl*rati*ns Any coverari-'i##- -"tt*-l-**to this n*tic* are aiso eftsclivs &ri the periawal n*te *f i*ilt g"riii'p-*ljil *,{:an49.1 r*que*tcd a*t**' l}re "'Dat* Pr*-parsd". wili be *er:t tg. y*r} fis &* a*l*ncled do*i*rsti*n* *r a* aft *nci&rse;::*nt t*y*ur p*li*y" *lll*i'lg f*r *ny nd*iti**al pr*r*i*m for srrch olu,rgeu lviii bb mal6* at Jiai*r a*t*. ff' during i'he past y**Lf.?3-Y?-acq*lr*d any vr+iu*bl* prc,perty*it**ts,rnafe any improvernenls t* i*:sured pr*pes.iy. *l lav* anyquesfloirs abcul your iniliran+s r:ovorago, icn{ect y*rir $iat*'Fairu *g*ot, Flear* keep Sris wi*l y*ur p*fl*y, Yor.lr coverags amauna". ft i* r.:p ?o y{}u t* choos* tl're covaragc and lirxit*.tirat l:.xset f*'.tf 6sods. W* re*o*.:r.r.r*sd t{*t y*u puruhess a $auerass ,iftltaqual t* the estimatsd replacen':ant ibsi ol yc*i o*iu*u*r*. ngsf,i.;*n:eilt cssi *iri,riJmJ *r* avaita*td lr*-r* gulrcr,g c*ntra6t#rsand replacentent c*ef apprnisers. av. your au*nican provioilan estjmate i*"r x*tri.id ri*11ffifg"fiio#iuon you provideabou? your s8ucture. S::rlf -*-."_*,?t the type"ot eiiim&e yoo *iiaoso as ions as it provide$ a reason&bie levef cf dehil aboutyour s8ucture $bte Farrn "cJcee nc't guariritee that any estrn:ate will be ure SciJui fituia cost to reuuelJ fcr.ri structt,re Higherlienits arc available at l'rlghor prent**ms L*wer tir:':itd are ii** *vaitabts, a$ i*ng a*-t[;-,arir;;i'*"f tJ#arage Greets *$runderwriting requirenlentd- lve encoutag* yot, t* pari**lcaity-re,il*v* your c*ver&g** and lir*its rv$s,l yeur- ag*nt gnd tu no$$ urof a*y changes or additions io your struit.rfe Pr*pared sEc 21 2S2* *M?-4**8 0jfi$3s ?s4 F: fJ t*nyr;glrt, $int* f*rin lu4rrt*al Afitr$u:|:ils ln$vrqncs C*inFarr?, l$$$ lncllrtl*s e rpyrrglrted lna?*riel $f 1r+urancs $ervilt* $ffire" lnr,, rqlt! it* per*{rair.::i. # 1S03:; i : ?aE* 7 af 7 lnsured: JONATHAN C MILLER SARI\H K MILLER 610 H ST NE AUBURN WA 98002 MUTUAL OF E,NUIVICLA,\iI/ TN.fL'RdNCfi Mutual of Enumclaw lnsuranee Gompany 1460 Wells Street, Enumclaw, WA 98022 mutualofenumclaw.com Agent: HBT.LEAVITT GROUP NORTHWEST 201 AUBURN WAY N STE C AUBURN, WA 98002 (253)833-5140 #00001250 Please visit www.thoughtfulcoverage.com to learn more about why we are so proud to work exclusively with independent insurance agents. Agency Ghange Personal Auto Policy Declarations Policy Number: AA80041624 Policy Period: From: OGlO6l2021To: 0610612022 At 12:01AM Standard Time. Policy is continuous until cancelled Effective Date: 06to6t2021 Total Premium for the Policy Period (This is not a bill. Do not pay this amount.) Total Premium for allAuto(s) $2,269.28 Your premium reflects the following discounts (on applicable coverages): o AtM. Account Claims Services: Claims Response Center 24 Hours: 1 -877 -425-2580 . Anti-Theft. Loyalty . Multi-Car Billing Services: Customer Service: 1 -800-456-7750 CrediUDebit Card Payments: 1 -888-475-2823 You may also report a claim or make a payment online by going to mutualofenumclaw.com c0 Page 1 of8 AA8004162405117t2021 PA5001 0316 lnsured Copy Mutual of Enumclaw lnsurance Gompany 1460 Wells Street, Enumclaw, WA 98022 mutualofenumclaw.com lnsured: JONATHAN C MILLER SARAH K MILLER Policy Number: AA80041 624 Effective Date: OGl06l2O21 YourAgent: HBT-LEAVITTGROUPNORTHWEST Driver(s) in Household: Jonathan C Miller Sarah K Miller Description of Auto(s) 2001 Pontiac Firebird Fo 2007 lnfinitiG35 2005 Chevrolet Silverado K 2006 Honda Chf50 2010 Trailer Floan 05t17t2021 PA5001 0316 Vehicle lD Number 2G2FV22G312137908 JNKBVol