HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2021-293 - Original - Marquee on Meeker LLC & The Back Nine at Ethos LLC - Amendment to Plat Easements - 6/22/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management - This form iombines & replaces tne Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract CoveI Sheet torms' (Print on pink or cheny colored paper)waaHrioroN E oLo. CL Originator: Amy Waters Department: ECD Date Sent: 06116t2021 Date Required: 0612112021 Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee El MaYor Date of Council APProval: Budget Account Number: Budset? EYes ElNo Grant? E Yes El No Type: co ,aJo ELo E Ptro Eool- EN Vendor Name: The Back Nine at Ethos LLC Category: Trail Easement Vendor Number:Sub-CategorY: Projecl Name: Ethos Project Details Trail Easement Agreernent Amount: Start Date: Basis for Selection of Contractor: Iermination Date: Local Business? EYes El No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.:|00, please complete'vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on cityspace' Notice requiled prior to disclosure? ElYes ENo Contract Ntimber ?-ozl- 2 RtrGtrilVtrD JUN I 7 Z02l KENT LAW DEPT. Date Comments: NEED MAYOR SIGNATURE PLEASE HAVE LEGAL REVIEW AND THEN SEND TO MAYOR. AFTER COMPLETION EMAIL ME IT IS COMPLETE AND SEND BACK THROUGH INTEROFFICE MAIL THANK YOU -AMY WATERS b {>vl*\Date Routed to Office: ultr Pa\.oa*'teot=Ei IEc .9t1 Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office O b 22 I d(TJ22'/l-r &Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements WI{EN RECORDED RETURi\ TO: Fikso Kretschmer Smith Dixon Ormseth PS Attn: Thomas W. Read 901Fifth Avenue, Suite 4000 Seattle WA 98164 Document Title: AMENDMENT TO PLAT EASEMENTS Grantor:1. MARQUEE ON MEEKER LLC 2. THE BACK NINE AT ETHOS LLC Grantee: The Public Legal Description: Abbreviated Legal Description: Kent SP, Lt 1-4, AFN 20180321900004 Full Legal Description: See Exhibit A-2 and Exhibit B-2 attached. Assessor's Tax Parcel Nos.: 232204-9093-02;232204-9094-01;232204-9095-00 23220 4 -9 09 6 -09 ; 232204 -901 1 - 0 1 Recording No. of Documents Amended: Kent Short Plat No. 20180321900004 AMENDMENT TO PLAT EASEMENTS This Amendment to Plat Easements (the "Amendment") is made by MARQUEE ON MEEKER LLC, a Washington limited liability company, and THE BACK NINE AT ETHOS LLC, aWashington limitedliability company (together, "Grantor"), to and for the benefit of The Public ("Grantee"). The Riverbend Short Plat No. SP-2017-1 KIVA #APP2-2174382 dated as of March 6, 2018, and recorded under King County recording number 20180321900004 (the "Plat"), is hereby modified as follows: 1.Private Ingress and Egress Easement Amendment. The area of the private lngless and egress easement depicted on the referenced Kent Short Plat recorded under King County recording number 20180402000938 is modified to cover the area depicted on attached t A-1^which modified area is legally described on attached Exhibit A-2 2. public Trail Access Easement Amendment. The location of the Public Trail Access Easement, which is described on the referenced Kent Short Plat recorded under King County recording number 20180402000938 is modified to cover the area depicted on attached r,xhlbit g-t, which modified area is legally described on attached Exhibit B-2. 