HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW11-030 - Amendment - #6 - GEI Consultants, Inc. - SR 516 to S 231st Way Levee - 12/16/2015.t ecords M em KENT Documen sc,A]\iN-ED Date ZI WASHINOTOX CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Cterks Offiie. All portions are t9 be completed. If you hane questions, please contact city clerk's office. Vendor Name: GEI Consu Itants Inc. Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number PWII -hb\ - 00 1Contract Number: This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name:SR 516 to S. 23 1tt Wav Levee Description: n Interlocal Agreement n change order x Amendment n contract fl Other: Contract Effective Date t 12/L6/L5 Termination Date: L2/3 Llt6 Contract Renewal Notice (DaYs): Number of days required notice for termination or renewa I or amendment Contract Manag er: Toby Hallock Depa rtmentl Eng ineerinq Contract Amount: $O.OO Approval AuthoritYr (CIRCLE ONE)Mayor CitY Council Detail: (i,e. address, location' P arcel number, tax id, etc.): Department Director Extend the time of com etion to December 31 2016 to a llow time to make necessa updates to accre As ofi 0a/27/L4 ita on reports a fter construction is comP ete. KENT WASHtNGToN AMENDMENT NO. 6 NAME OF CONSULTANT OR VENDOR: CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER ORIGINAL AGREEMENT DATE : GEI Consultants, Inc' SR 516 to S. 231"t WaY Levee Februarv 18' 2O11 This Amendment is made between the city and the above-referenced consultant or Vendor and amends the original Agreement and all prior Amendments' All other provisions of the original Agreement or prior Amendments not inconsistent with this Amendment shall remain in full force and effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, Consultant or Vendor's work is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any priorAmendments,theConsultantorVendorshall: The scope of work remains the same, however an amendment is needed to extend the time of completion to December 31' 201.6 to allow time to make necessary updates to accreditation reports after construction is complete 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation ," are modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, including applicable WSST $499,498.00 Net Change bY Previous Ame ndments including apPlicable WSST $15,172.00 Current Contract Amount including all previous amendments $514,670.00 Current Amendment Sum $o Applicable Amendment WSST Tax on this $o Revised Contract Sum $514,670.00 AMENDMENT-1OF2 Original Time for ComPletion (insert date) 12t3U15Revised Time for ComPletion un der prior Amendments (insert date) Add'l Days Required Amendment (*) for this 366 calendar daYs Revised Time for ComPletion (insert date) t2t3Ll16 The consultant or vendor accepts all requirements of this Amendment by signing below, by its signature waives any protest or claim it may have regarding this Amendment, and acknowledges and accepts that this Amendment constitutes full payment and final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Amendment, includinj, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home oiii.e overhead, or lost profits' This Amendment, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Consultant or Vendor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original Agreement. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if anY)r and this Amendment, prior to the effective date of this nmendment, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if anY), and this Amendment shall be deemed to have aPPlied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this Amendment, which is binding on the parties of this contract' IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Amendment, which will become effective on the last date written below' 12l3lllr CITY OF KENT: B Print Name : Tim I P. E.v J. LaPorte, DATE: (signature) coNSULTANT/VENDOR: DATE: I 7 By: I Print Na APPROVED AS TO FORMI (appticabte if Mayor's signature required) Kent Law DePartment GEI - sR 516 - 23l"tLevee Amd 6/Hallock AMENDMENT-2OF2 GEICONS.Ol KPAWLOWSKI--ACORD" \e"CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE ,IS CERTIFICA TE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS (.;ERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BYTHE POLIGIES BELOW, THIS CERTIFICA TE OF INSUR,ANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTA TIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER' CERTIFICATE NUMBER:REVISION NUMBER: DATE (MM/DD/YYYY} 3t6t2015 certificate holder in lieu of such e 328-5888 h.com NAIC f INSURED INSURER F; COVERAGEIN 9445 totfROGASUBtsTIONWAIVED,ubjectbemustdorsed.enLSUNthetsADDanITIONARED,icypol (es)holdercertificatetftheANT:RTIMPO thedoesconfernottoentthiscertificaterightsendorsement.statemAliciesreanofthecertainrequiancondditionspomaythetermspolicy, Continental Casua Com AIG S n Pawlowski 328-6555 National Union Fire lnsurance Company of Pittsburgh' lnsurance C PRODUCER Ames & Gough 859 Willard Street Suite 320 Quincy, MA 02169 GEI Consultants, lnc 180 Grand Ave Oakland, CA94612 COVERAGES ERTAI MAY THFOR POLICYE ERP toDINSUREDEEDNAMABOVEBEENHAVETOISSUEDTHBELOWLISTEDETTHAPOLITHEOFCIESSURANCINISTHISCETORTIFYWHTOTHIStcHDOCUERWTHMENTRESPECTORCONTMCTOTHORTERMONDcoITIONANYFREOUIREMENTANYSTANDINNOTWTHTED.DICAIN THEISTOSUBJECTALL TERMS,POLtCt DESCRIBEDES HEREINFOAFBYRDEDTHETHERANCENSUMAYPMATEEESSUoDRFICAERTIcDNBEEPAICLAIMSDBYREDUCESHOWNLIMITSHAVEOFPOLICUCHES.USEXCL ANDIONS CONDITIONS LIMITSNUMBERTYPE OF INSURANCE EACH OCCURRENCE 1,000, 300, 15,MED EXP one 1,000$PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $2,000GENERAL AGGREGATE 2,000$PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ o3tut2a160310112015046470X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: X CLAII\4S-MADE OCCUR POLICY OTHER: tF& lXlr-o" $1 $BODILY INJURY (Per Person)X $BODILY INJURY (Per accidenl) $X $ 03t0112015 03/01i 201 67 A A AUTOMOBILE LIABILIry ANY AUTO ALL OVVI.IED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS NON.O\\4!ED AUTOS 1$EACH OCCURRENCEx 1$AGGREGATE OCCUR CLAIMS-MADE UMBRELLA LIAB EXCESS LIAB $ 0310112016o3t01t2015I 3961 37 0 B DED X X 1,000,$E.L. EACH ACCIDENT 1,000,$E.L. DISEASE - EA 1 03t01t2016 POLICY LIMIT 03/01 /201 5 NIAA WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEIVIBER EXCLUDED?N below Ntn H) describe 03101120'16 a3t0112016 1,000,0 Per Claim gregate 1,00003t01t2015 03/01 /201 5 7788026 7788026 c c rof. Liability DESCRTPT'ON OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Rematks schedule, may be All Coverages are in accordance with the policy terms and conditions' Project #1 10550 SR 516 to S. 231st Way Levee city of Kent is included as Additional lnsured with respect to General, Auto and umbrella Liabillity (Blanket Add lns), where required by wriften contract' General Liability policcy inlcudes cross Liability clause & Severability of lnterest provisions. lnsurance (excluding Professional Liability and worker's Compensation) is primary and non-contributory. attached if more 6pace is required) CERTIFICATE HO CANCELLA @ 1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All City of Kent 20 Fourth Avenue South Kent, wA 98032 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE GANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE titL;.t;.".