HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2019-084 - Change Order - #18 - Scarsella Brothers, Inc. - LID 363: S 224th Street Project - 03/26/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management _ This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Prlnt on pink or cherry colored paper)WAsHtNGToN Department: PW Engineering Originator: S. Anderson Date Required: N/A Date Sent: 5t1421 Date of Council Approval: N/A Authorized to Sign: El Director or Designee E MaYor Grant? ElYes E No Type: N/A Budget Account Number: R90101.641 10.120 Budget? ElYes E No Category: Contract Vendor Name: Scarsella Bros, lnc. 5ub-Category: Change Order #18 Vendor Number: 34547 Project Name: LID 363: S 224th St Project project Detaits:Cofftpensation for completing work added via the project punch list after substantial comPletion. Basis for Selection of Contractor: Sigl Termination Date: 225 Working DaYs Agreement Amount $26,491 .82 Start Date: N/A Local Business? EYes El No* *!f meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, ptease complete "Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace' Contract Number: cAG2019-084 Notice required prior to disclosure? trYes El No Comments:Date Received by City Attorney: Date Routed to the MaYort Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: ad(W22173 l-20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements KENT NAME OF CONTRACTOR: CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: CHANGE ORDER NO. #18 Scarsella Bros. Inc. ("Contractor") Lid 363: S 224th Street Project February 19. 2019 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equiPment necessary to: Compensation for completing work added via the project punch list after substantial comPletion. Z. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates wssr) and $8,423,307,67 Net Change by Previous Change Orders (incl. applicable WSST) *592,841.26 Current Contract Amount (incl. Previaus Change Orders) $9,016,148.93 Current Change Order $25,972.18 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $s19.04 Revised Contract Sum $9,042,640.75 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for Com pletion (insert date) 130 working days Revised Time for ComPletion un der prior Change Orders (insert date) 225 working days Days Req u red (*)fo r th ts c h an ge Orde r 0 calendar daYs Revised Time for ComPletion (insert date) 225 working days In accordance with Sections L-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and wSDoT Standard specifications, and section vII of the Agreement, the contractor accepts all requirements of this change ordei by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and a6cepts that this change order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connectJd with any work either covered or affected by this Change order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the contractor from sirict compliance wiih the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date' All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change order, prior to the effective date oittris Change order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and i6e terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have aPPlied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below' Print Name:*Chad Bieren, P.E. -Its Public Works Director CITY OF KENT: rfu TE: (titte) (signature) (titte) V+ 4Ek--tl;Jn*4 CONTRACTOR: (signa DATE: . t, ' / -)- "^/. By: Print Na Its CHANGE ORDER - 2OF 3 ATTEST: Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's signature required) Kent Law DePartment ilo lhF Reld, you may enter the eledrodic filegath whee rhe conlra't has been savedl CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 KENT FILE NO: 2OO.2 CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 18 Construction Manage ment Division - Public Works Projectt LID 363 224rh St Improvements Project No.: Fed-Aid No.: Contractor: 14-3010 Project Engineer:Stephen Lincoln Jason Brvant ScarsellaOwners Rep: Date: 2/23/2021 [. PROPOSED CHANGE Compensation for completing work added via t he project punch list after Substantial Completion' Itr. REASON AND EACKGROUND FOR CHANGE Upon completion of the contract work, - FA #164: SuPPIY and install rePla - FA #L74: Remove extruded curb additional work was a cement speed limit sig along the new guardra dded in the punch list including: n and left arrows on 2l8th il on the curve at SBth Ave S / S 21gth St. FA #,s L3L, t7L: Modify the storm control tee in Manhole #10 and clean debris' FA #,s I42, L43, t44: Excavate, prep, form, and pour concrete collars around 21 J-boxes' FA #I72: Lower existing water service and repave around it at 21849 property off of S 21gth st. FA #L73: Rotate CB frame & grate at the NE corner of S 218th St and 94th Pl S. FA #L7S: Install post and croisbars between new and existing fence at McClusky property FA #L79: Regrade driveway and sidewalk in the utility replacement area on the NE corner of 94th Pl S and S 218th St. ITI. METHOD OF FAYMENT NEW PAY Not T Chan$e Order No.FORACCOUNI'NG USEONTY Sch. No.Item Description Total Est. Qtv Qty this PE Unit Unit Price Total Estimatod Cost of Item I Roadway feature revisions on s 218th (FA #'s 164 & 174 1 1 FA $3,27L.48 $3,271.48 IV Clean and modify control tee in MH #10 (FA #'s 131 & 17t) 1 1 FA $3,270.92 $3,2t0.92 I Add concrete collars to 27 J- boxes (FA #'s I42, I43, & t44) 1 1 FA $9,43O.2r $9,430.21 II Lower and repave around water service at 27849 oropertv (FA 172) 1 1 FA $5,138.97 $5,138.97 4/or/rc REV. DATE FILE NO: 2OO.2 KENT $ 1,616.58$ 1,616,581FA1Rotate CB frame and grate FA 173 IV $r,252.17$t,252.r7FA11IInstall post and crossbars between new fence and existi fence FA #L75 $2,052.45$2,052.451FA1 sidewalk FA T79 Regrade drivewaY and PAYTHIS PAY ESTIMATEentmbetomadePayCREATE PAY ITEM ONLY workcomIatera Independent Estimate Attached NoNew Sub Reqrd? DELETE DflSTING PAY 1-09.5 Not FOR ACCOUNT'NG USE OIVIYChan$e Order No. Cost of ltemUnit PriceQtvUnitItem DB.l. No.Sch. No. Independent Estimate Attached - REQUIRED FORACCOUNT'NG USEONTYChan4e Order No. Cost of ltemUnit PriceQtvunitItemB.l, No.Sch. No. Attached REQUIREDdentEstimatenIndepe TO EXISTING PAY Not TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER * THIS PAY ESTIMATE *Tota I of the Cost of Item Columns $972.78 [V. WORKING DAYS 972.78$ 130Previous Total130Due This Change O rder*Original Contract DATE:*n critical ect TOTAL WORKING DAYS*L40 *This Change Order + P revious Total All work, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the standard specifications and Contract Special Provisions for the type of work described' 2 4/otlL0 REV. DATE: FILE NO: 2OO.2 KENT W^AHINOTON Prepared BY: Construction Engineering Supervisor: Construction Engineering Manager: J Bryant Kue e Connor 1" Date: Date Date: z-a,L/ ft 3 4/orlLo REV. DATE: $ L,L25.97 Change the speed limit sign an d left arrow signs on S 218th.FA #t64 $ 2,L45.5L Remove the extruded curb along the new rve at BBth Ave S / S 218th Stquardrail on the cuFA #L74 224th Ph 2 - Change Order #18 Item Descri on Amount subtotal: $ 3'27L.4 8 subtotal: $ 3tzLO.92 subtotal: $ 9A3O.2L subtotal: $ 5,138.97 subtotal: $ 1'615.58 subtotal: $ L,252.L7 subtotal: $ 2tO52.45 Change Order #18 Total:i 25,972.78 FA #131 Modi the control tee in MH #1 0 $ L,663.02 FA #L7I o pe n stro m I a tes n th e p on d co n t ro structu res to c ea n a nd u n u th e con tro tee I n M H #1 0 $ t,547.90 FA #'s 142, t43, & L44 Excavate, Pr€P, form, and Pour con crete collars around 2L ea J-boxes $ 9,430.2L FA #L72 Lower existing water se rvice and repave around it at 21849 proPertY off of S 2l8th St $ 5,138.97 FA #L73 Rotate CB frame an d grate at the NE corner of S 218th St and 94th Pl S $ 1,616.58 FA #L75 Instal I post and crossbars betwee n the new fence and existing fen ce alonq McClus property $ L,252.L7 FA #L79 Regrade drivewaY and si dewalk in the utilitY replacement area on the NE corner of 94th Pl S and S 218th St $ 2,052.45 FA Sheet 1./>\-/ KENT DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED limit Work by Subcontractor?: no Prime Contractor: HrsOCCUPATIONCODENAME Project Name:LrD 363 224th St Phaee 2 Description of Work; Pick lefl arrow Item No 4-3010 1A1612020 on 218th OVERTIME OT Rate STRATGHT TIME Hrs Rale the DOLLAR AMOUNT Project No: Date: 160.86$107.7580.432ForemanSteve O $160.86100.5580.432ForemanCasev N 100.55 $67.06Truck DrivetJonathan S 79.35 149.90$2 74.95Oo€rator 160.86$59.9680.432ForemanKent H STTED Rate 632.48 81s.90 183.42$ EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipm€nt #Equipment DOLLAR AMOUNT SUBTOTAL. LABOR: LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29% LABOR TOTAL 54.14I27.07F-4503-121 40.02$2 20.01F-1502-297 $19.08JD PC.35't7-271 $33.55JD 3105G't6-100 Mack Solo9-107 $ $94.16 19.77 11 SUBTOTAL - EOUIPMENT EOUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21olo DOLLAR AMOUNTUnitsUnit Pric€QuantityMATERIALS / SERVICES $ 162,10 162.',10$e9,| Highway Specialties # 2009539 $ $ $ SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21olo TOTAL $ $ 162.10 196.14 34.O4 Verification of Hours Worked: Contractor's Represenlalive oare A L1 c)- o"te 2. //yl 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work) 1.125.97 SHEET TOTAL: /.2 , $ 1 125.97 TOTAL: $ Date: By: Pay E SROTHERS INC.CARSELL,-{\{,,P.O. Box 68697Seat{e. WA 98168-0697Office: (253)872-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACT NAMEOWNER / CONTMCTOR:DATEIBid ltem#:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:Paid on PE#Pick up crash truck for night sweepingPick up & change out left afiow +20 MPH sign513510t6t2020City of KentS. 