HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-137 - Change Order - #7 - Active Construction, Inc. - Willis St & 4th Ave S Roundabout - 04/01/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management - This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor's signature and contract cover sheet torms' (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WASHtNGToN Comments:Date Received bY CitY AttorneY: Date Routed to the MaYor's Office: Date Routed to the CitY Clerk's Office: Department: PW Engineering Originator: C. Frame Date Required NiA Date Sent: 311912021 Date of Council APProval N/A Authorized to Sign: El Director or Designee E Mayor Grant? E Yes El No Type: N/A Budget Account Number R901'12.64110.120 Budget? @Yes E No Category: Contract Vendor Name: Active Construction, lnc Sub-CategorY: Change Order #7 Vendor Number: 231 9336 Project Name: Willis Street and 4th Ave S' Roundabout projed Detaits:Add two (2) LED message boards with decorative hous bases ing and concrete Basis for Selection of Contractor: $id Termination Date: N/A Agreement Amount: $1 64, 1 99.81 Start Date: [rl/ff Local Business? E Yes E No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete'vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace' Contract Number: cAG2020-137 Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes EI No irl(W22l7l-l-20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements KENT WASHINGTON CHANGE ORDER NO. 7 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Active Const-Luctiqn' Inc' ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: Willis Street And 4th Ave' S' Rqundabout ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: May '15' 2020 This change order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this change order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the partiei tne project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows; In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equiPment necessary to: Add two (2) LED message boards with decorative housing and concrete bases. tnis'Cnange Ord6r includes electrical work, materials, equipment and all other work necessary to install the message boards' z. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby mOdified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including aPPlicable wssr) alternates and $4,759,759,00 Net Change bY Previous Change Orders (incl. applicable WSST) $79,780.75 Current Contract Amount (in cl, Previous Change Orders) $4,839,539.75 $149,136.98Current Change Order $15,062.83Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $5,003,739.56Revised Contract Sum CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 In accordance with sections t-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and wsDor standard specifications, and section VII of tne ngreement, the contractor accepts all requirements of this change order by signing below. AlsoJ pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may niu! re-garding this change order and acknowledges and accepts that this change order constitutes final seltlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connect;d with any work either covered or affected by this change order, including, without limitation, Jrirr related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This chang; oid"r, uniess otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliancu *iifr the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particulariy those pertaining to substantial completion date' All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous change orders (if any)' and this change order, prior to th;;ffect'rve date of-this chahie o1der, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the ngr""r.nt, frevious