HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK07-307 - Original - Wagner Architects and Planners - East Hill Operations Center Architect Services - 06/25/2007ecords M emKENT WAgHtNGToi Docurnen CONTRACT COVER SHEEI This is lo be compleled by the Conlrocl Monoger prior lo submission lo City Clerks office. Allporlions ore lo be compleled, if you hove questions, pleose conlocl City Clerks Office. Vendor Nome:N JD Edwords Number Conlroci Num This is ossigned by Clerk's Office Descriplion:€*,A 1,"Q,L Deloil: Projecl Nom 2r^* Conlrocl Effeclive Dqle:Terminolion Dole: Conlrocl Renewql Notice (Doys): Numb er of doys required notice for terminotion or renewql or omendment porlmenl:PpsConlrocl Monoger: Abstrqcl: S:Public\RecordsMonogemenl\Forms\ConlroctCover\ADCL7g32 07 /02 $ggAIA Document 8163,*- 1ee3 standard Form of Agreement Between owner and Architect with Descriptions ofDesignated seruices and rerms and conditions TABLE OF ARTICLES PART 1. FORM OFAGREEMENT 1.1 SCHEDULE OF DESIGNATED SERVICES1.2 COMPENSATION1.3 PAYMENTS1.4 TIMEAND COST , 1.f ENUMERATTON OF DOCUMENTS I PART 2 . DESCRIPTIONS OF DESIGNATED SERVICES 2.1 DESIGNATED SERVICES2.2 PHASES OF DESIGNATED SERVICES2.s DEscRrproNs op oesrorunreo siivrces2.4 DESCRtpTtoNsoFsuppLEr,,rer,rrll'ienvrces PART 3 . TERMS AND CONDITIONS 3.1 ARCHITECT'S RESPONSIBILITIES !.2 owNER'S RESPONStBtLtTtEs -- 3,3 CoNTRACTAOUtr,rsrmrioN3.4 USE OF PROJE-CT-DRAWIICS, SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS3.5 COST OF THE WORK , 1.9 PAYMENTS TO THE ARCHTTECTt@ MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS TERMINATION, SUSPENSION OR ABANDONMENT This document has important legal consequences. Consultation with an attorney is encouraged with respect to its completion or modification. 3.8 3.9 lnit. (734279423) 1 FORM OF AGREEMENT Between owner and Architect for Designated seruices AGREEMENT made as of the day of in the year of(In words, indicate day, month and year.) BETWEEN rhe Owner: (Name and address) City of Kent Attn: Charlie Lindsev 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent. WA 98032 (253) 856-5081 (253) 856-6080 (facsimite) email: clindsey@ci.kent. wa. us and the Architect: (Name and address) Wagner Architects planners Attn: Robert Wagner 1916 Pike Place Seattle. WA 98032 Qjo 448-2s28 (206) 441-6184 (facsimile) efral l: For the following project: (Include a detailed description of project's rocation, address and scope.) The Owner and the Architect agree as set forth below lnit. 2 (73427s423) ARTICLE 1.1 SCHEDULE OF DESIGNATED SERVICES Phase Phase Administration Phase Phase or Documents Phasg Phase Phase Kent East Hill Operations Center of Architectural Services, Exhibit A, Fee Schedule for Architectural Services, B, replace the schedule set forth Exhibits A and B are attached hereto #: incorporated herein. andRESPONSIBILITY **M: METHOD OF Administration Coordination/Document Data Coordination Schedule Estimate of Cost of the Work d; d oo'a I U) Schematics/Flow 10 Facilities 11 Studiest2 oI ov) u o H o 13 14 Site 15 Site Site Utilization Studies16 Studies 18 Off-Site t9 and Assistance 2l Site oo.- o(^ o ao o ooo (^ Architectural Structural Civil oa (A b0 H Materials Addenda d o 3lnit. of 37 Bid Contract Award Observation Services Documentation Cost FF&E Installation 7 and oI Eo(^ !d 9 b oU Closeout i Record 9 x.9orJO6ho 4 lnit. (73427s423) ARTICLE 1.1 SCHEDULE OF DESIGNATED SERVICES Kent East Hill Operations Center *M:R M and Exceptions Services FF&E Arts and stil Motion Picture Life Cost Studies .69 70 Cost 72 73 and 74 Demolition Services Services Coordination of Services 77 FF&E 78 79 Brochures I (A t4U & 14U) J Fz ra rl1JAA v) Contract (n E]Q 14v) & TD Fo 5 lnit. (73427s423) *R: RESPONSIBILITY A Architect O Owner N NotProvided Multiple of Direct personnel Expense Professional Fee plus Expenses Percentage of Construction Cost of this In withconjunction the ofdescriptions ofconditions this Agreement,the where identified above provided by the Owner by METHOD OF conjunction Stipulated Sum Hourly Billed KEY fAll services performed in order normal orsequenc0,not providedtypically theseduring asphases,construction.Such servlces warrantmay special asrequirements toa'ndlor compensation. Signature) and termspayment the Owner shall thecompensate such serucesdesignated theperformedby theon ofbasis the Method of Compensation identified above anby keyedappropriately number Services, initial, shall be Architect ornot all. In lnit. (734279423) 6 ARTICLE 1.2 COMPENSATION The Owner shall compensate the Architect as follows. $ 1.2,1 For Designated Services , as identified in forth in Exhibit B. (Insert basis of compensation, including stipulated sums, multiples or percentages, and identifi phases to whichparticular methods of compensation apply,'if necessary.) Basis of compensation r,?imlujslble,expens not to exceed ano Nolt0o nolars ($2.+zz.taznoi- $ 1'2'3 For contingent Additional Services of the Architect's consultants, including additional structural,mechanical and electrical engineering, ano those iaentified in A.tt"bl;;"d in the Schedule of Archirect,sDesignated services and Fe-es or ur plutt oi trr" L"rrit""tt contingent nialtlonur services und".E"TJilJundConditions,compensation:-'^o""o''putJu'"multipleo'@(1.10)timesthe amounts billed to the Architect for sucliservices.(Identifl specific types. of consultants in Artici, i , y r"quirra.l $ 1'2'4 For Reimbursable Expenses, as described in Article 3.7 of theTerms and conditions, and any other itemsincluded in Article 1'6 as a tieimuursauie "G;, the compensariil;h;il bl cglluted as a multiple of one pointtrffi *["iffi times the "*p"ni" in"uo"d bv the ercnite.i,lr," Architect's ",orro,"", and consuriants ARTICLE 1.3 PAYMENTS $1.3.1An-Nqinitialpaymentei-{$-}shaIlbemadeuponexecutionof@ paymenFundeFthis Agreement. Subsequent paymentsfor Designated Services shall be -ua" -ontt ty,-una rrr"r" uppt"uui", ,#l be in proportion to services performedwithin each phase of service, on the Uurl, ,"iio.tf, in the Agreement. 7 lnit. (734279423) each Phase ofServices, so that Compensation for each phase shall by Owner. Pre-Besign+hasei Sie+n4rsr+phase+ @@@@@ Pes+ge*ree++nase+ per€en< per€enf{ p€{€en€-{ pereent-( p€reen+{ p€{€ef< per€en( pereent{ are due and payable unpaid after thirtv (1A_)entered below, or in the absence thereof,at the legal rate %) %) %) %) %) %) E") %) s 1.3.3 within rhirrv (30 ) days from the date of the Architect's invoice. Amountsdays after the in voice date shall bear interest at the rateprevailing from time to time ar the principal place of business of the Architect.