HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2021-279 - Original - McDonough & Sons, Inc. - Street Sweeping Services - 07/01/2021ApprovalOriginator:Department: Date Sent:Date Required: Mayor or Designee Date of Council Approval: Grant? Yes No Type:Review/Signatures/RoutingDate Received: City Attorney: Comments: Date Routed: Mayor’s Office City Clerk’s OfficeAgreement InformationVendor Name:Category: Vendor Number:Sub-Category: Project Name: Project Details: Agreement Amount: Start Date: Local Business? Yes No* Business License Verification: If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete “Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions” form on Cityspace. Yes In-Process Exempt (KCC 5.01.045) Notice required prior to disclosure? Yes No Contract Number: This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor’s Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreementsadccW22373_1_20 Budget Account Number: Budget? Yes No Dir Asst: Sup/Mgr: Dir/Dep: rev. 20210513 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management (Optional) Basis for Selection of Contractor: * Memo to Mayor must be attached Termination Date: Authorized to Sign: Original CAG2021-279 6/10/21 CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING 2021 May 20, 2021 Page 1 of 25 STREET SWEEPING SERVICE CONTRACT 2021 THIS CONTRACT is entered into between the CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation ("CITY") and McDonough and Sons, Inc., a Washington ("Contractor"). RECITALS The Contractor represents that it has the experience, resources, and expertise to perform the Contract services; and After a due diligence period observed by both parties, the City desires to enter into this Contract with the Contractor for street sweeping services. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises in this Contract, the City and the Contractor agree as follows: 1.DEFINITIONS The following definitions will apply to the following words and terms when used in the Contract, whether or not these words and terms are capitalized, unless specifically defined otherwise within any section or subsection. 1.1 City. – The City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation, whose mailing address is 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, Washington 98032. As used in this Contract, it includes the official of the City holding the Office of Mayor or designated representative including, but not limited to, the Public Works Director or designee and the Street Manager. 1.2 Contract. – This Contract, exhibits thereto, any change orders, Contractor’s response to the City’s Request for Proposals (RFP), and any clarifications, amendments, or additions to the Contract. 1.3 Contractor. – The individual, firm, joint venture, co-partnership or corporation, and its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, or the lawful agent of any such individual, firm, joint venture, partnership, or corporation, or its surety under the contract bond, constituting one of the principles to the Contract and undertaking to perform the work herein specified. Where any pronoun is used as referring to the word "Contractor" it shall mean the Contractor. 1.4 Curb. – A vertical or sloping member generally along and defining the edge of street. CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING 2021 May 20, 2021 Page 2 of 25 1.5 Emergency. – Any set of circumstances which, at the sole discretion of the City, gives rise to a need for immediate services from Contractor to protect the life, health and/or safety of citizens and/or to protect the City’s infrastructure. 1.6 Hazardous Material. – Any substance that is defined as hazardous or toxic by federal or state law or regulation, including but not limited to 40 C.F.R. Part 261; 42 U.S.C. Section 6901, et seq.; 15 U.S.C. Section 2601 et. seq; Chapter 70A.300 RCW; and Chapter 173-303 WAC. 1.7 Intersection. – The area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral curb lines, or if none, then the lateral boundary lines of two streets which join one another at, or approximately at, right angles, or the area within which vehicles traveling upon different streets joining at any other angle may come in conflict. The junction of an alley with a street is included. 1.8 Premium Service. – Services, at the discretion of the City, by which the Contractor shall, within 24 hours of notice, proceed to sweep at least once per day in areas designated by the City. This PREMIUM SERVICE will continue for 90 days unless extended or suspended by the City primarily occurring during the months of October through December. The option to use, extend or suspend PREMIUM SERVICE shall be at the sole discretion of the City. 1.9 Premium Service Area. – Areas designated by the City, to be swept at least once per day for a period up to 90 days. Streets can be added or deleted at the sole discretion of the City. 1.10 Special Sweeping. – Consists of as-needed sweeping to assist with cleaning up of spills, accidents and other unplanned events, including the sweeping of sand after snow events, except that sand along the gutter line shall be regarded as part of the regular Contract Work. 1.11. Street. – As referred to in this Contract shall be defined as the entire surface between rights of way lines, from curb to curb, including island, traffic curbs, intersection areas, auxiliary lanes and those paved areas between curbs that exist where alleys intersect streets. 1.12 Sweeping Material. – The material, debris, or waste that is swept from the street including decant (extracted liquid) and spoils (the remaining solids). Decant will be deposited at designated decant locations, Exhibit E, and elsewhere as approved by the City in writing. Spoils will be disposed of at designated disposal facilities. 1.13 Work. – The furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, and other incidentals necessary or convenient to the successful completion of the service and carrying out all of the duties and obligations imposed by the Contract. CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING 2021 May 20, 2021 Page 3 of 25 2.PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE BOND Prior to execution of this Contract by the City, the Contractor shall make, execute and deliver a good and sufficient bond equal to the amount of the fifty thousand dollars ($50,000). The bond shall be with a surety company as surety and be conditioned that the successful Proponent shall faithfully perform all of the provisions of this Contract and pay all laborers, mechanics, and subcontractors and material persons and all persons who supply such person or persons or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for carrying on of such work. The surety must agree to be bound by the laws of the State of Washington and subject to the jurisdiction of the State of Washington. The Payment and Performance Bond shall be on the form provided as Form F to this Contract. 3.TERM AND PAYMENT 3.1 Term of Contract and extensions. The contract for service shall be in effect for a term of 3 years, commencing on July 1, 2021, and ending on June 30, 2024. However, if the Contractor has fully performed all the terms, covenants and conditions of the Contract to the City's satisfaction, and because the Contract is not a PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT, and is a SERVICE CONTRACT, the City may, at its sole option, extend the terms of this Contract for up to two (2) one-year service contract extensions. The City's option to extend this Contract shall be delivered by written notice to the Contractor not less than 60 days prior to the expiration of each contract term. 3.2 Termination. The City may terminate this Contract upon 90 days’ notice to the Contractor. 3.3 Compensation and taxes. 3.3.1 Contractor shall be paid monthly in the lump sum of $20,250 for properly providing the required service to Frequency Areas A, B, and C, as described in the Proposal Forms for this Contract. However, the City of Kent reserves the right to alter the frequency in which Area B is serviced with a minimum 90 days’ written notice in which case the monthly lump sum will be $20,250. If the City chooses to alter the frequency of Area B (March through October), the change shall commence in January of the following year and last through the term of the Contract and any applicable extensions – unless further contract modifications are made by the City. 3.3.2 Contractor shall be paid in the amount of $0.05 per linear foot of curb for properly providing the required service to Frequency Area D, Premium Service, as described elsewhere in this Contract. Payment will be based on the actual linear feet swept. Services performed in excess of those authorized by the City will not be compensated. 3.3.3 Contractor shall pay all applicable taxes. CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING 2021 May 20, 2021 Page 4 of 25 3.4 Compensation for additional services. 3.4.1 Special Sweeping. In the event the City orders Special Sweeping service, the Contractor will be paid on an hourly basis for actual, reasonable time at the rate of $55 per hour. Invoices for payment for Special Sweeping services must show the name of the City staff member requesting Special Sweeping, date and time of request, location of the work performed, and date and time the work was completed. 3.4.2 Increased service during term of Contract. The City reserves the right to increase the total linear curb footage beyond that originally set forth in this Contract. The City shall pay Contractor for the additional footage as follows: (a) Establish the street sweeping frequency schedule for the added street(s); (b) Determine the total additional linear curb footage per sweeping schedule for the added street(s); (c) Determine a price per foot for each affected street schedule from the costs, linear curb footage and schedules established in this Contract; (d) Multiply the total additional linear curb footage per sweeping schedule by the price per foot for that schedule as stated in this Contract; and (e) If the City increases the required sweeping area by a total additional linear curb footage exceeding 25% of the total linear curb footage originally contracted for in this Contract, either party may re-open negotiations for the specific, limited purpose of adjusting the price for these additional services. 3.5 Penalty for missed service. In the event Contractor fails to sweep one or more streets during the sweeping cycle set forth in this Contract, the City may, at its sole option, elect to require the Contractor to sweep the missed streets as provided for in this Subsection 3.5, OR the City may elect to reduce the payment owed to the Contractor. If the City elects to reduce the payment owed to the Contractor, the reduction shall be calculated as follows: (a) Determine the Contractor’s contract price per linear curb foot swept from the costs, linear curb footage and schedules established in this Contract; (b) Multiply the contract price per linear curb foot swept by the total number of linear curb feet that the Contractor failed to sweep in a given month; and (c) Reduce the next monthly payment due to the Contractor by the total reduction calculated in this Subsection. 3.6 No Compensation for Weather Impacts. Contractor shall not be entitled to extra time or compensation for weather-related debris, sand in the gutter line from street sanding, or similar weather-related conditions. 3.7 Schedule of payments by City. Contractor shall invoice the City by the second day of each month. Payment for services rendered during each month will be paid as soon as possible under the City's standard schedule for processing invoices, provided the Contractor has met the conditions of this Contract and CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING 2021 May 20, 2021 Page 5 of 25 that proper invoices and other required records have been timely received by the City. The estimated time for payment is 30 days from the date of proper receipt of Contractor's invoices. Payment will be based on the actual linear feet swept. Invoices shall include the specific identification of costs for Special Sweeping or other extra work. Disposal site tickets, invoices and or receipts shall be provided with the invoices. The invoice requirements for Special Sweeping in section 3.4.1 shall be observed. 3.8 Documentation of services performed. As described in Subsection 5.3, Contractor shall track work performed using Global Positioning System (GPS) monitoring of vehicles, with maps showing work performed to be available to the City online. The Contractor shall submit hardcopy color maps to the City upon request. All cost for GPS tracking and the production of these maps, including, but not limited to, time, material, hardware, software, and transferring electronic files, if requested by the City, shall be borne by Contractor. 4. SCOPE OF SERVICES 4.1 Contract Work. As the term Work is defined in Section 1.13. 4.2 Furnishing of labor, tools and equipment. The Contractor shall complete all Work and furnish all labor, tools, materials, and equipment for street sweeping in accordance with and as described in this Contract. 4.3 Permits and licenses. The Contractor shall be responsible to obtain and pay for any permits or licenses required by the City or any other local, state or federal governmental authority that are necessary to perform the Contract, including all required licenses for Contractor's officers, agents, employees and subcontractors. 4.4 Independent contractor status. Contractor is and shall be at all times acting as an independent contractor and not as an employee of the City. 4.5 Laws to be observed. The Contractor shall always comply with all Federal, State, regional, tribal and local laws, ordinances and regulations that affect Work under this Contract. The Contractor shall defend, indemnify and save harmless the City (including elected officials, agents, officers and employees) against any claims that may arise because the Contractor (or any employee of the Contractor or any subcontractor) violates a legal requirement. This subsection 4.5 is supplemental and in addition to any section or subsection in this Contract that makes reference to specific laws, ordinances or regulations. 4.6 Taxes and insurance fees. The Contractor shall secure at its expense, and shall be responsible for all payments of sales and income taxes, social security withholding, state disability insurance compensation, unemployment compensation, and all other payroll deductions for the Contractor, officers, agents, employees and subcontractors. CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING 2021 May 20, 2021 Page 6 of 25 4.7 Employee and Subcontractor requirements. Contractor and any subcontractors shall comply with the following employee requirements: 4.7.1 All workers shall be competent and experienced in the performance of the Work to which they are assigned. Failure or delay in the performance of this Contract due to the Contractor’s failure to provide workers adequate in number and skill to perform the Contract shall constitute a material breach of this Contract. 4.7.2 PAYMENT OF PREVAILING WAGES IS REQUIRED FOR THIS SERVICE CONTRACT pursuant to Chapter 39.12 RCW, as currently enacted or hereafter amended. 4.7.3 Contractor shall require that all operators of its street sweeping equipment maintain current, valid, appropriate Washington State Driver's Licenses and any other pertinent requirements thereof, including commercial driver's licenses and insurance, if not insured by Contractor. 4.7.4 Contractor shall require all employees to be courteous at all times, to abstain from the use of loud or profane language and to perform the Work as quietly as possible. The City reserves the right to determine whether Contractor is in compliance with this subsection. 4.7.5 Contractor shall, at all times, have designated persons available to accept orders for Special Sweeping and other directions from the City. Such person(s) shall have immediate charge of operations and shall provide the required performance. 4.7.6 All operators of Contractor’s street sweeping equipment shall attend Spill Response Training, offered by the City Environmental Engineering Division, at least once per calendar year. 5. REQUIREMENTS FOR VEHICLES 5.1 General Appearance. Sweeping vehicles shall be numbered and shall have the Contractor's name and vehicle number painted in letters of contrasting color at least four inches high on each side and on the back of each vehicle. No advertising shall be permitted other than the name of the Contractor. The Contractor shall allow the City of Kent to place stormwater educational magnets on street sweepers at the sole expense of the City. All vehicles shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition, and all sweeping vehicles shall be cleaned at least once a week. Repainting of all vehicles shall be done as needed to maintain an acceptable appearance, or within 30 days after written notification by the City. 5.2 State Standards. Sweeping vehicles required for performance shall be maintained in good working condition, equipped with proper warning lights, and operated and equipped in accordance with Chapter 46.37 RCW, as currently enacted or hereafter amended, as it applies to slow moving and/or maintenance CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING 2021 May 20, 2021 Page 7 of 25 vehicles. 5.3 GPS Required. Each of Contractor's sweeping vehicles dedicated to the performance of this contract Work shall be equipped with a functioning GPS mobile unit. The GPS mobile unit shall be capable of tracking the sweepers position, direction, speed, time and status (sweeping or not sweeping) when operating within the City limits in any weather. Contractor shall maintain daily electronic files of the GPS tracking information. Further, the Contractor shall use the GPS electronic files to produce a plotted color map, on a weekly basis, reflecting the Contractor’s sweeping activities of the previous week. The map shall be produced in an electronic format and be made available to the City e- mail. Hand drawn maps will not be accepted. A hard copy of the plotted map shall be submitted to the City upon request. The Contractor shall retain all electronic records for the records retention period set forth in Section 14.1. The Contractor shall, upon request, provide the City with any electronic files or maps requested. 5.4 Age Of Vehicles. No sweeping vehicle may be more than five years old at any time it is used to perform obligations under this Contract. 5.5 Leaks And Spills. All sweeping vehicles shall be kept in good working operations. If at any time any automotive fluid is leaking from the sweeping vehicles, Contractor shall remove the vehicle from service and complete repairs within 24 hours. If any automotive fluids are spilled on the City streets, the Contractor shall immediately report the spill to the City spill hotline at (253) 856-5600. The spill hotline number shall be posted in all street sweepers at all times. All sweeping vehicles shall carry the City spill hotline number in the cabs of the vehicle. All sweeping vehicles shall include a spill kit of new absorbent material to prevent any automotive fluids from entering the City storm sewers. 6. NON-EMERGENCY RESPONSE TIME Whenever directed to perform non-emergency Special Sweeping, Contractor shall respond and commence that work as directed by the City. 7. EMERGENCY RESPONSE TIME Whenever directed to perform Emergency Special Sweeping, Contractor shall respond and commence that work within two hours of receiving that direction. Minimum compensation time for that extra work shall be two hours at the established rate for Special Sweeping. 8.EMERGENCY USE OF OTHER CONTRACTOR In an Emergency, the City reserves its absolute right to hire any street sweeping service provider to perform any amount of work for any length of time at such rates as the City determines to be in the City's best interests during the time of that Emergency. However, the City will use its best efforts to utilize Contractor for these CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING 2021 May 20, 2021 Page 8 of 25 Emergency services whenever practical. 9. RESTRICTIONS ON PERFORMANCE The Contractor shall comply with the following route restrictions: 9.1 Frequency Area A [Core Area]. Core Area streets (refer to schedule) are designated for NO PARKING, MONDAYS ONLY, from 4:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. for street sweeping purposes. 9.2 Frequency Area B [Residential Area]. No sweeping activities shall take place between 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. weekdays. Weekend sweeping may be allowed between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. with the prior written permission of the City. 9.3 Frequency Area C [Major Arterial]. No sweeping activities shall take place between 6:00 am and 9:00 am or between 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. weekdays. 9.4 Premium Service Area D [Designated Roads To Be Swept Once Daily]. Premium Service Areas will be designated by the City at the time service is required. This will include, but is not limited to, the prompt removal of leaves to reduce clogged drain lids and localized flooding. This service may be required once daily for up to 90 days. This Premium Service is further described in Exhibits B and C. 9.5 Coordination With Solid Waste Collection. Contractor shall not sweep residential streets the same day solid waste, recycling or yard and food waste is collected by the City’s solid waste collection service provider. The Contractor shall work with City staff and the solid waste service provider to avoid conflicts. The solid waste collection service dates shall take precedence and street sweeping shall be adjusted accordingly. Occasionally, solid waste collection dates may change due to operational efficiencies. In those circumstances Contractor may be required to adjust schedules. 10.GENERAL SWEEPING REQUIREMENTS 10.1 Streets shall be swept clean and no piles of debris shall be left anywhere within any street or right-of-way. 10.2 Intersections shall be swept clean and Contractor shall hand sweep areas skipped by the sweeping machines consistent with frequencies identified in this Contract. 10.3 Water shall be used to control dust as needed and in compliance with state, regional and local air quality regulations. 10.4 The Contractor shall be responsible for the cleaning of all debris spilled or tracked on any street, alley or public place by any of its equipment. If the Contractor fails to clean the same within 24 hours of notice by the City, the City CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING 2021 May 20, 2021 Page 9 of 25 may cause such streets to be cleaned and may charge the costs to the Contractor. The City is authorized to deduct such cost from any payments due to the Contractor consistent with Section 3.5. 11.CHANGES The City may issue a written change order for any change in the services to be provided during the performance of this Contract. If the Contractor determines, for any reason, that a change order is necessary, Contractor must submit a written change order request to the person listed in the notice provision section of this Contract within 14 days of the date Contractor knew or should have known of the facts and events giving rise to the requested change. If the City determines that the change increases or decreases the Contractor’s costs or time for performance, the City will make an adjustment according to the terms of this Contract. If the Contractor fails to require a change order within the time allowed, the Contractor waives its right to make any claim or submit subsequent change order requests for that portion of the contract work. If the Contractor disagrees with the price adjustment for the change order, the Contractor must complete the change order work and may proceed with the claims process below. The Contractor accepts all requirements of a change order by: (1) endorsing it, (2) writing a separate acceptance, or (3) not protesting in a way this section provides. A change order that is accepted by Contractor as provided in this section shall constitute full payment and final settlement of all claims for contract time and for direct, indirect and consequential costs, including costs of delays related to any work, either covered or affected by the change. 12.MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 12.1 Affirmation Of Knowing Decision By Contractor. The Contractor acknowledges that it has made its own examination, investigation, and research regarding the proper method of doing the work, all conditions affecting the work to be done, the labor, equipment and materials needed and the quantity of the work to be performed. The Contractor is satisfied with its own investigation and research regarding all of these conditions and the Contractor's decision to enter into this Contract is based upon such investigation and research. The Contractor further assumes full responsibility for any estimates, statements or interpretations made by any officer or agent of the City whether or not all or part of any of those estimates, statements or interpretations may prove to be in any respect erroneous. 12.2 No Implication Of City Ownership. The Contractor shall not use a firm name containing the words "Kent", "City", or any words implying municipal ownership. 12.3 Cost Of Water And Duty Of Care To Water System. It is the Contractor's sole responsibility to obtain and pay for any water used in the sweeping operation and to obtain all necessary permits and meters. Contractor may obtain permits and meters for the City of Kent Water District at the City Public Works Operations building at 5821 S. 240th Street in Kent. In areas where the Soos Creek Water District or Lake Meridian Water District have jurisdiction, CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING 2021 May 20, 2021 Page 10 of 25 Contractor shall be responsible for contacting those Districts to obtain permits and meters. Copies of hydrant permits shall be carried on all sweepers at all times. Reasonable care must be taken in order to protect the water systems from damage or contamination, including but not limited to using backflow prevention devices. In the event any damage occurs, or potential contamination is suspected, Contractor shall immediately notify the City at (253) 856-5600 or the appropriate water district. 13.CONTACTS 13.1 Contractor’s responsible management or supervisory persons shall be accessible at or through Contractor’s office during regular business hours (8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.) on weekdays to assure the required contractual performance. Contractor shall maintain a telephone message system to receive messages when the office is closed. 13.2 In addition, the parties agree that they will establish acceptable procedures for communication of necessary information. Each party agrees to designate a key employee who will be the responsible contact person for that party with respect to implementation of the Contract and communication of information necessary for performance. Each party agrees to follow the procedures established between the parties for regular, effective communication of information between the parties, including Emergency events that may occur outside of regular business hours. 14.REQUIRED RECORDKEEPING 14.1 Contractor shall keep at all times accurate and complete records and accounts in writing and otherwise in accord with accepted accounting practices. Records shall include but not be limited to, route books indicating which streets were swept, such records will be consistent with data generated by the GPS system attached to the Contractor's sweepers. 14.2 Contractor shall allow the City, or it's duly authorized representative or agent, reasonable and adequate access to all records, data, copies or duplicates without charge. 14.3 Each Monday, Contractor shall deliver to the City a written or electronic report of work performed during the previous week. The City will not process a purchase order for payment if Contractor does not timely and accurately provide these reports. In the event no such written report is received by the City, the City's record shall control in any dispute between Contractor and the City and the Contractor waives and releases its right to prove or allege any facts or other data differing from the City's record. 14.4 Within seven days of the effective date of this Contract, the Contractor shall submit for the City's approval, a daily sweeping schedule, together with a planned route outline on maps attached as Exhibit C or as may hereinafter be amended by the City. Contractor shall designate which holidays it will observe CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING 2021 May 20, 2021 Page 11 of 25 and indicate all schedule modifications if the holiday falls on a regular sweeping day. Should the Contractor need to modify the schedule as submitted, the Contractor shall give not less than seven days’ written notice to the City. Contractor shall work with Republic Services to ensure residential streets (Frequency Area B) are not swept the same day garbage, recycling or yard and food waste is collected. 14.5 Contractor shall maintain accurate records of the sites utilized for disposal of the street sweeping spoils. At a minimum, these records shall show dates and times of transportation and disposal, amount of spoils disposed, and the name and location of the disposal site used. This information shall be provided in the Contractor's weekly reports. Disposal tickets, receipts and/or invoices shall be attached to Contractor’s monthly invoices. 14.6 Contractor shall maintain all records for a minimum of seven years after the termination date of this Contract or such longer time as is the duration of any litigation arising out of Contractor’s performance of the Contract. 15.RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE TO UTILITIES OR PROPERTY Contractor shall protect all public and private utilities and property from damages by Contractor’s operation. If utilities or property are damaged by reason of the Contractor's operations, Contractor shall, at its own expense, promptly repair or replace same to the original and/or better conditions. In the event Contractor fails to promptly make the repairs, the City shall make the repair or replacement, and the cost of doing so shall be billed to Contractor or alternately at the City's option, the City may deduct that cost from any payments due the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for all consequences and shall defend, indemnify and hold the City harmless for any losses caused by the damaging or interruption of utility services or damages to property. 16. HANDLING AND DISPOSAL OF WASTES – GENERALLY 16.1 Extra care shall be taken in the loading and transportation of street sweeping spoils and other waste so that none of the material to be collected is left either on private property or on the streets or alleys. Any matter left on private property or on streets or alleys by the Contractor shall immediately be removed upon notice from the City at no extra cost to the City. 16.2 Decant as herein defined shall be disposed of at the locations specified by the City in Exhibit E to this Contract or as otherwise approved by the City in writing. 16.3 Contractor shall deliver, at its cost, street sweeping spoils to a disposal site operated by King County, or its successors, or such other site or sites as shall be approved by and meets with the disposal requirements of the Washington State Department of Ecology and any other Federal, State or Local Agency or Department with Jurisdiction; provided that the Contractor shall not use any dump or solid waste disposal site that the City would be prohibited from using were the City to collect and dispose of street sweeping spoils or waste on its CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING 2021 May 20, 2021 Page 12 of 25 own. The Contractor shall advise the City of the disposal site or disposal sites being used by the Contractor by attaching a copy of the disposal tickets, invoices and/or receipts for each site used to invoices submitted. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT TEMPORARILY STORE ANY STREET SWEEPING SPOILS OR WASTE AT ANY SITE OTHER THAN A DISPOSAL SITE THAT HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY FOR THAT SPECIFIC PURPOSE. 16.4 Contractor assumes responsibility for all sweeping material collected and disposed under the terms of this Contract. 17. HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 17.1 Contractor recognizes that the sweeping material collected by its street sweepers either is or may contain dangerous or hazardous wastes. 17.2 Contractor agrees to collect, handle, transport and dispose of the sweeping material specifically in accordance with all applicable standards, rules and regulations now in effect or hereafter amended or enacted by the Washington Department of Ecology and the United States Environmental Protection Agency or their successors. 17.3 Contractor further assumes full responsibility and holds the City harmless for complete compliance with all applicable local, state or federal laws, rules or regulations that apply to the services provided in this contract as they affect the collection, handling, transportation or disposal of hazardous or dangerous wastes collected by its street sweepers. 18.INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE 18.1 Hold harmless. The Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits, including all legal costs and attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this Contract, except to the extent that such injuries and damages are caused by the sole or contributory negligence of the City. 18.2 Acceptance by City not a waiver. The City's inspection or acceptance of any of the Contractor’s work when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification. 18.3 Potential limits to liability. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Contract is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers, the Contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor’s negligence. CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING 2021 May 20, 2021 Page 13 of 25 18.4 Waiver of immunity under industrial insurance. Solely for purposes of enforcing the indemnification obligations of a party under the terms of this Contract, Contractor expressly waives its immunity under Title 51 RCW and acknowledges that such waiver has been specifically negotiated. 18.5 Terms survive expiration of Contract. The provisions of this Contract that address insurance and indemnification shall survive the expiration or termination of this Contract, unless a specific section of this Contract states otherwise. 19.INSURANCE 19.1 Minimum insurance requirements. Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of this Contract insurance of the types and in the amounts described below against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work by the Contractor, its agents, representatives, employees, subconsultants or subcontractors. 19.2 Certificate Of Insurance. Before beginning work on the project described in this Contract, the Contractor shall provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing: a.Automobile Liability insurance with limits no less than $5,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage; and b.Commercial General Liability (CGL) insurance written on an occurrence basis with limits no less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence and general aggregate for personal injury, bodily injury and property damage. Coverage shall include but not be limited to: blanket contractual; products/completed operations/broad form property damage; explosion, collapse and underground (XCU); and employer's liability. c.Excess Liability insurance with limits not less than $4,000,000 per occurrence and aggregate. Note that if Excess coverage in this amount applies to Auto as well as CGL, then the Auto coverage will be acceptable at $1,000,000. d.Insurer. Insurance coverage is to be provided only by an insurer with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. 19.3 City Insurance Shall Not Contribute. The Contractor’s insurance shall be the primary insurance as respects the City. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City shall be in excess of Contractor’s insurance and shall not contribute with it. 19.4 City Named As Additional Insured. The City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers shall be named as an additional insured on the insurance policy, as respects work performed by or on behalf of the CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING 2021 May 20, 2021 Page 14 of 25 Contractor and a copy of the endorsement naming the City as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance, which shall be kept on file with this Contract. The City will not execute the Contract until such documents are provided. 19.5 Coverage Shall Apply Separately To Each Insured. Contractor’s insurance shall contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability. 19.6 Notice Required To City Prior To Change In Coverage. Contractor’s insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled, suspended or altered in any material way without the City being given 30 days’ prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, of the proposed cancellation or material change in coverage. 19.7 Responsibility For Premiums Or Deductibles. Any payment of premiums, deductibles, or self insured retention shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. 19.8 Proof Of Subcontractor Insurance. Where use of a subcontractor is allowed under this Contract, Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under Contractor’s policies OR shall furnish the City separate certificates or endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall meet the same insurance requirements as stated in this Contract for Contractor. 19.9 City Not Responsible For Contractor’s Tools & Equipment. The Contractor hereby agrees and acknowledges that the City bears no liability or responsibility for any loss or damage from any cause whatsoever to Contractor’s tools, machinery, equipment, or vehicles, including rented tools, machinery, or equipment, or tools, machinery, or equipment owned or rented by Contractor’s agents or subcontractors. 20. FORCE MAJEURE Neither party shall be liable to the other for breach due to delay or failure in performance resulting from acts of God, acts of war or of the public enemy, riots, pandemic, fire, flood, or other natural disaster or acts of government (“force majeure event”). Performance that is prevented or delayed due to a force majeure event shall not result in liability to the delayed party. Both parties represent to the other that at the time of signing this Agreement, they are able to perform as required and their performance will not be prevented, hindered, or delayed by the current COVID-19 pandemic, any existing state or national declarations of emergency, or any current social distancing restrictions or personal protective equipment requirements that may be required under federal, state, or local law in response to the current pandemic. If any future performance is prevented or delayed by a force majeure event, the party whose performance is prevented or delayed shall promptly notify the other party CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING 2021 May 20, 2021 Page 15 of 25 of the existence and nature of the force majeure event causing the prevention or delay in performance. Any excuse from liability shall be effective only to the extent and duration of the force majeure event causing the prevention or delay in performance and, provided, that the party prevented or delayed has not caused such event to occur and continues to use diligent, good faith efforts to avoid the effects of such event and to perform the obligation. Notwithstanding other provisions of this section, the Contractor shall not be entitled to, and the City shall not be liable for, the payment of any part of the contract price during a force majeure event, or any costs, losses, expenses, damages, or delay costs incurred by the Contractor due to a force majeure event. Performance that is more costly due to a force majeure event is not included within the scope of this Force Majeure provision. If a force majeure event occurs, the City may direct the Contractor to restart any work or performance that may have ceased, to change the work, or to take other action to secure the work or the project site during the force majeure event. The cost to restart, change, or secure the work or project site arising from a direction by the City under this clause will be dealt with as a change order, except to the extent that the loss or damage has been caused or exacerbated by the failure of the Contractor to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement. Except as expressly contemplated by this section, all other costs will be borne by the Contractor. 21.LABOR DISPUTES In the event of a strike or labor dispute involving Contractor’s employees, the City and Contractor shall meet to determine the appropriate manner of continuing public service under the Contract. While not relieving the Contractor of obligations under the Contract, the City will cooperate with Contractor in providing for the continuation of services in the best interest of public health, safety and welfare. 22.CLAIMS If the Contractor disagrees with anything required by a change order, another written order, or an oral order from the City, including any direction, instruction, interpretation, or determination by the City, the Contractor may file a claim as provided in this section. The Contractor shall give written notice to the City of all claims within 14 days of the occurrence of the events giving rise to the claims, or within 14 days of the date the Contractor knew or should have known of the facts or events giving rise to any claim, whichever occurs first. Any claim for damages, additional payment for any reason, or extension of time, whether under this Agreement or otherwise, shall be conclusively deemed to have been waived by the Contractor unless a timely written claim is made in strict accordance with the applicable provisions of this Agreement. At a minimum, a Contractor’s written claim shall include the information set forth in subsections A, items 1 through 4 below. FAILURE TO PROVIDE A COMPLETE, WRITTEN NOTIFICATION OF CLAIM WITHIN THE TIME ALLOWED SHALL BE AN ABSOLUTE WAIVER OF ANY CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING 2021 May 20, 2021 Page 16 of 25 CLAIMS ARISING IN ANY WAY FROM THE FACTS OR EVENTS SURROUNDING THAT CLAIM OR CAUSED BY THAT DELAY. A. Notice of Claim. Provide a signed written notice of claim that provides the following information: 1.The date of the Contractor’s claim; 2.The nature and circumstances that caused the claim; 3.The provisions in this Agreement that support the claim; and 4.The estimated dollar cost, if any, of the claimed work and how that estimate was determined. B. Records. The Contractor shall keep complete records of extra costs and time incurred as a result of the asserted events giving rise to the claim. The City shall have access to any of the Contractor’s records needed for evaluating the protest. The City will evaluate all claims, provided the procedures in this section are followed. If the City determines that a claim is valid, the City will adjust payment for work or time by an equitable adjustment. No adjustment will be made for an invalid protest. C. Contractor’s Duty to Complete Protested Work. In spite of any claim, the Contractor shall proceed promptly to provide the goods, materials and services required by the City under this Agreement. D. Failure to Protest Constitutes Waiver. By not protesting as this section provides, the Contractor also waives any additional entitlement and accepts from the City any written or oral order (including directions, instructions, interpretations, and determination). E. Failure to Follow Procedures Constitutes Waiver. By failing to follow the procedures of this section, the Contractor completely waives any claims for protested work and accepts from the City any written or oral order (including directions, instructions, interpretations, and determination). 23.LIMITATION OF ACTIONS CONTRACTOR MUST, IN ANY EVENT, FILE ANY LAWSUIT ARISING FROM OR CONNECTED WITH THIS AGREEMENT WITHIN 120 CALENDAR DAYS FROM THE DATE THE CONTRACT WORK IS COMPLETE OR CONTRACTOR’S ABILITY TO FILE THAT SUIT SHALL BE FOREVER BARRED. THIS SECTION FURTHER LIMITS ANY APPLICABLE STATUTORY LIMITATIONS PERIOD FOR CLAIM’S FILING BY CONTRACTOR. 24. NON-DISCRIMINATION 24.1 Contractor shall not discriminate against any employee or proponent for employment because of race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, national origin, age, sex, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, political ideology, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap or the use of a trained CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING 2021 May 20, 2021 Page 17 of 25 guide or service dog by a disabled person, unless based upon bona fide occupational qualification. Contractor shall take affirmative action to ensure that proponents are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, national origin, age, sex, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, political ideology, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap or the use of a trained guide or service dog by a disabled person. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer, recruitment, or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. 24.2 Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the provisions of this non- discrimination clause. 24.3 Failure to comply with any of the terms of this section shall constitute a material breach of this Contract. 25. MINIMUM WAGE AND SERVICE CONTRACT AFFIRMATIONS 25.1 Contractor affirms that it has read and signed the Non-collusion/Minimum wage combined affidavit & certification form. See, Form 2 of the response to the City’s Request for Proposals. Contractor agrees that this project constitutes “Public Work” for the purpose of complying with the prevailing wage requirements found in RCW 39.12.020, but in all other respects is a service contract. Contractor agrees that it shall pay prevailing wages at applicable state rates. 25.2 Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices as required by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries. 25.3 No payment will be made on this Contract until the Contractor and each and every subcontractor has submitted a Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages as approved by the Industrial Statistician of the Department of Labor and Industries. Payment on the final invoice for the Contract will be withheld until the Contractor and each and every subcontractor has submitted an “Affidavit of Wages Paid” that has been certified by the Industrial Statistician of the Department of Labor and Industries. 26. OTHER REMEDIES AVAILABLE TO CITY In addition to any other remedy provided herein, the City reserves the right to pursue any remedy available at law including the enforcement of the Contract terms for performance against Contractor and/or its successors and assigns. The pursuit of any right or remedy by the City shall not prevent the City from thereafter declaring a forfeiture or revocation for breach of the conditions herein. CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING 2021 May 20, 2021 Page 18 of 25 27. TERMS OF THIS CONTRACT ARE CONTROLLING The written provisions and terms of this Contract, its exhibits and attachments, amendments and change orders shall supersede all statements of any officer or other representative of the City, whether oral or written, and such statements shall not be effective or be construed as entering into or forming a part of, or altering in any manner whatsoever, this Contract. 28.WAIVER OF TERMS MUST BE IN WRITING No waiver of any of the provisions of this Contract shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the City. 29. SEVERABILITY AND RE-AWARD OF CONTRACT If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Contract should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Contract. In the event that any of the provisions of this Contract are held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City reserves the right to reconsider the award of this contract and may amend, repeal, add, replace or modify any other provision of this Contract, or may terminate this Contract. 30.DISPUTES This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. If the parties are unable to settle any dispute, difference, or claim arising from the performance of the Contract, the exclusive means of resolution shall be by filing suit under the venue, rules and jurisdiction of the Superior Court for King County Washington. In any claim or lawsuit for damages arising from the performance of this Contract, each party shall pay its own legal costs and attorneys’ fees. Provided, however, nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to limit the City’s right to indemnification under Sections 14, 15, 16 and 17 of this Contract. 31.NOTICES All notices regarding this Contract shall be sent to the parties at the addresses below. Any written notice shall become effective as of the date of mailing by registered or certified mail and shall be deemed sufficiently given if sent to the addressee at the address stated in this Contract or such other address as may hereafter be specified in writing. Provided, however, that daily operational and emergency communications shall be as provided for in Section 13 of this Contract. 32.ENTIRETY The Contract, Contractor’s Response to the RFP and all forms and attachments are incorporated into this Contract by this reference and represent the entire agreement of the City and the Contractor with respect to the services to be provided under this Contract. To the extent any conflicting terms or conditions exist among this Contract, the Response to the RFP and the attachments, this Contract shall control. No prior written or oral statement or proposal shall alter any term or provision of this Contract. THE PARTIES agree to all terms and conditions of this Contract which shall be effective on the last day executed and warrant that the persons executing have the authority to do so. CITY OF KENT co By: Its: 11 : Mavor Dated: ADDRESS:ADDRESS: A. e.