HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2019-084 - Change Order - #23 - Scarsella Brothers, Inc. - LID 363: S 224th Street Project - 04/02/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management - This form combines & repTaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms' (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WASHINGToN Department: PW Engineering Originator: S. Anderson Date Required: N/A Date Sent: 5tpJ21 Date of Council Approval: N/A Authorized to Sign: El Director or Designee E MaYor Grant? EYes ENo rype: N/A Budget Account Number: R90101.641 10.120 Budget? EYes ENo Category: Contract Vendor Name: Scarsella Bros, lnc. 5ub-Category: Change Order #23 Vendor Number: 34547 Project Name: LID 363: S 224th St Project project Details: Emergency side sewer repair on 192nd Street. Basis for Selection of Contractor: $id Termination Date: 22SWorktng DaYS Agreement Amount $58,046.80 Srart Date: N/A Local Business? ElYes EI No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete'Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Atyspace' Contract Number: cAG2019-084 Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes E No Comments:Date Received by CitY AttorneY: Date Routed to the MaYor's Office: Date Routed to the CitY Clerk's Office: id(Wl2l7l,1-20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements KENT WASHINGiON CHANGE ORDER NO. #23 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Scarsella Bros, Inc' ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: Lid 363: S 224th Street Project ORIGINAL CONTMCT DATE: FCbTUAT 19, 2019 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equiPment necessary to: Emergency side sewer repair on 192nd Street' 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates wssr) and $8,423,307.67 Net Change by Previous Change Orders (incl. applicable WSST) $654,336.03 Current Contract Amount (incl. Previous Change Orders) $9,077,643.70 Current Change Order $s2,721.89 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $5,324.91 Revised Contract Sum $9,135,690.50 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for ComPletion (insert date) 130 working days Revised Time for ComPletion under prior Change Orders (insert date) 225 working days Days Required (+) for this Change Order 0 calendar days Revised Time for ComPletion (insert date) 225 working days In accordance with Sections L-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this c'ninge order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, contractor ugr""i to waive any protest it may hav'e re-garding this change order and acknowledges and aicepts that this change order constitutes flnal settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connectJd with any work either covered or affected by this change order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This change order, uniess otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from sirict compliance wiln the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date' All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any)' and this Change order, prior to the effective date of ttris Change order, are hereby ratified and inirmeo, and fhe terms of the Agreement, previous Change orders (if any), and this Change order shall be deemed to have aPPlied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below' CITY OF KENT: (title) B; DATE:4/t /ar Print Name:Chad Bieren. P.E. (signature) CONTRACTORT By DATE:March 3l .2021 Print N ame: Mason I Pro (signature) (title) Man CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 N ATTEST: Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's signature required) Kent Law DePartment lln this Reld, yor rnay ente. the electronic filepalh where the contract has been savedl CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 KENT FILE NO: 2OO.2 CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO' 23 Construction Manage ment Division - Public Works Project: LID 363 224th St Improvements Project Engineer: StePhen Lincoln Project No.: Fed-Aid No.: Contractor: 14-3010 ners Rep:Jason Brvant ScarsellaOw Date: 3/29/2021 I PROPOSED CHANGE Emergency Side Sewer RePair on 192 nd st II. REASON AND BACKGROUND FOR CHANGE City of Kent Crews discovered a s Inc. excavate and discover the ca was broken City crews requested crews removed the concrete PiPe inkhole on 192nd St. CitY crews req use of the issue. UPon discovering Scarsella replace the side sewer to and replaced it with PVC including uested Scarsella Brothers the concrete side sewer PiPe property line. Scarsella a new clean out. Scarsella crews restored the roadwa and drivewa III. METHOD OF PAYMENT NEW PAY Not:M(5 Chan4e Order No.FOR ACCOUilI'NG USE OIVTY Sch. No.ltem Description Total Est. otv Qty this PE Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Gost of Item 1 Emerqency Side Sewer RePair 1 1 EA $52,721.89 s52,72t.89 Independent Estimate Attached - REOUIRED U CREATE PAY ITEM ONLY -Payment to be made at a later date upon completion of work X PAY THIS PAY ESTIMATT New Sub Reqrd?No DELETE EXISTING PAY r 1{9.5 Not ble FOR ACCOU'IT'NG USE ONI.YChan4e Order No. Cost of ltemUnit PriceQtvUnitItem DescriptionSch. No.B.l. No. chedAttaIndedentn REQUIREDEstimatepe 4l0r/10 1. Not REV. DATE INCREAS TO EXISTING PAY ITE Chan(e Order No.FOR ACCOUNI'NG USE ONI-Y Sch. No.B.l. No.Item Description Qtv Unit Unit Price Gost of ltem FILE NO: 2OO'2KENT Independent Estimate Attached - REQUIRED TOTAL ESTIMAT ED COST OF CHANGE ORDER * *Total of the Cost of Item Columns THIS PAY ESTTMATE $52,72L.89 IV. WORKING DAYS $521721.89 130Previous TotalDue This Change Order*130Original Contract TE *On critical for TOTAL WORKING DAYS*tAtJ *This Change Order + Previous Tota All work, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the Standard Specifications and Coniract Special Provisions for the type of work described. Prepared By:Date z L/ Construction Engineering Supervisor:,/ Date: Date: a/za/z &r- Construction Engineering Manager: E Connor 2 4lOrlt0 REV. DATE: FA Sheet No. DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED ./>\-/ KENT Project Name 192nd Emerqencv Side Sewer r Project No: 20-3007 Item No.Date: 21512021 Description of Work Open up the road and excavate to find the issue cau the sinkhole Prime Contractor: Scarsella Work by Subcontractor?: Sub-Contractor: LABOR NAME CODE OCCUPATION STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourly Rate Hrs OT Rate Kent H Foreman 7 88.61 1 1 6.53 $620.27 Dave J Foreman 7 88.61 116.53 s 620.27 Eddie D Ooerator 7 82.91 108.12 $580.37 Jason W Pipelayer 7 61 .81 108.12 $432.67 W 61.81 98.432.67 SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $2,686.25 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @29o/o $779.01 LABOR TOTAL PMENT EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment# Equipment Descri OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNTrsRaterS 35-807 Air Compressor 17 .14 $ 17-249 349 Cat trackhoe 200.70 $ 2-180 :1 50 truck 18.44 $ 1 5-99 950 Cat Loader 62.58 $ 02-327 350 tool truck 7 23.71 16s.97 03-122 F450 truck 7 26.90 $'188.30 SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL $354 27 74.40 $428.67 MATERIALS / SERVICES Quantity Units tlnit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT Cat Excavator Rental # 3065601 1 ea $ 1,031.94 $L031.94 ProVac- 1199990 1 ea $ 1 , 190.73 $1,190.73 White cap # 10013743187 1 ea $ 208.98 $208.98 Sunstate Equipment #8741654-001 1 ea $ 559.32 $559.32 Star Rentals # 529864-33 1 ea $ 207.54 $207.54 Core and Main # 71 1339 1 ea $ 298.50 $298.50 SUBTOTAL ovERHEAD&PROFIT@21% TOTAL 497.01 $734.37 $4,231.38 Verification of Hours Worked TOTAL:8 125,31 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work)$ SHEET TOTAL:125.31 Contractor's Representative Z/-/;4/oate3/2912021 Date: By: Pay Esti Date c 1915SCARSELLAr6ar*t;: !!iP.O. Box 68697seaBle, wA 9816&0697Ofre; (253) 872-7173Fax: (253)39$120sSUBTOTAL VERIFICATIONSUBCONTRACTOR ONSITE REPRESENTATIVESCARSELLA tsROS"INC. ONSITE REPRESENTATIVEBtD ITEM OR CHANGE ORDER8ID ITEM OR CHANGE ORDERDESCRIPTION OFDATEDATERECORD OF WORKSUBTOTALCONTR,ACT NAME.OWNER/SUBCONTRACTOR NAMESTART WORKEND WORKSUBTOTALTOTAL THIS REPORT:,I2 PRIME MARKUP:SUBTOTAL:21% MARKUP MATERIAL:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:21% MARKUP EOUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EOUIPMENT:29% MARKUP LABORSUBTOTAL LABORI% MARKUP FQR SUEOONTT<AGISUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORST58,125.31$$€.125.3'ls73/..37s3.497_O1$71-&$314.2t$7f9.91$2.686.25$of Kent202101 - SSerer RePairr€d uD at sink hole 8nd dig dM to 6nd the problemt.001failure"Erpose ulilities and detetmineu5no21+SECOND TIER SUBCONTRACTORJason Walch - PioeiavelTv Williams - PioelaverEddie Dolan - Op€ratorDave- FormanKenl Ho,vard - ForemanLABOR - Name, Cla$ificationo/rREGo/IonREGonREGofiREGono/rREConofio/TREG7.007.007.0c7.00l{ouRs0as61.81s51"81s 82.91s88.61$ 88.61HOURLY RATE$$$$ssgs 2.686.25$s$$c$C$s$ss 432-67s$ 432.67$s 580.37ss 620.27$$ 620.?7EXTENDEDAMOUNTSCo€ & Main #N71 1339Star Rent6ls*5298&L3Sunstate Eouiomenl *8741 454-001Pro-Vac *99990CAT Excavator Rental NC *T3065601MATERIALSUBToTAL EQUIPMENTI03-122o2-x27EqUIP.NO-Ford F450 Tool TruckFord F350 PickupEQUIPMENTOWNowNmtrREffi[?STDBYOPERSTDBYSTDBYOPERSTDBYSPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERTDBYCPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERQTY.7.0c7.0{HOURSUNITcosTs 26.90s 23.71HOURLYRATEs3.4S7.0'ls298_50s207.54$559.32s208-98s1. t90.73s't,031.94EXTENDEDAMOUNTS33*.27$s$Ds$$t$$$$s$188.30s$165_97EXTENDEDAMOUNTSOWNER / CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE 8ngTffiF$ ttf.ARSELP O. Box 68697Seattle, WA 98169-0697Office: (253) 872-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209SUBTOTAL LABOR:f ln r) Lt-llz-r- }]l ttZnuoftt-SUBCONTRACTORS$$$so$$SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:SCARSELLA BROS., INC. REPRESENTATIVE. /"- e=:1€--DAILY FORCE ACGOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTMCTOR:DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:?tlDA7 /r,t'riSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENTSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:xt*z( ar-Iar^ l;.,'l ')^ PvvLsc't'Yv /,, Jl l) c,^e (,nLt.,t'tt-.l.tn t)-l o,n r\ -,w i-cv')at<- Tr"u'Lt s 6rzn-^r-11","1 l{"ar*A 6*.^o^LABOR - Name, Classificationo/TREGonREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGOTTREG77HOURSLOADEDHOURLY RATE$$b$$$$$$b$$$$$$$$$$bEXTENDEDAMOUNTS3-t>za-il7EQUIPNO(',&r 2os' tJ^a'Foar h'.&,.'Tboi h'kEQUIPMENT8",^J-Odr\1)do-l\OWN orRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERHOURSHOURLYRATE$$b$$$$b$$$$$$$c$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSJ*)t di-.r+ar+. - ]i|sutlT.t,Sharrtq - ir'tuah,,-MATERIALQTYUNITcosT$$s$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAL THIS REPORT:% MARKUP MATERIAL:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:% MARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:% MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR:% MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:s5ow N E R / COJ)IT RAg9R-RETTRES E NrAr r vE/./ ont'e NC DAI IllIRental $10 fit RENTAL INVOICE tNvolcE T3065601 7723800 o2t10t2021 $1,174.S9 ACGT#: INVOICE DATE: INVOIGE AMOUNT: JOBSITE INFO: CONTACT NAME: GONTACT PHONE: TUKWILA, WA 98188 PHONE: 425-2516400 FAX: ffi pffifiH?$"'^' SEATTLE, WA98168.0697 PO#: 3'122 ORDEREDBY: DONSCARSELLA 2A6-817-0577 18711 WESTVALLEY HWY 425-2 -6L,-31F0^ [:"5'u='t E]-v'*i) ILB tr ?t?\ \Nc" WILL CALL TUK WILL CALL FIFE FIFE, WA DON SCARSELLA 206-817-0977 r 1574 1 AB 0.428 E0272X |,0501 072 lllhlll'l'll,ll11rr1,Ilh1;lllrl rlllhllgllllg,l, :0002 DATE OUT: DATE IN: O2lOSl2A21 FRI 09:00 AM OA10I2O21WED 07:39 AM SALES REP:HOUSE ACCOUT WA CRS ONLY QTY DESCRIPTION DAY WEEK 4WEEK TOTA Rental ltems 1. lD NO: 18W00586 SERIAL NO:0H5M07526 EXC 305 CN W/THB - 305E2 CRCN Shift: Single HRS OUT: 743.6 CURRENT SMU: 768.8 Total: 25.2 20% CUSTOMER RATE DISCOUNT HAS BEEN APPLIED lD NO: 17W10428T SERIAL NO: 17W104287 EXC BKT - 24" - DG 304C,305C,D,E/306 - 305BKT24HD Shift: Single 20% CUSTOMER RATF DISCOUNT HAS BEEN APPLIED. WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS THE CAT RENTAL STORE TEAM. Miscellaneous ltems 1 ENVIRONMENTAL1 LIMITEDDAMAGE&THEFTWAIVER TUKWILATAX **************lr********************************* LIMITED DAMAGE WAIVER CHARGED AS INSUMNCE CERTIFICATE HAS EXPIRED OR IS NOT ON FILE $307 $0 $e28 $o Rental Subtotal: $2,856 $o 928.0( 928.00 t0 d.q j lnvoice Total: -TI -8.9S r. oao) rot. oo / t oo' l1t^ L cJ S Qa 'naSo b)a r Je{ 9.2t, -12$3i- 4'1.6b'rc-,-s \-, I rJp Printed on Wednesday, February 10,2021 2t27:37 PM by FROM RELEASE 0001:0002 T3065601 Pagel of2 s Pro-Vac PO Box 24351 eattle, WA 98124 253-435-4328 lnvoice 99990 lnvoice Date 2/5/2021 Completed Dale 2/5/2021 Customer PO to follow Per Kent Howard Job Address Scarsella Bros #2021 -01 1901 1 84th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 USA Billing Address Scarsella Bros., lnc. PO Box 68697 Seattle, WA 98168 USA Description of Work ET to Hydro Excavate for an emergency sink hole with City of Kent Task # Travel To PWOP Description 2/5 #99990 Travel To 2/5 #99990 PW - Operator Only QuantitY 1.50 4.00 Your Price $18s.00 $201.00 Your Total $277.5a $804.00 Sub-Total Tax Total Due $1,081.50 $ 1 09.23 $ 1,1 '0J3 Balance Due $1,190.73 Thank you for choosing Pro-Vac I hereby confirm that the work performed by Pro-Vac was of quality and in a timely manner 2/S/2021 concerns to my Job #99990 Driver Ticket Customer Name Scarsella Bros., lnc. Location Address 19011 84th Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 USA Technician Name Skinner, Boone Truck Number PV495 Arrival Onsite Time B30am Dump Out Completed Time 1 230pm How many loads did you dump 2 Extra Equipment Used Location Name Scarsella Bros #Emergenqy Sink Hole in Road Today's Date 2/5/2021 Did you have a laboreP Ulno Travel Start Time 700am Site Departure Time 1230pm Dump Location Name Scarsella Yard Summary ET to hydroexcavate sink hole to locate source for repairs @wHlrEGAP BRANCH ADDRESS O3O. KENT (253) 51 8-0306 iezd sourH 21orH srREET, sulrE KENT WA 98032 KING INVOICE PLEASE REiNIT PAYMENT TOT ffi grJPPLv 961{srRucrloN AND INDUSTRIAL . WHITE CAP P.O. BOX 6040 cYPRESS. CA 90630-0040 HD Supply Construction Supply' Ltd. PO Box4944, Odando, FL 328024944 SOLD To: 8623000 i: r.ir"r{1{.:i 0 il i,1il L SCARSELLA BROTHERS PO BOX 68697 SEATTLE WA 98168.0697 TERRITORYI .: ,:,i,:.:.:ti.:l 1.,", l,ii:);?. {;'i,;. sHtp ro: 10000s3s472 KENT YARD 19440 84TH AVE SOUTH KENT YARD KENT WA 98032 INVOICE NUMBER 10013743187 INVOICE DATE 02l05l2Q21 CUSTOMER PO NUMBER 84TH EASTVALLEY PTF szs TAKEN BVACCOUNT MANAGEROROEREO BYOROER NO.OROER DATE MONTGOMERY, WALTER F CUSTOMER JOB NO. LEE,CRAIG JURIAH CORNELL4123130002105t2a21 TERMSACCT JOB NO.BRANCH KENT YARD SHIP VIA / ROUTING 5. WALK INNET 30 DAYS10000838472030 TAX AMT EXTENDED QTY BKO QTY SHPUNIT PRICEOTY ORDOESCRIPTIONLINEPART NUMBER POLYFILM 1 1 189 19.140'x100'c SOLD/ROLL t c'"t-cqqgie?ffr'&'9, :' I t THESE TTEMS ARE CONTROLLED BY THE U.SIqOVIRNMENT ANq 4Urj1-OS!4F.D FOR EXPORT bNLY TO 1 ULTTMATE DESTINATIoN FoR UsE BY THE ULIUI4Ie cori5lcNeE Qn-qrup'-q.qeR(s) HEREIN IDENTIFIED' RFsot.D, TRAN5FERRFn oI b-rTir-nwisF nr_sbo_s_{r, Sf tdXi,ivbTi'iq! e-qu. ryrriVon nruV PERSoN orHER rHAN rHE AUTHoRTZED uLrMArE coNstGNEE oR END-usERisi'riiHgn rri'iuein oryqiiinl Fonillr on ArilS ggllc lNcoRPoRArED lNro orHER rrEMS, wrrHour riRsr ogrRrrqrxe Rppnovh-l'inbrirHe u.b:'cdnEFi'uir'ENiiii{ As oinenwtsE AurHoRlzED BY u s' LAWAND REGULATIONS. 1 189.8C 19.1B 0.00 AL INVOICE C? ip TAX ERCHANDISEMNONSTOCKORONEXCHANGESNONDSREFUvtewtoalend-condilions-of-sVisithttpsJiwww Forquestions regarding this invoice please call 1-866-857-0295'GROSS 208.98SIGNATURE COPY ON FILERECEIVED BY: that the remlt to addross You ar€to tho address shown at the of thls lnvolce'Ploaso vorlfy Page 1 of 1 ,- sq#s161s CY /s 5552 East Washingion St. Phoenix AZ 85034 r..1RETURN SERVICE F-1 RE()I.JESTED ,,,.", 1-"1PLEASE REMIT TO: r'+ i '*."" i. jP.o Box 208439 1, ti r' " DALLAS, TX 7s320-9439{.- { ;\ L-.' - FtB \ h 'tt?l www'sunstateequiP'com w'nCIs' \\-i0 BRANCH IOCATIOI.! TRENCH/SEA 206-624-1422For bi lt i ns questions, please ca I I ss8-39g4tpat1\:L\J1" aoo Hdfr#ffi SCARSELLA BROS INC PO BOX 68697 SEATTLE WA 98168-0697 l,ll,llll,l,,l,llll;ll,;1;lll',,.,,lll,l,ll,.ll1l',,ll,,lllllllll GONTACT: DAVE 206-335-?-822 TERRITORY: 609 DRIVERS LIGENSE: LICENSE PLATE: JOB ADDRESS: S 192ND ST & 84TH AVE S KENT WA 98031 DEL. INSTRUCTIONS: CUSTOMER #: PHONE #: CONTRACT TYPE: INVOICE #: PO #: JOB #: JOB NAME: ORDERED BY: DATE/TIME OUT: DATEITIME IN: 1 61 634 253-872-7173 RENTAL RETURN 8741 654'001 3-122 3-122 SE 192ND ST /GENEN/12:00 210512112:00 PM 2logl21 8:00 AM PROCESSED BY: KRYSTELP RETURN LOC: 708 l"a )CIa to t oof I.oo (f oE r';!i;.,,i.; ';:r,;!i!1' g,.,f;i,:,..liii' . "ii. ' ,,.:'i i l.iiif i li::: PRICEDAYEQUIP# RAEWEEK 4 WEEKS 4 6 L 1 15 .00 l_5 2 t .00 32 0 0 0 SHOR 216.00 198.00 24.A0 55.00 33.00 24.O0 55.00 10.00 23.00 Uni t EA Pri ce 15 .000 SUB TOTAL CUSTOMER PROTECTION PLAN TAX TOTAL AMOUNT DUE SALES ITEMS: Qty Item number 1 ENV ENVTRONMENTAL CHARGE 79.44 58.00 134.00 s08.00 ** N/A ** 51.32 SH0RINC-4'x8' FINN FORM SHORINC-48" RELEASE TOOL SHORING-PUMP CAN_PLASTIC RENT CONTINUES UNTIL YOU CALL 206.624.1422 TO HAVE EQUIPMENT PICKED UP DA RATE 1.5% PER MONTH OR MAXIMUM RATE PERMITTED BY LAW ON DUE ACCOUNTS. A SERVICE'CLEANING CHARGE MAY RESULT DUE TO EQUIPMENT BEING RETURNED DAMAGED OR IN NEED OF EXCESSIVE CLEANING THE ENVIRONMENTAL FEE IS NOT REGULATED NOR GOLLECTED BY OR FOR ANY GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. UNLAWFUL FAILURE TO RETURN RENTED PROPERTY MAY BE A FELONY. FINES, CRTMINAL PROSECUTION, AND/OR IMPRISONMENT COULD RESULT. BY SIGNING BELOW IAGREE TO TERMS ON FRONT AND BACK OF THIS CONTRACT, IALSO ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIVING INSTRUCTIONS AS TO THE SAFE AND PROPER USE OF THE EQUIPMENT, IN ADDITION, I AGREE TO RECEIVE ELECTRONIC COMTVIUNICATIONS FROM SUNSTATE EOUIPMENT INCLUDING PHONE CALLS, EMAILS AND TEXT MESSAGES, TO READ MORE ABOUT THE TERMS OF USE PLEASE VISIT WWW Remrt lo: STAR RENTALS INC PO BOX 3875 SEATTLE WAg8124-3875 www.starrentals.com I lnvoice Closed Fri 21 512021 Terms Net 1Oth Returned Date Fri21 512021 12:11PM Fri21 512021 12:11PM lnvoice# 529864-33 Aging Date I Fri21512021 .