(Insert rate ofinterest agreed upon.) I Melve percent 02Zo) per annum ARTICLE 1.4 TIME AND COST (usury laws and requirements under the Federal rryth in Lencling Act, similar state and local consumer credit lawsand other regulations at the owner't ona erilrtirct's principal ;kr;;';";rri2ey, the location of the project andelsewhere mav affect the valiclity of thit ;;;r;;"or,. sprritrr'treil-"drir", ,iould be obtainecl witi respect to cleletionor modifications, and arso regarding nqu*r*,rni, such as wr-itten crircrosures or waivers.) $ 1'4'2 The owner shall establish and update an overall budget for the project, which shall include the cost ofthework; contingencies for design, biddi;;;; ;il;g", in tireilo* a"i"* br"r,rucrion; compensation of theArchitecr, Architect,s consultants and tte o;"*f;;;;##H:t'of the land, righrs_of-way and financing;and other costs that are th: responsibility or ttr" brn". u, inai.uiJ uv ii" r".., ;1 a;;;,ir"r'li o"rignut.aServices' Prior to the establishment of such u uuag"r, the owner anJ'rrr" Lrrir""t may agree on DesignatedServices that include the utilization of the At;;;c1's or orher *rr;ir;;;, services to assisr the owner with market,financing and feasibility studies deemed n""**y for'developmeni "ir""r, a budget for the project. $ 1'4'3 No fixed limit of the cost of the work shall be established as condirion of this Agreement by the furnishing,proposal or establishment.of a Plojgct budget unilr, ,u"t fixed limit t u, u""n agreed to below or by separareAmendment made in writinq i"1t"iq"Juiiir" p*io r,"r".. e"v il"alim, o1rn" cost of the #ork sha' be'i;lz;:2f;if;:#:;una a"nniinn' "o*Jn'J in the rerms ."a c"namons under p* s "iihi- Agreement. lnit. 8 (734279423) 31,it3ffi3#il1$:,fifl::ff;:i?:HjJl" owner and Architect, except ror amendments issued arrer execution $ 1'5'2'1 Form of Agreement Between owner and Architect, ArA Document B163 - part l, 1993 Edirion; s 1'5'2'2 Descriptions of Designated services for AIA Document B163, ArA Document 8163 - part2, lgg3Edition; s 1'5'2'3 Terms and conditions of ArA Document B 163, AIA Documenr B 163 - parr 3, lgg3Edition. $ Other Documents, if any, forming a part of the contract are as follows:(*:;:rtrladditional do'o*'ni', but onli 6ii"v a* intended to i" i"i'rrrn" contract between the owner and the @ahe dFkL- I ARTICLE 1.5 ENUMERATION OF DOCUMENTS $ 1.5.1 This Agreemenr represents the entire and integrated agreement between the Owner and Architect andsupersedes all prior negotiations,representations or agreements, either written or oral.All of the documents Architect. Agreement may be amended only by written rnstrument signed by both Owner and 9 lnit. (734279423) OF document is modified. O." rr ""rrr**"a , ARTICLE 2.1 DESIGNATED SERVICES |$2'1'1InaccordancewiththeScheduieofDesignatedServices I Exhibits A and B. completed under parr i;;hril;;;;;;;ffiff and Architecr sha' provide the phases andI services designated therein and described trereln. I d€€ffi€n+is-trodif,€+ ARTICLE 2.2 PHASES OF D ESIGNATED $ 2.2.1 SERVICESThe@ase is the stage in which the ewner_.s s2.2.2 which the Project are established. $ 2.2,3 Seheraati,+Design is the stage in Development phase.The Sehema+ie-Design Development Phase is the stage in which the lnit. (734279423) 10 s2.2.4 Phase is the stage in which the Permitting phase. s 2.2.5 the 92.2.7 which $ 2'2'6 Bidding or Negotiations Phase' The Bidding or Negotiation phase is the stage in which bids or negotiated ii:flH:ttffi:Hrl: ##rtained and in which contracts are awarded. is the stage in which is the stage inThe I S z.z.g @hase. The @phase is the post_consrruction srage in whichI assistance in the o*n".'i useEa o""upu*y or*," rro.;""8ffitf,J" | 5 z'z's Sequence of Phases' The services for the above phases are generally performed in a chronological sequenceI following the order of pt ur", ,t o*nln 9^1^':ll::,ry1 !:t1** The owner and Architect shall commence the performance of their respecriveresponsibilities with the services assigned to the foremou r"q""rtiuiiiur" una". the compreted Schedule ofDesignated Services of.Part-l to this igreem"ni. t*c"pt u, p.ouia"a'oJer subparagrap is and2.2.9.3,subsequent phases shall not be commen'""4 untii the owner irar d;;;;; the resulrs of the Architecr,s services forthe preceding phase' such approvals .hull ;;;; unreasonably witr,n"ta. when phases or seryices are to be ,?fH:#:;?."t-essed, their chronology shall continue to roilor" tr.o, shown uuou", unt"r. ott".*ir" provided in $ 2'2'9'2 Fast Track' Upon the receipt of the owner's written authorization for work to commence prior tocompletion of the Architect's contract Documents Phase, the ar"rrite"t ,rruil provide the services designated in anoverlapping manner rather than in the normal chronological ."qu"n"" in order to expedite the owner,s earlyoccupancy of all or a portion of the Project. The ownei srrart rurniJ to tie Architect in a timely mannerinformation obtained ft:T."tt contractors unJ fiorp""tiu" "on,ru"to.r-regarding anticipated market conditions andconstruction cost' availability of labor, materiais and equipment, unJtrr"r? p.oposed methods, sequences and timeschedules for construction oi.the work Uponr"."ipt orti"i. pioforJ wo.t-r"nedules, tr," arJrrit""t shall preparea schedule for providing services. In the event of a c^onflict between the proposed work schedules and theArchitect's proposed schedule, the Architect ;rruit nro.* the owner of such conflict. s 2'2'9'3 Supplemental Services' supplemental services may be provided, however, during a single phase or severalphases and may not necessarily folrow the r;r.ul cr,ronoroli.afs"qu"nJe. ARTICLE 2.3 DESCRIPTIONS OF DESIGNATED SERVICES ^gl---gensr*+a+ienJ2-Rese€reh .03--€onferen€es .04--€oflsmu+iee+ions ^0#rave++ime "06-Pregre$e+epofts,07 ni-eefier ef,the werr< ef :n heuse -reh:teetura, perse_rnel lnit. (734279423) 11 eemu+tan+s, @ %ifar*uees" @ ^97-+lafftngboardsJ&--€ount1ragen€ies ^g$--*€€ionakgend€sJ+--Federal-ageneies #-U€€r€fgan+zati€ns f+-+emmunr+yeryantzabe+s @ss€reup" e+ient-r€pfesentatirrc$r ^Ol---e+vn€r@ "03--S+aff€offintnee€) "04--User€rst*p(g@@@ rrPEDEscltsERvt€Es r€q${€ssn+els*+h€+r€j€€" lnit. (734279423) 12 "07--S++€-r€qqresren*s +0-Se€un{f€riterie@Jr--Prej€€+{€h€dute' ^g+--+nternal+ne+iens ^0$--A+a€eney @ @@ "gg--=+natysis++aa+a ^04-Te+al+reiee+€os+@@ @@ lnit. (73427s423) 13 .{1 tl" .? "04---Derelopsnent€os"@ SITtr BtrVtr' ODMENT SERVCES @ @ie* ^g+--+*n+*i+izetier+ "06--{Jtititie6-systeft$ @ @rmft ; .gl-+aner*+i+izatier+ ^06---{Jtitities{ys+ems@iens@ ^O9-\lege+a+ionJ€-Slepsanatyns J4-E€€f,%ieaf=s+udi€s @ien lnit. (73427s423) 14 @i€+ ^04--+ftear*inage M $S---Fire-systems @ "fi--+eerlri+yJt--+elh*tien-een*ol +il--Site-itluminatien @ leg' s+ate'mente "Of---geelegi€alstttdi€s-03 Frepratien ef envirenmental assessment reperts ings @ions and+ttttty te€ede* tur te existing buildings, ether imprevements and trees; and infermatien eeneemint available utilitY -a-"1""t*; i DESI€N€ERMEES Ol---+ugne+he$ lnit.15 lnit.16 @ "gl--S+uey-meaerc' @@ions@@ ^0+--+tugy-meaenMi€+ @ tle+rejeet S4---Durtng+ @ @ @ia S1---Dt+riflg+hr3€hom{ ++--+nergY+e+ree$) '0Hnergy€€nsefl€ti€n@ins O+---+i+-eenai+ie+ing "0S---gumging '90---+ire-Pre+eetlen@ te-estab+ish: @@ S6---VisuaUmPaets lnit.17 i07--Energy-€onseffati€n-measures- Ol--+"tt"t+xW Mien 'gHighting+a--+e$nenes @ O+-Seeu+i+Y+Ys+em+ Miens @@ te-eetaHise+ @@ ealeulatiens, Drawings and Speeifieatiens based en appreved Design DevelePnrent Deeufirents; @ion' "t---+r#it the Setrematie D @ @ -03---D{ainsge{Ys{em$ g'l---Pavin& S€hemast€Des+ Deeum;nts and de *"+".1""epee' i€n+ S1---+urtngds€h€ffifl tte Destgn Phas equt"tren+€sdd€velspfrent-of€or de+ermina*s l€f,df€ap€€€hematt€D€stgn+€euments aftd devetep reqt+ir€m€#s+sF@€e" @i @ ^0+--+a#i€i.onloeati€ns e$rrpfien€ '01 lt"ttnt*ti"n "tpt"-"s"d G*e.at ard srr-pp'".