change orders (if any), and this change order shall be deemed to have aPPlied. The parties whose names appear -below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contraclHodification, which is binding on the parties of this contract' 3. The Contractor. will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above' INwlTNEsS,thepartiesbelowhaveexecutedthisAgreement,whichwill become effective on the last date written below' Original Time for ComP letion (inseft date) 100 Revised Time for Co mpletion under prior Change Orders (insert date) 100 D ays Req u red (+)fo r th ls ch a n g e o rder 0 calendar daYs Revised Time for ComP letion (insert date) 100 Print Name: Chad Bieren Its Interim Publiq. Works Director CITY OF KENT: (signature) TE:tt/t /tt (titte) ame: CONTRACTOR: (title) DATE By Pri CHANGE ORDER . 2 OF 3 (appltcable tf Mayor's slgnature requlred) Kent Law DePaftment APPROVED AS TO FORM:ATTEST: Kent CitY Clerk (; [In thls fleld, wu may €nter the electronlc fllepath where th€ contrdd has been saved] CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 FILE NO: 2OO.2 KENT CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO.7 Construction E rneen Division - Public Works Project:Willis St & 4th Ave S Roundabout Thomas Leyrer Brian Shields Project No.: Fed-Aid No.: Contractor: 18-3020 nla ACI Project Engineer: Capital Projects Mana r Date: 02-26-202L x PROPOSED CHANGEI Th c h a n e o rd e r s to ad d two (2 )LE D m essa I e bo a rd s W ith re ate d d eco r a ti VC h o u SI n I ISIdntstructuraconcretebaSCeectricaWorkandaotherwork,m ate n a s a n eq u p m e t I n e ce ssa ry to n sta th e m p e r t h e S s u e d d CS g n a n d at th e oca t io n S S h o W n Th e c h a n I e W as n it a te d by P u b l c W o rks a n d t h e ci ty o f Ke n t'S c o m m u n cati o n t ea m 1 LS cost of L49 136.98 rI. REASON AND BACKGROUND FOR CHANGE T h ch e o rd e r S to a dd tw o (2 )LE D m essa g e boa rd s W I th re ate d d eco r a ti VE h o u st n g tsang d ntstructuraconcretebaSeeectricaWOrkandaotherWOrk,m ateri a S I a n e q u p m e n e c e s S a ry to n sta th e m pe r the S S u e d d est g n a n d a t th e oca t o n S S h o W n d b Pu b W rks d t h e Ci ty o f Ke n t s c o m m u n I c at I o n t ea mThechanIeWaSniriatevcoan 1 LS cost of t49 136.98 IIT. METHOD OF PAYMENT NEW PAY Not FOR ACCOUNT'NG USE ONI.YOrder No.Total Estimated Cost of Item Unit PriceUnitTotal Est. Qty Qty this PE Item DescriPtionSch. No. t49 136.98749136.98LS11e BoardsLED MEA2IX PAY THIS PAY ESTIMATEadmebetoPayment ofon rkWOnalateat Independent Estimate Atta ched NoNew Sub Reqrd? FORACCOUNT'NG USE oNtvOrder No.Cost of ltemUnit PriceUnitItem DescriB.l. No.Sch. No. AttachednIn REQUIREDdentEstimatedepe DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM 1{)9.5 Not |NGREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) [ Not Appttcabte t REV. DATE: 3/27/I8 YUSEFORChan$e Order No.Cost of ltemUnitnItemB.l. NoSch. No hed REQUIREDAttacEstimatentIndepende KENT IV. WORKING DAYS TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANG E ORDER * THIS PAY ESTIMATE FILE NO: 2OO.2 xTotal of the Cost of Item Columns L49 136.98 L49 136.98 Original Contract 100 Due This Change O rder*Previous Total 100 DATE * TOTAL WORKING DAYSX 100 *This Change Order + Previ ous Total A, work, materiars and measurements to be in accordance with the standard specifications and Contract Special Provisions for the type of work described' Capital Projects Manager:Date:6L- ZA *7&'z-/ Construction Engineering Supervisor: Date: -1*;,z€-a-- 2 Construction Manager:Date: REV. DATE: 3/27/L8 A.C.I. PROJECT JOB # 20-014 EQUIP. NO, MANPOWER woRKrNC FOREMAN @ 1.0 0 oPERAT0R @ 1.0 0 oPERATOR @ 1.0 0 oPERATOR @ 1.0 0 LABORER @ l.o 0 LABORER @ 1.0 0 Willis St. and 4th