3. Entire Agreementl Counterparts. Except as modified by this Amendment, all terms and conditions of the plat remain unchanged and in fulI force and effect. In case of a conflict between the terms of this Amendment and the tirms of the Plat, the terms ofthis Amendment shall control. This Amendment may be executed and recorded in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which, when taken together, shall constitute one and the same instrument. [signatures on following Page] 2 DATED:2021. GRANTOR: MARQUEE ON MEEKER LLC, A Washington limited liability company By: The Links LLC, a liability company Brett Manager THE BACK T ETHOS LLC, A Washington limited liability company By Missing Links LLC, a liability company its Manager ACCEPTED BY OF KENT: CITY OF KENT, A Washington municipal corporation By Name: Dana Ralph Its: Mayor 3 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. cor-rNTY OF KING ) On this \\-th day of 202I, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared Brett Jacobsen,known to me to be the Manager of The Missing Links LLC, the Manager of MARQUEE ON MEEKER LLC,the limited liability company that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said limited liabilitY company, for the purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument. I certifu that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the person appearing before me and making this aclnowledgment is the person whose true signature appears on this document. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in the certificate above written. Signature (|,rthntt L!4 h v\anJ l) Print Name NOTARY PUBLIC in and forthe State of Washington, residing at 24 ,$-' llctev"rg WJe VnO%,TaOv'4 a My commission expire" t I LO lZvt-{ hJ N' elWW Crislina Lee Rolanclo Notary public 4 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. CO{.]NTY OF KING ) on this \S ouy Public in and foilh" stut" of of 202l,before me, the undersigned, a Notary duly commissioned and swom personally appeared Brett Jacobsen, known to me to be the Manager of The Missing Links LLC, the Manager of THE BACK NINE AT ETHOS LLC, thE limited liability company that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said limited liabilitY company, for the Pu{Poses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the person appearing before me and making this acknowledgment is the person whose true signature appears on this document' WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the in the certificate above wntten. Sisnature [n'*Y1a l4-Q'u\a PrintName NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of washington, residing at 24 V--. [eluf t l4te '* ftft,TatD M A tvty commission expires "t / 2D /'LO7-1 hJ * q%1ot ndv Le€Robnd0 lb8yPublF 5 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF On this of 202I, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, dulY commissioned and sworn personally appeared Dana Ralph,known to me to be the Mayor of the CITY OF KENT'a Washington municipal corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed ofsaid corporation, for the purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that she was authorized to execute said instrument. I certif,i that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the person appearing before me and making this aclnowledgment is the person whose true signature appears on this document. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in the certificate above written. rttt 0A Signature {0,^rOto Print Name NOTARY PUBLIC in and Washington, residing at My commission exPires State of ,ttttoFw It 6 EXIIIBIT A-1 DEPICTION OF MODIFIED PRIVATE INGRESS AND EGRESS EASEMENT s 24V$?t. g, && H,s 6g x il 2a1l2y r 6qt h f; € * IJ I * g z, no() H& u7 *, t*oJ ciz *>-* fi,fiul-qt= $tF * v1i41 * i*'** *. 2lll* * v* **&*gt T8FbISrA =tr wnwn L*tt *F,4. c,t 24X x Lirt 4 I ?tw I I q I I l*..