-enta.y eJnditi"n, "f th" e"-r*.", ""- nr"n"*apprevat lnit. (734279423) 18 w BIDDINO OR NEGOTIATION SERUEES et+e+reieet OC---eesrdina€ion "03--*€predu€tien@ ++-+is+rigutie+%$k#ieva+ Deeumer*s ,02 Teehriear evaluetien efp-epe"als fer building -ysterns @;ctsl lnit. (73427e423) 19 and+equ€ney de+eted-o+fi€dif,€d elar:fieatier Ly eenfaeter(s) er tle enner @ lnit. (73427e423) 20 Document is any portion of it, ment was produced Deeumen+s, difpu+es, a€€€p+anee lnit. diree+e+ (73427e423) 21 ) ;na+ab*afsM. lnit. (734279423) 22 s W fer+hsPrsjee+i OC-=A€€us+ies +f--+ueiq+lsua+ ,03---€PA4$€hedut{fle @ ^0+--€emffiifti€a#€ns@++-generete "08--e€s++stffiasi€g "09-+ercgraehyJ{r-+isp+ay #-€€€+ogy J+---Eeonefties +3--+di+orial @ "{$--$a]lou+€hel+ersJ€--+inaneia+ 'l-+i+e+retee+ien lnit. (734279423) 23 J8-FeodSeflri€e 't9--+nzuranee@#-I'ega+ +2--+ife€a$ery J3-+{€hr+eg J4-+4anageaaent @J6--Ps1eb€t €y -?7-+ubtie.R€ta*ions@*S-Real€,s+a€e S&-R€pr€aphies 3+-Saf€ry S+-€€€ietogy "g+-{oits#eundatiq} '3+-Sea€ePtann+Rg3+--See€if,€ations 36-Traff;€parktng 37-TFanspo+ta+ien Sg-S€€udry 39--R€€€rd+€ten€i€n "02-De6+gn-tn+egr€fion@ the ewner o" the *re..e.ed [. .d€€{ ex+erior4e$igft lnit. @ls+tng€endrfions (73427942s) 24 lnit. theree+ (73427s423) 25 lnit- (734279423) 26 Wrce"u"+-n+g-e""$ rg*+ @@ ,r" O* "* *n"t. n"t,r.rr,. ,. &" -r.*,r", .nn rrr**r,**d "0t--+regrass+ng@ ^03-+rnas€rakaalystsiq4-Si+e€nalys+s and€on$is+ing€* "04-De$lgt+ f€spons+bili+i€s" updating a,ld menite_irg -e-iedieal,} ; reee'rtne.rdiflg@ , ARTICLE 3.1 ARCHITECT'S RESPONSIBILITIES I s 3'1'1 Designated Services'^rJnless otherwise provided, the Architect's designated services consist ofthose servicesI identified in the sehedule e'^es'grated serviJes nxhibits A anJ B as ieing performed by the Architect, Architect,sI employees and Architect's consuiants,und uJlo $ 3'1 '2 contingent Additional Services. contingent Additional Services described in subparagraphs 3. I .2. 1 through3'l'2'7 are not included in, the Architect's Desiinated Services, uo, *uvi" required ou"io "ii"u.stances beyondthe Architect's control' The Architect stratt notiry the owner prior a "'o-,n"ncing such services. If the ownerdeems that such services are not required, the owner shaJtsive p.ompi written notice to the Architect. rf the ownerindicates in writing that all or part or such coniingent Additional services are not required, the Architect shall haveno obligation to provide thoselervices. l"i##:lment Revisions' Services required to revise Drawings, Specificarions or other documents when such lnit. (734279423) 27 inconsistent with approvals or instructions previously given by the owner, including revisions madenecessary by adjustments in the Owner,s piogru_ oi project budget; fiH1:11*:1",r:nactment or revision of codes, laws or regulations subsequent to the preparation of S 3'1'2'2 changes in-Project Scope' services required because of significant changes in the project including, but notll,Tjil#;ilij;:*:?rn'"*x:l;":mlj;l*';:;;fi"*oo"rbidd:;;;;;;g;u,ingund"on;;;;i;;" S 3'1'2'3 Replacement of Damaged work. Consultation.concerning replacement of work damaged by fire or othercause during construction, and lurnishing services required ln "on-n""tion with the replacement of such work. $ 3'1'2'4 Default by others' Services made necessary by the default of the owner,s consultants or the contractor, by #3i::ff:"::t"f"deficiencies in their services or thowlrk, o, ry iuiiur" of performance of any of them under their $ 3'1'2'5 correction Period' Advice and consultation to the owner during the correction period described in theContracts for Construction or Furnitu.", f*nir*ng, ""J Bq"ip_"rr.'' s 3'1'2'6 Purchasing of,Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment by the Architect. If the owner and Architect agree thatthe Architect will purchase furniture, rut"irfiing, und "qrrpm"nt onbeharf of tr," o** *iinltre runas provided bythe owner' the duties related to such services shall be set rortrr in atti"t" L6 of this Agreement. The owner shallprovide and maintain working funds with the Architect, ir."quir"a, topay invoices charged to the project formaterials and furnishings, to iecure cash discounts and for r"qutJ a"poritr. $ 3'1'2'7 Services Related to Separate Consultants. The Architect shall provide information to and incorporateinformation received in a timely,nunn"r rro-liror" ;;p;;;Jil;r retained by the owner and identified in thisAgreement whose activities dirlctly relate to ihe project. ARTICLE3.2 OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES $ 3'2'1 Representative' The owner strau aesignate a representative authorized to act on the owner,s behalf withrespect to the Project' The owner or such au'thorized i"pres"ntatiu" rrr"ri*ra", a""ir;;;;;t-"ly manner3;#lili;?"r",::l#:;jffiJ;:JJffi#:i-ect in oider,o uuoia *."asonabre deray in the orderiy and $ 3'2'2 Notice' Prompt written notice shall be given by the owner to the Architect if the owner becomes aware ofany fault or defect in the project or nonconforimance with the contract Documents. t I $ 3'2'4 Information' The owner shall provide full information regarding requirements for the project. $ 3'2'6 Tests' Inspections and Reports Furnished by owner. The owner shall fumish structural, mechanical,chemical' air and water pollution tests, t"rt, ro. hur*dous materials, ana other laboratory and environmental tests,Inspectlons and reports required by law or the contract Documents, o, unL., otherwise provided in this Agreement. 1 .2 lnit. (73427s423) 28 ;"Jf"'*"r;trT':i:ff3ff?t:?i;J"#;:f*t or to ascerrain how or ror what purposes rhe contractor has used l1t3:itlff.fff5ff1ti;::3.-"lilTj|lrovide suitabre space ror the receipr, inspecrion and storage or $ 3'2'9 Removal of Existing Facilities' The owner shall be responsible for the relocation or removal of existing ru*tftj:-iture, furnishings and "quip."nt, unffi;";"d;in"r""i, ,r*s orherwise provided by this S 3'2'1 0 Responsibility for Services. The drawings, specifications, services, information, surveys and reportsrequired of the owner under the Agreement shal"l be furnished at ihe o;;er,s expense, and the Architect shall beentitled to rely upon the accuracy and completeness thereof. $ 3'2'1 1 certificates and certifications' The proposed language of certificates or certifications requested of theArchitect or Architect's consultants shalt be submitted to-the"Ar"rrit""t ior."uiey and approvar ai least l4 days priorto execution' The owner shall not request certificarions.that woud.a;;;" knowledge or services of the Architector the Architect's Consultants beyond the ,.op" of ,U, Agreement. S 3'2'12 communications and Security Systems. The owner shail contract for alr temporary and permanent fllt#sliilXffitlications und s".uiitv svrt"rn, ,"quir"a ro, trrrrroi";;;; ", nor ro delay rhe performance orthe -"tt*".