F37M802608 2GCEK1 98751179627 JH2AF60086K405422 1 KgBF1826A5284122 lnsured Copy Page 2 of 8 I'4UTUAL OF H,NUMCLA\trr lN5'ffIlA'VCg Mutual of Enumclaw lnsurance Gompany 1460 Wells Street, Enumclaw, WA 98022 mutualofenumclaw.com lnsured: JONATHAN C MILLER SARAH K MILLER Policy Number: AA80041 624 Effective Date: 06/06/2021 Your Agent: HBT-LEAVITT GROUP NORTHWEST 2001 Pontiac Firebird Fo Vehicle f D Number 2G2FV22G31 21 37908 Goverage Comprehensive Limits $100 Deductible Premium $120.32 Total Premium for 2001 Pontiac Firebird Fo 9120.32 lnsuranre is provided only for those coverages showing a premium or limit of liability. Deductibles apply per Higher Limits of liability may be available. Please contiact your agent. 0511712021 PA5001 0316 lnsured Copy Page 3 of 8 Mutual of Enumclaw lnsurance Gompany 1460 Wells Street, Enumclaw, WA 98022 mutualofenumclaw.com lnsured: JONATHAN C MILLER SARAH K MILLER Policy Number: AA80041 624 Effective Date: 0610612021 YourAgent: HBT-LEAVITTGROUPNORTHWEST 2007 lnfiniti G35 Vehicle lD Number JNKBV6I F37M802608 Coverage Bodily lnjury Each Person Each Accident Limits $250,000 $500,000 Premium $259.88 Property Damage Each Occurrence $92.14 $100,000 Personal lnjury Protection Medical/Hospital Benefits Within 3 yea(s) of the accident. lncome Continuation Benefits $700.00 weekly max. $154.14 $35,000 Underinsured Motorist Bodily lnjury Each Person Each Accident $138.22 $250,000 $500,000 Underinsured Motorist Property Damage Each Occurrence $47.46 $100,000 Comprehensive $100 Deductible $114.80 Collision $250 Deductible $166.76 Towing and Roadside Coverage Refer to Policy $11.56 $1,000 $15.42TransporURental $40 DAY/$1000 MAX Total Premium for 2007 lnfiniti G35 $1,000.38 lnsumnce is provided only br those @cu;renoe. Htgher Limits of liability coverages showing a prem tum or limit of liability.Deductibles apply per may be available Please contact your agent 05t17t2021 PA5001 0316 lnsured Copy Page 4 of 8 MUTUAL OT H,NUMCLAI/II tNs{JftANf,;8' Mutual of Enumclaw lnsurance Gompany 1460 Wells Street, Enumclaw, WA 98022 mutualofenumclaw.com lnsured: JONATHAN C MILLER SARAH K MILLER Policy Number: AA80041 624 Effective Date: 0610612021 Your Agent: HBT-LEAVITT GROUP NORTHWEST 2005 Chevrolet Silverado K Vehicle lD Number 2GCEKl9B7 51179627 Coverage Bodily lnjury Each Person Each Accident Limits $250,000 $500,000 Premium $259.88 Property Damage Each Occurrence $92.14 $100,000 Personal lnjury Protection Medical/Hospital Benefits Within 3 year(s) of the accident. lncome Continuation Benefits $700.00 weekly max $123.32 $3s,000 Underinsured Motorist Bodily lnjury Each Person Each Accident $116.38 $250,000 $500,000 Underinsured Motorist Property Damage Each Occurrence $47.46 $100,000 Comprehensive $100 Deductible $76.58 Collision $250 Deductible $129.66 Towing and Roadside Coverage Refer to Policy $11.56 TransporURental $40 DAY/$1000 MAX $1,000 $15.42 Total Premium for 2005 Chevrolet Silverado K $872.40 lnaurance is pmvided only ior those coverages showing a premium or limit of liability. Deductibles apply per o66uren€. Higher Limits of liability may be available. Pleese oontact your agent. 