HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW11-226 - Original - King County - Water Transmission Lines and Appurtenances - 07/24/1989ftnq co*h1 ,tu*i t[(*, rz'tl *1W) t?rnD uu*ar Trar6 . \tl'&4 Wtut -1 [z'{\zot't (-\ l !t t. ji' ,{ UTiLITIES FRANCHISE NO.:?603 In the matter of the application for a franchise to operate, maintain, repair, and construct a system of witer transmission lines and appurtenances in, over, along, and under County roads and rights of way in Ki ng County, l,lashi ngton. The app lication of THE CITY 0F KENT for a franchise to operate, maintain, rep ai r and construct a sYstem o f water transmission lines and appurtenances in,over, along and under County roads and ri g hts of waY I ocat in the are de cr'l d in attached Exhib ir hear-d on this day of"Ar" has beenAll of the p ed with24* bed inroperty descri Exhibit es S e e i ncorporated town or citY. Legal notice of the franchise application and of the hearing has been given as 'is required bY law. r9t1 .ts of any The King County Council, having considered the interests-proposed and aOvanced, and tinoiirg ifiti the graniing of this franchise is in the.public. inteiesi, OnnfnS ihii u franchiie be gianted to-THE CITY 0F KENT, the Grantee, and its iuccessorr ina assigns, the right, pnivilege, authority and franchise to openate, maintain, repaii anO constiuct transmission lines and appurtenan- ces as a pirt of its'trahsmissjon system in, over, along and under County roaai and'rights oi way located wit-frin the irea discribea in Exhibit uA.u R15E1/KENT1 This franchjse is granted subie contai ned wi thi n and sha'l 1 expi re on to al7/2 1 .of the */zo7act terms and conditions Dated this 3Pr day of Dated this 19 KING CoUNTY, WASHINGToN BY 7603 d(.- E tqlvs uOLiliTY The undersigned accept all the rjghts, pnivil.,g?t, and dutig1 of.this fr.anchise subjeci to al'l terms, ionaitions, it;pu'lations, and obligations contained within. GRANTEE Irit\ BY TITLE ft Nu "$tday of R1sE1/SW89 .2 2 /T6/trht EXH B ITI A ?603 Portion "A" TtlS'-tT-Tv e n u e So ut h ea st Beginning at the intersection of SE 292nd Street and 116th Avenue SE in the irl'fl+ oi ttre nW tf+ of Section 4, Township 21. North'-llngg 5 East, lll' M', in.nt. Southerly iiong 116th Avenue SE a distance of 352.54 feet to terminus of Porti on ttA" . Portion "B"il3't-n me nu e So ut h ea st Beginning at a point that is 30 feet south of the S1,l corner of the SE 1/4 of the Stll L/4 of th; Ntt I/4 of Section +, Township 2!, Range ?-5.t!, W. M., which is-an intersection point of 118th Avenue SE and the Bonneville Power Admi ni strati on easement ; thence Northerly-;ilrg itail, Avenue SE a d'istance of 1007.53 feet to terminus of Portion "B". Porti on "Ct' TZ4Thl[vffie Southeast and Southeast 282nd Street Beginning at a point on the centerline of 124th Avenue SE which is 497.27 feet South of the Sf^f coinei of the UW-f/+ of the SE U4 of Section 33, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, }l. M., trreni6 Nor.iherty-ii.rs riii rz4th Avenue sE to a point of intersection with the centerline of SE 282nd Street; thence Easter'ty'irong-iiiJ sr zlz;d street centerline which is the south line of the North hali oi"tt",. North frali of the SE L/4 of sa'id Section 33, Township 2Z ltoitfr, Range 5 iast, W. M., a d'istance of 1362.37 feet to terminus of Porti on ttC" . Portion "D" Ezn'ifT'venue Southeast Beginning at a point on the East line of section 33, Townshjp 22 North, Range S-Eull; fi. M.,;i;;-ueing ifre centerline of 132nd Avenue SE which is L5 feet iouif' 6t if'.South line of the North half of the North half of the SE 1/4 of Section 33, Township 22 Northn Range 5 East, !t: M'; grence Noriherly-iibng-ruid Eist