HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2019-084 - Change Order - #22 - Scarsella Brothers, Inc. - LID 363: S 224th Street Project - 04/02/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form iombines & replaces the Request for Mayort Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms' (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WASHtNGToN Department: PW Engineering Originator: S. Anderson Date Required: N/A5rw21 Date Sent: Date of Council Approval: N/A Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee E Mayor Grant? EYes ENo Type: N/A Budget Account Number: R90101.641 10.120 Budget? ElYes E No Category: Contract Vendor Name: Scarsella Bros, lnc. Sub-Category: Change Order#22 Vendor Number: 34547 Project Name: LID 363: S 224th St Project prolect Detaits: Installation of 20'Wide Yellow Barrier Stripe and removal of existing RPM'S on the S. 218th st and 98th Avenue curve. Basis for Selection of Contractor: Bid Termination Date: 22SWorking Days Agreement Amount; $6,720.00 Stafi Date: N/A Local Business? ElYes E No* "lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.1,00, ptease complete "Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspoce. Contract Number: cAG2019-084 Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes E No Comments:Date Received by City Attorney: Date Routed to the MaYor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: id(W22173_1_20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements KENT WASHIN6TON CHANGE ORDER NO. #22 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE : Scarsella Bros, Inc, ("Contractor") Lid 363: S 224th Street Project February 19, 2019 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equiPment necessary to: Installation of 2O" Wide Yellow Barrier Stripe and removal of existing RPM's on the S. 218th st and 98th Avenue curve' Z. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates and wssr) $8,423,307.67 Net Change bY Previous Change Orders (incl. applicable WSST) $647,616.03 Current Contract Amount (incl. Previous Change Orders) $9,070,923.70 Current Change Order $6,720.00 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $o.oo Revised Contract Sum $9,077,643.7O CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for ComPletion (insert date) 130 working days Revised Time for ComPletion u nder prior Change Orders (insert date) 225 working days Days Req u ired (+)fo r t hi 5 ch a nge Ord e r o calendar daYs Revised Time for ComPletion (insert date) 225 working daYs In accordance with Sections t-O4.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard specifications, and section vII of the Agreement, the contractor accepts all requirements of this change order ov signing below. Alsol pursuant to the above-referenced contract, contractor agrees to waive any protest it may 6iu" regarding this Change order and acknowledges and iicepts that this change order constitutes flnat seltlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connectJd with any work either covered or affected by this change order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost pioiitr. This Change order, uniess otherwise provided, does not relieve the contractor from sirict complian." *''Ih the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original iontract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date' All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous change orders (if any), and this Change order, prior to the effective date of tnis Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have aPPlied' The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty . of perjurY ihat they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract' 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its