HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2021-314 - Original - T-Mobile West LLC - Garrison Park Wireless Communications Facility - 07/06/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This fornr combines & replaces the tlequest for Mayor's Signature and Conrract fover Sheet forms, (Pr int on pink or cherry colored paper)WASHINGToN G oLIto. Co 'P(u ELota-g fco EaoL cn Originator: Amy Waters Department ECD Date Sent: 0710612021 Date Required: 07t0912021 Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee E Mayor Date of Council Approval Budget Account Nurnber: Budget? ElYes tr No Vendor Name T-Mobile Grant? trYes DNo Tvpe: ov^\\ha.\ Category: Limited License Agreement Vendor Number:5ub-Category: Project Name: G?llison Park Project Details:gDi ne\ e63 Corwvr^r<r, r cd:hsn 4o.It ; h* \wt{alt Agreement Amount: Start Date:- lulzt Basis for Selection of Contractor Termination Date:l lta {st Local Business? E Yes E No" *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete'Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions'form on Cityspace Notice required prior to disclosure? DYes E No Contract Number ul 'i: J\\o3e.qt o=G,i (oc .9t1 Date Received by City Attorney; rrty RtrGtr[\'ED JUL 0 6 2021 KENT LAW DEPT. Comrnents; NEED MAYOR SIGNATURE. PLEASE HAVE LEGAL REVIEW AND THEN SEND TO MAYOR. AFTER COMPLETION EMAIL ME IT IS COMPLETE AND SEND BACK THROUGH INTEROFFICE MAIL. THANK YOU -AMY WATERS Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office; r4{ivrr'il7j_1_2u4 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements CAG2021-314 07/07/2021 DocuSign Envelope lD: 99F33DBA-377 4-4A97 -942B-MD97FCC808D LIMITED LICENSE BETWEEN THE CITY OF KENT AND T.MOBILE WEST LLC PARTIES THIS LIMITED LICENSE ("License") is between the CITY OF KENT, a Washington Municipal Corporation ("City"), and T-Mobile West LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Licensee"). RECITALS 1. Licensee seeks to install a wireless communications facility at 21036 100TH AVE SE in the City of Kent. 2. Licensee has requested that the City grant a license to use City right- of-way to install the wireless communication facility within the City in accordance with permit plans on file with the City. 3. The City has agreed to issue this license. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY AND LICENSEE AGREE AS FOLLOWS: LICENSE 1. License Granted. The City grants this License ("License") for a period of ten (10) years from the Effective Date (the "Term") for Licensee to install wireless communication facility at 21036 100TH AVE SE, KENT, WA 98031 ("Premises") across, along, in, upon, and under the City's right-of-way described in Exhibit A ("property"). City and Licensee agree that this License shall automatically renew at the end of the Term, and a new ten (10) year Term shall commence, unless terminated as provided in Section 3 of this License. A general description of the plans and specifications for wireless communication facility is attached as Exhibit B ("Improvements"). This License is subject to all the terms and conditions established below. Z. Damage to Property and Restoration. Licensee shall repair any damage to the Property caused by the installation, construction, operation, maintenance, removal, repair, reconstruction, replacement, use, and inspection of the Improvements on the Property. Upon revocation, termination, or expiration of this License, Licensee shalt restore the Property to its original condition prior to the issuance of the License subject to reasonable wear and tear and casualty. Such restoration obligation shall survive the expiration of this License. LIMITED LICENSE--Page 1 of 10 (between City of Kent and T-Mobile West LLC- 5E04667A Garrison Park/PSE/McClary ) SE04667A-N LG-30624-Lease-Anchor-Phase 3-4943053-L600-CM P5 DocuSign Envelope lD: 99F33DBA-377 4-4A97 -9428-A2D97FCC808D 3. Revocation and Termination, The intent of this License is to authorize Licensee to install the wireless communication facility on the designated City right-of-way, which right-of-way constitutes a valuable property interest owned by the City. This License does not grant an estate in the land described as the property; it is not an easement; it is not a franchise; it is not exclusive; and it does not exciude the City from full possession of the Property. As a License upon real property, it is revocable at the will of the City. However, prior to termination or revocation by the City, the City shall provide Licensee with at least thitty (30) calendar days' written notice of termination or revocation. Upon receipt of such notice from the City, Licensee is required to remove all Improvements and restore the Property pursuant to Section 3 within an agreed upon time frame, but no longer than 90 days. If Licensee fails to remove the Improvements within the allotted time, the City may remove all or part of the Improvements, restore the Property, and recover the costs of such removal and restoration from Licensee. Licensee waives any right it may have to any claim for damages of any kind incurred as a result of the City's removal of all or part of the Improvements. 4. Permits Required. The City's grant of this License does not release Licensee from any of its obligations to obtain applicable local, state, and federal permits necessary to install, ConstruCt, operate, maintain, remove, repair, reconstruct, replace, use, and inspect the Improvements. Licensee's failure to comply with this Section 4 shall constitute grounds for immediate revocation by the City. The consideration in Section 2 is in addition to any fees required for applicable local, state, and federal permits. 