HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD10-100 - Original - Seattle Police Department - Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program 2009-SB-B9-0769 - 03/01/2009ecords M em
This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission
to City Cterks Office. All portions are to be completed.
If you have questions, please contact city clerk's office.
Vendor Name: Justice Assistance Grant (JAG ) Proqram (Seattle Police De part ment)
Vendor Numberl
JD Edwards Number
Gontract Numberl tPOtc- lca
This is assigned by City Clerk's Office
Project Name:Edw ard Bvrne Memorial Grant Award
Descriptionl n Interlocal Agreement n Change Order n Amendment ! Contract
X Other: Interag ency Agreement
Contract Effective Date: LLl9/2009 te rmination Date: 2/28/2OI3
Contract Renewal Notice (DaYs):
Number of days required notice for t ermination or renewal or amendment
Contract Manager : Debra LeRo Depart ment: Police Dept.
Detail: (i.e, address, tocation, parcel number, tax id' etc.)l
cM 8/tB/2009
S: Publlc\RecordsManagement\Forms\contractcover\adcc7832 | tI/08
Interagency Agreement
BJA FY 09 Recovery Act: Edward Byrne Memorial
Justice Assistance Gront Program Local Solicitation
Executed by
Seattle Police Department (SPD), a department of the
City of Seattle, hereinafter referred to as "SPD",
Department Authorized Representative : Diane P ilon
610 5th Avenue
PO Box 34986
Seattle, WA 98124 -495;'6
City of Kent, hereinafter referred to as "Recipient",
Department Authorized Representative : Debra LeRoy
22A 4thAve S
Kent, WA 98032
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement by havingtheir
representatives affix their signatures below'
Q.s \/v
rt{t {o t
Diaz,Interim of Police
Authorized by:
Grant Program: Edward Byne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program
WHEREAS, the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program funded under the Recoveqy Act is the
primary provider of federal criminal justice funding to state and local jurisdictions; and
WHEREAS, *re JAG Program fiurded under the Recovery Act supports all components of the
criminal justice system, from multi-jurisdictional drug and gang task forces to crime
prevention and domestic violence programs, courts, corrections, treatment, and justice
information sharing initiatives; and
WHEREAS, the United States Congress authorized $1,970,933,000 in the Justice Assistance Grant
(JAG) Program part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ("ARRA");
WHEREAS, 18 jurisdictions in King County were required to apply for an ARRA JAG Program
award with a single, joint application; and
WHEREAS, the City, as the identified Fiscal Agent, submitted the joint application to the Bureau of
Justice Assistance on May 18, 2009 to request JAG Program funds; and
WHEREAS, based on the Crty's successful application, the Bureau of Justice Assistance has
awarded $4,882,208 to the City from these JAG Program funds; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms of the grant whereby the City, as the identified Fiscal Agent for
this award, is to distribute grant f,rnds to co-applicants, the City intends to transfer some of
the ARRA funds it receives to those co-applicants; and
WHEREAS, the City is not obligated to continue or maintain ARRA grant funding levels for the
JAG Program once ARRA grant funds have lapsed; and
WHEREAS, recipients of ARRA funds fromthe City should not anticipate the City will assume
responsibility for any program costs funded by ARRA once ARRA funds are spent;
NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows
This Interagency Agteement contains six Articles:
The term of this Interagency Agreement shall be in effect from the date it is executed by the SPD
Chief of Police, or designee, until February 28,2013 unless terminated earlier pursuant to the
provisions hereof.
The services to be performed under this Agreement shall be conducted for the stated purposes of the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5) (the "Recovery Act") and by 42
U.S.C. 3751(a). The stated purposes of the Recovery Act are: to preserve and create jobs and
promote economic recovery; to assist those most impacted by the recession; to provide investments
needed to increase economic efficiency by spurring technological advances in science and health; to
Page2 of 144
invest in transportation, environmental protection, and other infrastructure that will provide long-
term economii benefits; and to stabilize State and local govemment budgets, in order to minimize
and avoid reductions in essential services and counterproductive State and local tax increases.
I . Funds are provided by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of
Justice Assistance solely for the purpose of furthering the stated objectives of the American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The Recipient shall use the funds to perform tasks as
described in the Scope of Work portion of this Agreement'
2. The Recipient acknowledges that because this Agreement involves federal funding, the
period of performance described herein will likely begin prior to the availability of
appropriuied federal funds. The Recipient agrees that it will not hold the Seattle Police
Department, the City of Seattle, or the Department of Justice liable for any damages, claim
foireimbursement, or any type of payment whatsoever for services performed under this
Agreement prior to the distribution and availability of federal funds.
3. The Recipient shall comply with all conditions and limitations set forth in the FY 2009
Recovery Act Justice Assistance Grant Program Award #: 2009-SB-89-0769.
The FY 2009 Recovery Act Justice Assistance Grant Program Award Report #: 2009-SB-
p;9-0769 is attached toand made part of this agreement, as Attachment A. Allocation and
use of grant funding must be in accordance with all speciai conditions included in the Award
Report. ell Recipierits are assumed to have read, understood, and accepted the Award
Report as binding.
4. The Recipient acknowledges that all allocations and use of funds undel this agreemerrt will
be in accordance with the Recovery Act: Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant
(JAG) Formula Program: Local Solicitation
ittttp'l***.ojp.usJoj.gov/BJA/recoveryJAG/JAGrecoverylocal.pdf;. Allocation and use of
gtunt funding must be coordinated with the goals and objectives ineluded in the Local
Solicitation. All Recipiettir ar" assumed to have read, understood, and accepted the Local
Solicitation as binding.
5. Recipient agrees to obtain a valid DUNS profile and create an active registration with the
Cenhal Conhactor Registration (CCR) database no later than the due date of the Recipient's
first quarterly report after a subaward is made.
6. The Recipient shall comply with ali applicable laws, regulations, and program guidance. A
non-exhaustive list of regulations cofirmonly applicable to BJA grants are listed below,
including the guidance:
qel administrative Requirements: OMB C.ircular A-102, State and Local Governments
(lO/7/94, amended 8/29107) (44CFR Part 13)
(B) Cost Principles: OMB Circular A-87, State and Local Govemments (5110104)
Page 3 of144
(C) Audit Requirements: OMC Circular A-133, Audits of State, Local Governments,
and Non-Profit Organizations (6124/97, includes revisions in the Federal Register
(D) The Recipient must comply with the most recent version of the Administuative
Requirements, Cost Principals, and Audit Requirements.
1) Non-Federal entities that expend $500,000 or more in one fiscai year in Federal
awards shall have a single or program-specific audit conducted for that year in
accordance with the Office of Managernent and Budget (OMB) Circular A-
l33-Audi.ts of States, Local Governments, and non-Profit Organizations. Non-
federal entities that spend less than $500,000 a year in federal awards are
exempt from federal audit requirements for that year, except as noted in
Circular No. 4-133, but records must be available for review or audit by
appropriate officizrls of the Federal agency) pass-through entity, and General. Accounting Office (GAO).
2) Recipients required to have an audit must ensure the audit is performed in
accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS), as found in
the Govemment Auditing Standards (the Revised Yellow Book) developed by
the Comptroller General and the OMB Compliance Supplement. The
Recipient has the responsibility of notifying the Washington State Auditors
Office and requesting an audit.
3) The Recipient shall maintain auditable records and accounts so as to facilitate
the audit requirement and shall ensure that any sub-recipients also maintain
auditable records.