( lt,{i/.; ACORD 25 (2014t01l.The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD rights reserved. ENDOBSEMENT Thls endorsoment, effsctlve 12:01 A.M' 03/0112015 forrns a Part of policy No. 7046470 issued to GE I C0t'l$ULTAt{Tg, lHC. bvNATI0HAL UNl0tl FIRE INSURANCE C0l'lPAilY 0F PITTSBURSH, PA THI$ ENDOR$EMENT CHAf{GES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CARSFULLY ADDITIONAL IITSUBEP- OWNERS, LESSEES, OR CONTRACTORS. COMFLETED OFERATIONS This endorsement modllies insurance provldad under tha follow[ng: COMMERCIAT GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE FONM SCHEDULE NAME oF ADDTTIONAL INSURED PEffSON OR OROAI,I|ZATION: ANy PERS0N 0R 0R0AN|ZATi0N WH0H YOU BECoHE 0BLIGATED T0 INC|UDE 49 4t1 NUNITiOI'IAL INSURED AS A RESULT OF AHY CONTfiACT OR AOREEHEHT YOU HAVE Ei{TERED INTO. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF COMPLETED OPEftATIONS: PER THE CONTRACT OR ASREEI{ENT. ,ADDITIONAL PREMIUMI (lf No enrry appeats above, lnformatlon roqulred to cornplete this endorsement wlll be ehown in the Declaretions as applicable to the endorsement,) SECTION ll " WHO lS AN INSUHED is amended to lnclude as an lnsured; Tha person or organizatlan shown ln tho Schedule, but only with r€spect to llabillty srlsing out of "your work" at the locatlon deslgnated anrl described In the sclredule of this endorsement porformecl for tlrat arJdttional inaured and lncludscl ln the "products-comploted operations hazard". Al[ other terms and conditions remain unchanged. olr Where lncludes copyrlghtod lnourance Servlcsa Offlco, lnc material I 1: i' I il l t; .i ,. t: a I i ii 97837 t4/08), wlth lts potmisslon,Page 1 of 1 ) EftJDOffSEMENT This endorsement, effective 12:01 A.M. 03/0112015 tornrr a part of pollcy No, 1046470 issued to GEI C0NSULTANTS, 'NC, by NATI0NAL UNl0li FiRE IHSURANCE c0llPAllY 0F PITTSBURGH, PA THIS ENDOR$EMENT CHAIUGES THI POLI6Y, PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDIflOTUAL IN$URED" OWNERS, LESSEES, OR CONTRACTORS. $CHEDULED FERSON OR ORGANIZATION Thls endorsement modlfies lnsurance provided unrler the foltowlng; COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIAEILITY COVERAGE FORM $CHEDULE NAME OF PERSOru 0B ORGANIZATIONT ANY PERSOH OR ORGAIIIZATION I,JHOH YOU BECOHE OBLIGATED TO INC AODITIOIIAL IN$URED AS A RE8ULT OF Ail}Y CONTRACT OR AGREEMEI{T ENTERED INTO, LUDE YOU AS AN HAVE (lf no entry appeBts abovo" information required to complste this endorsement wlll be shown in the Declarations as appllcable to the endorsament.I A, SECTION ll "WflO lS AN INSURED is srnondad to include oe an lnsuredi The person qr organizatlon shown ln the schedule, but only with r6sp6ct to llablllty arlsing out of your ohgolng oporations performed for that addltional lnsured. a, Wlth respect to tho lnsurance afforda<i to these additional insureds, SECTION I - COVERAGE$, COVEfiAGE A . BODILY INJURY AND FROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY, 2. . Excluslons, ls amended to include the following sdditlonsl exclusion; This lnsuranso does not opply to "bodily injury" or "property damoge" occurrlng a{ter: f1l all work, includlng materials, parts or equlpmant furnished in connsction with such work, on the projoct (oth€r thsn servlce, mdintenance or repalrs) to be perforrned by or on behalf of the addltional insured(s) at tha slte of the covsred opstations has bssn cornpleted; or, {2} that pottion of "your work" out of which th€ injury or damoge arisos has b6er1 put to its intended use by sny pereon or organlzatlon othor than another contrBctor or subcontractor engaged ln performing cperatlons for a prlnclpat as a part of tho samo project. All other terms and conditions remaln unchunged. AtLfi^^ftvffuthorlzed Rabresentative or f3fii?1""li'St"tturo {ln states where lncludos lnstrlanco Sorvioos copyrlgbtsd malerlal of Oilice, lnc., wlth its porrnlsoion. I i. it il iti L : t: e7838 {4/OB)Page 1 of 1