jine to the NE corner of sa'id sect'ion 33, ilj*ntf''i i Zi florif', nlig. S East, 1n1. M.,-tog-ether with the West 50 feet of the North 640 feet oi'S..iion 34, Township'22 frorth, Range 5 East, l'{' M" King CountY, ldashi ngton . R154E1/EX1 ( TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO UTILiTIEsFRANCHISESGRANTEDBYKINGC0UNTY THIS FRANCHISE is subiect to the fol'lowing terms and conditions: 1. DEFINITiONS 2603 Coun any roa the att Road Ri , stree hts of ll{Th ora e term "County Road Rights of l,lay".incl udes 11ey located iitfrin the area described in, avgnug,ibit "A." Director. The term "Director" nefers to the chjef executive of the King CdilfrE -D-;p..lr.ni'of puutic Works, Utilities and T.ansportation. ached Exh Gnantee. The term "Grantee" refers to TI{E CITY OF KENT TEi-fficessors and those assignees approve herein. Other Governin Bod Uti1jty. The term "UtiIity" 6'ir-u-ne coniext,, to anY oiher vate, which maY hold a franch ti es j n , under , over, across 'described in Exhibit "A." Council.The term "Council" refers to the King County Council, acting in TFs--difi ci al caPaci t,Y . fers ejther to the Grantee or, depending. .ton, finm, or corporat,ion,-public or Pfi- e-io'maintiin and operate simi'lar facili- nd al ong any of the county ProPertY The term "Other Governing Body" refers to any ;";t;ij; b;;rJ or bodv,ai.mav have the power and b."..guiule the instailation and maintenance of iilti.. in, under, over' across, and along any of cribed in Exhibit "A.rr pu rs uan o paragrap re pe is a co utilities and other fac the county PropentY des z.ACCEPTANCE BY G RANTEES OF TERMS AND COND ITIONS The ful 1 accbptanceshall be f il ed wi",,h ranc se SA cond ceptfnanchise is ac and void and have n 3. NON-EX CLUSIVE FRANCHISE This fnanchise gnanting franch over, across, a of Way. of this franchise and all of its terms and.conditions if''. Ct erk of the-Counci 1 withi n thi rty (30) davs from in:; uy-ti,. G.ant.". Ful'l acceptance of-this i*,,i on precedent i;-ii; tak.ing ef f ect, and unl ess thi s .j ,uith;n in. time specjfiedl this grant will be null o force or effect. puju risdictjon to Permi c a 0ro he .F is is nd not exclusive. it does not prohibit Kjng county from .i-ior. other public or private utilit,jes in, under,-ifong iny Colnty prop.'.ty, including County Road Rights This franchise does not prevent or prohibit King county from - const,ructing, at'ie.itg; fiaintainils, or using *nv County Road Rights, of Way covered by tnis riinchise. Ki;g iounty ietai'ns ful1 powen to make all changes, relocat,ions, repairi, ilaintenince, etc., as 'ii may deem fit' R15E1/ Sl'189 .4 76034. JURISDICTION 5. REGULA TION OF USE AND CONTROL 7 8. This franchise Js intended to convey limited rights and fnterest only as to those roads and rights of way in which King County hal an actual Jnterest. It is not i warranty of tit1e or of jnterest in County Road RighLs of l.lay. Whenever any of the County Road Rights of Hay.as designated in this fran- iniie, by riason of the sirbsequent incorporatjon of any town-or city, or exteniion of the limits of any town or city, shall fall within the city oi io*n-limits, thjs franchis! shall continue in force and effect until such time as the incorporation and/or annexation js complete according to applicable state 1aw, after which time the County w'i1'l ll tonger have any rLiponst'biljty for mijntenance of any County roads, rights of way or other County property withjn the anea of annexation/inc.orpordtion' None of the rights granted to the Grantee shall affect the jurisdfction of Kjng County'over'County Road Rights of 1l1ay or the Countyrs.power to perforri work'upon its roaiways, r'iltrts of way or appurtenant