5. Maintenance. Licensee shall maintain the Improvements and Property in a clean, well-kept, orderly and safe condition to the satisfaction of the City. Licensee shall promptly make repairs at Licensee's cost, as necessary, to ensure the Improvements and Propefty are kept in good condition to the satisfaction of the City' 6. Emergency. In the event of any emergency in which any portion of the Improvements breaks, becomes damaged, or in any other way becomes an immediate danger to the property, life, health, or safety of any individual, Licensee shall immediately take the proper emergency measures to remedy the dangerous condition without first applying for and obtaining a permit as required by this License' However, this emergency work shall not relieve Licensee from its obligation to obtain all permits necessary for this purpose, and Licensee shall apply for those permits within the next two (2) succeeding business days. 7. Indemnification. Licensee shall comply with the following indemnification requ irements : LIMITED LICENSE--Page 2 of 10 (between City of Kent and T-Mobile West LLC- 5E04667A Garrison Park/PSE/McClary ) DocuSign Envelope lD: 99F33DBA-377 4-4A97 -942B-MD97FCC808D 7.1, Licensee shall defend, indemnify, and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents, assigns, and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, actions, injuries, damages, losses, or suits, including all reasonable legal costs, witness fees, and attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the peformance of any of Licensee's rights or obligations granted by this License, except to the extent caused by the negligence of the City, its employees, agents, contractors, or invitees. 7.2 when completed indemnification. The City's inspection or acceptance of any of Licensee's work shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of 7,3 These indemnification obligations shall extend to any claim, action or suit that may be settled by compromise, provided that Licensee shall not be liable to indemnify the City for any settlement agreed upon without the consent of Licensee; however, if Licensee consents to the agreed upon settlement, the Licensee shall indemnify and hold the City harmless as provided for in this Section 7 by reason of that settlement. Moreover, if Licensee refuses to defend the City against claims by third parties as required herein, Licensee shall indemnify the City regardless of whether the settlement of such claims is made with or without Licensee's consent. 7.4 In the event that Licensee refuses to accept tender of defense in any claim, action, or suit by a third party pursuant to this Section 7 and if Licensee's refusal is subsequently determined by a couft having jurisdiction (or such other tribunal that the parties shall agree to decide the matter) to have been a wrongful refusal, then Licensee shall pay all the City's costs for defense of the action, including all reasonable legal costs, witness fees, and attorney fees and also including the City's costs, including all legal costs, witness fees and reasonable attorney fees, for recovery under this Section 7 indemnification clause. 7.5 The provisions of this Section 7 shall survive the expiration or termination of this License. B. Insurance. Licensee shall procure and maintain for the duration of this License, insurance of the types and in the amounts described below against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property that may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work by Licensee. Licensee also agrees to require the same coverage of its agents, representatives, employees, contractors, subcontractors, consultants, subconsultants, or assigns performing work under the scope of this License and to assure that such coverage is appropriate. 8.1 Before beginning work on the project described in this License, Licensee shall provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing: LIMITED LICENSE--Page 3 of 10 (between City of Kent and T-Mobile West LLC- 5E04667A Garrison Park/PSE/McClary ) DocuSign Envelope lD: 99F33DBA-377 4-4A97 -9428-MD97FCCB0BD 8.1.1 Business Automobile Liabilitv insurance with limits no less than g1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and propefty damage; and 8.1.2 Commercial General Liability occurrence basis with limits no less than $2,000,000 occurrence and general aggregate for personal injury, damage. Coverage shall include but not be limited products/completed operations/broad form property collapse and underground (XCU). insurance written on an combined single limit Per bodily injury and proPertY to: blanket contractual; damage; and explosion, 8.1.3 Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability as required by state statute. Employer's liability shall be with limits not less than $2,000,000 each employee, each disease and each accident. 8.1.4 Excess Liabilitv $2,000,000 per occurrence and aggregate. insurance with limits not less than 8.2 Any payment of deductible or self-insured retention shall be the sole responsibility of Licensee. 8.3 The City, its officers, officials, employees, agents, assigns and volunteers shall be included as an additional insured on the insurance policy, as respects work peformed by or on behalf of the Licensee and shall make its endorsement available for inspection by the Licensor. Licensor waives no rights and Licensee is not excused from performance if Licensee fails to provide Licensor with a paper copy of the endorsement including the City as an additional insured. 8,4 Licensee's insurance shall contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability. 8.5 Licensee's insurance shall be primary insurance as respects the City as it pertains to the negligent acts or willful misconduct of Licensee, and the City shall be given thirty (30) calendar days prior written notice by United States mail of any cancellation in coverage. 9. Modification. This License may not be modified, altered, or amended except by a writing signed by both parties. 