HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW09-334 - Original - Comcast of Washington IV, Inc. - 84th Ave S Joint Trench Agreement - 11/25/2009ecords M em KENT Documen WASHINGTON CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Offiie. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact city clerk's office. Vendor Name: Comcast Vendor Numberl 70305 JD Edwards Number Contract Number:, tcrt' '3'4q This is assigned by City Clerk's Office B4th Ave. S. Im orovementsProject Name: Descriptionl n Interlocal Agreement E Other: E Change Order n Amendment X Contract Contract Effective Datel LL/2s/0s Termination Date: Five Yea Contract Renewal Notice (DaYs): Number of days required notlce for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manag err Nick Horn Depa rtment: En qin eeflno Detailr (i.e, address, location, parcel number, tax id' etc'): rs GL/25/14) Joint Trench reement with Comcast for a roximate 700 linea I feet station 6+00 to station 23+00) o f trench associated with the 84 Avenue South ImProvements. S:Public\RecordsManagement\Forms\Contractcover\adcc7B32 | 11/08 JOINT TRENCH AGREEMENT Between the City of Kent and Comcast for 84th Avenue South Improvements THIS AGREEMENT, is entered into between the City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation ("City"), and Comcast of Washington IV, Inc. a Washington corporation ("Comcast"). The City and Comcast are referred to separately as a "Party" or together as "Parties". RECITALS WHEREAS, the City is making certain right-of-way improvements to 84th Avenue South (East Valley Highway), Kent, Washington ("Improvement project"). The Improvement Project will include the excavation of trenches and ptaiement of City facilities and City-contracted third-party facilities in the trenches ("City Facilities"). WHEREAS, it is the City's belief that, pursuant to local ordinance and the franchise agreement between the City and Comcast dated May 4, 1993, and the Franchise Clarification Agreement dated May 5, 2004, Comcast is required to underground its curr6nt above-ground facilities located on B4th Avenue South, Kent, Washington. WHEREAS, Comcast will need to place coaxial and other lines ("Comcast Facilities"); in the same locations in which the City is performing the Improvement Project and installing City Facilities. WHEREAS, the installation of Comcast Facilities shall include boring and/or the excavation of trenches, placement of Comcast Facilities (as specifically designated and/or provided by Comcast) in such bores or trenches together with City Facilities and backfilling of said trenches, if necessary, as defined below (the "Work"). WHEREAS, the Parties recognize the efficiencies of entering into an agreement whereby one trench will be dug for the Parties to relocate the Facilities And Comcast facilities (iointly "Facilities"). AGREEMENT To facilitate construction of a joint trench, the parties agree as follows: 1. SCOPE OF WORK The City of Kent will advertise for construction bids and enter into a contract for the construction of a trench which shall include the Facilities. JOINT TRENCH AGREEMENT 84TH AVENUE South (between City of Kent and Comcast) Page I ofll ) This trench will be placed along the east side of 84th Avenue South from approximately station 16+00 to Station 23+O0, as shown on the attached drawing, Exhibit A, incorporated by this reference. 2. CONTRACTOR REQUTREMENTS The independent contractor hired by the City to perform this work shall be referred to as "the Contractor" in this Agreement. The Contractor' pursuant to a contract with the City, shall excavate the trench, install City Facilities, accommodate and coordinate the installation of Comcast Facilities' install the bedding material, backfill and compact the trench, and perform any restoration required by the City, all to be performed in a good and workmanlike manner consistent with industry standards (the "Work")' The City represents that any such contract shall further require of Contractor that the Work be conducted- in conformity with (i) the applicable procedures and requirements of the parties as described herein; (ii) all applicable laws, ordinanc"s and regulations of any governmental authority, and; (iii) all applicable terms and provisions of the National Electric Safety Code, as may be'amended, supplemented or replaced from time to time, including but not limited to those pertaining to protection and separation of conductors buried in earth. 3. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PARTIES A. Drawings. Comcast shall provide engineering drawings to the City and obtain J permit from the City for the underground relocation of Comcast's Facilities, which permit shall not be unreasonably delayed, withheld or conditioned. These drawings shall show in detail the location and elevation of the conduits, trench, and vaults, and shall include a general traffic control plan for activities not associated with installation of facilities within the Contractor controlled open trench area. B. Installation. Comcast shall be responsible for supplying and/or installing within the open trench the Comcast Facilities, including all conduct6rs, vaults and conduits as outlined in subsection 3.D. All right, title and interest in the Comcast Facilities and associated equipment shall at all times remain with Comcast. Parties hereto acknowledge and agree that Comcast shall in no event be required to remove their respective, affected aerial facilities prior to completion of the underground facilities in accordance with this Agreement, and so long as said installation is completed in conformity with this Agreement. C. Traffic Control. The City's Contractor shall provide all traffic control associated with installation of Facilities within the Contractor controlled open trench area. Comcast shall be responsible for providing JOINT TRENCH AGREEMENT 84THAVENUE South (between City of Kent and Comcast) Page 2 of ll traffic control during installation of Comcast Facilities not associated with the Contractor-controlled open trench area. D. Comcast Coordination. Comcast shall maintain reasonable and continued coordination with the Contractor regarding the installation of Comcast Facilities. This coordination shall include but not be limited to the following: 1. Timing of when and where materials will be delivered on-site. 2. Tjme and duration of work including project schedule by Comcast's contractor to install Comcast Facilities in the trench. Once the Contractor has given one week notice to Comcast of when the trenching work will begin, Comcast shall abide by the following: a. Comcast shall have available manpower and equipment on site and shall have a three (3) hour window per day with which to install conduits in the trench provided and plumb them into the vaults. The city's contractor will install Comcast's conduit in the street crossings. b. The Contractor will excavate approximately 200 feet of trench a day except at street crossings. c. The Contractor shall provide Comcast reasonable daily notification as to the exact timing of when comcast's three (3) hour installation window will start each day' d. The Contractor will excavate for and place Comcast vaults in the open trench area. e. Comcast shall coordinate closely with the Contractor and provide all necessarY materials. 3. Location of where Comcast's contractor will begin the work. 4. Coordination with other City-contracted third parties who also have facilities to place in the joint trench. This may include the stacking of conduits with another utility, and locating conduits below or around other vaults' E. SurveYs trench and vaults. The city will provide the survey for the location of the F. Election Not to Proceed. If Comcast elects not to proceed with the Work, Comcast shall remain liable for installing the Comcast Facilities within the approved permit at the time frame specified on the permit' 4. COMPENSATION JOINT TRBNCH AGREEMENT 84TH AVENUE South (between City of Kent and Comcast) Page3ofll A. Trench cosfs. If Comcast elects to proceed with the Work, Comcast agrees to pay the City a portion of the trench costs, including trench bedding aid backfiil, commensurate with their proportionate share of trench uruge Ls shown in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated by this 1."fj"n.". preliminary costs will be agreed upon prior to construction based on an estimate from the bid accepted by the City. Costs will be finalized after completion of construction and Comcast agrees to pay the City for its portion of the actual construction costs. B. Street Crossings. Comcast agrees to pay for the installation costs for the Contractor to instJll Comcast's conduits in the street crossings. These costs are in addition to the trench costs outlined in subsection 4' A herein. C. Survey. Comcast agrees to pay the reasonable costs for the City surveyor's time io provide vault locations and elevations and any other survey that may be required to locate and place Comcast Facilities' D. Additional Expenses. Comcast agrees to pay their proportionate share of additional expenses incurred due to Comcast's approved change requests