drainage faci'lities jncludjng by consiructiig, altering, renewing, paving, widening, grading, blasting or excavating. This franchise does not deprive King County of any-powers, rights, or.. piivifegei ii-now has or miy later icqqire-in the future to regulate the use of and to iontro'l i,he C-ounty Road'Rights of l.lay covered by this franchi se. 6. EMINENT DOMAIN This franchise and the limited rights and Jnterests fon the operation, maintenan.e, repair, and construcijon of Grantee's majns, serv'ice lines' and appurtenances aie subject to the exercise of eminent domain' In the event of an-.*..iis.6f eminent domain by King County, the value to be attributed-lo iti tfr. rights and interests granted under.thjs franchise sha'lf-noi exceed the actual amount the Grantee paid to King Couniv in ouiaining th'ts franchilb- ENFORCEMENT Failure of Kjng County to enforce any provision not constitute-a lvaivbr of its right to enforce other provisjon of this agreement- iNDEMNITY AND HOLD HARMLESS of rh this agreement does at pr"ovf sion or anY The Grantee agrees to indemnify and ho]d harmless King qglill as provided herejn to the maximum extent p-ossjble under: 1aw. Acconding]y, the Grantee ig...i io. iirtii, iis-iuccessors, and assigns_, to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless King County, itt appojnted and elected officials, and .rpi oy.., trom ani againii I iabii ity for al 1 -cl qiml I demands,_su'its, and iliilA;a;, inituaing-cosLs of defenie thereof, for injury to persons' death, on prop.iiy du*ige-wnich js caused by,-arises out of, or is inci- dental to Grantee's exercise of rights anO iiivi'leges.granted.by this f r.anch j se. rhe -gr,inieei i oor i gati 6ns under thi s sicti on shal I j ncl ude: R15E1/SW89.5 I (a) Indemnjfication for such claims whethen or not they arise frgm-!!1! sole negligence of either the County or the Grantee, the concurrent- negligeice-of both parties, or the negligence of one or more third parti es . (b) The duty to promptly accept tender of defense and provide defense to the County at the Grantee's own expense. (c) Indemnjfjcation of claims made by the Grantee's own employees or agents. (d) t;1aiver of the Grantee's immunity under.the industrial insurance pro- visions of Title 51 RCtrJ, which waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. In the event jt is necessany for the County to incur attorney's-fees,-1ega1 eipenies, on other costs to enforce t,he provisions of this section, all such feei, expenses, and costs shall be necovenable from the Grantee. In the event jt is determined that RCt,'l 4.24.I15 applies to this franchise agreement, the eraniei agrees to defend, hold hanmless, and,indemnify King C6unty to the maximum extent permltted ihereunder, and specifjcally for its netiiience concurrent with that of King County.to the full extent of giintee's negligen.e. Grantee agrees io defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the'Coilnly-for ciaims bi Grantee's employees. and agrees to waiver oi iti-immunitv uni.t Tirte 51 RtW, which wajvbr has been mutually negotia- ted by the parties. VACATION If at any time King County vacates any County_Road Rights of,l,lay covere9 by i1,'1ii-riji,crriie,'riig-6u;iy *itt not 6e held- liable for any damages or.'loss to t,he Grantee ny reason of such vacation. King County.may,,.aft-er giving tfr;riy (lOj JiVi"*.iiU.n notice to the Grantee, terminate this franchise with ieipeit to any County Road Rights of Way vacated. ].0. INSTALLATION REPAIR. REMOVAL OR RELOCATION 603 9. The Grantee hereby covenants,6t its olvn expense, !9 install, repair', remove or relo.iil .iitting iacil itjes incl uajng a1 1 -appurtenant facil ities and service lin.i-.onn.ctiig its services to usirs within County Road nigilii of-Way ii-sucn instaTiation, repair' removal, or relocation is required by the County for any purpose. 