HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2019-084 - Change Order - #17 - Scarsella Brothers, Inc. - LID 363: S 224th Street Project - 03/26/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management - This form Lombines & rep=laces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WasHtNcroN Department: PW Engineering Originator: S. Anderson Date Required: N/A Date Sent: 5tfA21 Date of Council APProval: N/A Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee E MaYor Grant? EYes E No Type: N/A Budget Account Number: R90101.641 10.120 Budget? @Yes E No Category: Contract Vendor Name: Scarsella Bros, lnc. 5ub-Category: Change Order #17 Vendor Number: 34547 Project Name: LID 363: S 224th St Project project Details:Compensation for completing additional work added to complete the parcel 775800182. project Basis for Selection of Contractor: Sid Termination Date; 225 Working DaYs Agreement Amount: $7,601 .68 Start Date: Jrl/fi Local Business? E Yes El No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, pleose complete'Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace' Contract Number: cAG2019-084 Notice required prior to disclosure? EIYes E No Comments:Date Received bY CitY AttorneY: Date Routed to the MaYor's Office Date Routed to the CitY Clerk's Office: id(il22173-l-20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements KENT WAsxrx6toh CHANGE ORDER NO. #L7 NAME OF CONTMCTOR: CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: Scarsella Bros, Inc. ("Contractor") Lid 363: S 224th Street Project February 19, 2019 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutuat consent of the pafties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section t of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: Compensation for completing additional work added to complete the project at Parcel 775780A182' 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates and wssr) $8,423,307.67 Net Change by Previous Change Orders ( incl. applicable WSST) $585,239.58 Current Contract Amount (incl. Previous Change Orders) $9,008,s47.25 Current Change Order $7,601.68 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $0.00 Revised Contract Sum $9,016,148.93 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for ComPletion (insert date) 130 working days Revised Time for ComPletion under prior Change Orders (insert date) 225 working days Days Req u red (*)fo r this Cha ng e o rd er 0 calendar days Revised Time for ComPletion (insert date) 225 working days In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this cirange ordei by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agree! to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change order and acknowledges and aicepts that this change order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this change order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profitr. This Change order, uniess otherwise provided, does not relieve the contractor from strict compliance wiih the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (!f ?ny), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date ol this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and t-he terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have aPPlied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its peformance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. N Its Public Works Direcff CITY OF KENT: il Print Name:Chad Bieren.P.E. (signature) DATE (tiile) CONTRACTOR: t2( DATE: By (tiile) APrint Name 2. CHANGE ORDER . 