HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW10-221 - Amendment - #1 - Jones & Stokes Associates, Inc. - S 224th St Project - 12/15/2011ecords M em KENT D ocument WASHINGTO{ CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to city clerks office. All portions are to be completed. If you irave questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: Jones & Stokes Asso ciates Inc Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Number:Pu f o- t^l This is assigned by City Clerk's Office s. 224 th st. ProiectProject Name: Description: ! Interlocal Agreement n Other: I Change Order X Amendment n Contract / Contract Effective Date; Date /t- // eM Sionature Termination Date'12/3L/t2S /2- br *r Contract Renewal Notice (DaYs): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Garrett Inouye rtment:ineerin Detail: (i.e. address' Extend the time of com location, parcel nu pletion to December mber, tax idt 3L, 20L2 so th etc.): e Consultant can continue to provide environmenta I permitting services for the project S:Public\RecordsManagement\Forms\contractCover\adcc7832 | 11/08 KENT WaSHtNGToN AMENDMENT NO. 1 NAME OF CONSULTANT OR VENDOR: CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: ORIGINAL AGREEMENT DATE: ICF Jones & Stokes' Inc. S. 224th St. Proiect Seotember 1O' 2O1O This Amendment is made between the City and the above-referenced Consultant or Vendor and amends the original Agreement and all prior Amendments. All other provisions of the original Agreement or prior Amendments not inconsistent with this Amendment shall remain in full force and effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, Consultant or Vendor's work is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any priorAmendments,theConsultantorVendorshall: No change is necessary to the scope of work, however an amendment is needed to extend the time of completion to December 31-, 2OL2 so the Consultant can continue to provide environmentalpermittingservicesfortheproject. Z. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and SeCtion III, "Compensation," are modified as fOllOwS: Original Contract Sum, including applicable WSST $23,086.33 Net Change bY Previous Amendments includ i ng applicable WSST $o Current Contract Amount inctuding all previous amendments $23,086.33 Current Amendment Sum $o Applicable WSST Amendment Tax on this $o Revised Contract Sum $23,086.33 AMENDMENT-1OF2 Original Time for ComPletion (insert date) t2l3lltl Revised Time for ComPletion under prior Amendments (insert date) 0 Add'l Days Required Amendment (+) for this 366 calendar daYs Revised Time for ComPletion (insert date) t2l3u12 The Consultant or Vendor accepts all requirements of this Amendment by signing below, by its signature waives any protest or claim it may have regarding this Amendment, and acknowledges and accepts that this Amendment constitutes full payment and final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Amendment, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home oiii." overhead, or lost profits' This Amendment, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the consultant or Vendor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original Agreement' All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if any), and this Amendment, prior to the effective date of this Amendment, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if anY), and this Amendment shall be deemed to have aPPlied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this Amendment, which is binding on the parties of this contract' IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Amendment, which will become effective on the last date written below' CITY OF KENT: (signature) DATE: By coNSULTANT/VENDOR: By 14-Ovl:4-Oll