224th St ProiectSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:MATFRIAL:SUBTOTAL LABOR:SUBCONTRACTORSs0.00$$$$b$SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:SCARSELLA BROS,, INC. REPRESENTATMEDATEKent HowardSean HaldeneCasey NelsonSteve OberLABOR - Name, ClassificationofiREGo/TREGo/TREGoffREGofiREGo/TREGo/TREG2.022.02.0HOURS$80.43$74.95$80.43$80.43LOADEDHOURLY RATE$ 632.48$cc$$$$ 160.86c$ 149"90$$ 160.86c$ 160.86EXTENDEDAIIOUNTS2-2973-121EQUIPNO.150 PU450 Tool TruckEOUIPMENTOWN o,REilTAL?STDEYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPER2.02.0HOURS$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$20.01$27.07HOURLYRATEt94.16$$$$$$c$$$$$40.02$$54.14EXTENDEDAMOUNTSHighway Specialties lnv #2009539MATERIAL1QTV$162.10UNITcosT$162.10$$$$$ 162.10EXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAL fiIS REPORT:II/IARKUP MATERIAL:21o/oSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:21IsMARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:29%MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR:10o/oMARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:31.125.97e34.045162.10$19.77s94.'t5$ 183.42$632.48$90.00OWNER / CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE SCARSELLA BINC. REPRESFNTATIVEDAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME, NO.:OVVNER I CONTRACTOR:DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:-G -7oDATEPO Box68697Seallte \tA S8158"0697Ofi'ce: (253) 872'71 73raxr (253) 395'120!SUBTOTAL LABOR;SUBCONTRACTORS$$$b$$$SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS :SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:{qh.t-<)QooSe^n l-|,+ld.enuSTQ.u- o [erIttznr lloao";adLABOR - Name, ClassificationO/TREGorTREGo/TRECo1TREGO/TREGolTREGo/TREGo/TREGolTREGO/TREG7zzHOURSLOADEDHOURLY RATE$$$$cs$$a$$$$$e$$$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTS\ -tzt2-)qtEQUIPNO"TAa 77ur t{ptcKupEOUIPMENTOWN otRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPER77HOURSHOURLYRATEc$$s$Ja+$$qI($$$$c$$$EXTENDFDAMOUNTS\9r..o ,>;. iL<.k a,ro-t * J,J,{t[ti *hm h-qh,tu"MATERIALQTYUNITcosT$bq$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAL THIS REPORT:---o/o MARKU P kIATER IALSUBTOTAL I\,lATERIAL:% MARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:% MARKUP LABORSUETOTAL LAEOR% MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORSSUBTOTAL SUECONTRACTORSs$$cOWNER / CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEnnTr Invoicei.,l'. i [: i\l ]i i ,L 4,t--\.'r,.I t l Li i.r f') i) : ,tttt,\t)lll' r- i (i'/. t Date lnvoice # 9lt6/2020 PO Box 9094 Brooks, OR 97305 503-390-r r r3 503-390-3498 Fax Past duc invoices are subjecl lo a2o/o Fjnance Charge per rnonlh 2{)09539 Paymente/Credits $0.00 trEs Ltc Physical Address: 8970 HuffAve. NE Salem, OR 97303 Ship ToBill To WillCall 7220 River Road E Puyallup WA 98371 Scarsclla Brolhers PO Box 68697 Seattle, WA. 98168-0697 Contacl Phone Reseller Permit Contact NameS.O. No.P,O. No,Terms Rep Ship Date lts 9t1512020 360"624-1 t96 416 4547 t',|61954 LID 363 Net 30 AmountOrderedlnvoicedRataDescription 2 I 6 45.00 J0.00 t.2s 90.00 J0.00 ?,50 A24X24B/W A24X30B/W 3/8 Drive Rivel Asse.. llem 24*X24" B/W/R, HI.I, ALUMTNUM SION, NEW 2ea - 113.2 "No Lell Turn" 24'X30", B/W, HI-I, ALUMINUM STCN, NEW lea - R?-l(25) "Speed Limit 25" 3/8" Drive Rivet Assernbly 501 0 001 9-25-20 DR $ r 47.s0Subtotal $ r4.60 $162.10 2 {'t Sales Tax (9.9%) Total Balance Due $162'ro FA No.: ./^\-/ KENT DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED Prime Contractor: Scarsella OCCUPATION HrsCODENAME Project Name: LID 363224th St Phase 2 Project No: 14-3010 Description of Work: Remove Dale: 121'1112020 OVFRTIME OT Rate STRAIGHT TIME Hrs Rate curb Work by Subcontractor?: no Sub-Conlractor: DOLLAR AMOUNT Item No.: 107.75 241.29$80.43Foreman3Kenl H 241.29$100.55380.43ForemanDave J $224.85100.55J74.95OD€ratorEddie D 79.35 204.12$68.04Iruck Driver alvan C 59.96 $ $100.55 STOPERA Rate 1 175.90 s1 1.55 264.35 LABOR TOTAL S LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @29o/o $ SUBTOTAL - I.ABOR: EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment #Equipmenl DOLLAR AMOUNT 81.21e27.O7F-4503-122 392.88$130.96PC35 John De€re'17-269 81.21$27.07F-3502-327 $246.0382.01Mack Dump Truck9-104 $ SUBTOTAL - EOUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 210lO EOUIPMENT TOTAL 801.33$ $ Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNTQuanlityUnitsMATERIALS / SERVICES $ $ $ s $ SUBTOTAI OVERHEADU'*O'''@21N TOTAL $ $ D Verification of Hours Worked: 7Date 120lo MARKUp (for prime when subconlract work) 2.145.51 $ SHEETTOTAL: $ 2'145.51 TOTAL: $ Pay Date: By: 1946SCARSELLABR0TH[flS rf,lC.DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRAWORK REPORT\t\,SUBTOTAL$ss$$$30.00SUBCONTRACTORSSUBTOTALSCARSELLA BROS., INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATES 224ih Sl ProieeJCitv of Kent12t11t2020Removed extruded curb.SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:P.O. Box 68697Seattle, WA 98168-0697Office: (253) 872-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209CONTMCT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:Bid ltem#:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:Paid on PE#EXTENDEDAMOUNTSs 241 29s 241.29ss 224.A5$s 204.12$$s$$$$ 911.55LOADEDHOURLY RATE$80 43$80.43s74.95s68.04HOURS3030330LABOR - Name, ClassificationRFGo/TRFGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TKent HowardDave JacobsEddie Dolanlvan CrumptonEXTENDEDAMOUNTS$a1 21s$41.21s$392.88$$246.03s$$$ss801.33HOURLYRATE927 07$27.O7$130.96s82.01s0 00s0 00s0.0cHOURS30303.C3.0OPFRSTDBYOPFRSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPFRSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPFRSTDBYOWi{ orRENTAL?EOUIPMENTF350 Tool TruckF450 Toot TruckPC35 John Deere HoeMack Dump TruckEQUIPNO.2-3273-12217-2699-104EXTENDEDAMOUNTS$$$$$UNITcosrQTYMATERIAL$0.00s$s11.55$264.35$801.33s168.28$s$2.145.51SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:\OOA MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL LABOR:29o/"MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:210/"MARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:MARKUP MATERIAL:210hTOTAL THIS REPORT:OWNER / CONTMCTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE FA Sheet 13 ./^\-/ KENT DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED Prime Contractor: Scarsella Project Name:LID 363 2241h St Phase 2 Description of Work:Modifu Project No: 14-3010 Wo* by Subcontractor?: no Tee in Manhole # 10 Sub-Contractor: Item No.:Date: 91212020 LABOR OVERTIMESTRAIGHT TIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsOT RateHourly RateHrsCODEOCCUPATIONNAME b80.43ForemanCasev N $75.6OperatorL 473.44$59.188PioeLav€rJon G 479.12cI59.89TvW $ STANDBYOPERATED Rate 952.56 1,228.E0 276.24$ DOLLAR AMOUNTEOUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipmenl # Equipment Descriplion SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $ LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29olo LABOR TOTAL 20.01F-l 502-297 210.48$I 26.31F-4503-',t26 $ $ $ SUBTOTAL. EQUIPMENT EOUTPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21olo EQUIPMENT TOTAL $210.4 254.68 44.20 DOLLAR AMOUNTUnlt PriceQuantityUnitsMATERIALS / SERVICES 23.38$oa $ 23.38,t Tacoma Screw lnvoice #'l 5646098 125.00$ea $ 125.001Coreand Main lnvoico # !"1901218 $ $ $ SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 210lo TOTAL 1.18.38 3'1.16 179.54 $ $ $ Verification of Hours Worked: Date 12olo MARKUp (for prime when subconlract work)$ ,4 .663.02 .663.02 TOTAL: $ 1 SHEETTOTAL: $ 1 Pay By: Date: -\5DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT T EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME.or rN€R/P.O. Box 68697seaat€. wA 98168-0697Offie: 1253)872-7173Fax (2s3) 395-1209TylllrliliffisJm GriflinLABOR - t{me. ClaslficatlsonREConREGofTREGonREConREGolTREGonREGOITRFGo/TREGo/lRE6ofiREG8_CHOTJR!s59.8S$59.18LOAD€DHOURLY RATE$ 954s6s$$$s$s3$s$ss 479.12g 473.44EXTENDEDaitout{TsSUB'O?AL LABOR:suacoilTMcToRsto-00$IsSUBCOilTRACTORS:SCARSELLA BROS.. INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATEBidD€SCRIPTION OF WORK:Paid on PE#9126Eor,lP.ito-Ford F450EOT'IPiIENTO{{ 6T€MAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYCPERSTDSYOPERS1.rlBYOPERSTDBYOPFRSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDSYCPER8.0HOURSs0.00so o0s0.0{$0.00m.00s0.00s0,0cs0.00s0.00$o.0€$26.31HOURLYRATEs210.48sso5scs$ss6$$ssbs 210.48EXTEiDEDAIIOUNTSSUATOTALCo€ & Main lnv #M901216Tacoffi Screw ln\d 1 554609€IIATERIAL11OTY-125_OOs23.33U}NTcost1llg.38e1 2400s23.38JEXTEilDEDaMoutfisSUBIOTALTOTAL THIS REPORT:210/"}TARKT'P MATERIA.L:SUETOTAL MATERIAL:214/oMARKUP EOUIPI"€NT:SUBTOTAL EOUIP!.,IENT:ao,/.MARKUP LAEOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR:100niJARKUP SUBCOI.