2 OF 3 ATTEST: Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's signature required) Kent Law DePartment iln thjs field, you nray erter the electonlc lilegath wherc the conltad has been savedl CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 KENT th St Improvements Project No': 14-30 FILE NO: 2OO.2 10 CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. L7 Construction Manageme nt Division - Public Works Project:LID 363 224 Project Engineer:Stephen Lincoln Jason Brvant Fed-Aid No.: Contractor:ScarsellaOwners Rep: Date: 2/2 2/2021 I. PROPOSED CHANGE Compensation for comP leting additional work added to comPlete t he project at Parcel 7757800L82 REASON AND BACKGROUND FOR CHANGEII ct rk d d ti o n a W o rk W as a d d ed a t P a rce 7 7 5 7B 0 0 1 B 2 U po n co m p eti on of th e co nt ra WO a ridtthedflewavforforthcomngIumnatonW n I FA 1 2 B I n sta 3 c o n U a cro s s d ed bIstaextrucur F A 1 6 3 S t ri p t he n e W ste e p S o p e a n d n sta l u te m a tt n g n ti ste e p s o pe FA 1 6 5 I nsta ba r k m u c h a n d perm a n e n t p a n n g o n n CW III. METHOD OF PAYMENT NEW PAY Not YoNtUSEACCOUNT'NGFOR Order No.Total Estimated Cost of Item Unit PriceUnitQty this PE Total Est. Qtv ttem DescriPtionSch. No. $4s0.eB$4s0.98FA113" Conduit Across DrivewaY FA 128 I $5,228.01$5,228.01FA11Strip SloPe and Matting. Install Install Jute Extruded Curb FA 163 $7,922.69$r,922.69FA11Bark Mulch & Planting (FA 165 I PAY THIS PAY ESTIMATEdtombePayment of WOndlaterIndependent Estimate Attached NoNew Sub Req rd? FOR ACCOUNI'NG USE oNt Y Chan4e Order No.Unit Unit Price Cost of ltem Sch. No.B.l. No.Item DescriPtion DELETE DflSTING PAY I'O9.5 Not t 4/01./rc REV. DATE: FILE NO: 2OO,2 KENT Attached REQUIREDatemEentstiIndepend VoNLUSEACCOUNT'NGFOR ChanSe Order No.Cost of ltemUnit PriceUnitItem DescriPtionB.l. No.Sch. No. AttachedstiE REQUIREDmateIndentepend TO EXISTING PAY Not TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER * xTotal of the Cost of Item Columns THIS PAY ESTIMATE $7,6O1.68 IV. WORKING DAYS 7 $OL.68 130Previous TotalDue This Change O rder*130Original Contract DA criti* TOTAL WORKING DAYSX L40 xThis Change Order + Previous Total A, work, materiars and measurements to be in accordance with the standard specifications and Contract Speciai provisions for the type of work described' Prepared BY: Construction Engineering Supervisor: Construction Engineering Manager: Jason nt ul Ku ehne Date: Date: 7-uL( /"t'' b 2 4/oLlrc Connor Date:s/r'ihtt REV. DATE 224th Ph 2 - Change Order #L7 Item Descri ion Change Order # Amount 17 Total:$ 7,601.68 4s0.98 for forthcoming veway to Parcel 7757800182 tr dn itu leeveSuco3edddanstaI de rirossacthontiWnriumang FA #128 5 228.0L In prepara new steeP contractor tion for added Permena slope on Parcel 775780 was directed to striP th nt BMP's for the 0182, the e slope, Place ute mattin and install extruded curb.FA #163 1 922.69Install bark mucl on the new stee ch and