+r r'' --a r" "' 1 -.' "*, 1 \ ... { ,, .r._" t \ \1"-'" FL'a 11 \t' .'t;- L'"j ?"t]?1 Bill to: SCARSELLA BROTHERS PO BOX 68697 SEATTLE WA981680697 Ordered By: DAVID JACOBS Qty Key ltems Rented Ser# 1 125.0050#G8221 HAMMER, BREAKER 60#, ELEC 79683 HILTI TE3OOO.AVR lday $85.00 lweek $240.00 4weeks $570.00 1 125.0050#G8434 HAMMER, BREAKER 60#, ELEC 82410 HILTI TE3OOO-AVR lday S85.00 lweek $240.00 4weeks $570.00 Customer#:147642 .,A.trO3,\\'iC' "r tre$EL\J" 1'' - Po #: 1665829bur" Job No: kent228th Date Out Fri21512021 Disc% Each; $18.50 Price $85,O0 $85.00 Price $18.50 Oty Key 1 015-0310-33 Items Sold .RESHARP CHIPPER ASPHALT CUTT;RS Current Net 1Oth Please pay from this invoice. Rental and Sales: t ' I $188.50 Total Amount: $2O7.54 Total Paid 253'854-3922 www,starrentals'com Open Monday through Friday 7:00 am to 5:00 PM, Closed Saturday + Sunday Pflntod On Mon 2/ 812021 6:33:g7AM Soflware by Point-of-Renlal Sottware M.point'of'rental com CY Fp !, od crd t, o !, o o I L_o: t lot * $19.04 , fot"l Ou" $2a7 '54 253-854-6582 Fax ."",,"".#,?*'j'Sll'?r?,fj $0.00 1830 Crrlg Park coutt at. trouI., lto 5'!1{5 tNvolcE nECi:lV[:n Invoi-ce * InvoLqe Date Account # Salee ReP Phone # Branch *302 fotal Anount Due R6Dlt Tor CORE & MAI}T LP PO BOX 28330sr. lours, uo N7 1133 9 2/09/2L 113813 TIIOMAS WAIJDMAN 253-840-5505 PuyalluP, WA $298.50 63 r.4 6 SCARSEIJIJA BROS INC ACCOI'NTS PAYABLE PO BOX 68697 SEAATT,E WA 98168-069? .^ !i,1I \. 3, Shipped rot CUSTOMER PICK-UP CUSTOMER ,JOB- 2A3OA7 So 192nd Swr 0o o/ 00 o0 00000 ttf|.,'r.L[nl Thuk You for lhe opportsliY Lo serve Youl Wa appr€cLata Your PromP! Palment' Dat€orderedDaleshlppedcuatomerPofi'obNameilob#Btllofr.adlagSh{ppedvia2/os/2\ 2/08);;""'" ;ffi-- so Le2nd swr M* wrlrlr CALIJ ouanbltvffi rnvolce* N7 r-13 3 9 Price U![ Extended Price Product Code 04 05 3 51"4 2706W06GG 2'7064G5 2706CO 27A6PM 75CO45 08lrsl,'; oeecrlpt{on 6 PVC SDR35 SWR PIPE (G) 1.41 6 PVC SDR35 SWR WYE GXG 5 PVC SDR35 SWR 45 GXSP 5 SDR35 CLEANOUT ADPT HXF L,/PL 6 PVC SWR CI,EANOUT PI,UG MTPT Btr LOCK STD PIJAN 45 C/O SWR WILL CALL MONDAY 2/8 42 1 1 1 1 I 42 1 1 1 I 1 2.75000 FT 47"00000 EA 25, 00000 EA 28.00000 EA 18.00000 EA 55.00000 EA 115.50 47.OA 2s.00 28.00 18.00 65.00 'I.n l, C)eoelo|oo gubbotal: Other:tax: IBvol.co Total: I t ao(I t 294, ffi 50 00fssighb DelJ'very Handllng ReBtock T6r[6t NET 30 Ord6rsd BYr RElin! EOWARD ' SB REPAIR Ul6c .00 s298. s0 fhl6 tEa.rdcblon i6 govoln6d by sd dubj.ct co cor. & ltalnrg atandalal tef,r ud condlblont, whlch 116 :lncorpotatsd by rgfercnc6 ud acogpt6d' ao rcvlow tlt6d€ t6tuB ud condltlonE' p16adc vlalgl htstpt//Ue'tc'coraaadnaln'con/ Page: 1 o00 00 FA Sheet No.2 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED ./>\-./ KENT Project Name:192nd E Side Sewer Repair Project No: 20-3007 Item No.:Date: 21812021 Description of Work: Prime Contractor: back to the mainline and install new 6" PVC side sewer to the ROW Scarsella Work by Subcontractor?: Sub-Contractor: STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTNAIUECODEOCCUPATIONHrsRateHrsOT Rate Kent H Foreman d 88.61 120.'18 $829.06 Dave J Foreman I 88.61 't20.18 o 829.06 Eddie D Ooerator I a2.91 111.69 $774.97 Jason W Pipelayer 8 61.81 85.1 1 $579.59 TvW Pioelayer I 61.81 85.11 I 579.59 Huck L Truck Driver I 73.49 0.5 98.42 s 637.13 Patrick P Truck Driver 0.25 73.49 1.5 98.42 $166.00 VanAH Truck Driver 98.42 $98.42 Martie L Truck Driver 0.5 73.49 o.75 94.42 $1 10.56 Douq P Truck Driver 98.42 o 98.42 SUBTOTAL - LABOR: LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29% LABOR TOTAL 702.80 $1 .61 EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNTEquipment #Equipment Rate 17-250 Cat 314 v 82.52 6 742.68 21429 Dump Truck 8.5 70.27 $597.30 9-106&2G65 Truck and Trailer 1.25 100.35 $125.44 9-103 &26-62 Truck and Trailer 'l 100.48 $100.48 9-104&2G61 Truck and Trailer 1.75 100.33 $175.58 9-107 & 26-66 Truck and Trailer 'l 99.65 $99.65 02-327 350 tool truck 9 23.71 $213.39 03-122 F450 truck 9 26.90 $242.10 SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% 62 $482.29 EQUIPMENT AL 778.91 ALS MATERIALS / SERVICES Quantity Units Unil Price DOLLAR AMOUNT Provac- #100035 1 ea $ 1,8s4.63 $1.854.63 Sunstate EquiPment # 8743746-003 1 ea $ 327.66 $5l LOO lcon Materials 1 ea $ 1,633.82 $1 ,633.82 Renton Recycle 145256 1 ea $ 86.10 $86.1 0 White Cap # 10013749438 'l ea $ 75.18 s 75.18 DeFMar Concrete cutting # 39635 1 ea $ 405.00 $405.00 SUBTOTAL OVERHEAD & PROFIT @21o/o TOTAL $4.382.39 $ 920.30 $ s,302.69 Verification of Hours Worked rorAL: $ 14,148.2 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work)$ SHEET TOTAL:1 148.213ontractois Representative -Z//.</o.rc 312912021 Representative Date 1946SCARSELLARECORD OF WORKWCONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:SUBCONTRACTORSTART WORKEND WORKP.O- Box 686s7S€t{e, wA 98168{697Ofice: (253)872-7173Fax (253)39!1209BID ITEM OR CHANGE ORDERBID ITEM OR CHANGE ORDERDESCRIPTION OFSECOND NER SUrcONTRACTORDouo PeaMrTnEk DrivqMartie LemonsTnEk DrivtrVan A Hurst-Tnrck DriverPatrick Polk-Truci( DriverHuck LeihwTrud( DiiverJason Walch - PiDelaysTv Wlliams - PioelaverEddie Dolan - OmBlorDave Ja6bs - FffemanKent HMrd - ForemanLABOR - Name. ClKificrtimo/IRFGo/TREGo/TREGonREGonREGonREGonREGo/TREGofiREGo/IREG1.0(0"740,5c1.001.500.250.508.mtoo8.OC10a8.0c1.'1.008.00HOURSs 98.42s$8.42s73.49g98.42$s*"42s73.49s98.42s 73-49s 85 11s61.81s95.'r r$61-81$ 111.69s E2.91$ 120"18$ 8E.61$ 120 18$ 88.6rHOTIRLY RATT$$$ssss$ r1.702"80$ 98.42$s 73.82s 36.75s 98.42ss 147.63s 18.37s 4921s 587-92s 85.11s 494.44s 45.11$ 494.48$ 111.69$ 663.28s 120.18s 708 88s 120.18s 704 88EXTENDEDAMOUNTSWhite Cao *100137494i8Del-Mar Con@te *39635Renton Condete #0145256lff Matarials3l62fl)R 3162m7 3t61S85 3162006SuNtate EouiDment {87.t374&003Pcvac *'l OOO35MATEN|AL9103 &2&629106 &2ffi59107 &26{6$104 &26$1g-5817-250o;}-12202-327EAUIP.NO-Tnrck &TBilerTruck & TEilerTruck &TEilerTrud( & TrailerDumo TruckCst 314Ford F45O Tml TtuckFord F350 PickuoEOUIPMENTOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNowNOWNOWNEM[?STDBYOPERSTDBYCPERSTDBY)PERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYCPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERiTDBYOPEROTY.1.00125't.0c1.758.509.009.0090cHOURSUNITcosr$ 100.48$ 100.35$ 99,6s 100,3:I 70.27$ 82.52$ 26.90s 2371HOURLYRATEs 4.382.39s 75.18$ 405"00s 86_10s 1 63342$ 327 86s I 85463EXTENDEDAMOUNTS$ 2.296.51$$$$ss 100.48$$ 125.4/ts$ 99.65$$ 175.58$$ 5973$$ 742.68$$ 242.10ss 213.39EXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBTOTAL VERIFICATIQNSUBTOTALSUBCONTRACTQR ONSITE REPRESENTATIVEDATESCARSELLA BROS.INC. ONSITE REPRESENTATIVEDATElitu of Kent2021Ol - S t92nd Strcet Semr Recir3ide s#r to ridht of wflExevate bad( to the main and insilrll nff 6" PVC side se\rcr and remove old @rele1mt:m$ ulililies end detemine €use of mdwn iailurc-,,aDo21OWNER I CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE 8RoTilt8C tXC.ARSELP"o Box 68697Seattle. WA 98'168-0697afttce: (253't872-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209SUBTOTAL LABOR:Out tt!.-at/rtZ- .t-rrr< e -Lrtix.Jz--aSUBCONTRACTORS$$$$$$bSUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER i CONTRACTOR:DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:'l-/ tlSUBTOTAL EOUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:4n .-tl{ff )o.4ASCARSELLA BROS,. INC" REPRESENTATIVEDATEL3-3aYEOUIPNO.9-69172<n>-lLLq-ruL':.t- -b3''t t -zL\-to77-tev74-611-ro j1A-l- ztt"l*g c'lh:.r t t^l<c.4r =of 4"e./,a-r 3i.-l \J.u'll-oot I""i.'/\tl- v*2D-rl Fit4L.-k TvkFl c lhx\<r^41lAt*ns /Ty/'latft a"2a.-. lrltqah\ T/.Lfup rnlord\p.'*.\e,rd.tl\oLJ'f!4r-N6i)^O a.;ltOr^r\STDBYOPEROPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERw- olqI77l-.) ctl"K9/5"\€" tnLIz$EQUIPMENTHOURSOWN orRENTAL?I{OURLYRATEEXTENDEDAMOUNTS$$$$n$$$$$($*$s$a$a$Ar", Pr,*- ^Tnk 0,w.-rvla-lr L-.,^< lrlc 0n^+Ltr- A. A.r IInL il,.o-rA+*"V A"iY YrY A,wIl,t,,V loJLod Trl< Dla*^r.Ta..^ lD4I;h PM-b.uo'ry lllit.'cr- s Piae-L-v,*E-lL+- CIJ"^, c.guavlw-fi ."r,n, To.;',Vr,'i4*.