Print Name: Its e-. DATE: (signature) (title) lEx)d- t Law DePartmentK FORM: signature APPROVED AS (applicable if Jones & Stokes - 224'n Amd l/lnouye AMENDMENT-2OF2 A!5?o'CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE THIS ASAMA AND RIGHTS UPON TE CERTIFICATE OOES NOT AFFIRMATTVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND'EXTEND OR ALT€R THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S)' AUTHORIZED CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION citvpubl of Kentic Uorks Departmeh! Fourth Avenue south, wA 98032 USA 220 Ken t @1388-2010 ACORD CORPORATION' All rlghts rEserved, The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD OJ arTI 1)! o ! @oN @oN oots ozo r!u E d,o 0E.12712011 (847) 953-5390(856) 283-7122 NAIC ftNsuRER{Sl AFFORDING cOVERAGE tomustanthetocertlflcatethlsnotconferdoesendorgemenl,statementA on rightsincertamaypoliciesrequlralcY'pol New the torrns and condltlons of the certilicste holder in lieu of such nisk services Northeast, Inc York NY offlce water street York MY 10038-3551 UsA tNsuReRA: Great Norrhern lhsurance Co. INSURER B: INSURER C: INSURER Dr NSURER Ei INSURER F: lones & Stok€s Associates, fnc fCF Internatiohal, Inc. 9300 Lee High$,ay Fai rfax vA 2203L-1207 usA ES THISWHIGHOTHER THE TERMS,OF ANYOR AFFORDED BY THE are asSHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCEO BY PAID CLAIMS. LIMIT6PDLICYI'IUMBERTYPE OF INSURANCd EACH OCCURRENCE $1. , 000,000 $1, 000, 000DAMAGE Tq XtsNIEU PREM|SFS aFE odrdf,*) MED EXP (Any ont laBsn)510, o0o $1, 000,000PERSONAI & ^DVINJURY $2,0o0,0uuOENERAL AGGREGATE PRODTJCTS. COMPIOP AGG uD! 4)t avLL ub/lrltstt Package - oonesf,ic 5EIZ4{J9 COMMERCIAL GENERAL UAgILITY Prod-Comp op lncl in GenlA99 X X X X CLAIMS.N/IADE OCCUR AGCREGATE LIMIT PRo.poLlcY PER. LOC COMBINED SINqLE LIMIT gL, 000 , ooc BoDILY INJURY ( Pcr pe6on) BoolLY INJURY (Per rccidenl) PROPER:Y DAT'AGE ubl a)l zuLt Db/ zr/ ts!2 automobile - All states 3 52295 5AUTOMOEILE LIABILIIY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS SChEOULED AUTOS NON.OWNED AUTOS X x x EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE occuR CTAIMS.MADE UMBRELLA LIAB EXCESS LIAB WC STATI"LINFV I IMITS IOTH,IFD E L. EACH ACCIDENT E.L. DISEASE.EA EMP!OYEE E.L. DSEASE.POLICY LIMIT N WORX€RS COMPENSATION ND EHPLOYERs' LIAEIITTY Af{YPROPfiETOR' PM1NER / EXgCUTI\E OFFICER'MEMBER EXCIUDEO? l!ftndaroryln NH) ll v68. de6cribo underDesffilPiloN oF oPERATloNs balorv r Z, subject to the standard terms and condirions of the individua'l policies, indicated coverage is primary but only as respect , vEHlcLEs latt.ch RcmarkB il mDre lptia t qllredl anket Additionalty and Autonobilin[erest may appear enents attached toi ncl uded organ i zat i addi ti onal requi red byThe city u red-Any oe fSoh licies. 5Insu red itasasanKentof5.l BI 1i theiabife9pec cenera as rhe L t Iendorsonascontractor L Iabi 1 ty po ei South ?24th slreet Project SHOULD ANV OF THE ABOVE OESCRIBED POLICIES EE CANCELLED EEFORE THE ixptmrtolt oATE THEREoF, NortcE wlLL BE oELlvEREo lN AccoRDANcE wFH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. -&@r"/9"*Jetfut-% REFRESEMTATIVE ACORD 25 (2010/051 AGENcY cUSTOMER lD: 570000024256 LOg #: ADDITIONAL REMARKS SCHEDULE Rage 1 of 1 AGENCY aon nisk services Northeast, Inc NAMED INSUREO lones & Stokes Associates, rnc' POUCY NUMBER see Certificate Number:570042988208 CARRIER see certificate Number: 570042988208 NAIC CODE EFFECTIVE DAIE: ADDITIONAL REMARKS Addlllonal De5qipilen work being done by lones & stokes for the city of xent .acjilo* 3. chattac accordance compani es,the 1 nsuran sto ubb hed CancelJation Conditions (20 days for Hgn-payment of Premium / 60 days for.any other.reasoll) are-ftF7iil;;-& i[6[eii C6m,i"i.Til-cinirii-rii'uiiiiy and eusiness auto-po]icies