11.REOU I REME NT OF CONSTRUCTION PERMITS The Grantee, its successors or aSsigns, has -the right,. Privilege and auirrority-t6 entei-it',e County Road [ights 9f l'lfY for.the put'pg:e of opera-. ai;g, mainta;ning,;;;ui.ing, o.-.onsi.u.t;ng jis mains, service lines, and appurtenances, oi'tfr"-iondiiion pei*jtt app.6ve_d by the Director and Real Pi-bperty Oiviiion u.. oUtuined. Applicat'ions for work permits-sha'l1 be presentid to the Real Property Olviiion, whjch may-lequire copies of btant, blueprinit,-..ots-iections, or further detailing of work to be done. Any work done, whether bV-Gninte", its contractors' or third parties R15E1/Sl,l89.6 i ncr ude necessarv pavi ns, patchi 13'.fl!'3llflir'[l.l'{, !ll3'ri'il]il'ol{tnecessany rePair or restoration ;;;[-sftait nb aone to the satisfaction of the Director. All majns, l jnes and appurtances which are used in the operat'iont-ttll-? 60 3 tenance, repai."o. loniiiuction-oi"tt,'e Grantee's service and whjch ane 'located within the County Road Righit-oi-'nfuy-shall be considered to be part of the erani..ii syltet unJ ii'iil be tire responsibility of the Grantee. Alr permits flr the op".uilon, maintenance, repair or construc- tion of saio syirem sha]t be upiiiil i;; and. gi,ven in the name of the Granree, who *iii-u"-..rponiibi!'i;; iii *.it'done under the permit' The Grantee remajnr'..iionii6i.-*r't.ir.t..'tte'woir ii done by the Grantee, its contnactors, or bY third Parties' The Grantee shajl post a bond to []ng county-in the amount sufficient for any road repai.'or'ieitoration. The-amount of the bond'shall be set by the Director and must be fjjed with the Real properiy Divisjon before a permit will be issued. 12. RESTOR ATION OF COUN TY ROAD RIGHTS OF lllAY 13. PERFO RMANCE OF IdORK 14. BLASTING R EOU IREMENTS After work on, under, on adjacent to County.Roads Rights of l,lay, the Grantee is responsible for and *ili-r.uu. irl couniy"Road-Rjghts of blay in as good a conditi;;-;; ii was U.iite'iny-worf< was dbne' In the event that the Grantee, its contractors, -or ifti.J i'uititt, working under permit shou'ld fai j to nestor.'cliniv-n.ia-f,igt,ti' oi-rrli to the satiifaction of the Director, King County may make tutft rtpuirs or,.restorations as are necessary to r.iu.n-if'. Count' noia n!if'1s 9I.1n1a, to jts pre-work con- diti on . upon p.ir..iuii on of- un-ii.ri i.i-nir t iirr repai r:- 9r restorati ons ' inctuding the.oiii oi labor ".i ilil;t.tt' the Grantbe will pay the bill within thirty (30) days. If tuit-it liougi't upon the Grantee's faiiure to pay for repai. inl ie"rionution,'ina-:i iuismel!-in such a suit is entered in favor. of King County, then tnl"E.inti.-iiturt pay a1l of the actua'l costs, including interest- r.o* tt.-aul.-int bil'l'wis presented' disbur- sements, and atiorney's fees uni"iiiigition related costs incurred' The Grantee covenants that in'consideration for the right's and privileges sranted by th.ir'i.i..r,iie, a' ;;;k:&;i.;fq_ly the Giantee on countv Road Rights of 9.1ay shalf confoim to al1 Cbunty reqgirements including' but not limited to, the requ'irements of if,."Ii.tttt-tAition of the County Road St,andards in force rvhen the *o.r'ii ierfoimea una-ifi traffjc control shall also conform to the current eOiii;; ;i the r.lanual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices in-fo..t when the work js performed' The right to operate, maintain, repair' and construct G service lines and appurtenanttt giinteO uy thjs franchi preclude King Couniyi its agents"oi contrictors from bl doing other toui-noi'i contiguqy: to the Grantee's ljnes rr{hen practicat ,'ri;;' crini."