HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK18-073 - Amendment - #3 - Berger Partnership - Springwood Park Renovation Master Plan - 05/06/202106/05/2021 • KENT WAS H I N G T O N AMENDMENT NO. 3 NAME OF CONSULTANT OR VENDOR: Berger Partnership CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: Saringwood Park Renovation Master Plan, PK20-04 ORIGINAL AGREEMENT DATE: 02/16/2018 This Amendment is made between the City and the above -referenced Consultant or Vendor and amends the original Agreement and all prior Amendments. All other provisions of the original Agreement or prior Amendments not inconsistent with this Amendment shall remain in full force and effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, Consultant or Vendor's work is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, the Consultant or Vendor shall: As described in attached Exhibit A, incorporated herein, scope of services is expanded to include community outreach coordination and additional inventory and analysis. Contract duration is also extended by eight (8) months. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, 'Compensation," are modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $89,090.00 including applicable WSST Net Change by Previous Amendments $0.00 including applicable WSST Current Contract Amount $89,090.00 including all previous amendments Current Amendment Sum $19,197.00 Applicable WSST Tax on this Amendment $0.00 Revised Contract Sum $108,287.00 AMENDMENT - 1 OF 2 Greg Brower Principal 5.06.2021 3.2.21 PARTNERSHIP berger Terry Jungman, Parks Planning and Development Manager Kerry O'Connor, Park Planner City of Kent, Parks, Recreation & Community Services 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Proposal for Landscape Architectural Services — Springwood Park Master Plan and 30% Design/RCO Grant Application Dear Terry and Kerry: We are pleased to have the opportunity to work with the community and city staff to prepare a master plan and 30% design documents for Springwood Park. We look forward to working with you and the community to create a plan for this park that is meaningful and full of opportunities that will build community and allow people to take advantage of all this unique site has to offer. We propose to do this through a community building exercise, a series of three open house meetings, online outreach, and onsite input opportunity. After the completion of the master plan we will move into 30% design documentation which will further the design and prepare documentation for the RCO grant submittal. As requested, we have revised our original scope of work and fee for the project for your review. The revised scope includes the services for the preparation of a park master plan, added services for coordination with the community outreach consultant, and added services for schematic (30% complete) design documents. Master planning includes public involvement, design, establishing project costs, and preparation of a master plan report. The preparation of 30% design documents is the next phase in the development of the park and will be used as part of the RCO grant submittal. Project Team To complete both the master plan and schematic documents we will require input from consultants with specialized skills. They include the following: • Civil Engineering: KPFF (original subconsultant) • Geotechnical Engineering: Associated Earth Sciences (AESI) (original subconsultant) • Environmental Sciences Engineering: Environmental Science Associates (ESA) (new subconsultant) Landscape Architecture Berger Partnership Ps 2063256877 Urban Desi n 1927Post ALLey,Ste. 2 bergerpartnership.com g Seattle, WA 98101 3.2.21 Terry Jungman and Kerry O'Connor P A R T N E R S H I P City of Kent berger Proposal for Landscape Architectural Services—Springwood Park Master Plan and 30% Design/RCO Grant Application Page 2 of 8 Master Plan The master plan includes the following: Coordination with Community Outreach Consultant (New Services) Coordination with the community outreach consultant includes the following: • Meet monthly with the city and their outreach consultant (March - June). • Work with city staff to develop content for a survey/questionnaire and focus group meetings. • Review and summarize park -related input generated from early outreach efforts. Deliverables in this phase include: • Assist with the preparation of content for a public survey/questionnaire and focus group meetings with questions designed to obtain public comment. Inventory and Analysis (Original Contract, **New Services) (*content no longer applicable crossed out) Inventory and