-r'.nW-^+ t-l.r-o,'1i f,'e",*-nLABOR - Name, Classificationo/TREGo/To/TDENonREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREG,)i'(I'11')EI9l1t'ltiHOURSLOADEDHOURLY RATEbb$$$$b$$$$$$b$$$$$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSlr/rt t, CS,gr- -: "tnue,fla_*cou., LV O h nn. .. r - Iaz>tL: ,/.*.at;ruLrJ A"*ll;,c.-r - Tu:t:'S hon,r* - fui'tel--MATERIALQTYUNITcosrac$cEXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAL THIS REPORT:% MARKUP MATERIAL:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:% MARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:% MARKUP LABORSUBTOTAL LABOR:% MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORSSUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:$so$$OWNER / Billing Address Scarsella Bros., lnc. PO Box 58697 Seattle, WA 98168 USA Pro-Vac PO Box 24351 Seattle, WA 98124 253-435-4328 lnvoice 100035 lnvoice Date 2/8/2O21 completed Dale 2/8/2O21 Customer PO to follow Per Kent Howard Job Address Scarsella Bros #2021 -01 1901 1 84th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 USA Description of Work ET to Hydro Excavate for an emergency sink hole with City of Kent Task # Travel To PWOP Description 2/8#100035 Travel To 2/8 #100035 PW - Operator Only Quantity 1.50 7.00 Your Price $185.00 $201.00 Your Total $277.s0 $1,407.00 Sub-Total $1,684.50 Tax $170.13 Total Due $1e54.63 Balance Due $1,854.63 Thank you for choosing Pro-Vac I hereby confirm that the work performed by Pro-Vac was of quality and in a timely manner 2/8/2021 concerns to my Job #100035 Driver Ticket Customer Name Scarsella Bros., lnc. Location Address 1901 1 84th Avenue South, Kent WA 98032 USA Technician Name Skinner, Boone Truck Nurnber PV495 Arrival Onsite Time B*30am Dump Out Completed Time 330pm Howmany loads did you dump 2 Extra Equipment Used Location Name Scarsella Bros #Emergenry Sink Hole in Road Today's Date 2/8/2021 Did you have a laborer? Ulr.lo Travel Stan Time 700am Site Departure Time 330pm Dump Location Name Customers yard Summary ET to hydroexcavate for sewer line repair 5552 East Washington St. Phoenix AZ 85034 RETURN SERVICE REOUESTED PLEASE REMIT TO: P.O. BOX 208439 DALLAS, TX 75320-8439 www. su n stateequ ip. c om 88*3p{wfib;lJvg tLB t 6 ?'lj?l p BROS' BRANCH LOCATION TRENCH/SEA 206-624-1422 For billing questions, Please call SCARSELLA BROS INC PO BOX 68697 SEATTLE, WA 98168-0697 SCPIRSEL\-h CUSTOMER # PHONE #: TYPE: INVOICE #: PO #: JOB #: JOB NAME: ORDERED BY: DATE/TIME OUT: DATE/TIME IN: 1 6{ 634 253-872-7173 RENTAL RETURN 8743746-A03 3-122 SE 192ND ST /KRYSTELPII l:47 2108121 11:17 AM 2lAgl21 8:00 AM CONTAGT: DAVE TERRITORY; 609 DRIVERS LIGENSE: LICENSE PLATE: JOts ADDRESS: S 192ND ST & 84TH AVE S KENT WA 9803'l DEL. INSTRUCTIONS: PROCESSED BY: I(RYSTELP RETURN LOG: 708 DAYEQUIP#PRICEWEEK 4 WEEKS SALES ITEMS: Qty ltem number 1" ENV ENVIRONMENTAL CHARCE DEL]VERY BY: ]USTIN t t_ 4 2 RE RE r_10.7018.00 t_5 .00 20 .66 48 44 60 10 5 SHORING-KIT SHO contract has custom rates applied. 5'-64 L94 88 Pri ce 1_5 .000 Uni t EA 297.60 ** N/A ** 30.06 SUB TOTAL CUSTOMER PROTECTION PLAN TAX TOTAL AMOUNT DUE l.Ot o ttot'oa/l. ool I OF ?t RENT CONTINUES UNTIL YOU CALL 206-624.1422 TO HAVE EQUIPMENT PICKED UP i+nr;r.-.}*:.-,n: I sr - MAXIMUM RATE PERMITTED BY LAW ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS. . A SERVICE/CLEANING CHARGE MAY RESULT DUE TO EQUIPMENT BEING RETURNED DAMAGED OR IN NEED OF EXCESSIVE CLEANING . THE ENVIRONMENTAL FEE IS NOT REGULATEO NOR COLLECTED BY OR FOR ANY GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. . UNLAWFUL FAILURE TO RETURN RENTED PROPERTY MAY BE A FELONY. FINES, CRIM]NAL PROSECUTION, AND/OR ]MPRISONMENT RESULTCOULD INSTRUCTIONSRECEIVINGACKNOWLEDGECONTRACTTHISALSOFRONTONBACKANDOFBYBELOWNGAGREETERMSTOSIGNIFROMOMMUNICATIONScAGREERECEIVETOELEGTRONICINENTADDITION,SAFETHE PROPERAND OFUSE EQUIPMTHETOAS THEABOUT RMSTE USEOFMORETOREADANDEMAILSMESSAGESTEXTPHONEINCLUDINGCALLS,ATESUNST EQUIPMENT THE VIIWW'SUNST .dffi 1 508 Val€nline Ave SE Pacific, WA 98047 Scalsella Brothers, lnc. PO Box 68697 Seatlle WA 98168-0897 acmunting@scsrsellabros.com Delivered To: 194TH ST & 84TH ST' KENT Date C8ode - Matedal Descrip REfi\ll'JET} FEB \ $ ?O?\ 60467 3162008 ozoSnl Customer Job: Page 1 of 1 20212'.1 ICON Malerials 1508 ValentineAve SE Pacific, WA 98047 20s.57$3200 QTY UM UnitPrice MatlTotal Tax Tolal Customer No: lnvoice No: lnv Date: Page: SCANS€tLA BFOS'\t ic' Plant:01500 Auburn S&G 0a08121 2375 -',! 1/4" - 0" cRUSHED RocK 02108121 487000 - Envkonmental Surdarge TON Totel lnvoicc: Ticket numbe(s) shipped from plant 01500 - Auburn S&G *303236 We Appreciate Yau and Your Business! .'Donit be the victim of cyher fnud! aur banking details witt tikely NEVER change. lf you rcceive any anespondence requesting a change in ow banking detaits, please @nlact us immediately at 50*53G3M2- Finance charges will be applied to any late invoic€s at a rate of 1.50/6 per month per credit agreement or lhe state's Lawful Amount lnvoico Arnount:361.22 Amouot Pald: 3'1.4'l 31.4'l 62.82 EA 11.00 0.50 345.51 1s.71 361.U2 345.51 15.71 361.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 Customer ilamol Customer No: lnvoics #: Date: Customer Job: ScaBel{a Btothers, lnc, 80487 3182008 ozu21 202121 lf you have any questions about your in\roice please call 206-5753200 Remit Payment To: ICON ilaterials POBoxT{2421 LoE Angeles, CA 90071 oni Duo Oate:o3110121 Ph.3! p@vidc yoor.m.ilrddE$ balowil you wuld likc totLd Gc'iving yourlnvolcer vL !m'il Gustomer No: lnvoice No: lnv Date: Page: 60467 3162007 02t08tz'l Page I of I 1508 Valondns Ave SE Pacilic, WA 980{7 Scarsella Brothers, lnc. PO Box 60697 Seattle WA S8168-0697 accounting@scarsellabros.com Delivered To: 194TH & 84TH ST, KENT Date C0ode - Material DescriP REf;U:"*rJ'eil F\:B lf} ?021 Customer Job: 202121 ICON Materials 1 508 Valentine Ave SE Pacific, WA 98047 296-57s3240 QW Ut4 UnitPrice llatlTotrl Tax Total 3CA'rtuEI.LA ERO$'\tlc. Plant:01500 Auburn S&G 02t08t21 2379 - 1 lr4'- o', CRUSHED RoCK 0U08l2i 487000 - Environmental Surdlarge 64.21 u.21 128.42 TON EA 11.00 0.50 706.31 32.11 738.12 706.31 32.11 73812 0.00 0,00 0.00Total lnvoice: -Iicket numbe(s) shipped from plant 015O0 - Auburn S&G-303229 '303235 We Appreciate You and Your Eusiness! "DonT be the victim of cyber fnud! Our banklng detaik will likety NEVER change. lf you receive any canespondence rcquesting a change in our banking delaits, please contact us immediately at 509'53&3042. Financa Charges will bo applied to any late invoic€s at a rate of 1-50lo per month per credit agreoment or the Slate's Lawful Amount lnvoico Amount:738.12 Amount Pald: cu3tomor Name: Customer Ho: lnvolcE #: Date: Customer Job: ouo Date: Scarsella Brolhers, lnc. 60467 3162007 oz8121 2A2121 lf you have any questions about your invoice please c€ll 206'5754204 Remit Payment To: |CON Matetlals POBox712421 Los Angeles, CA 90074 6il o3t10121 PleGe provid. your€mril rddcra bddif you would like lo tbil Ecllvlno yoqr invoicci vi' cmlll Customer No: lnvoice No: lnv Date: Page: 60467 3161S85 azna21 Page 1 of 1 1 509 valenline At s sE PacifE, WA 98017 Scarsella Brolhers, tnc. PO Box 68697 seatrle wA 98168-0697 accounting@scarsellabros.com Delivered To: 192ND ST & 84TH ST, KENT Date C6ode - Matedal Descrip rEEf,Ef{EP [tB \s ?t?\ gchP-$$IABP'o$', \Nc'ICON Materials I 508 Valentine Ave SE Pacific, WA s8047 206-575-3200 QTY UM UnitPlice ftlatllotal Tar Total Plant:01500 Auburn SEG 02108t21 2379 - 1 1/4'- 0" CRUSHED RoCX 0AA8n1 487000 - Environmental Sutchatge TON Total lnvolce: Ticket number(s) shipped from plant 01500 - Auburn S&G '303085 We Appreciate You and Your Buslhessl **Donl be the victim of cyber fraud! Our banking detaits witt likely NEVER change. lf you receive any conespondence rcquesting a change in our banking details, please contact us immediately 8t 509-536-3042' Finance Char0es will be applied to any lat6 invoices at a rate ot 1.5o/o per month per credit agreement of the Statds LaMulAmount lnvoicoAmount:162.73 Amount Pald: 14.15 14.15 28.30 11.00 0.50 155.65 7.08 162.7N 0.00 155.65 7.08 162,73 0.00 0,00 EA Customer !lame: Customer No: lnvoics f: Date: Oue Oate: Scacella Brothers, lnc. 60467 3'161S85 o2lsl21 lf you have any queEtions about your invoice please call 206-57$3200 Remlt Payment To: ICON Matedals POBox742121 Los Angeles, CA 90074 o3110121 Plcrs pevld. tour GRll lddtois balow ll you would llka lo !t d ncaivit! yodl lnvolcla vL tmail Customer No: lnvoics No: lnv Date: Page: 60467 3162006 o2t08/21 Page 1 of 1 1508 Valentne Ave SE Paclfic, WA 98047 Sca6ella Brolhers, lnc. PO Box 68697 Se€ttle WA 98168-0697 acc, untin g@scarsellabros.com Delivered To: 195TH ST, KENT Date C8ode - Material Descdp .ffrr Gustomer Job:. 