05t17t2021 PA 500't 0316 lnsured Copy Page 5 of B Mutual of Enumclaw lnsurance Gompany 1460 Wells Street, Enumclaw, WA 98022 mutualofenumclaw.com lnsured: JONATHAN C MILLER SARAH K MILLER Policy Number: AA80041 624 Effective Date: 0610612021 Your Agent: HBT-LEAVITT GROUP NORTHWEST 2006 Honda Ghf50 Vehicle f D Number JH2AF60086K4O5422 Coverage Bodily lnjury Each Person Each Accident Limits $250,000 $500,000 Premium $91.38 Property Damage Each Occurrence $37.12 $100,000 Underinsured Motorist Bodily lnjury Each Person Each Accident $120.54 $250,000 $500,000 Total Premium for 2006 Honda Chf50 $249.04 lnsurance is provided only for those coverages shorving a premium or limit of liability. occt rence. Higher Limits of liability may be available. Please contact your agent. Deductibles apply per 0511712021 PA5001 0316 lnsured Copy Page 6 of B I.4UTUAL CIF HNUMCLA\^/lN5'tiR,t\rcs Mutual of Enumclaw lnsurance Gompany 1460 Wells Street, Enumclaw, WA 98022 mutualofenumclaw.com lnsured: JONATHAN C MILLER SARAH K MILLER Policy Number: AA80041 624 Effective Date: 0610612021 Your Agent: HBT-LEAVITT GROUP NORTHWEST 2010 Trailer Floan Vehicle lD Number 1 K9BFI 826 A5284122 Goverage Comprehensive Limits $100 Deductible Premium $7.88 Collision $250 Deductible $19.26 Total Premium for 2010 Trailer Floan $27.14 lnsurance i* provided onty for those coverages showing a premium or limit of liability. Deductibles apply per o6urence. Higher Limits of liability may be available. Please contact your agent. 05t17t2021 PA5001 0316 lnsured Copy Page 7 of 8 Mutual of Enumclaw lnsurance Gompany 1460 Wells Street, Enumclaw WA 98022 mutualofenumclawcom lnsured: JONATHAN C MILLER SARAH K MILLER Policy Number: AA80041 624 Effective Date= 0610612021 Your Agent: HBT-LEAVITT GROUP NORTHWEST Forms and Endorsements Washington Auto PolicYPA0146 0106 Auto EnhancementPAO149 1215 Mutual Policy ConditionsME0001 1015 Amendment Of Policy ProvisionsPAMOOSWA 0212 PersonalVehicle Sharing Exclusion - WaPA0148WA 0713 Towing And Roadside CoveragePA0147 0413 Single DeductibleP1161 0815 Policg PA 0146 (0t08), Fcrms, Endorsements and Optional Coverageswith your Auto AuioPorsonal Folicy.your you may pay your premium in full or installments. lf you pay your premium in installments you may be subject to an additionii cnarge for each installment. Additional charges may also be due if your payment is not received by the due date or is not honored by your financial institution. All charges are shown on your billing statements and are subject to change. 05t17t2021 PA5001 0316 lnsured Copy Page 8 of 8 Mutual of Enumclaw lnsurance Gompany NAIC #14761 1460 Wells Street, Enumclaw WA 98022 wwwMutualofEnumclaw.com Mutual of Enumclaw Insurance Gompany NAIC #14761 1460 Wells Street, Enumclaw, WA 98022 www.MutualofEnumclaw.com AAB 004 1 62 4 a6/a6l2J2r 2OC? T.NF'IN;TT G35 JNKB\'61 F3 ?M8 O2 5 O B HBT_-j,EAVrTT GROUp NOR'I1iI,{BST (253)433-5140 201 AUB{IRN WAY },i STE C, AIIRIIRN, WA 98002 06/a6/2422 AA8 00 4162 4 06ia6/242r c6/a6/2022 J?NATHAN C MILnEit SARAI] K MTi,LER 61C i{ ST NX AUBUI{N WA 98002 Mutual of Enumclaw lnsurance Gompany NAIC #14761 1460 Wells Street, Enumclaw WA 98022 www.Mutualof Enumclaw.com AABO041 6?.4 061a612.021 06/a6i2.02.2. 2006 i1ONDA CliF',50 .Ji-{2Ai' 5 0 0 B 6K. 4 0 5 422 HBT-iTJAVITT GROIJP NORTIiWEST (253) 83'3'5!40 201 AUEUIIN l?AY N STE C, AUBUITN/ tdA 98002 JCNATHIN C MILLIR SATiAH K MILLER 610 ;{ ST NE AUBURN I'iA 9BOO2 1.,,A80041624 o6/a61202:. a6/06/2022 :i007;t!llrNiri G:l:i .lNXEv6ili3]M8C2608 IiBT-lnAvlTT GROUP aiORTliriqEST, (2 53 ) 633- 5140 2Ci AUBURT'I wAY N iiTE C' AUBIJRN. ldA 980C2 2005 cl{llvF.ol,llT siTLVERADO K 2GCE'{.79R15I17 96?'1 'lBT-],fiAVl rr GRCIIP l\iORTtlwES? (253) 833-51 40 201 AUAIIRN WAl: N ,'llTrl c, AiJlSiittN, wA 98002 JOI'.jA'{'UAI';i {l MTLLER SAI]AI1 K l,liLl,iill 610 H 51' NE AUBUI1N