analysis includes the following: • Prepare a project schedule. • Visit the site to review existing conditions and record features. • Meet to review the existing conditions, opportunities, constraints, and schedule. • Code research and project requirements including possible permits and approvals. • **Assist with obtaining site survey. Review survey for inclusion of required/necessary information. • Prepare a site environmental reconnaissance. • Review existing stormwater and site infrastructure. Prepare a summary report. • Develop ideas for an early community outreach kiosk. • Develop ideas for early community outreach such as an event in the park or other community engagement strategy. • Work with city staff to develop a *fie apd park outreach meeting notice — intended for use via the city website or posting onsite. • Develop digital media for the public online engagement. • Prepare a site inventory/analysis plan and base plans. • Provide project administration. Deliverables in this phase include: • Site notes regarding existing conditions, site features, and photos capturing the same. • Project schedule with key milestones, meetings, and sequence of work. 3.2.21 Terry Jungman and Kerry O'Connor P A R T N E R S H I P � berger City of Kent Proposal for Landscape Architectural Services—Springwood Park Master Plan and 30% Design/RCO Grant Application Page 3 of 8 • Site understanding and requirements with regard to permitting and approvals for improvements. • Site map or base plan for use in preparing site diagrams and park plans. • Community outreach display materials for kiosk and city website, including meeting notice, a site map of existing conditions, aerial site image, and character photographs. Conceptual Design and Public Input (Original Contract) This phase includes the following: • Develop conceptual diagrams based on initial input. • Prepare drawings and graphics for meeting and presentation purposes. • Meet to review the public open house strategy. • Review and record park kiosk comment cards. • Prepare exhibits for the public open house and park kiosk. • Conduct public open house #1 - Vision and Ideas. • Meet to determine initial master plan alternatives based on public input. • Prepare up to three master plan alternatives for consideration. • Meet to review alternatives. Revise alternatives per input received. • Conduct public open house #2 - Master Plan Alternatives. • Meet to select preferred alternative and/or preferred features based on public input. • Prepare open house input summary and notes. • Provide project administration. Deliverables in this phase include: • Conceptual park diagrams for two or three options. • Public open house exhibits including site map, concept plans, and character image boards. • Open house meeting summary, written notes, and comments. • Master plan alternatives including a primary idea and supporting/alternate ideas. Master Plan Development (Original Contract) This phase includes the following: • Develop a master plan based on the preferred alternative and preferred features. • Meet to review progress and obtain input. • Conduct public open house #3 - Master Plan Presentation to present the master plan and obtain public input. • Address public input and finalize the master plan. 3.2.21 Terry Jungman and Kerry O'Connor City of Kent Proposal for Landscape Architectural Services—Springwood Park Master Plan and 30% Design/RCO Grant Application Page 4 of 8 • Prepare graphic documentation of the master plan. • Prepare exhibits for the park kiosk. • Prepare a draft of the master plan narrative. • Prepare an estimate of probable cost of construction. • Prepare a timeline/phasing plan for project implementation. • Collate all master plan content, narrative, and cost estimate. • Review and record park kiosk comment cards. • Provide a draft of the master plan report for review. • Prepare non -project SEPA checklist, provide edits, and final checklist. • Provide project administration. PARTNERSHIP er er • Provide digital or hardcopies of the final master plan report and supporting documents as preferred. Deliverables in this phase include: • Preferred park master plan with supporting character images and sketches. • Presentation graphics including the park master plan, site understanding, and character images. • Master plan report with park master plan, written narrative, cost estimate, images, and public input summary notes. Adoption of Master Plan (Original Contract) (*content no longer applicable crossed out) The scope of work includes master plan content for presentation to the City Council with the desired outcome of formal adoption of the master plan. • • Respond to questions and input; provide written responses. • Assist as needed to achieve formal adoption of the master plan. Deliverables in this phase include: • Master plan report content for presentation to City Council. • Written comment responses to input from City Council. Assumptions (*content no longer applicable crossed out) • Site information in the form of a topographic/boundary survey. to fae"itate at pHblie meetings. if ngere fae'litatieR is required, we will work with you eR —a 0 City to implement and maintain social media outreach content and platform. 