permena nt BMP Planting slo e at Parce I 77s7800r82FA #165 FA No.128./>\-/ KENT DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED OT RateOCCUPATION Bui Rate HrsCODENAME Project Name:LID 363 224th st Phase 2 Hrs Prime Contractor:Scarsella Description of Work: lnstall 3" STMIGHT TIME Item No.: 14-3010 Work by Subcontractor?: nO DOLLAR AMOUNT Project No Date 160.8680.43zForeman 151.20$75.62OoeralorL $ e b STTED Rate $ $312.06 402.56 90.50 SUBTOTAL - LABOR: EOUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipmenl DescriptionEquipment # DOLLAR AMOUNT LAEOR OV€RHEAD & PROFIT @ 29olo LABOR TOTAL 40.02$20.01F-1502-297 s $ e EOUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @21o/o EOUIPMENT TOTAL 40.o2b 8.40$ SUBTOTAL. EOUIPMENT DOLLAR AMOUNTunitsUnit PriceQuantitYMATERIALS / SERVICES $ $ $ 450.98 cation of Hours Worked: .-- i 450,98SHEETTOTAL: $ $ $ /6 OateRepresenlative TOTAL: 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work) SUBTOTAI ovERHEAo &PROFtr @21;" TOTAL Entered: Date: By: Pay Ei0rHfRs rNcRSELYt"s ,\'t"DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRAWORK REPORTCONTRACI NAME, NO,:OWNER iP.O. 8ox 68697S€attla, WA 98168-0637Oflicei (253) 872-7173Fax: (253) 39$1209Selh LucasCasey NelsonLABOR - Name, ClasslllcatlonO/TREGofiREGo/TREGonREGo/TREGonRECo/TREGo/TREGo/IREGo/rREGonREC2.C2.0s75 60$ao 4:LOAOEDI{OURLY RATFs 312.06$$$$$s$$$$$ss$$ss$ 151.20$$ 160.86EXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUATOTALSUBCOIITRACTORSi0_00s$$SUBTOTALSCARSELLA BROS., INC. REPRES€NTATIVEDATFBidOESCRIP-NON OF WORK,Paid on PE#J_aoaEQUIPNO_F-150EQUIPUEI{TREXTAL?STDBYOPERSTDAYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBY3PERSTOBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDAYOPERSTDBYCPERSTDBYOFER2.OHOURS$0 0c$0.00m.0fso 0n$0.00$0.00$0.0050.00$0.00$0.00s20.01HOURLYRATE,10.02$$$so$b$$$$$$$$40-02EXTENDEOAMOUNTS30'3" Sch 40 C$duitMATERNLOTYUNITcosrs$$$$EXTEI{DEOAHOUNTSTOTAL THIS REPORT:4lpMARKUP MATERIALSUBTOTAL MATERIAI:?1YoMARKUP EOUIPMEMI.$UBTOTAL FOUPMFNf.29nAMARKUP LAEOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR:lOYoMARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS.SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS.54s0.98$$$8.40t40.0290.503 !12.06$$0.00SUBTOTALBui residsnce install 3' conduit sle6w-8/10nomCity of KentOWNER / CONTMCTOR REFRESENTATIVEDATE DAII-Y FORCE ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME. NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:P.O Box 68697Seattle. WA 98168-069?Office: (2531 872-7173Fax: i253) 395-1209COST CODEDESCRIPTION OF WORK:SUBTOTAL LABOR:cls$$lslsSUBCONTRACTORSl$SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATESUBTOTAL EQUIPMENTSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:oSeTh /..rcr.r,qtoso-l Nclscs,jLABOR - Name, Glassificationo/TREGo/TREGo/TREGolTREGo/TREGolTREGo/TREGolTREGorrREGo/TREGzHOURSLOADEDHOURLY RATE$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b$$$$$cEXTENDEDAMOUNTS?aLtEQUIPNO.Fra F-tn PicrupEQUIPMENTol,vN orRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPER2HOURSHOURLVRATE$$$$$$$$aa$cc$$So$$$EXTEFIOEDAMOTJNTSScp' j'"' S< + ?"t(utiMATERIALQTYUNITCOST$$$$cEXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAL THIS REPORT:-% MARKUP MATERIALSUBTOTAL MATERIALI-% MARKUP EQUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT% MARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR% MARKUPSUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:sq$$c$$s$OWNER 1?TEC)L'.