-nil i ;; given fortv-e'isht ( any b.lasting o. .*luuuii;g-so that tie Gnant'ee may prot appurtenances. ranteets mai ns , se, does not asting, grading' or , and aPPurtenances ' 4g) hours notice of eci its lines and R15E1/ Sr,r89 .7 15.SURVEY MARKERS AND MONUMENTS 16. Before any work is performed under this franchfse. the Grantee. shall eitautish-two or moi-e reference marks to all monuments and markers of every niiu.. ietaitng t;-subdivisions-,-plat,s, rights of,!lY:.11-d.311 other sur- ;;i;. The ret[rence-points snait'be locateO so that thev will.not be AiiiurUea during;t ;i eiinieJ's operations. under this franchlse. The method of referenciirg monuments or bther markers or-points-shal1,be ;pp;;;"e bv-tire-oireitor before placement. .The FPllc:T:ll-9f-li] markers or monuments ditiu.u.J-arring inv ionstruction of the Grantee shall be made as promptly as .inaiiions p.i*it" and as ordered Uv, t!e-!]tl!!ol.:--The cost of monuments or tuif.*.i ioit, Oesiioyea, or distuibed and the expense of .ipii.i**"ni-u,itf'' ippiove6 maikers oimonuments shall be bonne by the Grantee qlsIGNMENT The Grantee sh4ll not have the right to as-sign this franchise without con- ilint-bi if,'. fing'Cciunty-Cornlif given by Motion.- No-assignment shal1 be effective unless an-aiteptince UV the a!signee of all righ!s,-conditions' i.rmi, provisiontl"unJ-tiiiorsiuitities coitained within the franchise' as ;;ii-is-suteiy Uoias wfriit'tf'te Councf 1 deems necessary to be. posted are received. Coun.ii-ipt.rulii"oi it. ussignment may be made subiect to the ;;;ig;;;is iiieptini!'or new or modifiei tenns oi the franchise. 1603 17.MODIFICATIONS AND /0R REVOCATION 18. King County may, upon giving_thirty (30).days wrJtten notice to the Grant'ee amend, alter, cnaifii"oi iuppl.*.ni"tne i'ighis and responsfbjlities created in this franchise. If the Grantee, its successors or assigns shall violate or fail t'o compl{ wi*' inv ;i ah-; i;*;;-;;naitions oi siiputations or.all_m:111i:ilions of ifii iiinchise, King County may noiify tfre Grantee of the County's intent to revoke tne franciii.l 'ir pui,tic heiring shall be scheduled within 45 i;y;-i;iio"ing t[e-noiiiication. The decision to revoke this Franchise wil'l become effeciive-g0 J.ys-iittowing the public hearing if the County finds the revocation to be in the public interest' EXPIRATION AND RENEWAL To the extent described in Appendlx A, all rlghts granted by th]s franchjse to County noaO Rigirii-ot W.V'buttil. 'in-o.porited fowns and cities apply to all existing Couniy-noia nigirts of-r,1ay impi'oved and unimproved and to al1 County Road Rights of tlay acquireO bV"rcing County during the term of this Franchi se. If the Grantee has not applied for a renewal of this franchise-before it iipii:url ftirg-Courty-nui'[1"-rigr't to remove or nelocate any lines and appurtenances of-ift! g.int.. ur-iu reasonaUlV necessary for the publfcrs health, wel fare, safety, o" .onuenienie-incl-uai'ng, but- not,I jmited to' the safe operation of County roads, f.tnlnise holaeri, or f9r the c.onstruction, r"n"njig, atteringl-o;-i.pi"ri.g "i ql.y County RoiO Rlghts.of trtav, or for the installation 6i 'iines'and/oi iacitities oi other fianchise holders' Rl5E1/S}l89.8 ?603 Grantee shal 1 of its mains, the expense of wfthin two (2) 19. CoMPL IANCE WITH LAI,IS be liable for the costs incurred in any remova'l or relocatjon iin.r,-and uppu.i.iini.t unoer this seltjon. Costs inc1ude'i;;;; inJ "ili,id;t,-;;ouia.a that any removaj is effected y;;; i.o* tn"'.*piiallon date of this franchise' upon expiration of this fnanchise, the grantee shall continue to be rdsponsible fon ift.