and wi'll app'lv' rn with'the terms of the insurance policy contract between lcFllones & Stokes anO lts lnsurance i.ioiici"ir-iitv-wiit -ije tiini'iij-icF-ii-'tni-Firii-ruimeJ-insurei. por a]l other part'ies at interest' ce companies'shal'l endeavor to provide notice. @ 2008 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights resenred THIS ADDITIONAL REMARKS FORM IS A SCHEDULE TO ACORD FORM' TITLE: Certlficale of lnsuranceFORM NUMBERI ACORD2S ACORD {01 (2008/ol) The AcoRD name and logo are reglstered rflarks of ACORD ) LiabilitY Insurance Endorsement Pollcy Pertad Ellxliva Dale Policy Numbar lnsured Name ofComPanY Date lssued JUNE 25, 2OI I TO JIJNB25' 2012 ruNE25,2011 358t-24-09 BUC ICF II{TERNATIONALINC' GREATNORTTIERN INSURAI'ICE COMPAI'IY ruNE25,201r This Endonement applies to the following forms: GENEMLLIABILITY r:.i.r:ia +x'f:{,t{4 } x'L! x'f? Under Who Is An lnsure4 ths followingProvision is added: Who Is An lnsured Scheduled Person Or Oryanizatlon Subjecttotllofthelermsandconditionsofrhisinsuranc€,anyr,efEonororgaDiationstrowninthe Schodule,actingp,rtsu"ntto a'ii#i cnnlaa "!-ir*t9i*i*eenvou and such pcrs.or or organization,is an tnsurcq brr';i;;;;h";;;-fitvrn-ittrr.rpr"ttoliabilitv arisingout ofvour onerations, or yo*pr"**r, rt y;"J "ilrigtea'p*t-"ant tosuchcontractoiagreemeot' toprovide rhem wi$ such insurance as is afhdedby tbls poucy' However, no such person crr organrzation is an irsured with rcspect to arly: ,assuntptionofliabililybythurni$acontactoragrEelll€nlTlrislimitationdoesootapplyto the liability fo drr"*, t-i[i"r"-or"J"*"i:, ,:Hr! thia insuancs applies, lbat thc person ;;;;;d.;ilri' tave initre ausence otsuch contact or rgreerrent' ' damagosarisingoutofthehsoleuegligenco' / ANvPERsoN ORORGANIZATIoNAS REQITiRED BY CONTRACT / H:riffi liHi:trEp::F#f"fr3#:$,*ff lfi tlli+iHfr'l:.'' Slo mlio* butthcY rrc lmulodlontt ##lisix-1$rytp;1"5"'p.x1*'ffi #H,"$'aft s d*cdbsd undcr eny oh9t Plwtron 'ot inY limltllbn apFi6bl. th€relo)' enthued Fotm 80+2.2367 (Rev' 8a{Endotsr,ment Sdladuled Pe''f.on ut uryanvauon Page 1Addhlonal InsuredUablllty lnsuan@ ceneral LiablliU - Policy 3581-24'09'Great Notthern lnsurance Co' June 25, 201 1 io June 25. 2012 iciiriillt"ti""ii tnc' il lone" a stokes Associates' lnc' (continued) TnnsferOrWaiverOf Rightsof Recovery AgpnstOtfrrs \Vewillrvaiverberightofrecovery,lvervouldotherwisehavelradagginstsno$Epersonor. mBanizadon, for to* ro .ut i.t',iir'ii***.rrr,-ri", rr"t'ided ihe insurcd has rvaived their rights ofrecovcry againrt ,u*, pt""oi oi "tg*it*i"it ltt " contracl or .gr€emantdtar is exesrted before such loss. To rhe exts*rhar tlre insurcdS rights to recowrall orlanof any palryrtraaie ut!1tl{1 inswance have not u"* *uiuJ, t;;;lgh" t* "*tr*.9.* ui' rtit lrsurcd must do nothng after los ro impair,r,oo. ^, #'r"e;;,"o, i**rc *iuking sultortrmsferthose riglnsto us and help us enforccthern. This contlition rloe not apply to mcdical c lcnscs' Liaulity lnsumrve PoLlCV Nt MEEft 7362-2s-55 o9rlllEnclll.ASroc4mofttD TH[$ ENOORSEtttEifT Cl{AIrlGEs YHE pdtlcY, F{sASE nEnD ff 0AREHTIY. DESIGNATED INSURED Thtt sn{or*enteot tnodifse lflrurrlr,rp vcl'ldd under tha follou4ngl OOI,EFAGEFOFM FffiI' lfllh r€$lal lo E$trrsBE Plovltled' by thls Gndotltnoslt thr provfrlma ol tln cavcnge F6ro lPply unhss ngdtlhd by thls 6ndofsltrslt. ill *,u-*"rt*t ldenrifiea paraoo[$] or olgftr*Esfl{r} ttro rrn lnouredilr'n-dsrlttr wlo l+ An FTEUIBd Frstlrlon {d rilb;i$a;AFiilil. iiita info-i-ij#'t iGi n.r 'afri ;;hqe provrla rn thr corensp Fa'm' Thb erdorsennnl shilggg {n pdicy dtctiw on tha hcaplim detr of Frc pdlcry ualrm rnldrsr ddr ln lndho'led bslott. Grdote(trant Eiocri+e: ry2511 1 Cirrrnqr$ErEd Btl fia"aer*# f lt^dhotlzed Raqwa{aliwll,lilnrd lnqrrpd. lcF ltrtentatlonal Jones & Stokes lnc. Associates, lnc. SCIJEDTITE t{enn ol Forson({ or OrgnldErt{$; t'Any pet son or ulglnlzntion ns requlned by an inturtd crrutruf,{" (ll no efrry tppgfis db6va. lrrlonmdon requked to cotrrpHe lhls andolranpnl Hill b€ 6h!t/:l ln tlte DEchrations es BPFITM le to lha 6ndcrErfi€nt+ iltn"t s"Jh*gffl,{.f,,$rlg#tif,lrf"#,T#f,F0fl,ff1,trHT.1rohffffi"%is#;"-gtTfitt* dovrrlga Forn. trAm$vzcb Copyrlghh lmursnca garrioeo Cfika. Ins* ls8 PqFr di tr ---\ .