-( FA Sheet 163 OCCUPATION control HrsCODENAME LrD 363 224th St Phase 2 ute Prime Contractor: Scarsella Project No: 14-3010 in bare areas. Pave curbs for surface 643.M OVERTIME OT Rate STRAIGHT TIME Hrs Rate Project Name: Item No.: Description of Work: ./>\-/ KENT Work by Subcontractor?: nO Sub-Contractor: DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED Date: 1On DOLLAR AMOUNT 107.7580.438ForemanSteve O 643.44$100.5580.438Foreman $1 00.5567.06Truck Driver $599.60 544.32 79.3574.95oOo€ratorH 68.04 55.86 ITruck DriverAlex B $100.55 59.96 STANDBYOPERATED Rate LABOR oVERHEAO & PROFIT @ 29Yo $ LABOR TOTAL 704.93 135.73 EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment #Description DOLLAR AMOUNT SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $ 216.56$27.07IF-4503-121 $ $ 160.08 152.64 8 20.01F-1502-297 19.08IJD PC-35't7-271 a 268.4033.558JD3105G16-100 656.48$ 1.454.16$ s EOUIFMENT TOTAL 1 7s9.53 SUBTOTAL. EOUIPMENT 305.37EOUIPMENT OVERHEAO & PROFIT @ 21olo DOLLAR AMOUNTUnit PticeUnitsOuantityMATERIALS / SERVICES 275.00$$ 275.00ea1NWL $ $ $ SUBTOTAL OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21016 TOTAL 275.00s $ $ 57.75 332.75 Verification of Hours Worked Date Date /e zl Owrrer's Representative Conlractor's 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work) SHEET TOTAL 01 01 TOTAL: Esnn6y6d[Pay By: r1\\$DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT I EXTRAWORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME, NO,:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:P.O. 8ox 68697Seattle, WA 98168-0697Office: (253)872-7173Fax: (253) 395-1209BidDESCRIFTTION OF WORK:Paid on PE#902110nt2020City of KentS, 224th St ProjectStrip slope @ bui residence & stabalize with jute matting-Pave extra curbs for surface water conlrol.Alex BronsenSean HaldeneCasey NelsonSteve OberLABOR - Name, Classificationo/TREGo/TREGof(REGo/TRFG0/TREGo/tREG0/TREG8.0I8.08.0HOURS$68.04$74"S5$80.43$80.43LOADEOHOURLY RATE$ 2,430.80$$t$$$I 544.32{$ 5S9.60$$ 643.44$$ 643.44EXTENDEPAMOUNTS16-100o-1 n717-271)-ra13-1 21EQUIPNO.JD - 3105GMack SoloJD PC.35150 PU450 Tool TruckEQUIPMENTOWN orRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPER8.$0"00$0"00$33.55$82.06$19.08$20.01$27.07HOURLYRATEi 1,454.16$$$$c$268.40$a656.48$$ 152.64$$160.08$216.56EXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBTOTAL LABOR:SUBCONTRACTORS$0.00$b$$$$SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:SCARSFLLA BROS.. INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATEEQUIPMENT;SUBTOTAL MATERIAL:NWL lnv *f0084742-lNMATERIAL1QW$275.00UNITcosr$275.00$$$$e275.00EXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAL THIS REPORT:MARKUP MATERIAL:210hSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:21o/oMARKUP EOUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:N/qMARKUP LAEOR;SUBTOTAL LABOR:109oMARKUP SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL SUBCONTMCTORS:35,228.0257.75e$ 275.00$ 305.373 1,454,16q704.93i 2,€0.80$$0"00OWNER / CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVEDATE SUETOTAL LABOR:SUBCONTRACTORS$$qs$$cSUB'f OTAL SU BCONTRACTORS:-7-SCARSEBROS,REPRESENI'ATIVEDATEDuJr pxrh /'.,r\\ **, '\J-.!