+t"rc t" tr"r.t. ."ae""*^";;;;;t;tl"^" ", _ $3.3.2Durationo'ase.TheArchitect,sresponsibiIitytoprovideservices 'o',n""und",tnlsRgreemeni1o^."n"",withtheawardoftheinitialContract for Construction - fo_rFiliir-hiigfFuiiture and Eq"6;;;i;;;d brminates at rhe earlier of rhe issuanceto the owner of the final certificate ro. ra]'meni or 60 days ut", th" aut" or sutrtuntial completion of the work. Document is any portion ot it, ment was produced (734279423) lnit. 29 I correction period described in the Contract for Construction. The Architect shall have authoritY to act on behalf of | @providled in this Agreement unless otherwise modified by written instrument' work outside the scope ofArchitect's services on this oroject. The Architect shall cooperate with and coordinate the Architect's work with all other consultants. including ffie. and sanitar]r sewer construction adjacent to the project. The Architect reDresents. ildTe Owneiifies upon the Architect's representations. that it will communicate and coordinate with all other il^ultunt, throuehout pG;t desisn to assure that the Architect's work comprises part of an integrated design that will function correctly and as planned when constructed by the Owner' The Architect is not a guarantor of the other consultants' work. but the Architect does have a dutY to inform itself 6llv of the other cons;ltants' des'igns in order to create a successfully integrated project. I! the +rchitect determines thuith" *ork of any other consultant will not coordinate with the Architect's design or work or that the other *nsultants, design or wo-rk will obstruct or interfere with a final. integrated" and successful project desiEn. the Ir"hit""t will imrnediarcE info-rm the owner of this conflict. The owner will resolve anv disaqreements that maY iis" umo* the Aichircc?and ott er consultants ouer the method. design. or order of doing project work. The Owner's decision on these matters will be final. @heAd€htteetshattp Fumtturet FumtshtngW; S 3-3,4 lr,{edifieatien ef Respensibilities, Duties, respensibilities; and limitatiens ef autheritY ef the Arehiteet shall $ g-A,g ^utherity ef 1\rehiteet, The /\dehiteet shall be a representative ef anC shall advise and eensult with the elvner ih" "".r"Jden peried deseribed in the eentraet fer €enstruetien, The r\*ehiteet shall have autheritY te aet en behalf "f gre ewner enly te the extent previded in this r\greenrent unless etherwise medified by written instrurnent, s 3.3.6 CONSTRUCTIoN OBSERVATION SERVICES $ S.t.O.f Architect's Responsibility for Observation. On the basis of on-site observations as an architect, the Lchitect shall keep the Owner i*ormed of the progress and quality of the Work, and shall endeavor to guard the Owner against defects and deficiencies in the Work The Architect shall not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work. $ 3.3.6,2 project Representation. The furnishing ofProject representation services shall not modify the rights, iesponsibilities or obligations of the Architect as described elsewhere in this Agreement. S Means and Methods. The Architect shall not have control over or charge of and shall not be responsible for ionstruction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work, since these are soiely the Contractor's responsibility under the Contract for Construction and the Contract for Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment. The Architect shall not be responsible for the Contractor's schedules or failure to carry out the Woik in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Architect shall not have control over or charge of acts or omissions of the Contractor, Subcontractors, or their agents or employees, or of any other persons performing portions of the Work' S 3.3.6,4 Access to Work. The Architect shall at all times have access to the Work wherever it is in preparation or progress. lnit.30 t I I $ 3'3'6'6 Minor changes' The Alcfritect may authorize minor changes in the work not invorving an adjustment in S:::tffJjJ'or an extension of the cont *iil-e which u." nofin"o*istenr with rhe intent oithe Contract $ 3'3'6'7 coordination of Fumiture, Furnishings and Equipment Delivery and Installation. when the Architect assiststhe owner in coordinating schedules for deliv"ery and insiallation of furniture, furnishings and equipment, theArchitect shall not be responsible ro. -ar"arance, neglect or failure ofa contractor, subcontractor sub- ;;s?"""*lffil;:or material supplier to meet their schedrile, ro, "ffiLioi o.,o perform their respective duries and $ 3.3.7 COST ACCOUNTTNG SERVTCES s 3'3'7'1 certificates for Payment' If certification of the contractor's Applications for payment is required by thisAgreement' the Architect's.certification r"t p"y-1"t shall^constitut" ffir"."ntution to the owner, based on theArchitect's observations at the site ur prouioiiin Section ;;do;.,t';;ffi;il,ir",ilJ"donou"ror,,Application for Payment, ,h,"., ,1" 1v"r5 rtur p."t _._t."0 to the point indicated and that, to the best of the Architect,sknowledge, information and belief, quutity o?ttr? work is i" ";"o,d;;;;r"i,tr,t" Contracr Documenrs. Theforegoing representations are subjecf to an evaluation of the w".k i;;;;formance with the contracr Documentsupon substantial Completion,-to resultl gr subsequent tests and inspections, to minor deviations from the contractDocuments correctable prior to completion and to specific quatifications expressed by the Architect. s 3'3'7'2 Limitations' The issuance of a certificate for Payment shall not be a representation that the Architect has (r)made exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to chetk.the q"al,r". q""ntity of the work, (2) reviewed means,methods' techniques' sequences or procedwes, (3) reviewed ""pi;. ;;.;;;isitions received from Subcontractors andmaterial suppliers and other data requestea uyitr" owner to substanti;" il Contractor,s right to payment or (4)ascertained how or for what putpot" the coniractor has used *"t"fi;;usly paid on account of the contract $ 3.3.8 TNSPECTTON AND TESTING ADMINISTRATION SERVICES S 3,3,8.1 Rejecrion of Work. Architect shall have authority to reject Work which does nor conform to the Contract Documents. Whenever theArchitect considers it necessary or advisable for implementation of the intent of the Contract Documents, theArchitect will have authority to require additional inspection or testing of the Work in accordance with theprovisions of the Contract Documents, whether or not such Work is fabricated,installed or completed. However,neither this authority of the Architect nor a decision made in good faith either to exercise or not to exercise suchauthorityshall give rise to a or responsibility of the Architect to the , Subcontractors, material and duty Contractorequlpment suppliers, their agents or employees or other persons performing portions of the Work. | 5 l.e.e,Z Review and Inspecrion of Work. fuI tbq tuchitect shall t""i";-fi;;i'pl;#;tffilnspect for damage, quuiity, assembry and function in order to I $::|ru,:hat turniture' turnishings ";JA;l;.""t are in u""ofu*"" with the requiremenrs of rhe conrract $ 3'3'8'3 Rejection of work Involving Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment. Unless