4) The Recipient is responsible for any audit exceptions incurred.by its own
organization or that ofits subcontractors. Responses to any unresolved
management findings and disallowed or questioned costs shall be included with
the audit report submitted to the Seattle Police Department. The Recipient must
respond to requests for information or corrective action concerning audit issues
or findings within 30 days of the date of request. The City reserves the riglrt to
recover from the Recipient all disallowed costs resulting from the audit.
5) If applicable, once any single audit has been completed, the Recipient must
send a full copy of the audit to the City and a letter stating there were no
findings, or if there were findings, the letter should provide a list of the
findings. The Recipient must send the audit and the letter no later than nine
months after the end of the Recipient's fiscal year(s) to:
Diane Pilon, JAG Program Manager
S eattle Police DePartment
610 5th Avenue
PO Box 34986
Seattle, WA98t24-4986
Page 4 of 144
6) In addition to sending a copy of the audit, the Recipient must include a
corrective action plan for any audit findings and a copy of the management
letter if one was received.
7) The Recipient shall include the above audit requirements in any subcontracts.
7. The Recipient agrees to cooperate with any assessments, national evaluation efforts, or
information or data collection requirements, including, but not limited to, the provision of
any information required for assessment or evaluation of activities within this agteement, for
compliance BJA reporting requirements, and with section 1512(c) of the Recovery Act.
8. When implementing funded activities, the Recipient must comply with all applicable
federal, siate, tribal government, and local laws, regulations, and policies. The Recipient is
entirely responsible for determining the Recipient's compliance with applicable laws,
regulations and policies, which include, but are not limited to:
(A) City of Seattle regulations including, but not limited to:
(l) Equal Benefits Program Rules
(SMC Ch.20.45 :http://cityofseattle'net/contract/equalbenefits/)
(2) Women and Minority Owned Affimrative Effort; If a Recipient intends to subcontract
out any part of a contract instead of performing the work itself, then the foilowing
requirement applies: Consultant shall use affirmative efforts to promote and
encourage participation by women and minority businesses on subcontracting
opportunitils within the contract scope of work. Consultant agrees to make such
efforts as a condition of this Agreement'
a. Outreach efforts may include the use of solicitation lists, advertisements in
, publications directed to minority communities, breaking down total
requirements into smaller tasks or quantities where economically feasible,
making other useful schedule or requirements modifications that are likely to
assist Jmall or WMBE businesses to compete, targeted recruitment efforts, and
using the services of available minority community and public organizations to
perform outreach'
b. hecord-Keeping: The Consultant shall maintain, for at least 24 months after
the expiration oi earlier termination of this Agreement, relevant records and
information necessary to document all Consultant solicitations to
subconsultants and suppliers, all subconsultant and supplier proposals received,
and ali subconsultants and suppliers actually utilized under this Agreement-
The City shall have the right to inspect and copy such records'
(3) Licenses and Similar Authorizations: The Consultant, at no expense to the City, shall
secure and maintain in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement all
required licenses, permits, and similar legal authorizations, and comply with all
requirements thereof.
(4) Use of Recycled Content Paper: Whenever practicable, Consultant shall use reusable
products including recycled content paper on all documents submitted to the City.
bonsultant is to duplex all documents that are prepared for the City under this
Contract, whether such materials are printed or copied, except when impracticable to
Page 5 of 144
do so due to the nature ofthe product being produced. Consultants are to use 100%
post consumer recycled content, chlorine-free paper in any documents that are
produced for the City, whenever practicable, and to use other paper-saving and
recycling measures in performance of the contract with and for the City.
(5) Americans with Disabilities Act: The Consultant shall comply with all applicable
provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended (ADA) in
performing its obligations under this Agreement. Failwe to comply with the
provisions of the ADA shall be a material breach of and grounds for the immediate
termination of, this Agreement.
(6) Fair Contracting Practices Ordinance: The Consultant shall comply with the Fair
Contracting Practices Ordinance of The City of Seattle (Chapter 14.10 SMC), as
(7) Suspension and Debarment: The Recipient cerlifies that neither it nor its principals
are presentiy debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or
voluntarily excluded from participating in transactions by any Federal department or
agency. By signing and submitting this Agreement, the Recipient is providing the
signed certification setout below. The cedification this clause is a material
representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was
entered into.
If it is later determined that the Recipient rendered an enoneous certification, the
Federal Government and City may pursue available remedies, including termination
and/or debarment. The Recipient shall provide immediate written notice to the City if
at any time the Recipient learns that its certification was elroneous when submitted or
has become elroneous by reason of changed circumstances.
The Recipient agrees by signing this Agreement that it shall not enter into any
covered transaction with a person or subcontractor who is debarred, suspended,
proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from
participation in this covered transaction, unless authorized in writing by the City.
The Recipient shall include the requirement in this section in any subcontracts.
(8) In the event of the Recipient's or subcontractor's noncompliance or refusal to comply
with any applicable law, regulation or policy, the City may rescind, cancel, or
terminate the Agreement in whole or in part. The Recipient is responsible for any and
all costs or liability arising from the Recipient's failure to comply with applicable
law, regulation, ot policy.
The Scope of Work of this Agreement and the time schedule for completion of such work is as
described in Attachment B: Recovery Act: Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance (JAG)
Grant Formula Program King County Joint Application, Project Na:rative and Attachment C: JAG
Page 6 of 144
Budget Worksheet, as approved by BJA. Exhibit B and Exhibit C are attached to and made part of
this agreement.
The work shall, at all times, be subject to the Cityls general review and approval- The Recipient
shall confer with the City periodically dwing the progress of the Work, and shall prepare and
present such information and materials (e.g. a detailed outline of completed work),as may be
pertinent, necessary, or requested by the City or BJA to determine the adequacy of the Work or
Recipientls progress.
(A) Compensation
The Recipient shall be reimbursed on an actual cost basis. Total compensation under this
Agreement is $307,485
The Recipient shall incur authorized allowable expenses in accordance with the Program
Nanative and Project Budget, as detailed in Exhibits B and C'
The Recipient may request additional reimbursement up to the amount of interest accrued on
their portion of the grant award, The City will provide quarterly statements to the Recipient,
on". ih. interest balance accrued equals at least $1,000. Reimbursements will not be made for
interest accrued that is less than $f ,OOO. Reimbursements can be requested, up to the total
amount of interest accrued, after the initial quarterly statement has been sent, to perform tasks in
accordance with the program Narrative and Project Budget, as detailed in Exhibits B and C.
The Recipient shall submit invoices not more than montirly, and at least
After the first
quarter, monthly submission is preferred. Invoices are due no iater than 30 days after the end of
the period in which the work was performed.
No travel or subsistence costs, including lodging and meals, reimbursed with federal funds may
exceed federal maximum rates, which can be found at: http:l/Wlyw.gsa.gov'
(B) Manner of Payment
The Recipient shall submit reimbursement requests not more than monthly, and at least
quarterly. After the first quarter, monthly submission is preferred.
Requests are due no later than 30 days after the end of the period in which the work was
periormed. Reimbursement request forms are provided. Substitute forms are acceptable,
With each reimbursement request, the Recipient shall submit:
' Detailed spreadsheet of expenditures by task and related financial documents (timesheets,
invoices.). Project status report, These documents and invoices must be kept on file by the Recipient and be made available
upon request by the City or to state or federal auditors'
PageT ofl44
Reimbursement will not be processed without accompanying documentation for the
corresponding time period.