3.2.21 Terry Jungman and Kerry O'Connor P A R T N E R S H I P City of Kent berger Proposal for Landscape Architectural Services—Springwood Park Master Plan and 30% Design/RCO Grant Application Page 5 of 8 • City will provide SEPA administration. • Meetings in addition to those indicated will be billed on an hourly basis. • Translation and interpretation of project deliverables will be provided by others. • Public meetings will have a virtual format, may be live and/or recorded, and management of all meetings will be provided by the city. Fees — Master Plan Based on the scope of services identified at this time, we have established a fee for landscape architectural services as follows: Beraer Partnershi Coordination with Community Outreach Consultant $6,100.00 Inventory and Analysis $20,000.00 Conceptual Design and Public Input $25,000.00 Master Plan Development $25,000.00 Adoption of the Master Plan $2,500.00 Subconsultants Civil Engineer - KPFF $7,000.00 Geotechnical Engineer - AESI $11,800.00 Environmental Sciences Engineer — ESA $6,370.00 Subconsultant Mark-up 10% $2,517.00 Reimbursable Expenses $2,000.00 Total (Original Contract and New Services) $108,287.00 Fee Recap: Original Contract Total $89,090.00 Invoiced to date ($8.835.47) Balance $80,254.53 Proposed Fee Update (See Detail Below) $19,197.00 Balance of Fee Remaining (including proposed addition) $99,451.53 Proposed Fee Update (Breakdown of Above): Berger $8,059.00 Outreach $6,100.00 KPFF $1,500.00 ESA $1,070.00 AESI $2,010.00 Subconsultant Mark-up (10%) $458.00 Subtotal $19,197.00 3.2.21 Terry Jungman and Kerry O'Connor P A R T N E R S H I P City of Kent berger Proposal for Landscape Architectural Services—Springwood Park Master Plan and 30% Design/RCO Grant Application Page 6 of 8 Previously Provided Additional Service for Consideration Community Outreach Consultant Search and Selection: From June 2019 to November 2019 Berger researched and identified three consultant firms capable of providing community outreach and engagement for the City of Kent in regard to Springwood Park. A recap of the activity follows, and the requested additional service fee is $8,625.00 for hours accrued. We interviewed each firm to learn about their proposed methods of outreach and engagement to determine which firm was best suited to meet the city's needs. Upon determining that Envirolssues was the best fit for this project, we began working with them to create a scope and fee. Throughout this process, there were several meetings with the city and multiple rounds of scoping. In the end, the city decided to select and hire a community outreach and engagement consultant on their own. Schematic Design/30% Complete Design and RCO Grant Application The scope of this work includes preparation of schematic design (30% complete) documents. These documents are the next phase in the development of the park and will be used as part of the RCO grant submittal. Park Program (To Be Determined) Schematic Design/30% Complete Design (New Services) In this phase, we will prepare plans for the park that define the layout and finishes. The plans will also show grading, drainage, and landscape treatments. Specific services include: • Prepare a schedule for this phase of work including assistance with the submittal to RCO. • Conduct code research and establish project permit requirements. • Review topographic survey and determine if additional survey information is needed. • Work with the geotechnical consultant on the geotechnical reconnaissance and report. • Prepare a base layout drawing. • Establish stormwater treatment requirements with assistance from the civil engineer. • Prepare drawings for inclusion in the project document set. These may include: o Cover sheet o Site survey o TESC plan o Site preparation plan o Materials plan o Layout plan o Grading and drainage plan 3.2.21 Terry Jungman and Kerry O'Connor P A R T N E R S H I P City of Kent berger Proposal for Landscape Architectural Services—Springwood Park Master Plan and 30% Design/RCO Grant