requiring additional trench depth or width, and for unforeseen conditions, includ-ing but not limited to dewatering for ground water. Comcast will not pay for any share of additional expenses incurred due to approved change requests from the City or any City-contracted third party. E. Claims by Contractor. Comcast agrees to pay the entire cost of any claims made Uy ttre Contractor that are directly caused by Comcast's unreasonable or unforeseeable actions, including but not limited to unreasonable delays caused by installing Comcast facilities, unforeseeable delays caused by 'Comcast providing materials, or any other unreasonable conflicts between the Contractor and Comcast's contractor. F. Vaults. Comcast agrees to pay for the excavation, site preparation, and installation of tne -vaults being installed for Comcast's exciusive use ("Comcast Vaults"), separately and in addition to any survey costs and trench costs discussed above. These additional costs shall be preliminarily determined from the bid price accepted by the City and bomcast. The cost to excavate for and install Comcast Vaults will be finalized after completion of construction and Comcast agrees to pay the City for actual construction costs. The parties will work with the Contractor to keep the cost of the Comcast Vaults as close as reasonably possible to the approved preliminarY bid. G. Invoice. Comcast agrees to pay the City within sixty (60) days of being invoiced by the City for imounts that the Contractor has invoiced the Ciff lnd which Comcast has agreed to pay under this Agreement. JOINT TRENCH AGREEMENT 84TH AVENUE South ftetween City of Kent and Comcast) Page4ofl1 H. Defective or lJnauthorized Work. Per the terms of the agreement between the City and Contractor, Comcast reserves the right to withhold payment from the City for any defective or unauthorized work performed by the contractor. Defective or unauthorized work includes, without limitation: work and materials that do not conform to the requirements of this Agreement, and extra work and materials furnished without comcast's af,proval. If for any reason it is necessary to satisfactorily complete any portion of the work, Comcast may complete the work using its own means ind the City shali ensure that its Agreement with Contractor makes Contractor liable to Comcast for any additional costs incurred by Comcast hereunder. "Additional costs" shall mean all reasonable costs, including legal costs and attorney fees, incurred by the parties beyond the price included in the bid accepted by the City. Comcast further reserves the right to offset the cost to complete t'he work, including any additional costs, from any and all amounts due or to become due the Contractor' I. Final payment/Waiver of Claims. The City will ensure that the agreement with the Contractor provides that the making of final payment by tlie parties shall constitute a waiver of claims by the Contractor, except those previously and properly made and identified by the Contractor as unsettled at the time request for final payment is made. 5. CHANGES. Comcast shall submit any changes requested to be performed by the City,s Contractor to the City. The City shall submit this to the Contractor, obtain an estimated price from the Contractor to perform the work, and notify Comcast of this estimated price. Comcast shall have twenty four (24) hours from receiving the estimated price from the City to respond' If Comcast chooses not to accept the Contractor's estimated price then this work shall only be performed by comcast according to a mutually agreed upon schedule with the Contractor so as not to cause delay to the Contractor. 6. INDEMNIFICATION; LIENS AND ENCUMBRANCES' Each party shall defend, indemnify and hold the other PartY, their officers, officiais, employees and agents harmless from any and all actual claims, injuries, damages, losses ol suits including all legal costs and attorney fees Out excluding-incidental, special, consequential or indirect damages not related to unreasonable delay of the Contractor, arising out of or in connection with the performance of the party's work required under this Agreement, except to the extent the injuries and damages are caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of the other party' City further agrees to inOemiifi, save harmless and defend Comcast from payment of any federal, state, oi' local taxes or contributions or compensation imposed under JOINT TRBNCH AGREEMENT Page 5 of 11 84TH AVENUE South (between City of Kent and Comcast) unemployment insurance, social security, income tax, labor, and any other laws with respect to City's employees, agents, or contractors engaged in the performance of the Work' The indemnification from Comcast to the City shall include all actual claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits from third parties but excluding incidental, special, consequential or indirect damages not relating to unreasonable delay of the iontractor, arising out of the work performed by Comcast in the trench, except and to the extent such injuries and damages caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of the city. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to Rcw 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for dimages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the parties, their officials, employees and agents, a party's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the party's negligence. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement' No party, directly or indirectly, shall create or impose any lien on the property of another, or on the rights or title relating thereto, or any interest tfrerein, or in this Agreement. Each party shall promptly, at its own expense, take such action as may be necessary to duly discharge any lien created by it on the propertY of another. NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY CONTAINED HEREIN, THE PNNNTS HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT NEITHER PARTY SNNU BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER FOR ANY SPECIAL, rlrttlorrurnl, pulrrfrvr, EXEMPLARY oR coNS_EQUFTTIAI^-.DAMAGES, INCLUDING . BUT NOT LIMITED TO FRUSTRATION OF ECONOMIC OR BUSINESS EXpEcTATioNS, LoSS oF PRoFITS, LoSS oF CAPITAL, coST oF s0e-riiuTE pRoDucrtsl, FAcILITIES oR SERVIcES_, D-9WIIIME'BUT NoT TNcLUDING UNREASolrrAble DELAY oF THE coNTRAcToR, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 7. INSURANCE. The contract between the City and the Contractor shall require that the Contractor procure and maintain for the duration of the project insurance of the types and in the amounts described below against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance Lf tne work by the Contractor, its agents, representative, employees, sub-consultants or subcontractors. 1. Automobile Liability insurance with limits no less than $t,OOO,OOO combined single limit per accident for bodily injurY and ProPertY damage; and JOINT TRENCH AGREEMENT Page 6 of 11 84TH AVENUE South (between City of Kent and Comcast) 2. Commercial General Liability insurance written on an occurrence basis with limits no less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence and general aggregate for personal injury, bodily injury and property damage. Coverage shall include but not be limited to: blanket contractual; products/completed operations/broad form property damage; explosion, collapse and underground (XCU); and emPloYer's liabilitY. 3. Excess Liability insurance with limits not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and aggregate' Any payment of deductible or self insured retention shall be the sole responsinitity of the Contractor. The parties, their officials, employees, agents and volunteers shall be named as additional insureds on the insurance p5ticy, as respects work performed by or on behalf of the parties and a copy of the endorsement naming the parties as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance, copies of which shall be provided to the parties prior to commencement of construction by the contractor. The Contractor's insurance shall contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability. 8. FRANCHISE AGREEMENT. The City and Comcast agree that as to future projects, by entering into this Agreement neither party has waived any rights it may have, under the existirig franchise agreement between the City and Comcast, and the City and Comcast expressly herein reserve such rights. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, Comcast's participation in the joint trench activity iontemplated in this Agreement, and it's very participation in this Agreement, shall in no event be construed as acceptance, affirmation or ratification of the City's construction of Comcast's obligation to underground and enter into a writing pursuant to the franchise agreement, and parties understand and agree that the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall not be considered as a basis for future undergrounding projects that may be franchise-required. 