10. Assignment. Licensee shall not assign all or any portion of its rights, benefits, or privileges, in and under this License without prior written approval of the LIMITED LICENSE--Pa9e 4 of 10 (between City of Kent and T-Mobile West LLC- 5E04667A Garrison Park/PSE/McClary ) DocuSign Envelope lD: 99F33DBA-377 4-4A97 -9428-A2D97FCCBOBD City, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Licensee shall, no later than thirty (30) days prior to the date of any proposed assignment, file written notice of intent to assign the License with the City together with the assignee's written acceptance of all terms and conditions of the License and promise of compliance. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Licensee shall have the right, without such notice or such written acceptance, to mortgage its rights, benefits, and privileges in and under this License to the trustee for its bondholders and assign to any subsidiary, parent, affiliate or company having common control with Licensee so long as notice of same is provided to the City and provided Licensee remains fully liable to the City for compliance with all terms and conditions of this license until such time as the City shall consent to such assignment as provided above. 11. Compliance with Laws. Licensee shall comply with all federal, state, and municipal laws, rules, and regulations that are applicable to this License' 12. Venue and Jurisdiction. This License shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. Venue and jurisdiction for the resolution of disputes shall be in the Superior Court for King County, Washington. In the event of claim or litigation regarding the enforcement of the terms of this License, each party shall be responsible for its own legal costs and attorney fees except as noted in Section 7. 13. Notices. All notices, requests, demands, or other communications provided for in this License, unless otherwise noted, shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given when sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the addresses listed below for each PartY, or to such other person or address as either pafty shall designate to the other party in writing: CITY: LICENSEE: City of Kent Attn: City Clerk 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 T-Mobile USA, Inc. L292O SE 38th Street Bellevue, WA 98006 Attn : Lease Compliance/5E04667 A L4. No Waiver of Rights. Nothing in this License shall constitute a waiver of either party's right to challenge any portion of the License that is not in accordance with applicable federal, state and local laws' 15. Entire Agreement and Effective Date. This License contains the entire agreement between the parties and, in executing it, the City and Licensee do not rely upon any statement, promise, or representation, whether oral or written, not expressed in this License. This License shall be effective upon the last day executed LIMITED LICENSE--Page 5 of 10 (between City of Kent and T-Mobile West LLC- 5E04667A Garrison Park/PSE/McClary ) DocuSign Envelope I D : 99F33DBA- 377 4-4 A97 -9428-A2D97FCCB0BD below (Effective Date). 16. Warranty of Authority to Execute. Each person executing this License warrants that -he/she has the requisite authority to bind the party for whom that person is executing. This License is executed and shall become effective as of the last date signed below. CITY OF KENT LICENSEE: T-Mobile West LLC t By: Print Name: Its: By: Print Name: Its: Date: 1 P:\Civil\Foms\Deeds,Easements,QuitClaimDeed,Ledes\Limited Liceme AgreeDent docx Date:6,.?r T-tulobile Legal ApBrnval BY LIMITED LICENSE--Pa9e 6 of 10 (between City of Kent and T-Mobite West LLC- 5E04667A Garrison Park/PSE/McClarY ) S EO4567A-N LG-30624-Lease-Anchor-Phase 3-4943053-L600-CM P5 DocuSign Envelope I D : 99F33DBA-377 4-4 A97 -9 428-A2D97FCCB08D STATE OF WASHINGTON ): ss. couNTY oF KING ) I hereby certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Dana Ralph is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that she signed this instrument, on oath stated that she is authorized to execute the instrument on behalf of the City of Kent as its Mayor, and such execution to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the foregoing instrument. -Notary Seal Must Appear Within This Box- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and officialseal the day a rst above written o 6^t'h Iotro +o NOTARY PUBLI in and for e of Washington, residing at My appointment exPires ,tt LIMITED LICENSE--Page 7 of 10 (between City of Kent and T-Mobile West LLC- 5E04667A Garrison Park/PSE/McClary ) DocuSign Envelope lD: 99F33DBA-377 44A97 -9428-A2D97FCC808D STATE OF WASHINGTON ): ss. couNTY oF KING ) I hereby certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence thatM., is the pe rson who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he/she sig ned this instrument,on oath stated that he/she is authorized to execute the instrument on behalf of as its q4-Fc0,{m 9\V- ,and such execution to be the free and voluntary act ofsuch party forthe uses and purposes mentioned in the foregoing instrument' -Notary Seal Must Appear Within This Box- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. I trLttliluk LIIJNK TzufJI+ OTARY PUBLIC,in and for thq State Washington, residing at appointment expires LINDA THI TRINH Notary public - State of Washington . Lommisston # 20123260 lr{y Comm. Explres Oct 11, ZOZ4 LIMITED LICENSE--Pa9e 8 of 10 (between City of Kent and T-Mobile West LLC- 5E04667A Garrison Park/PSE/McClary ) DocuSign Envelope lD: 99F33DBA-3774-4A97-9428-A2D97FCCB0BD EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY within city Row off of 2Lo36lOOTH AVE SE, KENT, WA 98031 LIMITED LICENSE--Page 9 of 10 (between City of Kent and T-Mobile West LLC- 5E04667A Garrison Park/PSE/McClary ) DocuSign Envelope lD: 99F33DBA-377 44A97'9428-A2D97FCC808D EXHIBIT B IMPROVEMENTS LIMITED LICENSE--Page 10 of 10 (between City of Kent and T-Mobile West LLC- 5E04667A Garrison Park/PSE/McClary ) DocuSign Envelope lD: 99F33DBA-3774-4A97-S428-A2D97FCC808DiF.'Mobilg.19807NORTH CREE( PARKWAY NORTHBOTHELL WA9801 1r,,',*'*,{$*.