2O2121 ICON Materials 1508 ValentineAve SE Pacific, WA 98047 206-575-3200 QTY UM Unit Ptlce trlatlTotal Tax Total efil).P'$9LLA BROS, \NC. Plant:01500 Auburn S&G 02twm 2379 - l l/4'- 0" CRUSHED ROCK 0208/21 487000 - Environmental SurdraEe 32.30 32,30 61,60 TON EA 1 1.00 0.50 355.30 1 6.15 371.15 0.00 355.30 16.15 371t5 0.00 0.00Tohl lnvoico: Ticket number(s) shipped lrom plant 01500 - Auburn S&G '303224 We Appreciate You and Your Eusiness! .,DonT be the victim of cyber fnud! Our banking detaits witt li4ety NEVER change. If you receive any conespondence requesting a change in our banking details, ptease contact us immediately at 509-536-3042. Finance Charges will be applied to any late invoicas at a rate of 1.5olo per month pet credit agreement or the State's Lalvful Amount lnvolceAmount:371.45 Amount Paid: custom€a l{am6: Gustome. No: lnvoice #: Oate: Customer Job: Scars€lla Brothers, lnc. 80/67 3162006 0',612'l 242121 lf you have any questions about your invoice please call 206-57S3200 Remit Payment To: ICON filaterials POAoxT42421 Los Angeles, CA 90074 Ous Oats:$t1at21 Pleai. pFvlda youa.fisil addrust below lf yo! would lika lo 3gtt Fc.ivlng yout lnvoicet via lmall 0000091 0l2r aa08t2t 0t4s256 INVOICE FtB t0 2021 SCARSELLA BROS' INC' nri EnnlvED Renton Goncrete Recyclers 22121 17th Ave SE, #1 17 BOTHELL, WA 98021-7404 t425t 4814{01 PHONE lrzsllgo-g346 FAx 202l2lll96TK sT & 84TH - AVE S SCARSELLA BROTHERS PO BOX 68697 SEATTLE, WA 96168 Tlcksi Dale 02t08t21Renton TotalPdooTlcket ll/ReferencaIten# 11.00 .00 44.00 ,1.10 4.00 .00 045938 04s938 CHB2'& SMALLBRw/RE 5% WASTE DISPOSAL S/ coN 2'-SM o a' DEI-MAR CONCRTTEcurrrNc&coRrNG - !$..f\152 lOoth St. S. e r' 1i*\\i"f \.*Ur Tacoma, WA 98444 G '*--\*r'i''- r " Ph#(258)587-O1O9i s'"- ^f ',n'Jl FAX # (25s1535-O6O? W.lJ i \' I'vb' 3,8.{, Invoice tt \G" 2-E JOB NO. 3e635 ao \J $-h BRog' DATETO T-7"9,EaK (ea r 7 CONTACT P JOB LOCATION AN TERMS: NET 30 DAYS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTEO' Q<;2-8-zt Mr'*J. 7o-a'l L,)4z -:/- OOt a1A FEES AND COLLECTION COSTS. DEFAULAT BEWILLBALANCEPREVIOUSAIDUNPTHEONFo5o/o1CHARGECEFINANA OR F SUITTSIFUcSTOMERMONTH.EACHOFETHENDDPUTEcoM Ro OWINGDUEINTERESTORPALPRINCITHEOFANYCOLLECTTOUGHTtsBROEYTTORNARREASONABLEMEsToUcYMACHARGEMARDELTHISBILL,UNDERCY tPt- AMOUNTDESCRIPTIONDATE ' {"\-\r'hDate: tWORK ORDERi',1ir*:\;i"'frl\'-.) \.1 43?::3)-r-xlt tI 00IIEL.IIiLN CONCH"TiI'EcuTTiltG & {rolilNc152100'rh st. sTacoma, WA 98444(253) 537-0109 Fax (253)535-0507F.<-.aeiii#.rf-Job #i'ier'f;'CcntactPhone #1lDESCRIPTIONDATE-.,r-ll],ilj*l(t,Any cobblestone, brick paving, sand cushion, dirUgravel layers, railroad ties, rails or othermiscellaneous materials or objects encountered during sawing/drilling operations will result inadditional chargesSignatute ol this work order will be considered your notice of our intent to lien this lroject ifnecessary. lnterest at 1.5% per month will be charged on all past due accounts.ln. / .tAAl,lrtf ('(ttr"r\ql\W.{*l:iwoRK oRpER: ,: {3?': irj" lC;*^ t- tt /,*-r-ui+-f-?'fTJob #IIEL.IT.IR CONCNETEctlrrlNc & {loltlltG ..e, !-"h11.$t152 100th sr. sContactTacoma, WA 98444(253) 537-0109 Fax (253)535-0507i.' "-;i- iPhone #fr.fi't ist-t(D€SCRIP'iIONDATEAny cobblestone, brick paving, sand cushion, dirt/gravel layers, railroad ties, rails or othermiscellaneous materials or objects encountered during sawing/drilling operations witl result inadditional charses f*)] - :rt .,tri. * ilSignature of this work order will be considered your notice of our intent to lien this project ifnecessary. lnterest at 1 .5% per month will be charged on all past due accou nts. INVOICE @lfyHlrEGAR BRANCH ADDRESS O3O . KENT (253) 51 8-0306 7820 SOUTH 21OTH STREET, SUITE 1O KENT WA 98032 KING TERRITORY: SHIP TO: 10000838472 KENT YARD 19440 B4T}{ AVE SOUTH KENT YARD KENT WA SBO32 HD Supply Construction SuPply, Ltd. PO Box 4944, Orlando, FL 328a24944 .:,i"li'\i' f if 5.1F'-:aa! II ;' I\,,; /..i i : :lA1 i;lf l L s, :'ll'1"1'i. llii : SOLD TO: 8623000 SCARSELLA BROTHERS PO BOX 68697 SEATTLE WA 98168.0697 . INVOICE NUMBER 1 001 3749438 :'rlNvolcE.DATE aztoBt2021 OUSTOMER'PO NUMBER 196TH % 84TH PTF TLQ SZS E REMIT PAYMENT TO; SU TRIAL . WHITE CAP sox 6040 cA 90630-0040 TAKEN BYNI MANAGEROROERED 8YORDEROROER MONTGOMERY, WALTER FLEE,CRAIG JKENT HOWARD41244109o2t08t2021 CUSTOMER JOB NO.'8HtP VtA / ROUTIN6. TERMSB&ANCH KENT YARD5. WALK INNET 30 DAYSI 0000838472030 TAX AMTQTY BKO QTY.SHPUNIT PRICEPART NUI{EEN DE6CruPNON,.UNE 1L LG THERMA FIT I SHOWA BEST LATED ATLAS GL 12 5.69 0 1t I.Oaa>tO / I l. Do l \-t THESE ITEIVS ARE CONTROLLED BY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT AND AUTHORIZED FOR EXPORT ONLY TO THE COUNTRY OF ULTtMATE DESTINATtoN FoR usE BY rHE uLTIMATE'CijNSrcNEE on eruo usrnls) l-EBFlNl?E\IllE^q rHEY MAY Nor BE RESoLD, TRANSFERREo oC b-ttEnwtsE DtsposED oF io INVbiHEn coururRv'oR ANY PERSON orHER rHAN rl'1E AUTH6RT2ED yLTTMATE 66NSTGNEE oR END-usER(sI elrnen rry +te inbntotrunl FoRM oR AFTER BEING INCORPORATED lNTo orHER trEMS, WtrHOUr rinbiibrnrr.rri'rc nppnovx['enonr*rHr u.s. covenruvENT oR AS OTHERWSE AtJrHoRlzED BY U.S" LAWAND REGULATIONS. 1 6B.2€ 6.SC 0.0c INVOICE of thls lnvolce. BY: ST CKo ERCHANM DISEoHANGt:,(\.ONtre NONNDSRREFUNO to vtews-of-salewhitecaVisithttp theatthetohownrosssaddareremlttheagreesuslngto'address yo AL GROSSFor questions regarding this invoice please call '1-866-857-0295. AL TAX SHIPPING NG SIGNATURE COPY ON I.-ILE 751 /) !t Npn Page 1 of 1 FA Sheet No.:3 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED ./>\-/ KENT Project Name 192nd Emergency Side Sewer RePair Project N 20-3007 Item No.:Date: 21912021 Description of Work:lnstall new 6"PVC side sewer to the ROW Prime Contractor: Scarsella Work by Subcontractor?: Sub-Contractor: STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTNAIVIECODEOCCUPATIONHrsRateHrsOT Rate Kent H Foreman 8 88.61 1 120.18 s 829.06 Dave J Foreman 88.61 'l 120.18 $829.06 Eddie D Operator o 82.9't 1 1 1 1.69 $774.97 Jason W Pioelaver I 61.81 1 85.1 1 $579.59 TvW Pioelaver 8 61.81 1 85.1 1 $579.59 ;olin F Foreman I 88.61 1 120.18 $829.06 Douqlas B Truck Driver 8 73.49 o.25 98.42 s 612.53 VanAH Truck Driver 98.42 $ Martie L Truck Driver 73.49 98.42 $ P Driver 98.42 $ SUBTOTAL - LABOR: LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @29'/o $I 82 LABOR TOTAL EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNTEquipment #Description Rale 17-250 Cat 314 I 82.52 $742.68 17-276 Cat Hoe c 1'10.15 $991.35 9-106&2665 Truck and Trailer 100.35 $ 9-103 &26-62 Truck and Trailer 100.48 $ 9-1or'&2G61 Truck and Trailer 100.33 $ Sep-58 Dump Truck 8.25 70.27 $579.73 02-327 350 tool truck o 23.71 $213.35 03-122 F450 truck 9 26.90 $242.10 SUBTOTAL. EQUIPMENT $ 2,769.25 EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21%581.54 EQUIPMENT TOTAL $3,350.79 MATERIALS / SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT sunstate # 8743198-00'l 1 ea $ 818.05 $818.05 Sunstate Equipmeni # 8744880-001 'l ea g 210.74 $210.74 $ $ $ $ SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD&PROFIT@21% TOTAL o 1,028.79 $216.05 1,244.84 Verification of Hours Worked rorAL: $ 11,089.31 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work)$ 6t/ SHEEr rorAL: $ 11,089.31-4//' o"rc 312912021Contractol's Date SCARSELLA,i-))RECORD OF WORKCONTRACT NAME,OWNER /SUBCONTRACTORSTART WORKP.O. Box 68697Seat{e, WA 98168-0697O4ftc: (253) 872-7173Fax: (253)39$1209SUBTOTAL VERIFICATION SUBCONTRACTORS:END WORK DATEBID TTEM OR CHANGE ORDER DESCRIPTION:BID ITEM OR CHANGE ORDER*:OESCRIPTION OFDATEDATESUBCONTRACTOR ONSITE REPRESENTATIVESUARSTLTA AROS.INC. ONSII E REPRESENTATIVESUBTOTAL21% MARKUP MATERIAL:21% MARKUPSUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:$$ 11.089.30$ 216.05581$ 5.033.85s--lEd3',t$$Citv of Kentlnslall new 6" PVC and dear out in plae of broken concrete line1.001:bose utilities and determine €u* of rcadwav tailuE.2/9.nO21SECOND NER SUBCONTRACTORDouqlas Bom - Truck DriverCollin Fletdrer - FomanJason Wald) - Pioelaverfv Williams - PiDelaverEddie Dolan - OoeEtorDave Ja6bs - ForemanKent Hil€rd - ForemanLABOR - Name. Clasificaliono/TREGo/TREGonREGo/TREGonREGofiREGotfREConREGo/IREGafiREG0.258.m1.008.001.@a.m1_00a.0ct"0c8."00HOURSs 98.42s 73.49s 120.18$ 88.61$ 85 11$ 61t1$ 85.11s 61_81s 't1169s 82-Sl$ 120.18s 88-51s 120.18$ 88.61IOURLY RATs$$Uss$ 5.033.86$$s$$cS 2/t.61s 587.92$ 120"18s 708.88$ 85.11$ 494.48$ 85.11s 494.48s r11.59s 66328$ 120.18s 708-88$ 120.18$ 708.88EXTENDEDAMOUNTSSunstate Eouioment *87!188GO01Sunstale Fouioment *S743 1 9&mlMAIERIALSUBTOTAL0$5817-27617-250ou12202-327EQUIP.NO,Mack DumpCat HoeCal 314Ford F450 Tool TruckFord F350 Pi{:kupEOUIPilENTowNowNowNOWNOWNRENT[?STDBYOPERSTDBYCPERSTDBYOPERSTOBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYCPERSTDBY)PERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYCPEROTY.8, 70,27s '110.15$ 82.52s 26"90$ 23.71HOURLYRATEs 1.028.79sss 210_74s 818 05EXTENDEDAMOUNTS$ 2.769.25ss$s$!