9. TERM AND TERMINATION. A. The initial term of this Agreement shall be no more than five (5) years from the date this Agreement is executed by both parties hereto. Provided neither party has terminated this Agreement pursuant to subsections (b) or (c) below, the Agreement may be renewed by the parties upon mutually agreed uPon terms. JOINTTRENCHAGRBEMENT PageT of ll 84TH AVENUE South (between City of Kent and Comcast) B. Either party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement for its convenience by'providing the other party written notice sixty (60) days prior to the date termination is desired; provided, that City shall not have the rigfrt to stop Work on the Improvement Project prior to the stated termination date. Comcast shall pay City for all Work completed prior to the termination date, less any monies already paid by comcast. C. Either party may terminate this Agreement for default in the event the other party has failed to satisfy its obligations under the Agreement, and fails to remedy either such problem within twenty (20) business days after receipt of written notice of default' 1O. MISCELLANEOUS. A. Compliance with Laws. The parties shall comply with all federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations throughout every aspect in the performance of this Agreement. B. Nonwaiver of Breach. The failure of a party to insist upon strict performance of any of the terms and rights contained herein, or to exercise any option herein conferred in one or more instances, shall not be constructed to be a waiver or relinquishment of those terms and rights and they shatl remain in full force and effect C. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. If any dispute arises between the parties or between any party and the contractor under any of the provisions of this Agreement, resolution of that dispute shall be available only through the jurisdlction, venue and rules of the King County Superior Court, King CountY, Washington. D. Attorney's Fees. To the extent not inconsistent with RCW 3g.o4.24), in any claim or lawsuit for damages arising from the parties' performance of this Agreement, each party shall be responsible for payment of its own legal costs and attorney's fees incurred in defending or bringing such claim or lawsuit; however, nothing in this subsection shall limit a party's right to indemnification under Section 6 of this Agreement. E. Written Notice. All communications regarding this Agreement shall be sent to the parties at the addresses listed on the signature page of this Agreement, unless otherwise notified. Any written notice shall become effecti-ve upon delivery, but in any event three (3) calendar days after the date of mailing by registered or certified mail, and shall be deemed sufficiently given if senl to the addressee at the address stated on this Agreement. JOINT TRENCH AGREEMENT Page 8 of 11 84TH AVENUE South ftetween Cily of Kent and Comcast) F. Modification. No waiver, alteration, or modification of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of each of affected party' G. Severability. If any one or more sections, sub-sections, or sentences of this Agreement are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, that decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Agreement and the remainder shall remain in full force and effect. H. Relationship. It is understood and agreed that no agency, employment, joint venture, co-employer or partnership is created by this Agreement. No party hereto shall (i) have the power or authority to act for aiother in any manner to create obligations or debts which would be binding upon another, and; (ii) be responsible for any obligation or expense whatsoever of another. I. Force Majeure. Parties shall not be deemed to be in breach of this Agreement if un-able to perform their respective obligations hereunder as a result of the occurrence of an event of "force majeure," which shall include, but not be limited to, acts of God, acts of the government of the United States or of any state or political subdivision thereof, strikes, civil riots or disturbances, fire, floods, explosions, earthquakes, wind, storms, hurricanes, lightning or other similar catastrophes or other causes beyond the parties' reasonable control. The scope of events of force majeure shall not extend to payment of money owed hereunder. J. Entire Agreement. The written provisions and terms of this Agreement, togethe-r with any attached Exhibits, supersede all prior verbal stltements by lny representative of the City, and those statements shall not be construed as forming a part of or altering in any manner this agreement. This Agreement and any attached Exhibits contain the entire Agreement betwee-n the parties. Should any language in any Exhibit to this Agreement conflict with any language contained in this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall Prevail. JOINT TRENCH AGREEMENT 84TH AVENUE South (between City of Kent and Comcast) Page9ofll . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties below have executed this Agreement, coMcAsT oF WASHINGTON rV, rNC.OF KENT #& Print ar Title: Area Vlce Presi4ent- NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: COMCAST Co 4O2O Auburn Wav Auburn',A S8002 Attn: .lim Nies (253)2AA-753L( (7_O$ 57L-8RS3 (Cell'l f2_531 288-75OO fFax) With a copy to: Corncast Cable Communications, LLC one Comcast center, 50'h Floor . Phlladelphla, PA 19I03 Attention: Cable Law Dept - Operation R\clylNile\OpmFilc\0tZ-2009\Comet-4 thAvmus'IohlTtndlAnr*naldos JOINTTRENCHAGREEMBNT 84ffiAVENUE SOUth (between City of Kent and Comcast) Prin e : .Larfif€*afieharditr{ditltj.LttFo?f,E Title NOTXCES TO BE SENT Tor CITY OF KENT Citv of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue'South Kent. WA 98032 Attn: Chad Bieren (253\ 856-5534 fDeskl (253) 856-6500 (Fax) APP AS TO FORM: nt Law Page i0 of"ll IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties below have executed this Agreement. coMcAsr oF WASHTNGTON rV, rNc.OF KENT %/e DA Print ame: Title:Area Vice P ident NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: COMCAST Comca 4020 burn Wav Ar rhr rrn -a qRnn2 Attn: Ji Nies (2s3)2AA-75 1 fDesk) (206)71-8893 (C il) (2s3)-7500 r ) With a copy to: Comcast Cable Communications, LLC One Comcast Center, 50th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 Attention: Cable Law DePt - P:\Civil\Files\OpenFiles\o177-2009\Comcat-4tMYenue-JointTrenchAgreement docx JOINT TRENCH AGREEMENT 84TH AVENUE South (between City of Kent and Comcast) Pri a e : ffitroTllf -i. U\FoEre. Title: NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: CITY OF KENT Citv of pnt 220 urth Ave ue South Kent,wA 9803 Aftn: C ad Bieren (253\856-5534 f Desk) (253)Bs6-6500 fFax) APP AS TO FORM: Kent Law ftment Page 10 of I 1 Exhibit A Exhibit A JOINT TRENCH AGREEMBNT - 84TH AVENUE S (between City of Kent and Comcast) S.W. SEC. 07 T.N 05 --- - 383000-0006 122204-902A ER2P I I 775980-0030 LOT 3 775980-0040 LOT 4 EXISTING R/W l-:o EoNN v, 84TH A!E. S (EAST VAr LEY H|GHWAY)6+00 18+OO 2O+OO 22+OO-+----t--- .- l--- - _--l:_ {__ --+-__+_ JT FQ oz,(\I(\l C\ a EXISTING R/w 775740-OO30 NT TRENCH TERESA STELLA CARACCIOLI 775780-OO32 7757AO-OO55 JOHN L SMITH ERNEST REINHARD 775780-0O44 lnrro "rroESTA I I TES t' - 7?(t'SC.ALE D(HIBTT u2009DATF watHlxototCITY OF I(EI\IT ENGINEERING DEPARTM]EI'II- KENT c'\Dpcion\n1-lo0q\dwn\.dm.:cf Pthihif dwd q/1/7OOq q'46 1? AM EXHIBIT B EAST VALLEY HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS 5l4lzOOe Costs and Quantities UtiliW Work Trenching (shared costs between Comcast, & City) ]id Item *Trench Components Unit ow Unit Price Cost 1000 Mobilization LS 1 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 1005 Clearinq and Grubbing LS 1 $ 850,00 $850.00 1075 Gravel Borrow for Util Trench Backfill TONS 15 $ 28.00 1330 Control Fill CY 10 $ 11s.00 5005 Traffic Control Labor HRS 96 $ 40.00 $ 3,840,00 5015 Traffic Control Su HRS 24 $ 4s,00 $ 1,080.00 s020 Traffic Control Devices LS 1 $ 1,s00.00 $ 1,500.00 6015 uril Trench Sta 15 +50 to Sta 1Ft z',LF 750 $ 10.00 $ 7,500.00 9021 Sand for bedd TONS 45 $22.00 $990.00 $ 22,330.00 $ 2,121,35 $ 3,349.50 $ 27,Boo.B5 Subtotal Trench Construction 9.5olo Washington State Sales Tax 1 5olo Construction/ En g i neeri ng/I nspection Costs Total Trench ExPense Total trench length (feet) Trench cost per lineal foot 420.00 1 150.00 750 $ 37,07 Based on Comcast conduit count from pro-rated spread sheet, Comcast participation is 25o/o $37.07 x 750 ft x '25 = Cost Summarv $6,950.21 Notes: - Costs are based on recent Low-Bid estimateS. - Unit cost for trench work per lineal foot is based on total cost of joint trench divided by the totaltrench length' $6,950.21$ 6,950.21LS1lreadsheet)re of Joint TreComcast TOTAL COMCAST COSTS: $6'950.21 Revised 813l/2009 EXHIBIT B EASTVALLEY HIGHWAY JOINT TRENCH WITH COMCAST SHARED COSTS BY STATIONING Percentage Trench Cost ofTrench Per LF May 4, 2009 Prorated Share $6,950.21 $6,950.21 $13,900.43 Trench Participant Number of Conduits Size of Conduits Trench Length Station 15+50 to 23+00 (L=750') Comcast City Total 1 1 2 4 3u 4" 2" 750 750 750 25.00o/o $ 25.00o/o $ s0.00% $ 37.07 37.07 37.07 TOTAL TRENCH COSTS $27,800.85 a3u2ao9