Ave. S Roundabout DATE WORKPERFORMED ' TBD2O2O DESCRIPTION OF WORK Provide LED Message Board Foundations and Reader Boards LABOR CLASS / RATES HOURS 400 40.0 00 00 40.0 40.0 $85.82 $82.17 s82 t7 $82 17 s64.49 $64.49 SUBTOTAL LABOR A.C.I. PHASE CODE 2422 (Bt 4300) TOTAL s3,432.80 s3,286.80 s0.00 s0.00 $2,579.60 52,579.60 $lt,E78.Eo TOTAL s 1,102.40 s1,401.20 $ 1,536.40 $1,363.60 $5,403.60 TOTAL s5,000.00 $s,000.00 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 497 263 294 505 EQUIPMf,NT DESCRIPTTON Deere 50G Mini Excavator 5YD DumP Truck CAT 420D Backhoe Chevy Truck Foreman Truck HOURS 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 MATERIAL COSTS DESCRIPTION UNIT Embedment Bolts/Washers/Nuts/Misc 1 00 DESCRIPTION SERVTCE COSTS UNIT SUB CONTRACTOR DESCRIPTION UNIT WCCI (bmes comPlete) 2 00 Tube Art Cnoup (LED message bord envelopes) 1 00 Totem Electric 1 00 Crystal Soda Blst (smd blrot chmfer & anti graffiti coating) 1 00 City ofKent CraPhics 2 00 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION / RATES RATE $27.56 s35.03 $38.41 $34.09 SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT @ RATE LS @ ss,ooo.oo SUBTOTAL MATERIALS @, RArE SERVICE SUBTOTAL @, RATE EA@ s19,725 00 LS @ $30'o6s oo LS @ $36,639.52 LS @ $3,850.00 EA@ $10000 SUB CONTRACTOR SUBTOTAL MARK-Up ON LABOR 29o/o SUBTOTAL LABOR MARK.UP ON EQUIPMENT 2IO/O SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT MARK-UP ON SERVICE COST 2to/o SUBTOTAL SERVICE COST TOTAL s39,450.00 $30,06s.00 s36,639.52 $3,8s0.00 s200.00 $1 10,204.s2 s3,444.85 $15,323.65 s l,134.76 $6,538.36 s0.00 s1,050.00 $6,050.00 s0.00 $0.00 $l 1,020.45 s121,224.97 TOTAL s0.00 TAX ON MATERIALS (N/A ON WATER & SEWER) 0 00o/' MARK-UP ON MATERIALS 2IO/O STJBTOTAL MATERIALS 12 % MARK-UP ON SUB-CONTRACTOR COST (>$2s'000 = 10%) l0o/o SUBTOTAL SUB.CONTRACTOR COST GRANDTOTAL $149,T36.98 ffi Created Date: Salesperson: Email: Office Phone: Cell Phone: Description: CitY of Kent Logo lmagecraft Sign and GraPhics 132026th St. NWSte. 1 Auburn, WA 98001 Ph: (253) 804-8001 Email: info@imagecraftinc.com Web: http://www. imagecraftinc.com Active Construction INC David Ceccanti (253) 248-1091 (253) 606-5743 Davidc@ACl.com 5110 River Rd E Tacoma, WA 98443 Estimate #: 19516 Page 1 of 1 Unit Price SubtotalQuantitYPrice 111512021 3:51:29PM Brian Gerrard briang@imagecraft inc.com (253) 804-8001 x112 (253) 394-4364 Prepared For: Contact: Office Phone: Cell Phone: Email: Address: 2 $200.00 $100.00 $200.00 I Payment Terms: Client RePIY Request E Estimate Accepted "As ls". Please proceed with Order f] cnanges required, please contact me' Product: Printed Premium VinYl Description: Printed Premium Vinyl "City of Kent" Logo l2l2O inx 36 in single sided Printed Premium Vinyl on substrate Pre-payment required in full to start order Estimate Total: Subtotal: Taxes: Total: Deposit Required: $200.00 $200.00 $20.00 $220.00 $'110.00 E otner, SIGN: II Print Date: 111512021 3:54:11 PM lmagecraft Sign and Graphics Date: ELTCTRIC 4696 - Willis Street & 4th Ave S' Roundabout To Jim Holland ACI 5110 River Road East Tacoma, WA 98443 253-248-1090 253-248-1093 (FAX) Return To Fred Duke Totem Electric of Tacoma lnc 2332 Jefferson Ave Tacoma, WA 98402 253-722-2840 253-272-52',14 (FAX) fd u ke@totemelectric.com Details Fhone {2$fl 3ei-f022 Fax (2$3f 272-5214 Change Order Request COR Subject: lnstall new reader board signs Contract No: 18-3020 COR Number: 4696-8 COR Revision Number: 0 COR Date: 1211612020 Work TYPe: Price / Proceed DaYs Valid: 5 {tt T.