otherwise designated, theArchitect's duties shall not extend tJthe-receipi,.insp".rion'unJ u"-"lpr"unce on behalf of the owner of furniture,furnishings and equipment atthetime of theirlelivery to th" pr"rrrir;;;d installation. The Architect is notauthorized to reject nonconforming furnitu;furnythgl "d;q6;;;; sign change orders on behalf of theowner' stop the work' or terminate a contract on behalf of th" il;";. -H"wever, the Architect shall recommend tothe owner rejection of furniture' furnishings and equipment rrri"rr ao", not conform to the contract Documents.whenever the Architect considers it n"""tt'u.y-or advisable ro. mpr"-"ntation of the intent of the contractDocuments' the Architect will have auttroritfio require additionail".p""rl", or testing of furniture, furnishings and;ff'3fiffiT,?::Ti1ffiJi'i,:h[T:';::*,;,h"4;;;;;;;;;*ifrL''n",n". o,,,-ot ,u"r, iu,.oi,u,", rurniirings lnit. (734279423) 31 s 3.3,9 SUBMITTAL SERVICES 5 g,g,g.f Submittal Review. To the extent required by this Agreement, the.Architect shall review and approve or take ith", upp.op.iate action upon Contractor's submittais such as Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples, but only for the limited pu{pose of checking for conformance with information given and the design concept expressed in the Contract Documents. The Architect's action shall be taken with such reasonable promptness as to cause no delay in the Work or in the construction of the Owner or of separate contractors, while allowing sufficient time in the Architect's professional judgment to permit adequate review. S 3,3.9.2 Limitations. Review of such submittals is not conducted for the purpose of determining the accuracy and Iompleteness of other details such as dimensions and quantities or for substantiating instructions for installation or performance of equipment or systems designed by the Contractor, all of which remain the responsibility of the Contractor to the extent required by the Contract bocuments. The Architect's review shall not constitute approval of safety precautions o., oni"r, otherwise specifically stated by the Architect, of construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures. The Architect's approval of a specific item shall not indicate approval of an assembly of which the item is a component' $ 3,3.10 Reliance on Professional Certification. When professional certification of performance characteristics of irut".iulr, systems or equipment is required by the Contract Documents, the Architect shall be entitled to rely upon such certification to estiblish that the materials, systems or equipment will meet the performance criteria required by the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 3.4 USE OF PROJECT DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS $ 3.4,1 Architect's Reserved Rights. The Drawings, Specifications and other documents prepared by the Architect instruments of the Architect'Jservice for usefor this Proiect are make those records available to that requesting party. reserve++igh€ft ARTICLE 3.5 COST OF THE WORK s 3.5.1 DEFINITION i f .S.f .t Total Cost. The Cost of the Work shall be the total cost or estimated cost to the Owner of all elements of the Project to be included in the Contract Documents. S 3,5.1,2 Items Included. The Cost of the Work shall include the cost at current market rates of labor and materials iurnished by the Owner and equipment designated, specified, selected or specially provided for by the Architect in the Contract Documents, inctuiing the costs of the Contractors' management or supervision of construction or Document is any portion of it, ment was producedlnit. (734279423) 32 installation, plus a reasonable allowance for the contractor's overhead and profit. In addition, a reasonable i^1fr}ffij;::?:iffi:?:' shall be included ror market condirions at the tihe orbidding uni io. "r,*ees in the $ 3'5'1 '3 Items Excluded' The cost of the work does not^include the compensation of the Architect and the owner,s 3lfr"|'ff::"|,i'.1lllxllllti,illT of the rand, rights-of-wav,nnun"inei, other cosrs which are the responsibility s 3.5.2 RESPONSIB|L|TY FoR COST OF THE WORK S 3'5'2'1 Limitation of Responsibility. Evaluationt:f ll9 owner's project budger, preliminary esrimates of the costof the work and detailed eitimates ;f the cosr oi11" w. -t, if uny;;;;;ed by rhe Architect, represent rheArchitect's best judgment as a design professional familiar with trr" """rt "oion industry. It is recognized,however' that neither the Architect-noi the owner has control over the "ort of lubor, materials or equipment, overthe contractor's methods of determining bid prices, or over competitive bidding, market or negotiating conditions.Accordingly' the Architect cannot and does ntt warrant or represent that bids or negotiated prices will not vary from HffT:'t Project budget or from any estimate of the cost;f tit" wo.t o. evaluation prepared or agreed to by the $ Fixed Limit of the Cost of the Work.If a fixed limir of the Cosr S 3'5'2'3 Adjustments' If the Ridding or Negotiation Phase has not commenced within 90 days after the ContractDocuments are submitted to the orv-ner, the Project budget or fixed ri-iior trr" Cost of the worr.rrrurr be adjusted toreflect changes in the general level of prices in ihe construction industry between the date of submission of thecontract Documents to the owner uni th" date on which bids ". ""g"ti!t"a proposals are sought. $ 3'5'2'4 owner's Responsibility to Meet Fixed Limit. If a fixed limit of the Cosr of the work (adjusted as providedin section is exceeded ty the lowesr uona nae bid o. n";;ii;t"o proporu1 the owner shall: '1 give written approval of an increase in such fixed limit; '2 authoize rebidding or renegotiating of the Project within a reasonable time; '3 if the project is abandoned, terminate in accordance with Section 3.9; or '4 cooperate in revising the Project scope and quality as required to reduce the Construction cost. Architect of the Work has been established, the contingencies for design, bidding and price to determine what materials , furniture, fumishings andescalation, equipment,component systems and types of construction are to be included in the Contract Documents, to makereasonableadjustments in the scope of the Project and to include in the Contract Documents alternate bids to adjustthe Cost of the Work to the fixed limit.Fixed limits, if any, shall be increased in the amount of an increase in theContract Sum occurring after execution of the Contract for Construction. ARTICLE 3.6 PAYMENTS TO THE ARCHITECT $ 3.6.1 Direct personnel Expense.Direct Personnel Expense lnit. (734279423) 33 $ 3.6.2 Reimbursable Expenses. Reimbursable Expenses are in addition to compensation for the Architect's services ind include expenses iniurred by the Architect and Architect's employees and consultants in the interest ofthe Project, as identified in the following Clauses: ,1 transportation in connection with the Project, authorized out-of-town travel, le*g-disenee eernrnu+leatiens-*and fees paid for securing approval of authorities