HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW10-221 - Amendment - #2 - Jones & Stokes Associates, Inc. - S 224th St Project - 12/27/2012ecords M em KENT Documen WAgHINGTON CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Offiie. All portions are to be completed. If you harre questions, please contact city clerk's office. Vendor Name: ICF Jones & Stokes Inc. Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Number: This is assigned bY CitY Clerk's O ce s.224rh St. Pro'iectProject Name: Descriptionl n Interlocal Agreement ! Change Order n other: 0-21 - ta contract Effective Date: Date of the Mavor's siqnature Terminatio Contract Renewal Notice (DaYs): Number of days required notice iortermination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager:Garrett Inouve De partment:Enq ineerinq location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): X Amenna\ dment E Contract n Date. t2/3L/L4 Detail: (i.e. address' Extend the time of com pletion to Dece mber 3L, 20L4 so the cons ultant can assist with design and permitting. S: Publlc\RecordsManagement\Forms\Contractcover\adcc7832 | ILI 08 KENT WASHINGTON AMENDMENT NO. 2 NAME OF CONSULTANT OR VENDOR: CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: ORIGINAL AGREEMENT DATE: ICF Jones & Stokes' Inc. S. 224th St. Proiect September 1O' 2O1O This Amendment is made between the City and the above-referenced Consultant or Vendor and amends the original Agreement and all prior Amendments. All other provisiorls of the original Agreement or prior Amendments not inconsistent with this Amendment shall remain in full Jorce lnd effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the pafties, Consultant or Vendor's work is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, the Consultant or Vendor shall: The scope of work remains the same, however an amendment is needed to extend the time of completion to December 31, ZOL4 so the Consultant can continue to assist the City with design and Permitting. Z. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, includ ing a pplica ble WSST $23,086.33 Net Change by Previous Amendments includ ing applicable WSST $o Current Contract Amount including all previous amendments $23,086.33 Current Amendment Sum $o Applicable WSST Amendment Tax on this $o Revised Contract Sum $23,086.33 AMENDMENT-1OF2 Original Time for ComPletion (insert date) t2t3t/ll Revised Time for ComPletion under prior Amendments (insert date) t2l3l/12 Add'l Days Required (*) for this Amendment 730 calendar days Revised Time for ComPletion (insert date) t2l3u14 The Consultant or Vendor accepts all requirements of this Amendment by signing below, by its signature waives any protest or claim it may have regarding this Amendment, and ait<nowteAges and accepts that this Amendment constitutes full payment and final settlement of all claims bf any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Amendment, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home oifice overhead, or lost profits. This Amendment, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Consultant or Vendor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original Agreement. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if anY), and this Amendment, prior to the effective date of this Amendment, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if anY), and this Amendment shall be deemed to have aPPlied' The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this Amendment, which is binding on the parties of this contract. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Amendment, which will become effective on the last date written below' coNSULTANT/VENDOR: By ture) Print Name Its Ao-b-Jc,4J l/6we,tL DATE:n (tiile)M.2nl7- CITY OF KE By (signature) e DATE: /v APPROVE FORM; if required) \ Kent Law Depart .lones & Stokes - 2241^ Amd zllnouye AMENDMENT-2OF2 I o-Qo'CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE .g EoIt ott oE c'lN@ 6F@ ootsD oz o 6t, Eoo CERTIFICATE HOLDER citv of Kentprrhlic works Deoartment 220 Fourth Avenite south Kent, lrrA 98032 USA CANCELLATION @1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION' All rights reserved Tho ACORD name and logo are reglstered marks of ACORD ONLY TIVELYAFFIRMATIVELY NOANDOFAAS POLtCIESTHEBYAFFORDEDCOVERAGEOREXTENDTHEALTERoNEGARAMEND,NOTDOESTECERTIFICA AUTHORIZEDISSUINGrNsuRER(S),THEBETWEENCONTRACTANOTDOESCONSTITUTEINSURANCEOFTHISBELOWCERTIFICATE REPRESENTA TIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. certlflcate holder in lieu of such to theannotconferdoesthlsonrlghtscer{lflcatestatementAendorsement.cenainofcondltlons policies requlremaythetermstheandpollcy, (847) 9s3-5390(866) 283-7122 NAIC JINSURER{SI AFFORDING COVERAGE PRODUCER aon nisk services Northeast, New York NY office 199 urater Street New York NY 10038-3551 UsA JUL t 6 2012 Great North€rn rnsurance co. 'NSURER A companyTNSURERB: sentry INSURER Dl INSUREF E; INSURER F: ICF Jones & stokes, Inc' 9300 Lee HiqhwaYFairfax vA 22031-1207 UsA ffiHff{firi\iffi INSURED NUMBER: WHICH THIS THE TERMS, a5 ANY OR MAY OF SUCH MAY BE EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITSPOLICYNUMBERTYPE OF INSURANCE EACH OCCURRENCE x $10,MED EXP (AnY one PERSONAL &ADViNJURY X CENERAL ACCREGATE x PRODUCTS. COMP/OP AGG - Domestic x COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILIlY P.od.comp op lncl lo Gonl Agg POLICY CLAIMS.MADE OCCUR PER: LOC $1, ooo , BoDILY INJURY( Por P.Eor) X BoDILY INJURY (Por.ccjdont) X x 'le - All statesAUTOMOBTLE LIABILITY ANYAUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS HIREDAUTOg AUTOS NOI+OWNED AUTOS OCCURRENCE OCCUR CLAIM9MADE UMBRELLALIAB EXCESS LIAB E,L. EACH ACCIDSNT $1 , 000,E.L. DISEAAEEA EMPLOYEE E.L. DIEEASE.POLICY LNlr 06/25/2AL106/2 workers comp 657-O2 Colf,P N I A EMPLOYERS' LIABILIIY B rFac. l.Remalk6ACORODESCRIP]ION Addi ti onal Automobi lresDects cen'eralinterest nay appear sements attached toadditi onal requi red by 'i nc'l uded organi zatir50n cl es ed-Anv oe 1 i ty iro'l i anketredfnsua5tsasanof1Keht eeThtyciand the i abi BltiL a5 the tyendocontractonasor onl resbut pectsvcatedc1escoVe fage prl maryndiofonsthevi dua'lndiandrmst'i poicondithetoardstandtesuectbj south 224th straet Project sHouLD ANY oF THE ABOVE DESoRIBED PollclEs BE GANoE!!EP. BEFoRE THE iiir-nllrtii brii THEREoF, NoncE wLL BE DELIvERED lN AccoRDANcE wlrll IHE PoLlcY PROVISIONS. -eg./g*.iCaor-f,, AUTHORIZED ACORD 25 (2010/05) ,qifu AGENCYCUSTOMERID: 570000024256 LOc #1 AD DITIONAL REMARKS SCHEDULE Page 1 of 1 see certificate Number: 570046764622 ICF Jones & StOkeS, Inc. CARRIER see certificate Numberl 570046764622 CODE EFFECTIVE DATE: Aon Risk services Northeast Inc ADDITIONAL REMARKS of , VehhlBs: work being done bY lones &stokes for the city of Kent I 3. chubb's cancet'lation conditions (20 davs for Non-pavment of ct"Tli["(r6lrt35"{?it3!tJ;h;iri"l;;T}.T;iitllrr.i io-iiFTjonii-iL ;i;ru;r -eomrieicr'a1 eeperal r-iabif ity and er accordance with the terms of the insurance pJiilv coniiact-6etween icFljones & stokes and its insurance comoanies. Not.ice if any w.il.l be sent to rcr'ii-ttti"iil'li-Hi'nii-iilsuiLit.-roi ill other parties at interest, iXli"iiiiriini!-iiilpinii!"liaii indeavor to provide notice' THIS ADDITIONAL REMARKS FORM IS A SCHEDULE TO ACORD FORM, FORM NUMBER: ACORD 25 FORM TITLE: Certmcate of lnsurance @ 200s ACORD CORPORATION' All rightsAcoRD 101 (2008/01) The AGORD name and logo are reglstered marks ot AcoRD reserved. General Liablllty - Policy 3581-2409 - Great Northern lnsutancB Co' June 25, 20121o June25,2013 'lCF Jones & stokes, lnc' Gondittons {aortinued) Tnrtsfer QrWaivar Qf Rightsof RemverY AgainstQthers wervillwaivetberigblofr-ecovery,,veryouldotheffisehavehadagainstauotlrerpeGoror .. rg-i*ii"rl i*f"n * whichthis-iruurmrceappliei, 1:rnvideddre insulcd has rvaiveddreilriglts ii'?**"ylg.itrst such person or organizationin a contractor agreemantthat is executed before sudl loss. .fo rhe extmtthat rhejnsurcdb righa to recoverrill or pafi of any poyln€ntruqde undeflhis. . i***""t uu" ootbean rvaived,iloseriglts a'e u'ansfer'edto us. The insurcil *rustdo nothing afterlos ro irnpairrhan. At ourrequest,ihe fusurcd wilitring suitorrrmrrferrhose riglnsro Lrs and help us erforce ihern. This condftion does not apply to mcrlitnl r'rltcnscs' Liabllflylnwmnce Fqn 8042-20@ (Rav. 4-01)(bnlncl Page 24 ol 32 LiabilitY lnsurance Endorsement Pollcy Pariod Effective Date Policy Numbar lnsured Name of ComPanY Date lssued .ruNE 25, 2012 TO JLINE 25. 2013 JUI{E 25, 2012 3581-24-09 EUC ICF JONES & STOKES, ]NC' GREAT NORTTIBRN INSURANCE COMPANY ILINE 25. 2012 This Endorsemcnt opplies to the follou'ing forms: GENERALLIABILITY " " " UJ;twh" i"eo IntureJ,th"follorvingprovisionis added: Who Is An lnsured subjeotto all ofthe tenris and conditions ofthis insufanoe' 8nv person or organization shorvn in the Schedule,actingpursuantloarvrittencontlactoragreenrentbotwecnyouandsuchpersonor organizarion, is un in.o.ra; ui?id "r""iri"-r'rJ* Jrry with respect io liability arising out of your ooerations,oryo*.0r"*".,t"0'r'i'fl*1Jffit"dilt"";.J,r*ito tit-tr, "onractoiagreonent'to provide them with such inswance as is afforded by thrs poucy' Horvever, no such pason or organization is an insurod with lespect to afly: - assumption ofliability by thern in a contract or agteement' This lirnitation does not apply to the tiability for d.r".d'#;d;-";;;;i", t-o"r*iort ori* insurance applieso that the person ;;;;;;d;;;;;;ri lt'" itirt" tt'sence of such conffaot or agreement' ' damages arising out oftheir sole negligence' Scheduted PersonOr arganization Schedule PERSONS OR ORGANIZAI'IONS TIIAT YOU ARE-OB-LIGATED' PURSUANT TO WRITTEN CONTRACT OilffiEEiAiINT B-ETWEEN YOU AND SUCH PERSON OR ORCANIZATION,TO PiiJVNT WruT SUCH INSIJRA}ICE AS IS AFFOITDED BY THIS POLIci;Slj-ITIfri ARE b'SUREDS ONLY IF AND To TTIE MINIMUM