\t(}lt!. lr'l{ DescriPtion Cost / Rate I atv Hrs Workers Ext $89.68 8.00 Hrs 3.00 $2152.32 install conduit and j-boxes avg. crew rate of 3 (F, JW APP) $89.68 8.00 Hrs 3.00 $2152.32 install signs install conductor(s)$89.68 8.00 Hrs 3.00 $2152.32 T340 - 2019 Bucket Truck $40.00 24.00 $960.00 T238 - 2016 UtilitY Truck $20.00 24.00 $480.00 T645 - 2018 Deere Excavator $32.00 12.00 $384.00 stewart sign Pricing $19,646.00 1.00 LUMP SUM $19646.00 added conduit, j-boxes $420.00 1.00 LUMP SUM $420.00 $1400.003,500.00 LF$0.40added conductor Breakout Labor: Overhead Percent @ 31%: EquiPment: Overhead Percent @ 21%: Material: Overhead Percent @ 21%: $6,456.96 $2,001.66 $1,824.00 $s8s.04 $21,466.00 $4,507.86 Total: $36,639.52 Reservation of Rights This coR does not include any amount for impacts such as interference, disruptions, rescheduling, changes in the sequence of work, delays and/or associated acceleration. we expressly reserve the right to submit our request for any of these items. ? +- fre*Dated: 1211612020Signed By: Fred Duke Project Manager 12t812020 eSUB - Purchase Order Frfu,w, A rtEcTRrc Phone (2$31 383'$022 Fax {253} 272-5214 Purchase Order oF lAdOMA, lt{c 4696 - Willis Street & 4th Ave S. Roundabout Ship To Totem Electric of Tacoma lnc 4310 70th Ave East Delivery must be Prior to 3 Pm Fife, WA 98424 Mobile: 253-678-1502 AFarkas@Totemelectric'com Contract No: 18-3020 P0 Number: 4696-10 Bill To Totem Electric of Tacoma, lnc. P O BOX 1093 Tacoma, WA 98401-1093 PO Date: Required Delivery Date: Required Delivery Date Notes: Purchasing Agent: Purchase Phone; Vendor Contact: Vendor Phone: Vendor Email: 9/2112020 tbd HOLD FOR RELEASE Jane Romito 253-722-2841 Greg Winch 8A0^237-3928 gwinch@stewartsigns'com Vendor Stewart Signs 2201 Cantu Gourt Suite 215 Sarasota, FL 34232'6255 Phone No: 800-237'3928 Fax No: 800485-4280 gwinch@stewartsigns.com Details Subtotal: Sales Tax Rate (0%): Shipping and Handling : $19,646.00 $0.00 $o.oo TotalPO: $19,646.00 PO Balance: $19'646.00 Buyer Notes READER BOARD SIGNS Vendor warrants that alt materials comply with appro ved project specifications and promises to deliver the materials or equipment in an expeditious manner in accordance with project requirements. Vendar will accept material returned bY the buyer in reasonable condition. You are to notify us at once if you cannot comply with all the terms of this order Item TotalaryItem PrieeLlst Price perLine No $19,646.001.00 QUOTE$19,646.0001.00 QUOTE$19,646.000 001 READER BOARD SIGNS PER ATTACHED $0.001.00$0.0001.00$0.000 002 NOTE. SUBMITTALS DUE ASAP PLEASE https:/lwww.esubonline.comlTRACKpoinUversions/v61/purchaseorders/viewpo.asp?Session=jJikMFslPjxYwP-Lhl HpbSVZJwSpQXGqflruox3-mawJl4z 1t2 Your Consultant: Greg Winch $oo) z3T'3928, x221 Freight inctuded in Price Dea[er is responsibte for unloading crate from delivery truck' WattBrackelmountinctuded.canbecoordinatedwithlocalcontractor Deater provides Resate Certificate' Order is for two seParate and identicat futt-color Polaris LED signs are designed to shjp together. lnstructions: Whotesale.Stewartconfidence Signslnyouappreciate thisreuewshoutd togetherwewhenthis9eeca[[Please me Quote;you NetCustomer =#3164576 "Complidnce: FCC Part 15 / UL Listed (https: / / www,sl gncommond. com / eula). Customer's Authorized Si gnature Print Name Date Greg Winch, Regionat Sales Manager'Church Division l8o0l 237-3928, x221 Customer lD: 3164775 Quote Number:967289 I 5 Date quoted: 9l'l8l2o2a lnvestment:s 1 e,646.00 Untess otheruise noted in Speclat lnstructions' these Prices are vatid for 30 days' Freight, storage, othet freight services' and appticabte sates tax witl be added to your invoice' Organizations exempt from sales tax must inctude exempt certificate with order ShiPPlngTerms: F.O.B. Origin Payment Terms: 50% deposit, 50% prior to shiPment 9t18/2020 Stewqrt Signs " 2201 Contu Court " Suite 2,l5 ' Sorosolo' FL 34232-6255 Phone: t81)lt37-3928 Fox: (800) 485-4280 Web: www'stewortsisns com Page 2. ol 5 Date Rev. A w454.9 Last Printed; g I 1E/2020, ?:'|1:'l3PM Date: Nov 16, 2020 Project Location Quote To: Quote: TAWA20-5196-2 Quote Phone: (253) 779-3600 Fax: (253) 779-3605 From: Aaron Null Quoter Ph: (253) 779'3634 email : aaron.null@graYbar.com o Page 112 ExtPrice ($417.00) $495"00 $1 ,1 1 9.00 $4,740.00 l $5,937.00t e381 At GratAmR, works to your aovanlage WILLIS STREET & 4TH AV q - ^.