*.t i^j-Tct t"snrr-l'f'.r;g Wto,fl,n d,Srr,u (lopi ei fr, (?,9-,J,.t" i di'tL,ljte [r]l;'htd"LlCI -?-tc'l\1olttSUBTOTAL EQUIP{\il€NTSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:DAILY FORCF ACCOUNT / EXTRA WORK REPORTCONTRACT NAME. NO.:O\4/NER i CONTRACTOR:DATE:CCST CODE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:P O LiQx $36iii'Seatllr. WA t)$164-069liOffice i?53) gr? 71 /?,Fix (25.1) ii95'1 209Ab-x Brsnsr nS*on kt:rlJeo*ker, oLcr(^s- /ltbr!o,,tLABOR - Name. Classificationo/TRECo/TREGo/TREGO/TREGC/TREGREGo/TREGo/TREGo/Tatrr:O/TREGxFSHOURSLOADEDHOUR.LY RATEq$a$$c$$$$O$c$$qe$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTS3-tzt1-tatlTettlu'tx4-aclEQUIPNO.Tooi Trut\.Mq{ti 5ciofD Fc_j ltrb - 3/c ssF- lsa f/,l,;FEQUIPMENToWN orRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSIDEYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERJILJDTOPERSTDBYOPER5lx5(xxHOURSt.gOURLYRATE$$$$$$$$$c$$$$$$($$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTS^l l) L l^\ao(JuTe rtzr:'ri ., A f ntts *f"'rtMATERIALvQTYUNITcosT$$s$SEXTENDEDAMOUNTSTOTAL THIS REPORT:% MARKUP MATERIAI.;SUBTOTAL lr4AT€RIAL:?," MARKLIP EOUIPMENTSUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:% MARKUP LABOIl:SUBTOTAL LABOROI, MARKUP SUBCONTRAC]TORS.SUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS$s$c$$$boO\^/NER / CONTR,ACTOR REPRESEN-TATiVEDATT Page: 1 hrr frt N{}l{'i'! t\1'ljs',] l,l Nl l{(;s & {.'li( }','lix't'l t,li I'll(}f)l l( "rs' INC' " I ltllting ltt Pt'Qlt'!, t tltr lltrironmenl" 211824 7?lh Avcrttrc South Kcrrt. \1tA q,({}:il. 1.160 { l5:}} tr 7?-o?4'i 1 11,,00) 729'69 54 FAX: {li-l} tt12'0245 w\1nv. rrf) r1 h \vesl I in i trgs. com lnvoice 'i, l-lil ,r' i,i.i' j't filtJ lnvoice Number; 0O84742'lN lnvoice Date 911012020 Order Number: 0011295 $rder Date: 9l1OnA2O lnvoice Due Date; 10nA12020 Terms: NET 30 DAYS {--{:l,l.a:,;i. i. i itl'l Confirm Sold Tor SCIARsELLA BRO] HtHS INU P,O. BOX 68697 seattle, wA 98168-0637 WILL CALL Kent, WA 98032 KE|TH253-241-41A2 LB euCtomer P.O, 143010 EEJUTE Customer # SCAl11 SalesDe 003d rson Misc Accounts - Sealtle lo on PermeaTex JUTE - 4' 4' X 225' = 100 SY/ Roll 9021.001 Rev #13 - Added Ditch Work DR 9t25120 sc iJ $ 250.00 Net invoice: Freight:$ Sales Tax: $ lnvoice Total: $ 275.00 rern Northwes{ Linings & Geotextile Producls, lnc. 2082477|h Avenue Soulh Koni. WA 98032-1360 ln consideration of a check for payment in the amount stated on lhis invoic6, and efl€cliv€ upon ils clearing the bani upon which il was drawn, Northwesl Linings I Cuotu*tilu'prodrcts, lnc.-waives andieleases any lien or lien tighls acquired by rrini*ning luoot und/or nraterials for ihe propeny re{erenced at}ove lo the extenl of rrcft pry-*"nr. This Partial claim waiver does not opelale to release or waiv€ any rights'in connections wilh sums owed in excess of the above dsscrib€d consideration. 0.00 25.00 unlt PilceQuanlity 0.s00 50.000 500.00sY SROLL alhIIT NORTHWEST LININCS & CEOTEXTI L[ PRODUC'I'S. INC. "t'/elping to Prolecl the Envir<tnnent" 20824 77th Avenue South Kcnt. WA 98032 (?53) 5"72-0244 * (800) 72e-6954 FAX: (253) 872-0215 wwrv. north westl i n ings.com Picking Sheet Paqc Order Number: uCl 1iJ5'; Order Date: 1016i?