HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW11-030 - Amendment - GEI Consultants, Inc. - SR 516 to S 231st Way Levee - 11/28/2011ecords M em KENT D ocument WASHINGTOil CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to city clerks office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact city clerk's office. Vend or Name: GEI Consultants, Inc Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Number: This is assigned bY CitY Clerk's O SR 516 to S. 23l't Wa v LeveeProject Name: Description: [J Interlocal Agreement E Other: I Change Order X Amendment E Contract Contract Effective Date: /'2s Date of the // Mavor's S to nature Terminatio n Date, L2/3t/t2 Contract Renewal Notice (DaYs): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manag er: Beth Tan Depa rtme nt: Enqineerinq Detaih (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): Provide supplemental enqineerin q services to support the CLOMR application for the project. S: Public\RecordsManagement\Forms\Contractcover\adcc7832 | 11/08 KENT WASHtNGToN AMENDMENT NO. 1 NAME OF CONSULTANT OR VENDOR: GEI Consultants' Inc' CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: SR 516 to S' 231"t Way Levee ORIGINAL AGREEMENT DATE: Februarv 18' 2O11 This Amendment is made between the City and the above-referenced Consultant or Vendor and amends the original Agreement and all prior Amendments. All other provisions of the original Agreement or prior Rmendments not inconsistent with this Amendment shall remain in full hrce ind effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, Consultant or Vendor's work is modified as follows: 1, Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, the Consultant or Vendor shall: provide supplemental engineering services to support tle CLOMR appiication for the project. For a description, see the Consultani's October 2O, 2011 Scope of Work which is attached as Exhibit A and incorporated by this reference' Z. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of COmpletion," and Section III, "Compensation," are modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, including applicable WSST $499,498.00 Net Change by Previous Amendments including applicable WSST $o Current Contract Amount including all previous amendments $499,498.00 Current Amendment Sum $15,172.00 Applicable WSST Tax on this Amendment $o Revised Contract Sum $514,670.00 AMENDMENT-1OF2 Original Time for ComPletion (insert date) l2t3illl Revised Time for ComPletion under prior Amendments (insert date) 0 Add'l Days Required (*) for this Amendment 366 calendar daYs Revised Time for ComPletion (insert date) 12t3ll12 The Consultant or Vendor accepts all requirements of this Amendment by signing below, by its signature waives any protest or claim it may have regarding this Amendment, and acknowledges and accepts that ttris Amendment constitutes full payment and final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Amendment, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home ofFice overhead, or lost profits' This Amendment, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Consultant or Vendor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original Agreement. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if anY)r and this Amendment, prior to the effective date of this Amendment, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if anY), and this Amendment shall be deemed to have aPPlied' The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this Amendment, which is binding on the parties of this contract. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Amendment, which will become effective on the last date written below. CITY OF KENT: Mavor DATE: By (signature) a Its CONSULTANT/VENDOR: ll au Print Name: DATE: Its By: APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's signature required) w DepartmentKent GEI - SR 516 - 231'r Way Levee Amd lrran AMENDMENT-2OF2 EXHIBIT A GEIH Geotechnical Environmcntal Water llesources Ecological October 20,201I Ms. Beth Tan, PE City of Kent Public Works Department 220FourthAvenue South Kent, WA 98032 RE: Dear Ms. Tan Supplemental Proposal for Engineering Services ClOfVln Application - SR 516 to S. 231't Way Levee Green River Right Bank River Mile 19.28 TO22,05 City of Kent, Washington We are pleased to submit this proposal for supplemental engineering services to supportthe CLOMR Application for the SR 5 I 6 to ^S. i3 t " Way Livee. Our