having jurisdiction over the Project; ,Z reproductions, postage and handling of Drawings, Specifications and other documents; .3 f+e+imi+e+er+ieesrcourier services, overnight deliveries or other similar project related expenditures; .4 if authorized in advance by the Owner, expense of overtime work requiring higher than regular rates; .5 renderings, models and mock-ups requested by the Owner; .6 additional insurance coverage or limits, including professional liability insurance, requested by the Owner in excess of that normally carried by the Architect and Architect's consultants; and .7 Prejo€+ $ 3.6.3 payments for Contingent Additional Services and Reimbursable Expenses' Payments on account of the irchitect;s Contingent Additional Services and for Reimbursable Expenses shall be made monthly upon presentation of the Architect's statement of services rendered or expenses incurred. time shall be eemputed in the manner set ferth in r\stiele 1,6, S 3-6-5 ehanges Affeeting Pereentage eenpensatien Methed, When eenpensatien is based en a Fereentate ef eons+ru€+tos4os++nC+{, po"tens ef the fu ;re ser-eeure set ru; - ne su€h btd er prepesa $ 3.6.6 payments Withheld. No deductions shall be made from the Architect's compensation on account of penalty' iiquiAated damages or other sums withheld from payments to contractors, or on account of the cost of changes in the work other than those for which the Architect has been found to be liable. $ 3.6.7 Architect's Accounting Records. Records of Reimbursable Expenses, of expenses pertaining to Contingent Ldditional Services, and of aid services performed on the basis of a multiple of direct Personnel Expense shall be available to the Owner or the Owner's authorized representative at mutually convenient times' I'RTletE SiT DISPUT lnit. (734279423) 34 Document is any portion of it, ment was produced +he+ee+ , ARTICLE 3.8 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS I govemed by the law of the place of the Project. venue shall be in |5r.e.zDefinitions.knthisAgreementshallhavethesamemeaningas |thoseinAIADocumente.io.ton,t.u".lon,andAIADocumentA2f,+ I ffi-fJneral Conditions of the C;;;"r f". Furniture, Fr;il*s;nd Equipment, current as of the date of this $ 3'8'3 statutes of Repose or Limitations. Causes,of action between the parties to this Agreement pertaining to actsor failures to act shall be deemed to have accrue{ and the uppli*bi;;;tes of repose or limitations shall commenceto run not later than either the Date of Substantial comple,i* r"il",r".r failures occurring prior to substantial S"t#ilffftb:ililfl:t;. "t ttt""nce or ttt" nnuJ certificate r". p"v."rii"r acrs or falures to act occurring after $ 3'8'4 waivers of Subrogation' The owner and the Architect waive all rights against each other and against thecontractors' consultants, agents and employees of thr"ih;; i;. J"-"t"r,tu"t oJy to tt " "*torr"Juered by propertyinsurance during construction, ex-cept ru"r, .igrrtr as they may have tJ tt L pro"""as of such insurance as set forth inthe editions of ArA Document e20i, Generaiconditions orin" cont alt for construction, and AIA Document427 l ' Genetal conditions of the contract for Furniture, rurnistrings uiJuquip,n"nt, current as of the date of this ifl;;-"t'' The owner and Architect siratl each require similar r-uiu"r, from their contractors, consultants and $ 3'8'5 successors and Assigns' The owner and Architect, respectively, bind themserves, their partners, successors,assigns and legal representitives to the otrr". fu.ty to this Agreem"n, unJ ,o the partners, ,u""".ro.r, assigns andlegal representatives of such other party *iirr""rp"", to all covenants of this Agreement. Neither owner norArchitect shall assign this Agreemen, *irrtoufir,l wri*en consenr of the orher. $ 3'8'6 Titles and Headings. The titles and headings in this Agreement are for convenience and shall not beinterpreted as supplementing or superseaing trt"-[t""t or th"-purti", u, "ipr"rr"o in the body of this Agreement. lnit. (734279423) 35 $ 3'8'9 Publicity' The Architect shall.have the right to include representations ofthe design ofthe projecr, includingphotographs of the exterior and interior, utnorrgirr" er.rrite.t', iromoiionul and professional materials. TheArchitect's materials shall not include the owier's confidential or proprietary information if the owner haspreviously advised the Architect in writing of the specific information considered by the owner to be confidentialor proprietary' The ownershall provide p[fesslonil credit for trr" er"rrii""t on the construction sign and in thepromotional materials for the project. s 3'8'10 conflict of Interest' Except with the owne^r's knowledge and consent, the Architect shall not (1) accept tradediscounts' (2)have a substantial direct or indirecifinan.iur m"?ert in ,t* i-1".,, or (:) unoertate any uctiuity o.employment or accept any contribution, if it would reasonablt "t;;;;isuch acriviry, employment, inreresr or;i:grt"ji",ilH:tt##se the Architect's profession"l j;ds;;; orlr"u"n, rhe Archit;t from serving the best $ 3'8'7 Third Par-ties' Nothing contained.in this Agreement shall qeate acontractual relationship with or a cause ofaction in favor of a third party against either the 5t.n". or Architect. $ 3.8.8 Hazardous Materials. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement,the Architect and Architect,s consultantsshall have no responsibility for the discovery, presence,handling, removal or disposal of or exposure of persons tohazardousmaterials or toxic substances in any form at the project site. lnit. (73427e423) 36 writing. , ARTICLE 3.9 TERMINATION, SUSPENSION OR ABANDONMENTI s s'g't Termination tor Breach' Tr'rt agt*-""t.may be terminated by either party upon not less than seven (zldays,I advance written notice should the "irr"ip-"-"y r"it .uistancty;;".i; in accordance with the terms of thisI Agreement' through no fault o,r trr" purty'iniii",lng the termination. r'uilu." of the owner to make payments to the I ffiffi:l accordance with this ei'"""L"", tiall be considerea rrurtuntiur nonperformance and cause for $ 3'9'2 Suspension' If the Project is suspended by the owner for more than 30 consecutive days, the Architect shallbe compensated for services pe.fo.-ea' pri-io notl"" of such ,";p;;r; when the project is resumed, thefr:Hfff :?fr:T:[T;Ti*,:::]'uutv uciu.t"o to provide r;;;p;,", incurred in ihe interruption and $ 3'9'3 Termination on Abandonment' This Agreement may be terminated by the owner upon not less than sevendays' written notice to the Architect in trr" *!ni that the. p;jec, ir ;;;;r""tly abandoned. If the project is ;??,i#H,:JJj:,:[Hj:: more than so cons;cutlve days, ttre e.