Once the above conditions are 1net, payment shall be made by the City to the Recipient'
Submit invoicing and documentation to:
Diane Pilon, JAG Program Manager
Seattle Police Department
610 5th Avenue
PO Box 34986
Seattle, WA 98124-4986
No modification or amendment of the
'provisions hereof shall be effective unless in writing and
signed by authorized representatives oithe parties hereto. The parties hereto expressly reserve the
right to modify this Agreement, by mutua1 agreement.
Page 8 of 144
ffi Depadlncfit ofJustice
Oftice of Justicc kograms
Bureau of Justice Assistance
City of Smtdc
600 4rh Avcruc 7& FI@r P.O. Box 94749
Serulc, $rA 98124-4?49
4.AWARDNtMBEk 2009-sB-89-0769
03/0t/2009 ro 02nqkot3
03/0t/2009 To 02D8t20t!
$ 4,882:ot
s 4,882,208
FY ?009 RscovEry Act Jurtlce Assishne Crant Progm
This pmj*l ir supportcd urdtr FY09 Rwcry Act (8IA-Bymr JAG) Pub. L. No. I I 1-5' 42 USC 3750-375E
Jamcs H. Buch tl
Acting Dirotor
oJP FORM 4000n {R8v.4-88)
,ffi Departrnent ofJustiee
Offrco of Justice hograms
Bureau of Justice Assistance
. Grant
t. The recipient agrees to comply with the financiai and adminisfative requitements set fprth in he current edition ofdre
Office ofJustice Prograns (OJP) Financial Guidc.
2. T}o rccipient acbrowlcdges that failure to submit an acceptable Equal Employrnent Oppornmity Plat (ifrecipient is
reqrrired ro submit one pursuafit to 28 C.F.L Sestion 42.302), that is approved by tha Of6ce for Civit fughts' i.s a
violation ofie Cenitiod Assurancee and may result insuspensionortermination offirnding, undl such rime ts the
recipient is in compliance.
3- thorccipicntagrccsmcomplywiththoorganizationalaudilrequirementsofOMBCirculrA-l33,AudisofStales,
Local Oovonrmcnb, and Non.Profit Orgaaizarions, and firthcr urderstsntls and agrees that finds may be witblreld, or
othcr rclatcd rcquiromcnts miy ba imposd if outstanding audit issues (if any) Fom OMB Circulrt 4-133 audits (and
any other gudits ofOJP erdnr firnds) ar€ not satisfactorily and promptly aildressed, as firlther dessdbed in the curre.nt
edition ofthe OJP Financial Guidc, ChaPter i9.
4. Recipienr understands and agrecs that it cannot use any fcdonl funds, citha directly or indircctly, i" support of fhe
enactnent,repeal,modifrcationoradoptionofanytaw,regulationorpolioy, atanylcvelofgoveromEnt,withoutthe
expross prior written epproval ofOJP.
5 . Thc rccipient must promFdy rbfer to iho DOJ OIG any orodiblo ovidenco that a principal emPloyee, sgenq conlnctor,
subgranlec, subconboctor, or othcr person has oither l) submittecl a falsc olaim for grant funds under the Falsc Clajms
Act; or 2) oomrnithd a crimiml or civil violation of laws pcrtaining ro t'aud, conflict of intercst, tdbery, gratuity, ot
similar misoonduct involvilg grant funds, This conditiorr also applics to any subrecipiants, Potential fraud, wasle,
abusc, or misconduct should bc reponcd to ho OIG by -
Oificc of tho Inspector General
U. S. Deparbreni of Justice' lnvcstigationsDivision
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Room 4706
Washington, DC 20530
e-mail: oig.hotline@usdoj.gov
hotlinei(contacr information in English and Spanish): (800) 869-4499
br hodine fax: (202) 616-9881
Addilional information is availablb from the DOJ OIG websito atwww.uedoj.gov/oig,
6. RECOVERY ACT - Conflict with Other Standard Terms and Conditions
Thc rccipientundorstands and agrees tbat all other terms and conditions conrained in this awad orin applicable OJP
grant poiioy statemsnls or guidance, apply unlcss thcy conllict or arc supcrscdcd by rhc terms and conditions includcd
f,ere tlat sieoificolly impls;ent tha Arierioan Recovely rnd Roitrvcsfiront Act of 2009, Public Law I t l-5 ("ARRA"
. or "Recovory Acf) requirements. Recipients are responsiblc lor conacdng thcir grnflt managcrs for any necdcd
oJP FORM 4000/2 (REv.1-88)
ffi Departmentof Jwtice
Office of Justice Programs
Bui'eau of Justice Assistance
AIvARDDATE 06t25k0d9
PROJECI.NUMAER 2009.$8.89-0769
Tho glantce agrces to assist BJA ir complyini wilh the Nadonal Environmsnt8l Policy Act (MPA), the Nritional
Histftc prcse-rvation Ac1 and orher relaEd federal environme'ntal impact analSes tequiremenB in rbe use of th€Ee
grant funds, either direoily by the gtantec or by a subgmnh.o. Aocordingly, the granlee agrcss to first dslmnitrs if any
iftho fo1owing activities witt Ue trndedby the grant prior to obligating fimds for any oftheso purposes. Ifit is
determined tbai any ofthe following activities will be ftnded by the grant, lhs Srantso agtees to coilact BJA.
Thc gnalee understands tlat this special condltion appties to its following nere astivities $rhelher-or not they arc being
speci-frcally firnded witb theso grant firnds, That is, as long as the activity is beirig oonductetl by the gnnteo' a
.ubgroot*, ot utry tbird party a--nd the activity needi to bs rndsrta-kon in ordor to use these grant funds, lhis special
condition must first bc met. The activities covered by tfiis spccial conditiol are:
a- Novi consEuction;
b..Minorrenoyation or rcmodeling ofa proporty localcd in u cnvironmcntdly or historically sensitivo area, including
propertics looafcd within a 100-ycar flood piaiq a wetland, or habital for endangvred species, or a properly listed on or
cligible fcrr listing on thc Nadonal Rcgister of Historic Places; , .
c- i rcooration,lcase, or ary proposid use ofabuilding or facility that will either (e) result in a change in its basic
prior use or ft) siguificantiy change lts size;
d. Implemontation ofu no* profr* lnuoiuiog th" ur" ofchcmicals other than cbemicals tha! aro (a) purchased as. an
incidcirtal componentofa fu;dea activity and (b) baditionalty used, for erample, in ofiico, household, recreational, or
education cnvironments; and
c. lmplcmcntation ofapiogram rclaling to clandestine methamphetamine taboratory operations, including the
ideritiilcation, seizurc, or closue of olandestine medramPhetaminc labomlodes.
The grantec undorstands and agrces that complying with NEPA may require th9 Ur+aratiql of an Environmctrtal
Assissmcnt and/or an Envimrrmontal Impaa Siaternent, as dnectd by BJA. The granteo furdrcr understands and
agrccs to the r6quirem6nts for implementation ofa Mitigation Plar\ as dclailed at [websitcl, forprograms relating to
mcihamphobminc laboralory opcrations.
Application ofTtis Special Condition to Grantee's Existing Programs or Aclivitiesl Foratry ofthe granteo's or its
subirantces' existing programs or activities that will bc funded by these grant funds, the grantee, upon specific request
froi b.le, agt".t to coop-*rate with BJA in any prparation by BJA ofa nationalorprogram environmental asse8$tlent
ofthat firnded progam or acdvigr.