{TRACTORS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTMCTORSI31,66A.02$31 163148i444.20I210-14c276.243qi2-56$to.o0Mddifv Control T*912J2s20Cilv of KentS. 224th St ProiectOWNER / CONTMCTOR REPRESENTATIVEDAT€ RSELgB0rrtns ftc.. .4\e t\ )'DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRI\WORK REPORTP.O. aox 68697Soatile. wA 98168-0697Otrrce: (253) 872-7173Far (253) 39t1209CONTMCT NAME. No.lOWNER / COI{TRACTOR:DATE:Bid ltgmtr:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:P3id on PE#Modify Contrcl T*9tt2o2aCiiy od Kents. 224th St PqoctSUBIOTALUBCOr{TAACTORS30.00$s$$$SUBIOTALSCARSELLA BROS., INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATE3-126EOUIPl{o.Ford F450EOUIPT'ENTREITAL?STDAYOPFRSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYf,PERSTDSYOPERSTOBYOPERSTDBYCFERSTDBYOPERSTDAYOPERSTDBYOPER8.0HOURS$0.00so.0030 0f$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.0c$0.00s{1.00E0.00s20.0'r$OURLYRATE3140-0a$s!$c$$$$$t$$5s5$ 160.08EXTEIIDEDAilOUNTSSUBTOTALCor€ & Main lnv !M901218Tacoma Scr€w lnv# 15546098IIATERIAL11OTY5125.00sUNITcosT$148.38$s125 00$23.38qEXTEiIDEDAllouNTsTOTALTXIS REPORT:2f/.MARKLIP MI,TERIAI:SUBTOTAL MATERIAI:MARKUP EOUIPMENTjSUSTOTAL EOUIPMENT:29YoMARKUP IAEOR:SUBTOTAL LAEOR:10o/oMARKUP SUECOMTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTMCTORS3i,583.77J31.16gIrl..38533.62$r80.08s 272.14I938-4030.0llTy WilliamsJon GriffinClencanononlREGIonlREGIo/TlREGIonlREGIonlREGionlneclonlREGIonlneclonlaeclonlREGI 8,0o/TlnEcl 80tss.18$58.12LOADEDI{OURLY RATE3 938.a0$3ss$$css$s$es$$S 473 44$ 464.96EXTEiIDEOAilOUt{TSOWII€R I CONTRACTOR REPRESEN"TATNFOATE 8R0T|{€RS [{C"ARSELP.O. Box 68697Seattle. WA 98168-0697Oftice: (253) 872-71?3Faxi {2531 395-t209SUBTOTAL LABOR:$l$l$lslslsSUBCONTRACTORSlsSUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:'/a-zoo\qd,iW f)>trr,cl 'l<eSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:SCARSELLA BROS.. INC.NTATIVET't t,UiltlqnsJc n &r, lf,oLABOR - Name, Classificationo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGorTREGonREGo/TREGo/TREG1{aHOURSLOADEDHOURLY RATT$b$$a$$$$o$s$$$ce$b$EXTENDEDAl'tOUNTS3-t%EQUIPNO.Ford F- qsctEQUIPMENTOWtl orRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERgHOURSHOURLYRATE$s$$$$a$b$$$$$b$$$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSTanin^ *sr,-,T'K)rrr- 9.t' \ Iqt/.k.l7rt^^lo..x &'nC-t-tMATERIALQTYUNITcosT$$$Q$EXTENDEDATilOUNTSTOTAL THIS$% MARKUP MATERIAL:lsSUBTOTALMATERIAL:lg% MARKUPEQUIPMENT:lSSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:lso/oMARKUP LABOR:lgSUBTOTAL LABOR:ls% MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:lsSUBTOTAL SUBCONTMCTORS:l$OWNER 1REPRESENTATIVEDATE MAIN 1810 Cilr'g Prrk cou:l 8t. toui., tlo 61116 rNvolcE H[cEfvnn Ai;:l 2fi ?li?;l Involcc # Involce Date Account * Sales ReP Phon€ # Branch #30X Total llmoun! Duc lenlt ?or CONE T UAII{ LP po 80x 28330 8t. Loot8, lilo 125.00000 EA gubtotal ! Oth€r: Tax: xnvoicG lobal: !d9 01218 8/25/2A 113 8 13 THOIT{AS WATJD!{AIif 2s3-8{0-5505 PuyalluP' WA 9125.00 63146 scAqshh[.dl L]r1os' nit]' 3t':1%"'f#";rcK-upSCARSEITIJA BROS INC ACCOUT*TS PAYABTE PO BOX 6869? ssATlr,E WA 981.68 -0697 oo00 0 TbEnk CUSTOMER JOB- 14-301.0 S224th Road you for thc opporiuity e€ €srva youl tl' tppt3clles your pronpt paynent' Prlce VM ExLended Prico Dabe Ordctcd 8/24/20 Dato ghlpp€d Cuatomer Po il Job Nanc etiqtzo- 14-3010 s224th Road Job f Btll of Ladlng glrlppad via rnvolce$ 14-3010 I{ILL cALrL !49OL2T& 6uant1 tsvffiProduet Csde Descriptlon 2810561818 1056- 1818 18 C1,/PVCXCl,/PVc CPLG ir"l car,l M.NDAY AF?ERNooN Frelght Dellwery tlandllng Reatock Tordrr Ntf 30 oralored Byt cl6EY - 18' 9VC 'SRNCO 125.00 9021.00'l Added ControlT DR 9l2A/20 Mloc 125, 00 .00 .00 $125. 0 o rhl, tronrrctton l, govarsaat by rBd lubj6cg to Cora I ilaln,o rt.ndaril tr6r sd conllltiods, vhlch 616 incorgotrlod by rtl'ratco an'l ncc€pted fo r.vlaY tho.o t6s! $d cgDdlt{ont, plra!' vltltj httpr//tcnde'coreandlaln'co*/ Page: 1 00900 A3XINa SALEE Nw - qru^ltrr,3Rwtc..tNcz t?rz - rrzg3zGsrt srlurfl,rrggggo iee -f ',jf i'rtL $6'dl'-"s* r sti r co t lLl3s lo llolly Cnqval Te,< *rp To 1 1 08/31/20 lttlH:KEN GPK CORE & [{AIN GPK 1" 1 P0 BOx 28446 SI LoUIS, ilo 602 VALLEY AVE NE 631 46 PUYALLUP U{A.98312 Far 1601 43rd St. NI{ ND 581 02 x IIILL CALL BY SCARSELLA BROS SHOffAGS & Il?I?Ol?S MUST Bi |?TPO|?TO WTHIN 7 DAYS OT DiIJVfl?Y RffAtr ffiytttt clLL sD m86i{lzu0 T 50825 15 13 70 IOIAT TOTAL PAII€TS CTNS RT@{,$fituf,ed znd .\ Ure [ABt* Tacoma Screw Productso Inc. lnvoice \i0c( iltl(' REMIT TO lo(omascr(w,com Tacoma Scrsw Products, lnc. Attn: Accounts Beseivable P.O. Box 35165 Seatile, WA 98124-5'165 U.S.A StLt TO [ruu.o SCARSELLA BROTHERS INC ATTN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PO BOX 68697 SEATTLE, WA 98168-0697 I illlil tffr ililt ililr llill il|il lilr illl -t f,ob l'-,3oto I|ilililtlll ffi illl |ilil lilll lll] lilllllllllll SHIP TO G.o*trr.A BR.THER' ATTN RECEIVING 84TH AVE SO 19440 84TH AVE SO KENT, WA 98032 -t |NVO|CE # 15546098 LOCATION KENT DATE ogtol na PAGE 10F1 Fasteners . Tools . Marnterrance & Shop Supplies PAYMENT TFRMS 1o/o IOTH, NET 30 DAYS ORDER NUMBER KE437217 ORDER DATE 09to1/20 ORIGINA,L OUOTE CUSTOMER P/O NUMBER 3-121 WRITT€N BY RSP SALES REP H CUST RELEASE#JO8 NUMBER 3-121 SHIP VIA CUSTOMER PICK-UP .FRrcE u/t|vl.,TAX GXT6N$rOil 618-204 NASHUA 398-4 4' HEAVY DUTY DUCT TAPE 11 MIL o 19.9267 EA 19.93 010-019-l STEEL HEX CAP SCREW GR8'l12"-l3 x 6" PLA|N 1 o 108.5333 C F 1.09 060-005-1 STEEL HEX FULL NUT GR8 1/2"-13 PLATN 2 2 o 11 .2794 C F o.23 Thank you for your order. Please note that all sales are subject to Tacoma Screw Products, lnc.'s Terms of Sale and Conditions of Sale. lf there should be MERCHANDISE TOTAL HANDTING MISC CHABGE TAX FREIGHT DEPOSIT AMOUNT DEPOSIT APPLIED INVOICE TOTAL 0.00 o.oo 23.3921.25 o.oo o.oo 2.13 0.oo PICK-UP SIGNATURE: STEVE O. or if we can be of further service,call t253) 512-3444 or {8O0) 562-8192. We oppreciate and value continued business. FA Sheet No.171./>\--l t<ENT DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED from MH #1 Prime Contractor: Scarsella Project Name: LID 363 224th St Phase 2 Project No: 1tl-3010 and clean Work by Subcontractor?: nO Sub-Contractor: Item No. Description of Work Date: 1 OVERTIMESTRAIGHTTIME Hrs OT Rate DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourly Rat€CODE OCCUPATIONNAME 107.75 321.72$80.434ForemanKent H 100.55 321.72$4 80.43Foreman $299.8074.95 100.554OperatorEddie D 79.35 $ $59.96 100.55 $ 943.24 STANDBY 1 OPERATED Rate LABORTOTAL ' LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29% EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipmenl #Description DOLLAR AMOUNT SUBTOTAL-LABOR: $ 108.28$27.074F-4503.122 $33,5516-100 JD 310 108.28$27.074F-350 $ $ SUBTOTAL. EQUIPMENT EOUTPMENT OVERHEAO & PROFIT @ 21olo EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ 45.48 $ 262'0,1 $216.56 DOLLARAMOUNTUnitsUnit PriceOuantityMATERIALS / SERVICES 57.09$,|ea $ 57.09Whute Cap lnvoice # 10013346,1665 $ $ $ $ SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21qlo TOTAL 69.08i $ $ 57.09 11.99 Verification of Hours Worked: Oale Date 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work) 1.547.90 $ TOTAL: $ SHEETToTAL: $ 1'547.90 >/ Pay Date: By: I \1\E 1945EROTHERS INCSCARSELLADAILY FORGE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTMCT NAME,OWNER /DAP.O- Box 68697Seattle, WA 98168-0697Office: (2531872-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209Bid ltem#:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:Paid on PE#Ooen oates on oond control structures - cleaned debris and oDened MH #10 over flownlrdoc.l wifh debrisS. 