€ ted By Its Da 0- 6o ?r-t220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 (2s3) 8s6-s77j ATTEST CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: Law Department CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING 2O2I Page 19 of 25 rn€ May 20,2O2L Dana Ralph 06/10/2021 Form I PROPON ENT'S QUALTFICATION STATEM ENT This Form 1 is to be filled in by the Proponent. Each Proponent shall prepare and submit the data requested. The City will use information offered by the Proponent in this Statement as a significant factor in determining which Proponent to contact to engage in further negotiations. (Attach additional pages as necessary) This data sheet must be included in and made a part of this submitted proposal' Name of Proponent:c n Business Ad dress and UBI number:b ol azn *ll'l zt €n 1 2 flgo= t3. Address of Local Office if Different from Business Address in #2 4. How many years have You been eng ed in the street sweeping business under the present comPanY name? Contracts now in hand. Gross amount: $5A List several recent contracts completed by your company similar to this project, including approximate contract amount and name and phone number of M u nicipality/Agency:a+T t\b rn4 5 6 L A am'e'3r'a"1a-1 o e ]_o 77as 04 OM ^ob flzo bsz List your major equipment to be used in this contract including the make, year and model and if it will be dedicated for the sole use of this contract: -m@ b(b/ 1 7 o 8. Three business references including Municipal cy na phone number:LOS OI h CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING 2O2L PageT of 36 cJh(-z , contact and 3ri)IozZ 'BaGa- Ag n April2L,2O2L ,qgzl 2021 STREET SWEEPING SERVICE PROPOSAL FORM Alternative 2 Three-year contract with two one-year extensions at the sole discretion of the city. The undersigned hereby proposes to provide all equipment, labor, materials and supplies to perform the service as specified in this contract for the following fees' APPROXIMATE LUMP SUM LINEAL FT. CURB PER MONTH 1 2 3 4 5 FREQUENCY AREA A Twice per week service FREQUENCY AREA B Once per month service (Jan.- SePt,) Twice per month service (Oct, - Dec.) FREQUENCY AREA C Once per week service PREMIUM SERVICE AREA D Once daily up to 90 days EXTRA SWEEPING . CALL-OUT BASIS 57,34t ISc dO 2,032,982 11.5a, ao 374,778 5,&n,oo $Zb,a5c,oo Total monthly cost (lump sum) O, OSd $,O per foot of actual sweeping l_5,oo 113, 1 15 Estimated 100 hours/year Per hour h Company Submitti roposal aSl \ __CrAn ts nn zed Represe ntative orized S re Note: Contractor must submit a firm proposal for the contract term(s)' The City wilt not adjust Contractor's rate of payment for annual inflation, CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPIN G 2O2L APT|I 2T' 2O2I Page 10 of 36 t me o FORM 2 CITY OF KENT COMBINED AFFIDAVIT & CERTIFICATION FORM: NON-COLLUSION, MINIMUM WAGE (NON-FEDERAL AID) NON.COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT Being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he/she is the identical person who submitted the ioregoing proposal or bid, and that such bid is genuine and not sham or collusive or made in tlre interest or on behalf of any person not therein named, and further, that the deponent has not directly induced or solicited any other bidder on the foregoing work equipment to put in a sham bid, or any other person or corporation to refrJin from bidding, and that deponent has not in any manner sought by collusion to secure to himself/herself or to any other person any advantage over other bidder or bidders. AND MINIMUM WAGE AFFIDAVIT FORM I, the undersigned, having duly sworn, deposed, say and certify that in connection with the performance of the work of this project, I will pay each classification of laborer, workman, or mechanic employed in the performance of such work not less than the prevailing rate of wage or not less than the minimum rate of wage as specified in the principal contract; that I have read the above and foregoing statement and certificate, know the contents thereof and the substance as set forth therein is true to my knowledge and belief. FOR; NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT AND MINIMUM WAGE AFFIDAVIT 2O2L Street SweePing Services NAME OF PROJECT ,1 AME OF PROPONENT'S COM e A {r fSr enT PRINTED NAME, TITLE AND SIG ATURE AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF PROPONENT \.J of 202r.Subsc e this ry Publi c an d for the State of Washington iding at o. *o ouB".o 1 AQ). Page B of It oF I t\\WA 2 NG 2021 April2t,202L FORM 3 PROPOSED CONTRACT MODIFICATIONS List all proposed contract modifications including subsection numbers to be modified and an explanation of the proposed contract modifications, (Attach additional pages as necessary.) If no modifications are proposed, please state "No Modifications Proposed," CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING 2O2I Page 11 of 36 April2L,2O2L CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING 2021 May 18, 2021 Page 20 of 25 EXHIBIT A PREVAILING WAGE RATES State of Washington Department of Labor & Industries Prevailing Wage Section - Telephone 360-902-5335 PO Box 44540, Olympia, WA 98504-4540 Washington State Prevailing Wage The PREVAILING WAGES listed here include both the hourly wage rate and the hourly rate of fringe benefits. On public works projects, worker's wage and benefit rates must add to not less than this total. A brief description of overtime calculation requirements are provided on the Benefit Code Key. Journey Level Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 05/06/2021 County_ King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King Trade Asbestos Abatement Workers Boilermakers Brick Mason Brick Mason Building Service Employees Building Service Employees Building Service Employees Building Service Employees Cabinet Makers (In Shop). Carpenters Carpenters Carpenters Carpenters Carpenters Carpenters Carpenters Cement Masons King Cement Masons King Cement Masons King Cement Masons King King King King King King King Cement Masons Cement Masons Cement Masons Cement Masons Cement Masons Cement Masons Cement Masons Job Classification Journey Level Journey Level Journey Level Pointer -Caulker -Cleaner Janitor Traveling Waxer/Shampooer Window Cleaner (Non -Scaffold) Window Cleaner (Scaffold) Journey Level Acoustical Worker Carpenter Carpenters on Stationary Tools Creosoted Material Floor Finisher Floor Layer Scaffold Erector Application of all Composition Mastic Application of all Epoxy Material Application of all Plastic Material Application of Sealing Compound Application of Underlayment Building General Composition or Kalman Floors Concrete Paving Curb Et Gutter Machine Curb Et Gutter, Sidewalks Curing Concrete Wage Holiday Overtime Note $52.39 $70.79 $60.57 $60.57 $26.28 $26.63 $29.98 $30.98 $22.74 $64.94 $64.94 $65.07 $65.07 $64.94 $64.94 $64.94 $64.84 5D 5N 7E 7E 5S 5S 5S 5S 7A 7A 7A 7A 7A 7A 7A 7A $64.34 7A $64.84 7A $64.34 7A 1H 1C 1N 1N 2F 2F 2F 2F 1 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4U *Risk Class View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View 4U View 4U View 4U View $64.84 7A 41J View $64.34 7A 41J View $64.84 7A 41J View $64.34 7A 41J View $64.84 7A 41J View $64.34 7A 41J View $64.34 7A 41J View King King King King King King King King King King King King King Cement Masons Cement Masons Cement Masons Cement Masons Cement Masons Cement Masons Cement Masons Cement Masons Cement Masons Cement Masons Cement Masons Cement Masons Cement Masons King Cement Masons King Cement Masons King Cement Masons King Cement Masons King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King Cement Masons Divers Et Tenders Divers Et Tenders Divers Et Tenders Divers Et Tenders Divers Et Tenders Divers Et Tenders Divers Et Tenders Divers Et Tenders Divers Et Tenders Dredge Workers Dredge Workers Dredge Workers Dredge Workers Dredge Workers Dredge Workers Dredge Workers Drywall Applicator Drywall Tapers Electrical Fixture Maintenance Workers Electricians - Inside Electricians - Inside Electricians - Inside Finish Colored Concrete Floor Grinding Floor Grinding/Polisher Green Concrete Saw, self - powered Grouting of all Plates Grouting of all Tilt -up Panels Gunite Nozzleman Hand Powered Grinder Journey Level Patching Concrete Pneumatic Power Tools Power Chipping Et Brushing Sand Blasting Architectural Finish Screed Et Rodding Machine Spackling or Skim Coat Concrete Troweling Machine Operator Troweling Machine Operator on Colored Slabs Tunnel Workers Bell/Vehicle or Submersible Operator (Not Under Pressure) Dive Supervisor/Master Diver Diver On Standby Diver Tender Manifold Operator Manifold Operator Mixed Gas Remote Operated Vehicle Operator/Technician Remote Operated Vehicle Tender Assistant Engineer Assistant Mate (Deckhand) Boatmen Engineer Welder Leverman, Hydraulic Mates Oiler Journey Level Journey Level Journey Level $64.84 7A 4U View $64.84 7A 4U View $64.34 7A 4U View $64.84 7A 4U View $64.34 7A 4U View $64.34 7A 4U View $64.84 7A 4U View $64.84 7A 4U View $64.34 7A 4U View $64.34 7A 4U View $64.84 7A 4U View $64.84 7A 4U View $64.84 7A 4U View $64.84 7A 4U View $64.34 7A 4U View $64.84 7A 4U View $64.84 7A 4U View $64.84 7A 4U View $118.80 7A 4C View $81.98 7A 4C View $118.80 7A 4C 8V View $76.98 7A 4C View $69.91 7A 4C View $69.91 7A 4C View $74.91 7A 4C View $69.91 7A 4C View $65.19 7A 4C View $70.62 5D 3F View $70.07 5D 3F View $70.62 5D 3F View $71.97 5D 3F View $73.41 5D 3F View $70.62 5D 3F View $70.07 5D 3F View $64.94 5D 1 H View $65.31 5P 1 E View $31.99 5L 1 E View Cable Splicer $92.57 7C 4E View Cable Splicer (tunnel) $99.46 7C 4E View Certified Welder $89.44 7C 4E View King Electricians - Inside Certified Welder (tunnel) $96.02 7C 4E View King Electricians - Inside Construction Stock Person $44.78 7C 4E View King Electricians - Inside Journey Level $86.30 7C 4E View King Electricians - Inside Journey Level (tunnel) $92.57 7C 4E View King Electricians - Motor Shop Journey Level $47.53 5A 1 B View King Electricians - Powerline Cable Splicer $82.39 5A 4D View Construction King Electricians - Powerline Certified Line Welder $75.64 5A 4D View Construction King Electricians - Powerline Groundperson $49.17 5A 4D View Construction King Electricians - Powerline Heavy Line Equipment $75.64 5A 4D View Construction Operator King Electricians - Powerline Journey Level Lineperson $75.64 5A 4D View Construction King Electricians - Powerline Line Equipment Operator $64.54 5A 4D View Construction King Electricians - Powerline Meter Installer $49.17 5A 4D 8W View Construction King Electricians - Powerline Pole Sprayer $75.64 5A 4D View Construction King Electricians - Powerline Powderperson $56.49 5A 4D View Construction King Electronic Technicians Journey Level $53.57 7E 1 E View King Elevator Constructors Mechanic $100.51 7D 4A View King Elevator Constructors Mechanic In Charge $108.53 7D 4A View King Fabricated Precast Concrete All Classifications - In -Factory $18.25 5B 1 R View Products Work Only King Fence Erectors Fence Erector $44.40 7A 4V 8Y View King Fence Erectors Fence Laborer $44.40 7A 4V 8Y View King Flaggers Journey Level $44.40 7A 4V 8Y View King Glaziers Journey Level $69.26 7L 1Y View King Heat Et Frost Insulators And Journeyman $79.43 5J 4H View Asbestos Workers King Heating Equipment Mechanics Journey Level $89.61 7F 1 E View King Hod Carriers Et Mason Tenders Journey Level $54.01 7A 4V 8Y View King Industrial Power Vacuum Journey Level $13.69 1 View Cleaner King Inland Boatmen Boat Operator $61.41 5B 1 K View King Inland Boatmen Cook $56.48 5B 1 K View King Inland Boatmen Deckhand $57.48 5B 1 K View King Inland Boatmen Deckhand Engineer $58.81 5B 1 K View King Inland Boatmen Launch Operator $58.89 5B 1 K View King Inland Boatmen Mate $57.31 5B 1 K View King Inspection/Cleaning/Sealing Of Cleaner Operator, Foamer $31.49 1 View Sewer Et Water Systems By Operator Remote Control King Inspection/Cleaning/Sealing Of Grout Truck Operator $13.69 1 View Sewer Et Water Systems By Remote Control King Inspection/Cleaning/Sealing Of Head Operator $24.91 1 View Sewer Et Water Systems By Remote Control King Inspection/Cleaning/Sealing Of Technician $19.33 1 View Sewer Et Water Systems By Remote Control King Inspection/Cleaning/Sealing Of Tv Truck Operator $20.45 1 View Sewer Et Water Systems By Remote Control King Insulation Applicators Journey Level $64.94 7A 4C T View King Ironworkers Journeyman $76.78 7N 10 View King Laborers Air, Gas Or Electric Vibrating $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View Screed King Laborers Airtrac Drill Operator $54.01 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Ballast Regular Machine $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Batch Weighman $44.40 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Brick Pavers $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Brush Cutter $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Brush Hog Feeder $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Burner $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Caisson Worker $54.01 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Carpenter Tender $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Cement Dumper -paving $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Cement Finisher Tender $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Change House Or Dry Shack $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Chipping Gun (30 Lbs. And $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View Over) King Laborers Chipping Gun (Under 30 Lbs.) $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Choker Setter $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Chuck Tender $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Clary Power Spreader $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Clean-up Laborer $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Concrete Dumper/Chute $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View Operator King Laborers Concrete Form Stripper $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Concrete Placement Crew $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Concrete Saw Operator/Core $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View Driller King Laborers Crusher Feeder $44.40 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Curing Laborer $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Demolition: Wrecking Et Moving $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View (Incl. Charred Material) King Laborers Ditch Digger $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Diver $54.01 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Drill Operator (Hydraulic, $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View Diamond) King Laborers Dry Stack Walls $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Dump Person $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Epoxy Technician $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Erosion Control Worker $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Faller Et Bucker Chain Saw $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Fine Graders $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Firewatch $44.40 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Form Setter $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Gabian Basket Builders $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers General Laborer $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Grade Checker Et Transit Person $54.01 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Grinders $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Grout Machine Tender $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Groutmen (Pressure) Including $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View Post Tension Beams King Laborers Guardrail Erector $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Hazardous Waste Worker (Level $54.01 7A 4V 8Y View A) King Laborers Hazardous Waste Worker (Level $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View B) King Laborers Hazardous Waste Worker (Level $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View C) King Laborers High Scaler $54.01 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Jackhammer $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Laserbeam Operator $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Maintenance Person $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Manhole Builder-Mudman $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Material Yard Person $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Motorman -Dinky Locomotive $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Nozzleman (Concrete Pump, $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View Green Cutter When Using Combination Of High Pressure Air Et Water On Concrete Et Rock, Sandblast, Gunite, Shotcrete, Water Blaster, Vacuum Blaster) King Laborers Pavement Breaker $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Pilot Car $44.40 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Pipe Layer Lead $54.01 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Pipe Layer/Tailor $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Pipe Pot Tender $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Pipe Reliner $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Pipe Wrapper $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Pot Tender $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Powderman $54.01 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Powderman's Helper $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Power Jacks $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Railroad Spike Puller - Power $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Raker - Asphalt $54.01 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Re-timberman $54.01 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Remote Equipment Operator $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Rigger/Signal Person $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Rip Rap Person $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Rivet Buster $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Rodder $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Scaffold Erector $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Scale Person $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Sloper (Over 20") $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Sloper Sprayer $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Spreader (Concrete) $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Stake Hopper $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Stock Piler $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Swinging Stage/Boatswain $44.40 7A 4V 8Y View Chair King Laborers Tamper Et Similar Electric, Air $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View Et Gas Operated Tools King Laborers Tamper (Multiple Et Self- $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View propelled) King Laborers Timber Person - Sewer (Lagger, $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View Shorer Et Cribber) King Laborers Toolroom Person (at Jobsite) $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Topper $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Track Laborer $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Track Liner (Power) $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Traffic Control Laborer $47.48 7A 4V 9C View King Laborers Traffic Control Supervisor $50.31 7A 4V 9C View King Laborers Truck Spotter $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Tugger Operator $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Tunnel Work -Compressed Air $129.67 7A 4V 9B View Worker 0-30 psi King Laborers Tunnel Work -Compressed Air $134.70 7A 4V 9B View Worker 30.01-44.00 psi King Laborers Tunnel Work -Compressed Air $138.38 7A 4V 9B View Worker 44.01-54.00 psi King Laborers Tunnel Work -Compressed Air $144.08 7A 4V 9B View Worker 54.01-60.00 psi King Laborers Tunnel Work -Compressed Air $146.20 7A 4V 9B View Worker 60.01-64.00 psi King Laborers Tunnel Work -Compressed Air $151.30 7A 4V 9B View Worker 64.01-68.00 psi King Laborers Tunnel Work -Compressed Air $153.20 7A 4V 9B View Worker 68.01-70.00 psi King Laborers Tunnel Work -Compressed Air $155.20 7A 4V 9B View Worker 70.01-72.00 psi King Laborers Tunnel Work -Compressed Air $157.20 7A 4V 9B View Worker 72.01-74.00 psi King Laborers Tunnel Work-Guage and Lock $54.11 7A 4V 8Y View Tender King Laborers Tunnel Work -Miner $54.11 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Vibrator $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Vinyl Seamer $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Watchman $40.36 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Welder $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Well Point Laborer $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers Window Washer/Cleaner $40.36 7A 4V 8Y View King Laborers - Underground Sewer General Laborer Et Topman $52.39 7A 4V 8Y View Et Water King Laborers - Underground Sewer Pipe Layer $53.35 7A 4V 8Y View Et Water King Landscape Construction Landscape $40.36 7A 4V 8Y View Construction/Landscaping Or Planting Laborers King Landscape Construction Landscape Operator $72.28 7A 3K 8X View King Landscape Maintenance Groundskeeper $17.87 1 View King Lathers Journey Level $64.94 5D 1 H View King Marble Setters Journey Level $60.57 7E 1 N View King Metal Fabrication (In Shop). Journey Level $41.70 15F 11A View King Millwright Journey Level $66.44 7A 4C View King Modular Buildings Cabinet Assembly $13.69 1 View King Modular Buildings Electrician $13.69 1 View King Modular Buildings Equipment Maintenance $13.69 1 View King Modular Buildings Plumber $13.69 1 View King Modular Buildings Production Worker $13.69 1 View King Modular Buildings Tool Maintenance $13.69 1 View King Modular Buildings Utility Person $13.69 1 View King Modular Buildings Welder $13.69 1 View King Painters Journey Level $45.40 6Z 2B View King Pile Driver Crew Tender $69.91 7A 4C View King Pile Driver Crew Tender/Technician $69.91 7A 4C View King Pile Driver Hyperbaric Worker - $80.76 7A 4C View Compressed Air Worker 0-30.00 PSI King Pile Driver Hyperbaric Worker - $85.76 7A 4C View Compressed Air Worker 30.01 44.00 PSI King Pile Driver Hyperbaric Worker - $89.76 7A 4C View Compressed Air Worker 44.01 - 54.00 PSI King Pile Driver Hyperbaric Worker - $94.76 7A 4C View Compressed Air Worker 54.01 60.00 PSI King Pile Driver Hyperbaric Worker - $97.26 7A 4C View Compressed Air Worker 60.01 - 64.00 PSI King Pile Driver Hyperbaric Worker - $102.26 7A 4C View Compressed Air Worker 64.01 68.00 PSI King Pile Driver Hyperbaric Worker - $104.26 7A 4C View Compressed Air Worker 68.01 70.00 PSI King Pile Driver Hyperbaric Worker - $106.26 7A 4C View Compressed Air Worker 70.01 - 72.00 PSI King Pile Driver Hyperbaric Worker - $108.26 7A 4C View Compressed Air Worker 72.01 74.00 PSI King Pile Driver Journey Level $65.19 7A 4C View King Plasterers Journey Level $61.67 M 1 R View King Playground Et Park Equipment Journey Level $13.69 1 View Installers King Plumbers & Pipefitters Journey Level $92.19 6Z 1G View King Power Equipment Operators Asphalt Plant Operators $73.49 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Assistant Engineer $69.12 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Barrier Machine (zipper) $72.84 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Batch Plant Operator: concrete $72.84 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Bobcat $69.12 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Brokk - Remote Demolition $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Equipment King Power Equipment Operators Brooms $69.12 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Bump Cutter $72.84 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Cableways $73.49 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Chipper $72.84 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Compressor $69.12 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Concrete Finish Machine - $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Laser Screed King Power Equipment Operators Concrete Pump - Mounted Or $72.28 7A 3K 8X View Trailer High Pressure Line Pump, Pump High Pressure King Power Equipment Operators Concrete Pump: Truck Mount $73.49 7A 3K 8X View With Boom Attachment Over 42 M King Power Equipment Operators Concrete Pump: Truck Mount $72.84 7A 3K 8X View With Boom Attachment Up To 42m King Power Equipment Operators Conveyors $72.28 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Cranes friction: 200 tons and $75.72 7A 3K 8X View over King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: 100 tons through 199 $74.22 7A 3K 8X View tons, or 150' of boom (including jib with attachments) King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: 20 Tons Through 44 $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Tons With Attachments King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: 200 tons- 299 tons, or $74.99 7A 3K 8X View 250' of boom including jib with attachments King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: 300 tons and over or $75.72 7A 3K 8X View 300' of boom including jib with attachments King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: 45 Tons Through 99 $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Tons, Under 150' Of Boom (including Jib With Attachments) King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: A -frame - 10 Tons And $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Under King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: Friction cranes through $74.99 7A 3K 8X View 199 tons King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: through 19 tons with $72.28 7A 3K 8X View attachments, A -frame over 10 tons King Power Equipment Operators Crusher $72.84 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Deck Engineer/Deck Winches $72.84 7A 3K 8X View (power) King Power Equipment Operators Derricks, On Building Work $73.49 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Dozers D-9 Ft Under $72.28 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Drill Oilers: Auger Type, Truck $72.28 7A 3K 8X View Or Crane Mount King Power Equipment Operators Drilling Machine $74.22 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Elevator And Man -lift: $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Permanent And Shaft Type King Power Equipment Operators Finishing Machine, Bidwell And $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Gamaco Et Similar Equipment King Power Equipment Operators Forklift: 3000 Lbs And Over $72.28 7A 3K 8X View With Attachments King Power Equipment Operators Forklifts: Under 3000 Lbs. With $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Attachments King Power Equipment Operators Grade Engineer: Using Blue $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Prints, Cut Sheets, Etc King Power Equipment Operators Gradechecker/Stakeman $69.12 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Guardrail Punch $72.84 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Hard Tail End Dump $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Articulating Off- Road Equipment 45 Yards. &t Over King Power Equipment Operators Hard Tail End Dump $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Articulating Off -road Equipment Under 45 Yards King Power Equipment Operators Horizontal/Directional Drill $72.28 7A 3K 8X View Locator King Power Equipment Operators Horizontal/Directional Drill $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Operator King Power Equipment Operators Hydralifts/Boom Trucks Over $72.28 7A 3K 8X View 10 Tons King Power Equipment Operators Hydralifts/Boom Trucks, 10 $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Tons And Under King Power Equipment Operators Loader, Overhead 8 Yards. Ft $74.22 7A 3K 8X View Over King Power Equipment Operators Loader, Overhead, 6 Yards. But $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Not Including 8 Yards King Power Equipment Operators Loaders, Overhead Under 6 $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Yards King Power Equipment Operators Loaders, Plant Feed $72.84 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Loaders: Elevating Type Belt $72.28 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Locomotives, All $72.84 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Material Transfer Device $72.84 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Mechanics, All (leadmen - $74.22 7A 3K 8X View $0.50 Per Hour Over Mechanic) King Power Equipment Operators Motor Patrol Graders $73.49 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Mucking Machine, Mole, Tunnel $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Drill, Boring, Road Header And/or Shield King Power Equipment Operators Oil Distributors, Blower $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Distribution E. Mulch Seeding Operator King Power Equipment Operators Outside Hoists (Elevators And $72.28 7A 3K 8X View Manlifts), Air Tuggers, Strato King Power Equipment Operators Overhead, Bridge Type Crane: $72.84 7A 3K 8X View 20 Tons Through 44 Tons King Power Equipment Operators Overhead, Bridge Type: 100 $74.22 7A 3K 8X View Tons And Over King Power Equipment Operators Overhead, Bridge Type: 45 Tons $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Through 99 Tons King Power Equipment Operators Pavement Breaker $69.12 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Pile Driver (other Than Crane $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Mount) King Power Equipment Operators Plant Oiler - Asphalt, Crusher $72.28 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Posthole Digger, Mechanical $69.12 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Power Plant $69.12 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Pumps - Water $69.12 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Quad 9, Hd 41, D10 And Over $73.49 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Quick Tower - No Cab, Under $69.12 7A 3K 8X View 100 Feet In Height Based To Boom King Power Equipment Operators Remote Control Operator On $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Rubber Tired Earth Moving Equipment King Power Equipment Operators Rigger and Bellman $69.12 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Rigger/Signal Person, Bellman $72.28 7A 3K 8X View (Certified) King Power Equipment Operators Rollagon $73.49 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Roller, Other Than Plant Mix $69.12 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Roller, Plant Mix Or Multi -lift $72.28 7A 3K 8X View Materials King Power Equipment Operators Roto-mill, Roto-grinder $72.84 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Saws - Concrete $72.28 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Scraper, Self Propelled Under $72.84 7A 3K 8X View 45 Yards King Power Equipment Operators Scrapers - Concrete Et Carry All $72.28 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Scrapers, Self-propelled: 45 $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Yards And Over King Power Equipment Operators Service Engineers - Equipment $72.28 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Shotcrete/Gunite Equipment $69.12 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Shovel, Excavator, Backhoe, $72.28 7A 3K 8X View Tractors Under 15 Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators Shovel, Excavator, Backhoe: $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Over 30 Metric Tons To 50 Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes, $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Tractors: 15 To 30 Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes: $74.22 7A 3K 8X View Over 50 Metric Tons To 90 Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes: $74.99 7A 3K 8X View Over 90 Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators Slipform Pavers $73.49 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Spreader, Topsider Et $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Screedman King Power Equipment Operators Subgrader Trimmer $72.84 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Tower Bucket Elevators $72.28 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Tower Crane Up To 175' In $74.22 7A 3K 8X View Height Base To Boom King Power Equipment Operators Tower Crane: over 175' through $74.99 7A 3K 8X View 250' in height, base to boom King Power Equipment Operators Tower Cranes: over 250' in $75.72 7A 3K 8X View height from base to boom King Power Equipment Operators Transporters, All Track Or Truck $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Type King Power Equipment Operators Trenching Machines $72.28 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Truck Crane Oiler/driver - 100 $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Tons And Over King Power Equipment Operators Truck Crane Oiler/Driver Under $72.28 7A 3K 8X View 100 Tons King Power Equipment Operators Truck Mount Portable Conveyor $72.84 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Welder $73.49 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Wheel Tractors, Farman Type $69.12 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators Yo Yo Pay Dozer $72.84 7A 3K 8X View King Power Equipment Operators- Asphalt Plant Operators $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Assistant Engineer $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Barrier Machine (zipper) $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Batch Plant Operator, Concrete $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Bobcat $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Brokk - Remote Demolition $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Equipment King Power Equipment Operators- Brooms $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Bump Cutter $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Cableways $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Chipper $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Compressor $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Concrete Finish Machine - $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Laser Screed King Power Equipment Operators- Concrete Pump - Mounted Or $72.28 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Trailer High Pressure Line Pump, Pump High Pressure King Power Equipment Operators- Concrete Pump: Truck Mount $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water With Boom Attachment Over 42 M King Power Equipment Operators- Concrete Pump: Truck Mount $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water With Boom Attachment Up To 42m King Power Equipment Operators- Conveyors $72.28 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Cranes friction: 200 tons and $75.72 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water over King Power Equipment Operators- Cranes: 100 tons through 199 $74.22 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water tons, or 150' of boom (including jib with attachments) King Power Equipment Operators- Cranes: 20 Tons Through 44 $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Tons With Attachments King Power Equipment Operators- Cranes: 200 tons- 299 tons, or $74.99 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water 250' of boom including jib with attachments King Power Equipment Operators- Cranes: 300 tons and over or $75.72 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water 300' of boom including jib with attachments King Power Equipment Operators- Cranes: 45 Tons Through 99 $73.49 7A 3K 8X I View Underground Sewer Et Water Tons, Under 150' Of Boom (including Jib With Attachments) King Power Equipment Operators- Cranes: A -frame - 10 Tons And $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Under King Power Equipment Operators- Cranes: Friction cranes through $74.99 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water 199 tons King Power Equipment Operators- Cranes: through 19 tons with $72.28 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water attachments, A -frame over 10 I tons King Power Equipment Operators- Crusher $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Deck Engineer/Deck Winches $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water (power) King Power Equipment Operators- Derricks, On Building Work $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Dozers D-9 Et Under $72.28 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Drill Oilers: Auger Type, Truck $72.28 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Or Crane Mount King Power Equipment Operators- Drilling Machine $74.22 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Elevator And Man -lift: $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Permanent And Shaft Type King Power Equipment Operators- Finishing Machine, Bidwell And $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Gamaco Et Similar Equipment King Power Equipment Operators- Forklift: 3000 Lbs And Over $72.28 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water With Attachments King Power Equipment Operators- Forklifts: Under 3000 Lbs. With $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Attachments King Power Equipment Operators- Grade Engineer: Using Blue $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Prints, Cut Sheets, Etc King Power Equipment Operators- Gradechecker/Stakeman $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Guardrail Punch $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Hard Tail End Dump $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Articulating Off- Road Equipment 45 Yards. Et Over King Power Equipment Operators- Hard Tail End Dump $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Articulating Off -road Equipment Under 45 Yards King Power Equipment Operators- Horizontal/Directional Drill $72.28 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Locator King Power Equipment Operators- Horizontal/Directional Drill $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Operator King Power Equipment Operators- Hydralifts/Boom Trucks Over $72.28 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water 10 Tons King Power Equipment Operators- Hydralifts/Boom Trucks, 10 $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Tons And Under King Power Equipment Operators- Loader, Overhead 8 Yards. Et $74.22 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Over King Power Equipment Operators- Loader, Overhead, 6 Yards. But $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Not Including 8 Yards King Power Equipment Operators- Loaders, Overhead Under 6 $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Yards King Power Equipment Operators- Loaders, Plant Feed $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Loaders: Elevating Type Belt $72.28 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Locomotives, All $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Material Transfer Device $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Mechanics, All (leadmen - $74.22 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water $0.50 Per Hour Over Mechanic) King Power Equipment Operators- Motor Patrol Graders $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Mucking Machine, Mole, Tunnel $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Drill, Boring, Road Header And/or Shield King Power Equipment Operators- Oil Distributors, Blower $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Distribution Et Mulch Seeding Operator King Power Equipment Operators- Outside Hoists (Elevators And $72.28 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Manlifts), Air Tuggers, Strato King Power Equipment Operators- Overhead, Bridge Type Crane: $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water 20 Tons Through 44 Tons King Power Equipment Operators- Overhead, Bridge Type: 100 $74.22 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Tons And Over King Power Equipment Operators- Overhead, Bridge Type: 45 Tons $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Through 99 Tons King Power Equipment Operators- Pavement Breaker $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Pile Driver (other Than Crane $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Mount) King Power Equipment Operators- Plant Oiler - Asphalt, Crusher $72.28 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Posthole Digger, Mechanical $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Power Plant $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Pumps - Water $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Quad 9, Hd 41, D10 And Over $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Quick Tower - No Cab, Under $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water 100 Feet In Height Based To Boom King Power Equipment Operators- Remote Control Operator On $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Rubber Tired Earth Moving Equipment King Power Equipment Operators- Rigger and Bellman $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Rigger/Signal Person, Bellman $72.28 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water (Certified) King Power Equipment Operators- Rollagon $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Roller, Other Than Plant Mix $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Roller, Plant Mix Or Multi -lift $72.28 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Materials King Power Equipment Operators- Roto-mill, Roto-grinder $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Saws - Concrete $72.28 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Scraper, Self Propelled Under $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water 45 Yards King Power Equipment Operators- Scrapers - Concrete Et Carry All $72.28 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Scrapers, Self-propelled: 45 $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Yards And Over King Power Equipment Operators- Service Engineers - Equipment $72.28 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Shotcrete/Gunite Equipment $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Shovel, Excavator, Backhoe, $72.28 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Tractors Under 15 Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators- Shovel, Excavator, Backhoe: $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Over 30 Metric Tons To 50 Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators- Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes, $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Tractors: 15 To 30 Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators- Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes: $74.22 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Over 50 Metric Tons To 90 Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators- Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes: $74.99 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Over 90 Metric Tons King Power Equipment Operators- Slipform Pavers $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Spreader, Topsider Et $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Screedman King Power Equipment Operators- Subgrader Trimmer $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Tower Bucket Elevators $72.28 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Tower Crane Up To 175' In $74.22 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Height Base To Boom King Power Equipment Operators- Tower Crane: over 175through $74.99 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water 250' in height, base to boom King Power Equipment Operators- Tower Cranes: over 250' in $75.72 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water height from base to boom King Power Equipment Operators- Transporters, All Track Or Truck $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Type King Power Equipment Operators- Trenching Machines $72.28 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Truck Crane Oiler/driver - 100 $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water Tons And Over King Power Equipment Operators- Truck Crane Oiler/Driver Under $72.28 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water 100 Tons King Power Equipment Operators- Truck Mount Portable Conveyor $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Welder $73.49 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Wheel Tractors, Farmall Type $69.12 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Equipment Operators- Yo Yo Pay Dozer $72.84 7A 3K 8X View Underground Sewer Et Water King Power Line Clearance Tree Journey Level In Charge $55.03 5A 4A View Trimmers King Power Line Clearance Tree Spray Person $52.24 5A 4A View Trimmers King Power Line Clearance Tree Tree Equipment Operator $55.03 5A 4A View Trimmers King Power Line Clearance Tree Tree Trimmer $49.21 5A 4A View Trimmers King Power Line Clearance Tree Tree Trimmer Groundperson $37.47 5A 4A View Trimmers King Refrigeration Et Air Journey Level $87.01 6Z 1G View Conditioning Mechanics King Residential Brick Mason Journey Level $60.57 7E 1 N View King Residential Carpenters Journey Level $36.44 1 View King Residential Cement Masons Journey Level $46.64 1 View King Residential Drywall Applicators Journey Level $64.94 7A 4C View King Residential Drywall Tapers Journey Level $36.36 1 View King Residential Electricians Journey Level $48.80 1 View King Residential Glaziers Journey Level $28.93 1 View King Residential Insulation Journey Level $28.18 1 View Applicators King Residential Laborers Journey Level $29.73 1 View King Residential Marble Setters Journey Level $27.38 1 View King Residential Painters Journey Level $23.47 1 View King Residential Plumbers Et Journey Level $92.19 6Z 1G View Pipefitters King Residential Refrigeration Et Air Journey Level $87.01 6Z 1G View Conditioning Mechanics King Residential Sheet Metal Journey Level $89.61 7F 1 E View Workers King Residential Soft Floor Layers Journey Level $51.91 5A 3J View King Residential Sprinkler Fitters Journey Level $53.04 5C 2R View .(Fire Protection), King Residential Stone Masons Journey Level $60.57 7E 1 N View King Residential Terrazzo Workers Journey Level $55.71 7E 1 N View King Residential Terrazzo/Tile Journey Level $24.39 1 View Finishers King Residential Tile Setters Journey Level $21.04 1 View King Roofers Journey Level $57.30 5A 3H View King Roofers Using Irritable Bituminous $60.30 5A 3H View Materials King Sheet Metal Workers Journey Level (Field or Shop) $89.61 7F 1 E View King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair New Construction Boilermaker $38.54 7V 1 View King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair New Construction Carpenter $38.54 7V 1 View King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair New Construction Crane $38.54 7V 1 View Operator King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair New Construction Electrician $38.54 7V 1 View King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair New Construction Heat Et Frost $79.43 5.1 4H View Insulator King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair New Construction Laborer $38.54 7V 1 View King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair New Construction Machinist $38.54 7V 1 View King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair New Construction Operating $38.54 7V 1 View Engineer King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair New Construction Painter $38.54 7V 1 View King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair New Construction Pipefitter $38.54 7V 1 View King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair New Construction Rigger $38.54 7V 1 View King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair New Construction Sheet Metal $38.54 7V 1 View King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair New Construction Shipfitter $38.54 7V 1 View King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair New Construction $38.54 7V 1 View Warehouse/Teamster King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair New Construction Welder / $38.54 7V 1 View Burner King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Ship Repair Boilermaker $47.35 7X 4J View King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Ship Repair Carpenter $47.35 7X 4J View King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Ship Repair Crane Operator $45.06 7Y 4K View King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Ship Repair Electrician $47.42 7X 4J View King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Ship Repair Heat Et Frost $79.43 5J 4H View Insulator King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Ship Repair Laborer $47.35 7X 4J View King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Ship Repair Machinist $47.35 7X 4J View King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Ship Repair Operating Engineer $45.06 7Y 4K View King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Ship Repair Painter $47.35 7X 4J View King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Ship Repair Pipefitter $47.35 7X 4J View King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Ship Repair Rigger $47.35 7X 4J View King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Ship Repair Sheet Metal $47.35 7X 4J View King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Ship Repair Shipwright $47.35 7X 4J View King Shipbuilding Et Ship Repair Ship Repair Warehouse / $45.06 7Y 4K View Teamster King Sign Makers Et Installers Journey Level $51.56 0 1 View _(Electrical) King Sign Makers Et Installers (Non- Journey Level $33.20 0 1 View Electrical). King Soft Floor Layers Journey Level $51.91 5A 3J View King Solar Controls For Windows Journey Level $13.69 1 View King Sprinkler Fitters (Fire Journey Level $85.89 5C 1X View Protection) King Stage Rigging Mechanics (Non Journey Level $13.69 1 View Structural), King Stone Masons Journey Level $60.57 7E 1N View King Street And Parking Lot Sweeper Journey Level $19.09 1 View Workers King Surveyors Assistant Construction Site $72.28 7A 3K 8X View Surveyor King Surveyors Chainman $69.12 7A 3K 8X View King Surveyors Construction Site Surveyor $73.49 7A 3K 8X View King Telecommunication Technicians Journey Level $53.57 7E 1 E View King Telephone Line Construction - Cable Splicer $37.40 5A 2B View Outside King Telephone Line Construction - Hole Digger/Ground Person $25.04 5A 2B View Outside King Telephone Line Construction - Telephone Equipment Operator $31.22 5A 2B View Outside (Light) King Telephone Line Construction - Telephone Lineperson $35.34 5A 2B View Outside King Terrazzo Workers Journey Level $55.71 7E 1N View King Tile Setters Journey Level $55.71 7E 1N View King Tile, Marble Et Terrazzo Finisher $46.54 7E 1N View Finishers King Traffic Control Stripers Journey Level $49.13 7A 1 K View King Truck Drivers Asphalt Mix Over 16 Yards $64.55 5D 4Y 8L View King Truck Drivers Asphalt Mix To 16 Yards $63.71 5D 4Y 8L View King Truck Drivers Dump Truck $63.71 5D 4Y 8L View King Truck Drivers Dump Truck Et Trailer $64.55 5D 4Y 8L View King Truck Drivers Other Trucks $64.55 5D 4Y 8L View King Truck Drivers - Ready Mix Transit Mix $64.55 5D 4Y 8L View King Well Drillers Et Irrigation Pump Irrigation Pump Installer $17.71 1 View Installers King Well Drillers Et Irrigation Pump Oiler $13.69 1 View King Installers Well Drillers it Irrigation Pump Installers Well Driller $18.00 i View Benefit Code Key — Effective 3/3/2021 thru 8/31/2021 Overtime Codes Overtime calculations are based on the hourly rate actually paid to the worker. On public works projects, the hourly rate must be not less than the prevailing rate of wage minus the hourly rate of the cost of fringe benefits actually provided for the worker. