HomeMy WebLinkAbout4403ORDINANCE NO. 4403 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section L2.L4.O5O of the Kent City Code, entitled "Transportation Impact Fee Assessment" to update the maximum transportation impact fee rate' RECITALS A, On March L6, 2O2L, City council adopted ordinance 4397 updating the Transportation Impact Fee Program (TIF)' B, Ordinance 4397 contained a clerical error in Section L2.L4.O50 stating that the maximum transportation impact fee rate shall be sixty-five (65) percent of the maximum amount; the correct rate is fifty-five (55) percent, C. The purpose of this ordinance is to correct the error made in Section L2.L4.O50. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Amend KCC 72.74.O5O Re: TransPortation ImPact Fees 1 ORDINANCE 9ECTION 7. - Amendment KCC 12.14.050. section L2't4'O50 0f the Kent city code entitled "Transportation Impact Fee Assessment," is amended as follows: sec. 12.14,O5O. Transportation Impact Fee Assessment. A. The city shall assess transportation impact fees, based on the rates published pursuant to KCC L2.L4.L}O, from any applicant seeking development approval from the city for any development activity within the city, when such development activity requires the issuance of a building permit or a permit for a change in use, and creates a demand for additional public facilities. B, Maximum transportation impact fees are established by the rate study. The rate shall be sixtyflfty-five (655) percent of the maximum amount. C. On January 1st of each calendar year, the director shall increase or decrease the fees by an amount equal to the percentage increase or decrease in the Construction Price Index for Seattle-Tacoma-Bremerton for the previous twelve (tZ) month period beginning on October lst and extending through September 3Oth. D. When a transportation impact fee, pursuant to subsection (A) of this section, applies to a change of use permit, the transportation impact fee shall be assessed for the land use category of the new use, less any transportation impact fee that would have been assessed for the prior use. For purposes of this provision, a change of use should be reviewed based on Amend KCC 72.74.O5O' ^e: TransPortation rmPactFees the land use category provided in the rate study that best captures the broader use of the property under development. Changes in use or tenancy' if consistent with the general character of the building or building aggregations (i.e,, "industrial park," or "specialty retail") should not be considered a change in use that is subject to a transportation impact fee. Further, minor changes in tenancies that are consistent with the general character of the included structure, building, or previous use should not be considered changes in use subject to a transportation impact fee' Vacant buildings shall be assessed as if in the most recent legally established use as shown on a Kent business license, development permit, or other reliable and verifiable evidence acceptable to the director' E. For mixed use developments, transportation impact fees shall be assessed for the proportionate share of each land use, based on the applicable measurement in the transportation impact fee rates published pursuant to KCC I2.I4.L80' F, Transportation impact fees shall be determined at the time the complete application for a building permit or a permit for a change in use is submitted using the transportation impact fees then in effect. Transportation impact fees shall be due and payable before the building permit or permit for a change of use is issued by the city. G. The director may adjust the transportation impact fees at the time the fee is due and payable to consider any unusual circumstances to help ensure that impact fees are assessed fairly' SECTION 2. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such Amend KCC 72.74.O5O Re: TransPortation ImPact Fees 3 decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect' 'E?TION g, - Corrections by city clerk or code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations' SECTION 4. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage as provided by law' T DANA RALPH,R ATTEST: KIMBERLEY A.OMOTO, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FITZPATRICK, CIry ATTORN EY Mav 18. 2O2I Date Approved Mav 18. 2021 Date Adopted Mav 2L, 2O2t Date Published Amend KCC 72.74.O5O Re: TransPortation ImPact Fees 4 Uv?L STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Rudi Alcott, being first duly sworn on oath that he is the Vice President of Advertising for Sound Publishing' which publishes the Kent RePorter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has beln fo. -o..ihun six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in t<ing County' Wa-shington' The Kent- Covington Reporter has been upprou.l as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superio, Court oi th. State of Washington for King County' The notice in the exact form annexed was published in-regular issues of the Kent- Covington Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscrifers during the below stated period' The annexed notice, a: Public Notice #KENs2736o was published on MaY 21'202I The full amount of ttre fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of Rudi Alcott Vice President, Advertising Subscribed and sworn to me this 21't day of May'202L Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Washington {tSTa,qp. Pu&re Classified Proof CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF ORDINANCES PASSED BY THE clTY COUNCIL The following are sum- maries of ordinances oassed bv the Kent CitY bouncil 'on MaY 18, 2021. ORDINANCE NO. 4403 - AN ORDINANCE ofthe Citv Council of the CitY of ' Kent. Washington, amending Section 12 14.050 of the Kent Citv Code. entitled "Trinsportation lmpact Fee Assessmenf'to uP- date the maximum trans- portation imPact fee rate This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 davs from and after its palsage as Provided bY law. ORDINANCE NO. 4404 - AN ORDINANCE of the Citv Council of the Citv of' Kent, Washing- ton, approving the con- solidating budget adjust- ments made between Januarv 1, 2021 and March 31, 2O21, reflect- ino an overall budget in- crEase of $5.509,571. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after Publica- tion, as provided bY law. A coov of the complete text df'anv ordinance will be mailed upon request of the CitY Clerk. Kimberley A. Komoto, Citv Clerk Kk6moto@ KentWA'gov 253A56-5725 # 927360 5t21t21 Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett, 0511212021 0l:47:51 pm Page:2