--Co-iilitDAts'otlr - oRarr REvlsloNs' SHEETS 22 & 23 KENT WA TAWA20-5196-2 Totem Electric 2332 S Jefferson Tacoma WA 98402-1405 QTY Type -1 Line Note For Bid Date Nov '16,2020 Expires Dec 16,2020 Part DELETION FROM ORIGIONAL ORDER AEL ATBM-P4O.MVOLT-R3-NL.P7-RFD31 4769 FED STD 26008 (14) REQUIRED PER ORIGINAL SCHEDULE VS (13) PER REVISED SCHEDULE ADDITIONS AEL ATBM-P7O-MVOLT-R3-NL.P7-RFD3'14769 FED sTD 26008 LTG FIXT #12 AEL ATBM-P'I O-MVOLT-R3-NL.P7-RFD31 4769 FED sTD 26008 LTG FIXT #14,15,17 COK ALUM 4O'MH LTG POLE W 10'BOLT ON LA' 4 BOLT BASE W/ BREAKAWAY CPLGS LTG POLE #16 Total: Notes: i'r-O-r'rOUNrtNc OR HANGTNG HARDWARE INCLUDED UNLESS NOTED QUOTED BOM IS OUR BEST INTERPRETATION OF THE AVAILABLE PLANS AND IS UP TO THE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL MATERIAL, COUNTS, VOLTAGES, FINISHES AND DIMENSIONS FACTORIES TO CONFIRM LEAD TIME OF MATERIAL AFTER RETURN OF APPROVED SUBMITTALS - ESTIMATED UP TO 17-19 WEEKS AFTER APPROVAL & RELEASE OF ORDER AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASED ON CURRENT FACTORY SCHEDULE AT TIME OF RELEASE ESTIMATED 1.3 WEEK TRANSIT TIME AFTER MATERIAL SHIPMENT FROM FACTORY FACTORIES TO CONFIRM LEAD TIME FOR SUBMITTALS AT TIME OF ORDER SIGNED APPROVED SUBMITTALS REQUIRED FOR ANY MATERIAL TO BE RELEASED FOR MANUFACTURING QUOTING STANDARD FACTORY WARRANTIES UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE PRICING DOES NOT INCLUDE SALES TAX ANY CHANGES TO QUOTED BOM OR OTY'S WILL VOID THIS QUOTATION 1 Aaron Null Page 112 Totem Electric Mail - RE: PO 4696-1 12t101?020 (TZ*on , ELECTRtc Duke, Fred <fduke@totemelectric'com> RE: PO 4696-1 1 message Joshua Habersetzer <Joshua.Habersetzer@graybar'com> To: ',Duke, Fred" <fduke@totemelectric.comi Aaron Null <Aaron,Null@graybar'com> Cc: Jane Romito <jromito@totemeleclric.com> Thu, Dec 10,2020 at 1:58 PM I will get another set added to the order. That will be an adder of $450 Joshua E, Habersetzer I Project Specialist Taconra, WA I Office (253) 779-3631 Aaron, street light, same as we just ordered on Thu, Dec 10, 2O2A al ll:37 AM Aaron NullcAaron.Null@graybar'com> wrote: ls it a street lighting pole being relocated or a ped lighting pole? From : Du ke, Fred Ima ilto :fduke@totemelectric'com] Sent: Thursday, December !O,202O 1:33 PM To: Aaron Null <Aaron.Null@graybar.com> cc: Joshua Habersetzer <Joshua.Habersetzer@graybar.com>; Jane Romito <jromito@totemelectric'com> Subject: Re: PO 4696-L Aaron D. Null I Account Manager Tacoma, WA I Office (2531779-3634 www.graybar.com Thank you From: Du ke, Fred [mai lto :fd u ke@toteme lectric'com] Sent: Thursday, Decembe r tO,2O2O 11:14 AM To: Joshua Habersetzer <Joshua.Habersetzer@graybar.com>; Aaron Null <Aaron'Null@graybar'conr> Cc: Jane Romito <jromito@totemelectric'com> Subject: PO 4696-1 All, while we indeed added a pole, arm, fixture, etc. to the above PO - we are also relocating a pole to a new foundation. Therefore, we will require an additionaiset of anchor bolts from you and an additional rebar cage from Ally andlor Jane. Please revise PO again accordingly, if required' https://mail.google.com/maillu/0?ik=ffl91 ef5ce7&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a%3Ar4318731852646204782%7Cmsg-f/'3A1685730107888 1t2 TUBE ART GROUP ]-:-t]ls SE 5th Street, Bellevue, WA 98005 I zoo.zzt.trzz | 800.562'2854 i rax 2o6'22t'Lr23 Proposal Attn Email: Phone Jim Holland Active Construction lnc. Project Manager