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. B. All hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. C. The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first ten (10) hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other overtime hours and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. D. The first two (2) hours before or after a five -eight (8) hour workweek day or a four -ten (10) hour workweek day and the first eight (8) hours worked the next day after either workweek shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All additional hours worked and all worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. E. The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first eight (8) hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other hours worked Monday through Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. F. The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first ten (10) hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other overtime hours worked, except Labor Day, shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Labor Day shall be paid at three times the hourly rate of wage. G. The first ten (10) hours worked on Saturdays and the first ten (10) hours worked on a fifth calendar weekday in a four - ten hour schedule, shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked in excess of ten (10) hours per day Monday through Saturday and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. H. All hours worked on Saturdays (except makeup days if work is lost due to inclement weather conditions or equipment breakdown) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked Monday through Saturday over twelve (12) hours and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. I. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall also be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first ten (10) hours on Saturday shall be paid atone and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked over ten (10) hours Monday through Saturday, Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. K. All hours worked on Saturdays and Sundays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. M. All hours worked on Saturdays (except makeup days if work is lost due to inclement weather conditions) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. N. All hours worked on Saturdays (except makeup days) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. 1of14 Benefit Code Key — Effective 3/3/2021 thru 8/31/2021 Overtime Codes Continued O. The first ten (10) hours worked on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays, holidays and after twelve (12) hours, Monday through Friday and after ten (10) hours on Saturday shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. P. All hours worked on Saturdays (except makeup days if circumstances warrant) and Sundays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. Q. The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and up to ten (10) hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked in excess of ten (10) hours per day Monday through Saturday and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays (except Christmas day) shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Christmas day shall be paid at two and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. R. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at two times the hourly rate of wage. U. All hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays (except Labor Day) shall be paid at two times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Labor Day shall be paid at three times the hourly rate of wage. V. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays (except Thanksgiving Day and Christmas day) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas day shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. W. All hours worked on Saturdays and Sundays (except make-up days due to conditions beyond the control of the employer)) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. X. The first four (4) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first twelve (12) hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked over twelve (12) hours Monday through Saturday, Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. When holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, the day before Saturday, Friday, and the day after Sunday, Monday, shall be considered the holiday and all work performed shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. Y. All hours worked outside the hours of 5:00 am and 5:00 pm (or such other hours as may be agreed upon by any employer and the employee) and all hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day (10 hours per day for a 4 x 10 workweek) and on Saturdays and holidays (except labor day) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. (except for employees who are absent from work without prior approval on a scheduled workday during the workweek shall be paid at the straight -time rate until they have worked 8 hours in a day (10 in a 4 x 10 workweek) or 40 hours during that workweek.) All hours worked Monday through Saturday over twelve (12) hours and all hours worked on Sundays and Labor Day shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. Z. All hours worked on Saturdays and Sundays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid the straight time rate of pay in addition to holiday pay. 2of14 Benefit Code Key — Effective 3/3/2021 thru 8/31/2021 Overtime Codes Continued 2. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. B. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. F. The first eight (8) hours worked on holidays shall be paid at the straight hourly rate of wage in addition to the holiday pay. All hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. M. This code appears to be missing. All hours worked on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. O. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. R. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays and all hours worked over sixty (60) in one week shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. U. All hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked over 12 hours in a day or on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. F. All hours worked on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sunday shall be paid at two times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on paid holidays shall be paid at two and one-half times the hourly rate of wage including holiday pay. H. All work performed on Sundays between March 16th and October 14th and all Holidays shall be compensated for at two (2) times the regular rate of pay. Work performed on Sundays between October 15th and March 15th shall be compensated at one and one half (1-1/2) times the regular rate of pay. All hours worked between the hours of 10:00 pm and 5:00 am, Monday through Friday, and all hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at a one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. K. Work performed in excess of eight (8) hours of straight time per day, or ten (10) hours of straight time per day when four ten (10) hour shifts are established, or forty (40) hours of straight time per week, Monday through Friday, or outside the normal 5 am to 6pm shift, and all work on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All work performed after 6:00 pm Saturday to 5:00 am Monday and Holidays, and all hours worked in excess of twelve (12) hours in a single shift shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. After an employee has worked eight (8) hours at an applicable overtime rate, all additional hours shall be at the applicable overtime rate until such time as the employee has had a break of eight (8) hours or more. When an employee returns to work without at least eight (8) hours time off since their previous shift, all such time shall be a continuation of shift and paid at the applicable overtime rate until he/she shall have the eight (8) hours rest period. 4. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. A. All hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. 3of14 Benefit Code Key — Effective 3/3/2021 thru 8/31/2021 Overtime Codes Continued 4. C. On Monday through Friday, the first four (4) hours of overtime after eight (8) hours of straight time work shall be paid at one and one half (1-1/2) times the straight time rate of pay, unless a four (4) day ten (10) hour workweek has been established. On a four (4) day ten (10) hour workweek scheduled Monday through Thursday, or Tuesday through Friday, the first two (2) hours of overtime after ten (10) hours of straight time work shall be paid at one and one half (1-1/2) times the straight time rate of pay. On Saturday, the first twelve (12) hours of work shall be paid at one and one half (1-1/2) times the straight time rate of pay, except that if the job is down on Monday through Friday due to weather conditions or other conditions outside the control of the employer, the first ten (10) hours on Saturday may be worked at the straight time rate of pay. All hours worked over twelve (12) hours in a day and all hours worked on Sunday and Holidays shall be paid at two (2) times the straight time rate of pay. D. All hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Saturday, Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of pay. Rates include all members of the assigned crew. EXCEPTION: On all multipole structures and steel transmission lines, switching stations, regulating, capacitor stations, generating plants, industrial plants, associated installations and substations, except those substations whose primary function is to feed a distribution system, will be paid overtime under the following rates: The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday of overtime on a regular workday, shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours in excess of ten (10) hours will be at two (2) times the hourly rate of wage. The first eight (8) hours worked on Saturday will be paid at one and one-half (1-1/2) times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours on Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays will be at the double the hourly rate of wage. All overtime eligible hours performed on the above described work that is energized, shall be paid at the double the hourly rate of wage. E. The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first eight (8) hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other hours worked Monday through Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. On a four -day, ten-hour weekly schedule, either Monday thru Thursday or Tuesday thru Friday schedule, all hours worked after ten shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. The Monday or Friday not utilized in the normal four - day, ten hour work week, and Saturday shall be paid at one and one half (1'h) times the regular shift rate for the first eight (8) hours. All other hours worked Monday through Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. G. All hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked Monday through Saturday over twelve (12) hours and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. H. The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first eight (8) hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other overtime hours worked, except Labor Day, and all hours on Sunday shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Labor Day shall be paid at three times the hourly rate of wage. I. The First eight (8) hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked in excess of eight (8) per day on Saturdays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. 4of14 Benefit Code Key — Effective 3/3/2021 thru 8/31/2021 Overtime Codes Continued 4. J. The first eight (8) hours worked on a Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours on a Saturday shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked over twelve (12) in a day, and all hours worked on Sundays and Holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. K. All hours worked on a Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage, so long as Saturday is the sixth consecutive day worked. All hours worked over twelve (12) in a day Monday through Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and Holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. L. The first twelve (12) hours worked on a Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on a Saturday in excess of twelve (12) hours shall be paid at double the hourly rate of pay. All hours worked over twelve (12) in a day Monday through Friday, and all hours worked on Sundays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on a holiday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage, except that all hours worked on Labor Day shall be paid at double the hourly rate of pay. U. The first four (4) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first twelve (12) hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. (Except on makeup days if work is lost due to inclement weather, then the first eight (8) hours on Saturday may be paid the regular rate.) All hours worked over twelve (12) hours Monday through Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. V. Work performed in excess of ten (10) hours of straight time per day when four ten (10) hour shifts are established or outside the normal shift (5 am to 6pm), and all work on Saturdays, except for make-up days shall be paid at time and one-half (1 ''/2) the straight time rate. In the event the job is down due to weather conditions, then Saturday may, be worked as a voluntary make-up day at the straight time rate. However, Saturday shall not be utilized as a make-up day when a holiday falls on Friday. All work performed on Sundays and holidays and work in excess of twelve (12) hours per day shall be paid at double (2x) the straight time rate of pay. After an employee has worked eight (8) hours at an applicable overtime rate, all additional hours shall be at the applicable overtime rate until such time as the employee has had a break of eight (8) hours. When an employee returns to work without a break of eight (8) hours since their previous shift, all such time shall be a continuation of shift and paid at the applicable overtime rate until such time as the employee has had a break of eight (8) hours. W. All hours worked on Saturdays (except makeup days if work is lost due to inclement weather conditions) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. When an employee returns to work without at least eight (8) hours time off since their previous shift, all such time shall be a continuation of shift and paid at the applicable overtime rate until such time as the employee has had a break of eight (8) hours. 5of14 Benefit Code Key — Effective 3/3/2021 thru 8/31/2021 Overtime Codes Continued 4. X. All hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. Work performed outside the normal shift of 6 am to 6pm shall be paid at one and one-half the straight time rate, (except for special shifts or three shift operations). All work performed on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. Shifts may be established when considered necessary by the Employer. The Employer may establish shifts consisting of eight (8) or ten (10) hours of work (subject to WAC 296-127-022), that shall constitute a normal forty (40) hour work week. The Employer can change from a 5-eight to a 4-ten hour schedule or back to the other. All hours of work on these shifts shall be paid for at the straight time hourly rate. Work performed in excess of eight hours (or ten hours per day (subject to WAC 296-127-022) shall be paid atone and one- half the straight time rate. When due to conditions beyond the control of the Employer, or when contract specifications require that work can only be performed outside the regular day shift, then by mutual agreement a special shift may be worked at the straight time rate, eight (8) hours work for eight (8) hours pay. The starting time shall be arranged to fit such conditions of work. When an employee returns to work without at a break of eight (8) hours since their previous shift, all such time shall be a continuation of shift and paid at the applicable overtime rate until such time as the employee has had a break of eight (8) hours. Y. Work performed in excess of eight (8) hours of straight time per day, or ten (10) hours of straight time per day when four ten (10) hour shifts are established, or forty (40) hours of straight time per week, Monday through Friday, or outside the normal shift, and all work on Saturdays shall be paid at time and one-half the straight time rate. All work performed after 6:00 pm Saturday to 6:00 am Monday and holidays shall be paid at double the straight time rate of pay. Any shift starting between the hours of 6:00 pm and midnight shall receive an additional one dollar ($1.00) per hour for all hours worked that shift. After an employee has worked eight (8) hours at an applicable overtime rate, all additional hours shall be at the applicable overtime rate until such time as the employee has had a break of eight (8) hours or more. Z. All hours worked between the hours of 6:00 pm and 6:00 am, Monday through Saturday, shall be paid at a premium rate of 20% over the hourly rate of wage. Work performed on Sundays may be paid at double time. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. 11. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. A. The first ten (10) hours worked on Saturday and all hours worked on holidays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked over twelve (12) hours Monday through Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. After an employee has worked eight (8) hours, all additional hours worked shall be paid at the applicable overtime rate until such time as the employee has had a break of eight (8) hours or more. 6of14 Benefit Code Key — Effective 3/3/2021 thru 8/31/2021 Holiday Codes A. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (7). B. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, the day before Christmas, and Christmas Day (8). C. Holidays: New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). D. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). H. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Day after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas (6). I. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (6). Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve Day, And Christmas Day (7). K. Holidays: New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday After Thanksgiving Day, The Day Before Christmas, And Christmas Day (9). L. Holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). N. Holidays: New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving Day, The Friday After Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (9). P. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday And Saturday After Thanksgiving Day, The Day Before Christmas, And Christmas Day (9). If A Holiday Falls On Sunday, The Following Monday Shall Be Considered As A Holiday. Q. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (6). R. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day After Thanksgiving Day, One -Half Day Before Christmas Day, And Christmas Day. (7 1/2). S. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (7). Z. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). 6. G. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and Christmas Eve Day (11). H. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, New Year's Eve Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday After Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, The Day After Christmas, And A Floating Holiday (10). 7of14 Benefit Code Key — Effective 3/3/2021 thru 8/31/2021 Holiday Codes Continued T. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, The Friday After Thanksgiving Day, The Last Working Day Before Christmas Day, And Christmas Day (9). Z. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (7). If a holiday falls on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be considered as the holiday. If a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday shall be considered as the holiday. A. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). Any Holiday Which Falls On A Sunday Shall Be Observed As A Holiday On The Following Monday. If any of the listed holidays falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be a regular work day. B. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. C. Holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. D. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). Unpaid Holidays: President's Day. Any paid holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any paid holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. E. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (7). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. F. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, the last working day before Christmas day and Christmas day (8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. G. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (6). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. H. Holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, the Last Working Day before Christmas Day and Christmas Day (9). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. I. Holidays: New Year's Day, President's Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, The Friday After Thanksgiving Day, The Day Before Christmas Day And Christmas Day (9). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. 8of14 Benefit Code Key — Effective 3/3/2021 thru 8/31/2021 Holiday Codes Continued Holidays: New Year's Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day (6). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. K. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. L. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Last Work Day before Christmas Day, And Christmas Day (7). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. N. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (7). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. When Christmas falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as a holiday. P. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (7). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Q. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, the Last Working Day before Christmas Day and Christmas Day (8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. If any of the listed holidays falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be a regular work day. S. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, the Day after Christmas, and A Floating Holiday (9). If any of the listed holidays falls on a Sunday, the day observed by the Nation shall be considered a holiday and compensated accordingly. V. Holidays: New Year's Day, President's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, the day before or after Christmas, and the day before or after New Year's Day. If any of the above listed holidays falls on a Sunday, the day observed by the Nation shall be considered a holiday and compensated accordingly. W. Holidays: New Year's Day, Day After New Year's, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve Day, Christmas Day, the day after Christmas, the day before New Year's Day, and a Floating Holiday. X. Holidays: New Year's Day, Day before or after New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and the day before or after Christmas day. If a holiday falls on a Saturday or on a Friday that is the normal day off, then the holiday will be taken on the last normal workday. If the holiday falls on a Monday that is the normal day off or on a Sunday, then the holiday will be taken on the next normal workday. Y. Holidays: New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. (8) If the holiday falls on a Sunday, then the day observed by the federal government shall be considered a holiday and compensated accordingly. 9of14 Benefit Code Key — Effective 3/3/2021 thru 8/31/2021 Holiday Codes Continued G. New Year's Day, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, The Friday After Thanksgiving Day, the last scheduled workday before Christmas, and Christmas Day (9). If any of the listed holidays falls on a Sunday, the day observed by the Nation shall be considered a holiday and compensated accordingly. H. Holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, the Last Working Day before Christmas Day and Christmas Day (9). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. I. Holidays: New Year's Day, President's Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, The Friday After Thanksgiving Day, The Day Before Christmas Day And Christmas Day (9). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. Holidays: New Year's Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day (6). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. K. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. L. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Last Work Day before Christmas Day, And Christmas Day (7). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. N. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (7). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. When Christmas falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as a holiday. P. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (7). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Q. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, the Last Working Day before Christmas Day and Christmas Day (8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. If any of the listed holidays falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be a regular work day. S. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, the Day after Christmas, and A Floating Holiday (9). If any of the listed holidays falls on a Sunday, the day observed by the Nation shall be considered a holiday and compensated accordingly. V. Holidays: New Year's Day, President's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, the day before or after Christmas, and the day before or after New Year's Day. If any of the above listed holidays falls on a Sunday, the day observed by the Nation shall be considered a holiday and compensated accordingly. 10 of 14 Benefit Code Key — Effective 3/3/2021 thru 8/31/2021 Holiday Codes Continued 7. W. Holidays: New Year's Day, Day After New Year's, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve Day, Christmas Day, the day after Christmas, the day before New Year's Day, and a Floating Holiday. X. Holidays: New Year's Day, Day before or after New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and the day before or after Christmas day. If a holiday falls on a Saturday or on a Friday that is the normal day off, then the holiday will be taken on the last normal workday. If the holiday falls on a Monday that is the normal day off or on a Sunday, then the holiday will be taken on the next normal workday. Y. Holidays: New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. (8) If the holiday falls on a Sunday, then the day observed by the federal government shall be considered a holiday and compensated accordingly. 15. F. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, the last scheduled workday before Christmas, and Christmas Day (8). If any of the listed holidays falls on a Sunday, the day observed by the Nation shall be considered a holiday and compensated accordingly. G. New Year's Day, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, The Friday After Thanksgiving Day, the last scheduled workday before Christmas, and Christmas Day (9). If any of the listed holidays falls on a Sunday, the day observed by the Nation shall be considered a holiday and compensated accordingly. Note Codes 8. D. Workers working with supplied air on hazmat projects receive an additional $1.00 per hour. L. Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows -Level A: $0.75, Level B: $0.50, And Level C: $0.25. M. Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows: Levels A & B: $1.00, Levels C & D: $0.50. N. Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows -Level A: $1.00, Level B: $0.75, Level C: $0.50, And Level D: $0.25. S. Effective August 31, 2012 —A Traffic Control Supervisor shall be present on the project whenever flagging or spotting or other traffic control labor is being utilized. Flaggers and Spotters shall be posted where shown on approved Traffic Control Plans or where directed by the Engineer. All flaggers and spotters shall possess a current flagging card issued by the State of Washington, Oregon, Montana, or Idaho. This classification is only effective on or after August 31, 2012. 11 of 14 Benefit Code Key — Effective 3/3/2021 thru 8/31/2021 Note Codes Continued 8. T. Effective August 31, 2012 — A Traffic Control Laborer performs the setup, maintenance and removal of all temporary traffic control devices and construction signs necessary to control vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic during construction operations. Flaggers and Spotters shall be posted where shown on approved Traffic Control Plans or where directed by the Engineer. All flaggers and spotters shall possess a current flagging card issued by the State of Washington, Oregon, Montana, or Idaho. This classification is only effective on or after August 31, 2012. U. Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows — Class A Suit: $2.00, Class B Suit: $1.50, And Class C Suit: $1.00. Workers performing underground work receive an additional $0.40 per hour for any and all work performed underground, including operating, servicing and repairing of equipment. The premium for underground work shall be paid for the entire shift worked. Workers who work suspended by a rope or cable receive an additional $0.50 per hour. The premium for work suspended shall be paid for the entire shift worked. Workers who do "pioneer" work (break open a cut, build road, etc.) more than one hundred fifty (150) feet above grade elevation receive an additional $0.50 per hour. V. In addition to the hourly wage and fringe benefits, the following depth and enclosure premiums shall be paid. The premiums are to be calculated for the maximum depth and distance into an enclosure that a diver reaches in a day. The premiums are to be paid one time for the day and are not used in calculating overtime pay. Depth premiums apply to depths of fifty feet or more. Over 50' to 100' - $2.00 per foot for each foot over 50 feet. Over 10l' to 150' - $3.00 per foot for each foot over 101 feet. Over 15l' to 220' - $4.00 per foot for each foot over 220 feet. Over 22 F - $5.00 per foot for each foot over 221 feet. Enclosure premiums apply when divers enter enclosures (such as pipes or tunnels) where there is no vertical ascent and is measured by the distance travelled from the entrance. 25' to 300' - $1.00 per foot from entrance. 300' to 600' - $1.50 per foot beginning at 300'. Over 600' - $2.00 per foot beginning at 600'. W. Meter Installers work on single phase 120/240V self-contained residential meters. The Lineman/Groundmen rates would apply to meters not fitting this description. X. Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows - Class A Suit: $2.00, Class B Suit: $1.50, Class C Suit: $1.00, and Class D Suit: $0.50. Special Shift Premium: Basic hourly rate plus $2.00 per hour. When due to conditions beyond the control of the Employer or when an owner (not acting as the contractor), a government agency or the contract specifications requires that work can only be performed outside the normal 5 am to 6pm shift, then the special shift premium will be applied to the basic hourly rate. When an employee works on a special shift, they shall be paid a special shift premium for each hour worked unless they are in OT or Double-time status. (For example, the special shift premium does not waive the overtime requirements for work performed on Saturday or Sunday.) Y. Tide Work: When employees are called out between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. to work on tide work (work located in the tide plane) all time worked shall be at one and one-half times the hourly rate of pay. Swinging Stage/Boatswains Chair: Employees working on a swinging state or boatswains chair or under conditions that require them to be tied off to allow their hands to be free shall receive seventy-five cents ($0.75) per hour above the classification rate. 12 of 14 Benefit Code Key — Effective 3/3/2021 thru 8/31/2021 Note Codes Continued 8. Z. Workers working with supplied air on hazmat projects receive an additional $1.00 per hour. Special Shift Premium: Basic hourly rate plus $2.00 per hour. When due to conditions beyond the control of the Employer or when an owner (not acting as a contractor), a government agency or the contract specifications require that more than (4) hours of a special shift can only be performed outside the normal 6 am to 6pm shift, then the special shift premium will be applied to the basic straight time for the entire shift. When an employee works on a special shift, they will be paid a special shift premium for each hour worked unless they are in overtime or double- time status. (For example, the special shift premium does not waive the overtime requirements for work performed on Saturday or Sunday.) A. Workers working with supplied air on hazmat projects receive an additional $1.00 per hour. Special Shift Premium: Basic hourly rate plus $2.00 per hour. When due to conditions beyond the control of the Employer or when an owner (not acting as the contractor), a government agency or the contract specifications require that more than four (4) hours of a special shift can only be performed outside the normal 6 am to 6pm shift, then the special shift premium will be applied to the basic straight time for the entire shift. When an employee works on a special shift, they shall be paid a special shift premium for each hour worked unless they are in overtime or double- time status. (For example, the special shift premium does not waive the overtime requirements for work performed on Saturday or Sunday.) Certified Crane Operator Premium: Crane operators requiring certifications shall be paid $0.50 per hour above their classification rate. Boom Pay Premium: All cranes including tower shall be paid as follows based on boom length: (A) — 130' to 199' — $0.50 per hour over their classification rate. (B) — 200' to 299' — $0.80 per hour over their classification rate. (C) — 300' and over — $1.00 per hour over their classification rate. B. The highest pressure registered on the gauge for an accumulated time of more than fifteen (15) minutes during the shift shall be used in determining the scale paid. Tide Work: When employees are called out between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. to work on tide work (work located in the tide plane) all time worked shall be at one and one-half times the hourly rate of pay. Swinging Stage/Boatswains Chair: Employees working on a swinging stage or boatswains chair or under conditions that require them to be tied off to allow their hands to be free shall receive seventy-five cents ($0.75) per hour above the classification rate. C. Tide Work: When employees are called out between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. to work on tide work (work located in the tide plane) all time worked shall be at one and one-half times the hourly rate of pay. Swinging Stage/Boatswains Chair: Employees working on a swinging stage or boatswains chair or under conditions that require them to be tied off to allow their hands to be free shall receive seventy-five cents ($0.75) per hour above the classification rate. Effective August 31, 2012 — A Traffic Control Supervisor shall be present on the project whenever flagging or spotting or other traffic control labor is being utilized. A Traffic Control Laborer performs the setup, maintenance and removal of all temporary traffic control devices and construction signs necessary to control vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic during construction operations. Flaggers and Spotters shall be posted where shown on approved Traffic Control Plans or where directed by the Engineer. All flaggers and spotters shall possess a current flagging card issued by the State of Washington, Oregon, Montana, or Idaho. These classifications are only effective on or after August 31, 2012. 13 of 14 Benefit Code Key — Effective 3/3/2021 thru 8/31/2021 Note Codes Continued D. Industrial Painter wages are required for painting within industrial facilities such as treatment plants, pipelines, towers, dams, bridges, power generation facilities and manufacturing facilities such as chemical plants, etc., or anywhere abrasive blasting is necessary to prepare surfaces, or hazardous materials encapsulation is required. E. Heavy Construction includes construction, repair, alteration or additions to the production, fabrication or manufacturing portions of industrial or manufacturing plants, hydroelectric or nuclear power plants and atomic reactor construction. Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows -Level A: $1.00, Level B: $0.75, Level C: $0.50, And Level D: $0.25. F. Industrial Painter wages are required for painting within industrial facilities such as treatment plants, pipelines, towers, dams, power generation facilities and manufacturing facilities such as chemical plants, etc., or anywhere abrasive blasting is necessary to prepare surfaces, or hazardous materials encapsulation is required. 14 of 14 CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING 2021 May 18, 2021 Page 21 of 25 EXHIBIT B LISTS OF STREETS FREQUENCY AREA A REC#MAJOR STREE'FROM TO XCRB AREA FREQ CURB FT S'DE WEDGE 009 1ST AVE N WILLIS ST 2OO'N/O MEEKER {N CORE AREA 2XWK 3,080.00 BOTH 1ST AVE N JAMES ST W SMITH ST N CORE AREA 2X WK 1,766.00 BOTH 2ND AVE SMITH ST SAAR ST N CORE AREA 2X WK 3,710.00 BOTH 918 sTH AVE S W SAAR ST NORTH TO END 01 N CORE AREA 2XWK 625.00 WEST 012 4TH AVE JAMES ST WILLIS ST N CORE AREA 2XWK 6,130.00 BOTH 013 CENTRAL AVE WILLIS ST JAMES ST Y CORE AREA 2XWK 6,700.00 BOTH 014 GEORGE ST CENTRAL AVE WOODFORD AVE N CORE AREA 2XWK 1,000.00 BOTH 015 GOWE ST MEEKER ST KENNEBECK AVE CORE AREA 2XWK 6,200.00 BOTH 016 HARRISON ST 2ND AVE N 6TH AVE N N CORE AREA 2XWK 2,800.00 BOTH 017 MEEKER ST KENNEBECK WASHINGTON AVE CORE AREA 2XWK 9,500.00 BOTH 018 PIONEER ST CENTRAL AVE STATE AVE N CORE AREA 2XWK 600.00 BOTH 019 RAILROAD AVE JAMES ST TITUS ST N CORE AREA 2XWK 4,960.00 BOTH 020 SMITH ST 4TH AVE N CENTRAL AVE N CORE AREA 2XWK 2,720.00 BOTH 021 STATE AVE GEORGE ST GOWE ST N CORE AREA 2XWK 3,550.00 BOTH 022 TITUS ST 4TH AVE S CENTRAL AVE N CORE AREA 2XWK 3,200.00 BOTH 023 WARD ST STATE AVE KENNEBECK AVE N CORE AREA 2XWK 800.00 BOTH Total 57 ,341.00 Miles 10.86 FREQUENCY AREA B REC#MAJOR STREET FROM TO XCRB AREA FREQ CURB FT S'DE WEDGE 740 21ST AVE S S 252ND ST S 251ST ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 750.00 BOTH 749 21ST AVE S S 25OTH ST S 248TH ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,260.00 BOTH 739 21ST PL S S 252ND ST N TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 300.00 BOTH 750 22ND AVE S S 248TH ST S TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 2,150.00 BOTH 745 23RD AVE S S 249TH ST S 248TH ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 470.00 BOTH 455 23RD CT, S S 252ND ST N TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 528.00 BOTH 743 24TH AVE S S 249TH PL S 249TH ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 460.00 BOTH 631 25TH AVE S S 26OTH ST STOTP N WEST HILL 2XMO 300.00 WEST 742 25TH AVE S S 252ND ST S 249TH PL N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,600.00 BOTH 889 26TH AVE S S 27OTH ST S 272ND ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 575.00 EAST 891 27TH AVE S S 268TH PL S 269TH ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 560.00 BOTH 632 27TH PL S S 256TH ST S 259TH PL N WEST HILL 2XMO 2,380.00 BOTH 892 27TH PL S S 268TH PL S 269TH ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 560.00 BOTH 887 28TH AVE S S 27OTH ST N TO END N WEST HILL 2XMO 590.00 WEST 633 29TH AVE S S 259TH PL S 252ND ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 4,460.00 BOTH 634 3OTH AVE S S 259TH PL S 254TH ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 2,720.00 BOTH 635 3OTH AVE S S 254TH ST N TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 590.00 BOTH 636 3OTH AVE S S 253RD ST S 252ND ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 460.00 BOTH 637 31ST AVE S S 254TH ST N AND S TO CDS'S N WEST HILL 2XMO 980.00 BOTH 456 32ND PL, S S 252ND PL S TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 3,350.00 BOTH 457 33RD AVE S S 264TH ST S 262ND ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 880.00 BOTH 639 33RD AVE S S 269TH ST S 268TH ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 560.00 BOTH 640 33RD AVE S S 259TH PL S 256TH ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,950.00 BOTH 458 33RD PL S S 255TH ST N TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 840.00 BOTH 641 34TH AVE S S 259TH PL S 256TH ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,850.00 BOTH 460 34TH AVE S S 251ST ST S 248TH PL N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,900.00 BOTH 790 34TH AVE S S 263RD ST S 264TH ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 520.00 BOTH 459 34TH PL S S 255TH ST N TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 642 35TH AVE S S 271ST ST S 269TH ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,320.00 BOTH 462 35TH AVE S S 252ND PL S 248TH ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 3,180.00 BOTH 754 35TH AVE S S 248TH ST S 24OTH ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 5,415.00 BOTH 643 35TH PL S S 269TH ST S 268TH ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 460.00 BOTH 463 35TH PL S S 251ST ST S 248TH ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 2,080.00 BOTH 755 35TH PL S S 24OTH ST S 247TH PL N WEST HILL 2XMO 4,750.00 BOTH 751 35TH PL SE S 252ND PL 25714 35TH PL S N WEST HILL 2XMO 2,960.00 BOTH 644 36TH AVE S S 272ND ST S 271ST ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 850.00 BOTH 464 36TH AVE S/MILITARY S 248TH ST 38TH AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 934.00 BOTH 646 36TH CT S S 269TH ST S TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 380.00 BOTH 645 36TH PL S S 271ST ST N TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 450.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B REC#MAJOR SIREET FROM TO XCRB AREA FREQ CURB FT S'DE WEDGE 465 36TH PL S S 254TH PL N TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,540.00 BOTH 759 36TH PL S S 257TH ST S TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 520.00 BOTH 760 36TH PL S S 257TH ST S 255TH PL N WEST HILL 2XMO 900.00 BOTH 788 36TH PL S S 261ST PL S 26OTH ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 970.00 BOTH 789 36TH PL S S 26OTH ST REITH RD N WEST HILL 2XMO 765.00 EAST 647 37TH AVE S S 268TH ST S TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,070.00 BOTH 766 37TH PL S S 253RD ST N TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 560.00 BOTH 466 38TH AVE S S 25OTH ST MILITARY RD S N WEST HILL 2XMO 3,660,00 BOTH 763 38TH AVE S REITH RD S 252ND ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 3,285.00 BOTH 770 38TH PL S S 253RD PL S 254TH PL N WEST HILL 2XMO 720.00 BOTH 467 39TH AVE S S 241ST ST S 243RD ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,270.00 BOTH 811 39TH PL S S 255TH PL S 254TH PL N WEST HILL 2XMO 720.00 BOTH 791 39TH PL S S 262ND ST S TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,250.00 BOTH 469 4OTH AVE S CAMBRIDGE CT S 268TH ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,000.00 BOTH 648 4OTH AVE S S 272ND ST S 27OTH ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,240.00 BOTH 470 41ST AVE S S 243RD ST S 241ST ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,340.00 BOTH 472 41ST PL S S 262ND PL S TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 649 41ST PL S S 272ND ST N TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 700.00 BOTH 473 42ND AVE S S 253RD ST S 247TH ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 4,580.00 BOTH 785 42ND AVE S S 26OTH ST S 262ND PL N WEST HILL 2XMO 2,000.00 BOTH 474 42ND PL S S 253RD ST S TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 972.00 BOTH 475 43RD AVE S S 252ND ST S 245TH CT N WEST HILL 2XMO 5,050.00 BOTH 798 43RD AVE S S 263RD ST S 262ND ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 910.00 BOTH 476 43RD PL S S 253RD ST N TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 440.00 BOTH 794 43RD PL S S 262ND ST S TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 380.00 BOTH 477 44TH AVE S S 256TH PL S TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 450.00 BOTH 786 44TH AVE S S 26OTH ST S 261ST ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 760.00 BOTH 795 44TH PL S S 262ND ST S TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 380.00 BOTH 776 45TH AVE S S 254TH ST N TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 2,000.00 BOTH 777 45TH AVE S S 254TH ST S 257TH ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 2,040.00 BOTH 479 45TH PL S S 257TH ST S TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 320.00 BOTH 783 45TH PL S S 254TH ST NTOTP N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,760.00 BOTH 784 45TH PL S REITH RD N TO END OF CUR N WEST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 781 46TH AVE S S 257TH ST S 256TH ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,020.00 BOTH 796 46TH AVE S S 262ND ST KENT CT N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,440.00 BOTH 806 46TH AVE S CARNABY ST S 272ND ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 2,050.00 BOTH 481 241ST ST, S MILITARY RD S 41ST AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,680.00 BOTH 482 242ND ST, S MILITARY RD S E TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 2,360.00 BOTH 483 243RD ST. S MILITARY RD S 41ST AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,936.00 BOTH 484 244TH ST, S MILITARY RD S 35TH AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,060.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B REC#MAJOR SIREET FROM TO XCRB AREA FRES CURB FT S'DE WEDGE 773 245TH CT, S 43RD AVE S W TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 550.00 BOTH 774 246TH CT, S 43RD AVE S W TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 350.00 BOTH 485 247TH CT, S 43RD AVE S W TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 380.00 BOTH 756 247TH PL, S 35TH PL S MILITARY RD S N WEST HILL 2XMO 320.00 BOTH 775 247TH ST, S 43RD AVE S 42ND AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 540.00 BOTH 487 248TH PL, S 34TH AVE S 35TH AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 392.00 BOTH 488 248TH ST, S PACIFIC HWY S W TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO '1,930.00 BOTH 490 248TH ST, S 38TH AVE S 43RD AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 2,610.00 BOTH 489 248TH ST, S MILITARY RD S 35TH AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 1 ,1 25.00 BOTH 491 249TH PL, S 35TH AVE S E TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 340.00 BOTH 746 249TH PL, S 25TH AVE S E TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 370.00 BOTH 753 249TH PL, S 34TH AVE S W TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 520.00 BOTH 493 249TH ST, S MILITARY RD S 43RD AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 3,430.00 BOTH 744 249TH ST, S 24TH AVE S 23RD AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 910.00 BOTH 494 25OTH PL, S 34TH AVE S W TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 747 25OTH PL, S 25TH AVE S ETOTP N WEST HILL 2XMO 260.00 BOTH 495 25OTH ST, S 43RD AVE S 42ND AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 920.00 BOTH 748 25OTH ST, S 25TH AVE S 2OTH AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 3,260.00 BOTH 771 25OTH ST, S MILITARY RD S E TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,140.00 BOTH 496 251ST PL, S 35TH AVE S W TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,036.00 BOTH 498 251ST ST, S 43RD AVE S 42ND AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 920.00 BOTH 497 251ST ST, S 35TH AVE S 35TH PL S N WEST HILL 2XMO 426.00 BOTH 741 251ST ST. S 21ST AVE S 25TH AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 2,480.00 BOTH 499 252ND PL, S 42ND AVE S E TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 560.00 BOTH 500 252ND PL, S 32ND PL S 35TH PL S N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,440.00 BOTH 501 252ND ST, S 43RD AVE S 42ND AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 740.00 BOTH 502 252ND ST. S MILITARY RD S 35TH AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 802.00 BOTH 6s0 252ND ST, S 29TH AVE S ETOTP N WEST HILL 2XMO 740.00 SOUTI- 252ND ST, S PAC HIWAY S W TO END OF CUF N WEST HILL 2XMO 490.00 NORTH 764 253RD PL, S 38TH AVE S W TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 450.00 BOTH 504 253RD ST, S 32ND PL S 35TH PL S N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,570.00 BOTH 651 253RD ST, S 29TH AVE S E TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,430.00 BOTH 765 253RD ST, S 36TH PL S 38TH AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 860.00 BOTH 772 253RD ST, S REITH RD 42ND AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,500.00 BOTH 505 254TH PL. S 35TH PL S MILITARY RD S WEST HILL 2XMO 300.00 BOTH 767 254TH PL, S 38TH AVE S 39TH PL S WEST HILL 2XMO 1,450.00 BOTH 652 254TH ST, S 29TH AVE S WTOTP N WEST HILL 2XMO 260.00 BOTH 653 254TH ST, S 29TH AVE S 31ST AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,290.00 BOTH 761 255TH PL, S 36TH PL S 38TH AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 750.00 BOTH 507 255TH ST, S 32ND PL S 35TH PL S N WEST HILL 2XMO 1.776.