*PNWMARKETOFFICE9725 3RDAVENUE NE STE.41OsanLE wA98115sE04667AGARRISONPARI( PSE/McCLARY21036 lOOTH AVE SEKENT, WA 98031WOOD UTILITY POLESHEET TITLETITLESHEETsHEfl NIM8ERT-1ruutriluruuy tNuurarE2667CAM NO DELRIOSOUTH, STE.205saN D|EGO, CA 92108WASHINGTON STATE CODE COMPLIANCE:ALLWORKANO MTERIIS SIALL gE PERFORMEDNO INSTALLEO INACCORDANCEWIATHE CURRENT EDITIONS OF frE FOLLOWNG CODES AS€OPIED BY TBE LOCALGWERNING AUTHORIIIES, NOTHLNG IN iHESE PUNS ISTO BE CONSRUCTED TO PERMITWORK NOTCONFORMING IO IHES COOES. THE WASHINGTON STAIE BUILD]NG CODE ISCdPRISEO OFTHE @DEL COOE EDIIIONS BELOW WTH WASiINGTON STATEAMENDMENTS],,Ol5INIERMTIONALsU]SNGCODE. 2OI5INTERMIIONALRSiDENTI{COD€. ?OlSUNFORMPLUM8INGCODETE ENERGY COOEFCC NOTE:THIS WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILI*COMPL1ES WIN FEDEML STANOAROS FORRNIO FREOUENd IN ACCOROANCE WiH IHE TELECOMMUNICATION ACT OF 1 $6 NDSSSEOUENT NENDMENTS AND NY OTHER REOUIREMENTS IMPOSED BY STATE ORFEDEML REGUUTORY AGENCIES.CODE COMPLIANCEil.-Mobile.sE046 67 AGARRISON PARK/ PSE/ McCLARY21036 lOOTH AVE SEKENT, WA 98031WOOD UTILITY POLEFPLICANT:1 9S7 NOtrI CREEX PNKWAY NORTFEBgEgEry-S{lE&TOWER OWNER:TOTAL LEASE AREA:EXS!!9-USqUNMAN NE D T6LE C OM MUN ICATIONS FAC] LIWNEw USEIJUBIS9I9!9NZONING:SITE ADORESSISllE PARCEL NUMBERICWNryiUTITUDEAND LONGITUDE:l€ASEO ON 1^ SUwEv OArEO: i0/27lm15)HNDICAP REOUIREMENTS:REO!IREMENT(S) OO g APPLYLEGAL DESCRIPTION:SITE INFORMATIONLOCAL MAPItrr)* ,-- 4.9."6_VICINITY MAPDESCRIPTIONNTLESAEETNOTES A LEGENDSITE PUNENURGED SITE PUNANTENNA PUNSEOUIPMENTPSNSELEVATIONSELEVATIONSDETAILSDETATLSDETAILSANTENNA MOUNTING SPECIFICATIONSHELIA FIBER FEED PENDANTCONNECTELECTRICAL NOTESELECTRICAL PhN, PANELSCHEOULE & DIAGRNSELECIRICAL DIAGRAMSGROUNDING PLANSGROUNOING OETAILSRF DETAILSRF DIAGMMSHEET INDEXSHEETr-11-2N2A-343,A€E2E-3G1G-2c@I R4OE F) ryITLNG ($NiHND6CSR) AMENNASNsral 13) NEw (mtstssotu) NTENNANSTALL 13) NEW (AEHC) AN'ENNAINSTALL 13) NEW AHLOA ON IOWEFINSTAI 13) NEW AHFIG ON TOWERINSTALL (2) NEW PENSNI ON IOWERINSTALL (3) NEW DIAL ANENNA STAND'FFSLNSTA!!I)N€W ROMERN PURC€L!CABINETINSTSL 12) NEW VOLIAGE rcOSTES IN HPBINST{L12)NEWSB NCABINETrNsrArL l?) 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NEW COLW MOUNT W (6) OUALPROJECT DESCRIPTIONF ENGINEER: ZONING &PERMInING:(502) #r41 (2s) S32S5Scqd6}Fbr@r-Md'6.@m EMAL: fr"hon,how@r6'id1sTE AcOUlslTlON: CONSTRUCTION MANAGER:(206)21&710r i2s3)44750n4&.dft,qbe.mr bd.6*rq@bcm(NCHTTECTURE: ENGINEER:IECHNOLOGYASSmAT€SFCINC PUGFSOINOENERGYerb !ndq! 5@rci.iCONTACT INFORMATION2. MERCEONTOMlsTSOITH3. TAKEgITONTOS2ITBST4, TIRNLaffONS21zrfST5, SATHSlB€COMESS€20STNST€, ruRNRGNTON1OOTNAVESEDRIVING DIRECTIONSOATEAPPROVALSSIGNATUREDO NOT SCALE DMWINGSCONTMCTORSHALLVERIryALL PSNS&EXISTING LOCATIONCONDITIONS ON THEJOA STE & SHALL IMMEOIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER INWRITTNG OFANY DISCREPANCIES EEFORE PROCEEDING WTH THEWORKOR BERESPONSIBLE FORSAME@what's below.CALL before you dig.CALL AT LEAST TWO WORKINGDAYS BEFORE YOU DIGDIG ALERT D@usign Envelope lD: 99F33DBA-3774-4A97-9428-A2D97FCC808DlF..Mobilg.1SO7 NORTH CREEK PARKWAY NORIIBOTHELL WA SO11IechnologyfAssociater97253MAVENUE NE,SfE.4lOs4nLE, WA 98115T-2IBY+vlSAEET TITLENOTES &LEGENDsE04667AGARRISONPARI( PSE/McCLARY21036 lOOTH AVE SEKENT, WA 98031WOOD UTILITY POLEruEiltrurugy tffiuurarusARCHtrEMRE & ENGINEERING2667 CAMTNO OELRIO SOUiH. STE.205sAN D|EGO, CA92108ABBREVhTION OEFINITIONABAREVIATION DEFINITION€AREVIATION DEFINITIONERE NNNED @PPER WREELEMR Mf4LIC TUBINCGrcUND FNIT C'R&f INTEMUfiERaPMR *OTECNOil qBNffF@NOS PERSOUN€ INCH1LANDLORD SIGNATURE2ABBREVIATIONSNOT USEDFri)A.Av,@JE GRouNo RoDa@trtr#offi:(E)BRCK@ (E)ilASONRYf.---:-i--l coilwE[@wrHE;atEi;i;t cRAvEL@PLreDrr::-i----] sol€l wooo coml-l rcoDsrocKrNcA $TrcNTAOERHW SERVICEe+ urcHUMo---"*""*-6- *oUND@ND6TOR(powR)BURIEOSANITSSEMR3LEGENDGENEru NOESSPftFIAISS ' NOI* PrcR TO G BM NOT LfrftO BY DEMOUTIfr. TEd N€M FMil ON6E. THE Cilfuos, n€u$oN, AmEN& oR CUNGED BYTsE PHOPffiOFT3EgTNCTFE EMPdWST1e. uE[sTF$rNcaer9ErOffMRO OETAIS ARE ff IIIIillM REOU'LON WROL Pw WP) HEc€wrHlBEC!ro4NEs rN sPS0ER AEST @ACEIENI PMdICES,STORM WATER QUALIfr NOTES CONSTRUCTION BMPS:G lT}eo LNro frE AOSENT SftEr(s) oR SroRilWAGR COWYAE S'STEMS OlECONCHft IWOBENTS ftAT Are TO SE POUREO INGEMML FIRE NOTES:oNDtrbN.l?ors hre^MnoN& surLDlNG cooE e6.t4GENERAL NOTES Docusign Envelope lD: 99F33DBA-377+4A97-942B-A2D97FCC808DlF..Mobilg.19&7 NORTH CREEK PARKWAY NORTHBOIHELL. WA 9801Irsblaruru9t tDUUrqrEaFNWffARKEf OFFICE9725 3rcAVENIE NE. STE,410silfrtE. wA 0a115SHEET NUMAERA-{IBYSITE PLANsE04667AGARRISONPARI( PSE/McCLARY21036 ,1 OOTH AVE SEKENT, WA 98031WOOD UTILITY POLEruulllruruly llrtsoErdrurARCHFECTURE & ENGINEERINCA6TCNLNO DELRIOSOUTH SE.2O5$N O|EGO, CA92108DISCIAIMERfr*E OMWilGS WERE PROOUCS WIHOS NE gENEFIT OFA CURRENT Urc SIRWY, AL PROAD ffiCre SHALL BE VfiIFED PMR TO START OFCONSfuCTION, IAS DGS NOT GUAffi NI &CufudOF S{OMOPEffi LINES EASEMENTS,ROSSNDSEI#KS,StrE PRCEL NUMEER:JURISDICTION:ZONING:1LLANDLORD SIGNATUREL{IIJtaurooirLrI(1Iffi'r[,.Fdil1llIIII@I-A.-_IToJ@LSE 212TH ST61-SITE PLAN Do@Sign Envelope lD: 99F33DBA.3774-4A97-9428-pCD97FCC808DlF..Mobils.i9807 NORTH CREEK PARMAY NORTHBOIH€LL, WA 9801 1recnnonqyflsmctatesPNWMARK€IOFFICE9725 3rcAVENUENE,SG.41Os4frE WA0811g2667 CNTNO DEL RtO SOUTH, STE,205$N DIEGO, CA92108ruurrruruut tlNUrarsssE04667AGARRISONPARI( PSE/21McCLARY036 lOOTH AVE SEKENT, WA 98031WOOD UTILITY POLESHEfl ffTEEN1ARGEDSITE PLANSHEN NUMBERA-2LANDLORD SIGNATURE'1lIfsLJl- - -'1' --lI+--IIJI-l-- -I4@IIL\6A C!ffiNI UM $MY, AL PRrND S&ffi Slru BE VRiIS PRIOR TO STMT OF@NTruMON. TEC OGS NOT GUANEE THE ACCUMCYOF SAD PrcPERW LINES. E6EMEMS, M AND SEErcKS,ENLARGED SITE PLANl'.