J i m H @ activeco nstructio n.com 253 495-8286 Address: PO Box 430 PuYalluP, WA 98371 Contract Number: File Name: os-139129 139129 Kent Monument signs Date: February 22,2021 By: Wade Brown Email: wadeb@tubeart'com Phone: 206-264-2956 Jobsite Address: Kent, Wa $ 11,995.00 $ 2,295.00 $ 295.00 PROJECT NAME: City of Kent Monument signs Thank you for the opportunity to present you with the following quote for two monuments in the City of Kent' PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 7'2.5"x10'2" single sided monument signs M customer supplied message center and vinyl graphics' lnstall onto existing base. templates w/ mounting hardware Design. OTY UNIT PRICE SUBTOTAL 2 2 2 23,990.00 4,590.00 590.00 895.00 Footing, base and mounting bolts to be done by others' $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ pricing assumes site ready conditions and wall blocking provided by owner/GC Power to be provided within 5' of sign location (see section 8). Actual permit and "ngin""iing "oJtt fSp lnstallation quoted during normal business hours' Unless otherwise agreed, payment terms are 50% ofToTAL CONTRACT PRICE at the time of order and balance of ToTAL coNTRAcr pRlcE due at the completion ot inriattation. lf it is agreed that no deposit will be required, SELLER may submit a monthly progress billing for work completed per an agreed upon schedule of values' euoted prices are valid for 30 days and are subject to ine Sate Agreement Terms and Conditions and Security Agreement' Credit Card payments incur az.:lohsurcharge. Please reference Lontract number on ACH' wire transfers or check payments' puRcHASER sha, pay 5ELLER for the performance of the work, subject to addition and deduction modifications as provided inthecontractdocuments,thetotalsumofc.rornr-_coNTRAcTPRlcE,'),whichpriceexcludesallstateandlocal sales taxes and or taxes/fees for necessary permits, engineering drawings and shipping costs' which shall be charged to PURCHASER at time of billing. TOTAL CONTMCT PRICE BEFORE TAXES 30,065.00 Page 1 of 3 TU BE ART G ROU P 11715 SE 5th Street, Bellevue, WA 98005 206.223.1122 I aao.soz.zesa I rax 2O6.223.Lt23 Uponacceptance,THlSAGREEMENT,madebetweenTubeArtDisplays'lnc''aWashingtoncorporation'SELLER'and signed puRCHASER, who agrees to purchase the personal property in conformity with the design, drawings' specifications' or any modifications thereto which have been approved in writing by purchaser (the "specifications"), for the price and upon the terms and conditions as stated below: SALE AGREEMENT TERMS AND COND]TIONS AND SECURITY AGREEMENT purchase and pay for the display in full according to the terms hereof 3) MAINTENANCE: pURCHASER agrees to maintain the Display and keep it in good repair and condition until all sums payable hereunder have been paid defect or nonconformance claimed, ln the absence of such notice the Display shall be deemed to be accepted as installed by the pSRCHASER. tn ttre event tnat any term of this Agreement is held to be no"n-enforceable, all other terms of the Agreement shall remain in full torce and effect' PURCHASER to repair or to rebuild said premises prevenls repair of the display by the SiLLER Page 2 of 3 hereof shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors' assigns and legal representatives of the respective parties EX'RESS oR rMpLrED, TN.LUDTNG wrlHour LrMrTATroN, THE TMpLIED w;RMNTTES oF MERcHANrnsrrrrY 0n rlTNEss;oR PURPOSE ln no event shall PURCHASER be entitled t0 rhe breach by SELLER of any of terms o,.o,iditi*. contained herein or m.O. pln .t in- iSt*ment lUlglA.S.T eCdieS rHnr riS DAI\4AGES FOR THE BREACH OF ANY PROVISION OR TER[/ oF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO THE AMbUNT OF TiE AGGREGATE PAYMENTS MADE TO DATE TO SELLER