(r} trv lJ.l tIJt *{t}tff = ec TL r0F2 177st & ?, Fret*1 nfiE!6 flF bH*E Eef"-? -uZ 211 -----J ns-lc/PwATE sittsahillilcnEs8, EffiSg EAgEilENT Oi.l 2, KEirT g{Ofrr Pl-f;r |ffi lfi EC. r 2oltqlaeom4 --r'd | *.- m!- | r-€ FP '7 2ff 2 ITnn vs,?lwr *xE T&^tE ut4r *€t&t**t**r*E SEES{EETIG2FOR THE EASEilF{T EXHISIT AMENDED TS.JCIPHi'ATE sitbahillrsnEllx Ecf,E8B EABETCilT Ofl LOT 2, XEilT S{O T FLAT ffi5 lF{t €ad I Ed E!* | aF -E #&vt l**ts. a*v€.*e&**gr4*tH *€LT'& J.{w.#3"V2'*7fi*'# '\4 2*.#c*,7*"4373'*€ tt w"w'31.3$&g&'*e* **2*.*3t.*€s*W# f(2*&.***.W 1*8tg *6 237"#4*"9''t*zg'# {^7 ?57.#**-*trLre€ffi" t 8 EXHIBIT A.2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION &;G***A* L*T *,?\J*L!C **l* ?*rv*Te ,x**E**, g*rc*** E h ES*Bfr? ew*ft***.e*xe?*&v*a?{t *€r1t*r|*r,a&?&* ?e4**,}?ek*****7aev tx&*E*&,t8*z***'4774€?47 ** ***w4 ry4 L*T z ry € **:i *x, et; ;r*t sit*t *z*z *azs**w* $? *&11 -,. &***e*4* *t'ft*r, 7., ';e&'zor.;*tt€xtta**1ry*w'Q *e4***ztaqxue.*ezx2*.ffi1w,re3**'t4*a &*?*"L*v4&: *g&?r4*t?& ?'t ZH*. A4*:r?4*4€ 7 **e*Z*' *f *&t* L*7 2; T'*t&g' 9&37.'1 24" 1?29 €A*"{ " &Z&1* VxE v&?tt Ltxe# a&t*r*T.11'&ar*Ezi*we*g'sz*&*zra**zr*tzra*txa&,1t&1et***Z**,***gs* ?*gevt&4 *? Ttlt&**xi&',7tex*z-**gtz*tzszxd *AsT't124"1?'2? *?"97:?€re?Z€t T*74* **u€?*t&&v****.aery; b-t*{,7?4€r<*€X**Zz*e;*32"{,?.€T"t&*s*z**€exttnfte€*&t* t*z.*v.?*?e€tv*Tv*{*&$}t*8.e*€ ax*u:zara*€* #'ev><* *9*w3*t}rew'*&4*?'1tc'v*tt4e ?&"r?*A*€,*e*z*zztV#€|6r1'tzoaz**ae*};t4*ftzrez*"eg*r*&*7''t*r?u,eEeLffi KResE AL*?t**&t**t8..s8,z?4ft*e&t4&*EW*&A*&*'&r"#*4iq'*,*x*a*q$;Auea cf 3:?F?ffi; zt4e?&C?*&"7**42'3T *?#t"e.&ts{r't *<eai*&rx*gtZ*'Sd€*7.2*.&v7*: l4Cy?Z *. 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Tftfrr}# t8& 1 inelr : lOO ft. AMENDED 2O.OO FOOT PUEI-IC TRAIL EA,SEMENT, KENT SI-IOffT PI.AT UIIDER sittsshill c{l lffi l.itd REC. {r 20190349000@l 10 EXHIBIT B-2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Ail,IENDED 2O.OO FOOT PUBLIC TRAIL ACCESS EASEMENT A 2O.OO FOOT WDE PUBLIC TRAIL ACCESS EASEMENT VWICH AMENDS AND SUPERCEDES THAT 2O.OO FOOT WIDE PUBLIC TRAIL ACCESS EASEMENT SHOWN ON THAT CITY OF KENT SHORT PLAT NUMBER SP-2017-1, RECORDED MARCH 21'2018 UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMSER 20180321900004, LOCATED WTHIN LOTS 1 THROUGH 4INCLUSIVE, AND LYING 10 OO FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWNG DESCRIBED CENTERLINE: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 2, OF SAID CITY OF KENT SHORT PLAT NUMBER SP.2O17-1, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 20180321900004; THENCE SOUTH 65"42'37" \A/EST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2, A DISTANCE OF 70 66 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 24"1g:24" EAST, 92,48 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 69"24'02. EAST, 83.81 FEET; THENCE souTH 23"38',17" EAST, 24.42FlE'r, THENCE SOUTH 21o15'40" wEsT' 77.75 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 112.50 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE EAST; THENCE COUNTER.CLOCKWSE ALONG SAID CURVE. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 61'14'16". AN ARC LENGTH AF QCI.24 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 39'58'36" EAST' 272"78 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 1 OF SAID SHORT PLAT AT A POINT SOUTH 51"10'12" WEST 9 13 FEET OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER THEREOF' AND THE TERMINUS THE SIDELINES OF SAID EASEMENT SHALL BEGIN ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2, AND SHALL TERMINATE ON THE SOUTH LINES OF SAID LOTS 1 AND 4. GARY D. LITZRING, PLS RTGISTRATION NO, 38013 5ITT5 & HILL ENGINEERS 4815 CENTER STREET, TACOMA, WA 98409 PROiECT NO. 17791 I ll