E)rIEl.6.TI{Ai iUCH CONTNECT OR AGREEMENT REOUIRES TIIE PERSON On oicaxrzartoNlq lT AFFORDED STATUS iX^Y"N"LdmED. HovrsxlEit,No prniox on oRGANIZATIoNIS AN frr"i1ni$in'lotR rlns prlojfisioNwHo Is MoRE SPEcIFIcAILY DESCIUBED T]NDER ANT;tr'R iCOVISION OF WHO IS AN INSURED contlnued Form 80-02'2367 (Rav.8-04) Endorsement - Scheduleo rerson ur vrgantzalton Page 1LlabllftY lnsurance Additional lnsursd ,.)I I LiabilityEndorsement (continued) SECTION OF THIS POLICY (RECARDLESS OF ANY LMITATION AP?LICABLETTTERETO). A11 othertenns and conditionsremain unchanged' Authol ze d Re pra s e nlaliv e { last page Addittonat lnsured - Schoduled Per'on or organlzalion Fonn 8G02-2367 (Rev. 8-04)Entlorsenent Page 2 \ Li"bility !n"urun"" ;lffilrs,:HtfMuu ,'ilffiffi[F$J't'ffi? ",*'ffiffi:r;*m'+*l-: 'ffmmtr',m*'H* ,-'#,H,#i,ffi 'llf ,'l1s'::1: '-'#nr'#ll#;l:H'*Jitl[*'3Hof Vour sl9ttvorc''ffi:': .lHffiffiffi E Connd0mu$onr-ffi*#Pffi*'*'#r; t a. Thl$ cov6{€go Foffrti il, rrrsmueral *11" *o* ?$ro'i or c- Your lntgl€st tn S I ^"J* """I lhts coverags Forn' t ?:rTi:ffi#*o'*" damased or 6{otsn 'mu'pn'ro;m**t::T:: " ffiiffiu"*,".lE$"Ys'l'#il 4 6. F-? ( Page 0 of '11 O lso P{operlle$' lnc" 2000 cAooot toot tr b, Befora the bollutntr" at fiy propErty ln-' [41idt th; {';ilulrrtd a1e cq3tcnf- *e nutii rom'fiq Plac*3hao--9?L1l n oootad d'iid'in5u?eu" 1or mownxnl lnto or'onlo tfre covuld'splo'i or "$ihg,#,ffif;;*ffi1.ffi4 'ffi;:gtitr*1mqiim Guis;orltE Parh' lfl "'$3fl$'ffftl,mf#ffi .ffi'ffi:ffi*-ffi ' nr€nl'' rffi !#:,h,"t1f;lH!"ro'l"ll#fi?.i3 :1ff Y"t#lP'f#l^:ti'iffi -#r- il*d "auto"it' {11 The holutanis" or aly propefiy--in whi6t1 nt 'pti'Jri'nG're c6ritaidel re upset' ;;;r{il;;d ;iinrue-n m a result,ot tne 'n'mrl"ifili oliii? d cowred kuts"; ahd Gr :lH, jf?1ff# fJ'ss ;fif,*f i,!j$ft;il'd;E.i otrP"ttY lY euch uPsat' ovorlum or damge' ' Blr'il'Htr l!fflffi Tlffi iil'ffl"'1'fl,#'#Ii-: iiim i' Oiriot und ascld€ntqllooE". ngtjf;;;ilftij,ffiii,ffIffli Enprovee' _*%;Tmnp,m;ffi*ipmtlrr+/ #'if'Tf,H-'"*"fl*?i;jiffih l:ij# "Yhl''i? ls brought' H, lnrul€d cstllrocf dl€slE: I' A16#6 of Prania*; E0s' Page {0 ol 11 6 ISO FroPertlee, lnc'r 2000 oA00 0l t0 o{ g t Liahility Insurance Endorsement Policy Period E{fectfue Date Palicy Number hzsured JUNE 25, 2012 TO JLiNE 25, 2013 JllM 25,2012 3s8L-24-09EI.JC ICFJONBS & STOKES, INC. Name ofCompany GREAINOMIIERND{SURANCBCOMPA}IY Date Issued JLINE25'2012 This Endorsement applies to the followingforms; GENERALLIABiLNY EMPLOYEEBENEFITS ERRORS OR OMISSIONS Under Conclitions, the follorvingprovision is added to the condition titled Othef lnsurance' Conditions Other lnsurance - Prtmary, NoncontrhutorY lnsurance - Scheduled Person Or Organization Ifyou are obligatccl, pursuant to a u.ritten contract or agre€ment' to provide tbe person or ori*irutioo aErcribid in the Schedule (tbat is also hcludedin the Who Is An Insured section of this coiiraOwitnprtmary insurancesuch ui it ufford.dbythispolicy,then thisinsuranceis prlmary and we wiil not seik contr.ibution f.orn insurance available to such person or otganization. Schedule PERsoNs oR oRGANIZATIoNS TITAT YoU ARE oBLIGATED, PURSUANT To WRITTENcoNTRAcT0RAGREEMENIBETWEENYOUANDSUCHPERSON OR ORGANZATION, TO PROVIDE WTNI SUCI{ INSURANCE AS IS AI.FORDBD BY THIS POLICY;BUTTTIEY ARE INSUREDS ONLY IF AND TO