To avoid duplioating cxistingnotworks or ff.systems in any iniriativcs funded by BJA for law enforccmcnl inforstation
sharing syrtims which involve inrcrstalc conirectivity.between jurisdiction, such systerns shall employ, to lhe extent
possibl,'cxistiognefworks as tho cornmunioation baokbonc to aohicvc interstate.connectiviqr, udess ihe grantee can
demonstafo to tle salisficdon ofBJA that this requirornEnt would nol be cost effectivc or would impair tbe
firnctionality of an cxisting or proposed IT system.
The grantee agrees to comply with all rcponing, data collection and evaluation rcquirements, as prescribed by law and
AetaiteA Uy firJ efA in proSm guidanco for rhi Justice Arsistanco (kant (JAG) Program, Compliance with. these
roquiremonte vill bc modtorod by BJA'
The recipient ogrees that Ery information technology systom fimded or supporlcd by OJP funds will oomply with 28
C"F.R. part f,tdminat Intcltigcnqe Systems Opciadng Policies, if OJP detcrnrincs this rcgulation to-be applicable'
Shodd OJp d;&rmine 28 C.F-R- Part f3 to be applicable, OJP may, at its disorotion, perfodu audits of thB system, 8s
pertheregulatiorr- Shouldanyviolationof28CJ.R.Part23ocour,therccipientmaybe{!nedasper42U.S.C.
:ZSSg(c){O, .Recipimt lnay not satisS such a fine with federal tunds.
oJP FORM {0002 (nEv.4-88)
ffi Departneflt ofJustice
Offico of Justice Programs
Bureau of Jusflce Assistance
I l. Tho grantee agrees to comply with the applioable requirem€db of28 C.F.R Part 38, the Department of Justice
regularion goveming "Equal Trcatment for Faith Based Organizations" (the "Equal Trcarment Regulation'). Thc Equal .
Treatrrenr Regrlation provides ir part tbat D?artmcnt of Justice gant a*ards of direcr firnding msynot bc us-ed to
firnd anyinhereirtlyreligious acdvities, such as worship, religious insmrction, or proseiytization. Recipients ofdircct'
.grans may still engagc il inherently religious activities, but such activities must be separate in limc or place ftom the
Departmcnt of Jlstice limded program, and participation in zuoh activitics by individuals rccbivirrg service s from tho
grantee or a sub.grantee must be voluntary. The Eriual Trcatnent Regulation slso makes clear that organizatiorrs
partioipaiing in programs directly funded by the Deliartrient of Justicc are notpeniri$odto discriminate in the pmvision
ofselicesontlsbasigofabencficiary'sroligion. Notwithstandinganyotherspecialconditionofthisaward,faith'
besed organizations may, in gome circumsEnces, consider roligion as a basis for employment' See
h@/fu ww.ol'p.gov/about/ocrlequal_fbo, h gn.
12, Thb rccipicnt agoes io onsure tlnl fhc St$e Iilformaticin T6ohnolory Point of Conhot reccivcs wrinen notiiicadon
regeraini any iifomation technology projict funded by thir grant durirg the obligation and oxpenditurc period. This is
to facilititc mnmunication anong local atrd state govommental c,ntities regarding various infornatiou teohnolory
projecr being conduoted with thcsi gratrt finrds. In addition, thc recipient agrces to mainlaid srr administrative filc
documonting thc meeting of this requiramcnL For a list of Stato Information Tcch.nology Points of Contact, go to
http;/lwww.it.ojp,govldefaull.aspx?arua-policyAndPractioo&pagc-l 046.
I 3 . The r6cipient agrees thar funds received undbr this award will not be used to supplant Stalo or local filtils, but will bc
used to increasi ttre amounts of6rlch funds that would in the absenco ofFeddral funds, be mado available for law
enforcement activitie$,
The recipient is required to esrablish a kust firnd accourt. Cfhe tnrst fund may or may not be an interr.st-beriring
accouil) Tho fund, inciudihg any interest, rniy not be uscd to pay debts or exponses incurred by other activities beyond
the scopc of oither tirc Edward Bym.e Memoribl Justice Assistance Grant Prograrn (JAG) or Recwery JAG ,Program,
The recipienr also rgr€es to obligatr andexlrend the grant firnds in the uust irnd (including any irterest Eamed) during
rhe period ofrho grant. Crant flrnds (including any intcrest eamed) not cxpendcd by rhe end ofthe grant period mu-rt be.
rcturned o rle B*eau of Justicc AsF .istance lo lato! than.90 days after the ond ofthe grant period, along wilh the fmai
submission of tho Financial Slatus Report (SF-269).
15. RECOVERY ACT - Acce$s ro Records; Interviews
The recipient'undentauds aud agrees that DOJ (including OJP and tho Offico ofthe Inspecrot Gcleral (OIC)), and its
repieEeotBlives, aatl the Covsmmont Accountability Ofrice (GAO), shell luvo acccss to and the right lo el€mirc all
records (inctilding, but not limitod to, books, papcrs, and documents) rolatcd to this Recovery Act award, including
such records of aiy subreoipicnt, conractor, or subcontraclor.
The recjpient also undersrands and agrees that DOJ and the GAO are authorized to interview any offroor'or omployeo of
the recipiont (or ofany subrecipient, contrsotor) or suboortractor) Egarding transactions related to thiE Recov€ry Act
16. RECOVERYACT-One-time ftnding
1te recipient undarstands and agrees that awards under the Recovery Acr will bc one-time awards and aocordingly that
irs proposed projcct activities and deliverables are to be accoJnplishcdwithout additional DOJ funding.
orP FoRM 4000/? GEV-+8S)
ffi Deparunent oflustice
Ofticc of Justice Programs
Bureau of Justice Assistance
pRoJECTI{lJllBER 2009.38-89.0769 AB'ARDDATS O6N5NOO9
I 7. REco\rERY ACr - Separate r,.'tiffi?fl:ffif:fvory Act Fuads andoutcomes
The,recipient agrces to taok, account for, and report on alt fimds fom this Rccovery Act award (including specific
ouEomos and b€nofits ahribur8ble to REcovery Act ft$ds) separately from alt other funds, including DOJ awerd funds
fiom non-Rccovery Act awards awarded for the same or slmilar purposes otFrograms. (Reoovery Act funds may be
used in conjunction with other funding as necessary to complote projects, but tracking and reporting ofRecovcty Act
funds nnsi bo separate.)
Accordhgly, tho accounting sysrems ofthe recipisnt and alt subrecipienrs must ensure rhat funds from this Recovery
.Act awd ate hot commingled with funds from any other sourco,
The recipient firrthor agrees that all personnel (including rubrecipientpononnel) whose activities ars to be charged lo
he award lr'ill ilaintain timesheets to documeot hours worked for activities rclated to this award and non-award-
related activities-
18. RECOVERY ACT: Subawards - Monitoring
The recr'pient agroes lo moiltot subawards under this Recovery Act award in accordance with all applicablc sretutes'
rcgulations, OMB clrculars, and guidclincs, including the OJP Financial Guide, and to include the applicable conditions
oftbis award in any subaward- the recipienr is responsible for overeight ofsubrocipient sfending and monitodng of
speci{icoutcomesa$dbenefitsatbibltabletouseofRecoveryAcrfimdsbysubrecipiena. Therecipientagrecslo' srrbmit, upon rcquest, doomenlation of its policies and procodutes for monitoring of subawarils underthis award.