^.r'ri"", may rerminate this Agreemenr by giving $ 3'9'4 Failure of the owner to make payments to the Architect in accordance with this Agreement shall beconsidered substantial non-performance ana cause for termination. $ 3'9'5 Suspension by Architect' If the owner fails. to make payment when due the Architect for services andexpenses' the Architect may' upon seven days' written noti"e io ttre owner, suspend performance of services underthis Agreement' Unless payment in full is received uy tne erctrltec, riihn seven days of the date of the notice, thesuspension shall take effect without further *ti""' tn,tt " "u"nt "il rrtp"^i"n of services, the Architect shall haveno liability to the owner for delay or damage caused the owner because of such suspension of services. | 5 s's's compensation of Architect' In the event of termination not the fault of the Architect, the Architect shall beI compensated for services performed prior to I lnit. (734279423) 37 a 6ub6eq!€fi#8ser lnit.38 ) I' Susan Jensen, Assistant city Attorney, hereby g"*i{v: to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, that Icreated the attached final document simultaneously wiitr trris certificatioi at 15:3g:35 0n07ll7/2007 under orderNo' 1000286400-l from AIA contract Documents software and that in pt"p*ing the attached final document Imade no changes to the original text of AIA@ Document B 163rM - 1993 - Standard Form of Agreement Betweenowner and Architect with Descriptions of Designated Services and rerms and conditions, as published by the AIA :U:tat:#r:flr"J.:ther than changei shown in thJattached nnt aocum",riby underscoring uoa"d,";iand srriking Certification of Document,s Authenticifil AlAo Document D4IlrM - 2005 A''r{" (Title) 7-/ 7-o7 (Dated) 1 (734279423) fXH_lg.TA: Scope of Architecturql rervicesKENT EAST HILL OPERATIONS CENTER CONTRACT NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: A.O VERVI CONTRACT DATE: REVISION DATE: This scope of work describes consultant wor.k necessary to get building permits and competitive bids fordevelopment of new main!"Lql^u anJ operations facitities atinu r<ent East Hill operations centerhereinafter referred to as KEHoc oevdiopment of tnese ricitiiLs will take several years. This scope ofwork and the associated fees "t" iniunoui'to oe ftexibte i" ;;;ichanging needs and conditions over timeand both are expected to be r"viseJas tnl prolect progresses. This scope of work yll?", *tngrized in phases At the end of the schematic Design phase and at the endof the Design Development oesign Fha"J, flri9 ..opu or **k ,no associated fees ihall be reviewed andrevised to conform to design ,no"orog;i dLcisioni riao" t'v iii" 'city at that time. The city Engineering Department will provide.civilengineering and Iandscape design and constructionphase services associated with the Eu'.t Hirl .itu. citv e"gi;"ling wifl design improvements in thesurrounding streets, grading, paving ano uiitities "" til" .ii",'"ii'" n"* water reservoir on the site. The work in this Architectural contract will include provision of the electrical and communicationcomponents of the site work' The electrical and "iirrrni""ti*"rorpon"nts will be married to the city,sdesign and construction documents rtr lomprete Consiru"ti"" p"tt"ges to nL aJminiri"r"o by the city. B. KEN T EAST HILL OPE RATI o NS CENT ER (K EHO c) T,-t"::y:ndesignphasesdescribedinParagraphsB1.1through 81'7 ' and include normal siructural,. t""nuni"uiiand erectrical engineering services. Basicservices shall also include selection or specialeq;,p;ili" be provided as part of the constructioncontracts' Each consultant shall incorporate cr"un o"rign goals into their work. Basic services shall include estimates of the cost of construction provided by the mechanical andelectrical engin-egrs ".nd 9y an indefendent cost estimaioi rne eitimaluJ "6ri'"r work designed by 3,?u3';ry,.?,X?llbe provided 'bv the ciiv and can be in"oipoiut"o into tne overun-pio;u"t costs ai the Architect shall be responsible for management of the sub-consultants design product and timecommitments for the design product of 6ach. rn tne event irere is an irsuei"itn- ine performance ofihe sub-consuiianis ihe Aichiiect "i",";i tui* ii,; t,;;r.;;;v ri"p" i' rgmeciv tire siiuaiio' i'ciucii.gacquiring the services of another sub-consulta,nt 1r retuirtid. Architect shall provide a work schedulethat includes allthe work to be perroimeo unoeitnis dorirct. ln the event the work schedule faltsbehind bv more than one ttl ileel]ne Rrchitect .nlripriu]o" a revi"Lo scil;i;, and a brief reportdescribing how the Architect'int"no io get back-on #;;;. Basic services shall not include 1) civil engineering design of earthwork, water, storm water or wastewater utilities' and pavements, or 2) landsdap" ur"iii".tJil. rr," Architect shali provide an endinglocation for the utiliiies mentionedlbJve for each of tne siructures that will have these services. The Architectural contract will include the site work and off site work design of power, telephone,fiber optics' natural gas, uno any oiner -utilities not ex"iuoeo and which are required as a part of acomplete design' The design of tn"tu "non-civir; Ltiiitilr wirr be coordinateo 'Jiirr ine city,s civilEngineering design, and th"e utiriiiei wiil o" orrghii" *itiiiii 5 feet of the buildings. The Architecturat WAGNER ARCHITECTS 7t5/2007 Page 1 of 9 EXHI_BIT A: Scope of Architeclurql servicesKENT EAST HILL OPERATIONS CENTER ?oii,!i tn"'l provide connection to these systems from the buirdings to the ending tocation of the Drawings shail be pro.vided in .11 x 17 and 22x 34 in format to scare.Drawings shal be in nuto-bao "r; ;;ppi;o oigiturry. Reports shall be provided in B %x 11 format. PJ"t9t|,".sitegradinganduti|itydesignsbeforethecompletionoftheschematic Design Phase ror ine buildings ".-ft*"r't".-inisia"r. ii t" p."io" information necessaryfor the completion of that civit ensineeriig work. ihir ilil include work by members of thearchitectural design team, but pri"marily tn"e arCniteci unJ'tnu elechic.al engineer. Green designelements which require siie work outsioe "rln" nriroilgiootprints will also be provided. Based on the November Master Plan Approach E, the November budget, and the November time schedule: 81'1.2 The buirding pad rocations and finished froor erevations wiil be set. 81'1'3 Ttre location and size of underground duct banks for power and communications systems will be 81'1 '4 The location of any underground mechanical systems including connections to buildings will be set. 81'1 '5 Green design erements part of the site deveropment wiil be shown. 81.1,6 DELIVERABLES Final site Plan with first phase and all future phase development located. site plan drawings will beshown in drawings at an enginedring s;fe approved by the City. 3,.:ill[Jl}t:?X?l;lil?,?,jl{tjl,::*,"p srading, pavins, water, storm water, waste water, randscape @eslcrupnase6 t 'z'.t trased on the Master Plan Approa.h'll un.d the mutually agreg{ up^on program and project budgetrequirements' the Architect iliall pt"gll"r f,"r 3nqi""."f tivin" city, schemitic Design Documents ::ffi:t[X[ldrawinss and other boiuments ittu;tr;ii;s tfie scare lno ,"r"mnsnip or project Construction Documents (CD's for underground power, communication, and mechanicalcomponents may oe necessary ciuring tnii.pnase ,o rrbpon eariy site work consiruciion efforts. ;fri$?