pedormance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above' IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below' Print Name: Chad Bieren. P.E. CITY OF KENT: a, (tiile) (signature) CONTRACTOR: DATE (titte) By Print Na CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 0w ATTESTI {*" Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: (appticable if Mayor's slgnature required) Kent Law Department lln thh teld. you maY ent€. lho elec{roolc tllepoth wnec the @nt.ad has b@ $v€dl CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 Project:LrD 363 224 Project Engineer:Stephen Lincoln FILE NO: 2OO'2 CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 22 Construction Manageme nt Division - Public Works th St Improvements Project No.: 1 4-3010 KENT Fed-Aid No.: ScarsellaOwnersReo:Jason Bryant Contractor: Date:3/8/2021 I. PROPOSED CHANGE 20" Wide Yellow Barrier StriPe a St / 98th Ave S Curveon the S 218thExisting RPM Removalnd II.REASON AND BACKGROUND FOR CHANGE 5 B )red t he re m o VA o t t h e CX sti n I ra sed p ave m e n t m a rke rS Revi S o n #1 5 (PI a n S h eet 2 req u d t h eggthSIoftheRPMstherevISonrequre (RP M ,s )on th e S 2 1 8 th St /Ave c u rve n p a ce lati of roxi ate 2 3 5 of 2 0 W d e OW ba rn e r stri enstaonam III. METHOD OF PAYMENT NEW PAY ffot YoNtUSEACCOUNTINGFOROrder No.Total Estimated Cost of Item $6,720.00$6,72O.O0 Unit PriceUnit EA20" Barrier StriPe & RPM Item DescriPtionSch. No 5 Removal 11 Qty this PE Total Est. otv PAY THIS PAY ESTIMATEmadetobePayment worknetiouatera Independent Estimate Attached NoNew Sub Reqrd? DELETE EXISTING PAY 1-O9.5 Not YoNtUSEACCOUNTINGFOROrder No.Cost of ltemUnitB.l. No.Sch. No. Unit PriceItem DescriPtion Qtv ed REQUIREDmateAttachEstinIdependent Not I Unitotv Yoill-USEACCOUNTINGFOR Cost of ltemUnit PriceOrder No. Item DescriPtionB.l. No.Soh. No. 4/otl10 ECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM REV. DATE: FILE NO: 2OO'2 Attamate ed REQUIREDchEStindIependent KENT ..w IV. WORKING DAYS TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER * THIS PAY ESTIMATE xTotal of th e Cost of Item Columns 720.oo 720.oo$ Original Contract 130 * 130 TE:com Due This Change Order*Previous Total TE forcritica I A, work, materiars and measurements to be in accordance with the standard specifications and Contract Special Provisions for the type of work described' TOTAL WORKING DAYS*140 xThis Change Order + Previous Total Date:2, <>Z 1 Prepared BY: Construction Engi neering Supervisor: Construction Engineering Manager: Ja ryant ul Kuehne Connor Date: Date: /e) !7 S* 2 4/OL/10 REV. DATE KENT PUBLIC WORKS DESIGN ENGINEERING Carla MaloneY, P.E. Design Engineering Manager 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6500 PHONE: 253-856-5500WA5HrNcroN cc Date To From Through: Regarding: August 7, 2020 Eric Connor, Construction Engineering Manager Paul Kuehne, Construction Supervisor Eric Knowles, CitY SurveYor Jason Bryant, Capital Project Manager Rob Brown, TransPortation Manager (fuarluMaloney, P'E', Design Engineering Manager \.{raig Morris, Engineering Designer Ii i#on"n Lincoln, Project Engineer s.224tn Street Improvements - BBth Ave s/s 218th st s 222nd st to 94th Pl' s' Project No. 14-3010C Revision No. 15 REVISE Sheet 23 of 34: Addanewflashingchevronsignandpost@sta.41+g0withassociatedl2voltwiring Add a sPeed limit sign @ sta' 40+39 Add a curve warning sign @ sta' 39+46 REVISE Sheet 24 of 34: Revise locations of chevron sign posts from @ sta.42+69 to @ sta' 44+96 Add a new fiastring chevron sign post and signs@ sta 45+68 Add two type l junction oo*ur'u,iJuppro". iot or 2" conduit for r2v low voltage wiring crossing Pavement sections' Addwirenotesforl2VdirectburylowvoltagewiringandllOVwiringfromservice cabinet. Add note for installing outdoor rated stepdown transformer on light pole base @ sta' 45+40 Add a curve warning sign @ sta' 49+10 Add a sPeed