--j#l#####l', Dodsign Ewelope lD: 99F33DBA-3774-4A97-9428-A2D97FCC808DlF..Mobilg.19€OTNORTH CREEK PARKWAY NORTHAOTHELL, WA98011sE04667AGARRISONPARK PSE/McCLARY21 036 1 OOTH AVE SEKENT, WA 98031WOOD UTILITY POLESHEfl TITUANTENNAPLANS5HE8 NUMBERA-32667 CNTNO DELRTO SOfr8 STE.205sAN O|EGO, CA92108PNWMARK6OFFICE9725 3RD AVENUE NE, STE.41OsafrE, wA 981 15TOWER: FINAL EQUIPMENT INVENTORYo)p)(3tc)t6)gUMNG TO AE FIEIO V€RIFIEO FRIOR TO CONWSION WTh FIN&/:\\9@fL3tA "*r.uosu aru.oenrr mtru\!j/ 0 PER$noR !6E6os.3 rcr a\E1@tit\62ANTENNA PLAN (FINAL)LANDLORD SIGNATUREf1@qSNNC PIPE TO PIPE rclNT NO CHANMOUM(WP)rc&#ilMO\6ANTENNA PLAN (EXISTING)lo 3,6' l'lscAlE: r--f{_{z$6) I al-ffi I D@Sign Envelope lD: 99F33DBA-3774-4A97-9428-A2D97FCC8OaDT..Mobilg.19807 NORIH CREE( PARKWAY NORTHaorHE!1, wa 98011Taclrno logy f AsoclaterPNWMARKf,OFFICE3?25 3ROAVENUENE STE.41OSEAflLE, WA 96115m67 CAMTNO OELRTO $Ufl, STE.205saN D|EGO, CA92108rrurluruuy tNuur.FDsE04667AGARRISONPARI( PSE/McCLARY21036 lOOTH AVE SEKENT. WA 98031WOOD UTILITY POLESHEET TtrEEQUIPMENTPLANSSHEfr NUMBERA-3,{0 6-1. 2,1*arE: iz--r.-e{s)l t|iiiiil!!!!!!El (oRr l+-!a-F1,17, I 3EQUIPMENT PLAN (FINAL)LANDLORD SIGNATUREGROUND: FINAL EQUIPMENT INVENTORYf)r)()0)f)x)o(jl(l)i){lc'GROUND: Fltuf, EOUIPMENT INIENTORYt)l)\2ti1l,^X.X.,Xxxvru\YArylrYd/G\\F,rlri\\FIry66ffiletH'lff;ffii 1EQUTPMENT PLAN (EXTSTTNG) D@Sign Envelope lD: 99F33D8A.37744A97-9428-MD97FCC808DlF..Mobilg.ISSOTNORTH CREEK PARXWAY NORTHBOIHELq WA 98011-r3.rEEnllorogy lSAsoErarsrPNWMARKE'OFFICE9725 3RDAVENUENE,STE.4lOshnE, wA 96115A-4IBYrEUiltrUrUUy trurluurUrulARCHtrECTURE & ENGIIEERING2667 CNTNO DEL RtO SOUTN, STE.205saN otEco, cA 92108sE04667AGARRISONPARI( PSE/McCLARY21036 ,1 OOTH AVE SEKENT, WA 98031WOOD UTILITY POLEELEVATIONS/?\ **'**"".**6.-"@erd&rPROVDEO EY MsII CONSULNNC.EOUIPMENI rc BE PAINTED TOsupPoRT pRopcEo Loss rs ToBE OETERMINED BY OTIERS,a roPFurmKwoooqE*t*re ,r -rg-Effiicl-/'i\\990A\a9/.;\\!9@/n il"i'6 ** "d '-"@w0Hcszo'RUNKWEST ELEVATIONaEnNG 02) 769 6Ax CeSWEST ELEVATION,l D@Sign Envelope lD: 99F33OM-3774-4A97-g428-A2D97FCC808D..Mobilg.19807NORTts CREEK PARKWAY NORTHAOTHELL WA 980119253rcAVENUE NE,StE.410SEANLE, WA 98115ler2667CN|NO DEL RtO SOWH.STE,205sAN D|EGO. CA92103rEUIIUIUU' tDUDrlFasE04667AGARRISONPARI( PSE/McCLARY21036 lOOTH AVE SEKENT, WA 98031WOOD UTILITY POLESHEfl TITLEELEVATIONSgEF NUMBERA-5WEST ELEVATION (FINAL)lo t'| 2'| 4lsLE: v'"'1{_(2e3.}l 6l-trr€iffil a1, TOPOI *STINGW@OPOLE JS NO ON 1A SURWYPRdIDEO BY MBT CONSULNNG,2. ALL NEW f"MOBILE ANTENNAEOIIPMEf rcSEPANEDTO3, dP&NOFfiETOWRTOSUPPORT PROFOSEO Ld6 IS TOSE DEERMINEO BY OdERS./i\"*'*d*"ffi,. Rrc*r!N-t F'orrrilLia loPoFaFr\cw@orcLr/ffiffi"w ,----rgT-MFc!-Lt4'tilJ/'i\@@i PER rEc6i, ! s*roB,5 rord)flS T{OAIU OUAL NBMfl ilo sF x.a07t? (r rcrd)/n *Eilc e.E Hs rcsEq Nfl @ Hcs ao rRuwlo I'z 4t!91!!:j1::jjll: l aI-l rer 16"=1{"11112} I IwEsT ELEVATTON (EXTSTTNG) DoilSign Envelope lDr 99F33DBA-37744A97-9428-A2D97FCC808DiF..Mobilg.IechnologyStssociaresPNWMARKETOFFIC€s725 3RO AV:NUE NE, SfE_ 410SEAffLE WA 9A115A-6rEErr[urugy lrNuurdau!ARCHNECTURE & ENGINEERING2667 CAM]NO OEL R O SOUTH ST€.205sAN DtE60. CA 92103ls?sE046674GARRISONPARI</ PSE/McCLARY21036 lOOTHAVESEKENT, WA 98031WOOD UTILITY POLESHEET TITLEDETAILS321AHLOAANTENNA SPECIFICATIONSNOKIAT {AIRSCALE OUAL RRH 4T4R 812/7f 240WAHLOAry !w !@mir ****E,lmi 'WPERSP'dIVEVIS:r-"--1F:ffi-!llfiilrmfllilt"frlfllVJEGHT:RRts lUNIPERSEC]OfiANTENNA SPECIFICATIONSNOKIAT |/ASSIVE Ml[rO ADAPTIVE ANTENNA (AEHC)oITFUTPOWER 5W/mX{320W1obr2Wukuoro160MH.)FREO!€NCY UNCE: 24S6 MHz.26qO MH3CPP 841DTMENSTONS: 33.2!5.qTI.SNTTHFRONTCOVERS)WEGNTT 103.OLBSr:]\Ll.!L!lCOMMSCOPE: FFHH-65c-R3(2437.0 x 640.0 x 235.0 mm)&FIN ONFEMALE J&PINON MALEFIBERCUSS UVRESISTAM654AHFIGNOKIA:AIRSCALE 4T4R DUAL MID-BAND RADIOltii!rfiti4T4RDUINilD.BAND MDIO276"r13.4 r5.6'(frwro)7CABINET SPECIFICATIONSCABINET SPECIFICATIONS-;;'=BWIRES MOUNTSFANS 3. 4X€AfrERYSNELVES. UP 6. SKU*34033 ?URCELL 2'PURCELL HPL3 LARGE BATTERY CABINETKNOCKOIT FOR ETHERNETFORIARMSGOCKOUTSFORBATTERY 5.VOLTAGE BOOSTERPURCELL: HPL3 600A LARGE SSC".REFERENCE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONSFOR OETALED EOU PMENT LNFOFMTIONI. FSERROUTEOFTION NTERNIA]RSilL€4KNOCKOUTS:OR EOU PMENT 5 SK!* 3103S PURCEIL 2'COVPWTWAER.TGHT3 XNOCKOITFOR PLNTN(OPTONAL)LBORGROMMET. ETHERNET'ORMRM'i'i*r'u' tRAYCAP: PoWERPLUS 100-3-1U12't110PRO 1CABINET ANCHOR DETAILINTERCONNECT ROUTERNoKIA 7250 lXRaDTMFNS OS INXVJXO)crAsrs wscNi (uNPoPU4rEoIMO!N] INA RECOMM'NDED]$INC D@usign Envelope lD: 99F33DBA-3774-4A97-9428-A2D97FCC808DT..Mobilg.19807NORTH CREEK PARKWAYBOTHELL, WA98O]IrEulrrulugt tlNwrorE!97253@AVENUE NE. STE.41OsilfrLE WA9811526A7CNLNO DEL RIO SOUTH STE,2O5sAN D|EGO, CA92108sE04667AGARRISONPARI( PSE/McCLARY21036 lOOTH AVE SEKENT, WA 9803,1WOOD UTILITY POLESHEET TITLEDETAILSA-7321ASIKABILNOKIA: AIRSCALE BASEBAND 5G ONLY CARDS (ASIK)FaTRES: lNlTlAL ARSCAE ESEMND 5G ONLY!!E !91@AMIANOKIA: AIRSCALE BASEBAND 5G ONLY CARDS (ABIL)]NiTNL ARSCAE BNEBNO 5C ONLYNOKIA: AIRSCALE SUBMCK INDOOR (Al,4lA)WEIGHT: 1I:K(AMBENCLOSIRE)IN*E$PROTECTPN:@EMllNG EMPEMruFE i'C uP TO r$'C oR 60'c (lNOOoR)N$ALUIION GMPERATUR€:MAIN PROPER'IES: IT SUPPORIS UP TO 2 ARSruE COMMON PLIGNN INITS. ITSUPrcRTS UP TO 3 AIRSCALE dPACIfr PLU6]N UNIIS. I CANAE NSTALLEO INSIOEA lYWIOE MCKOR SBINET, I']NCLUDES A SUBMCK FfuME, A BACKPUNE FOR HIGH SAOWIO1H INTERCONNECI 6EMENAIrcCM COMMONND AIRS*LE SPACIilPLUGIN UNtrS. MS FANSWTH CHilGASEARFLOW DIRECIION,ANO HN BLNNN]TSTO PFEVENTCOOL]NGAIRFLOW LilgCE,':t':"-:\t'"t"t',rttj!RM654ABIAABICNOKIA: AIRSCALE CAPACITY UNIT (A8lA)PERSPECTVE VIEWiN00@ @Acrw ffiENsroN PluG tNUNIT. HS 6 OPNqLRF IGRFAC€SUFTO 5 Gbp6 OSSAIOR9.S GbFffil.Ift OMPRESSION IS SUPPORTED WTHNoKIA: AIRSCALE CAPACIry BASEBAND MODULE (ABlc)DIMENSIONS 0.9$x3.62'r1!.33'reGHTr 53418PrcoUCTCODE,FUNCTIONS; ENHNcEglNDooRcAPAclrAENSION PLUGIN !Nlf.87COLLAR MOUNTSITEPRO 1COLLAR MOUNT SPACINGt..)