(:?0 Salesperson: 00-10 Misc Accounts ' Seattle lo Warehouse: COC KENT Mhlt'i W/^f'lEllor.rSt Sold Io: SCA]1 1 SCARSELLA BROTHERS INC P.O. BOX 68697 Seattle, WA 98168-0697 Confirm To: CASEY 253'261-4102CMK Ship To: SCARSELLA BROTHERS INC WILL CALL Kent, WA 98032 Ship Date: 1At6t202A Customer P.O. 143010 Ship VIA WILL CALL F, O. B. NWL Terms NET 30 DAYS Shipped I ii t:ir.t:'f q.r9 i,i i'iQuantity Ordered:Item Number 3 ROLL 300.00sYEBJUTE PermeaTex JUTE - 4' 4' X 225' = 100 SY/ Roll Received by Signature: Name: (Printed): ShiP Date: Warehouse: Pulled by Cher:keti l:Y 1NOFA ./^\-. KENT DAILY REPORT OF FORGE ACCOUNT WORKED Work by Subcontraclor?: nO OCCUPATION residents HrsHrsCODENAME Project Name LrD 363 224th Sl Phase 2 Prime Contractor: Scarsella Projeci No:14-3010 Description of Work: lnstall Item No. OVERTIME OT Rate TIME Rate DOLLAR AMOUNT Dale: 1111 s107.7580.43ForemanSGne O 100.5580.43Foremaniasev N 100.55 $67.06Truck Driveronathan S $79.3574.95OperatorH s59.96 100.55 80.43 55.86 Foreman -i, - , Kent H Tanva L TOT'[ STANDBYOPERATED Rate LABOR oVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29o/o $ Equipment Description SUBTOTAL - LABOR: EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment # DOLLAR AMOUNT 27,07F-4503-121 b20.01F-1 502-297 $19.08JD PC.3517-271 $33.55JD 3105G16-100 Mack Solo9-107 e $ EOUIPillENT AL SUBTOTAL. EOUIPMENT EOUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21Ol" DOLLAR AMOUNTUnit PriceQuanlityUnlts MATERIALS / SERVICES 1,716.69$ea s 1,716.691 $ $ b SUBTOTAI OVERHEAD*"*O'''g,',* TOTAL $ $ t 1.716.69 1,922.69 206.00 Verification of Hours Worked zDate Date 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work) SHEET TOTAL:1 L4 1 922.69TOTAL: $ eav estit'een{reo: Date: By: B801HfB$ tilCSELDAILY FORCE ACCOUNT 1 EXTRA WORK REPORTt\0lnstalled City of Kenl provided plants al Nquvet Residence on slope in iute area.11nA2020City of KentS. 224th St Pro.jectP.O. Box 68697seatfle. wA s8168-0697Otfice: (253) 872-7173Fax: (253) 395-120SCONTRACT NAME, NO.:OWNER / CONTRACTOR:DATE:Bid ltem#:DESCRIPTION OF WORK:Paid on PE#LABOR - Name, ClassificationoiTREGoiTREGo/TREGo/rREGorrREGoiTREGHOURSLOAOEDHOURLY RATE$D$$s$$$s$$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSEOUIPNOEQUIPMENTOWN dRENTAL?STDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERSTDBYOPERHOURS$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00s0.00$0.00HOURLYRATE$$$$e$$t$s$$EXTENDEDAMOUNTSSUBTOTAL LABOR:BuckleV NurserySUBCONTRACTORSs1,716.69$$$$$$ 1.716.69SUATOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:MATERIALQTYUNITcosr$$$$$EXTENOEDAMOUNT$SUBTOTAL MATERIALSCARSELLA BROS., INC. REPRESENTATIVEDATEr \^'t ' b\TOTAL THIS REPORTMARKUP MATERIAL21o/oSUBTOTAL MATERIAL:?l'ipMARKUP EOUIPMENT:SUBTOTAL EQUIPMENT:29o/aMARKUP LABOR:SUBTOTAL LABOR:1OO/O MARKUP SUBCONTRACTORSSUBTOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS:$1.888.3C$(s$$171 .67$1,716.63OWNER I CONTMCTOR REPRESENTATIVE of Kellt Provided Plants Ilem Name Inslall Item Ntrmber N/A l)ate ltll2l2020 Contract Nurnber #14-3010 Subconlractorllower Tier Subcontt'aclor CoNBScarsella Bros Contractor N/A RAMS of Kent Plant Material Acceptaucc N Residence Residence on sat tn ute at eaInstalledof Kent n of Wor* Hourc Worked Amounto.T. Rate Reg RateO,T Occupation of W ot'ktnan or Size Worktnan and/or lJquiPtnent w oremal)rcla ro Mota/. 