19. RECOVERY ACT * Subawards - DUNS and CCR for Reporting
Thc recipicnt agrccs !o work with je first-ticr subrecipients (ifaqy) to cnsure that, no latsr lhah the due dare oftlre
recipiem's first quarterly tcport after.a subaward is made, the subrrecipient has a valid DUNS profile and has 8n activo .
registration with thc Central Contracior Regiskatiotr (CCR) databasa
20- RECOVERY ACT - Quarterly Financial Reports
The recipient agrees 1o submii quartcrly financial status repons to OJP.' At prcsent, Ihe36 r6potts are to be submilied
onJine (at https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov) using Staldard Fon:r SF 2694, not later rlran 45 days afler rhc ond ofeaoh
calendar quarter. The rccipientunderstands that aftor Oaober lJ, 2009, OJP will discontinue its use ofthe SF 259A'
and will require award recipients to sutmit qrartcrly financial status rcports within 30 days eter thc end ofeach
calendar quarter, using the govemment-wide Standad Fonin 425 federol Finanoial Rcport fom (availablo for viewing
at wrrw.whitehouse.gov/omb/grants/standard*forms/f8pdf). Beginning with the repon for thc fourth calendar quartor
of2009 (and continuing. thcreafter), the recipient agrces t}at it will subrnit quanerly frnancial $latus relofis b OJP on'
linc (ar hrps://grants.ojp-usdoj.gov) using the SF 425 Fedcral Finaacial Report form, not later rhan 30 days afterthe 6nd
ofeach caiendir quartii. Tho final report sh&ll be submitted not lat€rthan 90 days following the end ofthc grantperiod.
oJP FOBrV 400olz EEV. +8E)
ffi Departrneui ofJustice
Office of Justice hograms
Bureiu of Justice Assistance
pAce e os l0
?ROJgcTN(II|BER 2009-58-89{769
2t- RECOVERYACT-RecoveryActTransactio.nsListedinscheduleofExpcndirurosofFederalAwardsandRecipient
Rcsponsibilities for Informing Subrecipients
{i) The reoipient agces to'mainain rccords that identifr adequatcly thssourco and application of Recovery Acr
fundi, to maximiz" thi trunrprrun"y and accountability offiinds authorizod under the Recovery Act as required by the
Ao and in accordanoe with t CFR 215.21, '"IJniform Administrativo Requirtmeils for Grsnts and Agreements with
Institutions of Highs Eduoation, Hospitals, and OtherNqn-profit Organizations'' and OMB A-102 Common Rulcs
prcvisions (relating to Gmnt$ il1d Cooperativo Agreemena with Stnlo snd Local Covernments).
(b) The recipiont agroes'to soparatcly identifr tho cxpendiures lor Fedoral awards under the Recovery Act on the
Schedule ofEipenditures ofFeieral Awards (SEFA).and thc Data Collection Form (SF-SAC) required by OMB
Circulnr4-133; ThisconditiononlyappliesifthereoipicntiscoveredbyrhesingleAuditActAmendmcntsofl996
and OMB Circular A.133,'Audib;f Statcs, LocatGovemmenls, sndNd-Profit&ganizations." This shallbe
accomplishcd by identifying oxpcnditurcs for Federal awuds msde undor the Recovery Act soparately on thc !B_FA,
and asioparateiows un<ler Item 9 ofPart III on the SF-SAC by CFDA number, and inclusiqn o-ftbs^pr€fix "ARIA:']
in identiffing the name ofthe Fedcnl program on ttre SEFA and as tho first characte$ in Irem 9d ofPan III ontbe SF-
(c) The rccipicnt agrces to sqlararely idcntifiT to each subtecipicnt the Federal award number, CFDA numbe{, aDd
annirnt of Rccovcry i,ct fuds, and to docunent this idcntification both at tho time of subaward and at thc tim€ of
disbursemant of furids, When a rccipient awards Recovcry Act finds for.an cxisting program, tho informttioD
firmished to subrooipients shall distinguish ihe subawards of iacrcmental Recovery Act flrnds from rcgular subawards
un&r the existing ptogram,
(d) Tho recipicnt agrccs to requirc its subrcoipicnts to spccifically identifo Recovcry Act funding on their SEFA' information. similat ti the rcquiicments for tho rcoipicn SEFA dcscribcd tbove. fhis infotmation js needed to allow
the recipieni to properly monitor subrecipiont expcndihrrc of Recovery Act finlds as wcll.as frcilitate oversight by the
Federal awarding agcncios, thc DOJ OIG, and tho OAO.
22. RECOVERYACT-RepqrtingandRegistrationRequiromentsr:ndrscctionl512ofthsReco.veryAct' : ..
(a) This award requires tiro re"ipient toiomplete projects or aaivities which are funded undcr thc Recovery Acl and to
rqport on use ofhtcovery Act Ands provided through this award. Inforination &om thosc rcports will be made
availabti to the public.
(b) Thc rcporrs are due no latcr lhan tcn calendar days aftcr each calcn&r quarter in which the recipient receives the
asiistancJaward funded in lvhole or in part by lhc Rccovery AoL
(c) Reo.pients anrC thcir firct-tier ricipients must maintain cwdnt regiskations in the Clntral Contactor Regisrildon -
imr,ir.oor.gov) at all dmes during whibh thcy have active federal awuds funded with Recovery Acl fuDds' A- Dun snd
braOsgeetba; UnivonalNumbering Systsm (DUNS)Numbdr (wwwdnb.com) is one of the raquirenrnts for
. registration in tha Ccntral ContactorRegistralion.
(d) Thsrccipiont shall repon the information desoribed in scotion l5l2(c) ofthe Recovery Act using &o reporting
instructions and data eleienb that wiil be provided onlinc at www.FederalReporting"gov.and ensurc that any
infor'rnetion that is pre-filled is conoofed or updatod as neeilcd.
oJP FOtuV 40004 (Rsv.4-88)
ffi Depsrtneni of .Iuslice
Offi ce of Justice Programs
Bureau of Justice Assistance
RECOVERY ACT- Provisions of Ssction l5l2(c)
The recipiont u-ndersbnds that section f512(c) ofthc Rccovory Act provides as follows:
Racipicnr Rcports- Not latar than t0 days allcr the end ofeach calerxlar quater, each tecipient t]rat reaeived re{overy
funds from a Fedtral agenry shall submit a rcport to that agcncy lhat contains-
(l) thc lotal amo&t ofrccovcry funds rcccivcd from thEt agency;
iZj tho arnount oftccovcry fon-ds rcceived thatwcrc cxpended or obligated to projccts or activitiel; and
(3j a dctailed list ofalt projccts or activitics for which recovery firnds werc expmded or obligated; including-
(A) the namc oftho project or ictivity;
(B) a dcsoription oftheprojcctor activity;
(C) an evaluarion of tho complotion status of the project or activity;
(Dj an cstirnate of thc numb& ofjobs creatsd and thc number oljobs retained by thc project or scrivity; and
iEj for infrasfucrure investsnents made by statc and local govemments, the purposq total cos! and rationalc of lhe
agency for funding the in*astructure investmert with fimdgmade avdilable under this Aot, and name of the person to
conlact ai drc sgcncy if there ate colcm$ wirh the infrastructurc i[vastmont.