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B REC#MAJOR STREET FROM TO XCRB AREA FREQ CURB FT S'DE WEDGE 762 256TH CT, S 38TH AVE S W TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 380.00 BOTH 508 256TH PL, S 46TH AVE S W TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 560.00 BOTH 778 256TH PL, S 45TH AVE S 44TH AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 460.00 BOTH 509 256TH ST, S 35TH PL S 32ND PL S N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,850.00 BOTH 654 256TH ST, S 27TH PL S E TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,640.00 BOTH 782 256TH ST, S 45TH AVE S E TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 2.255.00 BOTH 752 257TH ST, S 35TH PL S W TO CDS WEST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 758 257TH ST, S 38TH AVE S 36TH PL S N WEST HILL 2XMO 780.00 BOTH 779 257TH ST, S 45TH AVE S W TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 320.00 BOTH 780 257TH ST, S 45TH AVE S E TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,630.00 BOTH 655 259THPL, S 25TH AVE S MILITARY RD S N WEST HILL 2XMO 7,376.00 BOTH 510 26OTH ST, S 42ND AVE S 44TH AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 775.00 SOUTH 656 26OTH ST, S PAC HIWAY S 25TH AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,148.00 BOTH 787 261ST PL, S 36TH PL S W TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,600.00 BOTH 511 261ST ST, S 44TH AVE S W TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 5,050.00 BOTH 512 262ND PL, S 39TH PL S 42ND AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,450.00 BOTH 513 262ND ST. S 33RD AVE S ETOTP N WEST HILL 2XMO 7,570.00 BOTH 514 263RD ST, S 34TH AVE S S 262ND ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 2,720.00 BOTH 797 263RD ST, S 46TH AVE S 43RD AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,760.00 BOTH 515 264TH ST, S MILITARY RD S 34TH AVE S WEST HILL 2XMO 1,740.00 BOTH 890 268TH PL, S 28TH AVE S 27TH AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 540.00 BOTH 516 268TH ST, S MILITARY RD S 4OTH AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 3,940.00 BOTH 657 269TH ST, S 33RD AVE S E TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 390.00 BOTH 658 269TH ST, S 35TH AVE S 36TH CT S N WEST HILL 2XMO 730.00 BOTH 893 269TH ST, S 27TH PL S 27TH AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 460.00 BOTH 27OTH ST, S DOWNING AVE S 37TH AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 3,400.00 BOTH 659 27OTH ST, S MILITARY RD S E TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 720.00 BOTH 660 27OTH ST, S 35TH AVE S E TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 320.00 BOTH 888 27OTH ST, S 28TH AVE S 26TH AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 485.00 SOUTH 526 271ST ST, S CARDIFF AVE WTOTP N WEST HILL 2XMO 450.00 BOTH 661 271ST ST, S 37TH AVE S WTOTP N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,600.00 BOTH 662 271ST ST, S 4OTH AVE S N AND W TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 850.00 BOTH 663 272ND ST, S PAC HIWAY S MILITARY RD S WEST HILL 2XMO 12,597.00 BOTH 805 ARDEN CT CARNABY WAY S TO CDS WEST HILL 2XMO 1,040.00 BOTH 809 AVON CT CARNABY ST N AND S TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 2,200.00 BOTH 801 BRISTOL CT CARNABY WAY S TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 960.00 BOTH 517 CAMBRIDGE CT CAMBRIDGE DR W TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 320.00 BOTH 518 CAMBRIDGE DR S 262ND PL 4OTH AVE S N WEST HILL 2XMO 2,820.00 BOTH 521 CAMBRIDGE PL DOWNING AVE S S TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 619.00 BOTH 522 CANTERBURY LN PRINCETON AVE MANCHESTER WA N WEST HILL 2XMO 1 ,1 50.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B REC#MAJOR SIREEI FROM TO XCRB AREA FREQ CURB FT S'DE WEDGE 523 CARDIFF ST CARNABY ST S 271ST ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 1 ,610.00 BOTH 808 CARNABY ST 46TH AVE S DOWNING AVE N WEST HILL 2XMO 2,370.00 BOTH 807 CARNABY WAY 46TH AVE S KENT CT N WEST HILL 2XMO 4,710.00 BOTH 803 DOVER CT CARNABY WAY N TO CDS WEST HILL 2XMO 680.00 BOTH 527 DOWNING ST S 27OTH ST CARNABY ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 1 ,160.00 BOTH 528 EATON CT HAMPTON WAY N TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 380.00 BOTH 804 FENWICK CT CARNABY WAY W TO CDS WEST HILL 2XMO 900.00 BOTH 792 HAMPTON CT CARNABY WAY E TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,080.00 BOTH 530 HAMPTON WAY S 264TH ST CARNABY WAY N WEST HILL 2XMO 6,620.00 BOTH 531 HIGHLAND AVE HAMPTON WAY MANCHESTER WA N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,700.00 BOTH 799 KENT CT 46TH AVE S E TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 860.00 BOTH LAKE FENWICK RD REITH RD S TO END OF CURI N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,960.00 BOTH 534 MANCHESTER AVE HIGHLAND AVE N TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 2,180.00 BOTH 535 MANCHESTER CT MANCHESTER AVE W TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 380.00 BOTH 793 MANCHESTER WAY HIGHLAND AVE S 268TH ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 1,200.00 BOTH 536 MILITARY RD S KENT-DESMOINES N TO END OF CUR N WEST HILL 2XMO 3,690.00 BOTH 538 PRINCETON AVE HAMPTON WAY S 268TH ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 2,230.00 BOTH 540 REITH RD KENT-DEMOINES F S 253RD ST N WEST HILL 2XMO 6,150.00 BOTH 810 SAXON CT CARNABY ST S TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 780.00 BOTH 800 SOMERSET CT CARNABY WAY E TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 980.00 BOTH 541 SOMERSET LN HAMPTON WAY CARNABY WAY N WEST HILL 2XMO 2,500.00 BOTH 802 STANFORD CT CARNABY WAY S TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 415.00 BOTH 542 STRATFORD CT MANCHESTOR AVI E TO CDS N WEST HILL 2XMO 702.00 BOTH 543 YALE CT HAMPTON WAY N AND S TO CDS'S N WEST HILL 2XMO 700.00 BOTH Total 277,329.00 Miles 52.52 FREQUENCY AREA B A B c D E F G H J 1 REC#MAJOR STREET FROM TO XCRB AREA FREQ CURB FT S'DE WEDGE 2 403 2ND AVE N S 228TH ST S TO CDS N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 1,540.00 BOTH 3 3RD AVE S S 259TH ST 1OO1 3RD AVE S N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 760.00 BOTH 4 4TH AVE/76TH AVE JAMES ST S 212TH ST VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 20.612.00 BOTH 5 6TH AVE N S 228TH ST S TO CDS N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 4,000.00 BOTH b 41ST AVE S S 216TH ST S TO CDS VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO '1 ,280.00 BOTH 7 406 54TH AVE S S 228TH ST S 226TH ST VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 5,288.00 BOTH 8 619 54TH PL S S 226TH ST S TO CDS N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 1,260.00 BOTH 9 614 58TH PL S S 196TH ST S 194TH ST N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 1,400.00 BOTH 10 896 sgTHAVE S S 212TH ST 62ND AVE S N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 9. 176.00 BOTH 11 407 62ND AVE S S 196TH ST S 19OTH ST N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 3,600.00 BOTH 12 897 62ND AVE S S 199TH PL S 196TH ST VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 2.525.00 BOTH 13 408 64TH AVE S S 194TH ST S 19OTH ST N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 2,400.00 BOTH 14 410 64TH AVE S S 212TH ST S TO TP (S/O MEEK)VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 32,580.00 BOTH 15 413 66TH AVE S S 196TH ST S 19OTH ST N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 3,600.00 BOTH 16 414 68TH AVE S S 212TH ST S 188TH ST N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO '16,400.00 BOTH 17 415 72ND AVE S S 22OTH ST N TO 20015 72ND AVE N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 13.080.00 BOTH 18 417 72ND AVE S S 228TH ST S 22OTH ST N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 5,300.00 BOTH 19 416 72ND AVE S S 18OTH ST S 196TH ST N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 10.420.00 BOTH 20 468 74TH AVE S WILLIS ST S 259TH ST N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 5,980.00 BOTH 21 418 76TH AVE S/77TH AVE S 212TH ST N TO CDS N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 9,600.00 BOTH 22 916 79TH AVE S 26322 79TH AVE S S 266TH ST N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 710.00 WEST 23 419 SOTH AVE S S 18OTH ST S 196TH ST N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 11,200.00 BOTH 24 615 SOTH PL S 84TH AVE S W TO END OF CURB N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 1.000.00 NORTH 25 85TH AVE S 262ND ST, S S TO END OF CURB N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 415.00 EAST 26 420 88TH AVE S S 232ND ST STOTP N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 2,980.00 BOTH 27 88TH WAY S S 218TH ST 88TH AVE S N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 'l ,790.00 EAST 28 421 188TH ST, S WEST VALLEY 72ND AVE S N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 2,000.00 BOTH 29 422 188TH ST, S sOTH AVE S W TO CDS N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 3,000.00 BOTH 30 423 190 ST, S 8OTH AVE S W TO CDS N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 2,720.00 BOTH 31 424 1gOTH ST, S WEST VALLEY 72ND AVE S N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 2,200.00 BOTH 32 425 .IgOTH ST, S WEST VALLEY W TO CDS VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 5.400.00 BOTH 33 426 192ND ST,S EAST VALLEY W TO CDS N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 4,000.00 BOTH 34 428 194TH ST, S EAST VALLEY W TO CDS N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 4,000.00 BOTH 35 427 194TH ST,S 66TH AVE S 58TH PL S N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 8,200.00 BOTH 36 923 196TH ST, S 84TH AVE S 68TH AVE S N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 10,600.00 BOTH 37 429 196TH ST, S WEST VALLEY 58TH PL S N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 8,040.00 BOTH 38 613 2O4TH ST, S 72ND AVE S 68TH AVE S VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 5,080.00 BOTH 39 430 2O6TH ST,S 77TH AVE S WTOTP N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 1,880.00 BOTH 40 895 216TH ST. S RIVERVIEW BLVD S 42ND AVE S VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 2.410.00 BOTH FREQUENCV AREA B A B c D E F G H J 1 REC#MAJOR SIREET FROM TO XCRB AREA FREQ CURB FT S'DE WEDGE 41 431 216TH ST, S 64TH AVE S 72ND AVE S N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 5.010.00 BOTH 42 432 216TH ST,S 84TH AVE S W TO CDS N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 2,700.00 BOTH 43 616 218TH ST, S 84TH AVE S E TO CDS N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 2.240.00 BOTH 44 433 22OTH ST, S 6BTH AVE S 72ND AVE S N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 2,500.00 BOTH 45 617 222ND ST, S 84TH AVE S E TO END OF CURB N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 785.00 SOUTH 46 434 226TH ST, S 54TH AVE 64TH AVE VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 6,400.00 BOTH 47 435 227rH PL, S 72ND PL S E TO CDS N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 910.00 BOTH 48 886 232ND PL, S LAKESIDE BLVD E 53RD PL S VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 2.000.00 BOTH 49 438 234TH ST, S/72NDAVE 68TH AVE S E&NTOENDOFCUR N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 2.740.00 BOTH 50 626 237TH ST. S LAKESIDE BLVD W WTOTP N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 51 439 238TH ST, S 68TH AVE S E TO CDS N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 1,140.00 BOTH 52 769 259TH ST, S 74TH AVE S E TO TRAIN TRESSEL N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 900.00 BOTH 53 s62 259TH ST, S CENTRAL AVE EAST TO END OF CUR N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 805.00 BOTH 54 915 262ND ST, S CENTRAL AVE EAST TO END OF CUR N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 300.00 SOUTH 55 917 266TH ST, S 79TH AVE S 8OO5 S 266TH ST N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 510.00 SOUTH 56 ALDER ST (S 262ND)CENTRAL AVE S E TO END OF CURB N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 264.00 SOUTH 57 442 LAKESIDE BLVD E W JAMES ST S 228TH ST VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 10,510.00 BOTH 58 443 LAKESIDE BLVD W LAKESIDE BLVD W TO 53RD PL S VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 2,885.00 BOTH AO 618 LANDING WAY 68TH AVE S 64TH AVE S N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 4,090.00 BOTH 60 444 LINCOLN AVE W JAMES ST W SMITH ST VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 2,800.00 BOTH 61 445 MEEKER ST KENT DESMOINS INTERSECTION N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 800.00 ALL 62 446 MEEKER ST, W WASHINGTON AVE W TO END OF CURB N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 11.200.00 BOTH b,:627 MORTON ST, W 1313 W MORTON ST WTOTP N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 1.200.00 BOTH 64 NOVAK LANE CENTRAL AVE N W TO CDS N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 1,480.00 BOTH 65 894 RIVERVIEW BLVD S S 212TH ST STOTP VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 14,090.00 BOTH 66 448 RUSSELL RD W MEEKER ST STOTP N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 1,400.00 BOTH 67 450 SMITH ST, E CENTRAL AVE JASON AVE N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 2,600.00 BOTH 68 449 SMITH ST, W WASHINGTON AVE 64TH AVE S N VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 3,050.00 BOTH 69 451 SMITH ST, W 4TH AVE N W MEEKER ST VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 4.240.00 BOTH 70 452 WASHINGTON AVE JAMES ST FRAGER RD VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 19, 160.00 BOTH 71 454 WILLIS ST 4TH AVE S CENTRAL AVE VALLEY FLOOR 2XMO 3,s30.00 BOTH 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 Total 341,065.00 80 81 Miles 64.60 FREQUENCY AREA B REC#MAJOR STREET FROM TO XCRB AREA FREQ CURB FT SIDE WEDGE 384 ALEXANDER AVE MACLYN ST DEAN ST N SCENIC HILL 2XMO 324.00 EAST 385 CARTER PL VAN DE VANTER AVE E TO CDS N SCENIC HILL 2XMO 370.00 BOTH 386 CREST AVE LAUREL ST S TO CDS N SCENIC HILL 2XMO 1,065.00 BOTH 387 EAST LANE WALNUT ST FILBERT ST N SCENIC HILL 2XMO 664.00 BOTH 388 ELLIS PL FILBERT ST HEMLOCK ST N SCENIC HILL 2XMO 220.00 BOTH 389 FILBERT ST CREST AVE ELLIS PL N SCENIC HILL 2XMO 1,798.00 BOTH 390 GUIBERSON ST SCENIC WAY VAN DE VANTER AVE N SCENIC HILL 2XMO 1,628.00 BOTH 391 HEMLOCK ST CREST AVE REITEN RD N SCENIC HILL 2XMO 2,053.00 BOTH 392 KENNEBECK AVE SMITH ST GUIBERSON ST N SCENIC HILL 2XMO 2,590.00 BOTH 628 KENSINGTON AVE CARTER ST CHICAGO ST N SCENIC HILL 2XMO 920.00 BOTH 393 LAUREL ST CREST AVE REITEN RD N SCENIC HILL 2XMO 2,085.00 BOTH 394 MACLYN ST REITEN RD ALEXANDER AVE N SCENIC HILL 2XMO 1,924.00 BOTH 395 MARION PL VAN DE VANTER AVE END OF CURB N SCENIC HILL 2XMO 655.00 BOTH 396 SCENIC WAY TITUS GUIBERSON ST N SCENIC HILL 2XMO 3,402.00 BOTH 397 STONEBURNER LN WALNUT ST FILBERT ST N SCENIC HILL 2XMO 672.00 BOTH 398 TILDEN AVE MAPLE AVE N TO CDS N SCENIC HILL 2XMO 1,087.00 BOTH 399 TITUS ST & JASON SMITH ST KENNEBECK AVE SCENIC HILL 2XMO 2,800.00 BOTH 400 TUTUS ST CENTRAL AVE SCENIC WAY N SCENIC HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH WALNUT ST 70 BLOCK 800 BLOCK N SCENIC HILL 2XMO 230.00 SOUTH 401 WYNWOOD DR CHICAGO ST S TO CDS N SCENIC HILL 2XMO 1,461.00 BOTH 402 WYNWOOD DR EXT WYNWOOD DR WTOTP N SCENIC HILL 2XMO 262.00 BOTH Total 26,610.00 Miles 5.04 FREQUENCY AREA B MAJOR STREET FROM TO XCRB AREA FREQ CURB FT S'DE 92ND AVE S 20311 92ND AVE S END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 125.00 EAST 93RD CT S S 243RD PL N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 680.00 BOTH 94TH CT S S 214TH ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 615.00 BOTH 94TH PL S 216TH PL N TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO s2.00 WEST 94TH AVE S S 224TH ST S 248TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 439.00 EAST 94TH AVE S 24702 24440 N EAST HILL 2XMO 435.00 EAST 94TH AVE S S 242ND ST S 244TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 284.00 WEST 94TH AVE S 222ND PL S TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 300.00 WEST 95TH CT S S 233RD PL S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 487.00 BOTH 95TH CT S NE OF S 213TH ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH 95TH PL S S 245TH PL S 246TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 456.00 BOTH 95TH PL S S 246TH PL 94TH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,170.00 BOTH 95TH PL S 242ND ST, S SOUTH TO END N EAST HILL 2XMO 392.00 BOTH 95TH PL S S 218TH ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,023.00 BOTH 95TH PL S S 218TH ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 943.00 BOTH 95TH PL S 214TH PL, SE S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 912.00 BOTH 95TH PL S S 213TH ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 646.00 BOTH 96TH AVE S S 248TH ST S 245TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 550.00 WEST 96TH AVE S S 246TH PL N TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 200.00 EAST 96TH AVE S S 246TH PL S 245TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 574.00 BOTH 96TH AVE S S 2O2ND S 2O4TH CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,144.00 BOTH 96TH AVE S S 213TH ST S 214TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,160.00 BOTH 96TH AVE S S 214TH ST S 216TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 750.00 BOTH 96TH AVE S S 241ST ST S 242ND ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 263.00 WEST 96TH AVE S S 228TH ST S TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 635.00 BOTH 96TH AVE S S 232ND ST 22851 96TH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 650.00 EAST 96TH PL S S 228TH ST 97TH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,696.00 BOTH 96TH PL S 97TH AVE S SOUTH TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 528.00 BOTH 96TH PL S S 242ND ST S 242ND CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 370.00 BOTH 96TH PL S S 222ND ST CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,124.00 BOTH 96TH WY S 97TH AVE S END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,350.00 BOTH 97TH AVE S S 262ND PL S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 930.00 BOTH 97TH AVE S S 237TH PL S 235TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,345.00 BOTH 97TH AVE S S 2O4TH CT CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,546.00 BOTH 97TH AVE S 96TH PL S NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,690.00 BOTH 97TH PL, S S 21OTH PL S 212TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 910.00 BOTH 97TH PL, S S 212TH ST S 213TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 450.00 BOTH 97TH CT S S 2O3RD ST CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 257.OO BOTH 98TH AVE S S 22OTH PL S 222ND PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1.022.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 98TH AVE S S 222ND ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 't ,120.00 BOTH 98TH AVE S 24325 98TH AVE S S TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 210.00 WEST 98TH AVE S S 244TH PL S 246TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 362.00 WEST 98TH AVE SE S 248TH ST S 246TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 465.00 BOTH 98TH AVE SE SE 24OTH AVE S 235TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,808.00 WEST 98TH AVE S S 235TH PL 23300 BLK N EAST HILL 2XMO 345.00 BOTH 98TH AVE S SE 216TH ST SE 216TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 152.00 BOTH 98TH AVE S SE 216TH ST SE 213TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,275.00 BOTH 98TH AVE S S 212TH ST NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 820.00 BOTH 99TH AVE S S 213TH PL S 213TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 200.00 BOTH 99TH AVE S S 213TH ST S 212TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 260.00 BOTH 99TH AVE S S 212TH ST S 21OTH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,528.00 BOTH 98TH PL S S 222ND PL CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,160.00 BOTH 99TH PL S S 22OTH PL S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 900.00 BOTH IOOTH AVE SE SE 22OTH ST NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,155.00 BOTH lOOTH AVE SE SE 227TH ST 22826BLK N EAST HILL 2XMO 900.00 BOTH lOOTH AVE SE JAMES ST S 244TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,955.00 BOTH lOOTH AVE SE SE 248TH ST SE 244TH ST EAST HILL 2XMO 1,985.00 BOTH lOOTH AVE SE 23002 1OOTH AVE SE 22730 1OOTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 648.00 EAST IOOTH AVE SE 23713 IOOTH AVE SE N TO SE 237TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 130.00 WEST IOOTH AVE SE 22626100TH AVE SE 22430|OOTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 665.00 EAST lOOTH AVE SE SE 236TH ST N TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 315.00 WEST lOOTH AVE SE S 222ND ST S 22OTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,510.00 BOTH ,IOOTH AVE SE SE 2O3RD ST SE 2O4TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 760.00 BOTH lOOTH AVE SE SE 2O2ND ST SE 2O3RD ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 295.00 EAST lOOTH AVE SE 20012 IOOTH AVE SE SE 2O2ND ST N EAST HIIL 2XMO 470.00 EAST lOOTH CT SE SE 22OTH ST STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 460.00 BOTH IOOTH PL SE SE 21gTH PL SE 218TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 620.00 BOTH IOOTH PL SE SE 213TH PL NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 408.00 BOTH IOOTH PL SE SE 26OTH ST S TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 520.00 BOTH 1O1ST AVE SE SE 256TH ST SE 26OTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,700.00 BOTH ,101ST PL SE SE 228TH ST S TO CDS EAST HILL 2XMO 650.00 BOTH 101ST PL SE SE 243RD ST SE 242ND PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 460.00 BOTH l01ST PL SE SE 244TH ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,830.00 BOTH 101ST PL SE SE 22OTH PL SE 22OTH ST EAST HILL 2XMO 515.00 BOTH 101ST PL SE SE 22OTH ST SE 21gTH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 472.00 BOTH 1O1ST PL SE SE 21gTH PL SE 218TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 250.00 BOTH 1O1ST CT, SE SE 2O2ND ST NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 352.00 BOTH 1O2ND AVE SE SE 213TH PL NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 520.00 BOTH 1O2ND AVE SE SE 2O4TH ST NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 1.080.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B lO2ND AVE SE SE 2O2ND ST NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 650.00 BOTH ,1O2ND AVE SE JAMES ST,E NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,600.00 BOTH ,1O2ND AVE SE SE 244TH ST SE 243RD ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH 1O2ND PL SE SE 243RD ST SE 242ND PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 460.00 BOTH 1O2ND PL SE SE 244TH ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,1 50.00 BOTH 1O2ND PL SE SE 248TH ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,080.00 BOTH 1O2ND PL SE SE 222ND ST SE 22OTH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 820.00 BOTH 1O2ND PL SE SE 2O9TH PL SE 2O8TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,040.00 BOTH 1O2ND PL SE SE 2O4TH ST SE 2OOTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,616.00 BOTH ,IO3RD PL SE SE 222ND ST SE 22OTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,250.00 BOTH 1O3RD CT SE SE 2O9TH PL NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 480.00 BOTH lO3RD CT SE SE 212TH ST ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 800.00 BOTH 1O3RD PL SE SE 213TH PL SE 2,16TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,600.00 BOTH 1O3RD AVE SE SE 228TH ST N TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 190.00 BOTH 1O3RD AVE SE SE 228TH ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,1 20.00 BOTH lO3RD AVE SE 1O3RD CT SE SE 212TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 1O3RD AVE SE SE 212TH ST SE 21OTH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 540.00 BOTH 1O3RD AVE SE SE 21OTH PL 1O2ND PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 1O4TH AVE SE SE 26OTH ST S TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 650.00 EAST 1O4TH AVE SE SE 26OTH ST SE 264TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,260.00 BOTH 1O4TH AVE SE SE 264TH ST SE 267TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 988.00 BOTH 1O4TH AVE SE SE 2O4TH ST STOTP EAST HILL 2XMO 1,221.00 BOTH 1O4TH PL, SE SE 213TH PL SE 214TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 660.00 BOTH 1O4TH PL, SE SE 222ND ST NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 828.00 BOTH 1O4TH PL, SE SE 222ND ST SE 224TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,250.00 BOTH 1O4TH PL, SE SE 2O9TH PL END OF CDS NORTH N EAST HILL 2XMO 544.00 BOTH 1O4TH PL, SE SE 2OOTH ST 20015 SE 2OOTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 230.00 WEST 1O4TH PL, SE 2OO2O SE 2OOTH ST 20060 SE 2OOTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 295.00 EAST 1O4TH PL, SE SE 2O2ND PL SE 2O4TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 270.00 BOTH 1OsTH AVE, SE SE 236TH PL SE 237TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 450.00 BOTH ,1OsTH AVE, SE SE 235TH ST SE 233RD PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,486.00 BOTH 1OsTH AVE, SE SE 233RD PL 1OsTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 486.00 BOTH .1OsTH AVE, SE 1OsTH AVE SE SE 232ND PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 426.00 BOTH ,1OsTH AVE, SE 1O5TH AVE SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 312.00 BOTH 1OsTH AVE, SE ,1OsTH PL SE STOTP EAST HILL 2XMO 704.00 BOTH 1OsTH AVE, SE SE 232ND ST SE 23OTH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 564.00 BOTH 1OsTH AVE, SE SE 23OTH PL SE 229TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,086.00 BOTH lOsTH AVE, SE SE 229TH PL SE 228TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 456.00 BOTH 1OsTH AVE, SE SE 227TH ST SE 226TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 510.00 BOTH 1OsTH AVE. SE SE 224TH ST SE 222ND ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,300.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 1OsTH AVE, SE SE 2O4TH PL STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 700.00 BOTH 1OsTH AVE, SE SE 2O2ND PL NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,032.00 BOTH 1OsTH PL, SE SE 235TH ST STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 190.00 BOTH 1OsTH PL, SE SE 23OTH PL SE 229TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 804.00 BOTH 1OsTH PL, SE SE 229TH PL SE 228TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,096.00 BOTH 1OsTH PL, SE SE 213TH CT SE 214TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 859.00 BOTH 1OsTH PL. SE SE 214TH ST STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 200.00 BOTH 1O5TH PL, SE SE 2O7TH ST SE 2O6TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 328.00 BOTH 1OsTH PL, SE SE 2O4TH ST STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 700.00 BOTH 1OsTH PL, SE SE 2O4TH ST SE 2O4TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 360.00 BOTH 1OsTH CT, SE SE 2O4TH ST NTOTP EAST HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH 1O6TH AVE SE SE 235TH ST NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 250.00 BOTH 1O6TH AVE SE SE 227TH ST SE 226TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 386.00 BOTH 1O6TH AVE SE SE 2OOTH ST STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 530.00 BOTH lO6TH AVE SE SE 26OTH ST SE 268TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,235.00 BOTH 1O6TH AVE SE 213TH CT SE SE 213TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 310.00 BOTH lO6TH PL SE 1O8TH AVE SE SE 232ND ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,096.00 BOTH 1O7TH PL SE SE 232ND ST SE 232ND ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 324.00 BOTH 1O7TH PL SE SE 232ND ST SE 231ST ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 746.00 BOTH 1O7TH PL SE SE 231ST ST SE 23OTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 372.00 BOTH 1O7TH AVE SE SE 268TH ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 1O7TH AVE SE SE 264TH ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 625.00 BOTH ,IO8TH AVE SE SE 236TH ST SE 236TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 456.00 BOTH 1O8TH AVE SE SE 235TH ST SE 233RD PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 900.00 BOTH 1O8TH AVE SE SE 233RD PL SE 233RD PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 300.00 BOTH 1O8TH AVE SE SE 233RD PL SE 232ND PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 592.00 BOTH 1O8TH AVE SE SE 232ND PL SE 232ND ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 1O8TH AVE SE SE 23OTH ST 1O6TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 346.00 BOTH 1O8TH AVE SE 1O6TH PL SE SE 229TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 204.00 BOTH ,IO8TH AVE SE SE 229TH ST SE 228TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 418.00 BOTH lO8TH AVE SE 1O8TH AVE SE SE 228TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 316.00 BOTH 1O8TH AVE SE SE 228TH ST SE 226TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1.120.00 BOTH 1O8TH AVE SE SE 226TH ST SE 225TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 614.00 BOTH 1O8TH PL SE SE 235TH ST NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 220.00 BOTH 1O8TH PL SE SE 214TH PL NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 180.00 BOTH 1O8TH AVE SE SE 236TH PL S TO 24200 BLK N EAST HILL 2XMO 3,730.00 BOTH 1O8TH AVE SE KENT KANGLEY RD SE 26OTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,075.00 BOTH 1O8TH AVE SE 27800 BK SE 269TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,270.00 EAST 1OgTH AVE SE SE 256TH ST SE 248TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 5,290.00 BOTH lOgTH AVE SE SE 236TH ST SE 235TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 140.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 1O9TH AVE SE SE 235TH PL SE 235TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 516.00 BOTH 1O9TH AVE SE SE 214TH ST SE 214TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 300.00 BOTH 1O9TH AVE SE SE 2,16TH ST SE 214TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 442.00 BOTH 1O9TH AVE SE SE 2,I4TH ST SE 213TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 892.00 BOTH 1OgTH AVE SE SE 213TH ST SE 212TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 630.00 BOTH 1OgTH AVE SE SE 212TH ST NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 190.00 BOTH 1OgTH CT SE SE 271ST ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 345.00 BOTH 1OgTH PL SE SE 27OTH ST SE 271ST PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH 1O9TH PL SE SE 227TH PL SE 226TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 744.00 BOTH 1O9TH PL SE SE 235TH ST SE 232ND PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 812.00 BOTH 1O9TH PL SE SE 222ND ST WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 760.00 BOTH 1 IOTH AVE SE SE 232ND ST SE 232ND ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 256.00 BOTH 1 1OTH AVE SE SE 232ND ST SE 231ST ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 306.00 BOTH 1 1OTH AVE SE SE 23OTH ST SE 228TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,100.00 BOTH 1 lOTH AVE SE SE 225TH ST SE 224TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 456.00 BOTH 1 lOTH AVE SE SE 223RD ST SE 222ND ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 534.00 BOTH 1 lOTH AVE SE SE 222ND ST SE 22OTH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 936.00 BOTH 1 lOTH AVE SE SE 22OTH PL SE 21gTH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 685.00 BOTH 1 lOTH AVE SE SE 21gTH PL SE 218TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 402.00 BOTH 1 1OTH AVE SE SE 213TH ST SE 212TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 752.00 BOTH 1 1OTH AVE SE SE 269TH ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,179.00 BOTH 1 1OTH AVE SE SE 271ST ST S TO END N EAST HILL 2XMO 440.00 BOTH 1 1OTH CT SE SE 271ST ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 390.00 BOTH ,I,1OTH TERRACE SE SE 2O1ST ST SE 2O1ST PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 434.00 BOTH 11OTH TERRACE SE SE 2O2ND LN SE 2O1ST PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 490.00 BOTH 1 lOTH PL SE SE 2O1ST PL SE 2O2ND LN N EAST HILL 2XMO 464.00 BOTH 1 lOTH PL SE SE 2O2ND LN STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 300.00 BOTH 11OTH PL SE SE 224TH PL SE 223RD PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 662.00 BOTH 11OTH PL SE SE 223RD PL SE 223RD ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 336.00 BOTH 11OTH PL SE SE 235TH ST STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 684.00 BOTH 11OTH PL SE SE 235TH ST SE 232ND ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,000.00 BOTH ,I1,ITH AVE SE KENT KANGLEY N TO END N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,342.00 BOTH ,111TH AVE SE SE 225TH ST SE 225TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 166.00 BOTH 1 1 1TH AVE SE SE 225TH ST SE 224TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 306.00 BOTH 1 1 lTH AVE SE SE 2O4TH ST SE 2O3RD PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 430.00 BOTH ,I11TH WAY SE SE 2O3RD PL SE 2O2ND CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,000.00 BOTH 111TH WAY SE SE 2O2ND CT SE 2O1ST ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 810.00 BOTH 111TH WAY SE SE 2O1ST ST SE 2OOTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 440.00 BOTH 1l1THCTSE SE 222ND ST NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 428.00 BOTH 111THCTSE SE 214TH ST STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 213.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B l11THPLSE SE 222ND ST NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 447.00 BOTH 111THCTSE SE 269TH ST N TO END N EAST HILL 2XMO 347.00 BOTH 1,11TH CT SE SE 271ST ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 570.00 BOTH 111THPLSE SE 269TH ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,518.00 BOTH 1 12TH AVE SE SE 269TH ST N TO END N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,276.00 BOTH 1 12TH AVE SE SE 238TH PL SE 24OTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 504.00 WEST 1 12TH AVE SE SE 235TH ST SE 234TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,050.00 BOTH 1 12TH AVE SE SE 24OTH ST STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 960.00 BOTH 1 12TH AVE SE SE 227TH PL SE 226TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 848.00 BOTH 1 12TH AVE SE SE 226TH ST SE 225TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 864.00 BOTH 1 12TH AVE SE SE 225TH ST SE 224TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 462.00 BOTH 1 12TH AVE SE SE 216TH ST SE 214TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 755.00 BOTH 1 12TH AVE SE SE 214TH ST SE 213TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 568.00 BOTH 1 12TH PL SE 114TH WY SE S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 920.00 BOTH 1 12TH PL SE SE 232ND ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 649.00 BOTH 1 12TH PL SE SE 232ND ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 433.00 BOTH 112TH PL SE SE 244TH ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 950.00 BOTH 1,I2TH PL SE SE 222ND ST NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 425.00 BOTH 1 12TH CT SE SE 216TH ST STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 533.00 BOTH 1 13TH CT SE SE 222ND ST NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 447.00 BOTH 1 13TH AVE SE SE 252ND ST 25219 113TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 543.00 BOTH 1 13TH AVE SE SE 252ND ST 25004 113TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,734.00 BOTH 1 13TH AVE SE SE 227TH PL N TO CITY LIMITS N EAST HILL 2XMO 288.00 BOTH 1 13TH AVE SE SE 223RD ST SE 223RD PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 264.00 BOTH 1 13TH AVE SE SE 213TH ST SE 212TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,284.00 BOTH 1 13TH AVE SE SE ,193RD PL SE 194TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,230.00 BOTH 113TH PL SE SE 194TH ST SE 193RD PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,012.Q0 BOTH 113TH PL SE SE 194TH ST SE 194TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 286.00 BOTH 113TH PL SE SE 194TH PL SE 196TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,032.00 BOTH 113TH PL SE SE 218TH PL SE 217TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,184.00 BOTH 1 13TH PL SE SE 217TH ST SE 216TH CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 430.00 BOTH 1 13TH PL SE SE 216TH CT SE 216TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 300.00 BOTH 1 13TH PL SE SE 216TH ST SE 21sTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 474.00 BOTH 1 13TH PL SE SE 21sTH ST SE 214TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 840.00 BOTH 1 13TH PL SE SE 223RD PL STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 387.00 BOTH 113TH PL SE SE 226TH ST NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 428.00 BOTH 113TH PL SE SE 227TH PL NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 588.00 BOTH 113TH PL SE SE227THPL STOTP EAST HILL 2XMO 530.00 BOTH 113TH PL SE SE 232ND ST SE 233RD PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,100.00 BOTH 1 13TH PL SE SE 24OTH ST STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,100.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 1 14TH AVE SE SE 252ND SI 25219 1 14TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 240.00 BOTH 1 14TH AVE SE SE 254TH PL N TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 526.00 BOTH 1 14TH AVE SE 26631 114TH AVE SE S TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 3,450.00 BOTH 1 14TH AVE SE KENT KANGLEY RD SE 266TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 3,020.00 BOTH 1 14TH AVE SE SE 24OTH ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO '1,080.00 BOTH 1 14TH AVE SE SE 227TH PL NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 898.00 BOTH 1 14TH PL SE SE 24OTH ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,100.00 BOTH 1 14TH PL SE 114TH WAY SE S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,840.00 BOTH 1 14TH PL SE SE 265TH ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 420,00 BOTH 1 14TH PL SE SE 193RD TR SE 194TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 922.00 BOTH 114TH PL SE SE 194TH ST SE 195TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,028.00 BOTH 114TH PL SE SE 21 5TH ST NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 340.00 BOTH 114TH PL SE SE 218TH PL SE 21gTH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 448.00 BOTH 114TH PL SE SE 223RD ST STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 405.00 BOTH 114TH PLSE SE 227TH PL STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 307.00 BOTH 114TH WY SE SE 233RD ST N TO 22703 N EAST HILL 2XMO 3,560.00 BOTH 1 1sTH AVE SE SE 248TH ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,163.00 BOTH 1 1sTH AVE SE 114TH WAY SE N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 750.00 BOTH 1 1sTH AVE SE SE 268TH ST SE 269TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 560.00 BOTH 1 1sTH AVE SE SE 27OTH ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 580.00 BOTH 1 1 sTH AVE SE SE 27OTH ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,170.00 BOTH 1 15TH AVE SE SE 227TH PL SE 226TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 286.00 BOTH 1 1sTH AVE SE SE 226TH PL 11sTH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 512.00 BOTH 1 1sTH AVE SE 11sTH PLSE SE 226TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 216.00 BOTH 11sTH PL SE 1 15TH AVE SE NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 358.00 BOTH 11sTH PL SE SE 195TH PL SE 194TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 952.00 BOTH 11sTH PLSE SE 194TH ST NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 290.00 BOTH 11sTH PLSE SE 21sTH ST NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH 1 1sTH PL SE SE 223RD ST STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 310.00 BOTH 1 1sTH PL SE SE 233RD ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,000.00 BOTH 1 1sTH PL SE SE 265TH ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 1 15TH PL SE SE 268TH ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 1 1sTH PL SE SE 271ST ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1.800.00 BOTH 1 16TH AVE SE SE 231ST ST SE 23OTH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 524.00 BOTH 1 16TH AVE SE SE 23OTH PL SE 229TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 802.00 BOTH ,I16TH AVE SE SE 229TH ST SE 228TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 610.00 BOTH 1 16TH AVE SE SE 228TH PL SE227THPI N EAST HILL 2XMO 315.00 EAST 1 16TH AVE SE SE 227TH PL SE 226TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 531.00 EAST 1 16TH AVE SE SE 226TH ST SE 225TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 561.00 EAST 1 16TH AVE SE SE 225TH ST SE 223RD ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 543.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 1 16TH AVE SE SE 223RD ST SE 223RD DR N EAST HILL 2XMO 256.00 BOTH 1 16TH AVE SE SE 223RD DR SE 221ST PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 480.00 BOTH 1 16TH AVE SE SE 221ST PL SE 221ST ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 332.00 BOTH 1 16TH AVE SE SE 221ST ST SE 21gTH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,206.00 BOTH 1 16TH AVE SE SE 21gTH PL SE 218TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 652.00 BOTH 1 16TH AVE SE SE 218TH PL SE 2,17TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,034.00 BOTH 1 16TH AVE SE SE 217TH ST SE 216TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 4s0.00 BOTH 1 16TH AVE SE SE 216TH ST SE 21sTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 700.00 BOTH 1 16TH AVE SE SE 21sTH ST SE 212TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,150.00 BOTH 1 16TH AVE SE SE 2,IOTH PL SE 2OBTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 1 16TH AVE SE SE 196TH ST SE 199TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,031.00 EAST 1 16TH AVE SE SE ,I96TH ST SE 194TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 621.00 WEST ,1,I6TH AVE SE SE 194TH ST SE 193RD PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 306.00 BOTH 1 16TH AVE SE SE 193RD ST 1923081K N EAST HILL 2XMO 146-00 EAST 1 16TH AVE SE SE 199TH ST TPS N EAST HILL 2XMO 602.00 BOTH 1 16TH AVE SE SE 256TH ST KENT KANGLEY RD EAST HILL 2XMO 3,688.00 BOTH 1 16TH AVE SE SE 256TH ST N TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 842.00 WEST 1 16TH AVE SE SE 234TH ST N TO END CITY LIMITS N EAST HILL 2XMO 3,702.00 BOTH 1 16TH AVE SE KENT KANGLEY RD SE 274TH WAY EAST HILL 2XMO 9,510.00 BOTH 1 16TH AVE SE KENT KANGLEY RD SE 256TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 3,688.00 BOTH ,116TH AVE SE SE 24OTH ST S TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 WEST 1 16TH AVE SE 24300 BLK SE 244TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 704.00 BOTH 1 16TH AVE SE SE 25,IST ST S TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2X MO 374.00 EAST 1 16TH AVE SE SE 25,1ST ST N TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 374.00 EAST 1 16TH AVE SE SE 244TH ST SE 24OTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,356.00 BOTH 1 16TH AVE SE SE 24OTH ST SE 234TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,237 "00 EAST 1 16TH AVE SE SE 252ND PL NORTH TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 390.00 EAST 1 16TH PL SE SE 276TH ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 750.00 BOTH 1 16TH PL SE SE 272ND PL S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 740.00 BOTH 1 16TH PL SE SE 27OTH ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 660.00 BOTH 1 16TH PL SE SE 27OTH ST CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 653.00 WEST 1 16TH PL SE SE 226TH ST TPN EAST HILL 2XMO 480.00 BOTH 1 17TH AVE SE SE 216TH ST NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 720.00 BOTH 1 17TH AVE SE SE 264TH PL SE 264TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 350.00 BOTH 1 17TH AVE SE SE 276TH ST SE 272ND PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,000.00 BOTH 1 17TH AVE SE SE 244TH ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,080.00 BOTH 1 17TH AVE SE 25306 1 17TH AVE SE CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 365.00 BOTH 1 17TH AVE SE SE 223RD DR TPS EAST HILL 2XMO 700.00 BOTH 1 17TH AVE SE SE 221ST ST TPE N EAST HILL 2XMO 920.00 BOTH 1 17TH CT SE SE 251ST ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 425.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 117TH PL SE SE 258TH ST N TO CDS EAST HILL 2XMO 925.00 BOTH 1 17TH PL SE SE 258TH ST S TO CDS EAST HILL 2XMO 755.00 BOTH 1 17TH PL SE SE 254TH PL S TO CDS EAST HILL 2XMO 750.00 BOTH 117TH PL SE SE 254TH PL N TO CDS EAST HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH 117TH PL SE SE 229TH PL TPS N EAST HILL 2XMO 320.00 BOTH 117TH PLSE SE 229TH PL SE 228TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 750.00 BOTH 117TH PLSE SE 217TH PL SE 216TH CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 830.00 BOTH 117TH PL SE SE 216TH CT SE 216TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 320.00 BOTH 117TH PL SE SE 2OOTH ST NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 840.00 BOTH 117TH PL SE SE ,I93RD PL NTOTP EAST HILL 2XMO 1,030.00 BOTH 1 18TH AVE SE SE 251ST ST SE 254TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,200.00 BOTH ,118TH AVE SE SE 276TH ST SE 272ND PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,000.00 BOTH 1 18TH AVE SE SE 244TH ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 660.00 BOTH 1 18TH AVE SE SE 223RD DR SE 222ND CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 420.00 BOTH 1 18TH AVE SE SE 198TH ST TPS N EAST HILL 2XMO 846.00 BOTH 1 18TH CT SE SE 251ST ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 440.00 BOTH 1 18TH PL SE SE 217TH ST TPN N EAST HILL 2XMO 460.00 BOTH 118TH PLSE SE 217TH ST SE 217TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 380.00 BOTH 1,I8TH PL SE SE 2O9TH PL NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 300.00 BOTH 1,I8TH PL SE SE 254TH PL SE 256TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,160.00 BOTH 118TH PL SE 119TH DRSE S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,285.00 BOTH 118TH PL SE 119TH DRSE SE 256TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,560.00 BOTH 118TH PL SE SE 264TH ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 530.00 BOTH 118TH WY SE SE 268TH ST SE 265TH CT N EAST HILL 2XMO '1,483.00 BOTH 1 1gTH AVE SE SE 257TH ST S TO CDS EAST HILL 2XMO 740.00 BOTH 1 1gTH AVE SE SE 268TH ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 740.00 BOTH ,11gTH AVE SE SE 245TH PL N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,900.00 BOTH 1 1gTH AVE SE SE 225TH ST TPS EAST HILL 2XMO 1,460.00 BOTH 1 19TH AVE SE SE 212TH PL STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 222.00 BOTH 1 19TH AVE SE SE 212TH PL SE 21 1TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,212.00 BOTH 1 1gTH AVE SE SE 211TH PL SE 21OTH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 1 1gTH AVE SE SE 21OTH PL SE 2O9TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 640.00 BOTH 11gTH AVE SE SE 2O6TH ST TPS N EAST HILL 2XMO 826.00 BOTH 1 1gTH AVE SE SE 2O4TH ST TPN N EAST HILL 2XMO 308.00 BOTH 1 1gTH AVE SE SE 2O4TH ST TPW N EAST HILL 2XMO 720.00 BOTH 1 1gTH AVE SE SE 2OOTH ST TPN N EAST HILL 2XMO 542.00 BOTH 1 19TH AVE SE SE 199TH CT SE 198TH CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH ,11gTH AVE SE SE 198TH CT SE 198TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 314.00 BOTH 1 19TH AVE SE SE 198TH ST SE 196TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,294.00 BOTH 1 1gTH CT SE SE 217TH ST TPN N EAST HILL 2XMO 460.