-tTL__*,1ASIB\3,NOKIA: AIRSCALE CAPACIry BASEBAND N.,loDULE (ASIB)INCLUDES RNSPORTNOFORSUPPORTb MOOrcGSSTECHNOISIES.! ,.121110NOT USEDNOT USEDNOT USED Docusign Envelope lD: S9F33DBA-3774-4A97-9428-A2D97FCC808DT..Mobilg.19807 NORTH CREEX PARKWAY NORfHBOTHELL, WA 98011t"rr*"{[il'*""PNWMARKEIOFFICE9725 3ROAVENUE NE, STE.4IOSEAfLE, WA98115t""r""ffiARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING2667 CAMTNO OEL RIO SOUTH. STE_205sAN DIEGO. CA 92108sE04667AGARRISONPARI( PSE/McCLARY21036 lOOTH AVE SEKENT, WA 98031WOOD UTILITY POLESHEfl TITLEDETAILSSHEET NUMBERA-8321METER SPECIFICATIONSil!nMSFDS. MSF.LLCM.E'I6SIMERFACE: CAM LOCKAPPLfrONMOUNiNGOnONS: WA( PdE OR6SERVICE LIGHTBACKHAUL CABINET!!E@6ra x */4.x 1S' (FLOOoL|GHDUTILITY H.FRAME DETAILqEARLES UITVERSALBROADBAND ENCLOSURE,xie!4@2il? ryc coNoUlT FRoM PowER(N) SCf SULE { ar4' PvC CONOI|T TO(N) NOT OIPPEO CALVNIZ& INISTRII WTH*CEtrrcE C()EJNERMANC SF5ZOC DO!8LESNG JUNC1ION BOX*iH62II7NOT USEDNOT USED1211NOT USEDNOT USEDCAC MODELSIANOBYPOWER RECEPTACLES:MS WfrH INDISTOR LIGHTS:*cuRrfl (PADLOCTLq:lAC C€rNf): ONEAC POWER WSS CABIN*(NEMA3RfrPE ENCLOSURE(TELCO CABINEII SINGLE *INET(NEM 3RWP€ENCLOSURE)MIN/DRIPhOOO, MIN ESED FEi ULEl (AC CABINfl120/240VAC SINGLE PH6E,3 WIRE ANO GROUND1 o0 AMP OR 200 AMF frrlrfl/STANoiln3o sP DoUBLE POLE 6C lSS)t1 5 AMP SINGLE POLE iCfi *CEMACLES)aPPLETON Ro&RS fNoSD Oom OR 2m&, 1oilrcMSAL OXDEVARISTORS (MOV) tr6OWPHNE) REMOEAURMCONIrcEIELCO GROUND MR (IELCO C€INET)3.rcINT DOORCLOSUEWTH '4ruAN HANDLE, SS NINGElAC W]NET)il4 ruM NDLE SS HIN4 OELCO CAENENuL 391, oAD RONT SWtrCHAOARDS 1AC ffitNElULsO UAINft ANOCUTOITAOXES@EMERSONT CAc MODEL O@Sign Envelope lD: 99F33DBA-3774A97-9428-A2D97FCC808DT..Mobilg.l9807NORIH CREEK PARKWAY NORThBOTHELL, WA 98011r!5trtrurult tlDulr.rEaFNWilARKETOFFICE97253ruAVENUE NE,STE.4IOsanG, wA 981 15rourlurugy tlffigErlroaARCHTECf URE & ENGIIEERING667 C&INO OEL RTO SOITH, STE, 205sAN D|EGO, CA92108sE04667AGARRISONPARKi PSE/McCLARY21036 1 OOTH AVE SEKENT, WA 98031WOOD UTILITY POLESHF TITLEANTEilNAMOUNTINGSPECIFICATIONSSHEfl NUMBERA-91ANTENNA MOUNTING SPECIFICATIONSLANDLORD SIGNATURElnstollotion lnstructionsCOftnMSCSPFe-*.rlSAfAilt tAol'rtng KlCffilca9.{Conlin{,ed frorfi @ge l,tr*fi +9tq:-J.I . lsbEc..Lrt20i{ tat ?ot*Irtounling Kb tgf Yfide P{rild A'tl6nno3 ar3!frbnGitrr . turinon t . t*ntqSsqr.ti? Sds Arff'lDs lyilm ts ;}{]*icd 9bo tqF ! d t;ffid*6t td&t l5fts a*€ dorui,qt idtew dL{vasc#c€ttr€ ffihfi*ofrrrin&rhiiBrfiffi;&ati*lI ur! I Rh gFbl Iln!. I sa;sE, IAnffiHtll$6dtllE*Br6ddbF|bffihHb#MIRFtcflqn llldr{ kEHqiottutll*.. b.:@F*boreB.@sr:'l#6rd$ Frfu@..Asr*w'r.$*dtE#r&id#*@cE Af.,itrlsrfrtay d Oqf,rtr lffif*rA{lrdllt&{.ffill\*3lt5mldatrsdlltHtl.s*'d6*Fb*qBBF*il€@,d#4M'4EldCft d@s@.+tE5@algaflI!ls#d+dEqso.t@98dolffi@lffhffiWd€+-trMbw.ffibNl\fudf6&ba@!ffi.@rdAd.q#t#tustus*pwMEfffi)r''w*l!q ..'+tf4c.rystop r *ida. lbnt *ltldtfc0r D@Sign Envelope lD: SgF33DBA-3774-4A97-S428-A2D97FCC808DiF..Mobilg.BOTHELL, WA 98011fechnology$AssociatesPNWMARK€TOFFICE9725 3RDAVENUE NE STE,4JOssnLE, wA 98r15A-{OARCHITECTURE & EilGINEERING2667 CAMTNO OEL RIO SOUTN, STE,2o5sAN DJF60. CA 9210arEEr[urugt t,DuurqrEDsE04667AGARRISONPARI( PSE/McCLARY21036 lOOTH AVE SEKENT, WA 98031WOOD UTILITY POLESIEfl TTLEHELIAX FIBER FEEDPENDANT CONNEGT1HELIAX FIBER FEED PENDANT GONNECTi,,., r ,:: i: , r. 1-.i:,'i, COMMSGSPE'i,-jr,,:1,::i:; :r'-i" r: ):.ii:,1 COMMSC9PE'i.:, I .i ;::l :..t rr:::ri .,r COMMSGSPE.krbr &,rF'*r-f rrddk.khlsidFMkbrb*o #l@A.jII!!:ipFFfltl*rr.i,ifltlu"1,!rr!!l.-**,*,-,' t,.,,-,,"""*+'9|&'*.&'i,",,!,ri., .. :,,t.::. ir :r,,r:i'i.r COMMSG9PE':r :.- .,: j : i.. .:tir'.j:ii:, r COMMSflSPfli.:.rt.,,i,i,:rir .,r:'i, COMMSGSPE'!..rs! tutldb8ktu t.lt*bftr l*t.*',.5I:- ,ii:".".-l DodSig. Envelope lD: 99F3308A.3774-4A97-9428-A2DS7FCC808DlF.'Mobilg.1SAOTNORTH CREEK PARKWAY NORTHBOHELL, WA 98011sE04667AGARRISONPARI( PSE/McCLARY21036 lOOTH AVE SEKENT, WA 98031WOOD UTILITY POLESHEfl TITEELECTRICALNOTESsHEfr NUMBERE-{ruulrurugt tllsuurdrErPNWMARKETOFFICE97253RDAVENUE NE,STE.41OssnLE, wA96115rlEllllorogt :iAssoErarBsARCNITECTURE & ENGINEERING2667 CAMINODELRIOSOUTN STE.2O5sAN O|EGO. CAS2108423GENERAL LEGENDGENERAL ABBREVIATIONSooaTo@mnScA\@AAE6ssx r0.0. d.GNoRoDrN TEST@[30 MrN, BELOWGWE,ChEMICfu GROUND ROD 6N GROUM ROO)HIO OROUNO CONNECiONRECEFTACLE, ?P,9WN2*I5A, DUPL*, GROIND NPE,MNUI RNSFER SWICH, ?P.240V.2M, NO FUSE,-otr/OiP- OWR#AOTELEPhOflSO\READMWER$Ffl SWICH 2P.24WE W6OA ruSES, NEMA 3RSURFACE MNNING TYFE, NUBSEI LISTINc CATAOGLEHIGanRE, FLUmESCENT. r0.9f r a!0 r/sswD6C\r 'roe w{LKJ MOUMNGilPE.HUBB+ILGNLNGATAOCU LEHTTNGCATAoGKLIo5..GBEIFTF:FFtrFA1dlJrwffitco RUN- G- cRouNotN6 coNolcroRPLA OlNfr INSTAILb INPROVIDEO A MIN. S"WORK CSNCE IN FRST OF 'ANELS /CONOUfi F€OUIREMENE fr P., !.N.O.)]]@tuc(sc8€o40@30)]@ Efr(RGSIMFFCNAS)FPLETON EMSCENCY 6ENEMTM PLIG AT 3S" A.F.F.ELECTRICAL NOTESELECTRICAL GENERAL NOTESLANDLORD SIGNATURE4. SUBSTITUTIONS[L WORK ND MERhIS SALL 3ITEST RILES hO R€GUUTENS OF TA€ NANON{ EUCYRIC CODE5. E!f!.VI\IMLV U\-E$ SECFI(ATY NO-Eb O-FEFilSE O^ -h(INWHICH ilEEWPETFWD SEEL MX€S AND AG$ORIESEAtr OEVICESNOWENG,E. OIPLS RECEFAdES SUL AE SPECIFISTS GSOE WNHWHITE FINISH {UNLESSNOEOEY ARCNJECT/ENCIN*R),20MP.IzsVOLT,NREWEGROINOINGWE,ilEMAAOR MOUMECEPIACG A' tl 2'SWE FINISNEO FL6R UN!E$ OflERWSEINOIdEDS DMWNC OR IN EIAILS, reA*ERPRMFF O@LE SWITCH6 SAAL EE 'O AMP, 14 VOLT &. SPEOFCANONGTEWhITE (INLESSNOEOOThEMISE)FN1SH. ffOlNlSITCNES AI'4' &VE FNIS*O FLdR.US ffi,FULLSEEDC]%LT BWRS. MOUNT -OD OF -H€ ONESACDS AI 6i'6ENT OF BESE EOES. SNOUDs-ar,,\sLRET4f A-_EOUTP{SI SY'4S, FmRES.FC.6.e.E@lrsB. TBESNTMCrcRSSLL6GASIEVISITPRIORIOBIOOINGNDA. BE COfr&dOR SNEL SE GSPONS1BLE FOR 'AKING OUT ANO*MIMIDN W*OUI AODITIONI UFENSE TO ilE frNEROISCREPANCIES TIE COWCTOR SUMES ALL ISILW FMTALURE TO COMPLY MI ft6 PROVISION.7.989!!q!!gC, fl€EXTENTOFfrEWORKISI$HED!L$, ND SPEC]FSTIONS^NO CONDITIONS OF THE CNRS, ilE rcM SSL! CONSIST OFfuRNBHI€ ALL U&R, EOUIFMENBECESW FOR A COMPLft NDnre 2s0 0F MnoMLJPIEMANO@IC4SNAI3ETO PROVE AN EFFECTESYSTEI NE rcR( SMLL ASO INCUOE ff€ COMruNOfl OF &AECRISL WdK NOI MilNONOIEC€SSARV qOCSUCCBSFLL@FMTIO\ OFALL SYStVSD. THE COMMCrcRSNALIPREPffi ABID FORAC@FLft AOOPERNOW $SEM ffiCH INCLUOES BE COST FOR MERIE. WOR(MANSHIPANONgTAPPSMNCESNMEESIMFOMNTASNE OPEUTION, OEFECTIVE OR DEPWEOOF REPAIR€OffiMrc'INALrcCE*ANCEN AMdNERC. F'EDEre NO BfuNCH CIRCUft WRINC INSTASO IN AbNDUCIM SVNG ORES INSUUTIS HE GRdND*NNECTED A' BOfl ENDS rc€LECR4 #IPMENI SHALL MVE AN IME*!EI6SNORTCIRC!TCURRENITO WHIC{ THEY MAV BE SUfuEfrEO.OF ftE WORK WLL PAMtr, ANNOE ANY OWACE OT- SSVICEWft TNEOWNERANDBUILOINC