224th St Proiect12n12020EXTENDEDAMOUNTSs 321.72ss 321 72ss 2c9 RnssS$$$ss3 943.2'tLOADEDHOURLY RATEs80.43$80 43$74 q5HOURS4.O404LABOR - Name. GlassificationREGofTREGofiRFGo/TRFGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TKent HowardDave JacobsEddie DolanEXTENDEDAMOUNTS$108.28$$108.28$$$$s$$$$3216.56HOURLYRATEs27.07$27.07$0.00$o on$0.00s0.00s0 00HOURS4.04.OOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTNRYOPFRSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPFRSTDBYOWN orRENTAL?EQUIPMENTF350 Tool TruckF450 Tool TruckEOUIPNO.2-3273-122SUBTOTAL LABOR:$$$$$$$0.00SUBCONTRACTORSSUBTOTALSCARSELLA BROS., INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATESUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:EXTENDEDAMOUNTSs$$$UNITcosTQTYMATERIALSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:$0.00$$ 943.24$273 54t216.56s45 4A311,478.82SUBTOTAL SUBCONTMCTORS:'looaMARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL LABORI29o/oMARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:210/"MARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:MARKUP MATERIAL:210/"TOTAL THIS REPORT:OWNER / CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE heet No.:142 ./^\/ KENT DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED Item No.: Dale: ScarsellaPrime HrsOCCUPATIONNAMECODE Project Name:LtD 363 224th St Phase 2 Project No: I OVERTIME OT Rats STRAIGHT TIME Hrs Ral€ Description of Work:foraround J Boxes Work by Subcontractor?: no DOLLAR AMOUNT 321.7280.434ForemanCasev N s9.58 699.1 I074.55 'tIODoralorSeth L $74.95PioeLaverJavcee G e 473.44I59.18PioeLav6rJon G $75.6LaborerMichaelS 100.55 599.60$74.95IOperatorEddie D SUETOTAL. LABOR: LABOR OVERHEAO & PROFIT @ 29% LABOR TOTAL STANDBYOPERATED Rate 2,093.94 607.24 701.1E EOUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment # DOLLAR AMOUNT $80.04420.01F-1502-297 $27.07F-4503-124 158.04$17.569F-2502-181 152.64$19.08IJD 35G17-271 221.60$I 27.70JD 31016-96 SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT EOUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @21o/o EQUIPMENT TOTAL 612.32$ $ $ 128.59 7.10.91 Unit Price OOLLAR AMOUNTQuanlityUnitsMATERIALS / SERVICES $ $ $ $ $ SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD&PROFIT@217o TOTAL $ $ a Verification of Hours Worked: 12olo MARKUp (for prime whon subcontracl work)$ SHEETToTAL: $ 3'442'09 ?/ rorAL: $ 3,442.09 /qDate Date Pay Date: By: &\'pDAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCCNTRACT NAMEOWNER/P.O. Box 68697Seattle, WA 98168-0697Office: (253)872-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209Bid ltern#:OESCRIPTION OF WORK:Paid on PE#of Keataround added Jfor concrete collar-Jon GriffinEddie DolanSeth LucasCasey NelsonLABOR - Nams, Classificationo/TREGotlREGoftREGoiTREGo/TREGofiREGo/TREG8-081.08.04_0ssg.1 8$74,S5$99.58$74-95$80.43LOADEDHOURLY RATE$ 2,0s3.94$$$$a$Q$ 473.44$$ 599.60s 99.s8s sg9-60qs 321.72EXT€I*DEDAMOUNTS16-0962-22117-2712-297EQUIP.NO.JD 310F25O PUJD 35GF15O PUEOUIPMENTOw'tlqRENYAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPER8.09-08.04.0t{ouRss0.00$0.00$0.00s27.70$17.56$19.08s20.01HOURLYRATE$672-32$cQc$$$ 221.60$$158.04$$152.64so80.04EXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBTOT'"L LABOR:SUBCONTRACTORSs0.00e$s5SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:SUATOTAL EQUIPMENT:MATERIALQTY,UT\IITCOST$$$$$S=XTEND€DAMOUNTSSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:SCARSELLA BROS.. INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATETOTALTHIS REPORT:MARKUP MATERIAL.21%SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:21oloMARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:29%MARKUPTABOR:SUBTOTAL LAEOR:10% MARKUPSUBCONTRACTORS:SUETOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:$3,442.0S$$$124.59I612"32$6A7.24s 2.093.s4$$0.00OWNER I CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE ,&\t..tl./DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRAGT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTMCTOR:Paid on PE#P.O. Box 68697seanle. wA 98168.0697Office: (253)872-7173Faxr (253) 395-1209BidOESCRIPTION OFSUBTOTASUBTOTALSUBCONTRACTORS:30.00$$Q{SCARSELLA BROS., INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATE224rh SrforExc around added J9009GriffinEddie DolanSeth LucasCasey NelsononREGo/TREGo/TREGafiREGo/TREGonREGo/TREG8-0I1.08.04.0HOURSs58.12$74.9s$100"55$75.60$80.diLOADEDHOURLY RATE$ 2.0s1.63$$$$c$t$ 464.96c$ s99.60$ 100.55$ 604.80a$ 321.72EXTENDEDAMOUNTS16-0962-18117-27 12-297EQUIPNO.JD 310F25O PUJD 35GF15O PUEQUIPMENTOWN dRENTAI?STDBYOPERSTDAYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDEYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPER8.$0.00s0.00$0.00$27.70$24.32$19.08$20.01HOURLYRATEt673.16e$e$c$$s 221.60$$ 218.88$$152.64$s80.04EXTENOEDAMOUNTSSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL;MATERTALQTY,UNITcosTt$$$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAL THIS REPORT:MARKUPSUBTOTALMARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EQUIruENT:29o/oMARKUP I.ABOR:SUBTOTAL TAAOR:10%MARKUP SUBCONTMCTORS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTQRS:t3,5r2.73$$$ 141.36t 673.16$ 606.57$ 2,091.63c50.00OWNER / CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE ARSELFForruBS tNc.("tDAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTP.O. Box 68697Seattle. WA 98r68-0697Oflice: (253) 872-7173Farr {253) 395-1209CONTRACT NAME. NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:SUBTOTAL LABOR:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:\1 z7.z-oDATEIt'gsl7->]t2-ls,2eqtEOUIP.NO.Tp?toJp 3st__,i;r,"t F - ZSo ./ nqfi,J i:-5ctEQUIPMENTOWN orRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERzxX4HOURSHOURLYRATEb$c$s$$bo$qsb$$$$$$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:QTYUI{ITCOSTcD$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTS% MARKUP MATERIAL:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL.o/o MARKUP EQUIPMENT$SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:o/o MARKUP LABOR:$SUBTOTAL LABOR:$% MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORSSUBTOTALSUBCONTRACTORS:lsSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:SCARSELLAINC. REPRESENTATIVEf'I,oa'r\rIEdADoLu("t/1otTo/TREGo/TREGoiTREGoiTREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGfraHIz,lnriruK!LOADEDHOURLY RATE$$$$c$c)$$$$$$$$$$bDcEXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBCONTR,ACTORS$OWNER /ATIVE?TETOTAI THts &rFDarcrrrc FA FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED DAILY REPORT OF Prime Contractor: Scarsella collors HrsHrsCODEOCCUPATIONNAME Project Name: LID 363 2241h St Phase 2 Project No: 14-3010 Description of Work: Form OVERTIME OT Rale TIME Rale and DOLLAR AMOUNT Work by Subconlractor?: nO Sub-Contractor: Item No.:Date: 91312020 160.86$80.432Forgman 299.80$100.55474.95OoeratorSeth 479.12$59.898PipeLayerTvW $473.4459.18PimLaverI $75.6LaborerMichaelS 299.80$100.55474_55OoeratorSean H STANDBY IPMENT Rate 1 713.02 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 290h $496.78 SUBTOTAL. LABOR: TOTAL $ EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipm€nt #Equipment DOLLAR AMOUNT s 40.0220.012F-1502-257 216.56$27.07IF-4503-124 250.32$4 62.58Cat 950 Loader2.297 $19.08JD 35G17-271 $27.70JD 31016-96 SUBTOTAL - EOUIPMENT EOUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @21OA EOUIPMENT TOTAL 506.90 $ i DOLLAR AMOUNTUnitsUnit PriceOuantilyMATERIALS / SERVICES $ 639,41 639.41$1 eaHD Supply lnvoicq # 39350890 91.68$€a $ 91.68IHD Supply lnvoice # 39350955 $ $ $ SUBTOTAL OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21olo TOTAL 884.62$ $ $ 731.09 153.53 Verification of Hours Worked: contractors *"r.""^",,"{/)4- 7L- o* 2//6/?/ Owne/s Representative Date 129o MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work) 3.707.77SHEET TOTAL: $ $ r' 707.77TOTAL: $ Pay Date: By: fito'DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT ' EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER I CONTRACTOR:P.O.8ox 68697Seattle, wA S8168-06S7Oflice: (253)8?2-7173Far (253)395-1209Bid tt€m#:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:Paid on PE#Form around added J boxes. Pour concrete collars around added J boxes-90099BnA20Citv of Kent224rhStSean HaldeneJon GriffinTy WilliamsSeth LucasCasey NelsonLAEIOR - Name, Classificationo/TREGOTTREGo/TREGonREGo/TREGofTREGolrREG4.08.0I4.02.0HOUR$$74.95$59.18cRo ao$74.95$80-43LOADEDHOURLY RATE$ 1,713.02$$e$b$ 299.80os 473.44$$ 473.12$$ 299.80$s 160.86EXTENDEOAMOUNTS2-29715-993-124EQUIP.NOF 150 PUcAT 950Ford F450EQUIPMENTOwN o.RENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDEYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPER2.O4.08.0HOURS$o.00s0.00$0.00$0.00$m.01$62.s8$27.A7HOURLYRATE$ 506.90$$a$s$cc$40.02$a2s0.32$q216.56EXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBTOTAL LABORSUBCONTRACTORS90.08$cQ$$eSUBTOTALSCARSEIA BROS., INC. REPRESENTATMEDATESUBTOTAL EQUIPM€NT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:HD Supply lov#39350955HD Supply lnv #39350890MATERIAL11QTY91.68c639,41UNITcosrI731.09!$s91.68639.41EXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAL THIS REPORT:MARKUP MATERIAL:21ahSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:21YoMARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:29VoMARKUP T.ABOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR:lOYoMARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTMCTOR$:93,707.76$ 153.53$ 731.0{l$ 106.45s 506.90s 496.78i 1,713.02$$0.00OWNER / CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDAT€ 4'o'DAILY FORCE ACGOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME,OWNER /DAP.O. Box 68697Seattle, WA 98168-06S7Otfice: (253)872-2173Fax: (253) 3S5-120SSUBTOTAL LABOR:SUBTOTALBidDESCRIPTION OFPaid on PE#SCARSELLA BROS", INC. REPRESFNTATTVEDATE9/32020of Kent224th StForm aroundJ boxes.Jboxes. Pour concrete collars around9009HaldeneGriffinWilliamsLucasNelsonLABOR - Narne, Ctassificaflono/TREGO/TREGo/TR€Go/TREGonREGoiTREGo/TREG4.08.0I4.02.OHOURS$75.60$58.1 2s59.1 8$75.60$80.43LOADEOHOURLY RATE3 1,70{.06b$$$a$ 302.40c$ 464.96$$ 473.44s$ 302.40$$ 160.86EXTENDEDAMOUNTS2-2971 5-99g-124EQUIP,NO.F 150 PUcAT 950Ford F450EQUIPMENTOmlorRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTOBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPER2.04.08.0HOURS$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$20"01$62.58$27.07HOURLYRATE$ s06.90$$c$($$Q$e40.02$$ 2s0.32$$ 216.56EXTENDEDAMOUNTS30.00$$SUATOTAL EQUIPIy|ENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:HDlnv1HDlnv1MATERIALQTY$91.68$633_41UNITcosT$ 731.09$b$$91.68$ 639.41EXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAT T}IISREPORT:lMARKUP153.53SUBTOTAL3 731.09MARKUP EQUIPMENT:l106.4521%SUBTOTALEQUIPMENT:I506.90- ?9%.MARKUPu,caoR:l494.18SUBTOTAL LAEOR:I g 1,704.06-. 