-,ACORT)"CERTiFICATE OF LIABILIT'Y IhISURANCE THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CON FERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES N OT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSNTUTE REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. A CONTMCT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER{S)' AUTHORIZED NUMBER: 2r94s526 REVISION CE iIOLDER CITY O!'KENT PUBI.IC WORKS DEP}RTITENf 2?O FOURtrH AI'ENUS SOUTH ..ENT, WA 98032 @'l 988.201 0 ACORD CORPORATIOII',All rights reserved, ACORD 25 (2010i05) carolynvar 21948526 Il usA DATE (MMIDDTYYYY} o6/27 /20!t totfISWAIVED,bemustflcateanINSURED,certiIMPORT thetonotdoesconferAentstatemthisoncertilicaterightsanendorsement.mcertainpolicies ay requiretermspolicytheand conditions of the holder in lieu of such O. varnier 804-91 6- 589780rl-915-6946 33600r,t{ xNs coRP Arthur J, Gallagher Risk Managenent Serv:Lces, Inc. 4860 Cox Road, 9uite 200 Glen A11en, Va 23059o, varnier PRODUCER c Ei ]NSURED JONES & STOIGS ASSOCTATES, rNC. 93OO iEE EIGEWAY FATRFN(, VA 22031 LrMtts THEFOR PERIODTHENAMEDBEENHAVETOINSUREDISSUEDLISTEDINsURANCETHETHATOFPOLICIESCERTIFYTHISWHICHTHISRESPECTTOWJTHORDOCUMENTOTHERotTloNcoNANYOFCONTRACTANYTERMORI,IOTWITHSTANDING REQUIREMENTINDTCATED.THEALL TERMSTOrsSUBJECTHEREINDESCRIBEDBYAFFORDEDPOLICIESTHEORMAYINSURANCETHEMAISSUEDBEPERTAIN,CERTlFICATE BYREDUCED CLAIMS.PAIDSHOWNLIMITSHAVEMAYBEENSUCHOFPOLrclES.ANDEXCLUSIONS CONDITIONS TYPE OF !EACH GENERAL iAGGREGATE LIMIT PER: LOC GENENAL LIABILITY BoDILY INJURY (Per pelson)$ $BODILY INJURY (Per aecidenl) $ $ AUTOMOBILE UABILITY HIRED AUTOS ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS NON.OWNED AUTOS ANY AUTO OCOURUMBRELLA LIAB EXCESs UAE x ACCIDENT 1 000 000 $1E.L, 1 000,000D]SEASE. 0 06/25lics-231 -508381- 011 N/A A AND EMPLOY€Rs' LIABILITY N ln WORKERS oEscRlPIloN oF oPERATIONS' LOCATIONg JVEHICLES (AtlaahACORD t!1i Addltlonal Remarlas Sohedule, if more sp.ce ls requtr€d) South 224th Street Project SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE OESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANGELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS' Goq^ C Y,?.-^^,- AUIHORtrED REPRESENTANVE The ACORD rlame and togo are registerecl marks of AGORD 314 REQ uEsr FoR MIrgf::"stGNAruRE Please Fill in All Applicable Boxes KF"tlI lfirs form must be Printed on cherrY Paqer Routing Information (ALL REQUESTS MIJST FIRST BE ROIJTED THROUGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT) Brief ExPlanation of Document: TheattachedAmendmentNo'ltotheS.224thSt,Projectagreementisnecessa December 31,2012. roi "n explanation, see the attached from Garrett lnouye. rv to extend the time of completion to AII Contracts Must Be Routed Through the Law Department Shaded Areas to Be Completed by Administration Staff Phone (Originator): 55a8 Originator: Garrett lnouYe Date Required: io/o"r Date Sent: ia/s/rt TERMINATION DATE: 12t31t12CONTRACTReturn Signed Document to: NancY Yoshitake ATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAI:. 9I7I1ODDOR NAME: ICF Jones & Stokes' lnc'VEN Received: DEC[.$ e0il ffi:i."ftFffi:$.DEPT Area to be Completed By the Law Department) i,; ri*ili LPtortiur $ tuiJ /Yi,t 1"r*#'l 1\ ir .}ii:i:* i:i "iii= iiii:.:ri_,' Date Forwarded to MaYor: \ Disposition:4I "111- TA L! t I *t I --/ ..* t vr 2/07