UOOMIME ON THE BU{qNG SCTRICAL S6CM.G, THE EMIRE ELrcfigl SYSTEM INSTIEO UMER THIS COMRACTS{L BEDELVEREO INOSPERWOR(NCOMcR REPSE.RI-POf AOdNOML SSTTOSEM'R A\Y OEFTdVCMTERAL ANO EOUIPMAT WIHIN ONE Y4 fuM frE UTE OFSICI D1SCRPANCY ON NE OMWNGS5HEI BE BROUqT TOTHEAfi EMION tr ThEKCHft ECT/E6INEER FOR fu RIFIISIALLS AND CEilEClED IN PUCE.rcMPLETE WTH CONDUCIORS, EOUND ROO(S) ANO DCSREEOE ALL6ROlNDIN6CONDIOORSSH{L3ES@DUN€O COP€RANOANNALED'2 UNLSS NOTEO OTH$WSSF. ALLNON.DIREdBURIEOELFHON€EOIIPMENT@NDUCYOSSIALLSEESNANOEO, GROUNO THHNIGR€€N)INSUUIId,LONG. WPEMELO OR trROVED ENAL.10. INSTALUIONPiOVO€ SUFPORTING OEVEES FOR AL ffiMcALEOUIPMENI F URES 8OES, PNEL, M' SUPPOtr LUMINARIESFROMINOERSIOEOF$RUf,USLC€ILING EOUIMENTSNALLBEOUIREMENF. PROVEE M6R6. CUEING,PATCBING. CNES. OPENINSI PMUOE BYOUT NCE SIAL NOTEXCEED sOHMS, IF ADVANCE'O EUMIMTE INNECES$RY CUffN6ORDRILLINGOFFITUreINTRUCTISONMfrODSFORreOICINC'HE SRICruREOREOU1PMENTSSLNESISTArcE V4UE, SIBMIT €9 trffiTS ANO FIRNJSH TO COMMCTOR. GTAN FERMISSION FROM THESMRI SMR ONE COMPLft SET tr ARCHtrEfr€NCNEER BEfOft CORIN6.2. EQ!eUE!Mg4lt9!s.lltgrYtESveEIil ORILLING HOLES INTO COrcRETE ffifrER FM FN€NING ORMIIdS THROIOH IBE IL@RLOCAIIS S ENDONS NO]OR REINFORCNG SEA ME NOTOEHNIIELYKN@N ANDIHEREFd€. MUSIBE SARCBEO rcRSYMROPRATEMETHOOSANO EOUPMSIVIAX.MYOROTHERNE DSWN6IilDIATE OAOM'rcSs3LE, PROPER JUNEM MlY BE AERCISED N *CUNNGIHE AVAIUBLE SPACE AND rc MCONdNONS ErcOUNTERED.MNFORM TO TIE REEFEreNTS OF TE SERVING lNlIfrrcMFNIES. CCNTMdOR SHALL VERIfl SERUCE LMANONS ANOMRANGEMENTS AR€ NECSSARY, NE TO F]ELO CONDNONS IN JHE&UFTNISUCHCllNESSiALMOVDNC lHE CNNE 16 OROERS SEFOR€ BE CSNIT FUNS.SC., AND WORK DIREdIY CONNEdS rc TNE WE IS INSTALLEDAO NO *Bh'ERASME REOIIREO,s. EBg9lgIgA. A[MEi6FSIAL!SENEqCONFOfrINCWtrH IHENEC ANSINEREOUIREM€M OFflE !.E.C.1 1.!BqE9I!!9SE9!IA, lpoNcoMpEnoNorwoRk,coNDUfr coffiNurn sBoRrC]RCUft, SD FAL POTENNAL GROUNOING ESB FOf, SPROVA,SUBMtrBT EfutrS TO PROJECI MNAG*, CLAN ffi€MSESOFALLOESIS RESILNNC FROMWORKANOLSVEWORX INAFilPLft ANO UNDAMGED CONDftION,WTilONESETOF CO@LFE€LECTRICA! ASINSAED"DilWIGAT THECOMPENOfl OFnE JOB, SrcWNG ACru{ dMENSO{S, ROUTTNS AND CrRClm.C, AILsRO*URES OFEUNNCMNUIS,CATALOG,SAOPOilWNS,Erc. $&LAEAREDOV€RrcffiNER AIJO6C. UGITING FXruRES ARE SrcWN N TIEIR APPfuXIUATE LOCATIONS1. RIGIO @ilOUIY SSLL BE !,1, WEL o{VANEEO ZrcCOATEO WB ZINC IM'RIS ND SHNL SE USED WHENINSTALLED IN OR INDER CONCRETSTH UNDER PIBUC ROADWAYS IN MNSRY WALS OiEXPOSED ON BIILDINC &ERIOR F1GIO CoNOUfr N CONIAftWII ARfr SHIL BEJNLAPFEO@FEOWTB NUilEWMF2, EECTRIqLMETALCTIENG5HAILNAW g.L,U8E! flNINSMLL SE COMMESEN IYPE, EMI S&L BE USEO ONLY FOR3. FBIBLE MSAIC CONDIIT SIM HAVE !.1. USEO UAEL ANO'JAKe',OR'SOUE*',flpE. S4AtrCONNITIN EXCESSOFSIXFEF INL'NGIHSMLLUVC'ULL&UIPMEffi TO AVOIO INT€RFERENC€. C@IMTE THE WONK OTffIS SEfrION W TST OF N OTRER ]ruES. MERE CONFLICTS]O ACREMENTSTOCN6ESNECESR',OBTANffireN3.Stpe_q84rtlcgP6EO CONDUF ftA(UNLES NOiEO O'HERWS€) AT A5. ALCiloufiONly(C.O.)sruBAVEplLLROPE,s-EEols.64 sCEN-ER SErr Doasign Envelope lD: 99F33DBA-324-4A97-9428-A2DS7FCC808OiF"l\tlobile*.19807NORfr CREEK PNKWAY NORTHBOTHELL, WA 98011Ioctrnotoqy f nssociaorPMffARKfr OF'IG9253rcAVENUE NE,SlE.410silnG. wA98115tectrnotogyflsocurosARCHITECTURE A ENGINEERING2667 CNTNO DEL RIO SOoTH STE, 205sAN D|EGO, CA92108sE04667AGARRISONPARI( PSE/McCLARY21036 lOOTH AVE SEKENT, WA 98031WOOD UTILITY POLESAEfl TtrEELECTRICAL PLAN,PANEI SGIIEDULE,& DIAGRAMSSHEET NUMBERE-2543AC POWERWIRING DIAGRAMLt:-ALARM WRING DIAGRAMONE LINE DIAGRAMLANDLORD SIGNATURE€ @Nourr RoM eoNr oa€ 13) nil r ( ) 16 GRo, 2E 0F)21EQUIPMENT ELECTRICAL PLANPANEL SGHEDULE6/1Y1\\31Lry//1-V'i\/1v?v3\\"AsZyZa_1_J_i_tLr_-\9 j^flLf_L_E-\\g^-|yilsFtls ilcrD coNetrA\t9NOTES I1. A[ EOUIPMENT (FUSES, CIRCUIT BRAGRq BUSSING.flc.) su[ HAVE A SHORT CIRCUI mTNG EOUAL TO,OR GUER TMN, THE AVAIreLE SHORT CIRCUITCURRENT AT THE LOCATION,2. ALLELECNrcAL EOUIPMENT SHAI BEU.L, !I$EO,3. ALL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMEM ilPOSEDTO THEWATHER S ruL BE USED FOR EXTERIOR USE.4- SOUARE {'NOOD PANELBOARD5. CS2 Sffi[OPEME ONLY IF CUi IS DISCONNECTEDFROM POWER BY AWOMATIC CONNOLS.6, MULNPLE CIRCUITS NEED COMMON'OFF' HANDLECUPS. D@Sign Envelope lD: 99F33DBA-3774-4AS7-e428-A2D97FCC808DT..Mobilg.19€OTNORTH CREEK PARKWAY NORTAAOTHELL WA SAO1ISHEET NUMAERE-397253RDAVENUENE STE.41OSEAfrLE, WA98115ruutrtrulult tNuErdrErrEurururugt tlNuurdrsaARCHtrECTURE & ENGIN€ERING2667 CAMTNO OeL RiO SOUTN, STE.205SAN D EGO, CA 92108sE04667AGARRISONPARI( PSE/McCLARY21036 lOOTH AVE SEKENT, WA 98031WOOD UTILITY POLESHEfELECTRICALDIAGRAMS321DC POWER WRING DIAGRAMDC CABINET DOOR LIGHT POWER WIRING DIAGRAM1trx2>TO LEOLIGHTDC OISTRIBITION (BSCKWIRE JUMPERS TOFUS€ POSOTTONS REMOVEO FOR CSRTW)TO DOORDCPLANT25A10 DOORI GHTSWTCHDETECfTO HATCONTROLLEROISTRIBUTIONDC POWER WIRING DIAGRAMooooDD@@@oOoooo@oOooOOooO@oaoo ooo o06 0oo ooo oo@O@ O'o@ o'o@ o.O@ O"o@ o'o@ o'o@ o.o@ o.o@ o.o@ o.o@ o'O@ O.o@ o.o@ o.OD O.O@ O.@IDC HEATING AND COOLING WIRING DIAGRAMLANDLORD SIGNATUREDAC (COOLtNG) CONTROLLERFROMDC DINFUNCTIONPIWR INDELTA, T JUMPEROUTSIDE TEMPERATUREDACFAN (LOWTR)DACFAN (UPPER)ALARMCOOLING INHBITHEAT REOUESTCOHNJIJ8J9J7J6J3J2J4TOCABINETmoM 000RDACHEATERHEATER CONTROLLERFROM DC DINDISTRIBlTIONFUNCTIONPIWR INHEAT REQUESTCOOLING INHBITUNUSEDHEATER FANALARMDOOR SW INPUTHEATER REALY CONTROLSOHNJIJ8J7J6J3J2J40ftcTTO HEATERELEMENTCIRCU]TBRAKEROoHEATnn'"' +*FoP-T1.