(+) Detailed'inionnation on any subcontracts or subgrants awardcd by the rccipient to^ includo thq_data elements '
rcquircd to complywitb the Fedoal Furding Accountability and Ttarsparcncy Act of2006 (Public.Iaw 109-282),
rffi*fug "gg1egi
reporting on awards belo=w $25,000 or !o inditriduals, as piescribed by the'Direitor of ihe Oflice of
Management and Budgct,
RECOVERY ACT - Protqcting Stste and Local Covcrnmenl and Contraotor Whistloblowen (Rccovery Act, section
Thc tccipient recognizes thattho Rccove,ry Acl provides certain protections against reprisals for eniployees ofnon-
Fedeial 6rnployers-who disoloso informarion taasonabty bclicvcd to bc evidence o{gross managanentr gross wastc'
srbstantial-and specific danger to public hcalth qr safeg abusc of authority- m violations of law r€latdd to cotrkacts or
grants using Recovery Acr i:nds.
additional information, rcfer to section 1553 ofths Recovcry Act. The tixt of
Rccovery Act is availabte at w*v.ojp.usdoj.gov/rccovcry
RECOVERY ACT * Lirnil on Funds (Recovery Act, ssolion 1604)
Tbe rocipient agroeE tlat nonc ofthc fluds under this award may bc used by.any Slate or local govetnment, or any
privato ontiry, for coflstruclion costJ or any otler sirpporl of any casino or other ganbling establishment, aquarium, zoo,
golf corase, or swimming pool.
RECOVERY ACT - Infiastnrcturc Invcstma:t (Recovery Act, sections 151 I and 1602)
The lecipiont agrees that it rnay :rot use any funds made available undsr this Rccovcry Act award for infrastruohrrc
invesimintabsinrsubmission-ofasitisFaciorycertificationundersoctionl5tloftheRecovcryAcL Shouldthe
recipiont decido to usc funds for inftastrucftre investnont subscqusnt to award, thc rccipiort must submil appropriale
oertifications undcr section l5l I ofthe Recovery Aot and receivc pnor approval from OJP. In seeking such approval,
the recipient shall giva prcferenoc lo activfies that can bc startcd and cornplcted expeditiously, and shalt use award
funds ii s nsnncr-ttntriraximizesjob qreation and cconomic benefrts. Tho tcxt ofthe Recovcry Act (including scctions
l5l I and 1602) is available at www.ojp.usdoj,gov/recovery.
oIP FORM 4mo/2 (F€V. 1-88)
ffi Departulent of Justice
Otfice of Justice hograms
Bureari of Justice Assistance
pRolEcrNIMBER 2009-58-89-0769
RECOVERY Agt - Buy Anrcrican Notification (Rocovery Act, section 1605)
The revipientundsrstsnalo that this award is subjcct to the provisions ofsection 1605 oftlre Recovory Act (tsuy
American"), No award funds may bo used for iml, steel, or msnufactued goods for a project for tho construction,
alteration, maintenance, or repah ofa public building or public work, unlees the recipient provides advance writlon '
notification to the OJP program. office , and a Grant Adjushent Nolics i! issued tfrat rnodifies this speoial condition to
add govemmont-widE standard conditiors {anticipated to bo pub(ished in subpart B ofZ C.F,R. part 176) that turther
implementthe specific reqqirements or exceptions ofsection 1605,
Section I 605 oftho Recovery Actprohibits use ofany Recovory Aclfi:acls for aproject fqr tho construction, alteration,
maintenahce, orrepair ofa public building or public work unless atl ofihe irorq stselr and manufactured goods used in
the project are produced in the United Statcs, subjccr ro certain exc'eptions, inctuiling United States obligations undsr .
intemational agre€ments,
For prlposds ofthis specia[ condition, the fotlowing definitions apply:
"Public building" and "publio worlC' rneans apublio building of, and apublic work o{,'a governmcnlal ontity (the United
Sutes; the Disrict of Columbia; comrnonwealths, tenitodes, and minbr outlying islands of tho Unitcd Sbres; Statc and
local govemmonts; snd multi-State, rcgional, or intorstatB entilies which have govonncntal functions). Thuso
buildings and u/otks may idcludo, without limilation, bridges, dams, plants, highways, parkwayq strccls, subvays,
tgnncls, iewers, mains, power linar, pumping stations, heavy gcnerators, railways, airports, terminals, docks, piers,
wharves, way$, lighthoures, buoys, jetsies; breakwnters, lovees, and canats, and llc colstruction, afterstion,
h4intenanca, orrcpat ofsuch buildint$ drtd works,
'Manufacftied good" mcans a good brought to ths conskuction sito for incorporation into the building o.r work that has
(l) Proc6sedinto a specific form and shape; or.
iZi Comnincd witn oihcr raw material to creata I msterial thet has different properties than rhe prolorties oftlo
individual raw materials.
"Stool" means an alloy that includes at leasr 50 percent iron, betwce[ .02 and 2 perccut carbon, and mEy include oihor
For purposes ofOJP grants, pmjects involving corstnrction, altcratiotr, mtinten nde, or repair ofjails, detontion .
ftcrliries, prisons, publio crime victims' sholters, policc facilities, or othar similar projects will likcly triggcr this
NOTE: The recipient is cncouraged to contaot tho OJP program manager - in advance - witlr any questions conceming
this condition, including its applioability to pariiouJar circum$tances'
oJP FoRvr 40oo/2 [REV. +E8)
ffi Deparulcnt of Justice
Offi ce of Justice Programs
Bureau of Justice Assistance
PAGE 9 OF 10
28: RECOVERY ACT .. Wagb Rate Requirements urder Scction 1606 of tho Recovay Act
(a) Seotion I 606 of tho Recoleqy Aci roquires that all laborers and mechanios euploycd by contraotors and
*b"*t"u"too on proj ects funait dircctly by or assisted in rrholc or in part by an{ $-rough the Fedsral Govesunent
purs,rant 10 tle Reiowry Act shall be paid wagos at1ate,r not less than those prcvailing on projects of a character
iimilar in the locality ddecrmineO by the Secretary of Labor in accordancervith subchaptr lV of chaptcr3l of titte
40, United Stares Code.
pursriant ro Reorganization Plan No, t4 and the Copeland Act, 40 U.S.C. 3 I45, trb Department of Labor has issucd
rcgulatioru at 29?FR Pate I, 3, and 5 ro implement the Davis-Bacon and relatsd Aots. Regulations in 29 CFR 5'5
irituct agencies conceming apptication ofthe standard Davis-Baco[ contract clsuscs se! forth in that seclion' 'I'tre
sundard iavis-Baoon coafaoi ctawas found in 29 CFR 5.5(a) aro to be incorporatcd in any covered contrao'ls made
unaer rlts a*atJ ttr"t are in excss of $2,000 lor constnrclion, alloation or repair (including painting'md decoratirtg).
(b) For additional guidance on the ,vege rate requirements of section I 506, corrtaot your awarding agency' Recipicnts of
graurs, coopentivJagroements and loins should dkeo theirinitial inquirios concoming rhe.application ofDavis-Bacol
ii'qoit"r*it to
paiicutar federally assiscd project to the Fedcrol agcncy fundingthe projecl Thc Secrstary ofl-abor
tetains finol coverage authonry rndar Rcorganization Plan Nurnber 14.