HEREUNDER' 15) 'A'MENT TERMS: payment is due upon receipt or invoice, Terms of payment are 50% of TorAL coNTRAcr PRICE at the time of order and balance of rorAL CONTMCT PRICE due at holidays). Any installation outside these *standard" hours, require overtime rates. Pricing assumes full unobstructed access to all areas related to installation' Both parties have read and understand this sale Agreement. This sale Agreement constitutes the entire sales Agreement and supersedes a, prior proposars and agreemenis. sELLER assumes no-responsibirity or representations made by any of its officers or agents or any other persons ouring oi prior to the exec_ution of this sare Agreement unress such undersianding or representations are expressry stated herein. No provision of this sare Agreement incruoing without limitation, the contract price, specifications and/or Teims and Conditlons,-maf be waived or chinged' except by way of the issuance of a Sale Agreement Modification by the SELLER' I HAVE READ ALL OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT' INCLUDING THE SALE AGREEMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND SECURITY AGREEMENT, PROPOSAL, AND DESIGN OOCUUTTNTS' AND AGR;' THAT SAID PROVISIONS ARE A PART OF THIS AGREEMENT. THIS AGREEMENT MAY BE SIGNED AND SENT VIA FACSIMILE' Tube Art Displays, lnc. Active Construction lnc' SELLER PURCHASER TU BE ART G ROU P 11715 SE 5th Street, Bellevue, WA 98005 I zot.zzt.Lt2z | 8oo.s62.28sc I rax 2o6'223'Lt23 Bv: Name: Title: Date siqned Accepted BV: Name: Title Date siqned Page 3 of 3 ,.FA GFIYSTAL\1,{t' ) SiCttrlAg EILA=ir L22tB 51st Place S Tukwila, WA 98178 ISIIMAIT wA2100060211912027 Due on receiPt Date Estimate # Terms Name / Address Active Construction Inc P.O. BOX 430 PUYALLUP, WA 98371 Rev. I P.O. No. Willis St and 4Willis & 4th Round.'. 2,950.00 900,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 2,950,00 900.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 Willis & 4th Roundabout City of Kent Sand blast - APProximatelY 56 sq ft Medium sandblast finish concrete base for LED Message Sign Includes engineering controls for silica dust' Includes Prevailing Wages, Filing and Intent Apply Anti-Graffiti Coating - Approximately 450 sq ft Product: PROSOCO Blok Guard & Graffiti Control II Area to be free of materials, stored items or debris with enough square footage for at least a days worth of work without incurring a mobilization fee of $300' At least 2 parking spaces are needed adjacent to the area to be blasted for our equipment. These spaces are to be coned off by the contractor so they are available when our crew arrives on site. Exclusion: Does not include sidewallg noise or parking permits if needed bxdusion: Does not include Prevailing Wages or Union Wages TotalRateQtvDescription Job Name Project uritorfaxemaand approvayonitions.sigCond&TermsaftachedthetotsmateaddsubjectEstiitionally below.tsinformationContacttheuleematschedjob.to Signature of AccePtance Printed Name and Title Total www.crystal sodablast' comesti mates@crysta lsoda blast, comBBB-473-3115206-316-2502 E-mailPhone #Fax #Web Site Page 1 ..N GFIYSiTALwI .:. ) sioDA\,:j EtLAsr 12218 51st Place S Tukwila, WA 98178 ESIIMAIT wA210006021Le12027 Due on receiPt Date Estimate # Terms Name / Address Active Construction Inc P.O. Box 430 PUYALLUP, WA 98371 Rev. I P.O. No. Willis St and 4Willis& 4th Round... Does not include WSST Description TotalRateQtv fob Name Project r approval.or emailfaxand youConditions.&SignTermsattachedthetosubjecttsadditionallYmateEsti belowtsinformationContactthescheduleatemajob'to Signature of AccePtance Printed Name and Title Total $3,850.00 www.crystal sodablast. comesti mates@crysta lsodablast. comBBB-473-3115206-316-2502 E-mailPhone #Fax #Web Site Page 2