+t tffiAocooL0,edt-i--.jffio DodSign Envelope lD: 99F33DBA-3774-4A97-9428-A2D97FCC808DlF..Mobilg.19807NOMH CREEK PARKWAY NORTHSOTHELL, WA 98011sE04667AGARRISONPARI( PSE/McCLARY21036 lOOTH AVE SEKENT, WA 9803,1WOOD UTITITY POLESHEET TITfGROUNDIT{GPLANSSEfr NUMBERG-{IBYPNW ilARKEIOFFICE97253RDAV€NUE NE,STE.4IOsafrE, wA98115ARCHMCTURE & ENGIIEERING2667 CAM1NO OEL RtO SOUTH. ST€, 205SAN DIEGO, CA410832NANTENIPMENT GROUNDING6,^\€9LANDLORD SIGNATURE6A\..t/;\ ssnreeawcrMAstr,{+&NIK,AALAOAM\j/ ft66buNDuRFr.l"v"rrcRoxcuee zi\ro{c,RolNo6ffirtJ@"**"*****"..,* r;\ro rq c*ro m np.) @"s"^*.rcma*.a"a /nroomumffirPr \91NOTES & LEGENDELECTRI*L GROUNOING SPECIFICATIONSCONNECTION @E 6@E TO NE GREND RNC.INSALWRE IN 34 HSW W& UOUD NSTFBBLE CONDUIT FROM CONNTiON rcIM rc 9BE6W CWENO SilnElOPwfr SlLrCdESECrcR SRS 1, SGCTOR ANO MGS NS 4',OF SUFFICIENT LEN6N TO A@MMODATE AtrREOI@ @NffiONS WITNOfr DOUBLINGWHENCONdECTINCGTIND NNITNIN IOFEET OF GW6) DNECTLY TO THE GROUNO ffiC2 4 P SD MMLADS SAL BE M.GDEDHEAW W& LIOUD NGHT FL*IBLE @NDUITINSUUIION FROM BE MIDDLE GROUND Sffi TOTHE GROUND RINo ANO CAD.WELD IO IHE BNG,& WENAfr&FIre$MNOEOGROUNOBNTOHEAT SHRNK, AND MH A THIN CdT OF"KOPRSH]ELO OR EOUVALENT PrcPERLY APPIED ANOAfrrcHEO SLY WfrN SIANLES SEEL9, WIEN GrcUNOING ENIPM€ffi ENCLGURES,PSELS, &MES ANO Oft ER MffALAPPEruS.A 6 ^W6 SIUN9ED @PPER WRE Wff frMr6uunoN suu sE AfacN& lrlrzrNc A 2WSIHERPR@F HEA' A CLAN NO CORROSIONFREE M5ALUC S!trACE UTILENG STAINU$STEA SELF.TtrPINO SCREffi S rcEO N rcTE10, PREPfEEBONOINGSURFACESFORCFOINOCONNECMS BY RMVING AWNO {L PAMANO CORROSION IO SHN MSAL, FOLLOWNGCDWEIm CONNECIIONS IO Nd@FERAMXOEING PAIN' IOLD CAU OR11, oROUNO RODSSMLLSEC@ER.CW$SL1A A[OROUNOSYSEMoNOUCTOSNOSNbUIB sru BE SECUREO hIIZNC ONLYNOilMf,ALK, &N4ONOICNVE W MIEDcwps,8@xtr N0 0n suprcRB,13. ffiENR6OIRED THE@MMfORSH&LENtrE THE SEfuICES OF N INGPENDENT5 (OHMS), A COFY OF NE COMPLfrE ETINGREffi SMI BE PRMO@ TO frE I.M[ENENMG@NDN(NftOUI@)3. molNDwrRESSiMSEnCONNECTJdS OF E GMND WIES TO BECrcUO RN6 SHM B€ ilOT8ERMIC(dr\l,#D), wLss ongRws NoED. ANDSMI BE INSALED 'N ACCOMNCE WHINSTAED IN A MKMAN{IG MNN'R INACCORDANCE WN MNUFAMreRSRECOMCNDATION5, AND DFINEO IN NFA-70 ANDGRdldre SHIL MMPLY Wft ffiCLE 2S OF!sffi UFAfr trRs RECOMilE@TONS dDT-MOBtrE W#ss BROMo $^€mogGROUNOre CSDUfr@S SHS tsE ROUEDAOrc BE SHMTffi ND gilCHTEST PATHrcSgBLE WHR REOUreO, CROUNO LWSSEL * ENI lO A MINIMIM OF A'MUg Docusign Envelope lD: 99F33OBA-3774-4A97-9428-A2D97FCC808DlF..Mobilg.lCsOTNORTN CREEK PARKWAY NORTHBOTHELL, WA 98011PNWffARKET OFFICEsafrLE.wA98115ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING2667CNINO DELRIO SOUTH. STE.?05sN otEco, cA92108lErsE04667AGARRISONPARI( PSE/McCLARY21036 lOOTH AVE SEKENT, WA 98031WOOD UTILIW POLESHEf, TITLEGROUNDINGDETAILSsHEf NUMEERG-2321SECTOR GROUND BARNEC1. PROVIDE NNX GRENE AT @NIAC' SURFACE EEilEEN LUG AND GROUNO B*GROUND ilS AT BOFOM OF TOffiRS OR MONOrcLES SHALL USE EXOIHERMICooooooooooooooooooooooMECHANICAL LUGEXOTHERMIC WELDING@lSTAINLESS STEE!. AILHARWA# & TO EE XCROUNOLlG F4'WASHE&LOCKWASHERAND N!I,2 COFPERSHED,ANTIOX CRBE PSC€ WHERE ALLOISSIMI* MftALS CONNECT.d_",-"""*"""",,"l-l rsEEraBcFoRsPElg iNbMdbEUg _ -*".,,".;"".u Y Nco^rsoBENost\\ICLARHSISHfrNKI{O@R'BUCXIATSHRINKOUTD@R)ERICO EXOCERMC'MOLO ME$ SHOh Hffi AE *MPLS. CONSILT WTH PROJECTswrq FoRsprctrrc volDsro BE -*oroFflrs RoJEC".RRNs]@TGm@\]@ry€\_\€r*ryPE VS\!!gs]@/\@hu4t-\Nt\6l<srftPE GYry@54NOT USEDCABLE GROUNDING1. M NOT INSTALL CSLE 6ROUND (II^T A SENO ANOAWAYSd$q fulND WRE DOWN IO OROUND N,2. GROINDINC KTIPE 3W BE f PROVED 9Y TMO PRIOR TO IN$AMNONMORrcME PPC WATtsERPROOFING@ANTENNAAND/OR GPS CABLECONNECTIONI8NOT USEDNOT USEDMAIN GROUND BARooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo@1, PROVIDEN@XGR*EAT@NTA6SURFACE AEMFN LUG NO CROUND&R2 CONTffiORWLLVERIWBUSSNGROUNDIM IO ThE IOffiR OR RING.3, qOUNDSTAIMIS OFTOWERSORrcrcPOLES $A[ USE UOIHERMIC121110USEDNOT USEDNOT USEDLANDLORD SIGNATURE Do@Sign Envelope lD: 99F33DBA-3774{A97-9428-A2D97FCC808DlF..Mobilg.19807NORTH CREEK PARKWAY NORTHBOTHELL, WA 98011RF.{9725 3M AVENUE NE, STE.41OSEANLE. WA 98 1 1 5ruuil[uruuy tlNusrorgaSHEET TITLERF DETAILSsE04667AGARRISONPARI( PSE/McCLARY21036 lOOTH AVE SEKENT, WA 98031WOOD UTILITY POLEruSrrlurulrt tDuurdruaARCHGqURE & EIGINEERING2667 CAMTNO OEL R10 SOUfr, ST€,205SAN DIEGO, CA92161RF DETAILSLANDLORD SIGNATURENTENNA SCHEDULE-FINAL CONFIGUMTION1, MENNA @rcE ANO MOUNTING TO BE FELO VERFIEO PRIORIO CONSIRICNON WFH FIML@g@@ANTENNAAND COry GENESL NOTES:1, AIANTENNAND6^!EdINSTALED BY @NRfiOR,2. (ACOLORCOOING:AffiNNNTOBEilUMEEREDINACL*KWISEMANNERFROM RlE NOtrN ND COLOR CODEO AS FNWS.Cd SHALL BE YreGEO WTN COLOR CODING AI (2) PUES USING f W*TAPE AT fr€ FOLLOWNC LOCATIONS. *1. AT AffiEMA6NE6ION. f . AI EMRY TO EOUIPfuENT SEINEI1? SUCX& i2'FROM EDGEOFEOUIPMEN1C€INSS. AMOSS WAVE GUIDE SRIDGE OF APPUCA8LE), UP IO TNER LEG OFmucBE), a o6nBfE To aMINIMIM OT O) CROUND Kt'S PEF COdhL CABLE ACCOROING IO ELECMIW6, ALCOdNCABLECONNTNONSIOBEWSfr€RPR@FEO.. &L COSA @!ES TO SE fuARKED WN @LOR CODED TAPS IOINDICAG IB€ AMENNA SECIOR.. @LOREO EIEfrRISL TAFE SIALL MARK EACH END OF CABLE ND 4tsENO OF JUMPERS 6 CLOSE rc ACH ENO 6 PO$I€LE. (NOT TOlMERFEtr Wfr @THERPROOFING,)9, COANLNE SPECIBATbNS RECUIRE NLE SUFOFTWERY 3{'ONCENTER CONruCTORSWLSUP*YSlPrcRCSREOUIREDTOMEFT8IS10. WRTIC{CONNECNdSSHALAETAPEOFROMftESOTOM!PSOOVERUPMOWS WAER AWAY FROM CONNEC1ON ISTEP S).SHRNK SHM gE $USA frTH ADNESVE.COAIAL SBLE WSTHERPROOFING Docusign Envelope lD: 99F33DBA-377+4A97-9428-A2D97FCC808DlF..l\ttrobils.1SO7 NOR'H CREEK PARKWAYNORTHAOTHELL, WA 98011Iechnolo gy f Assoclatet9725 3RDAVENUE NE. STE.41OSEAfrLE, WA 98 1 1 5ruEtrtrurugy t,su[rorEaARCHtrECTURE & ENGINEERING2667CS|NO DEL RTOSOWH STE.205sAN DTEGO. CA92108sE04667AGARRISONPARI( PSE/21McCLARY036 lOOTH AVE SEKENT, WA 98031WOOD UTILITY POLESHEN TtrLERF DIAGRAMRF.21RF DIAGRAMcp ts &stu d ffi s !ffiN: 3 MEo: dM020.LANDLORD SIGNATURE;4&msffi7A-^.&-5_SmI,ASeclim 3 - Proo6ed Tm9lsle loaqffN9.TEjJOSU AND EXFO GEAR CAN BE USED TO RSD WAVEIENGTH ON THE SFPS.LE. RIGIT@rtbs*1@sbFs#dr.l*ffiffi&1*tl*t(Srrwdtu*tuMrd"d7t7r, pi3c*,rttAHFI6A1Jt,9PCsLTE FDtrTDOliBcdGlrry?ooi6sqAHIOAt{clzo5G lirlcd.Confi Suration 567918_SR_U21' For 56 and LTE Airscale BB dim€nsioniog refer to Fib€r Port mairles.{Alphi!, 8et! & Gamrna}tnA{ tlr r UMIS r GsMloo - fabrnaBU (lt00l -5 MHrg7l {L6ao} -10 MHI87r {il6ff}} - lO MHztDo-Midt .xl84(u10ol-mMHr8l {tr90o} - l0 M}trs?5 (usool * 20 Mr{r855 (AWs3l - sMfltsRAll * GsM FCS/UMTsAWSmO - Bmd4l12.5- 60 MH![2.5 - l0O+80 MH!llcsl.oNAMESM1311 nm cwoM 10 km sMSFP+ loGBASE-LR 1331 nn CWOM 10 kn SMOSFP28 sM 10 km LctrEM CODE/SECTORIx1Ix1