i'{A 9BOO2 xxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXKXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX M.8AA4r62t, o6ia6i2c2,1 a51a612j22 20Oii cHnvRoi,fiT tirr,vnRADO X 2GCEK1 98 i:iill -e62-'1 EBT-'CAVITT (;ROUP NORTII!]EST, (253) B33-5140 20L AUBIIRN tiAY N STE C, lluBtlRl'l' wA 98002 .]ONATITIAN C M:;,LEIi SAR?rll K t'1Il,i.ER 610 H ST NE AU1TURN i.iA 980C2 JONATiIAN C MIAI,NR SARA,II !i MILLEA 610 It 3T NE AUBURN tilA 98002 irutuai 0f Enumclaw lnsurance Company NAIC #14761 1460 lvells Street Enumclaw, WA 58022 1.'"480041624 i)6/c{)i2021. c6/t6/2122 2006 iloNDA citrso Ji12Af6AAe5K405422 i:BT-LBA.VITT (;RCUP l:Oi{TIIwn3T, (2 53 } 83.1 -.5 1 4 C 2C1 AUBIIRN "AY I't lirtr c, AUBURI'I' l"r-r' 9EC02 .]OI'iATHAN C MlLLEli SA:IAH K I'{TI,LEIi 610 H S'i NE AUBUli.l'r i{A 9800: Mulual ofEnumclaw ln$ilrance Company NAIC #14761 1460 Wells 6tre€t Enumclaw, fVA 9802? Mutual ol fnumciaw lnsutance Compary NAIC #14761 1460 wells Strcet fnumclaw, WA 98022 SXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX )ixxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXS AF20-01 1 3 XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX l.{xxxx)<>lxxl< XXXXXX>'XXX x:{xxxxxx:x XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX Enumclaw Property & Gasualty lnsurance Gompany 1460 Wells Street, Enumclaw, WA 98022 M UTUAL O F ENUh,{CLAIT/ INTURdNCfl mutualofenumclaw.com 1-800-366-5551 lnsured: JONATHAN C MILLER SARAH K MILLER 610 H ST NE AUBURN WA 98002 Agent: HBT.LEAVITT GROU P NORTHWEST 201 AUBURN WAY N STE C AUBURN, WA 98002 (253)833-5140 #00001250 Agency Change Excess LiabilitY Policy Declarations Policy Number: PE30002496 Policy Period: From: 0610612021 To: 0610O12022 At 12:01 AM Standard Time. Policy is continuous until cancelled Effective Date 0610612021 Item 1. Item 2. Item 3. Limit of Liability $1,000,000 Per Occurrence Policy Premium $200.00 (This is not a bill. Do not pay this amount.) Schedule of UnderlYing lnsurance: The insured agrees: 1) that insurance policies providing the coverages specffied below, if applicable, are in force and will be maintained in force as colleCtible insuranie for at least the required minimum limits stated; 2) to insure all motor vehicles owned, leased by or used by the insured; 3j to insure all residence premises owned, leased by or leased to the insured; ii to insure all recreational vehicles owned, leased by or used by the insured; 5i to insure all watercraft owned by the insured' poticy Forms and Endorsements attached at inception: PE0006 02O7;PE 0O02WA 0113; ME 00 01 1015 These Declarations, together with the personal Excess Liability Policy provisions and endorsements, issued to form a part thereof, complete the above policy. you may pay your premium in full or installments. lf you pay your premium in installments you may be subject to an additional charge for each installment. Additional chirges miy atso be due if your payment is not received by the due date or is not honored by your financial institution. All charges are iho*n on your billing statements and are subject to change' Type of Policy Automobile and Licensed Recreational Vehicle Comprehensive Personal Liability Premises LiabilitY Unlicensed Recreational Vehicle Liability Watercraft Liability o511712021 PE0005 0316 Required Minimum Limits Bodily lnjury And Property Damage OR Single Limit - 250,000 each Person/ - 500,000 each occurrence - 100,000 each occurrence - 300,000 each occurrence Page I of 1 PE30002496lnsured Copy