19% MARKUP SUECONTRACTORS:lsSUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:I$0.00OWNER/ CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE snoTHERS t!t0.ARSELDAILY FORCE A.CCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:P.O. Box 68697Seanre, wA 98168"0697Offie: (253) 872-7173Faxi (253) 395.1209SUBTOTAL LABOR$lsl$l$lsl$SUBCONTRACTORSl$SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:3*2oSCARSELLA BROS.REPRESENTATIVEDATE'2JPovr Glq.t Colla$Wovq4 qtJ-tI q SotoFoct tnol fuJJ J--Xe.f? -3-2 0TCso /t'tAsot'r{eon lloilon"SzTA Lr"^ sTv t"'r\lllanrTo n Grt{(\,\LABOR - Name, ClassificationotTREGo/TREGo/TREGo/rREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGOTTREGo/TREGo/TREGzL{&{IaHOURSLOADEDHOURLY RATE$$ab$$I$$b$D$sbc$$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTS'J?/(-qq?-tzqEQUIPNO.F- /toCr ?so6a F- vroEQUIPMENTOWN orRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPER?_qrHOURSHOURLYRATE$$$$$$$$$D$$$$bbc5c$EXTENDEDAfvtOUNTSSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENTSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:faVolet2 ktlc-zS fo^rrc-zz t-tLt*<faDMATERIALQTYUNITcosT$s$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAL TH]S REPORT:% MARKUP MATERIAL:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:-% MARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:% MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR:% MARKUP SUBCONTMCTORS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:b$$$$$$$bOWNER /ATIVE4t l{lrguPPlJX oN ACCOL|NT I llilll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllllllll llll CONSTRUCTIOH & INDUSTRIAL llt.}IITE CAP 03{) - Ksnl 71t20 SOLrl'll 210'l tl S.l l{Elr'l'. SUI'Iti l0l Kent. \\;A,9S032 {25.1) 5 1 8-0306 Sold'l'o:8621000 SCARSEI,I,A I]RO'NI TJRS P0 Box 68697 sEA.n'LI;, WA. t8 I68-0697 253-872-7 t13 l)rinted By : Slf ve N Printccl Dale : 0910212020A6:46 AM PACIIFIC RECEIPT lq3o[b f * {3r 1%q Ordercd BY: STEVE OVEIT 393 s0890 2281'l I Pl IAS E 5. I 00028 I 4040 SOTJTH 228'TII AND 72ND AVI: KEN'|, wA, 98012 Job Site Contact: Job Site ['honc: Map i: Contact Phone: Ship 1'tr t -,,,1 {n9q Salespe---- brder Do'ie 09t0212020 C 218 t t0 Steve N N3OI)5. Walk In 'LN , BIN t-H0lill 2-t r0 I {}.i 2:7CM604K Vl'N: ll0l{i0 -60 r-B 4000 PSI AVERAGI] COMPRF]SSIVT: S'TR INCI'I I CONCI{E'IE N,lIX QL]IKRI;''F n2 |2 0 I]A 60 LBS s5 l9 55fi I ?8 Shipped Alnc)tlnI C)rder charges 'l'a,r amounl Ordcr total Depositlllnds tcndered Llalancc duc SIC;N *'7&1 e I-OAI)I]D BY: s5ll 1.28 $0 0t) $58. I 3 s619.4 I st).00 5639.4 i I{ L,POIT'I' DI SCR t'PA NCI ES WI'II IIN 24 I-I RS. ,: yorf I)rt)N,r.RFrcEIVrj l.tir iEnvlcr, yotl EXp[crED cAr.r. sruvtj llijFI'-MAN 9l{r-889-5156 N0Rt]rUNDSblrExcnaNcesoNNoNS"IOCKN4EI{CI'IANDISI.] SEE RT,'ERSE SIDE IORTERMS AND CONDII'IC)NS WWW,WlJII"ECAP,COIV SI(iN DAl t . 02-SEt'j-2020 09:4(r:()6 PI{lN.f : S'I'FIVE OVER Srlpphl) tVl.:t(iltt.: 6,720.00 t.BS Ptll.l.ED tlY:---*---CIIECKEI] I]Y Dorvnload any needcd safcty Data Sheets (sDS) online today at sds.hdsupply'conr Page I ol'l t{,iDguPPlJx ON ACCOIJNIT r ilillt tilt lllll lilll lllll lllll llill llilllill llll C(>NSTRUCTIOH & IXDUSTRIA,L vvT{ITE CAP l).10' Kcnlril{l \Ot!'l ll2l0lllS'lttl:[1. St]ll'Fr l0l Kent, WA. 98032 i25l) 518-t)l(t(r Sold l'o 8623000 SC:A RS ELLA I] RC]]IJ EITS PO BoX 68697 S LA.l1.L.lr. WA. 98 I 6lJ-0697 253.872-7 173 l)rinted By : Sleve N Printcd L)ale 09i0U2A2006:47 AM PACIFIC Ordered By: STEVE OVER RECEIPT l"lioto F* ar 1*, Slrip I o 393s0955 K UN'l' YA RD. I 00008i8472 t9440 841'l{ AVtt SOtJI'tl KI]NT YARD Kl.:N], WA. 98032 Job Site Contact: .lob Site Phone: Map ti. Contact Phone: {umber. . :,Oider Date oouest.Ea Salespcrsot I 9i 5095 5 09t02i202Q a9tQzi202A l.ee. C N30t)Walk in ' Created By 3-t2l 'tRUCK Stsve N i :,-,r:..ua!'crlibtioli , 'uoMr ::. Amount BIN Hf\:4'''f,ovsN ORD $HP aKo 'i UnitWT coo 536 1I t-8{)901 2-R09lt '- 123XL331) VPN: 43.llllllV I '' X 33' CHItOMtr PROFI]SSIONAT- 1'APE Ml;AStllih KOMl:l-ON 2 2 {)EA t 25 r.lls slli.l9 2t t-?7-2 I 3 I 4uU05788 VI'N: 4 8-00--57{i8 9" t81'Pt'fllE lOl{C'll R IICIPROCAl-INC'; SAWT-ALL BI-.ADIJ lvlll-WAl.lKIlE .5lPK I 0 .55 t.BS 1l | -?/.1 I i I 4E{}05027 V[)N: 48-00-5027 12" 5-81'Pl 'fHIr AX RTJCIPROCA'TINC SAIVZAI"L BLADE 5II'K MIL"WAIJKEF; I 0 PKC I t.us Shippcd anrouni Order charges 'l a x antrtttnt Order total I)eposrt/funds tendered Ilalanoe due 5u 3..i 6 s{),0{) \[ i: $9 r .68 $0.00 5e r .68 l'!age I ol'2 FA ./^\-- KENT DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED Description of Work:Form around J boxes and oour concrete collors Prime Contractor: Scarsel la Project No: 14-3010 Work by Subcontractor?: nO Sub-Contractor: Proiect Name: LID 363 2241h St Phase 2 Item No.:Date: 91412020 LABOR OVERTIMESTRAIGHT TIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsOT RateHrsHourly RateOCCUPATIONCODENAME 321.72$4 80.43ForemanN $299.80100.55474.55OperatorSeth L $59.18Pip€Lay€rTvW 236.72$59.184PioeLavetJon G 299.80$4 74.95ODeratorD c 299.80100.55474.95OperatorSean H .84 422.77 OPERATED Rate 1 1LABOR TOTAL $ LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 290lo $ SUBTOTAL - LABOR: EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment #Description DOLLAR AMOUNT $80.0420.014F-1502-297 $27.07F-450u't24 $250.32462.58Cat 950 Loader2-297 $19.08JD 35G17-271 s27.70JD 31016-96 SUBTOTAL - EOUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 2tolo EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ $ $ 359.74 330.36 69.38 DOLLAR AMOUNTUnitsUnit PriceOuantityMAT€RIALS / SERVICES $ $ $ a $ SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21olo TOTAL $ $ i Verification of Hours Worked: 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract wo.k) 2.280.35 2.280.35 TOTAL: $ SHEETTOTAL: $ ,47 Dat€ Representalive Pay Date: By: 1L1\'1l\tr.\'D.AILY FORCS ACCOUNT / EXTRAWORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME.OWNERiP.O. Box68697Seaitie. WA 98168-0697Office: (253)872-7173Fax: (253)395-1209DESCRIPTION OFSUBTOTAL$cel$SUBTOTAL SUSCARSELLA BROS.. INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATEDATE:Bid ltern*:Paid on PE#SUBTOTALSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:Pour colla$ around added J boxes.3t42A2ACitv of Kent224th SrS€an HaldeneJon GriffinEddie DolanSeth LucasCasey NelsonLABOR - Name, Classificationol'tREGonREGonREGo/TR€Go/TREGoftREGonREG4.04.04.O4.4HOURS$74.95$59.18$74.95$74.95$80.43LOADEDI{OURLY RATE$ t,4s?.84$c$c$ 29e.80ss 236.72$$ 299.80$$ 29S.80€$ 321.72EXTENDEDAMOUNTS15-992-297EQUIPNO.cAT 950F15O PUEOUIPMENTOwll orRETEAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDEYOPERSTDBYOPER4.04.0HOURS$0.00s0.00$0.00$0.00s0.00$62.58$20.01HOURLYRATE$ 330.36!$$$c5$Q$ei'$ 250.32$$80.04EXTENDEDA$OUNTSMATERIALQTYUNITcosT$$s$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAL THIS REPORT:MARKUP MATERIAL:21TaSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:21o/oMARKUP EOUIPMENTSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENTnt/oMARKUP LABOR:SUETOTAL LABOR:1OO|O MARKUPSUBCONTRACIORS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:$e280.35$63.3S$ 330.36$422.77$ 1,457.84$$0.00OWNER / CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE 8801H€85 u{C.ARSELti)IuiDAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTP.O. Bcx 68697seattle. wA 98168-0697Ofiice: (253)872'7173Fax: (253) 395-1209CONTRACT NAME. NO,:OWNER / CONTMCTOR:DATE:Bid ltem#:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:Paid on PE#Pour collars around added J boxes.90099t4t202ACity of Kents. 224rh SrSean HaldeneJon GriffinEddie OolanSelh LucasCasey NelsonLABOR - Name, Classilicationo/TR€GotTREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGofiREGo/TREG4.