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 1 1gTH CT SE SE 251ST ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 460.00 BOTH 1 1gTH CT SE SE 26OTH ST N TO CDS EAST HILI 2XMO 585.00 BOTH ,11gTH DR SE SE 263RD ST 118TH PL SE EAST HILL 2XMO 3,555.00 BOTH 1 1gTH PL SE SE 252ND PL S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 760.00 BOTH 1 1gTH PL SE SE 251ST ST NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,180.00 BOTH 1 1gTH PL SE SE 257TH ST SE 26OTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,290.00 BOTH 1 19TH PL SE SE 245TH PL SE 244TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,060.00 BOTH 1 1gTH PL SE SE 21 1TH PL STOTP EAST HILL 2XMO 1,400.00 BOTH 12OTH AVE SE SE 196TH ST TPN N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,003.00 WEST 12OTH AVE SE SE 2O3RD ST SE 2O4TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 720.00 BOTH 12OTH AVE SE SE 2O4TH ST SE 2O5TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 708.00 BOTH 12OTH AVE SE SE 2O5TH ST SE 2O6TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 656.00 BOTH 12OTH AVE SE SE 2O6TH ST SE 2O8TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,222.00 BOTH ,I2OTH AVE SE SE 2O8TH ST SE 2O7TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH 12OTH AVE SE SE 2O7TH PL SE 2O6TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 622.00 BOTH 12OTH AVE SE SE 2O6TH PL SE 2O6TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 502.00 BOTH 12OTH AVE SE SE 2O6TH ST SE 2O4TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 900.00 BOTH 12OTH AVE SE SE 21sTH ST SE 213TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,1 76.00 BOTH 12OTH AVE SE SE 228TH PL TPS N EAST HILL 2XMO 800.00 BOTH 12OTH AVE SE SE 228TH PL SE 227TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 650.00 BOTH 12OTH AVE SE SE 223RD DR SE 222ND PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 880.00 BOTH 12OTH AVE SE SE 222ND PL SE 221ST ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 560.00 BOTH 12OTH AVE SE SE 221ST ST SE 22OTH CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 784.00 BOTH 12OTH AVE SE SE 22OTH CT SE 21gTH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 615.00 BOTH 12OTH AVE SE SE 21gTH PL SE 21gTH CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 330.00 BOTH 12OTH AVE SE SE 219TH CT SE 218TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 630.00 BOTH 12OTH AVE SE SE 218TH PL SE 217TH ST EAST HILL 2XMO 1,200.00 BOTH 12OTH AVE SE SE 217TH ST SE 216TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 700.00 BOTH 12OTH AVE SE SE 226TH ST TPS N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH l2OTH AVE SE SE 24OTH ST SE 236TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 905.00 BOTH 12OTH AVE SE SE 24OTH ST SE 242ND ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 425.00 WEST 12OTH AVE SE SE 234TH ST SE 231ST PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 849.00 BOTH l2OTH AVE SE SE 231ST PL 23107 12OTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 250.00 WEST 12OTH AVE SE SE 262ND PL N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,590.00 BOTH '12OTH AVE SE SE 27OTH ST SE 268TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 767.Q0 BOTH 12OTH AVE SE SE 272ND ST SE 276TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,800.00 BOTH 12OTH AVE SE 24275 12OTH AVE SE S TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,030.00 WEST 12OTH AVE SE SE 276TH PL SE 277TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 435.00 WEST 12OTH PL SE SE 276TH PL SE 277TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 840.00 BOTH 12OTH PL SE SE 256TH ST SE 25OTH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 3,500.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 12OTH PL SE SE 221ST ST SE 22OTH PL N EAST HIIL 2XMO 520.00 BOTH 12OTH PL SE SE 22OTH PL TPN N EAST HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH 12OTH PL SE SE 214TH ST SE 213TH CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 620.00 BOTH 12OTH PL SE SE 2,13TH CT SE 213TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 148.00 BOTH 12OTH PL SE SE 213TH ST SE 212TH CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 384.00 BOTH 12OTH PL SE SE 212TH CT SE 212TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 200.00 BOTH 12OTH PL SE SE 212TH CT SE 212TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 200.00 BOTH 12OTH PL SE SE 212TH PL SE 21OTH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,814.00 BOTH 12OTH PL SE SE 21OTH PL SE 21OTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 360.00 BOTH 121ST AVE SE 12OTH WAY SE SE 294TH CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 636.00 BOTH ,I21ST AVE SE SE 294TH CT SE 295TH CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 440.00 BOTH 121ST AVE SE SE 295TH CT 12OTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 426.00 BOTH 121ST AVE SE SE 28OTH ST SE 282ND ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,656.00 BOTH 121ST AVE SE SE 263RD ST SE 26OTH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO '1,870.00 BOTH 121ST AVE SE SE 276TH ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 520.00 BOTH 121ST AVE SE SE 274TH ST SE 272ND ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,260.00 BOTH 121ST PL SE SE 277TH PL N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 660.00 BOTH 121ST PL SE SE 277TH PL SE 28OTH CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,140.00 BOTH 121ST PL SE SE 248TH ST SE 25OTH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,500.00 BOTH 121ST PL SE SE 253RD ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 265.00 BOTH 121ST PL SE SE 253RD ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,070.00 BOTH 121ST PL SE SE 272ND ST N TO END N EAST HILL 2XMO 310.00 EAST 121ST PL SE SE 27OTH ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 854.00 BOTH 121ST PL SE SE 21gTH PL SE 218TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 850.00 BOTH 121ST PL SE SE 218TH PL SE 217TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 992.00 BOTH 121ST PL SE SE2,17TH PL SE 216TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,600.00 BOTH 121ST PL SE SE 216TH ST SE 21sTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 554.00 BOTH 121ST PL SE SE 21sTH ST SE 214TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 720.00 BOTH 121ST PL SE SE 21OTH PL STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 900.00 BOTH 121ST PL SE SE 192ND ST TPS EAST HILL 2XMO 1.712.00 BOTH 12,1ST CT SE SE 2O4TH ST TPN N EAST HILL 2XMO 440.00 BOTH 121ST WY SE SE 2O4TH ST SE 2O5TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 908.00 BOTH 121ST WY SE SE 2O5TH PL 122ND PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,314.00 BOTH 121ST WY SE 122ND PL SE SE 2OBTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 574.00 BOTH 122ND WAY SE SE 292ND ST SE 292ND WAY N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 122ND WAY SE SE 292ND WAY 122ND AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,208.00 BOTH 122ND AVE SE 122ND WAY SE SE 288TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 570.00 BOTH 122ND AVE SE SE 288TH PL SE 288TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 266.00 BOTH 122ND AVE SE SE 272ND ST SE 274TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,240.00 BOTH 122ND AVE SE SE 274TH ST SE 276TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 960.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 122ND AVE SE TP NORTH SE 26OTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,648.00 BOTH 122ND AVE SE SE 223RD DR SE 221ST ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,200.00 BOTH 122ND AVE SE SE 223RD DR TPE EAST HILL 2XMO 1,350.00 BOTH 122ND AVE SE SE 2O4TH ST TPN N EAST HILL 2XMO 410.00 BOTH 122ND CT SE SE 263RD ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 425.00 BOTH 122ND CT SE SE 2O4TH ST TPN N EAST HILL 2XMO 364.00 BOTH 122ND PL SE SE 28OTH ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 775.00 BOTH 122ND PL SE SE 28OTH ST S TO CDS EAST HILL 2XMO 1,218.00 BOTH 122ND PL SE SE 282ND ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 480.00 BOTH 122ND PL SE SE 253RD ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 535.00 BOTH 122ND PL SE SE 217TH ST SE 217TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 122ND PL SE SE 216TH ST SE 214TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,230.00 BOTH 122ND PL SE SE 214TH ST SE 212TH CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,034.00 BOTH 122ND PL SE SE 212TH CT 124TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 532.00 BOTH 122ND PL, SE SE 2OOTH ST TPN N EAST HILL 2XMO 320.00 BOTH 122ND PL SE 121ST WY SE TPW N EAST HILL 2XMO 352.00 BOTH 122ND PL SE 121ST WY SE SE 2O5TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,282.00 BOTH 122ND PL SE SE 2O5TH PL 121ST WY SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 380.00 BOTH 122ND PL SE SE 199TH ST SE196TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,974.00 BOTH 122ND PL SE SE 196TH ST TPN N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,200.00 BOTH 123RD AVE SE SE 216TH ST NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 840.00 BOTH 123RD AVE SE SE 221ST ST TPN N EAST HILL 2XMO 580.00 BOTH 123RD AVE SE SE 221ST ST TPS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,320.00 BOTH 123RD AVE SE SE 236TH PL SE 237TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 314.00 BOTH 123RD AVE SE SE 263RD ST SE 263RD CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 636.00 BOTH 123RD AVE SE SE 277TH PL N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 960.00 BOTH 123RD AVE SE SE 272ND ST SE 274TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,240.00 BOTH 123RD AVE SE SE 263RD ST SE 262ND CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 123RD PL. SE SE 2OOTH ST TPN N EAST HILL 2XMO 237.00 BOTH 123RD PL SE SE 21gTH PL TPN N EAST HILL 2XMO 380.00 BOTH 123RD PL SE SE 21gTH PL SE 218TH CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 660.00 BOTH 123RD PL SE SE 218TH CT SE 217TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 960.00 BOTH 123RD PL SE SE 223RD DR TPN N EAST HILL 2XMO 900.00 BOTH 123RD PL SE SE 223RD DR TPS N EAST HILL 2XMO 910.00 BOTH 123RD PL SE SE 236TH PL SE 237TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 580.00 BOTH 123RD PL SE SE 28OTH ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,001.00 BOTH 123RD PL SE SE 282ND ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 435.00 BOTH 123RD CT SE SE 2O4TH ST TPS N EAST HILL 2XMO 424.00 BOTH 124TH AVE SE SE 274TH ST S TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 461.00 WEST 124TH AVE SE SE 28OTH ST N TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 662.00 EAST FREQUENCY AREA B 124TH AVE SE SE 281ST ST SE 282ND ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 300.00 BOTH 124TH AVE SE KENT KANGLEY TRAFFIC ISLAND EAST HILL 2XMO 75.00 NORTH 124TH AVE SE SE 262ND PL SE 263RD ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 230.00 EAST 124TH AVE SE SE 262ND PL SE 2615T ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 525.00 EAST 124TH AVE SE SE 2613T ST N TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 25.00 EAST 124TH AVE SE SE 277TH PL N TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 WEST 124TH AVE SE SE 274TH ST S TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 300.00 WEST 124TH AVE SE SE 258TH ST 25930124TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 250.00 WEST 124TH AVE SE SE 256TH ST SE 255TH ST EAST HILL 2XMO 364.00 WEST 124TH AVE SE SE 24OTH ST SE 238TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 774.00 BOTH 124TH AVE SE SE 223RD DR SE 221ST PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 920.00 BOTH 124TH AVE SE SE 22,1ST PL SE 221ST ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 550.00 BOTH 124TH AVE SE SE 22'1ST ST SE 21gTH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 630,00 BOTH 124TH AVE SE SE 21gTH PL SE 218TH CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 124TH AVE SE SE 218TH CT SE 21BTH PL EAST HILL 2XMO 950.00 BOTH 124TH AVE SE SE 218TH PL SE 217TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH 124TH AVE SE SE 217TH PL SE 217TH CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 330.00 BOTH 124TH AVE SE SE 217TH CT SE 217TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 200.00 BOTH 124TH AVE SE SE 217TH ST SE 216TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 480.00 BOTH 124TH AVE SE SE 216TH ST SE 214TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,322.00 BOTH ,I24TH AVE SE SE 214TH ST SE 213TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 714.00 BOTH 124TH AVE SE SE 213TH ST SE 212TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 124TH AVE SE SE 212TH PL SE 211TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 480.00 BOTH 124TH AVE SE SE 21,ITH PL SE 21 1TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 360.00 BOTH 124TH AVE SE SE 21,ITH ST SE 2lOTH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 220.00 BOTH 124TH AVE SE SE 21OTH PL SE 2lOTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 540.00 BOTH 124TH AVE SE SE 21OTH ST SE 2O9TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 680.00 BOTH 124TH AVE SE SE 2O9TH ST SE 2O8TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 432.00 BOTH 124TH AVE SE SE 2O8TH ST SE 2O6TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 928.00 BOTH 124TH AVE SE SE 2O6TH PL SE 2O4TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,400.00 BOTH 124TH AVE SE SE 2O4TH ST SE 2O3RD ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,034.00 BOTH 124TH AVE SE SE 2O3RD ST SE 2O2ND PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 370.00 BOTH 124TH AVE SE SE 2O2ND PL SE 2O1ST PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 245.00 EAST 124TH AVE SE SE 2O1ST PL SE 2OOTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 460.00 EAST 124TH AVE SE SE 2OOTH ST SE 199TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 65.00 WEST 124TH PL SE SE 273RD PL SE 275TH PL EAST HILL 2XMO 1,508.00 BOTH 125TH AVE SE SE 23OTH ST 126TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,000.00 BOTH 125TH AVE SE SE 232ND ST S TO CITY LIMITS N EAST HILL 2XMO 300.00 BOTH 125TH AVE SE SE 232ND ST SE 23OTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO '1,000.00 BOTH 125TH AVE SE 23209125TH AVE SE SE 232ND ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 266.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 125TH AVE SE SE 277TH PL SE 276TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 720.00 BOTH 125TH AVE SE 23806 125TH AVE SE 23861 125TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 970.00 BOTH 125TH AVE SE 126TH AVE SE SE 227TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,100.00 BOTH 125TH AVE SE 125TH PL SE SE 217TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 635.00 BOTH 125TH AVE SE SE 217TH ST SE 216TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO s00.00 BOTH 125TH AVE SE SE 216TH ST SE 2.1sTH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 480.00 BOTH 125TH AVE SE SE 21sTH PL SE 214TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 520.00 BOTH 125TH AVE SE SE 214TH PL SE 213TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO '1,000.00 BOTH 125TH AVE SE SE 213TH ST SE 212TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 125TH AVE SE SE 212TH PL SE 21 1TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,060.00 BOTH 125TH AVE SE SE 21 1TH ST SE 2O9TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,070.00 BOTH 125TH AVE SE SE 2O9TH ST NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 125TH CT SE SE 223RD DR NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 408.00 BOTH 125TH CT SE SE 274TH ST S TO CDS EAST HILL 2XMO 1,000.00 BOTH 125TH PL SE SE 2O2ND PL SE 2O3RD PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 820.00 BOTH 125TH PL SE SE 226TH ST SE 225TH CT EAST HILL 2XMO 1,600.00 BOTH 125TH PL SE SE 262ND CT S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 800.00 BOTH 125TH PL SE SE 262ND PL N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 610.00 BOTH 125TH PL SE SE 217TH PL STOTP EAST HILL 2XMO 1,000.00 BOTH 126TH AVE SE SE 276TH WAY S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 126TH AVE SE SE 252ND PL SE 255TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,030.00 BOTH 126TH AVE SE SE 232ND ST SE 23,IST ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 700.00 BOTH 126TH AVE SE SE 231ST ST SE 23OTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 540.00 BOTH 126TH AVE SE SE 23OTH ST 125TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 800.00 BOTH 126TH AVE SE SE 225TH PL SE 226TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,200.00 BOTH 126TH AVE SE SE 21OTH CT SE 21 lTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 550.00 BOTH 126TH AVE SE SE 2O9TH CT SE 21OTH CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 126TH AVE SE SE 2O8TH PL SE 2O9TH CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 260.00 BOTH ,126TH AVE SE SE 2O8TH ST SE 2O8TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 350.00 BOTH 126TH CT SE SE 277TH PL N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 300.00 BOTH 126TH PL SE SE 273RD PL SE 275TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,350.00 BOTH 126TH PL SE 23600 126TH PL SE 23900 .126TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,020.00 BOTH 126TH PL SE 125TH AVE SE SE 231ST ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,200.00 BOTH 126TH PL SE SE 223RD DR SE 222ND PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH ,126TH PL SE SE 223RD DR STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,250.00 BOTH 126TH PL SE SE 222ND PL NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 720.00 BOTH 126TH PL SE SE 2O2ND PL STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 260.00 BOTH 126TH CT SE SE 221ST PL NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 650.00 BOTH 127TH AVE SE SE 233RD ST SE 232ND ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 286.00 BOTH 127TH AVE SE SE 277TH PL SE 276TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 782.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B ,127TH AVE SE SE 252ND PL SE 256TH ST EAST HILL 2XMO 2,600.00 BOTH 127TH AVE SE SE 264TH ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 735.00 BOTH 127TH AVE SE SE 224TH ST SE 226TH ST EAST HILL 2XMO 1,450.00 BOTH ,I27TH AVE SE SE 226TH ST SE 226TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 320.00 BOTH 127TH AVE SE SE 226TH PL SE 227TH CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 127TH AVE SE SE227TH CT SE 228TH CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 300.00 BOTH 127TH AVE SE SE 228TH CT SE 229TH CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 127TH AVE SE SE 229TH CT SE 231ST WAY N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,850.00 BOTH 127TH AVE SE SE 23,IST WAY SE 231ST ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 127TH AVE SE SE 231ST ST SE 232ND ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 520.00 BOTH 127TH AVE SE SE 232ND ST SE 233RD ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 127TH PL SE SE 2O3RD PL SE 2O2ND PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 640.00 BOTH 127TH PL SE SE 2O8TH ST SE 21OTH CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,030.00 BOTH 127TH PL SE SE 21OTH CT SE 211TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 660.00 BOTH 127TH PL SE SE 21 1TH ST SE 21 1TH CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 700.00 BOTH 127TH PL SE SE 21 1TH CT SE 212TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 320.00 BOTH 127TH PL SE SE 212TH ST SE 212TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 260.00 BOTH 127TH PL SE SE 212TH PL SE 213TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 740.00 BOTH 127TH PL SE SE 213TH ST SE 214TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 580.00 BOTH 127TH PL SE SE 214TH ST SE 21sTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 580.00 BOTH 127TH PL SE SE 21sTH ST SE 216TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 560.00 BOTH 127TH PL SE SE 216TH ST SE 217TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,010.00 BOTH 127TH CT SE SE 221ST PL NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 550.00 BOTH 127TH CT SE SE 237TH PL N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 720.00 BOTH 127TH PL SE SE 254TH PL S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 355.00 BOTH 127TH PL SE SE 24OTH ST SE 237TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,540.00 BOTH 128TH AVE SE SE 2O1ST ST TPE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,150.00 BOTH 128TH AVE SE SE 227TH ST SE 226TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 450.00 BOTH 128TH AVE SE SE 254TH PL N TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 240.00 EAST 128TH AVE SE SE 254TH PL NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 3'15.00 WEST 128TH AVE SE SE 237TH PL N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 890.00 BOTH 128TH CT SE SE 282ND WAY N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 667.00 BOTH 12BTH PL SE SE 221ST PL SE 22OTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,300.00 BOTH 128TH PL SE SE 226TH PL SE 227TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 128TH PL SE SE 255TH PL SE 254TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH ,128TH PL SE SE 231ST WY TPN EAST HILL 2XMO 1,350.00 BOTH 128TH PL SE SE 231ST CT SE 231ST WY N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 128TH PL SE SE 232ND ST SE 231ST CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 720.00 BOTH 128TH PL SE SE 28OTH ST SE 276TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,160.00 BOTH 128TH PL SE SE 259TH PL SE 258TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1.425.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 128TH PL SE SE 245TH PL SE 247TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,850.00 BOTH 129TH AVE SE SE 259TH PL S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 740.00 BOTH 129TH AVE SE SE 263RD PL NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,680.00 BOTH 129TH AVE SE SE 237TH PL N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 470.00 BOTH 129TH AVE SE SE 241ST ST SE 245TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,050.00 BOTH 129TH AVE SE SE 248TH ST SE 247TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 340.00 BOTH 129TH AVE SE SE 256TH ST SE 257TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 740.00 BOTH 129TH AVE SE SE 256TH ST N TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 265.00 WEST 129TH AVE SE SE 231ST WY SE 228TH PL EAST HILL 2XMO 1,520.00 BOTH 129TH AVE SE SE 217TH PL STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 200.00 BOTH 129TH AVE SE SE 217TH PL SE 2.16TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 480.00 BOTH 129TH AVE SE SE 216TH PL SE 216TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 430.00 BOTH 129TH AVE SE SE 2,16TH ST SE 214TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,208.00 BOTH 129TH CT SE SE 276TH PL N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH 129TH CT SE SE 241ST ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 129TH PL SE SE 226TH PL STOTP EAST HILL 2XMO 2,350.00 BOTH 129TH PL SE SE 226TH PL SE 225TH CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 650.00 BOTH 129TH PL SE SE 225TH CT SE 224TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 450.00 BOTH 129TH PL SE SE 224TH ST SE 223RD PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 480.00 BOTH 129TH PL SE SE 223RD PL SE 221ST PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,200.00 BOTH 129TH PL SE SE 22OTH ST SE 221ST PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,500.00 BOTH 129TH PL SE SE 214TH PL STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 862.00 BOTH 129TH PL SE SE 282ND WAY SE 278TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,500.00 BOTH 129TH PL SE SE 258TH ST SE 259TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,020.00 BOTH 129TH PL SE SE 259TH PL S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 695.00 BOTH 129TH PL SE SE 245TH ST S TO CDS EAST HILL 2XMO 2.250.00 BOTH ,I3OTH AVE SE SE 282ND WAY S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 300.00 BOTH ,I3OTH AVE SE SE 276TH WAY 131ST AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,300.00 BOTH ,13OTH AVE SE SE 263RD PL SE 264TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,000.00 BOTH 13OTH AVE SE SE 237TH PL STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 678.00 BOTH l3OTH AVE SE SE 247TH PL N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 13OTH AVE SE SE 256TH PL S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 840.00 BOTH 13OTH AVE SE SE 218TH PL SE 217TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 800.00 BOTH 13OTH AVE SE SE 214TH PL NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 250.00 BOTH 13OTH AVE SE SE 214TH PL SE 214TH WAY N EAST HILL 2XMO 440.00 BOTH 13OTH AVE SE SE 2,I4TH WAY STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 350.00 BOTH 13OTH AVE SE SE 2O8TH ST SE 2O4TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,400.00 BOTH 13OTH AVE SE SE 2O4TH PL TPW N EAST HILL 2XMO 211.00 BOTH l3OTH AVE SE SE 2O2ND PL SE 2O1ST ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 680.00 BOTH 13OTH AVE SE SE 2O1ST ST 128TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1.122.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 13OTH CT SE SE 236TH PL N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 330.00 BOTH 13OTH PL SE SE 259TH PL S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 690.00 BOTH 13OTH PL SE SE 245TH ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 700.00 BOTH 13OTH PL SE SE 246TH ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 350.00 BOTH 13OTH PL SE SE 231ST WY TPE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,700.00 BOTH 13OTH PL SE 13OTH AVE SE SE 2O4TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,288.00 BOTH 13OTH PL SE SE 21OTH ST SE 2O9TH CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 630.00 BOTH 131ST AVE SE SE 282ND WAY SE 278TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,910.00 BOTH 131ST AVE SE SE 236TH PL S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 260.00 BOTH 131ST AVE SE SE 231 WY SE 232ND CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 13,1ST AVE SE SE 224TH ST SE 223RD CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 375.00 BOTH 131ST AVE SE SE 223RD CT SE 222ND PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 620.00 BOTH 131ST AVE SE SE 222ND PL ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 131ST AVE SE SE 21OTH ST SE 21OTH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 240.00 BOTH 131ST CT SE SE 214TH WAY NTOTP EAST HILL 2XMO 554.00 BOTH ,131ST CT SE SE 277TH PL S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 625.00 BOTH 131ST PL SE SE 259TH PL N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 410.00 BOTH 131ST PL SE SE 263RD PL N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,230.00 BOTH 131ST PL SE SE 245TH ST SE 247TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,220.00 BOTH 131ST PL SE SE 221ST PL NTOTP EAST HILL 2XMO 950.00 BOTH 131ST PL SE SE 21OTH ST STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 560.00 BOTH 131ST PL SE SE 2O4TH PL SE 2O6TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,290.00 BOTH 131ST PL SE SE 2O3RD ST TPW N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,172.00 BOTH 132ND AVE SE SE 263RD PL APPROX SE 262ND ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 WEST 132ND AVE SE SE 262ND ST SE 264TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 659.00 EAST 132ND AVE SE SE 263RD PL SE 264TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 110.00 WEST 132ND AVE SE SE 263RD PL SE 264TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,034.00 WEST 132ND AVE SE SE 266TH ST S TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 338.00 WEST 132ND AVE SE SE 268TH ST KENT KANGLEY RD N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,000.00 WEST 132ND AVE SE SE 255TH ST SE 252ND ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 940.00 EAST 132ND AVE SE SE 256TH ST N/S OF INTERSECTION EAST HILL 2XMO 1,060.00 BOTH 132ND AVE SE SE 245TH ST SE 244TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 322.00 EAST 132ND AVE SE 24044132ND AVE SE SE 24OTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,060.00 BOTH 132ND AVE SE SE 24OTH ST 23808 132ND AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 675.00 WEST 132ND AVE SE SE 237TH ST KING CO. LINE N EAST HILL 2XMO 325.00 EAST 132ND AVE SE SE 236TH PL SE 235TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 153.00 EAST ,132ND AVE SE SE 235TH ST SE 234TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 85.00 EAST 132ND AVE SE SE 233RD ST SE 231ST WAY N EAST HILL 2XMO 137.00 WEST 132ND AVE SE SE 23OTH ST SE 231ST WAY N EAST HILL 2XMO 264.00 WEST 132ND AVE SE SE 228TH PL SE 226TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,250.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 132ND AVE SE SE 226TH ST SE 224TH SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,520.00 BOTH 132ND AVE SE SE 224TH ST SE 221ST PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,070.00 BOTH 132ND AVE SE SE 221ST PL SE 2,I8TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 688.00 BOTH 132ND AVE SE SE 212TH ST SE 21OTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 652.00 WEST 132ND AVE SE SE 21OTH ST SE 2O8TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 921.00 BOTH ,132ND AVE SE SE 2O8TH ST SE 2O4TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 590.00 BOTH 132ND AVE SE SE 2O4TH ST SE 2O4TH WY N EAST HILL 2XMO 451.00 EAST ,132ND AVE SE SE 2O4TH PL 131ST PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 684.00 BOTH 132ND AVE SE 28000 BLK SE 278TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 461.00 EAST 132ND AVE SE E SIDE SE 275TH ST KENT KANGLEY RD N EAST HILL 2XMO 670.00 SOUTH 132ND PL SE SE 249TH ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 660.00 BOTH 132ND PL SE SE 233RD ST TPN N EAST HILL 2XMO 319.00 BOTH 132ND PL SE SE 227TH PL SE 227TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 460.00 BOTH 132ND PL SE SE 227TH ST SE 226TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 580.00 BOTH 132ND PL SE SE 226TH ST SE 225TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 526.00 BOTH 132ND PL SE SE 225TH PL 133RD AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 904.00 BOTH 133RD CT SE SE 249TH ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 300.00 BOTH 133RD CT SE SE 233RD ST TPS N EAST HILL 2XMO 362.00 BOTH 133RD AVE SE SE 225TH ST SE 224TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 882.00 BOTH 133RD AVE SE SE 224TH ST .132ND PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 260.00 BOTH 133RD AVE SE SE 223RD ST TPN N EAST HILL 2XMO 355.00 BOTH 133RD PL SE SE 262ND ST TPS N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 133RD PL SE SE 262ND ST TPN N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 133RD PL SE SE 253RD PL NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 520.00 BOTH .133RD PL SE SE 227TH ST SE 226TH ST EAST HILL 2XMO 573.00 BOTH 134TH PL SE SE 227TH ST SE 227TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 424.00 BOTH 134TH PL SE SE 227TH ST SE 226TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 340.00 BOTH 134TH PL SE SE 226TH ST SE 225TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1.172.00 BOTH 134TH PL SE SE 225TH PL SE 226TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 720.00 BOTH 134TH PL SE SE 2O9TH ST TPS EAST HILL 2XMO 843.00 BOTH ,I34TH AVE SE SE 233RD ST SE 232ND PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 788.00 BOTH 134TH AVE SE SE 266TH ST S TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 300.00 EAST 134TH CT SE SE 253RD PL NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 350.00 BOTH 134TH CT SE SE 235TH ST TPN N EAST HILL 2XMO 460.00 BOTH 134TH LN SE SE 235TH ST TPN N EAST HILL 2XMO 480.00 BOTH 135TH AVE SE 27313 135TH AVE SE S TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 180.00 WEST 135TH AVE SE SE 266TH ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 432.00 BOTH 135TH AVE SE 27328135TH AVE SE N TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 280.00 EAST 135TH AVE SE SE 233RD ST TPS N EAST HILL 2XMO 216.00 BOTH 135TH AVE SE SE 233RD ST SE 23,IST ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,000.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 135TH AVE SE 22BO6BLK SE 226TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO '1,092.00 BOTH 135TH AVE SE SE 2O8TH ST SE 2O9TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 372.00 BOTH 135TH PL SE SE 2O9TH ST 20931 BLK N EAST HILL 2XMO 786.00 BOTH 135TH PL SE SE 239TH ST NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,620.00 BOTH 136TH AVE SE SE 256TH ST SE 254TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 660.00 EAST 136TH AVE SE SE 253RD ST S TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 275.00 EAST 136TH AVE SE SE 281ST ST SE 2B1ST PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 136TH AVE SE SE 282ND ST SE 28OTH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 736.00 BOTH 136TH PL SE SE 27OTH ST SE 268TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,320.00 BOTH ,I36TH PL SE SE 233RD ST SE 232ND ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 424.00 BOTH 136TH PL SE SE 232ND ST SE 231ST ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 890.00 BOTH 136TH PL SE SE 231ST ST TPN N EAST HILL 2XMO 246.00 BOTH 137TH AVE SE SE 254TH PL 137TH WAY SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,008.00 BOTH 137TH AVE SE SE 272ND ST SE 275TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,602.00 BOTH 137TH AVE SE KENT KANGLEY RD SE 27OTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,260.00 BOTH 137TH AVE SE SE 24OTH ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,440.00 BOTH 137TH PL SE SE 255TH PL N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,200.00 BOTH 137TH WAY SE SE 256TH ST SE 255TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 380.00 BOTH 138TH AVE SE SE 271ST ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,070.00 BOTH 138TH AVE SE SE 256TH ST S TO END OF STREET N EAST HILL 2XMO 560.00 BOTH 138TH AVE SE SE 237TH PL S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 720.00 BOTH 138TH AVE SE SE 237TH PL N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 580.00 BOTH 138TH AVE SE SE 233RD ST TPN EAST HILL 2XMO 862.00 BOTH 138TH PL SE SE 253RD ST NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,500.00 BOTH 138TH PL SE 139TH AVE SE NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 680.00 BOTH 139TH CT SE SE 275TH ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 450.00 BOTH 139TH PL SE SE 272ND ST SE 271ST ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 650.00 BOTH 139TH PL SE SE 274TH ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 564.00 BOTH 139TH PL SE SE 252ND PL SE 256TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,010.00 BOTH 139TH AVE SE SE 233RD ST TPS N EAST HILL 2XMO 328.00 BOTH 14OTH AVE SE SE 276TH ST SE 274TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,840.00 BOTH 14OTH AVE SE SE 259TH ST N TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 660.00 EAST 14OTH AVE SE SE 24OTH ST N TO KING CO LINE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,310.00 WEST 14OTH CT SE SE 274TH ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 440.00 BOTH 141ST AVE SE SE 259TH ST SE 259TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 340.00 BOTH 142ND AVE SE SE 259TH ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 411.00 BOTH 142ND AVE SE SE 26OTH ST SE 264TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,410.00 BOTH 143RD AVE SE SE 257TH PL SE 26OTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,625.00 BOTH 143RD AVE SE SE 259TH PL N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 380.00 BOTH 144TH AVE SE SE 256TH ST SE 26OTH CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,620.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 144TH AVE SE SE 24OTH ST SE 243RD PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,270.00 BOTH 144TH AVE SE SE 282ND ST SE 283RD PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 450.00 WEST 144TH AVE SE E SIDE 27600 BK KENT KANGLEY N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 144TH AVE SE W SIDE 27600 BK SE 283RD ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 5,410.00 BOTH 144TH AVE SE SE 288TH ST SE 287TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 650.00 BOTH 144TH AVE SE SE 287TH PL SE 285TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 942.00 BOTH 144TH AVE SE SE 285TH PL SE 283RD PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 606.00 EAST 144TH PL SE SE 252ND PL S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 925.00 BOTH 145TH AVE SE SE 276TH PL S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 760.00 BOTH 145TH AVE SE 145TH CT SE SE 275TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,590.00 BOTH 145TH AVE SE SE 241ST PL NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 360.00 BOTH 145TH AVE SE SE 241ST PL S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 750.00 BOTH 145TH AVE SE SE 278TH ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 650.00 BOTH 145TH CT SE SE 274TH ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 322.00 BOTH 145TH PL SE SE 276TH PL STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 300.00 BOTH 145TH PL SE SE 254TH ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 880.00 BOTH 145TH PL SE SE 243RD PL STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,868.00 BOTH 146TH AVE SE SE 274TH ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 711.00 BOTH 146TH AVE SE SE 276TH PL SE 275TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 146TH AVE SE SE 252ND ST SE 256TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,260.00 BOTH 146TH AVE SE SE 243RD PL NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 380.00 BOTH ,I46TH AVE SE SE 278TH ST SE 279TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 800.00 BOTH 146TH PL SE SE 244TH ST SE 246TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 610.00 BOTH 147TH AVE SE SE 275TH PL SE 274TH CT N EAST HILL 2XMO 800.00 BOTH 147TH AVE SE SE 279TH PL N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 250.00 BOTH 147TH AVE SE SE 243RD PL SE 247TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,350.00 BOTH 147TH PL SE SE 279TH PL SE 278TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 640.00 BOTH 148TH WAY SE SE 276TH PL SE 278TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 920.00 BOTH ,148TH WAY SE SE 278TH ST SE 279TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,000.00 BOTH 149TH PL SE SE 278TH ST NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 850.00 BOTH 1sOTH PL SE SE 278TH ST NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 803.00 BOTH 1sOTH PL SE SE 278TH ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 350.00 BOTH 1sOTH PL SE SE 279TH PL S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,540.00 BOTH 151ST PL SE SE 279TH PL SE 281ST ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,1 50.00 BOTH 152ND AVE SE 27918 152ND AVE SE SE 278TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 208.00 BOTH 152ND AVE SE KENT KANGLEY RD 276008K EAST HILL 2XMO 2,560.00 WEST 152ND AVE SE 27700 BLOCK S TO CITY LIMITS N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,070.00 WEST 152ND AVE SE 27700 BLOCK 27500 BLOCK N EAST HILL 2XMO 300.00 EAST ,152ND WY SE SE 272ND ST N TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 794.00 BOTH 153RD AVE SE SE 28OTH ST S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 980.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 153RD PL SE SE 278TH ST S TO END OF CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 154TH AVE SE SE 28OTH ST SE 279TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 550.00 BOTH 154TH PL SE SE 277TH PL SE 278TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 370.00 BOTH 154TH PL SE SE 277TH PL N TO END OF CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 385.00 BOTH 155TH PL SE SE 279TH ST S TO END OF CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 415.00 BOTH 155TH LN SE SE 277TH PL SE 279TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,080.00 BOTH 156TH AVE SE SE 28OTH ST SE 279TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 300.00 BOTH 156TH AVE SE SE 279TH ST 27624156TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,1 00.00 WEST 192ND ST, SE 1O8TH AVE SE 1O8TH LN SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 344.00 BOTH 192ND ST, SE 1O8TH LN SE 11OTH PLSE N EAST HILL 2XMO 418.00 NORTH 192ND ST, SE 11OTH PL SE 1 12TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 550.00 NORTH 192ND ST, SE 1 12TH AVE SE 113TH WY SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 200.00 NORTH 192ND ST, SE 114TH PL SE 113TH WY SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 797.00 NORTH 192ND ST, SE 1 16TH AVE SE 1 14TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 376.00 NORTH 192ND ST, SE 117TH PL SE 1 16TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 174.00 NORTH 192ND ST, SE 12OTH AVE SE ,I17TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 150.00 NORTH 192ND ST, SE 124TH AVE SE KCL E N EAST HILL 2XMO 438.00 SOUTH 193RD PL, SE 1 16TH AVE SE TPE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,605.00 BOTH 193RD PL, SE 1 13TH PL SE 1 13TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,012.00 BOTH 193RD TR, SE ,114TH PL SE TPE N EAST HILL 2XMO 692.00 BOTH 194TH ST, SE 1 16TH AVE SE 115TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 286.00 BOTH 194TH ST. SE 1,IsTH PL SE 114TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 780.00 BOTH 194TH ST, SE 114TH PLSE 1 13TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 440.00 BOTH 194TH PL, SE 1 ,I3TH PL SE 1 13TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 412.00 BOTH ,195TH PL, SE 114TH PL SE 1 1sTH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 6s2.00 BOTH 196TH ST, SE 1O8TH AVE SE '10808 SE 196TH N EAST HILL 2XMO 282,00 BOTH 196TH ST, SE 10808 SE 196TH 1 13TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,793.00 NORTH 196TH ST, SE 113TH PL SE 1 16TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,472.00 BOTH 196TH ST, SE 1 16TH AVE SE 1 19TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,980.00 BOTH 196TH ST, SE 1 19TH AVE SE 12OTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 804.00 BOTH 196TH ST. SE 12OTH AVE SE 121ST AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 103.00 NORTH 196TH ST, SE 121ST AVE SE 122ND PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 105.00 NORTH 196TH ST, SE 122ND PL SE 124TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 410.00 NORTH 197TH PL, SE 124TH AVE SE TPW N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH ,198TH ST, SE 124TH AVE SE TPW N EAST HILL 2XMO 574.00 BOTH 198TH ST, SE ,I1gTH AVE SE 1 18TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 198TH ST, SE 1 18TH AVE SE TPW N EAST HILL 2XMO 80.00 SOUTH 198TH PL, SE 12141 SE 198TH PL 122ND PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 274.00 BOTH 198TH PL, SE 124TH AVE SE TPE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,480.00 BOTH 198TH CT, SE 1 19TH AVE SE TPE N EAST HILL 2XMO 540.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 199TH ST, SE 122ND PL SE 124TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,108.00 BOTH 199TH ST, SE 1 16TH AVE SE TPE N EAST HILL 2XMO 550.00 BOTH 199TH CT, SE 1 19TH AVE SE TPE N EAST HILL 2XMO 482.00 BOTH 2OOTH ST, SE IOOTH AVE SE 1O2ND AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 375.00 NORTH 2OOTH ST, SE 1O2ND AVE SE lO2ND PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 333.00 BOTH 2OOTH ST, SE 1O2ND PL SE 1O4TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 407.00 BOTH 2OOTH ST, SE ,IO4TH AVE SE 1O4TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 180.00 SOUTH 2OOTH ST, SE 124TH AVE SE 123RD PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 237.00 NORTH 2OOTH ST, SE 123RD PL SE 122ND PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 271.00 NORTH 2OOTH ST, SE 122ND PL SE 121ST AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 552.00 NORTH 2OOTH ST, SE 12OTH AVE SE 1 1gTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 378.00 NORTH 2OOTH ST, SE 1 1gTH AVE SE 1 1730 SE 2OOTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 332.00 NORTH 2OOTH ST, SE 11730 SE 2OOTH ST TPW N EAST HILL 2XMO 800.00 BOTH 2OOTH ST, SE SR 515 111TH WAY SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,158.00 SOUTH 2OOTH ST, SE 111TH WAY SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 120.00 SOUTH 2O1ST ST, SE 13OTH AVE SE 127TH LN SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,580.00 BOTH 2O1ST ST, SE SR 515 WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,098.00 BOTH 2O1ST ST, SE '111TH WAY SE 1 lOTH TERRACE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 442.00 BOTH 2O1ST ST, SE 11OTH TERRACE ST WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 240.00 BOTH 2O1ST PL, SE 1 lOTH TERRACE ST 11OTH PLSE N EAST HILL 2XMO 360.00 BOTH 2O1ST PL, SE 13OTH AVE SE 127TH LN SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,580.00 BOTH 2O1ST PL, SE 127TH LN SE 124TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,853.00 BOTH 2O2ND ST S 92ND AVE S 96TH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,272.00 SOUTH 2O2ND ST, SE lOOTH AVE SE 101ST CT SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH 2O2ND ST, SE 1O,IST CT SE 1O2ND AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 460.00 BOTH 2O2ND PL, SE 1O4TH PL SE 1OsTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 2O2ND PL, SE 124TH AVE SE 125TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 902.00 BOTH 2O2ND PL, SE 125TH PL SE 126TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 652.00 BOTH 2O2ND PL, SE 126TH PL SE 127TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 604.00 BOTH 2O2ND PL, SE 127TH PL SE 13OTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,654.00 BOTH 2O2ND PL. SE 13OTH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 140.00 BOTH 2O2ND CT, SE 111TH WAY SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 410.00 BOTH 2O2ND LN, SE 1 IOTH PL SE 1 lOTH TERRACE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 426.00 BOTH 2O3RD PL, S 94TH PL S W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 943.00 BOTH 2O3RD PL, SE 1 1 1TH AVE SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 128.00 BOTH 2O3RD PL, SE 1 1 1TH AVE SE 111TH WAY SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 380.00 BOTH 2O3RD Pt, SE 1 1 1TH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 230.00 BOTH 2O3RD PL, SE 125TH PL SE 127TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,490.00 BOTH 2O3RD PL, SE 131ST PL SE SE 2O4TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,1 00.00 BOTH 2O3RD ST, S 1OOTH AVE S 96TH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 2.904.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 2O3RD ST, SE lOOTH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 430.00 BOTH 2O3RD ST, SE 12OTH AVE SE TPW N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,500.00 BOTH 2O4TH ST, SE 124TH AVE SE 123RD CT SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,106.00 BOTH 2O4TH ST, SE 123RD CT SE 122ND CT SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 414.00 BOTH 2O4TH ST, SE 122ND CT SE 122ND AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 364.00 BOTH 2O4TH ST, SE 122ND AVE SE 121ST CT SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 574.00 BOTH 2O4TH ST, SE 121ST CT SE 12OTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 590.00 BOTH 2O4TH ST, SE 12OTH AVE SE 1 19TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 680.00 BOTH 2O4TH ST, SE 1 19TH AVE SE TPW N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,546.00 BOTH 2O4TH ST, SE 111TH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 640.00 BOTH 2O4TH ST, SE 1 1 1TH AVE SE 1 IOTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,022.00 BOTH 2O4TH ST, SE 1 IOTH AVE SE 1O8TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,24Q.00 BOTH 2O4TH ST, SE 1O6TH PL SE SR 515 N EAST HILL 2XMO 385.00 SOUTH 2O4TH ST, SE 1O6TH AVE SE 1O6TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 160.00 SOUTH 2O4TH ST, SE 1OsTH PL SE 1O6TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 100.00 SOUTH 2O4TH ST, SE 1O4TH PL SE 1OsTH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 390.00 BOTH 2O4TH ST, SE 1O4TH AVE SE 1O4TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 145.00 SOUTH 2O4TH ST, SE 1O3RD PL SE 1O4TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 160.00 SOUTH 2O4TH ST, SE 1O3RD AVE SE 1O3RD PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 125.00 SOUTH 2O4TH ST, SE 1O2ND PL SE 1O3RD AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 265.00 BOTH 2O4TH ST, SE 1O2ND AVE SE 1O2ND PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 430.00 BOTH 2O4TH ST, SE lOOTH AVE SE 1O2ND AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 520.00 BOTH 2O4TH CT, S 97TH AVE S N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 460.00 BOTH 2O4TH PL S 96TH WAY S W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1.227.00 BOTH 2O4TH PL, SE 1O5TH PL SE 1OsTH AVE SE N EAST HILt 2XMO 380.00 BOTH 2O4TH PL, SE 13OTH AVE SE 13OTH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 726.00 BOTH 2O4TH PL, SE 13OTH PL SE 131ST PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 526.00 BOTH 2O4TH PL, SE 131ST PL SE 132ND AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 2O5TH ST, SE 12OTH AVE SE TPW N EAST HILL 2XMO 352.00 BOTH 2O5TH CT, S 97TH AVE S N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 396.00 BOTH 2O5TH PL, S 96TH WAY S E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 484.00 BOTH 2O6TH ST, SE 12OTH AVE SE TPN N EAST HILL 2XMO 966.00 BOTH 2O6TH PL, SE 131ST PL SE TPN N EAST HILL 2XMO 290.00 BOTH 2O6TH PL, SE 131ST PL SE 13OTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 924.00 BOTH 2O6TH PL, SE 1OsTH PL SE ETOTP EAST HILL 2XMO 803.00 BOTH 2O6TH PL, SE 1OsTH PL SE WTOTP EAST HILL 2XMO 1,128.00 BOTH 2O7TH PL, SE 13OTH AVE SE TPE N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 2O8TH ST, SE 126TH AVE SE 124TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,100.00 BOTH 2O8TH PL, SE 126TH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 450.00 BOTH 2O9TH CT, SE 13OTH PL SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 710.