limit sign @ sta' 50+83 REVISE Sheet 25 of 34: AddwirenotesforllOVwiringfromservicecabinet. Addnoteremovingraisedtrafficmedianislandfromproject Add note for connecting ltOV wirlng into existing service cabinet @ sta' 59+25 AdddetailforBLINKERCHEVRoNsigninstallation Revise sign schedule with associatel sign additions and or modifications REVISE Sheet 25A of 34: Add a sPeed limit sign @ Add a sPeed limit sign @ Add a sPeed limit sign @ sta.72+5O sta, 74+03 sta. 75+09 associated sign additions and or modificationsRevise sign schedule with City of Kent Public Works Department Timothy J. iaPorte P.E', Public Works Director s. 224rh Street Improvements Project No. 14-3010C Revision 15 Page 2 of 2 Attachments: Sheet 23 Sheet 24 Sheet 25 Sheet 25A Sheet 258 TrafficSafetySupplySalesQuoteforBLINKERCHEVRoNsystem New installation of LEFT TURN PROHIBITED signs at 66+53 and 58+88 1'-2dE*, {a_EngrneqingWorksAT 9ETH AVE S AND S 21ETH STSTREETESTI{21ETH ST IYPROVEMENTSST TO 94TH PL S563-SAvE S/Ss 222ND2soF YsEc. 7, T 22 N, R5 E, W.M0722059222HAUCK DAVID+CHERIE L21 643 98TH AVE S072205901 6KATO AMY E21539i 98Tl{ AvE snUT.Ftoo88950001 30PERRINS GEORGE W21642 9ETH AVE Sv-ffi''4rl>IErll,i.il_:lIIIF *flirouo. oF ExrsnNG cHANNEuzATtoN" iilixrrucs BEGTN AT srATloN 72+97.99A{o etos AT srArloN 7++43++sI\*0722039224ALVERSON JOSEPH DUFFY21551 gETH AVE SIIt.10722059223ADAMS DANA+DEANNA UARY21647 98TH AVE S0722059064KECKLER MARGARET G+LEROY2155E 98TH AVE SMES 218TH STEtSl\SIGN SCHEDULE8802400056KENT CITY OF9515 S 218TH ST FA Sheet No.:183 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED ./>\,-/ KENT Project Name: Item No.: Description of Work: LID 363224th St Phase 2 Project No: Date: 1&301 ?er #5 Prime Contractor: Scarsella Work by Subconkaclor?. Sub-Contractor: LABOR STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNT CODE OCCUPATION Hrs Rate Hrs OT Rate NAME 107.75 $Foreman 80.43 100.55 D Operator 74.95 100.55 $ Laborer 59.1 8 79.35 $ 59.96 $ 100.55 $ SUBTOTAL - LABOR; LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29Vo $ LABORTOTAL $ EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment #Equipment DescriPtion OPEPdTED STANDEY DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourly Rate Hrs Standby Kate 2-297 F-1 50 22.96 G 't7-271 JD-35 19.08 $ 3-126 F-350 30.1 6 $ 15-74 Cat 938 Loader 58.23 $ $ SUBTOTAL. EQUIPMENT $ EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21%5 ENTTOTAL $ Quantity Units Unrt Price DOLLAR AMOUNT MATERIALS / SERVICES .00 SPM lnvolce 1 ea e $ $ SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD&PROFlr@21% TOTAL c .00 720.00 6,720.00 TOTAL: $6 720.00 Verification of Hours Worked 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work)$ ZI SHEET TOTAL: $720.00 Jaou 318120 I Representalive Pay Estimate Entered: Date: By: Date {loilrorltte (}llicc:- 11095 SW lndustrial WaY, Suite A Tualatin, Oregon 97062 Phone: 503-885-042A, Fax 503-582 8629 Oregon CCB License; 138591 CHAHGE ORT'ER SPECIALIZF,D PAVEMENT MARKING, INC Power,SweePing, ' StriPin'g 'Relater! Service.Y August 26,2A20 SPM.Iob #24672Date: ADDITIONAL WORK ON 218TFI projecr: LID 363: S 2241H STREET PROJEC'I CITY OF KBNT lqSoto Specialized Pavement Marking, lnc. proposes to firrnish all labor, eqLripment atrd materizrls n"""rrory to cornplete re{'erenced project' Quote good for 30 days lrorn above date' atler which time a price adjustment may be necessary' Proposal Excludes Layout, Traffic control and Temporary Flexible Pavement Markers' flv -l.!a!l].i rsltillQ-l-tlgi : 3102 B St NW Auburn' WA 98390 WA contractor License: SPECIPM00BO RB lly TotalUnit PriceLInitQuantifyDescriptionItcm 1,000.00LS1,000.001.00I'4.OBILIZATION 4,?00.0020.00n5.a0 LF20 INCH MMA BARzuER LINEco3.1 300.002.00EAr 50.00RPM REMOVALco3,2 $ 6,000.00Total Accepted by Scarsella Brothet's, Inc Mark Price, Presidcnt