-op.tution and maintinance of existing facilities jn the County Roads Rights of 1n1ay Utt ittuii not have the rignt to provide uaOition.i services: Grantee shal I conform to ding but not limited to t County envjronmental stan ate and 'local environmental regulations inclu- iiate Environmental Poljcy Act and King nds and ordinances. st he da 20 NON-D ISCRIMINATION CLAUSE In ajl hiring or employment magg possible or resulting fnom this Franchjse Agreem.il: i'1",;;. shalf be no discrimination against any employee or appt'iliit-io.-.mptoy*ent u..uut. of sex, sexual orientation' d9€, race, color,-li..a, nilionli onigin, marita'l status or the presence of any sensory, 'i.niiil'oi pfrysicai frinaicap, unless based upon a bona fide occupationai'-quiiiti.uiiil:-una ir''it rliui nement shat I applv to but nor be limited i; ih; iotiowingi -empfoyment, adverti!ing, 'lay-off or terminatjon, rates of pay on other-ib.*i of iompensation' and selection toi tiiining, including apprenticeship' No person shall be denied, or subjec!9{ to discrJmination in receipt of the benefit of any services or iliit;ii.s made possible by.or resulting i.o*-ir1it ug...r.;,t on the grounds of sex, sexual orientation race' co1or, creed, nuiionil origin, ig. except-minimum aqe and retirement pro- visions, manital status, or the i;.;;;;;-of any seniory, mental or'physi- cal handicap. Any violation of this provjsion shall be considered a violation of a materia'l provision of tnis agreement and shal1 be qnounds for can- cet 1 ati on , termj..tio. "it- trip'.;;i;; in wrrol e- or i i- part ' of .the agreement by the County anO mby'i.iutt in ineljgjbility for furthen County agreements. The Grantee shal'l make the best efforts to make opportunitjes for' employment unali. .r.i.i.iing t..uiiei-auailable to women and minority persons. The Grantee recognit.i it'ii-King County has a Oollcl of promo- ri ns af f i rmat,i uL-iiiion , eiual -;p;;;iiliiv ana rris resources avai l abl e to assist, Grantee in Lhese efforts' R15EUSW89.9 (,. 21.PENALTY FOR VI OLATION OF COND ITIONS 7603 If the Gnantee sha'|1 violate or faij to comply with any.of the terms' conditions or ."rponriuiitii.; of-this franchise through neglect or faiiure to obey or comply with any-noil..9lve1,the Grantee under the provisions ot tnis i.in.iise, the'Councj'l ilay revoke' amend' alter' . chanse or suppr.r.nt iiii; iiin.nirl:-'ih; doi,n.ii-inir1 sive thirtv (30) days wr.itten notii.-to tne e.uni..-of it; intention to do so, during which period tr',e'o.ani.. it.tr nive-trre opportunity to remedy the fai'lure 22. to comply. RATES The Grantee agrees that it shall be subiect to all authority now or later possessed by the County or any ottrer goierning body having competent jurisdiction to fix iust, '^.uroninie,-anO comieniatory i'aies for services under this franchise. t?RIGHT OF APPEAL 24. SEVERENCE Decisions, requirements, 0t-approvals of the-Directon are binding on the parti es to *rt s aolu;;;i. npbbaii-i.on, *re-O'i rector' s determinati ons witi be made by;;iil;"i'.0*[Tui;;;iir; irl" r;ns countv superio. court' This agreement gives effect to purposes and uses which are consistent with economical and efficient t"."ii.i-rendered,in the public interest' If any prov'ision*oi ir1ii-r.it.r'ril"'-;; jit-ipptication is determined to be i nval ,i d by . .Ju.i"oi t u*, -th;; 't[L i.*ul iTi ng o.ovi si ons of thi s franchise sharr continue and ..*iin-uiliJ unresi ful. dominant purpose of the franchise woujd be preventei-or ifre puUtjc jnterest' Js no longer served R15E1/51189.10 :ffiFIMA,lrifTETIEEDA.B RIPrPE Lll{FL''Ell,lII"L-ta:J-/r{-AMST6RrNGqa(rtrl.I:atIl;\I_ _ltI.!It,)JIEBUi-IIIIFH\IONMa\,"--../fI\\It\\,-k=\qo111--rag r-raI,iTJI:l'anlctEIroE