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 2O9TH CT, SE 126TH AVE SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 450.00 BOTH 2O9TH PL, SE 1 1gTH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 520.00 BOTH 2O9TH PL, SE 1 1gTH AVE SE 118TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 264.00 BOTH 2O9TH PL, SE 1O2ND PL SE 1O3RD CT SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 790.00 BOTH 2O9TH PL, SE 1O3RD CT SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 244.00 BOTH 2O9TH ST, SE 135TH AVE SE 134TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 460.00 BOTH 2O9TH ST, SE 125TH AVE SE 124TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 580.00 BOTH 2O9TH ST, SE 124TH AVE SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 333.00 BOTH 21OTH ST, SE 132ND AVE SE 13OTH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 840.00 BOTH 21OTH PL, SE 131ST AVE SE 131ST PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH 21OTH PL, SE 124TH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 306.00 BOTH 21OTH PL, SE 121ST PL SE 12OTH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 840.00 BOTH 21OTH PL, SE 1 16TH AVE SE 1 19TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,040.00 BOTH 2lOTH PL, SE 1 1gTH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 640.00 BOTH 21OTH PL, SE 1O3RD AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 780.00 BOTH 21OTH PL, SE 99TH AVE SE 1OOTH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 474.00 BOTH 2lOTH PL. SE 99TH AVE S 97TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 836.00 BOTH 2,1OTH CT, SE 126TH AVE SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 520.00 BOTH 211TH PL, SE 124TH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 340.00 BOTH 211TH PL, SE 1 1gTH AVE SE 1 19TH PL SE EAST HILL 2XMO 660.00 BOTH 21 1TH CT, SE 127TH PL SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 520.00 BOTH 211TH ST, SE 124TH AVE SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 206.00 BOTH 21 1TH ST, SE 125TH AVE SE 126TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,010.00 BOTH 21 1TH ST, SE 126TH AVE SE 127TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,040.00 BOTH 21 1TH ST, SE 127TH PL SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,360.00 BOTH 212TH CT, SE 122ND PL SE NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 275.00 BOTH 212TH CT, SE 12OTH PL SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 460.00 BOTH 2,12TH PL, SE 125TH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 800.00 BOTH 212TH ST, SE 127TH PL SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 200.00 BOTH 212TH ST, SE 1 13TH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 882.00 BOTH 212TH ST, SE 1 13TH AVE SE 1 IOTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,886.00 BOTH 212TH ST, SE '11OTH AVE SE 1OgTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 530.00 BOTH 212TH ST, SE 1OgTH AVE SE 1OgTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 180.00 BOTH 212TH ST, SE 1OgTH AVE SE SR 515 N EAST HILL 2XMO 610.00 BOTH 212TH ST. SE 10413 2,I2TH ST SE 1O4TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH 212TH ST, SE 1O4TH AVE SE 1O3RD AVE SE EAST HILL 2XMO 1,415.00 BOTH 212TH ST, SE 1O3RD AVE SE 10121 SE 212THST N EAST HILL 2XMO 226.00 BOTH 212TH ST, SE 101ST AVE SE IOOTH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 800.00 BOTH 2,I2TH ST, SE 99TH AVE S 98TH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 936.00 BOTH 212TH ST, SE 97TH PL S 98TH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 848.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 212TH PL, SE 127TH PL SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 920.00 BOTH 212TH PL, SE 12OTH PL SE ,1,IgTH AVE SE EAST HILL 2XMO 1,882.00 BOTH 212TH PL, SE 1 16TH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 590.00 SOUTH 213TH CT, SE 12OTH PL SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 280.00 BOTH 213TH ST, SE 127TH PL SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 200.00 BOTH 213TH ST, SE ,I27TH PL SE 125TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,800.00 BOTH 213TH ST, SE 124TH AVE SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 330.00 BOTH 213TH ST, SE 12OTH AVE SE 12OTH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 640.00 BOTH 213TH ST, SE 1 13TH AVE SE 1 12TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 610.00 BOTH 213TH ST, SE 1 12TH AVE SE 1 lOTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 855.00 BOTH 213TH ST, SE 1OgTH AVE SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 545.00 BOTH 213TH ST, SE 1O6TH AVE SE WTOTP EAST HILL 2XMO 840.00 BOTH 213TH ST, SE 1O6TH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 954.00 SOUTH 213TH ST, SE lOOTH AVE SE 99TH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 460.00 BOTH 213TH ST, S 97TH PL S TO TP WEST N EAST HILL 2XMO 590.00 BOTH 213TH ST, S 97TH PL S S 2,13TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 440.00 BOTH 213TH ST, S S 213TH ST 96TH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 542.00 BOTH 213TH ST, S 96TH AVE S 98TH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 578.00 BOTH 213TH CT, SE 1O6TH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 660.00 BOTH 213TH PL, SE 1O2ND AVE SE ,IOOTH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 1.160.00 BOTH 213TH PL, SE 1O2ND AVE SE 1O3RD PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,046.00 BOTH 213TH PL. SE 1O3RD PL SE 1O4TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 424.00 BOTH 213TH PL, SE 1O4TH AVE SE 1O4TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 310.00 BOTH 213TH PL, S 94TH PL S 95TH PL S N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,612.00 BOTH 213TH PL, S 98TH AVE S 99TH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 820.00 BOTH 213TH ST, S 95TH PL S E TO CITY LIMITS N EAST HILL 2XMO 430.00 BOTH 214TH WY, SE 13OTH AVE SE 131ST CT SE EAST HILL 2XMO 1,162.00 BOTH 214TH WY, SE 131ST CT SE 132ND AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 620.00 BOTH 214TH CT, SE 1 12TH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 624.00 BOTH 214TH PL, SE 94TH PL S 95TH PL S N EAST HILL 2XMO 867.00 BOTH 214TH PL, SE 13OTH AVE SE 129TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 580.00 BOTH 214TH PL, SE 129TH AVE SE 129TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 480.00 BOTH 214TH PL. SE 125TH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 750.00 BOTH 214TH PL, SE ,IOgTH AVE SE 1O8TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 450.00 BOTH 214TH PL. SE 1O8TH PL SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 900.00 BOTH 2,I4TH PL, SE 1O4TH PL SE 1OsTH PL SE N EAST HIIL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 214TH PL, SE 1OsTH PL SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 310.00 BOTH 214TH ST, SE 127TH PL SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,080.00 BOTH 214TH ST. SE 124TH AVE SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 612.00 BOTH 214TH ST, SE l2OTH PL SE 122ND PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 488.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 214TH ST, SE l2OTH PL SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 380.00 BOTH 214TH ST, SE 1 13TH PL SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 621.00 SOUTH 214TH ST, SE 1 12TH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 653.00 BOTH 214TH ST, SE 1 12TH AVE SE 111THCTSE N EAST HILL 2XMO 552.00 BOTH 214TH ST. SE 111THCTSE 1O9TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 760.00 BOTH 214TH ST, S 96TH AVE S ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 506.00 BOTH 21sTH ST, SE 127TH PL SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 920.00 BOTH 21sTH ST, SE 121ST PL SE 12OTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 804.00 BOTH 21sTH ST, SE 1 16TH AVE SE 115TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 330.00 BOTH 215TH ST, SE 11sTH PL SE 1 14TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 580.00 BOTH 215TH ST, SE 114TH PL SE 113TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 512.00 BOTH 215TH PL, SE 125TH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 320.00 BOTH 216TH ST, SE 132ND AVE SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 560.00 BOTH 216TH ST, SE 129TH AVE SE 127TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 520.00 BOTH 216TH ST, SE 127TH AVE SE 125TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,520.00 BOTH 216TH ST, SE 125TH AVE SE 124TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 986.00 BOTH 216TH ST, SE 124TH AVE SE 123RD AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 526.00 BOTH 216TH ST, SE 123RD AVE SE ,I22ND PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 564.00 BOTH 216TH ST, SE 122ND PL SE 121ST PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 216TH ST, SE 121ST PL SE 12OTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 724.00 BOTH 216TH ST, SE 12OTH AVE SE 1 17TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,208.00 BOTH 216TH ST, SE 117TH PL SE 1 17TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 304.00 BOTH 216TH ST, SE 117TH AVE SE 1 16TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 610.00 BOTH 216TH ST, SE 113TH PLSE 1 12TH CT SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 390.00 BOTH 216TH ST, SE 1 12TH CT SE 1 12TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 860.00 BOTH 216TH ST, SE 1 12TH AVE SE 1OgTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,362.00 BOTH 216TH ST, SE 10610 SE 216TH ST SR 5,I5 N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,052.00 BOTH 216TH ST, S 96TH AVE S 98TH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 960.00 BOTH 216TH ST, SE 1O3RD PL SE 1OO3O 2,I6TH ST SE N EAST HILL 2XMO '1,304.00 NORTH 216TH CT, SE 117TH PL SE TPW N EAST HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH 216TH CT, SE 1 13TH PL SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 514.00 BOTH 216TH PL, SE 121ST PL SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 250.00 BOTH 216TH PL, SE 129TH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 620.00 BOTH S 216TH PL 94TH PL S W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 686.00 BOTH 217TH ST, SE 125TH AVE SE ETOTP EAST HILL 2XMO 1,200.00 BOTH 217TH ST, SE 12OTH AVE SE 1 1gTH CT SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 720.00 BOTH 217TH ST, SE 1 19TH CT SE 1 lBTH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 480.00 BOTH 217TH ST, SE 1 16TH AVE SE 1 13TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,254.00 BOTH 217TH ST, SE 1O8TH AVE SE 1O8TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 140.00 BOTH 217TH CT, SE 124TH AVE SE ETOTP EAST HILL 2XMO 250.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 217TH ST, SE 124TH AVE SE 122ND PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,100.00 BOTH 217TH PL, SE 1 18TH PL SE 1 17TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 660.00 BOTH 217TH PL, SE ,117TH PL SE TPW N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,020.00 BOTH 217TH PL, SE 121ST PL SE 122ND PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 620.00 BOTH 217TH PL, SE 122ND PL SE ,123RD AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 750.00 BOTH 217TH PL, SE 123RD AVE SE 124TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH 217TH PL. SE 127TH PL SE 125TH PL SE EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,510.00 BOTH 217TH PL, SE 13OTH AVE SE 129TH AVE SE EAST HILL 2XMO 1,500.00 BOTH 218TH ST. SE 1 1 lTH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 584.00 BOTH 218TH ST, S 94TH PL S 96TH PL S N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,346.00 BOTH 218TH ST, S 93RD AVE S 88TH WAY S N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,460.00 BOTH 218TH PL, SE 132ND AVE SE l3OTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,360.00 BOTH 218TH PL, SE 13OTH AVE SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,450.00 BOTH 218TH PL, SE 121ST PL SE TPW N EAST HILL 2XMO 270.00 BOTH 218TH PL, SE 121ST PL SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 484.00 BOTH 218TH PL, SE 12OTH AVE SE TPE EAST HILL 2XMO 310.00 BOTH 218TH PL, SE 1 16TH AVE SE 114TH PL SE EAST HILL 2XMO 1,330.00 BOTH 2,I8TH PL, SE 114TH PLSE 1 13TH PL SE EAST HILL 2XMO 744.00 BOTH 218TH PL, SE 113TH PL SE 1 1OTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,168.00 BOTH 218TH PL, SE 1 lOTH AVE SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,022.00 BOTH 218TH PL, SE 101ST PL SE IOOTH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 860.00 BOTH 218TH PL, SE IOOTH PL SE lOOTH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 280.00 BOTH 21BTH CT. SE 124TH AVE SE ETOTP EAST HILL 2XMO 250.00 BOTH 218TH CT, SE ,I22ND PL SE TPN N EAST HILL 2XMO 340.00 BOTH 218TH PL, SE 124TH AVE SE ETOTP EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 21gTH PL, SE 1 IOTH AVE SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,035.00 BOTH 21gTH PL, SE 1 1OTH AVE SE 114TH PLSE EAST HILL 2XMO 3,155.00 BOTH 21gTH PL, SE 1O1ST PL SE lOOTH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 660.00 BOTH 21gTH PL, SE ,I,I4TH PL SE 1 16TH AVE SE EAST HILL 2XMO 833.00 BOTH 21gTH PL, SE 12OTH AVE SE ,122ND PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 478.00 BOTH 21gTH PL, SE 122ND PL SE 123RD PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 750.00 BOTH 21gTH PL. SE 123RD PL SE 124TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,100.00 BOTH 21gTH PL, S 95TH PL S E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 21gTH CT, SE 12OTH AVE SE TPE N EAST HILL 2XMO 540.00 BOTH 22OTH CT, SE 12OTH AVE SE WTOTP EAST HILL 2XMO 634.00 BOTH 22OTH PL, SE ,IOOTH AVE SE 98TH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 938.00 BOTH 22OTH PL, SE 1O2ND PL SE 1O1ST PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 750.00 BOTH 22OTH PL, SE 12OTH PL SE TPE N EAST HILL 2XMO 560.00 BOTH 22OTH PL, SE 1 1OTH AVE SE ETOTP EAST HILL 2XMO 1,100.00 BOTH 22OTH PL, SE 1 IOTH AVE SE 1O8TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1.234.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 22OTH ST, SE lOOTH AVE SE lOOTH CT SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 360.00 BOTH 22OTH ST, SE lOOTH CT SE 1O1ST PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 654.00 BOTH 22OTH ST, SE 101ST PL SE 1O3RD PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 310.00 SOUTH 22OTH ST, SE 128TH PL SE 129TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 630.00 BOTH 221ST ST, SE 1,16TH AVE SE 1,I7TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 720.00 BOTH 221ST ST, SE 117TH AVE SE 12OTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO '1,560.00 BOTH 221ST ST, SE 12OTH AVE SE 12OTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 221ST ST, SE 12OTH AVE SE 12OTH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 270.00 BOTH 221ST ST, SE 12OTH PL SE 122ND AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 800.00 BOTH 221ST ST, SE 122ND AVE SE 123RD AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 560.00 BOTH 221ST ST, SE 123RD AVE SE 124TH AVE SE EAST HILL 2XMO 2,800.00 BOTH 221ST PL, SE 132ND AVE SE 131ST PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 550.00 BOTH 221ST PL, SE 131ST PL SE 129TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,500.00 BOTH 221ST PL, SE 129TH PL SE 128TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 900.00 BOTH 221ST PL, SE ,I28TH PL SE 127TH CT SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 540.00 BOTH 221ST PL, SE 127TH CT SE 126TH CT SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 520.00 BOTH 221ST PL, SE 126TH CT SE 124TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,1 50.00 BOTH 221ST PL, SE 116TH AVE SE STOTP EAST HILL 2XMO 1,391.00 BOTH 222ND PL, S lOOTH AVE SE 9650 S 222ND PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 633.00 NORTH 222ND ST, SE 1 13TH CT SE 112TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 550.00 BOTH 222ND ST. SE 1 12TH PL SE 111THPLSE N EAST HILL 2XMO 570.00 BOTH 222ND ST, SE 111THPLSE ,111TH CT SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 271.00 BOTH 222ND ST, SE 111THCTSE 1 lOTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 504.00 BOTH 222ND ST, SE 1 IOTH AVE SE 1OgTH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 434.00 BOTH 222ND ST, SE 1O2ND PL SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 105.00 BOTH 222ND ST, SE 1O2ND PL SE 1O3RD PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 686.00 BOTH 222ND ST, SE 1O3RD PL SE 1O4TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 592.00 BOTH 222ND ST, SE 1O4TH PL SE 1OsTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 624.00 BOTH 222ND ST, S 92ND AVE S 94TH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,100.00 BOTH 222ND ST, S 96TH PL S W TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 105.00 NORTH 222ND ST, S 96TH PL S 9735 S 222ND ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 436.00 SOUTH 222ND PL, SE 126TH PL SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 550.00 BOTH 222ND PL, SE 12OTH AVE SE TPW EAST HILL 2XMO 680.00 BOTH 222ND PL, SE 12OTH AVE SE TPE EAST HILL 2XMO 800.00 BOTH 222ND PL, SE 1 1OTH AVE SE lO8TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO I , 1 30.00 BOTH 223RD ST, SE 1 16TH AVE SE 1 1sTH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 165.00 SOUTH 223RD ST, SE 1 1sTH PL SE 1 14TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 263.00 SOUTH 223RD ST, SE 1 14TH PL SE 1 13TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 248.00 SOUTH 223RD ST, SE 1 13TH PL SE 1 13TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 256.00 SOUTH 223RD ST. SE 1 13TH AVE SE SE 223RD PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,094.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 223RD ST, SE SE 223RD PL 1 IOTH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 582.00 BOTH 223RD ST, SE 1 1OTH PL SE 1 IOTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 612.00 BOTH 222ND CT, SE 1 18TH AVE SE TPE EAST HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH 222ND CT, SE 1 18TH AVE SE TPW EAST HILL 2XMO 350.00 BOTH 223RD DR, SE 1 16TH AVE SE 1 17TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 820.00 BOTH 223RD DR, SE 117TH AVE SE 1 lBTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 640.00 BOTH 223RD DR, SE 118TH AVE SE 12OTH AVE SE EAST HILL 2XMO 1,240.00 BOTH 223RD DR, SE 12OTH AVE SE 122ND AVE SE EAST HILL 2XMO 2,820.00 BOTH 223RD DR, SE 122ND AVE SE 123RD PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1.740.00 BOTH 223RD DR, SE 123RD PL SE 124TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 550.00 BOTH 223RD DR, SE 125TH CT SE 124TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 530.00 BOTH 223RD DR, SE 126TH PL SE 125TH CT SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 223RD DR. SE 127TH AVE SE 126TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,000.00 BOTH 223RD PL, SE 129TH PL SE NTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO '1,400.00 BOTH 223RD CT, SE '131ST AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 650.00 BOTH 223RD PL, SE 1 13TH AVE SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 412.00 BOTH 223RD PL, SE 94TH AVE S WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 662.00 BOTH 224TH ST, SE 133RD AVE SE 132ND AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 562.00 BOTH 224TH ST, SE 132ND AVE SE ,131ST AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 900.00 BOTH 224TH ST, SE 131ST AVE SE 129TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 800.00 BOTH 224TH ST, SE 129TH PL SE 127TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,200.00 BOTH 224TH ST. SE 1O8TH PL SE 1O4TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 100.00 BOTH 224TH ST, SE 1OsTH AVE SE SR 515 N EAST HILL 2XMO 190.00 BOTH 224TH ST, SE 10042 224TH ST SE 10026 224TH ST SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 85.00 NORTH 224TH ST, S 88TH AVE S 84TH AVE S EAST HILL 2XMO 3,120.00 BOTH 224TH PL SE 133RD AVE SE 134TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 224TH PL SE 1 12TH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,718.00 BOTH 224TH PL SE 111TH AVE SE 11OTH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 692.00 BOTH 224TH PL SE 11OTH PL SE 1 lOTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 356.00 BOTH 224TH PL SE 1O8TH AVE SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 458.00 BOTH 225TH ST. SE 1 1gTH AVE SE SE 225TH CT EAST HILL 2XMO 550.00 BOTH 225TH ST, SE SE 225TH CT 1.16TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,300.00 BOTH 225TH ST, SE 1 16TH AVE SE 1 12TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,548.00 BOTH 225TH ST, SE 1 12TH AVE SE 1 1 1TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 638.00 BOTH 225TH ST. SE 11,ITH AVE SE 1 1OTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,036.00 BOTH 225TH ST, SE 1 lOTH AVE SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,050.00 BOTH 225TH ST, SE 1O8TH AVE SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 225TH PL, SE 1OOTH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,200.00 BOTH 225TH PL, SE 134TH PL SE 133RD PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 488.00 BOTH 225TH PL, SE ,I33RD PL SE 132ND PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 830.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 225TH PL, SE 125TH PL SE 126TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 225TH PL, SE 1O8TH AVE SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 498.00 BOTH 225TH PL, SE 1O4TH AVE SE IOOTH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,548.00 BOTH 225TH CT, SE SE 225TH ST TPW EAST HILL 2XMO 1,200.00 BOTH 225TH CT. SE 125TH PL SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 200.00 BOTH 225TH CT, SE 129TH PL SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 1.300.00 BOTH 226TH PL, SE lOOTH AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 966.00 BOTH 226TH PL, SE 1 1sTH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 255.00 BOTH 226TH PL, SE 127TH AVE SE 128TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 900.00 BOTH 226TH PL, SE ,I28TH AVE SE 128TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 226TH PL, SE 128TH PL SE 129TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 540.00 BOTH 226TH PL, SE 134TH PL SE 135TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 460.00 BOTH 226TH ST, SE 133RD PL SE 132ND PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 850.00 BOTH 226TH ST, SE 132ND PL SE 132ND AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 280.00 BOTH 226TH ST, SE ,127TH AVE SE 126TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 750.00 BOTH 226TH ST, SE 126TH AVE SE 125TH PL SE EAST HILL 2XMO 800.00 BOTH 226TH ST, SE 1 1gTH AVE SE 12OTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 460.00 BOTH 226TH ST, SE 1 16TH AVE SE 116TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 260.00 BOTH 226TH ST, SE 1 1 sTH AVE SE 113TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,138.00 BOTH 226TH ST, SE 1 13TH PL SE 1 12TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 624.00 BOTH 226TH ST, SE 1 12TH AVE SE 1OgTH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,1 51 .00 BOTH 226TH ST, SE 1O8TH AVE SE 1O6TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 848.00 BOTH 226TH ST, SE 1O6TH AVE SE 1OsTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,076.00 BOTH 226TH ST, SE 1OsTH AVE SE 1O4TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 3't8.00 BOTH 227TH ST, SE 128TH PL SE 128TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 227TH ST, SE 132ND PL SE 133RD PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 688.00 BOTH 227TH ST, SE 133RD PL SE 134TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 554.00 BOTH 227TH ST, SE lOOTH AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,130.00 BOTH 227TH ST, SE 125TH AVE SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH 227TH ST, SE 1O6TH AVE SE 1OsTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,014.00 BOTH 227TH CT, SE 127TH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH 227TH PL SE 1OgTH PL SE 1 lOTH CT SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 442.00 BOTH 227TH PL SE 1 lOTH CT SE 111TH CT SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 938.00 BOTH 227TH PL SE 111THCTSE 1 12TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 227TH PL SE 1 12TH AVE SE 1 1 3TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 342.00 BOTH 227TH PL SE 1 13TH AVE SE 113TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 406.00 BOTH 227TH PLSE 113TH PL SE 1 14TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 470.00 BOTH 227TH PL SE 1 14TH AVE SE 114TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 97.00 BOTH 227TH PL SE ,I14TH PL SE 1 1sTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 328.00 BOTH 227TH PL SE 1 1sTH AVE SE 1 16TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 586.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 227TH PL SE 134TH PL SE 132ND PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,1 08.00 BOTH 227TH PL SE 12OTH AVE SE 1 16TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,800.00 BOTH 228TH CT, SE IOOTH AVE SE E TO CDS EAST HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH 228TH CT, SE 127TH AVE SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 228TH PL, S IOOTH AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 228TH PL, S 1 16TH AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,098.00 BOTH 228TH PL, SE 129TH AVE SE 132ND AVE SE EAST HILL 2XMO 1,800.00 BOTH 228TH PL, SE 12OTH AVE SE 1 17TH AVE SE EAST HILL 2XMO 2,500.00 BOTH 228TH PL. SE 1 17TH AVE SE 1 16TH AVE SE EAST HILL 2XMO 1,450.00 BOTH 228TH PL, SE 114TH WY SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 22BTH PL, SE 114TH WY SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 425.00 BOTH 228TH ST, S 96TH AVE S 96TH PL S N EAST HILL 2XMO 480.00 BOTH 228TH ST, SE 1 1OTH AVE SE 1O8TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 948.00 BOTH 228TH ST, SE 1O8TH AVE SE 1OsTH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 608.00 BOTH 228TH ST, SE 1OsTH PL SE 1OsTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1.474.00 BOTH 228TH ST, SE 1OsTH AVE SE 1O4TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 358.00 BOTH 228TH ST, SE 1O4TH AVE SE SE 229TH PL EAST HILL 2XMO 1,800.00 BOTH 229TH PL, SE 12OTH AVE SE 1 17TH PL SE EAST HILL 2XMO 2,380.00 BOTH 229TH PL, SE 117TH PLSE TPW EAST HILL 2XMO 760.00 BOTH 229TH PL, SE 114TH WY SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 443.00 BOTH 229TH PL, SE lOOTH AVE SE SE 228TH ST EAST HILL 2XMO 1,200.00 BOTH 229TH PL, SE 1OsTH PL SE 1OsTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 778.00 BOTH 229TH ST, SE 116TH AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,350.00 BOTH 229TH ST, SE 1O8TH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 508.00 BOTH 229TH CT, SE 127TH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 280.00 BOTH 23OTH ST, SE 125TH AVE SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 200.00 BOTH 23OTH ST, SE 126TH AVE SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH 23OTH ST, SE 1O7TH PL SE 1 1OTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 932.00 BOTH 23OTH ST, SE 1 lOTH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 280.00 BOTH 23OTH PL, S 96TH AVE S E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 740.00 BOTH 23OTH PL, SE 1OsTH AVE SE 1O5TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 446.00 BOTH 23OTH PL, SE 1 16TH AVE SE TPE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,150.00 BOTH 23OTH PL, SE 114TH WY SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH 23OTH PL, SE 114TH WAY SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,060.00 BOTH 231ST PL SE 114TH WAY SE N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 250.00 BOTH 231ST ST, SE 1O4TH AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 850.00 BOTH 231ST ST, SE 1 lOTH AVE SE 1O7TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1.202.00 BOTH 231ST ST, SE 126TH PL SE 127TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 920.00 BOTH 231ST ST, SE 126TH AVE SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 700.00 BOTH 231ST ST, SE 136TH PL SE TPE N EAST HILL 2XMO 662.00 BOTH FREQUENCV AREA B 231ST WY, SE 132ND SE 131ST AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 780.00 BOTH 231ST WY, SE 131ST AVE SE ,13OTH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 700.00 BOTH 231ST WY, SE 13OTH PL SE 129TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 750.00 BOTH 231ST WY, SE 129TH AVE SE 128TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 670.00 BOTH 231ST WY, SE 128TH PL SE 127TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 231ST CT, SE 128TH PL SE TPE EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 232ND ST, S 96TH AVE S E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 700.00 BOTH 232ND ST, SE 1O4TH AVE SE 1OsTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 320.00 BOTH 232ND ST, SE 1OsTH AVE SE 1O6TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 844.00 BOTH 232ND ST. SE 1O6TH PL SE 1O7TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 530.00 BOTH 232ND ST, SE 1O7TH PL SE 1 lOTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,1 90.00 BOTH 232ND ST, SE 1 lOTH AVE SE 1 1OTH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 614.00 BOTH 232ND ST, SE 11OTH PL SE 1 12TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 188.00 SOUTH 232ND ST, SE 127TH AVE SE 126TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 412.00 BOTH 232ND ST, SE 126TH AVE SE 125TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,320.00 BOTH 232ND ST, SE 136TH PL SE TPE EAST HILL 2XMO 716.00 BOTH 232ND ST, SE SE 232ND PL TPS N EAST HILL 2XMO 870.00 BOTH 232ND PL, SE SE 232ND CT SE 232ND ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,250.00 BOTH 232ND PL, SE 134TH PL SE TPW N EAST HILL 2XMO 306.00 BOTH 232ND PL, SE 1OgTH PL SE 1O8TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 714.00 BOTH 232ND PL, SE 1O8TH AVE SE ,IOsTH AVE SE EAST HILL 2XMO '1,255.00 BOTH 232ND CT, SE SE 232ND PL TPS N EAST HILL 2XMO 360.00 BOTH 233RD PL, S 95TH CT S 94TH CT S N EAST HILL 2XMO 520.00 BOTH 233RD PL, S 94TH CT S 94TH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 300.00 BOTH 233RD PL, SE 1O8TH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 514.00 BOTH 233RD PL, SE 1O8TH AVE SE 1OsTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,404.00 BOTH 233RD PL, SE 1 13TH PL SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 360.00 BOTH 233RD ST, SE 132ND AVE SE ,I32ND PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 144.00 BOTH 233RD ST, SE 132ND PL SE ,133RD AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 235.00 BOTH 233RD ST, SE 133RD AVE SE 133RD CT SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 230.00 BOTH 233RD ST, SE 133RD CT SE 134TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 311.00 BOTH 233RD ST, SE 134TH AVE SE 135TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 335.00 BOTH 233RD ST, SE 135TH AVE SE 136TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 431.00 BOTH 233RD ST, SE 136TH PL SE 138TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 552.00 BOTH 234TH PL, S 95TH CT S ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 557.00 BOTH 234TH PL,S 98TH AVE S 9600 BLOCK N EAST HILL 2XMO 550.00 NORTH 234TH PL, SE 114TH PL SE 1 16TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 900.00 BOTH 234TH PL, SE SE 235TH ST E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 800.00 BOTH 234TH ST, SE 12829 SE 234TH ST 132ND AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 871.00 BOTH 234TH ST, SE 132ND AVE SE TPE EAST HILL 2XMO 966.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 235TH PL, SE SE 235TH ST E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,400.00 BOTH 235TH PL, SE ,IOOTH AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH 235TH PL, SE lOgTH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 518.00 BOTH 235TH ST, SE 1 12TH AVE SE SE 235TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 450.00 BOTH 235TH ST, SE 132ND AVE SE 134TH LN SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 131.00 NORTH 235TH ST, SE 134TH LN SE 134TH CT SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 265.00 NORTH 235TH ST, SE 134TH CT SE TPE N EAST HILL 2XMO 120.00 NORTH 235TH ST, SE 11OTH PL SE 1O9TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 390.00 BOTH 235TH ST, SE 1OgTH PL SE 1O9TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 834.00 BOTH 235TH ST, SE 1OgTH AVE SE 1O8TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 348.00 BOTH 235TH ST, SE 1O8TH PL SE 1O8TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 802.00 BOTH 235TH ST, SE 1O8TH AVE SE 1O6TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 404.00 BOTH 235TH ST, SE 1O6TH AVE SE SE 236TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 300.00 BOTH 235TH ST, SE SE 236TH ST 1OsTH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 530.00 BOTH 235TH ST, SE 1O5TH PL SE 1OsTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 306.00 BOTH 235TH ST, SE 1O5TH AVE SE 1O4TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 310.00 BOTH 236TH PL, SE 12210 SE 236TH PL 123RD AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 190.00 BOTH 236TH PL, SE 123RD AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH 236TH PL, SE 1 12TH AVE SE E TO END N EAST HILL 2XMO 200.00 BOTH 236TH PL, SE lO4TH AVE SE 1O8TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,500.00 BOTH 236TH PL, SE 13OTH AVE SE 132ND AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,380.00 BOTH 236TH PL, SE 132ND AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,260.00 BOTH 236TH PL, SE 14OTH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,580.00 BOTH 236TH ST, SE lOOTH AVE SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 180.00 NORTH 236TH ST, SE SE 235TH ST 1O8TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,558.00 BOTH 236TH ST, SE 1O8TH AVE SE 1OgTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 786.00 BOTH 236TH ST, SE 1OgTH AVE SE STOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 488.00 BOTH 237TH CT, SE 13OTH AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 520.00 BOTH 237TH PL, S 94TH AVE S 98TH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,568.00 BOTH 237TH PL, SE 123RD PL SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 805.00 BOTH 237TH PL. SE 1 12TH AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO '1,071.00 BOTH 237TH PL, SE 13OTH AVE SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 3,012.00 BOTH 237TH PL, SE 137TH PL SE 14OTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,400.00 BOTH 237TH PL, SE 14OTH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 820.00 BOTH 237TH ST. SE 1O8TH AVE SE 1OsTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,556.00 BOTH 238TH PL, SE 14OTH AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,040.00 BOTH 238TH PL, SE 124TH AVE SE 125TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 460.00 BOTH 238TH ST, SE 1O8TH AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,014.00 BOTH 239TH PL, SE 98TH AVE S W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,000.00 BOTH 239TH PL. SE 92ND PL SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 550.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 239TH ST, S 92ND PL S 94TH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,035.00 BOTH 239TH ST. SE 1O2ND AVE SE 1O4TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1.200.00 BOTH 239TH ST, SE 135TH PL SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 300.00 BOTH 239TH ST, SE 138TH AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 790.00 BOTH 24OTH PL, SE 1 12TH AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 395.00 BOTH 24OTH ST, SE 1 16TH AVE SE 127TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 7,800.00 BOTH 24OTH ST, SE 1O4TH AVE SE 1 16TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 7,600.00 BOTH 24OTH ST, SE 127TH PL SE 14019 SE 24OTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 7,530.00 BOTH 24OTH ST, SE 12859 SE 24OTH ST 13028 SE 24OTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 3'15.00 NORTH 241ST CT, SE 1 12TH AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH 241ST PL, SE 144TH AVE SE 145TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 540.00 BOTH 241ST ST, S 94TH AVE S 96TH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 628.00 SOUTH 241ST ST, SE 129TH CT SE WTPTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 660.00 BOTH 242ND CT, S 96TH PL S E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 800.00 BOTH 242ND CT. SE 129TH AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 350.00 BOTH 242ND PL, SE 1OlST PL SE SE 243RD ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 680.00 BOTH 242ND ST, S 94TH AVE S E/O 96TH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,585.00 BOTH 243RD PL, SE 145TH PL SE 147TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,610.00 BOTH 243RD ST, S 9605 S 243RD ST 98TH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,000.00 BOTH 243RD ST, SE 129TH AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 850.00 BOTH 243RD ST, SE 129TH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 200.00 BOTH 243RD ST, SE 1O1ST PL SE 1O2ND PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 680.00 BOTH 243RD PL, S 94TH AVE S 93RD CT S N EAST HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH 244TH CT, SE lOOTH AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 458.00 BOTH 244TH PL, S 98TH AVE S W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,060.00 BOTH 244TH ST, S 94TH AVE S W TO END N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 244TH ST, SE lOOTH AVE SE E TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,500.00 BOTH 244TH ST, SE 146TH PL SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,420.00 BOTH 244TH ST, SE 11108 SE 244THSr 11230 SE 244TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 440.00 NORTH 244TH ST, SE ,I12TH AVE SE 1 13TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 217.00 SOUTH 244TH ST, SE 1 16TH AVE SE 1 1sTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 268.00 NORTH 244TH ST, SE 12OTH AVE SE 1 1 7TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,770.00 BOTH 244TH ST, SE 1O4TH AVE SE 1O6TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 853.00 BOTH 245TH CT, SE 146TH PL SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 260.00 BOTH 245TH PL, S 94TH AVE S 95TH PL S N EAST HILL 2XMO 796.00 BOTH 245TH PL, S 98TH AVE S 96TH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,140.00 BOTH 245TH PL, SE IOOTH AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 475.00 BOTH 245TH PL, SE 1 19TH AVE SE 11gTH PLSE N EAST HILL 2XMO 460.00 BOTH 245TH ST, SE 132ND AVE SE WTOTP EAST HILL 2XMO 2,930.00 BOTH 246TH CT, SE 132ND AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 620.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 246TH PL, S 95TH PL S W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 520,00 BOTH 246TH Pt, S 95TH PL S 96TH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 436.00 BOTH 246TH PL, S 96TH AVE S WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 550.00 BOTH 246TH PL, SE IOOTH AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 458.00 BOTH 246TH PL, SE 128TH PL SE E TO CDS EAST HILL 2XMO 530.00 BOTH 246TH PL, SE 146TH PL SE 147TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 540.00 BOTH 246TH PL, SE 147TH AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 260.00 BOTH 246TH ST, S 98TH AVE S IOOTH AVE S N EAST HILL 2XMO 1.246.00 BOTH 246TH ST, SE 131ST PL SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,010.00 BOTH 247TH CT, S 98TH AVE S E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 409.00 BOTH 247TH PL, SE lOOTH AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 450.00 BOTH 247TH PL, SE 129TH AVE SE 131ST PL SE N EAST HIIL 2XMO 1,540.00 BOTH 247TH ST, SE 145TH PL SE 147TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 970.00 BOTH 248TH PL, SE SE 249TH ST ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 820.00 BOTH 248TH ST, SE 121ST PL SE E TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 205.00 BOTH 248TH ST, SE 12OTH AVE SE 1 18TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 570.00 BOTH 248TH ST, SE 121ST PL SE W TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 205.00 BOTH 248TH ST, SE 1 1 1TH AVE SE 112TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 150.00 SOUTH 248TH ST, SE 1 12TH PL SE 10828 SE 248TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 2.220.00 BOTH 248TH ST, SE 10711 SE 248TH ST ,I0609 SE 248TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 440.00 SOUTH 248TH ST, SE 1O4TH AVE SE E TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 640.00 BOTH 248TH ST, SE 1O4TH AVE SE W TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 248TH ST, SE 10104 SE 248TH ST W TO 1OOTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 300.00 BOTH 249TH PL, SE ,121ST PL SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 365.00 BOTH 249TH ST, SE 132ND AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO '1,990.00 BOTH 25OTH PL, SE 121ST PL SE 12OTH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,000.00 BOTH 251ST PL. SE 12OTH PL SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 940.00 BOTH 251ST ST, SE 12OTH PL SE 1 1gTH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 520.00 BOTH 251ST ST, SE 1 1 6TH AVE SE 1 18TH CT SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 891.00 BOTH 251ST ST, SE 11gTH CT SE 1 16TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 .104.00 SOUTH 252ND ST, SE 11211 SE 252ND ST 1 13TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 568.00 BOTH 252ND ST, SE 1 13TH AVE SE ,114TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 650.00 BOTH 252ND PL, SE ,I2OTH PL SE 1 18TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,700.00 BOTH 252ND PL, SE 124TH AVE SE E TO CDS EAST HILL 2XMO 1,700.00 BOTH 252ND PL, SE 12OTH PL SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 850.00 BOTH 252ND PL. SE 139TH PL SE 138TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 660.00 BOTH 252ND PL, SE 144TH PL SE 146TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 980.00 BOTH 252ND ST, SE CANYON DR E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,780.00 BOTH 253RD CT, SE 127TH AVE SE E TO CDS EAST HILL 2XMO 700.00 BOTH 253RD PL. SE 132ND AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,800.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 253RD ST, SE 12OTH PL SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 375.00 BOTH 253RD ST, SE 12OTH PL SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,035.00 BOTH 253RD ST, SE 1 18TH AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 855.00 BOTH 253RD ST, SE 139TH PL SE 136TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,560.00 BOTH 254TH CT, SE 127TH AVE SE E TO CDS EAST HILL 2XMO 750.00 BOTH 254TH PL, SE 127TH AVE SE 128TH AVE SE EAST HILL 2XMO 800.00 BOTH 254TH PL, SE 128TH PL SE 128TH AVE SE EAST HILL 2XMO 520.00 BOTH 254TH PL, SE 136TH AVE SE 137TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 588.00 BOTH 254TH PL, SE 1 18TH AVE SE 1 16TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,275.00 BOTH 254TH PL, SE 1 16TH AVE SE 118TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,265.00 BOTH 254TH ST, SE 1 18TH AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 840.00 BOTH 254TH ST, SE 12OTH PL SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 360.00 BOTH 254TH ST, SE 144TH PL SE 146TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,040.00 BOTH 255TH PL, SE 129TH AVE SE 128TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH 255TH PL, SE 126TH AVE SE 127TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 490.00 BOTH 255TH PL, SE 1 18TH PL SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 550.00 BOTH 255TH PL, SE 137TH WAY SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 376.00 BOTH 255TH ST, SE 132ND AVE SE 136TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,400.00 BOTH 255TH ST, SE 12OTH PL SE W TO CDS EAST HILL 2XMO 465.00 BOTH 256TH PL, SE 1 18TH PL SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 900.00 BOTH 256TH PL, SE 1 18TH PL SE E TO CDS EAST HILL 2XMO 440.00 BOTH 256TH PL, SE 144TH AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 904.00 BOTH 256TH PL, SE 144TH AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 452.00 BOTH 256TH PL. SE 1 16TH AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,206.00 BOTH 256TH PL, SE 129TH AVE SE 13OTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 540.00 BOTH 256TH ST, SE 136TH AVE SE 137TH WAY SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 393.00 NORTH 256TH ST, SE 132ND AVE SE INTERSECTION N EAST HILL 2XMO 120.00 BOTH 256TH ST, SE 1OO'W OF 116TH AVE SE 150' E OF 132ND AVE SE EAST HILL 2XMO 13,670.00 BOTH 257TH PL, SE 144TH AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,110.00 BOTH 257TH PL, SE 144TH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 640.00 BOTH 257TH ST, SE 118TH PL SE 1 1gTH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 650.00 BOTH 257TH ST, SE 129TH AVE SE 13OTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 560.00 BOTH 258TH PL, SE 144TH AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 460.00 BOTH 258TH PL, SE 144TH AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 4'10.00 BOTH 258TH PL, SE 124TH AVE SE 122ND AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 740.00 BOTH 258TH ST, SE 1 18TH PL SE 117TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 450.00 BOTH 258TH ST, SE 128TH PL SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 550.00 SOUTH 259TH PL, SE 1 16TH AVE SE 1lBTH AVE SE EAST HILL 2XMO 1,750.00 BOTH 259TH PL, SE 128TH PL SE 132ND AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,200.00 BOTH 259TH PL, SE 141ST AVE SE 143RD AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,000.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 259TH PL, SE 144TH AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 429.00 BOTH 259TH ST, SE 128TH PL SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 440.00 BOTH 259TH ST, SE 14OTH AVE SE 141ST AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 246.00 BOTH 26OTH PL, SE 1 19TH DR SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,440.00 BOTH 26OTH ST, SE 97TH PL S lOBTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 4,670.00 BOTH 26OTH ST, SE 1 19TH PL SE 11gTH DRSE N EAST HILL 2XMO '1,050.00 BOTH 26OTH ST, SE 124TH AVE SE 12100 BLOCK N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,518.00 BOTH 26OTH ST, SE 14OTH AVE SE 144TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,265.00 BOTH 2615T CT, SE 121ST AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 425.00 BOTH 26,1ST PL, SE 1 1gTH DR SE E TO CDS EAST HILL 2XMO 575.00 BOTH 261ST PL, SE 1 1gTH DR SE W TO CDS EAST HILL 2XMO 700.00 BOTH 261ST ST, SE 124TH AVE SE 124TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 260.00 BOTH 262ND CT, SE 121ST AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 550.00 BOTH 262ND CT, SE ,I23RD AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 540.00 BOTH 262ND PL, S WOODLAND WAY W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,180.00 BOTH 262ND PL, SE 121ST AVE SE 12OTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 550.00 BOTH 262ND PL, SE ,124TH AVE SE 125TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 300.00 BOTH 262ND PL, SE 129TH AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,315.00 BOTH 262ND ST, SE 132ND AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,600.00 BOTH 263RD CT. SE 1 19TH DR SE W TO CDS EAST HILL 2XMO 550.00 BOTH 263RD PL, SE 134TH AVE SE 132ND AVE SE EAST HILL 2XMO 1,200.00 BOTH 263RD PL, SE 132ND AVE SE 129TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO '1,300.00 BOTH 263RD ST, SE KENT KANGLEY RD 124TH AVE SE EAST HILL 2XMO 2.750.00 BOTH 263RD ST, SE WOODLAND WAY W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,450.00 BOTH 264TH PL, SE 1,I6TH AVE SE 118TH WAY SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,490.00 BOTH 264TH PL, SE 1,14TH AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 750.00 BOTH 264TH PL, SE 1 14TH AVE SE W TO CDS EAST HILL 2XMO 1,250.00 BOTH 264TH PL, SE 13OTH AVE SE 132ND AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,240.00 BOTH 264TH ST, SE 125TH PL SE 128TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 650.00 NORTH 264TH ST, SE 1O4TH AVE SE W TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 425.00 NORTH 264TH ST, SE 1O4TH AVE SE lO6TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 744.00 BOTH 264TH, ST SE 1 14TH AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,410.00 BOTH 264TH ST. SE 1 1 7TH AVE SE 1 18TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 970.00 BOTH 265TH CT, SE 118TH WAY SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 250.00 BOTH 265TH PL, SE 1 16TH AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 741.00 BOTH 265TH PL, SE 1 14TH AVE SE 1 12TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 939.00 BOTH 265TH ST, SE 1 14TH AVE SE 1 15TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 850.00 BOTH 266TH PL, SE 118TH WAY SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 4't4.00 BOTH 266TH PL, SE 1O6TH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 266TH ST, SE 134TH AVE SE 135TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 360.00 SOUTH FREQUENCY AREA B 266TH PL, SE 132ND AVE SE W TO END OFCDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,225.00 BOTH 267TN PL, SE 1 12TH AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,060.00 BOTH 268TH ST, SE 1O6TH AVE SE 1O8TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,200.00 BOTH 268TH ST, SE 1,I2TH AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,327.00 BOTH 268TH ST, SE 134TH AVE SE 137TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 260.00 SOUTH 268TH ST, SE 118TH WAY SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,068.00 BOTH 268TH ST, SE 118TH WAY SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 680.00 BOTH 268TH ST,SE 114TH AVE SE 115TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 269TH ST, SE 1O8TH AVE SE 1 14TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 3,912.00 BOTH 269TH ST. SE 116TH AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 720.00 BOTH 27OTH CT, SE 111TH PLSE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 360.00 BOTH 27OTH ST, SE 117TH PLSE 124TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,100.00 SOUTH 27OTH ST, SE ,I37TH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 300.00 BOTH 27OTH ST, SE 138TH AVE SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 260.00 BOTH 27OTH ST, SE 111TH PL SE 1OgTH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO '1,600.00 BOTH 27OTH ST, SE 1 14TH AVE SE 11sTH PLSE N EAST HILL 2XMO 800.00 BOTH 27OTH ST, SE 1 16TH AVE SE E TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 340.00 BOTH 27OTH ST, SE 116TH PL SE 1 17TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 470.00 BOTH 2715T ST, SE ,138TH AVE SE 139TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 700.00 BOTH 2715T ST, SE 1,14TH AVE SE 1O8TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 3,750.00 BOTH 2715T ST, SE 1 1sTH PL SE 1 1sTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 320.00 BOTH 272ND PL, SE 12OTH AVE SE W TO END N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,500.00 BOTH 272ND PL, SE 1 14TH AVE SE SE 274TH WAY N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,630.00 BOTH 272ND ST, SE 12OTH AVE SE 121ST AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,000.00 BOTH 273RD CT, SE 137TH AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 388.00 BOTH 273RD PL SE 124TH PL SE 126TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,140.00 BOTH 274TH CT, SE 147TH AVE SE N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 365.00 BOTH 274TH PL, SE 137TH AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 652.00 BOTH 274TH ST, SE SE 274TH CT 145TH CT SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,300.00 BOTH 274TH ST, SE ,137TH AVE SE 14OTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,950.00 BOTH 274TH ST, SE 124TH AVE SE 126TH PL SE EAST HILL 2XMO 1,850.00 BOTH 274TH ST, SE 124TH AVE SE 12OTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,530.00 BOTH 274TH ST, SE 1 18TH AVE SE 12OTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 960.00 BOTH 274TH WAY, SE 1 16TH AVE SE 1O8TH AVE SE EAST HILL 2XMO 5,880.00 BOTH 275TH PL, SE 144TH AVE SE 147TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,952.00 BOTH 275TH PL, SE 137TH AVE SE 14OTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,240.00 BOTH 275TH PL, SE 124TH PL SE 126TH PL SE EAST HILL 2XMO 1,076.00 BOTH 275TH ST, SE 137TH AVE SE 14OTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,900.00 BOTH 275TH ST, SE 1 18TH AVE SE 12OTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 960.00 BOTH 276TH CT, SE SE 276TH PL N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 425.