proposed scope of work is based on our email correspondence with you on October 12,2011. Proposed Scope We understand that, based on the City's recent experience subrnitting CLOMR applications to FEMA, you anticipate multiple rounds of review comments. For budgeting purposes' you are anticipaiing three iounds of ieview comments. Until the comments are provided by FEMA, we do not know the nature or extent of the work that will be required to respond. In anticipation, we have made an assumption on the hours that will be required to respond to the comments. In addition, we will also provid'e a review of the City's Engineering Cost Estimate for the work shown on the 30% Design SuUmittat that was included in the aLOMR application. We will perform the work on a time and materials basis. our estimate of hours is provided in the table below: GEI Consultants, Inc. 1 80 Grand Avenue, Suite 1410, Oakland' CA 94612 510.350.2900 fa-x: 510.350.2900 Item Budget Expense Budget TotalStaffA. Pujol J.Nickerson K. DiRocco Grad'e 4 Professional Grade 2 Professional Labor Total Rate $229lltt $l7zlbt $127/I'tt $104/hr Cost Estimate Review Fr{ 4 8 24 t2 $6,588 $soo $7,088 FEMA Comment Response Round 1 t2 40 80 80 $28,108 $3,500 $31,608 FEMA Comment Response Round 2 8 t6 60 60 $18,444 $1,000 $19,444 FEMA Comment Response Round 3 4 8 40 40 $11,532 $500 $12,032 Total Cost 28 72 204 192 970,172 Amount Estimated to Remain on Existing Contract $55,000 Contract Amendment $15,172 www.geiconsultants. com ,.rl:) Ms. Beth Tan October 20,2011 Current Project Status We recently completed our FEMA Accreditation Report and understand the City has sent the CLOMR application to FEMA. Therefore, the scope of work under our existing contract is substantially complete. We expect to have approximately $55,000 remaining in our cunent budget once reproduction and other expenses are processed and recognized. Requested Budget Addition The remaining budget of approximately $55,000 will need to be supplemented with an additional $l1,l71to meet the proposed 570,172 budget for the work outlined in this letter' Accordingly, we are requesting a budget amendment of $75,172 to accomplish the scope outlined above. We propose to consolidate the remaining project budget with the requested addition and reallocate it to a new Task 10 - Response to FEMA comments. Time of Completion In follow up to our telephone conversation, we request that the time of completion be extended to December 3l,z1l2.It is understood that the FEMA review process will depend on FEMA's workload and other factors that are not within our control. GEI will continue to strive to respond to the City of Kent's needs on a timely basis. Other Terms and Conditions Our work will be performed in accordance the terms and conditions negotiated by the City of Kent and GEI Consultants, Inc. under our Consulting Services Agreement dated February 18, 2011. We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to working with you on this project. please call me at 510-350-2908 or Jim Nickersonat7Sl,-721-4023 with any questions. Sincerely, GEI CONSULTANTS,INC. Alberto Pujol, P.E. Vice President, Project Manager 2 DATE (HIVDD/YYYY) \t/27/2017 THIS CERTI FICATE s tssu ED A$A MATTER OF INFORMATION ON LY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS u PON THE CERTIF ICAT E HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND' E BELOW, THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER' XTEN D OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES A CONTRACT BETWEEN TH E ts SU ING lNs URER(Sl,,AUTHORIZED holder ls an AD the pollcy{ies) must en UBROCATION IS 9U the terms and condltlons of ihe pollcy, certatn policles may requlre an endorsement. A statement on thls cortlflcate does not confer rights to the oortillcate holder ln lleu of such PRODUCER Ames & Gough. Inc, 1-617-328-65s5 859 Wlllard strest sult€ 320 Qulncy. I'tA 02169 Ulchael H€rllhy iljPNfi ""', 517 - 3zB - 6sss INSURED CIEI ConeultEnts, fnc 180 Grand Avenus suite 1410 Oakland, cA 94612-301? lNguRERAr Travelers Casualty & gurety Co rNArpFpF' Traw€I€rs crflrialtv lNgtRERCr Travelers fn€urance Coropany lt'l INSURERD: CHARTIS 1M lNtllPER F ! lNstlRER F i GERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSUR^ANCE COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 24156e55 REVISION NUMBER: @ 1988-2009 ACORD C9RPORATION. All rlghts res€rved, HOLDE mgardlkae A?gFPrSu (2ooe/oe) INS'.ITA TYPE OF INSURANCE