29- RECOYERY ACT - NEPA ard Related l.awg-- t 11u *ripi"nt rurdersrands rbat all OJP awards are subjee to the National Environmental Policy Act O{9!A' 1.2 U. :S.C.
section i32 I et seq) and other related Federal lsws (inotuding lhc Nalional Hiltorio PrEsorvation Act), if applicable.
if,"L.ipi""t "gteis
to assisr Olp in carrying out itsiesponsiUilities under NSPA and r€lated laws, if tle rocipient plsns
r. r* n!"otoi nct firnilr (direotly or t}rorlgh subrward or oontait) to nndvrtake.a:] activity that triggor$ these
requirements,s-uchrsronointionorconstrrc-don. (Sce28C.F.F-Patt51,App.D.) Thcrccipientalsoagreestocomply
wiih all Fedeiat, State, and locel environmenral laws and regulations applicablB lo the development and implemeltation
of the activirier to be fundsd under this awald-
30. iEcoVERY ACT * Misuse ofaward fitnds---it"te"ipi.mundeastanilsanaagreesihatrnisuseofawardfirndsmayresultinarangeofperaities,including
r*punrii. ofcgnenr and ff*urJfunds, suspasion or debarrnent Fom federal grants, recoupment ofmonies provided
. under an bward, ald civil and/or ctiminal penalties.
3 1. RECOVERY ACT * Additional Requircmcnr and Guidance
The recipicnt agrccs to comply with'any modifications or addilional requirem€nts that may. be imposed by law and
f"tur" O'fp (ins-tuding govemment-wiA4 guidance ald clarifications of Recovcry Act requircmenls,
oJ? FORM 4o0or2 (hav. 4-88)
' Grant
33, Recipient may not obligat€, expend or dravdown funds until lhe Bursalr ofJuslice Assistance, Officc ofJustice'
nogyarns lras received-<locumcntrtion dermnstating lhel the eute or locd govoming body rcview anilor coinmunity
notilcation re4rircments havo been met and has issued a Grant Adjustmerit Notice (6AN) releasing this spccial
' condition,
ffi Dcirartnent ofJustioe
Offi ce of Justice Prograrns
Bureau of Justlce Assi$tance
9ROJECTNI'MbER 2009.38.89-0?69 AVARDDATE' Off)5NAOg
J oJP FORM 40004 GEv.4-8E)
Recovery Act: Edward BYrne Memorial
Justice Assistance (JAG) Grant Formula Program
King CountY Joint APPlication
Project Narrative
City of Kent
Project Name: Corrections Programs and Law Enforcement Training
Project Cost: $307,485
Project Description: A Population Manager will be hired as liaison between municipal court,
proJecutors, jaii and policebepartment to increase early adult offender referrals of alternatives to
incarceration. Qualifuing offenders will be referred to a new, supervised work crew and other
appropriate programs.
One additional Kent police Department commander will attend the Senior Management Institute
for police. This intensive three-week management and leadership course provides police
managers with the knowledge and tools to ensure effective public safety service.
Program Need:
fhetity of Kent is located in King County, Washingfon. The estimated King County population
in20A7 was 1.8 million (Puget Sound Regionai Council, 2007). Kent is the ninth largest city in
Washington and second iarg:est city in South King County. Located midway between Seattle and
Tacoma, Kent is located alJng theinterstate 5 corridor. Kent encompasses 29 square miles with
an estimated population of SZ,6OO, The city plans to annex an unincotporated area in the next
year that would increase the population to over 100,000.
The South King County population diversity composition is shifting and is very.similar to
Seattle,s (Uniteld Wuy of 1ting County, 200S). The affordable housing existing in South King
County atffacts many recent immigrants and refugees arriving in the greater Seattle area. "The
largesi immigrant populations in Gnt School District are from African countries such as
Soiraga ana etliopia, Eastem Europe, and the Middle Easf'(Kent School Dishict,2008)'
Kent's immigrant population reflecied in the 2000 U.S. Census was higher than in King County
and Washington State.
' Hispanic and Latino population doubled between 1990 and 2000.
. 70o/o increase in Asian population from 1990 to 2000'
, Over 110 different languages were spoken in the Kent School District, school year 2007-
The City of Kent Corrections Facility is the largest municipal jail in the State of Washington
with a total of 120 beds. There were 4,980 offenders booked into the City of Kent Corrections
Facility in 200g. The CKCF 2007 average daily populatioa including electronic home detention,
work rllease and work time credit was 141 supervised offenders. The average length of stay in
2008 was 10 days.
Departrnent Of Corrections estimates that the five-year retum rate for repeat offenders to a
Wishington State adult correctional facility averages 32 percent (Washington State Department
of Conections 2000). The recidivism rate for inmates at the City of Kent Corrections Facility
(CKCF) was 66Yo from January 2A05- April 2007.
New Population Manager position: Kent's growing population and cdme rate require
additional staffing for the City's criminal justice system to ensure public safety' We propose to
add staffing to manage the city jail's population effectively.
The 2008 Kent Jail Committee prepared recommendalions to support the City's ability to
effectively supervise offenders and maintain a manageable jail population at minimal cost to the
city. This committee included representatives from throughout the City's criminal justice system.
Hiring a Population Manager was one of the key recommendations. This position creates a
speciic nt"lh-ism to take daily responsibility for population management. The goal for this
manager is to keep the population at or below the management capacity of 80.
The Population Manager is a new position to perform daily jail population management. This
will allow the City of kent to continue operating the current jail facility and meet the ongoing
offender colectional supervision needs. This will eliminate the need for the city to provide
substantial funding to eipand the cur.rent jail facility or acquire property and build a new facility
to meet the needs of a growing population with pending annexation of an additional20,000
The new Population Manager and supervised work crew program will create a new city job and
prepare quuiifi.d offenders for employment. The work crew program will instill the discipline
o.".guty to increase offenders' work ethic that will help them find and retain future
empioyrnent upon their release from correctional supervision'
Law Enforcement Manager Training: Kent's growing, diverse population requires effective
planning and decisiot making to develop innovative solutions to organizational and community
irrrr"r. ih" S"nio. Managemint Institute for Police provides three weeks of intensive instruction
on solutions to today's oiganizational problems and issues faced by leaders in public service
organizations. Couriework emphasizes analysis and research to improve organizational and
pulti" sewice effectiveness. This course impresses on students the value of effective evaluation
of the public's expectations for public safety service and how to develop strategies to meet those
needs. The effective leadership ikills these students walk away with increases effectiveness of
their respective organizations. The condensed corrrse allows managers to gain this knowledge
and only be away from their organizations for a short time.
The knowledge gained through this course will support the Kent Police Department's continued
efforts to partneiwith other criminal justice agencies to leverage iesources regionally and save
taxpayer doliars throughout South King County. This will help the Kent Police Deparlment
*uintuin effective pubiic safety services for Kent with current budget constraints.
Recovery Act; Edward Byrne Memorial JAG Grant
King County Joint Application - Project Narrative
Page 2 of 5
Program Activities for 4-Year Grant Period
NeiPoputation Manager position: We will hire a new position of a Population Manager to
-*ug"-th. City of KeniCorrections Facili,ty's population on a daily basis. This is a civil service
positi-on. The City Administration Officer and Mayor support sustaining this position beyond the
iwo and one-half years funding under this grant program. We are prepared to expedite hiring
this employee as soon as we receive notice of this funding award. We expect to hire this manager
by November 30, 2009
The population Manager will screen offenders as they arrive at the jail to determine if they
qualify for alternativei to incarceration. Offenders will be referred directly to these alternatives
to incarceration by the Population Manager or the court. This will ensure adequate beds for
violent and serious crime offenders.