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 276TH PL, SE 123RD AVE SE 12OTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,000.00 BOTH 276TH PL, SE 125TH AVE SE SE 276TH WAY N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,260.00 BOTH 276TH PL, SE 144TH AVE SE 148TH WAY SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 3,400.00 BOTH 276TH PL, SE SE 276TH WAY SE 277TH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,600.00 BOTH 276TH PL, SE 124TH AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 280.00 BOTH 276TH PL, SE 152ND AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO '1,050.00 BOTH 276TH ST, SE 14OTH AVE SE 141ST AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 730.00 BOTH 276TH ST, SE 132ND AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 608.00 NORTH 276TH ST, SE 122ND AVE SE 1 16TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,600.00 BOTH 276TH WY, SE SE 277TH PL SE 276TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 580.00 BOTH 277TH CT, SE 128TH PL SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 317.00 BOTH 277TH PL, SE 1 56TH AVE SE 155TH LN SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 308.00 BOTH 277TH PL, SE 155TH LN SE 154TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 644.00 BOTH 277th PL, SE 123RD AVE SE 124TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 800.00 BOTH 277TH PL, SE 13OTH AVE SE N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,070.00 BOTH 277TH PL, SE 126TH AVE SE 124TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1 ,150.00 BOTH 277TH PL, SE 126TH AVE SE 127TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 950.00 BOTH 277TH PL, SE 12OTH PL SE SE 276TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 1.350.00 BOTH 277TH PL, SE 12OTH AVE SE 1 1809 SE 277TH PL N EAST HILL 2XMO 450.00 NORTH 277THPI. SE S SIDE 1 18TH AVE SE 12OTH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 510.00 SOUTH 277TH ST, SE 13OTH AVE SE S TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 620.00 BOTH 277TH ST, SE 1O8TH AVE SE WEST OF BRIDGE EAST HILL 2XMO 17,650.00 BOTH 278TH CT, SE 128TH PL SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 325.00 BOTH 278TH PL, SE 13,IST AVE SE 132ND AVE SE EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 278TH PL, SE 147TH PL SE 146TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,000.00 BOTH 278TH PL, SE 146TH AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 260.00 BOTH 278TH PL, SE 145TH AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 260.00 BOTH SE 278TH ST 154TH PL SE 153RD PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 844.00 BOTH SE 278TH ST 149TH PL SE ,1sOTH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 190.00 SOUTH SE 278TH ST 1sOTH PL SE 152ND AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 445.00 SOUTH 278TH ST, SE 152ND AVE SE 146TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 4,820.00 BOTH 278TH ST, SE 135TH AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 600.00 BOTH 278TH ST, SE 129TH PL SE 13OTH AVE SE EAST HILL 2XMO 920.00 BOTH 278TH ST, SE 146TH AVE SE 144TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,320.00 BOTH 278TH ST, SE 144TH AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,400.00 BOTH 279TH ST, SE 154TH AVE SE 155TH PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 620.00 BOTH 279TH CT, SE 128TH PL SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 340.00 BOTH 279TH PL, SE 131ST AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 511.00 BOTH 279TH PL, SE 147TH AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,600.00 BOTH 279TH PL, SE 147TH AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 800.00 BOTH FREQUENCY AREA B 279TH PL, SE 1sOTH PL SE 151ST PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 800.00 BOTH 2791280rH ST, SE 132ND AVE SE ETOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,860.00 BOTH 28OTH CT, SE 121ST AVE SE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 540.00 BOTH 28OTH PL, SE 131ST AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 470.00 BOTH 28OTH PL, SE 136TH AVE SE .137TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 476.00 BOTH 28OTH ST, SE ,156TH AVE SE ,15327 SE 28OTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,400.00 BOTH 28OTH ST, SE 124TH AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,500.00 BOTH 28OTH ST, SE 129TH PL SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 900.00 BOTH 28OTH ST, SE 151ST PL SE 152ND AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 200.00 BOTH 281ST PL, SE 136TH AVE SE 137TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 552.00 BOTH 281ST CT, SE 121ST AVE SE W TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 305.00 BOTH 281ST ST, SE 136TH AVE SE WTOTP N EAST HILL 2XMO 124.00 BOTH 28,IST ST. SE 1sOTH PL SE 151ST PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 680.00 BOTH 282ND ST, SE 121ST AVE SE 124TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO '1,250.00 BOTH 282ND ST, SE 136TH AVE SE 144TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 4,312.00 BOTH 282ND WAY SE SE 282ND ST 132ND AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 2,800.00 BOTH 283RD ST, SE 144TH AVE SE 14223 SE 283RD ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 463.00 NORTH 283RD ST, SE 14223 SE 283RD ST 14311 SE 283RD ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 300.00 SOUTH 292ND ST, SE 124TH AVE SE 122ND WAY SE EAST HILL 2XMO 974.00 BOTH 292ND ST, SE 122ND WAY SE 122ND PL SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 348.00 BOTH 292ND ST, SE 122ND PL SE 12OTH WAY SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 744.00 BOTH 296TH PL, SE 12OTH AVE SE 12OTH CT SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 860.00 BOTH 296TH PL, SE 12OTH CT SE 1 18TH AVE SE N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,252.00 BOTH CREST PL STETSON AVE N TO END N EAST HILL 2XMO 400.00 BOTH CROW RD (97TH PL S)CANYON DR SE 26OTH ST N EAST HILL 2XMO 4,400.00 BOTH HAZEL AVE STETSON AVE S TO END OF CURB N EAST HILL 2XMO 970.00 BOTH JAMES ST, E CENTRAL AVE 1O4TH AVE SE EAST HILL 2XMO 14,300.00 BOTH STETSON AVE HMEL AVE E TO END N EAST HILL 2XMO 1,260.00 BOTH VALLEY PL HMEL AVE E TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 500.00 BOTH WESTVIEW CT E JAMES ST N TO CDS N EAST HILL 2XMO 828.00 BOTH Total 1,377,978.00 Miles 260.98 East Hill Area 2 x Monthly FREQUENCY AREA C REC#MAJOR STREET FROM TO XCRB AREA FREQ CURB FT S'DE WEDGE 1 68th Ave S SR 516 S 1B8TH ST ARTERIAL 1X WK 35,120.00 BOTH 002 1O4TH AVE SE SE 225TH PL SE 26OTH ST N ARTERIAL l XWK 24,818.00 BOTH 108 AVE SE SE 225TH PL SE 192ND ST N ARTERIAL l XWK 27,456.00 BOTH 2O8TH ST, SE 96TH AVE S 150' E/O 132ND AVE SE Y ARTERIAL l XWK 22,420.00 BOTH 003 212TH ST, S 42ND AVE S N/B OFF RAMP SR 167 ARTERIAL l XWK 32,000.00 BOTH 212TH WAY, S S 212TH ST 96TH AVE S N ARTERIAL l XWK 2,976.00 BOTH 004 228TH ST, S RUSSELL RD 84TH AVE S ARTERIAL l XWK 26,030.00 BOTH 231ST WAY, S MILITARY RD RUSSELL RD ARTERIAL l XWK 19,700.00 BOTH RAMPS 256TH ST, SE 101ST AVE SE 1O4TH AVE SE Y ARTERIAL l XWK 2,700.00 BOTH 256TH ST, SE 1O4TH AVE SE 116TH AVE SE ARTERIAL 1X WK 2,952.00 BOTH CANYON DRIVE JASON AVE 101ST AVE SE ARTERIAL l XWK 12,800.00 BOTH 006 cENTRAL AVE (84TH)S 192ND ST JAMES ST ARTERIAL l XWK 34,150.00 BOTH 610 CENTRAL AVE, S GRN RIV BRDG WILLIS ST N ARTERIAL l XWK 11,900.00 BOTH 007 EAST VALLEY HIWAY S 192ND ST S 18OTH ST ARTERIAL l XWK 10,160.00 BOTH JAMES ST TP WEST CENTRAL AVE ARTERIAL l XWK 14,810.00 BOTH 375 KENT KANGLEY RD 1O4TH AVE SE 159TH AVE SE ARTERIAL l XWK 40,866.00 BOTH 008 PAC HIWAY S S 252ND ST KENT.DES MOINES RD Y ARTERIAL l XWK 26,420.00 BOTH 664 PAC HIWAY S S 272ND ST S 252ND ST ARTERIAL l XWK 27,500.00 BOTH Total 374,778.00 Miles 70.98 CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING 2021 May 18, 2021 Page 22 of 25 EXHIBIT C MAP ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 00 0 00 00 000 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n n n nnn n n n n n n n n n n n nn n n n n n n n n n nn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n 146 Av168 Av SE16 4 P l S E 169 Pl SE168 Pl SE168 Pl SE17 0 Wy S E168 Av SE171 Av SE166 Av SE167 Pl SE147 Av SE159 Av SE160 Av SES E 2 2 9 Pl SE 229 Pl SE 232 Pl 152 Av SE153 Pl SE156 Av SE160 Av SE156 Av SESE 264 St SE 261 St SE 251 St SE 236 St SE 218 St SE 235 St SE 236 St SE 234 St SE 251 St SE 287 St SE 292 St SE 280 St SE 291 Pl SE 182 St 145 Av SESE 187 St SE 186 Pl 13 9 WySE 180 St SE 184 St SE 184 Pl 135 Pl SE SE 189 PlSE 143 Ct132 Pl133 Av SE133 Pl134 Av SE135 Av SE136 Pl SE133 Av SESE 198 St SE 200 StSE 200 St SE 201 St SE 202 Ct 147 Av SE142 Av SE144 Av SE135 Av SESE 204 St SE 214 St SE 216 St 144 Av SE144 Av SE142 Av SESE 220 St 140 Av SESE 231 St SE 235 St 135 Pl SESE 236 Pl 140 Av SESE 261 St 144 Av SESE 263 St 264 St SE 268 St SE 264 St SE 270 Pl SE 278 St 141 Av SESE 188 St 189 Ct SE 181 St SE 184 St118 Av SESE 188 St SE 180 St 124 Av SE120 Av SESE 186 St SE 204 Pl130 A v 122 Ct S E 121 Ct SE123 Pl122 Pl SESE 206 St121 Av SE122 Pl SESE 198 Pl SE 213 St 129 AvSE 206 Pl 127 Pl SESE 210 Pl SE 216 St SE 219 Pl 126 P l117 Av119 AvSE 233 St 128 Pl SE126 Pl SESE 237 Pl 129 Av SE129 Pl SE128 Pl SE118 Av SE128 Pl SE127 Av SESE 264 St SE 272 Pl 274 St 275 St S E 2 70 St 117 Av SE118 Av SESE 284 St SE 288 Pl SE 285 St SE 282 St SE 276 Pl SE 277 Pl107 Av SE104 Av SE105 Av SESE 199 St106 Av SESE 181 St S 45 PlDavis A v S S 51 Ct SE 188 St SE 190 St S 50 St 190 Pl S 198 StSE 186 StSE 185 P lSE 190 St SE 190 Pl 201 St 186 Pl 187 Ct 115 Pl SESE 196 St 104 Pl SE103 Pl SE102 Pl SE102 Av SE101 Av SESE 189 Ct 103 Pl SE104 Pl SESE 217 St SE 218 St SE 212 St 211 Pl SE 212 St SE 213 St SE 224 St SE 225 Pl SE 219 Pl SE 222 St SE 223 St SE 225 St106 Pl SESE 227 Pl SE 216 St 114 Pl1 0 6 P l S E 229 St SE 232 Pl SE 235 St 229 Pl SE 228 St SE 232 St SE 237 St 114 Pl SE100 Av SE99 Av S105 Pl S E 105 Av SESE 284 St 283 St SE 290 Pl109 Av SE86 Av SG St NE85 Av S45 St NE 40 St NE I St NES 280 St 37 St NE 94 Pl SB Pl NWD St NWS 285 StS 285 St 37 St NW72 Av SS 287 St S 273 Pl S 274 Pl S 284 Pl 51 Pl SS 288 Pl S 292 St 59 Av S51 Pl SS 275 Pl 32 Av SS 280 St S 277 Pl 38 Pl S S 280 St S 282 St 48 Av SS 284 Pl S 279 Pl S 287 St S 290 St S 282 St32 Pl S36 Av S42 Av S43 Pl S46 Av S41 Av S34 Av S33 Pl S46 Av S S 285 Pl 47 Pl S34 Av S37 Av S39 Av S41 Av S43 PlS 288 Pl S 289 Pl S 290 PlS 290 StS 290 St S 291 St S 291 St S 289 Pl S 291 St 46 Pl S42 Av SS 276 St S 273 St S 281 Pl S 290 St16 Av S15 Pl S26 Av SS 276 S t25 Dr S 18 Av SS 276 St S 253 St 22 Av SS 254 Pl S 257 St S 261 Pl S 263 Pl S 264 Pl 15 Av S18 Pl S20 Av S19 Av S14 P l SS 268 St Wo o d mo n t B each Dr SS 266 Pl S 245 Pl S 243 St 15 Av S17 Av S21 Av S21 Av S23 Av S25 Av S26 Av S24 Av SS 236 St S 245 Pl 19 Pl SS 242 St S 244 St S 234 St S 234 St S 232 St S 220 St S 226 St S 227 Pl S 229 St S 234 St15 Av S26 Av S26 Av S18 Av SS 223 St S 226 St 19 Av SS 220 St18 Pl S18 Av S15 Av S21 Av SS 212 St S 213 Pl S 214 St S 210 St S 208 St S 211 St S 209 Pl S 206 Pl 29 Av SS 212 St20 Av SS 209 St 22 Av S28 Av S 16 Av SS 207 St 32 Pl SS 205 Pl S 204 St17 Av S18 Av SS 196 St 26 Av S24 Av S28 Av S30 Av SS 192 St S 202 St27 Av SS 195 St S 204 St26 Av S16 Av SS 190 St S 180 St S 184 St31 Av SS 181 St S 181 Pl S 182 St 36 Pl SS 182 Pl S 179 St S 181 StS 181 St S 182 St S 184 Pl S 186 St S 186 St S 187 St S 186 St 33 Av S34 Av S36 Av S49 Av S47 Av S46 Av S39 Av S46 Av S47 Av S37 Av S51 Av S48 Av S50 Av SS 194 St S 189 S tS 188 P l S 1 8 9 P l 37 Pl S41 Av S35 Av S33 Av SS 203 St 35 Ln SS 198 St Segale Park B DrAndover Park WSegale Park D Dr S Glacier St S 208 St 98 Pl SSE 264 Pl SE 260 St 100 Pl SE111 Av SE113 Av SE100 Pl SE104 Av SE106 Av SE110 Av SE112 Av SE109 Ct111 Ct111 Av SESE 270 St 115 Av SE100 Av SE109 Pl97 Pl SCrest Av SLenora AvReiten Rd95 Pl STi l den AvHilltop Av96 Av SWoodland Wy98 Av SS 241 St S 242 St 242 Ct S 246 Pl Rei t en RdE Laurel St S 259 St S 252 St88 Av SHazel Av N96 Av S96 Pl S S 222 St S 228 St 92 Av S95 Av S205 Ct S 206 St S 208 St S 218 St S 222 St 9 8 A vS 213 St 99 Av SSE 212 St 96 A v S 97 Ct S 203 St 103 Av SE98 Av S88 Av S80 Av SS 182 St S 188 St S 188 St S 190 St S 190 St S 192 St S 194 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120 Pl 277 Pl 278 Ct 279 Ct 272 St 116 Pl121 Pl118 Av121 Pl 282 Wy 274 St 277 Ct118 Pl264 St 124 Pl119 Ct120 Av2 6 4 Pl 122 Ct263 St252 Pl 255 St 121 Pl259 Pl 268 St114 Av126 Av 131 Pl263 Pl115 Av254 St 259 Pl 223 Dr 223 Pl125 Ct127 Av130 Pl 128 Pl1 2 2 Av 115 Pl222 Pl 127 Av SESE 234 St SE 236 St 126 Av SE116 Av SESE 224 St SE 234 St SE 231 Pl 132 Av SE131 Pl207 St 207 Pl 212 Pl 212 Pl 215 St125 Av123 Av217 St122 Pl211 Pl 210 Pl 124 Av217 Pl 216 Ct 209 St 121 Pl210 Pl 211 Ct 218 Pl 210 Ct 210 Ct 128 Pl129 Pl123 Ct 198 Ct 199 Ct 197 Pl 198 St 190 Pl 189 Pl 130 Av189 St 188 Pl 184 Pl 118 Av SE116 Av SESE 178 Pl SE 192 St105 Pl SE110 Av SE111 Av SE112 Av SE114 Av102 Pl187 St 188 Pl 180 St 113 Wy104 Av108 Av SESR 515SE 200 St 112 Pl101 Av99 Pl S114 Av115 Av102 Pl NE105 Av106 Pl 216 Ct SE 226 St 226 St107 Av108 Av SEBen s o n Rd233 Pl 228 St 110 Av232 St112 Pl108 Av236 Pl 238 St 113 PlSE 237 St SE 248 St 108 Av SE269 St 1 1 1 P l 110 AvSE 281 St S 194 St 98 Pl STalbot Rd SEast V all ey H 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St35 P l 2 3 9 S t 42 Pl S243 Pl 36 Av S260 St 252 St 42 PlMilita ry R d S 33 Av S33 Av40 Av SSomerset Ln36 Pl SCarnaby Wy DoverCt34 Av 269 St 35 Av40 Av S45 AvS 256 St 289 Pl 52 Av51 Av S201 StInternational Blvd SS 188 St Perimeter R dS 200 St Pacific Hwy S28 Av S25 Ln S26 Av18 AvS 224 St S 223 St 24 Av SSR 99S 216 St 26 Pl27 PlS 221 St29 Av S30 Av SS 208 St 20 Av SKent-Des M oine s Rd 18 Pl S18 Pl S19 Av S20 Av S27 Av26 Pl S28 Av S255 Pl 18 Av S23 P l S251 Pl 1 5 Av S253 St S 251 St S 244 Pl 21 Av 21 Pl SS 260 St16 Av SS 240 St S 272 St16 Av S273 Pl S Star L a k e RdPacific Hwy S2 5 7 P l 258 St Military Rd S S 288 St 20 Av S 289 St 21 Av140 Av SEKent Kangley Rd SE 256 StWest Valley Hwy68 Av SS 222 St 68 Av S144 Av SE136 Av SESE 251 StSE 251 Pl 1 4 0 A v S E SE 24 1 St 142 Av SE188 A v S E166 AvSE 237 Pl SE 186 Pl 119 Pl126 Av SE119 Pl SE128 Pl1 31 Pl262 Pl 262 PlSE 273 Pl 126 PlSE 289 St SE 290 St101 Av SE103 Ct112 Av SESE 186 St SE 182 St 180 Pl 115 Ln SE18 0 Pl 104 Pl SE106 Av SEE T itus StSe g a l e P a r k C D r 40 Av S45 PlSR 51637 Pl S35 Av S85 Pl S79 Av S261 St 80 Av S273 St72 Av SS R 1 6 7 V a lle y FwySR 167Covington Wy SESE 240 WyS 55 St SE 278 St 167 Pl165 Pl SE166 Pl SE168 Av SESE 254 St 150 Pl148 Av SE147 Av SE134 CtSE 253 Pl SE 286 St SE 270 St SE 286 St SE 271 St 128 Av SE127 Av SE12 9 AvSE 247 St 142 Av SE144 Av SE136 Pl SE143 Av SE 190 Pl 182 S t179 St151 Av184 Pl SE146 AvSE 182 Pl SE 183 St 143 Av SE 130 A v SE SE 184 Pl SE 203 St 122 Av SE124 Av SE212 P l209 Ct 117 Pl126 Pl SE 221 St SE 221 St 129 Av SE124 Av SE116 Av SE210 St 232 St SE 235 St 130 Av 253 St 124 Av SE132 Av SE253 Ct SE 252 Pl SE 291 St 1 08 AvSE 287 StSR 5 1 6 107 Av109 Av SESE 236 St 1 05 Av228 St 105 Av SE234 Pl114 Wy 231 St 112 Av SE109 Av SE103 Av97 A v S 204 Ct 93 Av S213 Pl212 S t C entral Av NProspect Av NS 243 St E Seattle St E Smith St SR 1672nd Av NWashington Av NLincoln Av NThompson Av NS 228 St 83 Av S6th Av N224 St 2nd Av N76 Av SOlympic Av SS 190 St 66 Av S58 P l S S 192 St S 194 St 35 A vFrager Rd SRussell Rd50 Av SS Star La k e Rd43 Av SS 286 St 49 AvS Star Lake Rd 37 Av SS 288 Pl 27 AvS 285 Pl S 282 Pl 283 St 41 Pl S39 P l SS 263 St S 257 St43 Pl S38 Av SS 255 St 35 Pl S32 Pl S259 Ct29 Av SS 256 St S 262 Pl 20 Av SS 273 Pl 27 Av SS 242 St S 244 St S 244 St S 250 St 21 Av S20 Av S28 Av S22 Pl SS 246 Pl S 251 Pl S 249 St 15 Av S16 Av S23 9 PlS 244 St 3 4 Av S41 A v S35 Av SS 236 St23 Pl S25 Av SThunderbi rd Dr S30 Av SPacific Hwy S28 AvS 212 St 19 Av16 Av S19 Pl SS 222 St22 Av S16 Av S 211 St S 219 StS 219 St S 220 St25 AvE Valley RdSE 274 Wy S 277 St 274 S t 146 Av SE145 Pl SE 250 St SE 261 St119 Pl SE204 St 143 Pl SESE 191 StSE 1 8 2 S t153 Av SE 176 Pl SE 1st Av SS 261 StS 261 St S 200 St S 196 St S 196 St 220 Pl SE 218 Pl 113 Pl S E 124 Av SE253 St 247 Pl 154 Av178 Pl178 Ct 158 Ct157 Av163 Ct163 Av SE147 Pl SESE 266 St 163 Pl147 Av158 PlPl 139 Pl145 Av146 Av145 Av130 Av 145 Ct147 Av139 Av144 Pl 147 Av143 Av133 Av241 Pl 194 St 141 Av146 Av142 Av275 P l274 St 121 Pl127 Av130 Av129 Ct 27 8 St115 Pl280 St 277 Pl129 Pl127 Av127 Ct128 Av129 Av130 Av130 Av129 Pl254 Pl117 A v 125 Av228 Pl 1 2 3 A v119 Ct217 Ct 218 C t 214 Pl218 Pl206 S t 206 Pl128 Av130 Pl126 Pl182 St 182 Pl 183 Pl 111 Av111 Ct111 Pl106 AvState Av NKennebeck AvMcmillan St Clark Av NPioneer St Hillcrest AvKensington AvStoneburner LnGarfield Av SOl ympic Wy Cherry Hill E Filbert East LnWalnut E Hemlock St E Walnut St E Dean Jason Av NCascade Av SRiverside Dr Todd Blvd 181 St 71 Av179 St 181 Pl 180 Pl 34 Av183 St 191 St 34 Av S39 Av S192 St 40 Pl S40 Av S39 Pl S39 Av S38 Pl S36 Pl S255 Pl 39 Pl251 St 252 St 254 Pl 253 St 252 Pl 270 St Bristol CtCardiff Av SCambri dge PlManchester Av35 PlC tPrinceton AvCanterbury M a nchesterWayHampton W ySomerset Ct29 Ct29 Av30 Av30 Pl249 Pl 23 Av19 Av17 Ct18 Av17 Av Crestwood Rd 282 Pl 229 P lSE 185 Pl SE 184 Ln 188 St 187 Pl 166 Av 1 6 6 A v266 St SE 262 PlSE 267 Pl 273 St 139 Pl126 Ct110 Av SE261 Ct 125 Av258 St 239 St135 Av185 P l 208 Pl 131 Pl S E204 St 2 12 Pl 213 St 129 Ct131 Av117 Av119 Pl111 Ct110 Ct109 PlAlexanderGlenwood LnDean St George St 201 St 34 Av18 6 S t 36 Av36 LnStratford Ct Yale CtH ighland Av254 St 44 Av36 Pl36 Ct22 Av S249 Pl 249 Pl 257 St 35 Pl259 Pl 144 PlS E 17 8 St 138 Pl258 Pl 246 St 244 Ct 245 Pl 246 Pl SE 258 St 256 Pl 130 Av257 St 263 St SE 224 St SE 212 Pl SE 208 St121 Pl220 St SE 216 St SE 266 St SE 264112 Av240 Pl 102 Pl102 Av101 Pl102 Pl242 PlS 242 Pl 265 Pl 263 Pl 259 Pl S 199 Pl62 Av S59 Pl S153 Av119 DrS 262 Pl SE 236 St 119 Av245 Pl86 Av227 St 270 St115 Av111 Pl207 Pl 134 PlAlpine Wy 214 St120 Pl SESE 210 St 120 Av211 Pl 125 AvSE 204 St 216 Ln111 Ct112 Pl113 Ct223 Ln SE 222 Pl109 Pl110 Av107 Pl S E 105 Av2 3 3 P l109 Pl118 Pl220 Ct 220 Pl 120 Av118 Av225 Pl 213 Ct 126 Av SE126 P l SESE 231 Wy SE 2 32 Pl 232 C t 131 A v SE 233 St 133 Ct132 PlSE 231 St 205 St 205 Pl 206 St 204 Pl 113 AvSE 211 St 2 0 9 S t 264 St96 Pl S 208 St96 Av S230 Pl111 Ct120 Av SE97 Pl S S 210 Pl 214 A v 98 Av STalbot Rd SS 192 St 132 Pl116 Av SE197 Pl 122 Pl124 Av SE120 Av SESE 201 St 204 St S 236 S 238 St S 237 St 117 Av98 Pl113 Pl261 Pl40 Av S4 0 P l S 280 Pl 281 St 281 Pl140 Av109 Av SE113 Pl SE179 Pl SE 179 St 114 Av184 Pl 110 PlSE 183 Pl 109 Av189 Ct104 Pl SE103 Pl102 AvSE 179 Pl 123 Pl SE123 Ct191 Pl SE 188 Pl 186 Pl SE 1 8 6 S t 1 85 Ct136 Pl134 Av SE186 Pl 134 Av SE133 Pl190 Pl 189 Pl SE 188 Wy 146 Av SESE 184 St 159 Ct180 Ct158 Pl 179 St S 202 St 203 Pl 96 W y S 207 Pl 101 Ct102 AvSE 207 St 104 Av105 Pl106 PlSE 206 Pl 104 Pl194 St SE 196 St 119 Av 205 St SE 201 Pl SE 203 Pl 130 Av125 Pl127 Pl132 Av SESE 195 St129 Pl SE195 Ct 193 St 144 Ct196 Ct 198 Ct 147 Av142 Pl SESE 194 St140 Pl141 Av195 Pl 144 PlSE 195 Pl 143 P l142 Av201 St 209 St SE 212 Pl SE 212 St 121 Pl SE215 St 121 Pl SE214 Pl 2 16 St 215 Pl119 Av SE219 Ct 120 Pl123 Av119 LnSE 223 Dr SE 221 Pl 223 Ct2 2 2 Pl124 Av127 Ct123 PlSE 218 Pl129 Ct130 Av218 Pl SE 216 St 217 St 126 Ct218 C t 123 Pl228 Ct 229 Ct 227 C t125 Pl126 Av225 C t 226 St SE 217 St 110 Av115 Pl114 Pl113 Pl113 AvSE 220 Pl S E 221 Pl107 PlSE 215 St114 Pl115 Pl113 Pl113 Av211 P l109 P l114 Pl SE110 Av110 Av209 Pl SE 211 St 103 Ct 213 Ct 1 0 0 P l104 Pl104 Av210 Pl 213 St 102 AvSE 213 Pl100 Av SE103 Pl SE219 Pl 96 Pl221 Pl S 220 Pl92 Av S220 Av 95 Pl96 Av95 Pl95 CtS 213 St 216 St42 Av S232 St 233 St 232 St 232 Pl230 St 231 St 30 Av S227 Pl 24 Av43 Av71 Pl227 Pl W Cloudy St Cedar St Alvord Av N92 PlWestview CtS 239 Pl S 244 Pl SE 239 St 230 Pl S 232 St 9 4 Ct S 95 Ct 232 St S 231 St SE 231 St 226 Pl 103 Av230 Pl 108 Av SE105 AvSE 226 St 230 St 109 Av2 35 Pl SE 236 Pl106 A v110 Pl110 Av235 St 235 Pl 234 Pl 229 Pl SE 229 Pl SE 227 Pl SE 228 Pl 120 Av SESE 230 Pl 228 Pl106 Av110 Ct112 Av SE114 Av11 5 Pl115 Av113 P l SE 225 St 2 2 7 S t SE 232 St125 Av231 Ct 134 Ln134 Ct131 Av123 Av238 Pl 236 Pl 125 Av127 Av127 Pl SE124 Av SE234 St 130 Ct 237 Ct SE 230 St 232 Pl 137 Av139 Av141 Av SESE 228 St SE 232 St 234 St 234 St150 AvSE 234 Pl147 Av152 Av SE153 Av234 Pl 151 Pl SE245 Ct 244 St 145 Pl137 Pl132 Pl133 Ct 248 Pl249 St 249 St 243 Pl 135 Av SESE 2 4 3 S t138 Av SE242 St 133 Av138 Ct144 Pl251 Pl 255 Pl 150 Pl SE255 Pl129 PlSE 252 St 128 Av SE254 Ct 254 Pl SE 247 Pl129 Av243 St 24 1 St 242 Ct 130 Av SE246 Pl SE 244 St 121 Pl SE251 Pl 252 Pl 1 2 2 P l 255 Pl117 Pl258 St SE 254 Pl 115 Av252 Pl 120 Av SE114 Pl100 Pl SE102 Pl96 Av S96 Av97 AvS 245 Pl Weiland St Tacoma St E Maclyn StScenic Wy Kennebeck AvE Tit us St Marion St Ellis PlView PlS 240 St Willis St W Titus St Rachael Pl W Crow St 245 Ct 37 Pl252 Pl 256 Ct 38 Pl44 Pl43 Pl43 Av46 AvCambridge Ct Stanford CtSaxon CtAvon Ct271 St 32 Pl SS 273 Pl 46 Ct SFenwick Ct 49 Av S50 Pl S48 Av S45 Av S281 St 59 Pl50 PlS 279 Pl S 282 St S 287 St 30 Av S28 Pl S23 Pl S23 Av S26 Av S27 Av S28 Av S22 Av S28 Pl SS 285 PlS 28 0 Pl 20 Av SS 284 Pl 26 Pl S25 Pl S282 St S 285 St 29 Av SS 286 St 2 1 AvS 286 St Camelot Dr S 279 Pl 29 Av S27 Pl2 84 St 282 St 28 0 W y 283 St S 274 St 276 Pl17 Pl S17 Av S17 Av259 St 259 L n32 Pl31 Av254 St 265 St 33 Pl34 Pl97 AvSE 267 St99 Pl S102 Av SE268 St 107 AvSE 264 St SE 266 St114 Pl265 Pl 115 Av268 St 270 Ct SE 272 Pl 268 St 267 Pl 266 P l118 Pl263 Ct261 P l256 Pl 260 St 262 Ct SE 260 Pl 118 Pl117 Pl257 St 122 Av125 Pl126 Pl265 Pl126 Av259 St 129 Av258 St 130 Pl261 St 264 Pl 135 Av136 Av267 Pl 138 Av270 St135 Av142 Av SE141 Av SE143 Av SE258 Pl136 Av SESE 257 Pl 256 Pl 149 Av148 Av154 Av2 7 4 Ct 267 Ct 269 St161 Pl265 Ct SE 262 Pl SE 263 Pl 158 Ct 158 Av157 AvSE 1 59 P l 261 Ct 261 Pl 170 Pl265 St 264 Pl SE 28 3 Pl149 Pl275 Pl 278 Pl SE 276 Pl276 Pl 274 St 275 St 140 Av SE276 St SE 283 Pl126 A v124 Pl276 Pl 125 Av131 Av280 St 131 Ct 123 Pl122 Pl281 Ct121 Av123 PlSE 282 St SE 280 St 120 Av SESE 276 Pl 123 AvSE 276 St SE 288 St 107 Av108 Av112 Av SE111 Av122 Pl205 Pl94 Av207 St 106 Pl106 AvSE 237 Pl 139 Pl238 Pl C res t PlSte t son A v 247 Ct 247 St 246 Ct 250 St 250 Pl 251 Pl 256 Pl 253 Pl254 St Seattle St Carter StScenic WyChicago StMorton St W Saar St SE 282 St 143 St143 Pl142 Pl SE137 Av139 C t 275 Pl 147 Pl252 Pl 161 Pl254 St 2 4 5 St 145 Pl SE104 Av SE2 31 S t 231 StSE 21 8 Pl 219 Pl100 Pl111 Pl110 P l 202 St 102 Av106 Av224 Pl 117 Pl116 Pl116 Pl117 Pl122 Pl150 Pl 151 Pl150 Pl279 Pl S 231 St 66 Av S146 Pl24 6 P l 253 Pl 259 St 125 Pl270 Pl 270 St SE 277 St 2 7 6 Wy S E 2 7 8 St 143 PlPl147 281 StReith Rd S 272 St Southcenter Pky148 Av SE266 St 126 Ln96 Pl275 St Overlook St Waterman St S 254 S t 45 Av 137 Av SE201 Ct134 PlSE 193 St 137 Ct SE 188 St 187 Pl 186 St SE 179 Pl SE 178 Pl 147 Av114 Pl SESE 180 Pl 113 Av108 Av SE183 St109 Av108 Pl SE 107 Ct186 Pl 1 1 1 Av SE183 Ct SE 181 St 150 Ct181 S t 155 Pl 160 PlSE 232 St 164 Av SESE 227 St SE 224 St 222 St147 Av156 Av SE232 St Adams233 Pl 198 St78 Av258 Pl 115 Pl265 Pl 112 Pl234 St 135 Pl265 St 136 Av137 Av138 Pl137 Av1137 Pl271 St135 Av277 St5th Av S220 Pl 192 Pl 191 Pl 193 Pl S 193 St 70 Av SS 182 St S 184 St S 186 Pl77 Pl S75 Pl S80 Ct S187 St 185 Pl S 184 St S 187 St S 190 St S 192 S t 70 Av SS 200 St S 198 St S 202 St85 Av S87 Av S89 Av S93 Pl96 Av97 Pl42 Pl S217 St 217 Pl 218 Pl 216 Pl 43 Pl39 Pl S40 Pl S220 Pl41 Av S41 Pl221 Pl 219 St S 222 Pl 41 Pl22 3 St 42 Av221 Pl 43 Av S2 2 0 PlS 221 St 221 Pl 45 Av S222 St 46 Av S22 4 Pl 43 Av S41 Pl 2 2 6 St225 Pl42 Av42 Pl35 Pl S222 Pl 66 Av SS 217 St S 219 St S 220 St 67 Av218 St 209 St S 224 St S 226 Pl66 Av SS 210 St 80 Av S209 St S 207 Ct 84 Pl SS 218 St85 AvS 213 Pl 86 Pl S88 Av S88 Pl SS 216 St 88 Pl S86 Av S220 Ln 214 Pl 94 Pl S232 Pl S 240 St S 232 St50 Av50 Pl23 3 Pl 51 Av234 St 234 Pl 53 Av53 Pl S5 1 Av52 Av52 Pl53 Av53 Pl54 Av51 Av S225 Pl 237 Pl 5 1 Av S 51 C tS 237 Pl54 Pl 55 Pl51 Pl 54 Av234 Pl 233 St S 234 Pl 54 Av235 231 Pl 56 Av232 Pl 232 St57 Av236 Pl St52 Pl 55 Av S57 Av S56 AvS 234 St55 AvLakeside Blv d WS 23 7 St57 Ct S58 CtS 238 CtS 238 Pl S 239 St 63 Av63 Av S238 St 237 St62 Av S61 Av SLakeside Blvd E233 Pl 234 Pl59 Pl S60 Av S58 Av S235 St58 Av S 231 St 233 St 60 Pl62 AvS 233 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515E Smith St Van De Vanter Av SW Willis St Hampton Wy Carn a by Wy SE 256 St24 PlS 250 St 253 St 1 4 3 C t 146 Av146 Pl SE38 A v S 36 Av36 P l96 Av S97 AvR ussell R d SS 194 St250 Pl 257 St 233 PlS 234 Pl 251 St250 St 251 Pl 236 St 56 Ct56 P l61 PlS 232 St 284 Pl S 284 St S 279 St27 Av2735 Ln 269 St36 Pl42 Pl43 Ct SEmmett LnSt Concord 94 Pl S216 Pl 94 Ct95 Pl SE 181 St 180 St 110 Av183 Ct 110th189 St 188 Pl 198 Pl SE 200 St 212 C t212 Ct 226 Pl 125 Av230 StSE 230 St 110 Pl120 Pl SE254 St 103 Av SE266 Pl 266 St 274 Pl 273 Ct 135 Av SE257 Ct 256 Pl 143 AvSE 260 St 144 Av259 Pl101 Pl220 Pl Clearview 91 Pl S102 Pl118 PlS 237 Pl 236 Pl S 235 Pl 97 Av S119 Ct119 PlRamsay WyW Kent Sta St 136 Av SESE 280 Ct 137 Av SE136 Pl281 Pl117 Pl232 Pl 266 Pl 268 St 106 PlSE 279 Pl 133 Av13 1 P l SE 280 St SE 232 St S 208 St 1st Av N2nd Pl N124 AvS 235235 Pl 3nd Pl N272 Pl SE 273 Pl103 Pl114 Pl114 Av113 Pl276 Pl145 AvSE 278 St145 Pl277 Ct117 Av116 Pl118 Pl119 Pl240 PlRussell Rd102 Ct102 Pl237 St SE 290 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Valley Floor West Hill Sweep Routes City of Kent 0 0.5 10.25 Miles Kent CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING 2021 May 18, 2021 Page 23 of 25 EXHIBIT D INSURANCE SUBMITTALS FROM CONTRACTOR (To be included in the final contract.) 09/02/2020 Bell Anderson Agency, Inc. 600 SW 39th St, Suite 200 Renton WA 98057 Valerie Merry (425) 291-5200 (425) 291-5100 valeriem@bell-anderson.com McDonough & Sons, Inc 27218 SE Kent-Kangley Road Ravensdale WA 98051 Western National Mutual Insurance Co 15377 CL209242467 A $5,000 PD Ded Y Y CPP 1222448 01 09/27/2020 09/27/2021 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 A Y Y CPP 1221427 01 09/27/2020 09/27/2021 1,000,000 A 10,000 Y Y UMB 1037633 01 09/27/2020 09/27/2021 4,000,000 4,000,000 A CPP 1222448 01 - WA Stop Gap 09/27/2020 09/27/2021 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 [Job #: Job Type: 2021 Street Sweeping Contract] The City, its officers, officials, employees agents and volunteers are additional insured per the attached endorsement #WNGL49 0715 & #WNCA27 0616. Waiver of subrogation per the attached endorsement #WNGL39 0818 & #WNCA27 0616. Primary & non-contributory coverage per the attached endorsement #WNGL49 0715. Per project aggregate applies per #CG2503 0509. City of Kent Public Works Department 220 4th Ave. S. Kent WA 98032 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURER F : INSURER E : INSURER D : INSURER C : INSURER B : INSURER A : NAIC # NAME:CONTACT (A/C, No):FAX E-MAILADDRESS: PRODUCER (A/C, No, Ext):PHONE INSURED REVISION NUMBER:CERTIFICATE NUMBER:COVERAGES IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. OTHER: (Per accident) (Ea accident) $ $ N / A SUBR WVD ADDL INSD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. $ $ $ $PROPERTY DAMAGE BODILY INJURY (Per accident) BODILY INJURY (Per person) COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT AUTOS ONLY AUTOSAUTOS ONLY NON-OWNED SCHEDULEDOWNED ANY AUTO AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Y / N WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below If yes, describe under ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE $ $ $ E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE E.L. EACH ACCIDENT EROTH-STATUTEPER LIMITS(MM/DD/YYYY)POLICY EXP(MM/DD/YYYY)POLICY EFFPOLICY NUMBERTYPE OF INSURANCELTRINSR DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) EXCESS LIAB UMBRELLA LIAB $EACH OCCURRENCE $AGGREGATE $ OCCUR CLAIMS-MADE DED RETENTION $ $PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $GENERAL AGGREGATE $PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $MED EXP (Any one person) $EACH OCCURRENCE DAMAGE TO RENTED $PREMISES (Ea occurrence) COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: POLICY PRO-JECT LOC CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) CANCELLATION AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25 (2016/03) © 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. CERTIFICATE HOLDER The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD HIRED AUTOS ONLY COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY WN GL 49 07 15 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED – OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS – AUTOMATIC STATUS WHEN REQUIRED IN CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT WITH YOU PRIMARY AND NONCONTRIBUTORY This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART A. Section II – Who Is An Insured is amended to in- clude as an additional insured any person or or- ganization for whom you are performing opera- tions when you and such person or organization have agreed in writing in a contract or agreement that such person or organization be added as an additional insured on your policy. Such person or organization is an additional insured only with re- spect to liability for "bodily injury", "property dam- age" or "personal and advertising injury" caused, in whole or in part, by: 1.Your acts or omissions; or 2.The acts or omissions of those acting on your behalf; in the performance of your ongoing operations for the additional insured. A person's or organization's status as an additional insured under this endorsement ends when your operations for that additional insured are com- pleted. However: 1.The insurance afforded to such additional in- sured only applies to the extent permitted by law; and 2.If coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the in- surance afforded to such additional insured will not be broader than that which you are re- quired by the contract or agreement to provide for such additional insured. B.With respect to the insurance afforded to these ad- ditional insureds, the following additional exclusion applies: This insurance does not apply to: 1."Bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" arising out of the ren- dering of, or the failure to render, any profes- sional architectural, engineering or surveying services, including: a.The preparing, approving, or failing to pre- pare or approve, maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, field orders, change orders or drawings and specifica- tions; or b.Supervisory, inspection, architectural or engineering activities. This exclusion applies even if the claims against an additional insured allege negligence or other wrongdoing in the supervision, hiring, employment, training or monitoring of others by that insured, if the “occurrence” which caused the “bodily injury” or “property dam- age”, or the offense which caused the “person- al and advertising injury”, involved the render- ing of or failure to render any professional services by you with respect to your providing engineering, architectural or surveying serv- ices in your capacity as an engineer, architect or surveyor. WN GL 49 07 15 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission.Page 1 of 2 Policy #CPP1222448 01 2."Bodily injury" or "property damage" occurring after: a.All work, including materials, parts or equipment furnished in connection with such work, on the project (other than serv- ice, maintenance or repairs) to be per- formed by or on behalf of the additional in- sured(s) at the location of the covered op- erations has been completed; or b.That portion of "your work" out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its intended use by any person or or- ganization other than another contractor or subcontractor engaged in performing oper- ations for a principal as a part of the same project. C.With respect to the insurance afforded to these ad- ditional insureds, the following is added to Section III – Limits Of Insurance: If coverage provided to the additional insured is re- quired by a contract or agreement, the most we will pay on behalf of the additional insured is: 1.The minimum amount required by the contract or agreement; or 2.The Limits of Insurance shown in the Declara- tions; whichever is less. This endorsement shall not increase the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations. D.The following is added to the Other Insurance Condition and supersedes any provision to the contrary: Primary And Noncontributory Insurance This insurance is primary to and will not seek any contribution from any other insurance available to an additional insured under your policy provided that: (1)The additional insured is a Named Insured under such other insurance; and (2)You have agreed in writing in a contract or agreement that this insurance would be primary and would not seek contribution from any other insurance available to the additional insured. WN GL 49 07 15 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission.Page 2 of 2 COMMERICAL GENERAL LIABILITY WN GL 39 08 18 WN GL 39 08 18 Includes copyrighted material of the Insurance Service Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 1 of 10 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ENHANCEMENT ENDORSEMENT The Commercial General Liability Enhancement Endorsement is an optional endorsement that provides coverage en- hancements. The following is a summary of broadened coverages provided by this endorsement. No coverage is pro- vided by this summary, refer to following endorsement for changes in your policy. SUMMARY OF COVERAGES PAGE Bodily Injury And Property Damage Liability •Non Owned Watercraft Up To 50 Feet ............................................................................... 2 Property Damage Liability •Elevators.......................................................................................................................... 3 •Fire, Lightning, Explosion Or Sprinkler Leakage Exception .................................................. 3 •Borrowed Equipment ($25,000 Per Occurrence, $50,000 Aggregate, $2,500 Deductible Per Occurrence ................................................................................. 3 Supplementary Payments – Amended •Bail Bonds Up To $5,000................................................................................................... 4 •Loss of Earnings Up To $500/Day ..................................................................................... 4 Who Is An Insured Amendments •Employee Bodily Injury To A Co-Employee......................................................................... 4 •Newly Formed Or Acquired Organizations For Up To 180 Days ........................................... 4 •Blanket Additional Insured – Vendors – As Required By Contract ........................................ 4 •Blanket Additional Insured – Lessor Of Leased Equipment .................................................. 6 •Blanket Additional Insured – Managers Or Lessors Of Premises .......................................... 6 •Blanket Additional Insured – State Or Governmental Agency Or Subdivision Or Political Subdivision – Permits Or Authorizations ......................................................... 7 •Blanket Additional Insured – State Or Governmental Agency Or Subdivision Or Political Subdivision – Permits Or Authorizations Relating To Premises ........................ 8 Damage To Premises Rented To You – $300,000......................................................................... 9 Medical Payments Increased Limit – $10,000 Or Amount Shown on Declarations ........................... 9 Conditions •Knowledge of Occurrence, Offense, Claim Or Suit Amended ............................................... 9 •Unintentional Failure To Disclose Hazards ......................................................................... 9 •Waiver of Subrogation..................................................................................................... 10 Insured Contract Amended .......................................................................................................... 10 Personal And Advertising Injury Redefined •Televised, Videotaped Or Electronic Publication ............................................................... 10 Policy #CPP1222448 01 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY WN GL 39 08 18 WN GL 39 08 18 Includes copyrighted material of the Insurance Serv ice Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 2 of 10 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ENHANCEMENT ENDORSEMENT This endorsement modifies the insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM With respect to the coverage provided by this endorsement, the provisions of the Coverage Form apply unless modified by this endorsement. The SECTIONS of the Commercial General Liability Coverage Form identified in this endorsement will be amended as shown below. SECTION I – COVERAGES AMENDMENTS COVERAGE A – BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY A. Non Owned Aircraft Or Watercraft Item 2. Exclusions, Paragraph g. is replaced by the following: g. Aircraft, Auto Or Watercraft “Bodily injury” or “property damage” arising out of the ownership, maintenance, use or entrustment to others of any aircraft, “auto” or watercraft owned or operated by or rented or loaned to any insured. Use includes operation and “loading or unloading”. This exclusion applies even if the claims against any insured allege negligence or other wrong- doing in the supervision, hiring, employment, training or monitoring of others by that insured, if the “occurrence” which caused the “bodily injury” or “property damage” involved in the ownership, maintenance, use or entrustment to others of any aircraft, “auto” or watercraft that is owned or operated by or rented or loaned to any insured. This exclusion does not apply to: (1) A watercraft while ashore on premises you own or rent; (2) A watercraft you do not own that is: (a) Less than 50 feet long; and (b) Not being used to carry persons or prop- erty for a charge; This Subparagraph (2) applies to any person, who with your expressed or implied consent, either uses or is responsible for the use of the watercraft; (3) Parking an “auto” on, or on the ways next to, premises you own or rent, provided the “auto” is not owned by or rented or loaned to you or the insured; (4) Liability assumed under any “insured con - tract” for the ownership, maintenance or use of aircraft or watercraft; or (5) “Bodily injury” or “property damage” arising out of: (a) The operation of machinery or equipment that is attached to, or part of, a land vehicle that would qualify under the definition of “mobile equipment” if it were not subject to a compulsory or financial responsibility law or other motor vehicle insurance law where it is licensed or principally garaged; or (b) The operation of any of the machinery or equipment listed in Paragraph f. (2) or f. (3) of the definition of “mobile equip - ment”. B. Damage To Property Coverage Extensions Item 2. Exclusions, Paragraph j. is replaced by the following: j. Damage To Property “Property damage” to: (1) Property you own, rent, or occupy, including any costs or expenses incurred by you, or any other person, organization or entity, for repair, replacement, enhancement, restora- tion or maintenance of such property for any reason, including prevention of injury to a person or damage to another’s property; (2) Premises you sell, give away or abandon, if the “property damage” arises out of any part of those premises; WN GL 39 08 18 Includes copyrighted material of the Insurance Serv ice Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 3 of 10 (3) Property loaned to you; (4) Personal property in the care, custody or con- trol of the insured; (5) That particular part of real property on which you or any contractors or subcontractors working directly or indirectly on your behalf are performing operations, if the “property damage” arises out of those operations; or (6) That particular part of any property that must be restored, repaired or replaced because “your work” was incorrectly performed on it. Paragraphs (1), (3) and (4) of this exclusion do not apply to “property damage” (other than damage by fire, lightning, explosion or sprinkler leakage) to premises, including the contents of such premises, rented to you for a period of seven or fewer consecutive days. A separate limit of insurance applies to Damage To Premises Rented To You as described in SECTION III – LIMITS OF INSURANCE . However, the provisions of this paragraph do not apply if coverage for Damage To Premises Rented To You is excluded by endorsement. Paragraph (2) of this exclusion does not apply if the premises are “your work” and were never occupied, rented or held for rental by you. Paragraphs (3) and (4) of this exclusion do not apply to the use of elevators. Paragraphs (3), (4), (5) and (6) of this exclusion do not apply to liability assumed under a sidetrack agreement. Paragraph (4) of this exclusion does not apply to “property damage” to borrowed equipment while not being used to perform operations at the jobsite. Subject to Paragraph 2. of SECTION III – LIMITS OF INSURANCE, the rules below fix the most we will pay for “property damage” under this provision: (1) $25,000 any one “occurrence”, regardless of the number of persons or organizations who sustain damages because of that “occurrence”; (2) $50,000 annual aggregate; and (3) We will pay only for damages in excess of $2,500 as a result of any one “occurrence”, regardless of the number of persons or organizations who sustain damages because of that “occurrence”. We may, or if required by law, pay all or any part of any deductible amount, if applicable, to effect settlement of any claim or “suit”. Upon notice of our payment of a deductible amount, you shall promptly reimburse us for the part of the deductible amount we paid. Paragraph (6) of this exclusion does not apply to “property damage” included in the “products -com- pleted operations hazard”. The insurance provided for “property damage” from the use of elevators and for “property damage” to borrowed equipment is excess over any other valid and collectible property insurance (including any de- ductible portion thereof) available to the insured whether primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis. C. Damage To Premises Rented To You Item 2. Exclusions, the last paragraph is replaced by the following: Exclusions c. through n. do not apply to damage by fire, lightning, explosion or sprinkler leakage to premises while rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with permission of the owner. A separate limit of insurance applies to this coverage as described in Paragraph 6. of SECTION III – LIMITS OF INSURANCE. COVERAGE B – PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY LIABILITY D. Personal And Advertising Injury Item 2. Exclusions is amended by replacing Sub- paragraphs b. and c. with the following: b. Material Published With Knowledge Of Falsity “Personal and advertising injury” arising out of oral, written, televised, videotaped or electronic publication, in any manner, of material, if done by or at the direction of the insured with knowledge of its falsity. c. Material Published Prior To Policy Period “Personal and advertising injury” arising out of oral, written, televised, videotaped or electronic publication, in any manner, of material whose first publication took place before the beginning of the policy period. SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS – COVERAGES A AND B E. Supplementary Payments – Coverages A and B Item 1. is amended by replacing Subparagraphs b. and d. with the following: b. Up to $5,000 for cost of bail bonds required be- cause of accidents or traffic law violations arising out of the use of any vehicle to which the Bodily Injury Liability Coverage applies. We do not have to furnish these bonds. d. All reasonable expenses incurred by the insured at our request to assist us in the investigation or defense of the claim or “suit”, including actual loss of earnings up to $500 a day because of time off from work. WN GL 39 08 18 Includes copyrighted material of the Insurance Serv ice Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 4 of 10 SECTION II – WHO IS AN INSURED AMENDMENTS A. Employee Bodily Injury To A Co-Employee Paragraph 2. a. (1) is replaced by the following: However, none of these “employees” or “volunteer workers” are insureds for “bodily injury” or “personal and advertising injury”: (a) To you, to your partners or members (if you are a partnership or joint venture), to your members (if you are a limited liability company), to a co- “employee” while in the course of his or her employment or performing duties related to the conduct of your business, or to your other “volunteer workers” while performing duties related to the conduct of your business; (b) To the spouse, child, parent, brother or sister of the co-“employee” or “volunteer worker” as a consequence of Paragraph (1)(a) above; (c) For which there is any obligation to share damages with or repay someone else who must pay damages because of the injury described in Paragraph (1)(a) or (b) above; or (d) Arising out of his or her providing or failing to provide professional health care services. However, if a suit seeking damages for “bodily injury” or “personal and advertising injury” to any co- “employee” or other ”volunteer worker” arising out of and in the course of the co-“employee’s” or “volunteer worker’s” employment or while performing duties related to the conduct of your business, or a suit seeking damages brought by the spouse, child, parent, brother or sister of the co-“employee” or other “volunteer worker”, is brought against you or a co- “employee” or a “volunteer worker”, we will reimburse the reasonable costs that you incur in providing a defense to the co-“employee” or “volunteer worker” against such matters. Any reimbursement made pursuant to this sub-section will be in addition to the limits of liability set forth in the Declarations. B. Newly Acquired Organizations Paragraph 3. a . is replaced by the following: a. Coverage under this provision is afforded only until the 180th day after you acquire or form the organization or the end of the policy period, whichever is earlier; The following are added: C. Blanket Additional Insured – Vendors – As Re- quired By Contract 1. Section II – Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an additional insured any person(s) or organization(s) (referred to throughout this endorsement as vendor) with whom you have agreed in a written contract, executed prior to loss, to name as an additional insured, but only with respect to "bodily injury" or "property damage" arising out of "your products" which are distributed or sold in the regular course of the vendor's business. However, a. The insurance afforded to such vendor only applies to the extent permitted by law; and b. If coverage provided to the vendor is required by a contract or agreement, the insurance afforded to such vendor will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such vendor. 