$ss$$s 579.73ss 991_35s 742_68$5 242.10$s 213_39EXTENDEDAMOUNTSOI^NER / CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEOATE 880|lft8$ $tCARSELDAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTMCT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:P.O" Box 68697Seattle, WA S8168{697Ofiice: (253) 872-7173Fax (253) s95-1209SUBTOTAL LABOR:SUBGONTRACTORS$s$$bb$SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORSa/ttSCARSELLA BROS", INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATEl)^u"\ot,8o*^ TJt h^.rLtl," Fl,.lrL'r E* ^ar.Y..,r- t^t,-it i\^ fi*.|*r"nTf r,rli\i r,,,rng Pvi"^*rElPn fLio-OO.,ruL^Qorn- E,;n, 'r*-n^nl/"*'lh,oJ t^.,^LABOR . Name, Classificationo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGonREGo/TREGn\fgc,IgisIk,aIgLOADEDHOURLY RATE$$b$b$$$aq.$$b$$b$I$c$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSQ-rEl)- a>tl7'xs-ts3'lLL2- 3a7EQUIPNO.7n',t t*t*;kt*r ila-t*r sO{ N.LC*r e t,/ tk-n- r ).*k/rrct ltu<EQUIPMENTnLtAOar;rAQ.^tt5r:r.\Oav,\OWN orRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPER11, zr7q7C*HOURSHOURLYRATEsc$$$cs$sc$c$$$$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBTOTAL EOUIPMENTSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:9l* :/ E** t - b.-*.,9A** - Z^,*'MATERIALQTYUNITcosr$$$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAL THIS REPORT:% MARKUP MATERIAL:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL% MARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT% MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR:% MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:$b$$$bDOWNER /ATIVE'2ztL.r occz Ea$t vva$ntngton 5L ".rJ qF\phoenix Az 85034 "*" t\ [ "F,,-l.J RETURNSERVICE ** I,O \''' \ \.9 "' REoUESTED ftH \.J \" nrn tl ?t?\ P.O. BOX 208439 DALLAS, lX 75320-8439 www. s u n stateequ i p. com sRos' \\.\c BRANCH LOCATION TRENCHISEA 206-624-1422For billing questions, please call 888-3994826 qChR$EUIJH lse l!ffiffi SCARSELLA BROS INC PO BOX 68697 SEATTLE WA 98168-0697 lIrlI'rllilltrtr,l,lr.,ill,ll,trlllril,rtlt,.l.,tlllll,rllll,fu l. oaodt 6,.o" I l.oatl oF c?(w CUSTOMER #: PHONE #: CONTRACT TYPE INVOICE #: PO #: JOB #: JOB NAME: ORDERED BY: DATEITIME OUT: DATE/TIME IN: 161634 253-872-7173 RENTAL RETURN 8743198-001 3-122 SE 192ND ST /DANVE/0B:30 2108121 B:30 AM 2109121 8:00 AM CONTACT: DAVE J 206-335-282? TERRITORY: 609 DRIVERS LIGENSE: LICENSE PLATE: JOB ADDRESS: S '192ND ST & B4TH AVE S KENT WA 98031 DEL. INSTRUCTIONS: PROCESSED BY: KRYSTELP RETURN LOG: 708 DAYQTYUIP#WEEK 4 WEEKS ENVIRONMENTAL CHARCE DELIVERY CHARGE DELIVERY BY: RICK This contract has custom rates applied. L5.00 12 s .00 25 .20 60. 30 145.80l-0 1 8 CORNER 603.00 N/C Uni t EA Pri ce ls.000 743.04 ** N/A ** 75.05 818.05 SUB TOTAL CUSTOMER PROTECTION PLAN TAX TOTAL AMOUNT DUE SALES ITEMS: Qty Item number1 ENV ALUMINUM-2'x8' PANEL-MAPS ALUMINUM-38"-59" MAPS AD] SPREADER RENT CONTINUES UNTIL YOU CALL 206.624.1422 TO HAVE EQUIPMENT PICKED UP A SERVICE/CLEANING CHARGE MAY RESULT DUE TO EQUIPMENT BEING RETURNED DAMAGED OR IN NEED OF EXCESSIVE CLEANING THE ENVIRONMENTAL FEE IS NOT REGULATED NOR GOLLECTED BY OR FOR ANY GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. UNLAWFUL FAILURE TO RETURN RENTED PROPERTY MAY BE A FELONY. FINES, CRIMINAL PROSECUTION, AND/OR IMPRISONMENT COULD RESULT.. BY SIGNING BELOW IAGREE TO TERMS ON FRONT AND BACK OF THIS CONTRACT. I ALSO ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIVING INSTRUCTIONS AS TO THE SAFE AND PROPER USE OF THE ESUIPMENT. IN ADDITION, I AGREE TO RECEIVE ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS FROM SUNSTATE EQUIPMENT INCLUDING PHONE CALLS, EMAILS ANO TEXT MESSAGES. TO READ MORE ABOUT THE TERMS OF USE a OF MAXIMUM RATE PERMITTED BY LAWON PAST DUE PLEASE 7 490200.202 I O20 4 62 I O 1.00 1 99 PAGE: I OF 1 5552 East Wast\ington St. Phoenix AZ 85034 RETURN SERV|CE RFQUESTED . ..- ,i' a \-" ir \r'' \ "-r'!. \r L,' For billing questions, please call SBS-399'af{lS PLEASE REMIT TO: P.O. BOX 2A8$9 DALLAS, TX 75320-8439 www. su n stateeq u i p. c omsgx$ffi ,.. ri*t,," f,'.,.,t l \ . I '\{ !- .},', li -1. - BRANCH lO*ClIloJ't TRENCH/SEA 2A6-624-1422-l tt ?$?1 BRCI$' \i'i SCARSELLA BROS INC PO BOX 68697 SEATTLE, WA 98168-0697 #:P'F'$E\J'h CUSTOMER #: PHONE #: CONTRACT TYPE: INVOICE #; PO #: JOB #: JOB NI\ME: ORDERED BY: DATE/TIME OUT: DATE/TIME IN: 1 61 634 253-872-7173 RENTAL RETURN 8744880-001 3-122 192ND SE 192ND ST DAVE/DANVE/10:00 2logl21 10:00 AM 2lOSl21 4:00 PM CONTACT: DAVE JACOBS TERRITORY: 609 206-335-2822 DRIVERS LICENSE: LICENSE PLATE: JOB ADDRESS: S 192ND ST & 84TH AVE S KENT WA 98031 PROCESSED BY: KRYSTELP RETURN LOC: 708 DEL. INSTRUCTIONS: DAY PRICEWEEK 4 WEEKSEQUIP# PMENT 176.40l_8 .00 1_5 .00 L04-KIT SHORE 1.5 Uni t EA Pri ce 1"5 .000 ENVIRONMENTAL CHARCE This contract has custom rates applied.191.40 ** N/A ** 19.34 210.74 SUB TOTAL CUSTOMER PROTECTION PLAN TAX TOTAL AMOUNT DUE SALES ITEMS: Qty ftem number 1 ENV I. OJ o ztot .oo lr.oaloA cr ,1, ,t'il:::.,.;;;r '.:'- ii:i'" !l'i;i::.ri...i ::r,: ,i'r'.:l' l. ":. 1::;'':.i1:f i.i:;:ll'!l- RENT CONTINUES UNTIL YOU CALL 206-624.1422 TO HAVE EQUIPMENT PICKED UP INVOICE CHARGES AT RATE OF 1 THENET 30 MAXIMUM RATE PERMITTED BY LAW ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS. . A SERVICE/GLEANING CHARGE MAY RESULT DUE TO EQUIPMENT BEING RETURNED DAMAGED OR IN NEED OF EXCESS]VE CLEANING . THE ENVIRONMENTAL FEE IS NOT REGULATED NOR COLLECTED BY OR FOR ANY GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. . UNLAWFUL FAILURE TO RETURN RENTED PROPERTY MAY BE A FELONY. FINES, CRIMINAL PROSECUTION, AND/OR IMPRISONMENT COULD RESULT.. BY SIGNING BELOW I AGREE TO TERMS ON FRONT AND BACK OF THIS CONTRACT. I ALSO ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIVING INSTRUCTIONS AS TO THE SAFE ANO PROPER USE OF THE EQUIPMENT. IN ADDITION, I AGREE TO RECEIVE ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS FROM SUNSTATE EQUIPMENT INCLUDING PHONE CALLS, EMAILS AND TEXT MESSAGES. TO READ MORE ABOUT THE TERMS OF USE REGARDING THESE COMMUNICATIONS. FA No.4./>\-/ KENT 1 HrsCODEOCCUPATIONNAME Project Name 1 92nd Emeroencv Side Sewer Project No:20-3007 Prime Contracior: Scarsella OVERTIME OT Rate STRAIGHT TIME Hrs side sewer to the street Description of Work:ofthe new6"leted the Cleaned mailine DOLLAR AMOUNT DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED Work by Subconlraclor?: Sub-Contractor: Item No.:Date: 211 708.88s120.18888.6 !ForemanKent H $708.88120.18888.61ForemanDave J 663.28$82.91 I 1 '1.69IOperatorEddie D $494.4885.1 1I61.81PioelaverJason W 494.48$61.81 85.118PiDelaverTvW s 354.44120.18488.61ForemanColin F 98.42 532.80$73.497.25Truck DriverDouqlas B J 686.3498.42I73.49Truck Driverlvan C 98.42 466.08$58.266TCSUriah C $98.42fruck DriverDouo P LABOR TOTAL OPERATED STANDBY Rate SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $ LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29o/o $1,481,80 109.66 EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHIVIENTS Equipment #Description DOLLAR AMOUNT 660.1 6$I 82.5217-250 Cat 314 440.60$1 10.154Cat Hoe17-276 895.59$I 99.51Truck and Trailer9-102 &26-67 $100.48Truck and Trailer9-103 &26-62 U100.33Truck and Trailer9-104&2S61 s 509.467.25 70.27Dump Truck9.-58 189.68$23.718350 tool truck02-327 215.20$I 26.90F450 trucko$122 SUBTOTAL. EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ 61 1.24 $ 3,521.93 2.910.69$ unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNTQuantityUnitsMATERIALS / SERVICES 1.322.30$ea s 't,322,3OProvac# 100370 1,836.70$ea $ '1,836.70Lakeside lndustries # 150704 236.72sea$ 236.72Herc Rentals # 31939682-00',l 375.00$ea $ 375.00Del Mar #39640 $ U SUBToTAL $ 3,770.72 OVERHEAD & PROFfi @21% 4,562.57 $791.85 TOTAL $ Verification of Hours Worked .4// Date ' oarc312912021 12% IVIARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work) sHEEr rorAL: $ 14,675.96 14.675.96 ttt& t/ $ TOTAL: $ Pay Date: By: SCARSELLARECORD OF WORKuCONTRACT NAME. NO.:OWNER /SUBCONTRACTORSTART WORKEND WORKSECOND TIER SUBCONTRACTORUriah Comell - TCSDouolas Bom - Truck Driverlvan CrumoiorTruck DriverCollin Fletcher - Foreman-lason Wel(*1 - PioelaveaTv Vvilliams - PioelavetEddie Dolan - OEEtorKent Howatd - ForemanLABOR - Name, Classificationo/IREGonREGofiREGo/TREGo/TREGonRFGanREGo/'tREGo/TREGonREG8.m? "241.0c8.0c4,m8.008.0c8.0!8.008_00HOURS)TAIASOR:$ 58"25s 73.49s 98"42s 73.49s 88.61$ 61.81s 6t81$ 82.91$ 88.61s 88"51OURLY RAlsssss$$ 5.109.66ess$ 455-08s$ 532.80$ 98.425 587"92$$ 354.,14$$ 494"48ss 4911.48s 663 2A$I 708"88$$ 708"88EXTENDEDAMOUNTSDelMar#e9640:lerc Rentals RollertKtl9396a2-001akeside lndustries #1 50704PrGvac *l 00370MATERIAL09102 &264709-58't7-276't7-250fl3-12202-327EQUIP.NO.Dump Truck & TEilerDumD TruckCat HoeCat 314Ford F450 Tool TruckFord F350 PickuoEOUIPMENTOWNOWNo\ /NowNo\NOWNRENTAL?STDEYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTNBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPFRSTDNYOPFRSTDEYSPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPEROTY.9.007254.OC8.008"0(8.0cHOURSUNITcosrs 99.51s 70.27s 1 10.15s 82.52$ 26"90s 23.71HOURLYRATEs 3.770.72$ 375.00$ 236.72s 1_836.70s 1.322.30EXTENDEDAMOUNTSs 2.910.59ss$sssbss 895.59$s 509.46$s 440.60ss 660.16s$ 21520$s 189 68EXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBTOTAL VERIFICATIONSUBTOTALP.O. Box 68697Seatile, wA 9816&0697Office: (253) 872-7173Fax (253)39$t209SUBCONTRACTOR ONSITE REPRESENTATIVESCARSELLA BROS"INC. ONSITE REPRESENTATIVEBID ITEM OR CHANGE ORDERBID ITEM OR CHANGE ORDER #:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:DATEDATETOTAL THISi REPORT:'296 PRIME MARKUP:SI'ATOTALSUBTOTAL MA"'ERIAT:2tq6 MARnIP MATERIA|I29% MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL EOUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL LAEOR% MARKUP FOR SUBCONTRACTOS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORSs14,675.97$$ 14,675.97s 3.770.72s 791.85s t.481.80$ asm.65's 611.24s 5.'109.66202101 - S. 192nd Slreet Smr RePairCity of Kentiinished seurer instEll-oreo for asDhalt oave. dean up, open street.Jet dean line\1.001Expose utilities and deteminefailu€-2t10no21OWNEfT / UQN I RA(; I OT< F(EtsRtsst$IIATIVEDATE 8801lrcft8nE.ARSELDAILY FORCE ACCOUNT 1 EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME, NO":OWNER/ CONTMCTOR:DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:P.O- Box 68697Seattle. WA 98168-0697Ofiice: (253) 872-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209SUBTOTAL LABOR:t4's,iM - Us^r.7rltSUBCONTR.ACTORS$$$$$$$SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:SCARSELLAREPRESENTATIVEDATEto2loitD,^Jc-V. Co,.rv.ll ft>L,r i\,rn fLLt,r f<,taas0r-rl*i 0*',. fit 0nr".rI*^ C,rrn.:{rrn 7rL 0flrrc5*r. t.r*\aL.- P;pl*',TY t",,lilla"" s ni\)a^,ortlL;e- 0r\on One,r.*,cD"^^,t )..crh , f.rc-r.n,d.,{- }l.,,*-iL F,n*,nnLABOR - Name, Classificationo/TREGo/TPtr1:o/TREGo/TREGo/TREGolTREGoffREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGauf,t<tgIEggIHOURSLOADEDHOURLY RATEsc$$$s$$$D$$$$$$$$b$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSi7-r>t9-sg7t-tt,/-tozl7r<z3-iLza-}r7EQUIPNO.t,Lt il^,A'bL Ov^ R^LtD'*r 7,-lrAu*n 7r^"tic*lhni-u. O.,*.r 7nkr Lr =n{ 'rL'LAt 3irt tl",'Ta.'t *|-nlc.'f^*'l 'TlrVEQUIPMENT/"*)')dy'l\Or;oi\&tN(,j^]t-.,aOWN otRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPER?z)<'gqc*gHOURSHOURLYRATEDa$ba$$$$$$$$$$b5$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBTOTAL EOUIPMENTSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:l+tl^,,MATERIALtL - f,n,t*.,tQTYUNITcosT$$$QEXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAL THIS REPORT:_o/o MARKUP MATERTALSUBTOTAL MATERIAL% MARKUP EQUIPMENTSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT% MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR:_% MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORSSUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:$D$c$a$$OWNER /TIVE'-,L.TEar s Pro-Vac PO Box 24351 eattle. WA 98124 253-43s-4328 lnvoice 100370 lnvoice Dale 2/10/2021 Completed Date 2/10/2021 Customer PO Job Address Scarsella Bros #2021 -01 1 901 1 84th Avenue South Kent WA 98032 USA Billing Address Scarsella Bros., lnc. PO Box 68697 Seattle, WA 98168 USA Description of Work ET to clean and jet 15" main sewer Task # Travel To PWOL #400 Description 2/10 #10037O Travel To operator and laborer 2/10 ffi01370 PW - Operator & Laborer zfi0 ffiA0370 Disposal Quantity 1.00 2.50 1.00 Your Price $201.00 $242.00 $39s.00 Your Total $201.00 $605.00 $39s.oo Sub-Total Tax Total Due $ 1 ,201 .00 $121.30 $13rr3O Balance Due $1,322.30 Thank you for choosing Pro-Vac I hereby confirm that the work performed by Pro-Vac was of quality and in a timely manner 2/1012021 2/10/2a21 ii,l"!-iiipeaed all the work performed by Pro-Vac.and understand that I have been qiven the opportunity to address any concerns rpoardino the work p"rform"l]i liuv" fouia no.such .o*.t*, or ihese .on."rnt wer'e addressed by the Pro-Vac operator to my ;;ii;i;iiil.-Mt sis'iliure Jignifies my full acceptance of all work performed' Job #100370 Driver Ticket Customer Name Scarsella Bros., lnc. Location Address 19011 84th Av,enue South, Kent, WA 98032 USA Technician Name Mangan, Cody Truck Number Pv 495 Arrival Onsite Time 630am Dump Out Completed Time 9am How many loads did you dumP 1 Extra Equipment Used Location Name Scarsella Bros #Emergency Sink Hole in Road Today's Date 2/10/2021 Did you have a laboref M f.lo Travel Start Time 530am Site Departure Time 8am Dump Location Name PvZyard Summary Et to jet sewer line {{ lit5$lffi" , \ {<*'rNew Remit Address for physical checks a f\f: tfJ E"U Remit ro: brJ,Llf1iakeside rnourSlE(Jl- r ' . seatue, wA e8124-5143 tEB \ 9 ?t?1 Kent Division tNvolcE 150744 scr'Rs 6L\-h BROg Delivered To: 'I.**PLEASE NOTE - OUR REMITTANCE ADDRESS HAS CHANGED'}** We welcome your EFT payment (ACH and Wire). Please contact AR@ lakesideindustries'com to enroll' $ic\ Sold To: Scarsella Bros lnc PO Box 68697 Seattle, WA 98168-0697 Tax lnvoice Date: Customer No: Job #: 02113t21 1 00999 202121 PO #: MATERIAL: 02110121 02110121 Total : MATERIAL: 02t10t21 TOIAI: WA CLASS B MODIFIED MATERIAL: 520 - TACK BUCKET A}fil21 4061386 ' Kent AsPhalt Plant 106. WA CTASS B MODIFIED 4061385 - Kent AsPhalt Plant 4061398 ' Kenl Asphalt Plant TACK BUCKET 522. LIQUID ASPHALT BUCKET 4061387 / Kent AsPhalt Planl 22.100 TON 1.000 EA $ 65.00 1.000 12.050 TON $ 10.050 TON $ 1.000 1.000 EA EA $ 70.00 EA 77.00 77.00 927.85 773.85 1,701.70 1,701 .70 65.00 65.00 70.00 70.00 1,836.70 0.0a 71712 0,00 71712 0.00 0.00 927.85 773.85 Total: LIQUID ASPHALT BUCKET Total: CustJob: 202'121 0.00 1,701.70 a.00 71712 0.00 65 00 65.00 0.00 65,00 0.00 71712 0.00 70.00 70.00 0.00 70.00 0.00 1,830.700.00 Total lnvoice:0.001,836,70 0.00 1,836.70 I l.0)oelol l.ool M Payment Type: On Account 0 PayTerms 10th Total: $ 1,836.70 Kent Division . 18808 sE 257th street - covington wA 98042 * 206'343'7375 Page 1 of 1 ffipentals*CUSTOMER COPY ORIGINAL INVOICE 2ll0l2l AMOUNT DUEI ililllt lril lllllllilllllilllilllfi llilllllllllillillllillllillllilllilllilllil $ Page 1 31 939682-001 236.72Res/Quote Number: 53328376 PAYMENT TERMS ARE DUE UPON RECEIPT LATE CHARGES MAY APPLY Customer is responsible for FUEL, FLATS' DAMAGE and cLEANUP FEES. 1?H{:EIV SCARSELLA BROTHERS INCORPORATE lnvoice Number: CUSTOMER NUMBER RENTAI, HOURSI INVOICE FROM DATE: INVOICE THRU DATE: 6677366 PO BOX 68697 SEATTLE,WA 98168"0697 i;3 25 2g?1 MAIL PAYMENT ro: HERC RENTALS INC. PO BOX 936257 :i0F.FISEL!-A F,n*S" tltu' ATLANTA, cA 311e3 RENaED FROMs HgRc RENTALS ( 72LI 5055 4TH AVE, S. SEATTI,E. WA 98134 Ph:206-934-5700 Faxt205-767 -8275 Po# : .]OB NUMBER : RENTAL START DATEI DELIVERED BY: ORDERED BY: SIGNED BYI SALES REP: CLOSED BY: KENTY SEWER S 192ND KENT 2/tO/21 8;30 CUSTOMER MATT, SCARSEL],A WET SIGNATURE HOUSE ACCOUNT GABRIEL D. TORRES To insure accurate and tlmely posting, detach and send top portion with your payment 5 .13 8:31 13:38 oriqil}al AdiustmenEs TOLAl RENTAL CHARGES RPP 15t of RenL Chgs TAXABLE CHARGES TAX TOTAI, CHARGES 215.00 32.25 247 .25 24.98 215.00 32.25- 3.26- 35.51.- 247 .25 236.72 NET DUE 236.12 SIIIPPING ADDRESS! KENT .'OB 22598 76TH AVE S KENT, WA 98032 2/ra/2t z/ro/2r HRs/ MlN HOUR DAY WEEK 4 WEEK AMOUNT AMOUNT ENCLOSED:$ QTY EQUIPMENT # ]. ROLI,ER R]DE-ON SMOOTH 35IN DBL 1 TON GAS 800089488 Make: WACKER Model: RD12A-90 1502820 Houre Free: HR OUI|: 31?.500 HR fN: 318.800 TOTAL; FREE:8.000 EXCESS:0 Customer Number: (. o eo ? rrr.oof ('aotf otF 81 21s.00 3s.83 Ser #: 2428116L 1.300 21s.00 500.00 B 40 1800.00 160 215.00 6677366Res/QuoteNumber:5332sg76lnvoiceNumber:31939682-001 For GREAT DEALS on USED EQ(JIPMENT - Visit us at 'HercRentals'com '/* lnvoice Date: 2110121 DEI-MAR CONCR'ETE CUTTING & CORIITG r52 rooth st. s. Trcoma, trIA 98444 Ph # (253) 637-(}l(t9 FAX # (253) 535-O5O7 ffi$.il*:''1"'AVoice 3e64q NO. ")//e-3c o7 T r';B t fi '/'t?J TO 5-E-t 5i"ilp,1'1fi L1\,.i-A DATE nn-*$, li1iil' 7-/o" ft)6 K-f CONTACT PERSON 6 JOB LOCATION TERMS: NET30 DAYS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ( a-4/) ,cP 7s1ce> oaodo(.oo FEES AND COLLECTION COSTS. FAULTS BEWILLBALANCEPREVIOUSNPAIDUNoTHE1OF.5o/oCEFINANCHARGEA IF sulTORDEcIFUSTOMERNTH.MODENEACHOFTATHEPUTEDcoM OWINGORDUEORNTERESTNCPRIIPALOFYTHELLECTcoANTOBROUGHTABLENTTORNEYAREASOEBCUSTOMEYMARGCHAL.MARDETHDERtsUNBILL,._fo ,TO DESCBIPTION AMOUNTDATE FA Sheet No.:./>\./ KENT DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED Prime Contractor: Scarsella Project Name:'t 92nd Description of Work:Preooed and ooured drivewav Project No: 20-3007Emeroencv Side Sewer Work by Subcontractor?: No Sub-Contractor: Item No.:Date: 212512021 LABOR STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsOT RateHrsHourly RateOCCUPATIONNAMECODE o 354.44120.18488.61ForemanKent H 120.18 $88.61ForemanDave J 165.82$1 'l 1.69282.91OperatorEddie D 85.1 1 $61.81PioelaverJason W 123.62$85.1 1261.81PipelaverTvW 120.1888.61ForemanColin F $73.49 98.42Truck DriverDouqlas B $232.940.5 98.422.5 73.49Truck Driverohn C 233.O4$54.26 s8.424TCSUriah C $94.42Truck Driver OPERATED STANDBY Rate 1 109.86 321.86 72LABOR TOTAL $ LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29olo EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment #Description DOLLAR AMOUNT SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $ 59.66229.83Deere 50 $1 10.15Cat Hoe17-276 $99.51Truck and Trailer9-102 &26-67 $100.48Truck and Trailer9-103 &26-62 $ 221.82$73.94Cal Hoe09.