The Population Manager will assign qualiffing offenders directly to a new supervised work
crew. The CKCF cunintly has a *orli "."w
program that assigns qualifying offenders to work at
city parks and with non-piofit organizations in South King County. The CKCF does not provide
airect supervision of theie offenders. This expanded work crew program would provide a work
crew with direct supervision to operate at least one day per week during the first year. We plan to
expand this program to four dayjper week in the second year of this project funding cycle' The
population Manager will study other work crew models including the King County Adult
Detention Community Correciions Work Crew to ensure Kent's program incorporates best
The population Manager will work closely with the established CKCF Programs Offrce to
coordinate educational and vocational opportunities for inmates to prepare them for successful
transition back into the community uponitreir release from jail, Life Skills Worksho_ps, Offender
Workforce Development and vocational instruction help prepare Kent supervised offenders to
find and obtain ern-ployment upon their release ftom jail. Coordination with medical and mental
health services will also be a critical part of this population management responsibiiity'
Law Enforcement Manager training: This funding will support one additional Kent Police
Department commandff,s-attendance io the Senior Management Institute for Police in Boston,
Massachusetts. This intensive three-week management and lebdership course provides police
managers with the knowledge and tools to ensdri effective public safety service. We plan to send
the additional manager to this training in June 2010.
Anticipated Coordination Efforts Involving JAG and Related Justice Funds:
The Fi 2009 JAG Stimulus fimding will be coordinated with existing city and grant justice
n*Ar ."".ntly allocated to correctional supervision activities. We currently contract with a local
reentry non-piofit to provide life skills workshops at the City of Kent Corrections Facility
(CKCF). This contrait ulro supports post release support providing assistance with driver's
license reinstatement, finding and retraining employment, and complying with court orders'
Recovery Act: Edward Byrne Memorial JAG Grant
King County Joint Application - Project Narrative
Page 3 of 5
We also provide flagger certification training in the jail tbrough a small state grant' We contract
with a local substance abuse treatment agency for offenders supervised by the CKCF with the
FY 2008 JAG tunding.
We are cgrrently planning a SAMHSA Offender Reentry Grant Program application with two of
the above-mentioned coniractors, our probation department and other local community agencies.
The Population Manager will coordinate all of the above activities with the FY 2009 JAG'
The FY 2009 JAG funding would allow one additional police commander to attend the SMIP.
The City limits flrnding for out of state training due to cuffent budget constraints.
Project Objectives:
(l) Hire Population Manager as liaison between municipal cgurt, prosecutors, jail and police
departmenlto increase early offender referrals to altematives to incarceration'
This objective relates to preserving and creating jobs and promoting economic recovery. The
new Poiulation Managei position is responsible to refer offenders to appropriate alternative to
incarceiation as early ur *tr"tr they are 6ooked into jail. This may support allowing lower level,
non-violent employed offenders to keep their jobs. The altematives to incarceration may also
build employmlnt stitts necessary for offenders to find and retain jobs upon their release from
correctional supervision. This position will also eliminate the need for Kent taxpayers to support
an expanded oi new jail facility by managing the jail population'
(2) The Population Manager will develop an expanded, supervised work crew. Qualified
offenders will be diverted to serve time through the work crew early in their sentence in lieu of
serving their time in jail. The work crew will be directly supervised by a Corrections Officer on
* o.rr.rti-* basis. We plan to phase in this new supervised work crew operating it at least one
day per week in the first year- We will expand work crew assignment days per week ovei the life
ofini* project. This program will require the assigned offenders to show up for work on time and
develop personal disciplin" n"".s*y to obtain and retain employment upon their release from
conectional supervision
(3) Increase executive training to provide police commanders with tools to continue
delivering effective public safety services,
Kent police commanders will be able to develop effective solutions to public safety issues
through effective decision-making and leveragingcitf anO regional resources- The problem
solvirig and negotiation skills emphasized during this coursework will provide the manager with
a toolk-"it to woik with community members to resolve public safety and disorder issues in Kent'
The course focus on evaluating tire public safety needs and expectations of the citizens and
businesses in Kent will lead to more cost effective delivery of services with the City's limited
Performance Measures:
(i) Number of Jobs Created
Recovery Act: Edward Byme Memorial JAG Grant
King County Joint Application - Project Narrative
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(2) Number of program slots added through initiatives. We already track offenders assigned to
jail programs. We will continue this tracking and it will allow us to report the percent of increase
in the number of offenders diverted from jail into programs.
(3) Number of hours of programming provided. We also report community service and work
time credit hours completed by offenders quarterly. We will report the percent increase in
community service hours as a result of this projecl
(4) Cost savings as a result of new systems implemented. We will measure and report dollars
saved by diverting offenders from jail cells into programs.
(5) Percent of criminal justice staff who exhibited an increase in skills during the reporting
period. We will repo.rt on community public safety or management issues resolved by the JAG
funded police commander trained at the SMIP'
Project Timeline:
1. November 3A,2A09 - Population Manager hired.
2. February 1 , 201 0 - Implement supervised work crew program.
3. April 30,2010 - Process review of work crew program - adjust as necessary
4. May 1, 2010 - Increase work crew hours to l6 hours per month.
5. June 2010 - Send one additional police commander to SMIP.
6. November 30, 2010 - Required initial training completed for Population Manager.
7. January l,20ll - lncrease work crew hours to a total of 32 hows per month'
8. Semi annually after first quarter of 20 t 0 - Process review of work crew program and
other alternatives to incarceration - adjust as necessary.
Description of How Project Meets Recovery Act Guidelines:
The Population Managerls a civil service position. This individual will have access to personal
records of individuals that are not public records. Civil service testing, interview and background
processes will ensure public safety and the confidentiality of individuals' personal records. We
will expedite this process and plan to hire the manager by November 30, 2009.
The manager will plan and implement the expanded, supervised work crew by January 1,2010.
The current CKCF Programs staffand staff from tfuoughout the city's criminal justice system,
including police staff, judges, court administrator, prosecutors and probation staff will assist with
this plan. we plan to send the police manager to the SMIP in June 2010.
Recovery Act: Edward Byrne Memorial JAG Grant
King County Joint Application - Project Narrative
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Attachment C Project Budget
Computation Cost
Population Manager (2009)
Population Manager (20 l0)
Population Manager (201 l)
Population Manager Q0 12)
Corrections Officer OT (2010)
Corrections Officer OT (2011)
Corrections Officer OT (2012)
$6375 per month x I month
$6534 per month x 12 months
$7101 per month x 12 months
$7829 per month x 5 months
$41.74 per hour x 160 hours
S43.20 per hour x 384 hours
$45.36 per hour x 384 hours
Population Manager
Medical aid
Unemployment Tax
Long Term Disability
Health Insurance
Life Insurance
Corrections Officer OT
$533.33 per month x 30 months
$106 per month x 30 months
$8 per month x 30 months
$34 per month x 30 months
$490 per month x 30 months
$14 per month x 30 months
Basis Rate
$40,689 0.0765
$40,689 0.097
3,1 80
3,r 13
AL:$ 42,593
Pumose I.ocation Computation
Travel to SMIP
SMIP tuition
RT Airfare
RT,Ground transport
57,850 x I person
Work Crew
Gas powered blower
Gas powdred pressure washer
Cold weather coats
Rain gear
Hard hats
Safety vests
Safety glasses
Work crew street sign
Traffic cones
Flagger sign
Gas powered weed eater
Push brooms
Snow shovels
Hand saws
Garbage grabbers
$525 each x 3
$754 each x 1
$30 each x i5
$16 each x 5
$14 each x 10
$7 each x 20
$4 each x l0
$165 each x 2
$33 each x l0
$84 each x2
$393 each x 3
$60 each x l0
$27 each x 10
$10 each x 5
$26 each x 15
f ,_)
Attachment C Project Budget
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