2. With respect to the insurance afforded to these vendors, the following additional exclusions apply: a. The insurance afforded the vendor does not apply to: (1) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" for which the vendor is obligated to pay dam- ages by reason of the assumption of liability in a contract or agreement. This exclusion does not apply to liability for damages that the vendor would have in the absence of the contract or agreement; (2) Any express warranty unauthorized by you; (3) Any physical or chemical change in the product made intentionally by the vendor; (4) Repackaging, except when unpacked solely for the purpose of inspection, demonstration, testing, or the substitution of parts under instructions from the manufacturer, and then repackaged in the original container; WN GL 39 08 18 Includes copyrighted material of the Insurance Serv ice Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 5 of 10 (5) Any failure to make such inspections, adjustments, tests or servicing as the vendor has agreed to make or normally undertakes to make in the usual course of business, in connection with the distribution or sale of the products; (6) Demonstration, installation, servicing or repair operations, except such operations performed at the vendor's premises in connection with the sale of the product; (7) Products which, after distribution or sale by you, have been labeled or relabeled or used as a container, part or ingredient of any other thing or substance by or for the vendor; or (8) "Bodily injury or "property damage" arising out of the sole negligence of the vendor for its own acts or omissions or those of its employees or anyone else acting on its behalf. However, this exclusion does not apply to: (i) The exceptions contained in Subparagraphs (4) or (6); or (ii) Such inspections, adjustments, tests or servicing as the vendor has agreed to make or normally undertakes to make in the usual course of business, in connection with the distribution or sale of the products. 3. This Provision C. does not apply: a. To any insured person or organization from whom you have acquired such products, or any ingredient, part or container, entering into, accompanying or containing such products; b. To any vendor for which coverage as an addi- tional insured specifically is scheduled by endorsement; or c. When liability included within the "products- completed operations hazard" has been ex- cluded for such product either by the provi- sions of the coverage part or by endorse- ment. 4. With respect to the insurance afforded to these vendors, the following is added to Section III – Limits Of Insurance : If coverage provided to the vendor is required by a contract or agreement, the most we will pay on behalf of the vendor is: a. The minimum amount required by the contract or agreement; or b. The Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations; whichever is less. This endorsement shall not increase the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations. 5. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following additional exclusion applies: This insurance does not apply to: a. "Bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" arising out of the rendering of, or the failure to render, any professional architectural, engineering or surveying services, including: (1) The preparing, approving, or failing to prepare or approve, maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, field orders, change orders or drawings and specifications; or (2) Supervisory, inspection, architectural or engineering activities. This exclusion applies even if the claims against an additional insured allege negligence or other wrongdoing in the supervision, hiring, employment, training or monitoring of others by that insured, if the “occurrence” which caused the “bodily injury” or “property damage”, or the offense whic h caused the “personal and advertising injury”, involved the rendering of or failure to render any professional services by you with respect to your providing engineering, architectural or surveying services in your capacity as an engineer, architect or surveyor. WN GL 39 08 18 Includes copyrighted material of the Insurance Serv ice Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 6 of 10 D. Blanket Additional Insured – Lessor Of Leased Equipment 1. Section II – Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an additional insured any person(s) or organization(s) from whom you lease equipment when you and such person(s) or organization(s) have agreed in writing in a contract or agreement, executed prior to loss, that such person(s) or organization(s) be added as an additional insured on your policy. Such person(s) or organization(s) is an insured only with respect to liability for "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" caused, in whole or in part, by your maintenance, operation or use of equipment leased to you by such person(s) or organization(s). However, the insurance afforded to such additional insured: a. Only applies to the extent permitted by law; and b. Will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such additional insured. A person's or organization's status as an addi- tional insured under this endorsement ends when their contract or agreement with you for such leased equipment ends. 2. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, this insurance does not apply to any "occurrence" which takes place after the equipment lease expires. 3. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following is added to Section III – Limits Of Insurance : If coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the most we will pay on behalf of the additional insured is: a. The minimum amount required by the contract or agreement; or b. The Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations; whichever is less. This endorsement shall not increase the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations. 4. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following additional exclusion applies: This insurance does not apply to: a. "Bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" arising out of the rendering of, or the failure to render, any professional architectural, engineering or surveying services, including: (1) The preparing, approving, or failing to prepare or approve, maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, field orders, change orders or drawings and specifications; or (2) Supervisory, inspection, architectural or engineering activities. This exclusion applies even if the claims against an additional insured allege negligence or other wrongdoing in the supervision, hiring, employment, training or monitoring of others by that insured, if the “occurrence” which caused the “bodily injury” or “property damage”, or the offense which caused the “personal and advertising injury”, involved the rendering of or failure to render any professional services by you with respect to your providing engineering, architectural or surveying services in your capacity as an engineer, architect or surveyor. E. Blanket Additional Insured – Managers Or Les- sors Of Premises 1. Section II – Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an additional insured any person(s) or organization(s) with whom you have agreed in a written contract, executed prior to loss, to name as an additional insured, but only with respect to liability arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of that part of the premises leased to you, subject to the following additional exclusions: This insurance does not apply to: a. Any "occurrence" which takes place after you cease to be a tenant in that premises. b. Structural alterations, new construction or demolition operations performed by or on behalf of such additional insured. WN GL 39 08 18 Includes copyrighted material of the Insurance Serv ice Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 7 of 10 However: a. The insurance afforded to such additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law; and b. If coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the insurance afforded to such additional insured will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such additional insured. 2. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following is added to Section III – Limits Of Insurance : If coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the most we will pay on behalf of the additional insured is: a. The minimum amount required by the contract or agreement; or b. The Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations; whichever is less. This endorsement shall not increase the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations. 3. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following additional exclusion applies: This insurance does not apply to: a. "Bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" arising out of the rendering of, or the failure to render, any professional architectural, engineering or surveying services, including: (1) The preparing, approving, or failing to prepare or approve, maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, field orders, change orders or drawings and specifications; or (2) Supervisory, inspection, architectural or engineering activities. This exclusion applies even if the claims against an additional insured allege negligence or other wrongdoing in the supervision, hiring, employment, training or monitoring of others by that insured, if the “occurrence” which caused the “bodily injury” or “property damage”, or the offense which caused the “personal and advertising injury”, involved the rendering of or failure to render any professional services by you with respect to your providing engineering, architectural or surveying services in your capacity as an engineer, architect or surveyor. F. Blanket Additional Insured – State Or Governmental Agency Or Subdivision Or Political Subdivision – Permits Or Authorizations Section II – Who Is An Insured is amended to in- clude as an additional insured any state or governmental agency or subdivision or political subdivision with whom you have agreed in a written contract, executed prior to loss, to name as an additional insured, subject to the following provisions: 1. This insurance applies only with respect to op- erations performed by you or on your behalf for which the state or governmental agency or sub- division or political subdivision has issued a permit or authorization. However: a. The insurance afforded to such additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law; and b. If coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the insurance afforded to such additional insured will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such additional insured. 2. This insurance does not apply to: a. "Bodily injury", "property damage" or "per- sonal and advertising injury" arising out of op- erations performed for the federal govern- ment, state or municipality; or b. "Bodily injury" or "property damage" included within the "products-completed operations hazard". 3. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following is added to Section III – Limits Of Insurance : If coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the most we will pay on behalf of the additional insured is: a. The minimum amount required by the contract or agreement; or b. The Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations; whichever is less. This endorsement shall not increase the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations. WN GL 39 08 18 Includes copyrighted material of the Insurance Serv ice Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 8 of 10 4. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following additional exclusion applies: This insurance does not apply to: a. "Bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" arising out of the rendering of, or the failure to render, any professional architectural, engineering or surveying services, including: (1) The preparing, approving, or failing to prepare or approve, maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, field orders, change orders or drawings and specifications; or (2) Supervisory, inspection, architectural or engineering activities. This exclusion applies even if the claims against an additional insured allege negligence or other wrongdoing in the supervision, hiring, employment, training or monitoring of others by that insured, if the “occurrence” which caused the “bodily injury” or “property damage”, or the offense which caused the “personal and advertising injury”, involved the rendering of or failure to render any professional services by you with respect to your providing engineering, architectural or surveying services in your capacity as an engineer, architect or surveyor. G. Blanket Additional Insured – State Or Governmental Agency Or Subdivision Or Political Subdivision – Permits Or Authorizations Relating To Premises Section II – Who Is An Insured is amended to in- clude as an additional insured any state or governmental agency or subdivision or political subdivision with whom you have agreed in a written contract, executed prior to loss, to name as an additional insured, subject to the following provision: 1. This insurance applies only with respect to the fol- lowing hazards for which the state or governmental agency or subdivision or political subdivision has issued a permit or authorization in connection with premises you own, rent or control and to which this insurance applies: a. The existence, maintenance, repair, construction, erection or removal of advertising signs, awnings, canopies, cellar entrances, coal holes, driveways, manholes, marquees, hoist away openings, sidewalk vaults, street banners or decorations and similar exposures; or b. The construction, erection or removal of elevators; or c. The ownership, maintenance or use of any elevators covered by this insurance. However, a. The insurance afforded to such additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law; and b. If coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the insurance afforded to such additional insured will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such additional insured. 2. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following is added to Section III – Limits Of Insurance : If coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the most we will pay on behalf of the additional insured is: a. The minimum amount required by the contract or agreement; or b. The Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations; whichever is less. This endorsement shall not increase the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations. 3. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following additional exclusion applies: This insurance does not apply to: a. "Bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" arising out of the rendering of, or the failure to render, any professional architectural, engineering or surveying services, including: (1) The preparing, approving, or failing to prepare or approve, maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, field orders, change orders or drawings and specifications; or (2) Supervisory, inspection, architectural or engineering activities. WN GL 39 08 18 Includes copyrighted material of the Insurance Serv ice Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 9 of 10 This exclusion applies even if the claims against an additional insured allege negligence or other wrongdoing in the supervision, hiring, employment, training or monitoring of others by that insured, if the “occurrence” which caused the “bodily injury” or “property damage”, or the offense which caused the “personal and advertising injury”, involved the rendering of or failure to render any professional services by you with respect to your providing engineering, architectural or surveying services in your capacity as an engineer, architect or surveyor. SECTION III – LIMITS OF INSURANCE AMENDMENTS A. Damage To Premises Rented To You Paragraph 6. is replaced by the following: 6. Subject to Paragraph 5. above, the most we will pay under Coverage A for damages because of “property damage” to any one premises, while rented to you, or in the case of damage by fire, lightning, explosion or sprinkler leakage, while rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with permission of the owner is the greater of: a. $300,000; or b. The amount shown next to the Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit in the Decla- rations. However, the provisions of this paragraph do not apply if Damage To Premises Rented To You Coverage is excluded by endorsement. B. Medical Expense Limit Paragraph 7. is replaced with the following: 7. Subject to Paragraph 5. above, the most we will pay under Coverage C for all medical expenses because of “bodily injury” sustained by any one person is the greater of: a. $10,000; or b. The amount shown next to the Medical Ex- pense Limit in the Declarations. This insurance does not apply if coverage for Medical Expenses is excluded either by the pro- visions of the coverage part or by endorsement. SECTION IV – COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS AMENDMENTS A. Knowledge Of Occurrence Item 2. Duties In The Event Of Occurrence, Of- fense, Claim or Suit is amended by adding the fol- lowing: e. You must give us or our authorized representa- tive prompt notice of an “occurrence”, claim or loss only when the “occurrence”, claim or loss is known to: (1) You, if you are an individual; (2) A partner, if you are a partnership; (3) An executive officer or insurance manager, if you are a corporation; or (4) A member or manager, if you are a limited liability company. B. Other Insurance Item 4. Other Insurance, b. Excess Insurance (1) (a) (ii) is replaced by the following: (ii) That is fire, lightning, explosion or sprinkler leak- age insurance for premises rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with permission of the owner; C. Unintentional Failure To Disclose Hazards Item 6. Representations is replaced by the following: 6. Representations And Unintentional Failure To Disclose Hazards a. By accepting this policy, you agree: (1) The statements in the Declarations are accurate and complete; (2) Those statements are based upon repre- sentations you made to us; and (3) We have issued this policy in reliance upon your representations. b. If you unintentionally fail to disclose any haz- ards existing at the inception date of your policy, we will not deny coverage under this Coverage Part because of such failure. However, this provision does not affect our right to collect additional premium or exercise our right of cancellation or non-renewal. WN GL 39 08 18 Includes copyrighted material of the Insurance Serv ice Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 10 of 10 D. Waiver of Subrogation Item 8. Transfer of Rights of Recovery Against Others to Us is hereby amended by the addition of the following: We waive any right of recovery we may have because of payments we make for injury or damage arising out of your ongoing operations or "your work" done unde r a written contract, executed prior to loss, requiri ng such waiver with that person or organization and included in the "products-completed operations hazard". However, our rights may only be waived prior to the "occurrence" giving rise to the injury or damage for which we make payment under this Coverage Part. The insured must do nothing after a loss to impair our rights. At our request, the insured will bring "suit" or transfer those rights to us and help us enforce those rights. SECTION V – DEFINITIONS AMENDMENTS A. Insured Contract Amended Paragraph 9. a. is replaced by the following: a. A contract for a lease of premises. However, that portion of the contract for a lease of premises that indemnifies any person or organization for damage by fire, lightning, explosion or sprinkler leakage to premises while rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with permission of the owner is not an “insured contract”; B. Personal And Advertising Injury Redefined Paragraph 14. d. and e . are replaced by the following: d. Oral, written, televised, videotaped or electronic publication of material that slanders or libels a person or organization or disparages a person’s or organization’s goods, products or service; e. Oral, written, televised, videotaped or electronic publication of material that violates a person’s right of privacy; POLICY NUMBER: CPP 1222448 01 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CG 25 03 05 09 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. DESIGNATED CONSTRUCTION PROJECT(S) GENERAL AGGREGATE LIMIT This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Designated Construction Projectlsl: PER WRITTEN CONTRACT OR AGREE- MENT WHERE YOU AGREED TO PRO- VIDE A SEPARATE GENERAL AGGRE- GATE LIMIT FOR EACH PROJECT Information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations. A. For all sums which the insured becomes le- gally obligated to pay as damages caused by "occurrences" under Section 1 - Coverage A, and for all medical expenses caused by acci- dents under Section I - Coverage C, which can be attributed only to ongoing operations at a single designated construction project shown in the Schedule above: 1. A separate Designated Construction Proj- ect General Aggregate Limit applies to each designated construction project, and that limit is equal to the amount of the General Aggregate Limit shown in the Declarations. 2. The Designated Construction Project Gen- eral Aggregate Limit is the most we will pay for the sum of all damages under Coverage A, except damages because of "bodily injury" or "property damage" included in the "products -completed oper- ations hazard", and for medical expenses under Coverage C regardless of the number of: a. Insureds; b. Claims made or "suits" brought; or c. Persons or organizations making claims or bringing "suits". 3. Any payments made under Coverage A for damages or under Coverage C for medical expenses shall reduce the Desig- nated Construction Project General Aggre- gate Limit for that designated construction project. Such payments shall not reduce the General Aggregate Limit shown in the Declarations nor shall they reduce any other Designated Construction Project General Aggregate Limit for any other designated construction project shown in the Schedule above. 4. The limits shown in the Declarations for Each Occurrence, Damage To Premises Rented To You and Medical Expense continue to apply. However, instead of being subject to the General Aggregate Limit shown in the Declarations, such limits will be subject to the applicable Designated Construction Project General Aggregate Limit. B. For all sums which the insured becomes legally obligated to pay as damages caused by "occurrences" under Section I - Coverage A, and for all medical expenses caused by accidents under Section I - Coverage C, which cannot be attributed only to ongoing operations at a single designated construction project shown in the Schedule above: 1. Any payments made under Coverage A for damages or under Coverage C for medical expenses shall reduce the amount available under the General Aggregate Limit or the Products -completed Opera- tions Aggregate Limit, whichever is ap- plicable; and CG 25 03 05 09 O Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2008 9/29AGi1 I 1Y02:04 PM 2. Such payments shall not reduce any Des- ignated Construction Project General Aggregate Limit. C. When coverage for liability arising out of the "products -completed operations hazard" is provided, any payments for damages because of "bodily injury" or "property damage" in- cluded in the "products -completed operations hazard" will reduce the Products -completed Operations Aggregate Limit, and not reduce the General Aggregate Limit nor the Desig- nated Construction Project General Aggregate Limit. D. If the applicable designated construction proj- ect has been abandoned, delayed, or aban- doned and then restarted, or if the authorized contracting parties deviate from plans, blue- prints, designs, specifications or timetables, the project will still be deemed to be the same construction project. E. The provisions of Section III - Limits Of In- surance not otherwise modified by this endorsement shall continue to apply as stipulated. Page 2 of 2 ID Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2008 4?9_R :@2:04 PM Policy #CPP1221427 0ϭ ITA�[9dw4rali-II THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY BUSINESS AUTO ENHANCEMENT ENDORSEMENT This endorsement modifies the insurance provided under the following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM With respect to the coverage provided by this endorsement, the provisions of the Coverage Form apply unless modified by this endorsement. The SECTIONS of the Business Auto Coverage Form identified in this endorsement will be amended as shown below SECTION II — COVERED AUTOS LIABILITY g. Any "employee" of yours is an "insured" while COVERAGE AMENDMENTS operating a covered "auto" hired or rented under A. Who Is An Insured a contract or agreement in the "employee's" name, with your permission, while performing SECTION II — COVERED AUTOS LIABILITY duties related to the conduct of your business. COVERAGE, A. Coverage, 1. Who Is An Insured is amended to add: B. Blanket Additional Insured d. Any legally incorporated subsidiary of yours in which you own more than 50% of the voting stock on the effective date of this coverage form. However, "insured" does not include any subsidiary of yours that is an "insured" under any other automobile liability policy, or would be an "insured" under such policy but for termination of such policy or the exhaustion on such policy's limits of insurance. e. Any organization which is newly acquired or formed by you and over which you maintain majority ownership. However, coverage under this provision: (1) is afforded only for the first 180 days after you acquire or form the organization or until the end of the policy period, whichever comes first, (2) does not apply to "bodily injury' or "property damage" that results from an "accident" that occurred before you formed or acquired the organization; (3) does not apply to any newly acquired or formed organization that is a joint venture or partnership; and (4) does not apply to an "insured" under any other automobile liability policy, or would be an "insured" under such a policy but for ter- mination of such policy or the exhaustion of such policy's limits of insurance. Any "employee" of yours is an "insured" while using a covered "auto" you don't own, hire or borrow in your business or your personal affairs. SECTION II — COVERED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE, A. Coverage, 1. Who Is An Insured, paragraph c. is amended to add the following: Any person or organization who is required under a written contract or agreement between you and that person or organization, that is signed and executed by you before the "bodily injury" or "property damage" occurs and that is in effect during the policy period, to be named as an additional insured is an "insured" for Liability Coverage, but only for damages to which this insurance applies and only to the extent that persons or organization qualifies as an "insured" under the Who Is An Insured provision contained in Section I. C. Liability Coverage Extensions — Supplementary Payments SECTION II — COVERED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE, A. Coverage, 2. Coverage Extensions, a. Supplementary Payments is amended by replacing subparagraphs (2) and (4) with the following: (2) Up to $5,000 for cost of bail bonds (including bonds for related traffic law violations) required because of an "accident" we cover. We do not have to furnish these bonds. (4) All reasonable expenses incurred by the "insured" at our request, including actual loss of earnings up to $500 a day because of time off from work. WN CA 27 06 16 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, with its permission Page 2 of 5 D. Fellow Employee Coverage SECTION II — COVERED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE, B. Exclusions, 5. Fellow Employee, the following is added: Co -Employee Lawsuit Defense Cost Reimbursement If a suit seeking damages for "bodily injury" to any fellow "employee" of the "insured" arising out of and in the course of the fellow "employee's" employment or while performing duties related to the conduct of your business, or a suit seeking damages brought by the spouse, child, parent, brother or sister of that fellow "employee", is brought against you, we will reimburse reasonable costs that you incur in the defense of such matters. Any reimbursement made pursuant to this sub -section will be in addition to the limits of liability set forth in the Declarations. SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE AMENDMENTS A. Transportation Expense — Limits Amended SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, A. Coverage, 4. Coverage Extensions, a. Trans- portation Expenses is amended by replacing $20 per day/$600 maximum limit with $50 per day/$1000 maximum. B. Hired Auto Physical Damage — Loss Of Use Expenses — Limits Amended SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, A. Coverage, 4. Coverage Extensions, b. Loss of Use Expenses is amended by replacing the $20 per day/$600 maximum limit with $50 per day/$750 maximum limit. C. Personal Effects Coverage SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, A. Coverage, 4. Coverage Extensions is amended by adding the following: c. Personal Effects We will pay up to $500 for "loss" to personal effects, which are: (1) Owned by an "insured"; and (2) In or on your covered "auto." This coverage applies only in the event of the total theft of your covered "auto." No deductible applies to this coverage D. Glass Repair — Deductible Waiver SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, A. Coverage, 3. Glass Breakage — Hitting A Bird Or Animal — Falling Objects Or Missiles, is amended by adding the following: No deductible will apply to glass breakage if such glass is repaired, in a manner acceptable to us, rather than replaced. E. Hired Auto Physical Damage SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, A. Coverage is amended by adding the following: 5. Hired Auto Physical Damage If hired "autos" are covered "autos" for Liability Coverage and if Comprehensive, Specified Causes of Loss, or Collision coverages are pro- vided under this coverage form for any "auto" you own, then the Physical Damage Coverages provided are extended to "autos" you hire of like kind and use, subject to the following: a. The most we will pay for any one "loss" is $50,000 or the actual cash value or cost to repair or replace, whichever is less, minus a deductible; b. The deductible will be equal to the largest deductible applicable to any owned "auto" for that coverage. Any Comprehensive deductible does not apply to "loss" caused by fire or lightening; c. Hired Auto Physical Damage coverage is excess over any other collectible insurance; and d. Subject to the above limit, deductible and excess provisions we will provide coverage equal to the broadest coverage applicable to any covered "auto" you own. If a limit for Hired Auto Physical Damage is indicated in the Declarations, then that limit replaces, and is not added to, the $50,000 limit indicated above. WN CA 27 06 16 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, with its permission Page 3 of 5 F. Rental Reimbursement SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE A. Coverage, is amended by adding the following: 6. Rental Reimbursement This coverage applies only to a covered "auto" of the private passenger or light truck type as follows: a. We will pay for rental reimbursement expenses incurred by you for the rental of a private passenger or light truck type "auto" because of "loss" to a covered private pas- senger or light truck type "auto". Payment applies in addition to the otherwise applica- ble amount of each coverage you have on a covered private passenger or light truck type "auto." No deductibles apply to this coverage. b. We will pay only for those expenses incurred during the policy period beginning 24 hours after the "loss" and ending, regardless of the policy's expiration, with the lesser of the fol- lowing number of days: (1) The number of days reasonably re- quired to repair or replace the covered private passenger or light truck type "auto". If "loss" is caused by theft, this number of days is added to the number of days it takes to locate the covered private passenger or light truck type "auto" and return it to you; or (2) 30 days. c. Our payment is limited to the lesser of the following amounts: (1) Necessary and actual expenses incurred, or (2) $50 per day, up to a maximum of $1,000. d. This coverage does not apply while there are spare or reserve private passenger or light truck type "autos" available to you for your operations. e. If "loss" results from the total theft of a covered "auto" of the private passenger or light truck type, we will pay under this cover- age only that amount of your rental reim- bursement expenses which is not already provided for under SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, A. Coverage, 4. Coverage Extensions. For the purposes of this Rental Reimbursement coverage, light truck is defined as a truck with a gross vehicle weight of 10,000 lbs. or less as defined by the manufacturer as the maximum loaded weight the auto is designed to carry. G. Accidental Airbag Deployment Coverage SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, A. Coverage is amended by adding the following: 7. Accidental Airbag Deployment Coverage We will pay to reset or replace factory installed airbag(s) in any covered "auto" for accidental discharge, other than discharge due to a collision loss. This coverage is applicable only if comprehen- sive coverage applies to the covered "auto". This coverage is excess over any other collecti- ble insurance or reimbursement by manufac- turer's warranty. H. Auto Loan/Lease Gap Coverage SECTION III PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, Item A., Coverage, is amended by adding the following: 8. Auto Loan/Lease Gap Coverage This coverage applies only to a covered "auto" described or designated in the Schedule or in the Declarations as including physical damage coverage. In the event of a covered total "loss" to a covered "auto" described or designated in the Schedule or in the Declarations, we will pay any unpaid amount due on the lease or loan for a covered "auto" less: a. The amount paid under the Physical Damage Coverage Section on the policy; and b. Any: (1) Overdue lease/loan payments at the time of the "loss"; (2) Financial penalties imposed under a lease for excessive use, abnormal wear and tear or high mileage; (3) Security deposits not returned by the lessor; (4) Costs for extended warranties, Credit Life Insurance, Health, Accident or Disability Insurance purchased with the loan or lease, and (5) Carry-over balances from previous loans or leases. WN CA 27 06 16 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, with its permission Page 4 of 5 SECTION IV — BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS AMENDMENTS A. Duties In The Event Of Accident, Claim, Suit Or Loss Amended SECTION IV — BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS, A. Loss Conditions, 2. Duties In The Event Of Accident, Claim, Suit Or Loss, a. is amended by adding the following: This condition applies only when the "accident" or "loss" is known to: (1) You, if you are an individual; (2) A partner, if you are a partnership; (3) An executive officer or insurance manager, if you are a corporation; or (4) A member or manager, if you are a limited liability company. But, this section does not amend the provisions relating to notification of police, protection or exami- nation of the property which was subject to the "loss". B. Blanket Waiver of Subrogation Section IV — BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS, A. Loss Conditions, 5. Transfer of Rights of Recovery Against Others to Us, is amended by adding the following exception: However, we waive any right of recovery we may have against any person or organization to the extent required of you by a written contract signed and executed prior to any "accident" or "loss", provided that the "accident" or "loss" arises out of operations contemplated by such contract. The waiver applies only to the person or organization designated in such contract. C. Unintentional Failure to Disclose Hazards SECTION IV — BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS, B. General Conditions, 2. Concealment, Misrepre- sentation Or Fraud, is amended by adding the following paragraph: If you unintentionally fail to disclose any hazards existing at the inception date of the policy, or during the policy period in connection with any additional hazards, we will not deny coverage under this Cov- erage Part because of such failure. D. Employee Hired Auto SECTION IV — BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS, B. General Conditions, 5. Other Insurance, paragraph b. is deleted and replace by the following: b. For Hired Auto Physical Damage Coverage, the following are deemed to be a covered "autos" you own: (1) Any covered "auto" you lease, hire, rent or borrow. (2) Any covered "auto" hired or rented by your "employee" under a contract in that individual "employee's" name, with your permission, while performing duties related to the conduct of your business. However, any "auto" that is leased, hired, rented or borrowed with a driver is not a covered "auto". WN CA 27 06 16 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, with its permission Page 5 of 5 CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING 2021 May 18, 2021 Page 24 of 25 EXHIBIT E MAP OF DECANT SITES King County Covington KingCounty AuburnFederalWay DesMoines Tukwila SeaTac !! !! !! !!!!!! !!UP Railroad152 Ave SE104 Ave SE108 Ave SE140 Ave SES 200 St 64 Ave SS 180 St S 200 St 132 Ave SESE 208 St S 228 St 76 Ave SS 248 St 124 Ave SE164 Ave SE144 Ave SESE 248 St SE 281 St S 188 St S 196 St SE 240 St SE 192 St International Airport Seattle-Tacoma S 208 St Benson RdSmith St 108 Ave SE112 Ave SES 277 St SR 18Valley FwyValley FwyE Valley Rd68 Ave SKent-Kangley Rd SE Petrovitsky Rd Riv erRiverBow Lake LakeYoungs LakeFenwick Star Lake GreenAngle Lake Hwy (SR) 9916AveSS 216 St S 223 St 16 Ave S24 Ave SPacific Hwy SInterstate 5SR 516Pacific Hwy SKe nt Des Moines Rd Springbrook Rd124 Ave SEPanther Lake Kent-Kangley Rd C anyon Dr94 Ave SSE 288 St116 Ave SES 288 St 55 Ave SInterstate 54 Ave NJames St UP RailroadBN RailroadW Valley HwyW M eeker St E Valle y RdMilitary RdOrillia RdRussell Rd116 Ave SECentral AveWi ll is St Military RdBN Railroad148 Ave SESE 224 St LakeMeridian 180 Ave SEClark Lake SE 24 0 StW Valley HwyS 212 St GreenLake Morton S 272 St S 2 3 1 W y &( &( &( &( &( &( &( &( &( &( &( &( &( §¨¦ §¨¦ Renton Kent !D2 ! D3 !D4 !D5 !D6 !D7 !D1 167 99 99 181 515 99 516 516 516 5 env11-7c.mxd Decant Location Street SweepingDecant Locations City of Kent ® 0 10.25 0.5 0.75 One Mile Scale = 1:58,000 Printed January, 2011 EXHIB IT E LO W ER MILL CREEKU.P.R.R.B.N.R.R.B.N.R.R.VVVV VV VVVVVVVVV VVVV VV VVVVV V VV V V V V VV VVV VVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV V VV V V V V VV VVV V VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVV36"C174! ! ! ! ! ! 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CÍ ( ( ( ( ( ( ( "J ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! !!! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! !! )) ) ) ) )) ) ) ) ) ))) ) ) ÉÉÉ É ÉÉ ÉÉ É É É É É É É É É É ÉÉÉ É É É ÉÉ ÉÉÉ É CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍCÍ CÍ CÍCÍCÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍCÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍCÍCÍ CÍ CÍ CÍCÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍCÍ CÍ CÍCÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍCÍCÍ CÍ CÍCÍCÍCÍ CÍ CÍCÍCÍ CÍCÍ CÍ CÍ CÍCÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍCÍCÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍCÍCÍ CÍCÍCÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍCÍ CÍ CÍ CÍCÍ CÍ CÍ CÍCÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍCÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍCÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍCÍ CÍ CÍCÍ CÍ CÍCÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍCÍCÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ CÍCÍ CÍ CÍ CÍ BIO-SWALE (REF. C513)BIO-SWALES 218 St S 219 Pl 95 Pl S S 218 St 95 Pl S94 Pl S94 Pl S S 221 Pl 96 Pl S 98 Pl S96 Pl SS 220 Pl 99 Pl SS 222 St 100 Av SE 100 Av SE SE 220 Pl S 223 Pl S 222 Pl S 222 St SE 218 Pl 101 Pl SE101 Ct SESE 220 Pl 102 Pl SESE 222 St SE 220 St100 Pl SESE 219 Pl 94 Av SSE 224 St100 Av SED3V337 Legend VStormdrains w/ Flow - Public CÍ Catch BasinÉCatch Basin - Ty pe II)Manhole !Cleanout/etc !Outfall/Misc /etc "J VaultRPump Station(Detention Pond VStormdrains w/ Flow - Private CÍ Catch Basin - PrivateÉCatch Basin - Ty pe II - Private)Manhole - Private !Cleanout/etc - Private !Outfall/Misc /etc - Priv ate "J Vault - PrivateRPump Station - Private(Detention Pond - PrivateCity Limits / Service Area BoundaryPLS Quartersection LineHydro FeatureRoad edges È È È È È È DrivewaysRailroadParcels Q Fences / Street Sweeping Decant Stations - D3 Data source: City of Kent GISPrinted January 25, 2011env11-4.mxd MERIDIAN JR. HIGH SCHOOL VVVVVV VV VVV VVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVV V VVVVVVVVV VV VVV VVV VVVV V VVV V VVVVVVVVVVVV V VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VV VVV VVVVVVVV VVVVV V V V V V V V V V V VVV VVV V VV VVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV V V V VVVVVVVV VV VV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VV VVVVV V VVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VV V VV V V V VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV V V VV V V VVV V V V V VVV VVVVVV VVV V VV V VV VVV VV V VVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VV VV VV V VVVVVVVVVVVV VVV V V VV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV VVVV VVVVVVVV VV VVV ! ( ( ! !! ! ! !! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! ! 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Nevertheless, the conditions of the above obligation are such that: WHEREAS, under and pursuant to a motion, duly made, seconded and passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, King County, Washington, the Mayor of the City of Kent has let or is about to let to the above bounden Principal, a certain contract, the said contract providing for street sweeping (which contract is referred to herein and is made a part hereof as though attached hereto), and WHEREAS, the Principal has accepted, or is about to accept, the contract, and undertake to perform the work therein provided for in the manner and within the time set forth: NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall faithfully perform all the provisions of said contract in the manner and within the time herein set forth, or within such extensions of time as may be granted under the said contract, and shall pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and material men, and all persons who shall supply the Principal or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of said work and shall indemnify and hold the CITY OF KENT harmless from any damage or expense by reason of failure of peformance as specified in said contract, then and in that event this obligation shall be void; but otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above bounden parties have executed this instrument under their separate seals. The name and corporate seal (if required by law) of each corporate party is hereto affixed and duly signed by its undersigned representatives pursuant to authority of its governing body. n TWO WITNESSES \JA M, Beoana &s, lnc. PRINCIPAL Te Pamela A. MTITLE: President a r{,trtArt BY n, fiB,a<n DATE: Paula Lively DATE z CORPORATE SEAL The Ohio Casualty lnsurance Company PRINT NAME s/27/202L DATE: SURETY BY:AlVCORPORATE SEAL Nicole SiegfriedDATE: May 27,2021 TITLE: Attorney-in-Fact ADDRESS:. 17771Cowan Srrite 2oo lrvine, CA 92614 CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE SEAL I hereby certify that I am the (Assi Se of the Co rporation named as Principal in the within Bond; that lT\.e r eenrl Who signed the said bond on behalf of the Principal n Of the said Corporation; that I know his signature thereto is gen ine, and that said Bond was duly signed, sealed, and attested for and in behalf of said Corp oration by authority of its governing body. ECRETARY NT SEC L Libertv Mutudl" This Power of Aftorney rimits the acts of those named herein, and they have no authority tobind the company except in the manner and to the extent herein stated. Liberty Mutual lnsurance Company The Ohio Casualty lnsurance Compiny West American lnsurance Company - POWER OF ATTORNEY Certificate No: 8209297-9743g8 SURETY KNOWN ALL Liberty Mutual under the laws all of the city of state each if there be more than oneexecute, seal,on as any and all undertakings, bonds, named, its true and lawful aftorney-in-fact to make, of these presents and shall be as binding upon the Companies as if they have been duly by the president and aftested by the secretary of the Companies in their own proper signed recognizances and other surety rn pufsuanceobligations, persons. iliHlifi,tt y*Tt?li $t **il$o"t:t lXt ft* subscribed bv an authorized orficer or ofitciar of lhe companies and the corporate sears of the companies have been affixed Liberty Mutual lnsurance Company The Ohio Casualty lnsurance Company West American lnsurance Company By: State of PENNSYLVANTA CountyofMONTGOMERY ss M. Carey, Assistant 0n this 22nd dav of M"y-' ?9?0 , before me personally^appeared David M. carey, who acknowledged himself to be the Assistant secretary of Liberty Mutualfi:ffi:I;*;JHi,Tf;mf*ffim:t';;, J;ru;il#HHii.lTI *.n oeins ,uito;.J,. i, oq .,.*t. the roresoing'insrru,.it roi *,"purp0ses lN wrNEss WHEREOF, r have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my notariar sear at King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, on the day and year first above written. OF By:/-fr//, of eresa Notary This Power of Aftorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following ByJaws and Authorizations of The Ohio Casualty lnsurance Company, Liberty MutuallnsuranceCompany,and West American lnsurance Company which resolutions are now in full force and effect reading as follows:ARTICLE lV- OFFTCERS: Section 12. power of Attorney. Any officer or other offcial of the Corporation authorized for thal purpose in by the Chairman or the president, and subject to such limitation as lhe Chairman orPresident may prescribe, shall writing appoint such aftorneys-in-fact,as may be necessary to act in behalf of the Corporation to make, execute, seal,acknowledge and deliver as suretyany and all undertakings, bonds,recognizances and other surety obligalions. Such aftomeys-inJact, subject to the limitations set forth in their respective powers of aftorney, shallhave full power to bind the Corporation by their signature and execution of any such instruments and to attach thereto the seal of the Corporation.When so executed, suchinstruments shall be as binding as if signed by the president and aftested to the Secretary. Any power or authority granted to any representalive or attorney_in_fact under byprovisionsof this article may be revoked at any time by the Board, lhe the President or by the officer or officers granting such power or authority. Chairman, ARTICLE Xlll - Execution of Contrac.ts: Section 5.Surety Bonds and Undertakings.Any officer of the Company aulhorized for that in writing by the chairman or the president, and subject to such limitations as the chairman or the president may prescribe, purpose shall appoint such aftorneys-in-fact, as may be necessary to act in behalf of the Company to make,execute, seal, acknowledge and deliver as surety any and all undertakings,bonds, recognizances and other surety obligations.Such attorneys-in{act subject to the limitations set forth in their respective powers of attorney shall have full power to bind theCompany by their signature and execution of any such inshuments and lo attach thereto the seal of the Company. When so executed such instruments shall be as binding as ifsigned by the president and aftested by the secretary. obligations. has not been revoked. lN TEsrlMONY WHEREOF, r have hereunto set my hand and affixed the sears of said companies this 27th day ol May 2O2t ooocg of, coLg fo o o fEcoo aoL 1912 1919 1991 E .Atto .=(t, _o oF U) LrJ o(o $ E (U Eoooo O) (u E o.+N@I C\lcf)@I(f (o I Notarial Seal Teresa Pastella, Notary public Upper MerionTwp., Monlgomery Countv lvly Commission Expires tr,tarcn 2A,2OZi 1912 1919 1991 LMS-12873 LMjC OCIC WAIC Mutti Co .tz1e By: DATE: June 1, 2021 TO: Kent City Council SUBJECT: 2021 Street Sweeping Services Agreement with McDonough and Sons, Inc - Authorize MOTION: Move to authorize the Mayor to sign a Street Sweeping Services Contract with McDonough and Sons, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $20,250 per month, plus premium services and extra call-out charges, for Street Sweeping services, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. SUMMARY: The current street sweeping contract is set to expire on June 30, 2021. Under the current contract, residential roads are swept once per month January through September and twice per month October through December. During the fall, leaves may cause localized flooding and it is also the time when most material may be washed into the storm system and catch basins. Sweeping these materials is more cost effective than increasing catch basin cleanings. The proposed contract includes premium sweeping charges ($0.050 per lineal foot) for downtown streets and tree-lined streets outside of downtown. This contract also includes emergency callout sweeping ($55.00 per hour) to address spills and other in-house construction needs. Staff advertised for bids and received two proposals. Staff recommends contracting with the low bidder, McDonough and Sons, Inc. for a three-year contract with two one year extensions that would be approved by the Mayor based on a recommendation from Public Works. BUDGET IMPACT: The current contract is $14,626.38 per month. The proposed contract is $20,250.00 per month plus premium service and extra call-out charges. Extra sweeping call-out is estimated to be about 100 hours. This street sweeping contract is funded by the storm drainage utility. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Thriving City - Creating safe neighborhoods, healthy people, vibrant commercial districts, and inviting parks and recreation. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Street Sweeping Evaluation Sheet (PDF) 2.Street Sweeping - McDonough & Sons (PDF) 05/25/21 Committee of the Whole RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 6/1/2021 7:00 PM