7 l0 1 I 01 I r$ 1 ASF-31 64 1 J lum, 3 34 72 35 on 8 $716.69 '1t)'lAl,Date Itl13l20 Checked By Dave Date 11/nna20Dave By filn/2,a20DII Entered BY DH CAPS Entry SRick lftier'Jason Inspector PROJECT# -{5qDATE: t\START TIME:FINISH TIME:digtEMPLOYEE NAMELtrrPROJECTNAMEia{.on Jt.*B Pi.,,.| intl&{tf*acrfrf-€i.aHansont Gabriel GareiaArmando Murilto E.I Arturo MotaEric LundJohn MorganGerardo JimenezJacob HuntlAndal. RafuelEspindola_ lsabel Lops C.!IiO da"4* . ?-(2,q?r?rftJL^15"t5.' ?il.zEl.7sLA.tbr4)'+1'r"1 +,'r.?""fii 3qii 4q.t ,5& EQUIF HOURSEQUIPMENT?.:tNOTE$:l(REVIEWED BY: :Esgr#lg 1148 CentrslAvg. N, Kg,il, WA 98032 (?59) S54-50S2or (2A01 623'8103 M i $ 472.7 axe -fr=&J,$i"il ISOLDTO: $HIPTO: 'a'.' P.O. f /AUTHOR IZATIO.I f TO'TAL .,,',,.,2-, TERMSRESALECASHCHAROF / UNIT PBIOEOE$CRIPTION b,t '''"'t""""....i..i..1,iir":i... ...!..:-.i.r .t.... ... . r{ :'=9/a ''""rq/"""" """ {"r,';";;;':r'.0 I I I I l I I ]i I j 1 .1 I I i I i 7.c&x cs4s B From: Sent: To: Subject: nt, Jason Bryant, Jason Monday, October 12,2020 2:35 PM Harrell, Jennifer RE: Nguyen - steeP sloPe Thank youM,ll schedule the installation and get back to you on when we will need them Thank You, Jason Bryant, Capital Proiects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 | Cell 253-261-5663 lBrvant@ KentWA.aov CITY OF KENT' WASHINGTON KentwA.gov Facebook l 'r"' j'r":; YouTube PLsAsr C{JN$!$SR Tllg st'dVIR$F{MSruT aEFO*r pRINTNN{! Yl{I$ g-MAII- From: Ha rrell, Jennifer <J Ha rrell @ kentwa'gov> Sent: Monday, October t2,2O2O 1:58 PM To: Bryant, Jason <JBryant@kentwa'gov> Subject: Re: NguYen - steep slope Yes. Get Outlook for iOS From: Bryant, Jason <J Brvant@ kentwa'gov> Sent: Monday, October t2,2O2O 1:30:29 PM To: Harrell, Jennifer <JHarrell@kentwa'gov> Subject: FW: NguYen - steeP sloPe Jennifer, Are we suppling all of the plants you suggested? Thank you, Jason Bryant, Capital Proiects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 I Cell 253-261-5663 JBryant@KentWA.gov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA.gov Facebook'i ''"! |t"i:': ( YouTube Ft-frAt$f c0Ns:ssl{ Ttf tr ffdl/Il?0t*MfrFaY ffifirf}RF pRxl*TrNs rt'irs 5:'MArt' 1 From: Bryant, Jason Sent: Tuesday, October 6,2O2o 2:40 PM To: Harrell, Jennifer <JHarrell@kentwa'gov> Subject: RE: NguYen - steeP sloPe Jennifer, I don,t think we,il be ready that soon but wanted to crarify that we are suppling all of the plants suggested? Thank You, Jason Bryant, Capital Proiects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 | Cell 253-261-5663 JBrvant@KentWA'gov CITY OF KENT' WASHINGTON KentWA'gov Facebook i ri^rr :l:'i:':r:'" YouTu be FL*ASH Cofdr$x$g* r'il g ENV1SI0NMSI\'{" ssFoRe ?rftlfl! Yfl$ 1"}t}$ g-MAr{' From: Ha rrell, Jen nifer <J Ha rrell @ kentwa'gov> Sent: TuesdaY, October 6, 2O2O 2:26 PM To: Bryant, Jason <JBrvant@kentwa.gov>; Maloney, carla <cMalonev@kentwa'gov> Subject: Re: NguYen - steep slope I can have the plants ready as early as tomorrow Get Outlo ok for iOS From: Brya nt, Jason <J Brva nt@ kentwa'gov> Sent: Tuesday, October 