TIIE MINIMUM EXfENT Tr-il\*T SUCH COIITRACT OR AGREEMENT REQUIRES TIM PERSON OR OROANIZATIONTO BE AFFORDED STATUS AS AN INSUIUiD. HOWEVEIT, NO PEIISON OR ORGANIZAIION lS Al\ INSURED UNDER TI]IS PROVISIONWTIO IS MORE SPECIFICALLY DESCRtsED 1JNDER ANY OTHER PROVISION OF WHO IS AN INSTJRFD SECTTON OF TFIIS POUCY (REGAIDLESS OF Aln' LIMITATIONAPPLICABLE THERETO), Llability Insunnoe Contlitions - Olher lnsunnoe ' Pimary, Nonconlrlbfit6ry hrcurance - Schedulad Person Or Oryanizatlon aontinued Fom80-02-2653(Rev.7-09) Endorcement Page'l 1- Liability Endorsement (continued) A1l othe'rtenns and oonditionsretnain unchanged. Authorlze d RaWe sentatve Q_._\\J@ i Ltabtlfty Insunnce Condltlons - olher lnsumnce - Pfimary,Nonconmr,ulory nsurance 'Scheduled Person Or Otganlzatlon last page Form80-02-2663(Rev.7-09) Endorc,,nent Page 2 PoLleY NUMBER: 7352'29'55 COMMERCIALAUTO cA 20 48 02 99 tHF ErtDORSEt'lEtl? cl{AtlGE* rHE FdIJef. FllffiI nEnD ff oAFEFULLY' DESIGNATED IT{SURED Thlt orrdglrernffit rndilee lnruroroe porddd undar lhe bfhu4ngt BUSIHEuS AUTO OO!ffiCGE FORM ffi+Rt"ffiBffff*.o*" llidCIGRg OD\EBAGE F9FI,| tfltF rsrpact t6 [qVEngo FtnvHOd by lhb mdoarcncnl lh: Pr{,vblons ol U}| Co!6flgE H5fit rplly Ullls!* rllodllhd hy thfS €ndofrsn$t' il{glmg1liffffiS;#g, t'ffiffifp!&F"ffiTf ffiffi}F,sll,Ar'nsurEd F DrrBrsh c Thb erdorssnenl chilgt$ [n pJic,y eftotvt on lha hceplicn 636 ot x'B Folirt rrnt*t "'rthrr ddr ln lndbl'tecl below, EndrrArnsrt EisrlivEt 61251 12 Byr hl"+g.*4 Nilnrd ln5|lrsd lcF JoNEs &STOKES, INC. sdltEHltE Name ot Person(s) oI organlzation(s): x,\lty person ot orgrtnizntlon ls teqnired bJ insru'ed contmcti' aPpggg ahorrB' lilonna[m requked to cornplde lhleondorEirEnl will be ohoor ln lhe DrclatallonE as lh{rGndorraowrtJ F5fJlrs$s"aflf{T,i.f,,Hll,:lg}'#.|r&1,$,f#f#,#dff3'*'r.' rffirffffiHh$'?f i"'$Sii*t* CdE 0g6 Foiln, BAafr1ll@9,coP$l0ht, lmuton{t ${Nioe{ g6e6' In6'. 1s Pryritilt t3 (rl no €nn, NpFlioenle r.r KENT ATTACH THE COUNCIL MOTI REQUEST FOR. MAYOR'S STGNATURE Please Fill in All Applicable Boxes ON SHEET FO R THE MAYOR - if A licable by Director AII Contracts Must Be Routed Through The Law Shaded Areas To Be Completed By Adminis t Extension: 5548nDept/Div. Engine eriqgllpsp!Garrett inouOriinator's Name:e Date Req uired: rcDate Sent: .'r/ar / n- Yoshita keReturn to: Nan kesSto cInIFcnJo&esEVDONR L4 for the S . 224rh Street Project because the project .. '. r'-) ^ r- f {l' .4 /,\l \ l-t\tst, /,'' Kent0t Th Brief Explanation of Document: to extend the time of comPletion toe attached Amendment No. 2 is necessary has been on holdDecember 3L,20 d awarding of20L2 ann of LID 363 which occurred on October 16,pending finalizatio Works wants to keeP thech occurred on November 16,2012. Publicthe TIB grant, whi ittingesign andntract in order to move forward with the dtant under coconsu e design as part of the permit application)'(WSDOT requires th f- . .'.\ -\1 il-lt It I lr /\il \t \ I /+'",t 4' i,$ \tY.u (This area to be completed by the Law Department) DEC 2 T 2O1Z KENT LA\Tt' DEPT I \1\-t ffiECffilVED '{r I,rL r l\t- Received: Approval of Law DePt': Law Dept. Comments: Date Forwarded to MaYor \i i. \\,i , lt l'ltt EVIrFt5 DEC 2 6 20i2 KTNl0rCITY Rl(cLtCITY Disposition ,lZ/zz'/t Date Returned: / Received: Recommendations and Comments : ry