$75.60s58.1 2$75.60$75.60s80.43LOADEDHOURLY RATEt 1,461 .40$$$ss 302.40$$ 232.48$$ 302.40$$ 302.40$ 321.72EXTENDEOAMOUNTS1 5-992-297ESUIPNO.cAT 950F150 PUEQUIPMENTOWN dRENTAL?STDEYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTOBYOPERSTDBYOPER4.04.0HOURSs0.00s0.00$0.00$0.00s0.00$62.58$20.01HOURLYRATEs 330.36$$ab$s$$s$250.32$$80.04EXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBTOTAL LABOR:$0.00lsls$l$SUBCONTRACTORSISUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:SCARSELLA BROS., INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATESUBTOTAL EOUIPMENT:MATERIALQTYUNITc0sT5$$$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBTOTAL MATERIALTOTAL THIS REPORT:210/oMARKUP MATERIAL:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:21YoMARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:29YoMARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR:1AO/O MARKUPSUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL SUECONTRACTORS:32.284.9i1$$$6S.38$ 330.36$ 423.813 1,461.40Cs0.00OWNER / CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE ARSEL880THt8S tlto.DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT I EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:P.O. Box 68697Seattle. WA 98168-0697Office: (253) 872-7173Fax: (253) 39''1209COST CODEDESCRIPTION OF WORKrSUBTOTAL LABOR:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL EOUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:SCARSELLA BROSTPRESENTATIVE-toTo n 4rt$[in- Seq n ilold"ne-EplAl- Aclo-rtSe.Tt, luc' sC^Vo /l/etSonLABOR - Name, ClassificationoffREGo/TREGonpq/:onREGo/TREGo1TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGLTclI'lc/LtHOURSLOADEDHOURLY R,ATT$$$$$$$$$I$$$$$$$$$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSlf-gq2QqtEOUIPNO.f^r 9SoEa F-qsoEQUIPMENTOWN olRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERLlLlHOURSHOURLYRATE$a$b$$a$$$b$$$$$$$$b$EXTENDEDAMOUNTS$lslsMATERIALQTYUNITcosTQsbboEXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAL THIS REPORT:-% MARKUP MATERIAL:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:-% MARKUP EQUIPMENTSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:-% MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR% MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS;SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:bb$$$sb$$OWNER /ATIVEDATEd FA Sheet No.172 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED ./^\-./ KENT Project Name: Item No.: Description of Work: LrD 363 224th St Phase 2 Project No: 1&3010 Date: 1 Work by Subconlractor?: nO Prime Contractor: STRAIGHTTIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTNAMECODEOCCUPATIONHrsRateHrsOT Rate Kent H Foreman 4 80.43 107.75 $321.72 Dave J Foreman 4 80-43 100.55 $321.72 Eddie D Operator 4 74.95 't00.55 $299.80 79.35 $ 59.96 $ 100.55 $ SUBTOTAL-LABOR: $943.24 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29olo 273.54 LABORTOTAL $ EOUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment # Equipment Description OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourly Rate Hrs standDy Kate 3-122 F-450 4 27.O7 $108.28 16-100 JD 310 33.55 $ 2.927 F-350 4 27.O7 $108.28 s $ SUBTOTAI. EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL $216.56 $45.48 t 262.U MATERIALS / SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLARAMOUNT Core & Maln lnv #N457504 1 EE $ 625.42 $625.42 Core & Main lnv #N456352 'l 9a s 1.239.00 $1,239.00 Pro Vec lnvoive # 94.535 1 aa s 1.160.50 $1,160.50 c $ SUBTOTAL $3.024.92 oVERHEAD I PROFIT @ 21o/o $635.23 TOTAL $ 3,660.15 Verification of Hours Worked rorAt: $ 5,138.97 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work)$ SHEETTOTAL: $ 5'138.97 c Contractot's Date Ownsr's Date 1945SCARSELLAEROIHERS INCA/' .v'\ '1LDAILY FORGE ACCOUNT / EXTRAWORK REPORTSUBTOTAL$s$$$$$0.00SUBCONTRACTORSPro Vac Vac TruckSUBTOTALSCARSELLA BROS., INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATES 224th St ProiectCitv of Kent12t9t2020Lowered water service at address 21849 and installed sm30 meter box and oond back.SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:P.O. Box 68697Seattle, WA 98168-0697Office: (253)872-7173Fax: (253)395-1209CONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTMCTOR:DATE:Bid ltem#:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:Paid on PE#EXTENDEDAMOUNTS$ 321 72s 321.72$$ 299.80s$s$$s$$$s 943.24LOADEDHOURLY RATE$ao 43$80.43$74.S5HOURS4A4C4LABOR - Name, ClassificationRFGo/TRFGo/TRFGonREGofiRFGo/TREGo/TREGo/TKent HowardDave JacobsEddie DolanEXTENDEDATIIOUNTS$'t 08.28$$108.28s$s$$$s$$ 216.s0HOURLYRATEs27 07s27 07$0.0c$0.00s0.00$0 00s0 0cHOURS404AOPFRSTDBYOPFRSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPFRSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOWN orRENTAL?EQUIPMENTF350 Tool TruckF450 Tool TruckEQUIP.NO.2-3273-122EXTENDEDAtttouNTs$625.42$ 1.239.00$$ t,E64.42UNITcosT$F25 4?s 1.239.00OTY11MATERIALCore & Main lnv #N457504Core & Main lnv #N456352$0.00s943.24$273.54$ 216.s6$45.48$ 1,864.42391.53$33.734.77SUBTOTAL SUBCONTMCTORS:1004MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL LABORI2gohMARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL EOUIPMENT:21%MARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:MARKUP MATERIAL:21o/oTOTAL THIS REPORT:OWNER / CONTMCTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE Billing Address Scarsella Bros., lnc. PO Box 68697 seattle, wA 98168 USA Pro-Vac PO Box 24351 seattle, wA 98124 253-435-4328 Description of Work lnvoice 94535 lnvoice Date 12/9/202Q Completed Date 12/9/2020 Customer PO Job Address Scarsella #143010 22416 88th Avenue South Kent, WA 98031 USA ET to Hydro Excavate Task # Travel To PWOP #400 Description 12/9 #94535 Travel To 12/9 #94535 PW - OPerator OnlY 12/9 #94535 DisPosal Quantity 1,50 2.00 1.00 Your Price $ 1 8o.oo $ 1 9s.00 $39s.00 Your Total $270.00 $390.00 $39s.00 Paid On 1/14/2021 Type Check Memo Amount $ 1 ,1 60,s0 S ub-Total Tax Total Due Payment $1,0ss.00 $ 1 0s.s0 $1 J 6oso $ 1 ,1 60.s0 Balance Due $0.00 U Thank you for choosing Pro-Vac I hereby confirm that the work performed by Pro-Vac was of quality and in a timely manner 12/9/2020 12/9/2020 I have inspected all the work performed by pro-Vac and understand that I have been given,the opportunity to address a.ny concerns ;#;iliff#;;k Hri;;;;l:i r'iu" roria no rriil.Jri"ini, oitt''"s" concerns wer-e addressed'bv the Pro-Vac ooerator to mv satisfaction. My signature signifies my fuil acceptr#"";i;it ;;,I'd!rfi"'i'"a. t';;t;ih;t Ptolvac is"not responsibld for anv damage done by its equipmenL staff, or vehicles to personai-p'r;p;;q,,;";itroperty, bri"riounaing properties wheie Pro-Vac is performing work and/or oPerations. Job #94535 Driver Ticket Customer Name Scarsella Bros,, lnc. Location Address 22416 88th Avenue South,Kent, WA 98031 USA Technician Name Welch, Shawn Truck Number 470 Arrival Onsite Time 8:30 Dump Out ComPleted Time 10:30 How many loads did You dumP 1 Extra Equipment Used Location Name Scarsella #143_010 Today's Date 12/9/2020 Did you have a laboref ;t Ndl No Travel Staft Time 7:00 Site Departure Time 30 Dump Location Name NW cascade Summary Expose water service for repair and replace deeper in ground FA Sheet No.173 DAILY REPORT OF FORGE ACCOUNT WORKED {^\.,/ T<ENT Proj ect Name: LID 363 224th St Phase 2 Project No: 14-3010 Item No.:Date: 12l1O|2A2A Description of Work: Jack hammer and relocate frame and list Prime Contractor: Scarsella Work by Subconiractor?: no Sub-Contractor: STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTNAMECODEOCCUPATIONHrsHourly Rate Hrs OT Rate Kent H Foreman 4 80.43 107.75 $321.72 Dave J Foreman 4 80.43 1 00.55 b 321.72 Eddie D Operator 4 74.95 1 00.55 299.80$ 79.35 s 59.96 $ 100.55 $ SUBTOTAL - LABOR: LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29% 943.24 273.54 LABORTOTAL $t 8.78 EOUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNTEquipment #Equipment Rate F-450 4 27.01 $108.28 10.t00 JD 310 33.55 $ 2-32f F-350 4 27,47 $108.28 $ $ SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT EOUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21olo 216.56 $45.48 TOTAL $262.04 MATERIALS / SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT Star Rentals # 520832-33 1 ea $ 1 13.85 s 1 13.85 $ D $ $ SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD&PROFlr@21% TOTAL $1 13.85 $23.91 $137.76 Verification of Hours Worked:TOTAL: $ 1'616.58 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work)$ SHEET TOTAL: $1,616.58?204 Representative 1946SCARSELLABROTHERS INC\"y\,I\DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTP.O. Box 68697Seaftle, WA 98168-0697Office: (253) 872-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209CONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTMCTOR:DATE:Bid ltem#:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:Paid on PE#S. 224th St ProiectCitv of Kent12t10t2020Jack hammered and soun freme and orade on exislind CB al East corner of 218th and q4ihreorouted and oaved back.EXTENDEDAMOUNTS$ 321.72$s 321 72s$ 299 80$$$$$s$$$$ 9/t3.2ttLOADEDHOURLY RATEs80.43$80 43$74 95HOURS4.04.O4LABOR - Name, ClassificationREGorTREGofiREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TKent HowardDave JacobsEddie DolanEXTENDEDAMOUNTS$108 28$108.28$$s$$$$s$3216.56HOURLYRATEs?7 07$27.07$0 nos0.00$0.00$0.00so ocHOURS404.0OPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPFRSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPFRSTDBYOWN orREiITAL?EqUIPMENTF350 Tool TruckF450 Tool TruckEQUIPNO.2-3273-122SUBTOTAL LABOR:$$$$$$$0.00SUBCONTRACTORSSUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:SCARSELLA