6,2020 L2:42:IO PM To: Maloney, Carla <CMaloney@kentwa'gov> Cc: Harrell, Jennifer <JHarrell@kentwa'gov> Subject: RE: NguYen - steeP sloPe Carla, Are we suppling the plants? when will they be ready for pick up? we are going to begin striping the hillside tomorrow. The Jute mating placement will begin tomorrow' Thank you, Jason Bryant, Capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 I Cell 253-261-5663 JBrvant@ KentWA.qov crTY OF KENT, WASHTNGTON KentWA'gov Facebook "'{-t'"rgiri:ler YouTube 2 pt-*AstE fisl\{$xsgn Th[g fl{vrft$r'{Mf [$T AHF$RS P${rNT}l{s Tl{l$ e-MArt' From: Maloney, Carla <CMalonev@kentwa'gov> Sent: Thursday, September 24,2020 3:39 PM To: Thunganguven45Tg@sma il'com cc: Bryant, Jason <JBrvant@kentwa.gov>; Rolcik-wilcox, cherylccRolcik-wilcox@kentwa'gov>; Martindale' Delores <DMartindale @ kentwa.gov> Subject: NguYen - steeP sloPe Good afternoon Van - Thank you for meeting with us Friday September 11th We spoke about several different issues which are summarized below' a Request for retaining wall - You mentioned that some time ago' you discussed with Chad about the possibility of installing a retaining wall in place of the steep slope and did not hear back from the city as to the feasibility of the wall. In our visit, it appeared that your request for a retaining wall wasintendedtobeatthepropertyline,tofullheighttomatchtothegradesurroundingyour house.TheCityevaluatedanoptiontoinstallaretainingwalltoprovideroomfortheparkingon one additionar vehicre at the top of the hiil. we found that the instailation of this retaining wall would be costlY' steep slope vegetation - the grass planted on the slope was necessary to help stabilize the slope' we heard that you felt the grass does not look nice, is dry and you worry that it may catch fire' we offered to remove the grass and cover the srope with jute fabric rike what was being installed to the west of the property and replace the grass wiih native plants' We have consulted with our randscape team and have found the fotowing prants wourd be a good fit for the srope and available for planting. We intend to perform this wlrk later this year (October/November)' and Jason will notify you prior to starting this work' Co mmon CamasGoldenrodinee-leaved LuLaOceans a a Fence west of driveway - we discussed and marked the fence location according to your direction' Jason will notify you prior to the start of this work' Fence east of driveway - we wiil add fence to the east side of the driveway per your request in the location as marked, Jason will notify you prior to the start of this work' 3 . Electrical work - we will discuss with our electrician what can be done to fix the electrical connectiontothewiringthatwasapparentlydamagedduringtheinstallationofyourdriveway Jason will coordinate with you on the timing of this work' r For your reference and files, I have attached the two signed and executed agreements for the acquisition of property and slope easement' Please let Jason know if you have further concerns' Thank you, Carla Carla Maloney, P.E. Design Engineering Manager Olsign Engineering I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5 523 ; Cell 253-508-3593 CMaloneY@KentWA'gov PLEASEcoNSIDERTHEENVIRoNMENTBEFoREPRINTINGTHISE-MAIL 4