-98 94.84$4 23.71350 tool truck02-327 57.16$4 14.29TCS Truck02-259 SUBTOTAL - EOUIPMENT EOUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL 524.51$ $ I 433.48 9r.03 Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNTQuantityUnitsMATERIALS / SERVICES $ 25.00 25.00$1 eaRenton Recycle $ $ $ $ $ SUBTOTAL OVERHEAD & PRQFff @21o/o TOTAL 25.OOs $ $ 5.25 30.25 Verification of Hours Worked - oarc3129/2021.t7''/-.- ( Dete 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work) ).; t $ 986.48TOTAL: $ 1 sHEEr rorAL: $ 1'986.48 EPay Date: By: 1946SCARSELLARECORD OF WORKP O 8ox68597seatile. wA 981684697Offica: (253) 872-7173Fd: (253) 39t12oeSUBTOTAL VERIFICATIONSUBCONTRACTOR ONSITE REPRESENTATIVESCARSELTA BROS lNC ONSiTE REPRESENTATIVEBID ITEM OR CHANGE ORDERBID ITEM OR CHANGE ORDERDESCRIPTION OFSUBTOTALDATEDATECONTRACT MME, NO.:OWNER /CONTMCTOR:SUSCONTRACTORSTART WORKENDWORKSUBTOTAL(qf;u'Ub7D5DO21;ity of Kent,o?1ol - S 1!Dnd Srd Serer ReoeirP€ooed and oou€d drivsaY btrJ(t 001ErDos utilities and detemino €us of r@dwav failure.5Tv l^rilliams - PielaverFddie Dolen - OFratuKent Hilard - Fo€manJohn Chaoman-Truck Driverljriah Comell - TCSRECo/rREEonRFGonREGU\EOR - Name- Cla$il{crtionREGofiREGotrREGonRFGonREGononREGo/T2.OC2004.00HOURS0.502.50400s 61 8'ts 82315 88.61OURLY RA]s 98_42s 73,49s58SECOND TIER SUBCONTNACTORss 123 62$s 165 82s$ 3s4.44EITEIiIDEDAiIOUNTSS$$ssss 49.21$ 183.73s 233.04s 24677rls5s rarl77l]$ 1"109,86$$s17-275t)-327EQUIP.NO.o9€80|2-259TCS Pick uoD$r 50 HGFord F35O P'ckuoFOUIPiIENTCet H€OWNOWNowNOWNSTDEYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYf,PEROPERSTDBYOPFRSTDNYCPERSTDAYSPFRSTDBYJPERSTDBYOPERRonton Rddde *1 4574?MATERIALSTDBYOPERSTDBY200400ltouRs3004.00OTYs 2983s 23.71I{OURLYRATEs 73.34s 1429UNIT@srSUBTOTAL EOUIPMENT.$ 59.665s 94.84EXTENOEDAT'OUilTSsssss$s 221A2c$ 5716$,5msEXTENDEDAiTOUNTSS .133.48sss3$s 25,00SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:?OIAL THIS REFORT:12% PRIMF MAR(l IP'SiJBTOTAL:2,I% MARKUP MATERIAL:SUSTOTAL MATERIAL:21!/6 MARKUP EOLtiPMENT'ST]BIOTAI FOIIIPMFNT.29% MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR:12OlO MARKUP FOR SUBCONTRACTOS:s 41610s$ 4.683.10s 5.25s 25.00s qlota3 rffs$ 321.86s 1.109.86s 288.92s 2A07.70OWNER / CONTMCTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE 8R01$tRS $rcRSELDAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:P O. Box 68697Seattle, WA 98168-0697OfRe: (253) 872-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209SUBTOTAL LABOR:BTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:$$lsBROS., INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATELIZDZ-I o\Llr^pr*n Jut_rTlc D,rt^f5\c*9<rriQ'r.ar{^LABOR - Name, Classificationo/TREGo/TREGo/To/rREGo/TREGoiTREGo/ToEnonREGo/TREGo/T,5i^ftl7,zryHOURSLOADEDHOURLY RATE$$u$$bb$$o$J$$$$$$b$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTS1-ted-?€1-e7-tzlEQUIPNO.nr'.L ll-rvckTes Lu,EthtEOUIPMENTUr.t'l\-oti,\O&rf-O{d^OWN orRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPER3E7-qHOURSHOURLYRATEb$$$$$$$$$$$$bq.$$$q$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIALMATERIALQTYUNITCOST$$$s)5. c>OEXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAL THIS REPORT:% MARKUP MATERIAL:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:% MARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:% MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR% MARKUP SUBCONTMCTORS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:$$$$$$$$OWNER /REPRESEN+A+F/E')L.2TE 0000092 0122 aazsnt u45742 INVOICE RECE!VE FhB 2 6 202t SCARSEL.H BROS, INC. Renton Goncrete RecYclers 22'12117th Ave SE, #117 BOTHELL, WA 98021.7404 t42st 481-9101 PHONE tazsi+so-r346 FAx 202101/180TH sT & 84TIt - AVE S SCARSELLA BROTHERS PO BOX 68697 SEATTLE, WA 98168 02t25t21Renton #lRefdrenca t)r lDr I.DD I 046'124 FA Sheet No 6 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED ./>\-/ KENT Project Name: Item No.: Description of Work: 192nd Emerqe ncv Side Sewer Repair Project No: 20-3007 Date: 212512021 and red d Work by Pri Contractor: Scarsella Sub-Contractor:SB Structures STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTNAMECODEOCCUPATIONHrsRaieHrsOT Rate Don V Foreman 2 80.06 120.18 160.'12 James S Finisher 75.39 120.18 $150.78 Richard D Finisher Foreman 2 80.06 111 .69 $160.12 Mike S Carpenter Foreman 2 87.68 85.1 1 $175.36 MaltZ Carpenter Foreman 2 81.66 85.'t 1 $163.32 Colin F Foreman 88.61 120.18 $ rouolas B Truck Driver 73.49 9a.42 $ John C Truck Driver 73.49 98.42 $ Uriah C TCS 58.26 98.42 $ Truck Driver 98.42 s SUBTOTAL - LABOR: LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29% LABOR TOTAL 809.70 234.81 EOUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNTEquipment #Equipment Rale 103-3'14 350 lool truck 2 26.58 53.1 6 102-332 Ford tool truck 2 20.47 $40.94 9-'to2 &26-67 Truck and Trailer 99.51 $ 9-103 &26-62 Truck and Trailer 100.48 $ s 09.-98 Cat Hoe 73.94 $ 02-327 350 tool truck 23.71 $ 02-259 TCS Truck 14.29 $ SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL 94.1 0 $19.76 1 13.86 MATERIALS / SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT Miles S&G # 1843321 1 ea $ 1.032.50 o 1,032.50 $ $ $ $ $ SUBTOTAL $1.032.50 oVERHEAD & PROFIT @21%$216.83 TOTAL $1,249.33 Verification of Hours Worked TOTAL: $2 407.70 12% MARKUP (For Prime when subcontract work)$ 288.92 c/ SHEET TOTAL: $2.696.62Representative 2Z ' oate 312912021 Representative Date Pay By: Date RECORD OF WORK&vBCONTRACT NAME, NO,:OWNER /CONTRACTOR:SUBCONTRACTORTFTITSUBCONTRACTOR ONSITE REPRESENTATIVESCARSELLA BROS.INC ONSITE REPRESENTATIVESTART WORKEND WORKPO 8ox68697Seatle, WA 981680697Otrei (253)872-7173Fil: (253) 3911209BID ITEM OR CMNGE ORDERBID ITEM OR CHANGE ORDERDESCRIPTION OFSECOND TIER SUBCONTRACTORUat Zumble - Carcenter ForemanMike St€nols-cao.SuoerintendentRidrard Dubious - Finisher ForemanDon Vauohn - Ma$n ForemanLABOR - N.me- ClsmcationofiRFGonRFGonREGotfREGotTRFConREGonREGo'IREGo/TREGREC2.0c2002.0020020tHOURSs 81.66$ 87.68s 80.06s 7539s 8006.IIIRI Y RAlsssss 809.70s!s$$s 163.325$ 175"36$5 160 12ss 150.78ss 160 12EXTENDEDAMOTINTSUiles Sand f1843321MATERIALSUSTOTAL EOUIPMENT:102332103314EQUIP.NO-TmlTruckTool TruckEOUIPMENTOWNOWNGMAL?STDBYCPERSTDBY3PERSTDBVOPERSTDBYOPFRSTNRVOPERSTDBYOPFRSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYO''FRow.20(2dHOURSUNITcosrs 2047s 2654HOURLYRATEs 1.032.50$ 103250EXTENDEDAMOI.JNISs 94.105ss$sst5s 40,94ss 5315EXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBTOTAL LABOR:SUBTOTAL VFRIFICATIONSUETOTALDATEDATETOYAL THIS REPONT:1r% pFrMF MApn tpSUBTOTALI21olo MARKUP MATERIAL:SUBTOTAL MATERIAI.j21% MARKUP EOUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL FOI NPMFNT.299o MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR:% MARKUP FOR SUBCONTRACTOS:SUBTOTAL SU gCONTRACTORS:t) an7 70s 2,407,70s 216_83$ 't.032_50$ 19.76$ 94.10S 23.1 81s 809.70$2D5DO21PreoDed and rcured drivwav baclI OOtExposeOWNER / CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE DAILY FORGE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORT5SCARSELLA BROS., INC. REPRESENTATIVEF,r---t,(ar*;\-ser*af^ 98168-06s7ofie'. (253)872-7173Fax: (253) 39$1209SUBTOTAL LABOR:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORSCONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:,z$l$l$$R"-l,.J Dulrh",",[-ern/r ynqSrrflFrlcil+ Fn-,t'OTTREG- Name,o/TREGo/TREGREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/To/TREGoffREGo/TREGu^t tEc7,z7LOADEDHOURLY RATEEXTENDEDAMOUNTS$s$$$$$$$$cb$$$$$$$6tt0THEnr, lrtcRSELEQUIPNO.Faor l*la):a^i )rt-EOUIPMENTrlrt -Ofervr.OWN orRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPER72-HOURSHOURLYRATEu$$$$$$$$$$$$$ac$ss$uEXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT;SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:MATERIALowUNITcosTq$$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAL THIS REPORT:% MARKUP IVIATERIAL:SUBTOTAL IVIATERIAL:o/o MARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT% MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR% MARKUP SUBCONTMCTORSSUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:u$$$bb$$OY/NER / CONTR.ACTORATIVEDATE