LIMITS A GENEML LIABILIrY x coro.tERclAL cwr,{s+IADE occuR AGGREGATE LII.IIT PER: x P5 3 07457A53 a 05/0r/t:05 /oLl72 EACH OCCURRENCE s 1,000,000 I 300,000 s 10, 000t,lEo EXP (Anvme p€rsfi) s 1r 000,000PERSOML &ADV INJURY GENERAL AOGREGATE s 2,000' 000 PRODUCTS. COI,(P/OP AGG S 2,000,000 $ B AUTO[tOEILE IIABILI]IY x ANYAUTO AtL OWNED AUTOS SCHEOULED AUTOS HIREDAUTOS NON.OWNEO AUTOS P810 -4 92?M8{7 05 IOL/ t"05/ or/ L2 COTIBINEO SIN€LE LIt,,IIT (Ea acdddt)9 1,000,000 EODILY INJURY (Por p€rsqn)$ BODILY INJURY (Psr ac{*dont}I PROPERTY DNdAGE (P€r acddent)! I I c x UiIBREItA IIAE EXCESS LI,AB X OCCUR cLAtlts-[(A0E eup 4484N{86 05/otl7:os/0L/12 EACH OCCURRENCE g 1,000r 000 x AGGREOATE s 1,000'ooo DEDUCTIBLE RETENTION S s s A WORKERg COMPEHSANON AHD EIIPLOYER9' I-IABILITY ANY PRO PRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTI VE OFFICER/IIEIIEER EXCLUDED? {tilandatory ln NH) lfyes, descfibo undor DESCRIPIION OF OPERATIONS b€IoTv N/A PSUB 1017A21A10 05/0L/71 05 / ot/ t2 v I WCSTAIU- I ^ I T^ow r rrrrYa I (,t H.FP E.L. EACH ACCIDENT S X'000'000 E.L. OIgEASE - EA ET,IPLOYET s 1,000,000 F I OISFASF - POLICY LIMIT s 1r000,000 l)PROFFS$ IONAL ITI'AIJ J'lrl.ir. l & CONTRACTORTS POLI'UTION coPs 17749026 u)l vtl L.05 | ut/ Lz PER CIrAIll AGCRBGATE 1,,00o,00{, 1,000? 0oo io lt roqulreu) Projss! #110550 sR 516 to S. 231gt wev Leves Citi of K€nt is LnqJ-uded as Addttional Inaured wlth reepect to General, Auto and tllnbrslla Llabllltty (Blanket Add Ins) e Severablllty of Interssb provlslon w111 apply. the fnsuranco coverage f,o! CUr and Auto shall be prlmary and non- oontrlbutory, SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WLL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WTH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. {h,4,-( fr4JA7 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE clty of KenE 220 Fourth Avenuo South Kent, WA 98032 usA The ACORD nams and logo are registered marks of ACORD Polioy P63074574538 The following ls added to SECTION ll - WHO lS AN INSURED: Any person or organlzation that you agreo ln a "written oonlract requiring insuranca" to lnclude as an addltlonalinsured on this Coverage Part, but: a. Only with respect to liabtlity for "bodlly lnjury", "property damage" or "porsonal lnjury"; and b. lf, and only to the extent that, the lnJury or damage is caused by acts or omisslons of you or your subcontractor in the performanco of "your worK' to which the "written contracl requirihg insurance" applies. The person or organizatlon does not quallfy as an additional insured with respeot to ihe lndependent acls or omlsslons of such person or organization' The lnsurance provided to such addltional lnsured ls limlted as follows: c. ln the event that the Limits of lnsurance of thls Coverage Part shown ln the Declarations exceed the tlmils of liability required by the "Mitten contract requiring insurance", the ln- surance provlded to the addltlonal insured shall be llmited to the limits of llability requlred by that "wrltten contract requiring insurance". This ondorsement shall not increase the limlts of insurance described in Sectlon lll - Limlts Of lnsurance d. This lnsurance does not apply to the render- lng of or failure to render any "professional services" or construction management errors or omlsslong, e. This lnsurance does not apply to "bodily in' jury" or "property damage" caused by "your worK' and included ln the "products- completed operations hazard" unless the "written contraot requiring insurance" speoifi- cally requires you to provide such ooverage for that addltlonal lnsured, and then the lnsur' ance provlded to the additional lnsured ap- C(),.,MERCIAL GENEML LIAB]LITY plles only to such "bodily injury" or "properly damage" that occurs beforo the end of the pe' rlod of lime for whlch the "Mltten contrac{ re- quiring insurance" requires you to provide such coverage orthe end ofthe policy porlod, whichever is earlier. 2. The followlng is added to Paragraph 4.a' of SEC- TION IV. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILIW GONDITIONS: The lnsurance provided to the additional insured ls excess over any valid and collectlble "other ln- surance", whether primary, excess, contlngent or on any other basis, that is available to the addl' tional lnsured for a loss we oover, However, if you speciflcally agree in ths "wiltten conlract requlrlng lnsurance" that this insurance provlded to lhe ad' dltlonal insured under this Coverage Part must apply on a pdmary basis or a primary and non- contrlbutory basis, thls lnsurance is prlmary lo "oth€r insurance" available to the additional ln' sured whlch covers that person or organlzation as a named insured for such loss, and we will not share wlth that "other lnsuranoe". But thls lnsur' ance provided to the additional lnsured still is ex- cess ov€r any valid and collecllble "other insur- ance", whether prlmary, excess' oontingent or on any other basis, that ls avallable to the addlllonal lnsured when that person or organization is an addltlonal lnsured under. any "other lnsurance". 3. The following ls added to SECTION lV - COM- MERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY GONDITION$: Duties Of An Additlonal lnsured As a condition of coverage provided to the addl' tlonal lnsured: a. The addltlonal insured must give us wrltten notice as soon as practicable of an "oocur' rence" or an offsnse whlch may result ln a claim, To the extent possible, such nolice should lnclude: THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED - WRITTEN CoNTRACTS (ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS) Thls endorsement modifies lnsurince provided underthe followlng: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART 1 cG D4 {4 04 08 @ zooe tne Travelers Companles, lnc.Page 1 of2 D- .\F - QOMMERCIAL GENEML LlAh..*r'W i. How when and where lhe 'loccurrence" or offense took place; ii. The names and addresses of any injured persons and wilnesses; and iii. The nature and location of any inJury or damage arlslng out of the noccurrence" or offense. b. lf a claim is made or "suit" is brought agalnst the additional insured, the addltlonal insured must: i, lmmediately record the specilics of lhe clelm or "suit" and the date recelved; and ii. Notlff us as soon as practicable. The additlonal lnsured must see to it that we recelve written notice of lhe clalm or'Suit" as soon as practicable. c. The additional lnsured must iinmediately send us copies of all legal papers received ln con- noction with the claim or "sult", coop€rate with us. in the investlgation or selllement of lhe clalm or defense against the "suit", and oth- erwiss oomply with all policy oonditlons, d. The addltional insured must tender the de- fense and indomnity of any claim or "sult" to any provlder of other insurance which would cover lhe addltlonal insured for a loss we cover. However, thls condltlon does not affect whelher this lnsurance provided to the addl- llonal lnsured is prlmary to that other lnsur- ance avallable to the additlonal insured whlch covers that person or organlzatlon as a named insured. 4. The following ls added to iho DEFINITIONS Seo. tionr 'Written contract requidng insurance" means that part of any wdtlen conlraot or agre€ment under which you aro tequired lo include a person or or- ganization as an additional insured on this Cover- age Parl, provlded that the "bodily lnJury" and "property damage" occurs and the npelsonal in- jury" is caused by an offense cornmltted; a. After the signing and executlon of the oonlract or agreement by you; b. Whlle that part of the contract or agreement is in effect; and c, Before the end of the policy period. 000863 Page2of 2 @ 2008 The travelero Companles, lno,cc D4,14 04 08 REQUEST FOR MAYOR',S STGNATURE Please Fill in AllApplicable Boxes K"F.lqf This form mast be prinfed on che rry paper Routing lnformation (ALL REQUESTS MUST FIRST BE ROUTED THROUGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT) Brief Explanation of Document: The attached Amendment No. 1 to the sR 516 to s. 231st Way Levee agreement is necessary so GEI consultants can provide supplemental engineering services to support the CLOMR application for the project. For an explanation, see the attached from Mike Mactutis' -frECEiVHIi l,j il 'j ii .;All Contracts Must Be Routed Through the Law Department Shaded Areas fo Be Completed hy Administration Staff Originator: Beth Tan Phone (Originator): 5s52 Date Sent: , t/aa/tt Date Required: ttf%/tt Return Signed Document to: Nancy Yoshitake CONTRACT TERMINATION DATE: 12t31 t 12 VENDOR NAME: GElConsultants, lnc'DATE OF COUNCII APPROVAL: 11t15t11 rylhllot'^- (This Area to be Completed By the Law Department) ffiffiffiffifwffi I ruOu g ft 20fi ${rtrfv*t ir.\Il.Lt t-' tiiit 616ut" {-":ifice cf ihe if1ij,i,,/i,ii Received: Approval of Law Dept.: Law Dept. Comments: I}(tttDate Forwarded to MaYor Received: lage58Z0-templatebase' 2/07