Application Page 7 of 8 o Utilities plan o Planting plan/irrigation diagram o Design details • Prepare an outline of specifications. • Update estimate of probable cost of construction. • Attend three meetings with city staff to review progress and deliverables. • Provide plan set for review and input. • Make corrections and respond to review comments. • Provide quality control review of documents. • Coordinate document set with RCO submittal needs. • Continue to support the preparation of the RCO grant application. • Provide project administration. Deliverables in this phase include: • Schematic Design plan set. RCO Grant Application We will work with city staff and the Park Board to prepare documents for grant submittal with RCO. • Consult with RCO grants manager. • Prepare exhibits and documents for grant submittal including plan graphics, sketches, written narratives, and cost estimates. • Assist with grant submission. • Prepare exhibits for presentation and assist with presentation preparation. Deliverables in this phase include: • RCO grant application. • Grant exhibits including plan graphics, written narrative, cost estimate, timeline and phasing. Assumptions • Site information in the form of a topographic/boundary survey. • Meetings in addition to those indicated will be billed on an hourly basis. • RCO grant application is limited to one or two grant sources. • Park staff will be the primary RCO contact and make the presentation to RCO. 3.2.21 Terry Jungman and Kerry O'Connor P A R T N E R S H I P City of Kent berger Proposal for Landscape Architectural Services—Springwood Park Master Plan and 30% Design/RCO Grant Application Page 8 of 8 Fees — Schematic Design/30% Complete Design and RCO Grant Application Based on the scope of services identified at this time, we have established a range for landscape architectural services as follows: Schematic Design/30% Complete Design: $55,000.00 — $70,000.00 (Exact total TBD based on park program) Fees will be billed monthly based upon the percentage of work completed. Services beyond those noted in this proposal will be billed as additional services on an hourly basis as follows, or lump sum fees can be negotiated: Principal Associate Project Manager Landscape Architectural Staff Administrative Staff $210.00 per hour $165.00 per hour $135.00 per hour $110.00 per hour $95.00 per hour Printing, reprographic expenses, CAD plots, travel costs, and other reimbursable expenses will be billed at cost plus a 10% administrative mark-up and are included in the proposed fee. All accounts are due in ten days. Invoices not paid within 30 days of invoice date will be subject to late charges of 1% per month. If payment for services is not received within 90 days of the invoice date, all subsequent services and/or issuance of documents may be postponed until receipt of payment, unless special arrangements are made prior to providing the services. If you have questions, would like more information, or wish to make any modifications, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to working with you on the master plan for Springwood Park. Sincerely, Berger Partnership PS Greg Brower, PLA Principal w C m N a — v i V N a V O v �I 3 O rLn-I L N Q M c v E v CA C LU N -0 N C V cc 0 C C Q U C ' (6 Y L 3 L O d O { V > cc C L.L J —i N u u M u c � c ao 3 3 =3 3 N O O Q = _ O _ QJ � Q C C 3 Q 0_ N C l6 CL 3 C4 C Q O 0 � G 0 v a) " N U U U ,N Q (7 C a c 0 0 3 3 L 3 O U U a a Q a LL c» cr- ZE 0 tlA C: C N Y T Signature: Email: Melissa McCormick (May 6, 2021 16:59 PDT) Melissa McCormick cityclerk@kentwa.gov FOR SIGNATURE & LASERFICHE Final Audit Report 2021-05-06 Created:2021-05-06 By:Lynn Osborn (losborn@kentwa.gov) Status:Signed Transaction ID:CBJCHBCAABAA5LPMH4jjOr1SYWfD3k7sGatCRc4TI4yd "FOR SIGNATURE & LASERFICHE" History Document created by Lynn Osborn (losborn@kentwa.gov) 2021-05-06 - 11:21:01 PM GMT- IP address: Document emailed to Kim Komoto (kkomoto@kentwa.gov) for signature 2021-05-06 - 11:22:41 PM GMT Email viewed by Kim Komoto (kkomoto@kentwa.gov) 2021-05-06 - 11:23:12 PM GMT- IP address: Document e-signed by Kim Komoto (kkomoto@kentwa.gov) Signature Date: 2021-05-06 - 11:23:31 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Document emailed to Melissa McCormick (cityclerk@kentwa.gov) for signature 2021-05-06 - 11:23:34 PM GMT Email viewed by Melissa McCormick (cityclerk@kentwa.gov) 2021-05-06 - 11:56:14 PM GMT- IP address: Document e-signed by Melissa McCormick (cityclerk@kentwa.gov) Signature Date: 2021-05-06 - 11:59:24 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Agreement completed. 2021-05-06 - 11:59:24 PM GMT