BROS., INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATESUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:EXTENDEDAMOUNTS$$s$$$UNITcosTOTYMATERIALSUBTOTALs0.00$$ 943.24s273.54$216.56$45 48$$1,478.82SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:100/MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL LABOR:?90/"MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL EOUIPMENT:21o/oMARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:MARKUP MATERIAL:21oy'oTOTAL THISOWNER / CONTMCTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE Remit To STAR RENTALS INC PO BOX 3875 SEATTLE WA 98124-3875 www.starrentals.com Bill to:Customer #: 147642 SCARSELLA BROTHERS PO BOX 68697 SEATTLE WA98168 0697 Ordered By: David Jacobs Koy Items Rented 125-OO5O#G8978 HAMMER, BREAKER 60#. ELEC HILTI TE3OOO Equipment exchanged on 1211012Q2A for 1 25-0050fG8221 015-O3OO-33 ASPHALT CUfiERS 125-OO5O#G8221 HAMMER, BREAKER60#, ELEC HILTI TE3OOO.AVR lclay $85 00 lweok $240.00 4weeks $570"00 \ lnvoice Closed ifhu 1211Ol2O2o ,t9 lnvoice# 520832-33 Aging Date , Thu 1211012020 \$o PO #: 1430102'l8thKent Job No: 143010218thKent Date Out Thu 121101202O Terms Net 1Oth Qtv Ser#Disc% Returned Dato I Thu 1211012020 9:32AM : I Thu1211012020 1:37PM fhv 1211012O20 1:37PM Price $o ot $0.0c $85 0( Price $18.5C Modification #3 Conlracl-Params SQt rpl (t0i 85sS2 79683 2 1 Qtv )I"Y - 01 5-0310-33 Items Sold .RESHARP CHIPPER ASPHALT CUTTERS oo.t"i I I i I I l I tI+Current Net 1Oth MW I o I \ 3 a t o. "r /n#t.?:(lo, Eachr ss.zi i $10 35 :.i TotalDue $113.85 253-854-6582 Fax Rentai and Sales: Tolal Amount: $132.35 Discount:sia.so I Total Paid 253.854-3922 www.star.entals com Open Monday through Friday 7:00 am to S:00 plV, CtoseO Saturday * Sunday Pftnted On Frr 1211112020 5 51 1 9AM Softwars by Poinl-ol-Rsntal Software M pornt.olrsntal com 0022$ Please pay from this invoice.'-'t-'l: I : i 1 I $0.00 FA Sheet No../>\./ KENT DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED Prime Contractor: Scarcella Project Name: LID 363 224tti St Phase 2 Description of Work:lnstall fence and post between fences Project No: 14-3010 Work by Subcontractor?: nO Sub-Contractor: Item No.:Dale: 1211712020 LABOR OVERTIMESTRAIGHTTIME OT Rate DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourly Rate HrsCODEOCCUPATIONNAME 107.75 241.29$80.43Foreman3Kent H 100.55 241.29$3 80.43Dave J Foreman $224.85100.55374.95Eddie D Operator 79.3s $Truck Driverlvan C 59.96 $ $100.55 912.58 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29% $ LABOR TOTAL 707.43 205.1 5 SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $ EOUIPMENT OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourly Rate Hrs standby f(ale EOUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment # Equipmenl Descdption 81.21$3 27.07J-.122 F-450 $130.96PC35 John Deere17-289 $53.49317.832-286 F-150 $82.01$104 Mack Dump Truck $ SUBTOTAL. EOUIPMENT EOUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 210lO $ EQUIPMENT AL 1U.70 162.99 28.29 Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNTQuanlityMATERIALS / SERVICES ea $ 35.72 35.72$1Hlghway Speclanles lnv #63711 s 8,251ea8.25$Tacoma Scrcw lnv #15558619 ga s 6.06 $6.061Tacoma Scrcw lnv #15559150 5a $ 85.45 8s.45$11Tacoma Scrow lnv #l 10.47$I e9 E 10.47Tacoma Screw lnv#l 5557936 SUETOTAL oVERHEAD&PROFIT@21% TOTAL $ 145.95 $ 30.65 176.60$ Verification of Hours Worked 3ontractor's Repres entativ et() - -' i4y'o^" -f4/2, Otvn€is Repres€nlative Dato 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work) SHEETIOTAL: $1.252.17 $ Z. rorAL: $ 1,252.17 Pay Date: By: {\'{1946SCARSELLABEOTHEBS INC.DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRAWORK REPORTCONTMCT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTMCTOR:DATE:P.O. Box 68697Seattle, WA 98168-0697Office: (2531872-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209BidDESCRIPTION OFPaid on PE#lnstalled oost and crossbars at qaD between the two fences.12t17t2020Citv of KentS. 224th St ProiectEddie DolanJared PrattKent HowardLABOR - Name, Glassificationo/TREGo/TRFGo/TREGo/TREGoiTRFGo/TRFGo/TRFG33C3nHOURSs74 95$80.43$80.43LOADEDHOURLY RATEs 707.43$$$$$$$$$$ 224.85$$ 241.29$s 241.29EXTENDEDAMOUNTS2-2a62-327EQUIPNO.PUF350 Tool TruckEQUIPMENTOWN orRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYCPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPFR303nHOURS$0 00s0.00$0.00$0.00so oa$17 A3*27 n7HOURLYRATE$ 134.70$s$sss$$s$53.49$s81.21EXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBTOTALSUBCONTRACTORS$0.00$sss$SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:SCARSELLA BROS., INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATESUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTALTacoma Screw lnv #1 555901 1Tacoma Screw lnv #1 55591 50Tacoma Screw lnv #1 555861 9Hiohwav Soecialties lnv #63711MATERIAL1111QTY$85_45$6.06$425$35.72UNITcosr$ 135.48s$85.45$6068.25$35.72EXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAL THIS REPORT:MARKUP MATERIAL:21o/oSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:210kMARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:290/"MARKI.IP LABOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR:1Oo/oMARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:$1.239.s028.45$$135.48$2A.29$ 134.70$205.15$ 707.43$s0.00OWNER / CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE FA No.GrDAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED sidewalk areas work by Subcontractor?: no Prime Contractor: Scarsella ave Project Name: LID 363 224th St Phase 2 Project No: 14-3010 Description of Work: Grade ave and Date: 7Item No.: OVERTIMESTRAIGHTTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHourlv Rate Hrs OT RateHrsCODEOCCUPATIONNAME 321.72$107.75480.43ForemanCasev N 100.55 299.80$74.95Coeralor4Steve O 100.55 299.80$4 74.95OperalorEddie D 180.36e79.35445.09Apprentice 70 % s9.96 $ 100.55 $ STANDBY Rate 1 101.68 I .17 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @2go/" $ LABOR TOTAL 319.49 ENT OPERATEDEQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment #Equipment DOLLAR AMOUNT SUBTOTAL-LABOR: $ 91.84$4 22.96F-150 76.3?$'t 9.084JD.3517-271 120.64$4 30.1 63-126 F-350 232.92$58.234Cat 938 Load€r1*74 c SUBTOTAL. EOUIPMENT EOUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21OlO EQUIPMENT TOTAL 521.72$ 109.56s 631.28t NTALS Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNTQuantityUnitsMATERIALS / SERVICES $ $ $ $ $ SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD&PROFlr@21% TOTAL $ $ s Verification of Hours Worked Date Dats 12Ol. MARKUP 2.052.45 v $ rorAL: $ 2,052.45 SHEETTOTAL: $ subcontracl work) (for prime when Pay E Date: By: I 6S0THERS INC.ARSELP O Box 68697Seattle, WA 98168-0697Qffrce: (253J872-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209SUBTOTAL IABOR:$$$$$$$SUBCONTRACTORSSUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS;SCARSELLA BROS", INC, REPRESENTATIVEDAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTMCT NAME. NO.:OWNER/ CONTRACTOR:DATE:COST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:2t-DATESUBTOTAL EOUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL MATER|AL:C".;\\ttSola g, 2a\48 q+6nd.e *luzuro.t + S,'"{etnolA Qtea S7-Za - 2o9otntn urT, llTt ferurnm.^r cfcq MF al ?qft PC SEXTENDEDAMOUNTS$ ?rt- 7)$$b$$ )fifl.\tn$$$bD$$uc$$$q.l0Lh"$LOADEDHOURLY RATE7h. L/7*7u{ .q {->q, 15.45,0'tHOURS4uqLlLABOR. Name. ClassificationREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TKtr('affREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGo/Ttopu A'h,l\o nSTZue o\zr(eo^ Flo&.noYorb;,\ /4or'n,u,z$ q LYt-lEXTENDEDAMOUNTS{S r-),'"r,&..Cs$ ?3t.7JIq$$$i;$c$b$$$$3g2, l (o5s.732),16HOURLYRATELl</clqHOURSOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOWN orRENTAL?JP 39otof 9g g /o*10,EQUIPMENTP'ct<uPTzrol Tfitcu?-tztt7-?als-l,tNO-EQUIP2atEXTENDEDAMOUNTS$$$$UNITcosTATYMATERIAL:: ll0l . bY$ 3ts.vq$ di2l.7;$ t b?. <-]$$gAog), L/tSUBTOTAL SUBCONTMCTORS% MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL LABORl9x tunnruP LABOR:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:*_:Lz unnxuP EoUTPMENTSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:% MARKUP MATERIAL:TOTAL THIS REPCIRT:OWNER /TATIVE2-a KENT WASHINCTON lo: From: Date Due: PUBLIC WORKS S224th St Phase ll- PROJECT NUMBER:14-3010 FINAT WALK.THRU PUNCH LIST Paul Kuehne, Construction Supervisor I Jason Bryant, Capital Project Manager PW Ops, Design, Environmental, Survey, Transportation october 2020 PAVEMENT MGMT/STREET Date lnspected:rol29l2A2o lnspected By:Brent Collins rogATro,ll Defects: streets: No Comments SIGNS Date lnspectedr LOl29l2020 lnspected By:Mike Krail rocATtoN Defects: g8,Av!e$ Hndef th€ 5 e34 $t €verF055? the SgafdF*lFappenr€-ts be tso'+bigh'*nd"have wfongafi€hor engs+e++le+a+t+Vstem' $g^ve S &l$ A34 "r w Road narrows and curvy road symbol signs on wood posts, need to be perforated telespar' Needs to be removed f,id€e sg wv s & s 218 St, Missing street name Signs and +enevrsn+ign. Guardrail end needs more backfilling, North end has wrong guardrail end. ? 94 pl s & s 218 5t, signs are leaning and damaged, Not enough lateral distance. All sign posts should be perforated telespar. All posts need to have the holes pre- punched STORM DRAINAGE Date lnspected:to/2712020 lnspected By:Luke Larson foeaTloN Defects: €h€nge €hafi€s a . CB POND 2+01,4.51R - lnfiltration between risers r MH pond 46 15.09 - Re-grout M/H frame and lid down r Pond outfall 44+63.05 199,8R - Erosion from end of quarry to water level l- fend+ntraneeerr$i***@ VEGETATION Date lnspected: !0128/2020 & L0/29/202A lnspected By:Ryan Carroll & Joe Codiga rocArpN Pefqqtsl ilr""W"g, The magnolias do not look like they are doing well' I would have the contractor check them to see if replacement might be an option. They might still be under warranty' Also' the grass in the mow striPs is rather tall. Drainage Veg: No comments Date lnspected:ro/30/20 lnspected BY:R. LovellWASTEWATER Defectsr No concerns LOCATION Spike English, Nate Estradalnspected By:LO/28l2o2oDate lnspected:WATER Defectsl See attachments tocATloN WATER MAINLINE VALVES BLOW OFFS FIRE HYDRANTS WATER SERVICES/METERS AIR VACS lnspected By:Date lnspected:CROSS CONNECTION DefectslLOCATION S. Lincolnlnspected By:Ltl412020Date lnspectedDESIGN rheonlv *eti"$that wlll+e requlrec *euld etl| o"r uait uod wtuld be dependsn+en th€ restl$ eft ne&stsi!ocATloN M. Coylnspected By:tolSo/2020Date lnspected:NPDES Defects: No Comments rosATroN M. McCulloughlnspected BY:to/30/2020Date lnspected:PRIVATE STORM Defectr; No Comments TOCATION T. Mollettlnspected BY:70/27/2020Date lnspectediSURVEY pefectsr No Comments LgcATroN T. Chaulnspected By:!o/2712020Date lnspectedTRANSPORTATION. ADA Defects: No Comments tocATloN R. Brownlnspected 8y:tol29l2a2oDate lnspected:TRANSPORTATION DefectEl ihe eBeed limtt ist0 mph Ne en.ggth.*ve 5-and+ESg en*8th nve $, rocATloN M. Sorensenlnspected tsy:t0lza/2020Date lnspected:TRANSPORTATION. SIGNAtS TOCATION lnspected BY:C. Maloneytu612020Date lnspected:DESIGN Pefec"tpi See attached write uP and Pictures rocATloN C. Morrislnspected By:Date lnspected:DESICN DeleeFjrocATrotl INSPECTOR COMMENTS: STA: -0+80.20. 13.54' RT1-12'x8' TEE (FLXFL)1-12' GATE vrrl-!€ (FLXRJ)r-12- GATE VALVE (FLXFL)1 -8' GATE VALVE (FLXRJ)l-12"xE" REDUC€R (FLXRJ)CONCRETE BLOCKINGCONTRACTOR TO FIELDVERIFY LOCATION ANDDEPTH OF EXISTING WATERMAIN PRIOR TOCONSTRUCTION. NOTIFYENGINEER IF DIFFERENT.Vo'\vas aeu.lVc^\ve- nntni<ers iSSMH17'RIM = 35.22lE = 28.82 (10" SE)tE = 28.72 0a'Va\,yq- toa qo.r5q.f c-TGE OFntl45TEMP. I8-sD (} 0.50218"CMPEX.SD.EX. 16' CONC. t tE=29.27NEi{ 18'CONC. E tt=29;12SSMHA: 1+RIM = J5.58E = 2a.22 (1lE = 28.12 (r59' LT-eoce or:'-:;,! e - *_.NEW rE'CONC.|/e0"0'.t\<1J\sw)NE)sTk 0+99.36,t-12'45CONCRETEwOF(F P.)*ruVr.{PAVEMENT (rYP.)EX. 18" CONC- WNEU, 18" CONC. W lE=29.946" SIDE SEWER STUE O 2ZAPPROXIMATE LOCATION. CITY-INSPECTION STAFF TO APPRO\LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRU)"{i;INSTALL:12'TEE (FL)1-12" GATE VALVE (FLXMJ)12"x10" REDUCER (FLXFL)10" sPooL (FLXPE)10" LONG PATTERN SLEEVECONCRETE BLOCKINGINSTALL:12'X8'TEE (FL)1-I2" GATE VALVE (FLXMJ)1-12' GATE VALVE (FLXFL)12" SPOOL (FLXFL) 5 FT LONG1-8' GATE VALVE (FLXMJ)8" Dr (5 FT LONG)8" LONG PATTERN SLEEVECONCRETE BLOCKING75. RI6 oSoz7 LF t2'DI WAIEREX 8' WATERrO O'BRIENCUETN,G167 LrEX 5" WATER MAINWATER MAINEX-56---''-.-lr< 1: Cr 3+LID 365 _ S 224TH STREET PROJECT88TH AVE S,/S 218TH ST IMPROVEMENTSS 222ND ST TO g,{TH PL S: r;rtlIingircring l)ivisimPLAN ANO PROFILESTA 36+00 TO STA tl2+0088TH AVE S6Ett'i3i-ld4 d; a- d- da a--" .", : * r$sr E- +; Ji41 +OOSUPEREL€VATION OIAGRAH37+00505040,12+o040+0039+0038+00a836+0040!; d.: ;- d.: di 6r'4@wmuflE88TH AVE SNFI6oo+nFzroI4ra'h\,rnc- V"\r*r.,' gPg' il:A ^""d:^i)t'"'l...4. 1.a 1-/ 1l_/J 1J_-:r:.4,'ItJ:' :{ !{1"/ -{ zi-z'_z!_zlz,J 1-./*1_/:;"Ii:.ffffffiSE SEEE7757800265CITY OF KENTsR 167VALTEY FWY.F/e.nqae'. {. -a-!;4i€' : t :,' / ),1 -'. .:./--.L .t /--/./--/,a-,'.1 4 /:!': ' '/'/-iSE- SHEET 27_29 'ORsTORil DEIENTIOdTREATilENT SITE5,-8. FS SE PRFARAiS S DECOUAOXs.-u. FoR gNT nENq fuss17.-20. FOR WAT SEB PS NO FRME?!.-25, FOR CH^Slal?jltct |TPROWSGf,I.-Y. FOF WR\€Y M]R ANO RIHT OF SAYSE **TSSSE SEIS$! SEG7757800240BIRCHI-l E2ANH+UINH OIICXUAN77576clor8tCI|Y OF KENI,-)T22Public Warks072?s5sas2 .adsfls.4fr*rrls f.Dd{Er o(.1, ..-,cr'i/I* ')ctl\lnFqzf.)9080-s",/"t--[-1-^*^ 'i:--\l:1 tr- -i_----a-. *-aE rEtr'**'=+:e*8ft*=*:;:8rc,EY@rs 'rry\-ft l?IL* E@& l_ \rn"ffiLii's:t1, 4+. +-4 :+ a.i ).6Tl.i4+.* .*!rl2,lt,',iur3aw*,,:Tf"*.)(-}(-1,sr-;L*u,1rqttiI#Icl4eI4Il:t*I6gtgItattI4rIttIe*gIzzt*Is*thtt=6tb*i,*4iie@OJh964aFsAILWATERMAINDETASSEMBLDRAINF.'8i@iu D;virid\slA45+Oo TO STA s2+oo88TH ^YEs./s tlFru <r 3*?r"..._ - --.-. .- , i!i. y:a. _. . * *_*g'C. 7, T 22 N, R 5 E, W,MIII"i"J.3..!k;*.;. -.STif"lolre*s:f;3it-r:U]>lxo0722059056FLICK, JAMES WJR+EUEN Lo7220s9239UCCLUSKEY, JOSHUA &SA}IANTHAo722059020|HAHELD JOHANN F.'":a; rirG; isr -:o"#"esE ffi6 6,-1. FCe 9E rE,a;&4le ^ lti EaMSEE $rEErs a-[- i* &' tfu{s ffiSE gEEF 12-16. t# tuw^Y ilre$€.3.:Sg! l!ry ll.-4.Fd trffi#nF. *msidiFsse sHE6 31.-y. Fm 9r*,91 is;& ^€ 5ih; ? s rrasE' 2\9L{c1M)€-t*.- ^"--1=3880210002sGARRISON CREEK LLC<t!'-i396&,... --. - ,.,.DAUGHTRTY, 6gatc &CHHSNNE."lo*rc-rJn-,"]l^\ bo"t\^9\o.i4090EOr9 '-1 .:1 Ea 8$ !i Ei. 8l ri]s- gi ei; 2.. z, ti q; ;i *l:F. ."{ i:, i': ;. ii 31 l; ='155+C0 s'5ioo40 m qonu o os, :,1304! Rri 9r it5AiOO120110ffi\Wf110C/L801007AKsrl7052$O0I55+005.1+00F I'1,'i U'(,rL' l)rparrJn, 11r)irb\,-.Nt.e t1 \'."PLAN AN8 Pft$TtL!Sl/.52r00 Ta Sr,\ i)-:+CCJ63 -4ETH AVE J,/SS ?22ND"" 2q?l8TH Si :UPk(rvEv:Ir:ls l:j 94:ft f., :, I Operations Walk-Thru pRoJEcr NAME: S. ;4*.."r{ tiLdd,d.LPraj..-f ? w^1'efr.' P".S. # I Ll - 3 O I A LocArroN: d.qallx; d .ats-,^ DATE CHECKED: ASSIGNED STAFF: WATER MAIN VAIVES (depth, centerlng, type ofValve boX used, direction ofvalve box ears, level with grade, materlal ln valve box) 1. 2, 3, Wr^\ve- r-r*t r\'<t^rs rLt llecl t/\Elir.tt vc-\v<-1 *,xr- 1,s [v^rN- blv\Ze.l\ &.ft a d f.f a. 5-'.&. "{- S, F'oL.nt 4L.L,u,,< ?-?J-ca ...^,J 2,q+t.ct aQ 4 L\ s-,^,\^ f , r's b*n-,Vrl t'lnil neeo/s rrt&er,/ qlqwoFFS (accessible, enclosure box properly install€d, gate valve centered in valve box, proper box for traffic condition- sm29, sm30, D-1, correct fittings on blowoff assembly. size of blowoff) ol< ur tt'1,*5 1. 2. 3. 5. WATER MAIN VAUVEE (depth, centcring, type ofvalve box used, dirdction ofvalve box ears, level with grade, material in valve box) t itn l/ld-. lnr^.L r.,.'. r<l:ntq7-?i^P, t9?"r t. l',e . .i .^* L--b, 7, g" q" <J-- rksl-c.l t:z/ r\tsLa rlr:tz^l rigiJ r"" s*r^llez/. 3 c4wl n+nt/s fe4 I^\rj.zlt FIRE HJDRANTF (operates freely, leaks, proper dralnage, prope, elevatloni6o"" ii"ftf*a grede, clearance -include guard Posts' color of hydrant' chains removed, foot valve - depth, .a-ntarlinu, type of box used, direction of valve box ears, level with grade, materlal in valve box) t va y1s*{' rrrse/ rr"l" 1. 2. 3. 5. yuATEn sffllq€s/MAlNg (centerline of setter, depth ot seiter, proper installation of meter box, correct type of meter bor used for purpose- srn29' sm30, D-1 ca|.s0n jumbo, tracer wlre preseot, material in meter box, clearance, drainage) 1, 7. 3. 4. 5. s o 5 \'box r\.s{"^\tepl 4o (-,o+ l4<,v+ 3 3t AlRvAcs (proper vault or manhole lnstallatlon, proper piping rnaterials us"aiiainage, material ln vault, clearance, isolation valve - depth, centering, type ofvalve box useo, diiection ofvalve box ears, l€vel with grade, materlal in valve box) r. PRV s ,a".st< , I 2. 3. 4. 5, Comments--ju-Ca?, iicr'stn?rr !. l0Zl -1:1f {:rrWB 2 signs on 216th need vEg€qution .u*ou"O t" see fiem.Curbat NW comer - ductFencenot insblled Fence$idewalk/transition gap- Mc0usky sideivalk to line up with bad ofwalk install rhis A? Was the groilt slspiflg !o bach of vral* addedFence does not rnsrt side$aik -last Fanel.*I S$ucarre finish ueafilent? Che* sec for wtlkli tl/pa El€mishes side sf creekt.l*rt: 'q4k/r'/t//r, I r r \ \\.\\!i:'l,l'-: iRori eround end ofvrali - check plan for vrall lt*iglr:Cfiet'{ts s€tf lid *n be egenedlclosed. L,.mninelretd?he vceslefffeek nonhsf rgld::'.!$!g.,:nh Curb/barn'er - orbCurbsffsetfrom banier C€{xjgri<ticn d#1i? Sgdt}d barri€r at a?t tfallin b[a*berries m the east.Serqer lidfor illurninated chewon? *€$e€gtfefice {fterctoWaih rsno!.ed ?nt're vrerla*d?Hfllsideweeg- b*r*erchannel tc intetrctlre Access road- verify x*tction and curb?I like how this'lrj ln ace5s roed - rnake rure these c;tn be oper!€d ancl dosed alllocadonstoflow cofitolmcdeledforthis? Eo titr,E€ 6 E IUt ut loa*5 like &€f ijsed difwnt ffrlof's1shes*n el fatnE t €tKltdiflgihe ftnishirg does not :oot complered- lsts of little hotes thdt .re notareastfiat areiustRed fine shoursbetvreeo pairn East of $rdll on somh side df road, smlchrre notflush with grdde- ls itarea- nelYarea? flerriErest ? No{ instaue{t- need ftrfrom poEt-Finish restordtioo of area - or is this by the or#ner? €rate$louH be rsfirt€d rsfiffi*o*d:hehiit"is mi$eadirg-pgimingto$el* atrtkrnal sgalls at $e Use fA! r*iw= the flo'ur daFs? Alsc, lods fteflor mary haveerodedttresmam bal*