#t'"".T ffi:ili'J"1T,l'''n* ;,liiti"'ii"tr,'" liil rr 'o tn"t;iri;;;;"ioea rinoi,.iney WAGN ER ARCHITECTS 7t5/2007 Page 2 of 9 'i) EXHIBIT A: Scope of Architeclurql rervicesKENT EAST HILL OPERATIONS CENTER 81.2.2 SD DELIVERABLES For each Building: Building Floor Plans with work stations and special equipment shownBuilding Elevations Building Sections Structural Foundation plans Structural Framing plans Building Mechanical Drawings with systems identified and connections to on site utilities identifiedconsistent with the site construction assumeJ to atreaoy be underway. Building Electrical and Communication Layoutspreliminary power One Line Diagrams lf necessary at this time: construction Documents for underground conduits and mechanical systems.construction Documents for any Gieen o*igr ;;rents outside or tie ouiioing footprints. By the City: Landscape prans showing pranting areas and generar type of materiarprans showing Areas wrrjre rrrigatr:on wirt oe nJcessary Preriminary rayout of camera rocations for yard surveitanceElectricarschematic site pran with Lightini, rr"*i""#"rs, and Gen setLocation of transformers and connect"ions io on it" po*";3ij;;;iitutionLocation of duct banks and undergrorno .on.iiriIJn"". necessary for earlysite construction Note that varue engineering may be required as part of task 813. project Manual Revised program summary and summary of Key project ErementsRefined development schedule Outstanding lssues Coa,1lylmary: Buildin_g, Energy, ADA, ZoningDes ign Narratives describin g m iior ouirdin g'ryjt"rn, Architectural Mechanical Electrical ouiline ,tff,n:ln'"" Esiimaie of piobabie Consii_r-iciion Cosi lf necessary at this time: Construction specifications for underground components.Construction specifications for off site" components. Three dimensional block diagram of the site. During this time, the city wirr refine the randscape design drawings. 81.2.3 PRESENTATIONS The Architect wit present the schematic Design Documents to:The Steering Committee The staff who will use the facilities The building and fire departments WAGNER ARCHITECTS 7/5t2007 Page 3 of 9 l'jl EXHIBIT A: Scope of Archileclurol rervices KENT EAST HILL OPERATIONS CE,NTE,R 81.2.4 CITY RESPONSIBILITY The City will review the Schematic Design submission, and provide approval_or redirection to the Archite6t. lf the Estimate of Probable Construction Cost is higher than the City's budget, the City will work with the Architect to identify changes necessary to balance budget and estimated cost. 81.3 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PHASE @SchematicDesignDocuments,andincorporatinganyadjustments authorized by the City in the program, the design concept, or the Project budget, the Architect will refine the Prirject deiign to fix the size and character of each component of the entire Project. B1.3.2: DD DELIVERABLES Architectural Site Plan with Buildings, Paving, and Landscape areas Drawings of major site features For each Building: Building Floor Plans Building Floor Plans with work stations and special equipment shown Reflected Ceiling Plans Enlarged Floor Plans Roof Plans Building Elevations Building Sections WallSections Finish Schedules Door Schedules Window Schedules Structural Notes Structural Foundation Plans Structural Framing Plans Structural Sections TypicalSteel Details Typical Concrete Details TypicalWood Details Building Plumbing Plans Building HVAC Plans Significant Mechan ical Details Buiiciing Lighiing Fians Building Power Distribution Plans Building data and communication plans Fire Alarm system plans Equipment Plans showing location within each building Equipment lists keyed to drawings Detail sketches as necessary to explain equipment and installation Floor plans showing furniture and partition systems Duct banks and underground construction Adjustment Plan Transformers and connections to offsite power and communication Site Power and Communications Distribution Plan Site Lighting Plan 71512007 SCOPE OF' SERVICES: KENT EASTHILL OPERATIONS CENTER WAGNER ARCHITECTS Page 4 of 9 EXHIBIT A: Scope of Archileclurql Jervices KENT EAST HILL OPERATIONS CE,NTER The Basic design will include conduit in duct banks between buildings and to the service entry points at the property edge t6 accommodate phones, computers, video, antenna systems, closed circuit video hoi.titoring,ind allowance for unforeseen systems. The Basic services will include location of phones and data outle-ts within the buildings and conduif between these locations and service centers within the buildings. The selection of phone, computer, and closed circuit tv monitoring systems are included in Section B-9 of this scope of work. The design of Antenna systems and the location of antennas and their service systems is also included in B-9, but the need and scope of work is not yet well defined. Project Manual Summary of Changes to Key Project Elements since Schematics Refined development schedule Outstanding lssues Code Summary: Building, Energy, ADA, Zoning Draft specifications describing all building systems with cut sheets on each piece of proposed equipment with proposed basis for final bidding and construction phase administrative boiler-Plate Draft outline of Operations and Maintenance Manual Estimate of Probable Construction Costs Samples of Building Materials Three dimensional block diagrams of the site. 81.3.3 PRESENTATIONS The Architect will present the Design Documents to The City staff who will use the facilities The building and fire dePartments lf required, with the Chief Administrative Officer of Kent lf required Mayor and City Council in a Workshop Session 81 .3.4 CITY RESPONSIBILITY The C1y will review the Design Development submission, and provide approval or redirection to the Architeit. lf the Estimate of Frobable bonstruction Cost is higher than the City's budget, the City will work with the Architect to identify changes necessary to balance budget and estimated cost. 81.4 CONTRACT DOCUMENT PHASE evelopmentDocuments,andincorporatinganyadjustments authorized Oy th6 Cig in the frogram, the design concept, or the Project budget, the Architect will prepare Construction DocumenG for each component of the entire projec! These Construction Documents will include all work necessary to obtain competitive bids and City of Kent building permits. F.1.4.2 CD DELIVERABLES Drawings at65% and 95% and 100o/o completion projecti/anualwith technical, contractual, and bidding requirements including standards for Operations and Maintenance Manuals Estimates of Probable Construction Costs at 95% and 100% Application for Building Permits necessary to proceed with construction This contract will be bid as a lump sum contract using normal architectural contractual language. 71512007 SCOPE OF SERV]CES: I(ENT EAST FIILL OPERATIONS CENTER WAGNER ARCHITECTS Page 5 of 9 r trXHlBlT A: Scope of Architecturql >ervices ISNT E,AST HILL OPE,RATIONS CE,NTER 81.4.3 PRESENTATIONS Note that a constructability review at 95 % Construction Documents may be required as part of task 814. 81.4.4 CITY RESPONSIBILITY The C1y will review the Construction Document submission, and provide approval or redirection to the Architect. lf the Estimate of Probable Construction Cost is higher than the City's budget, the City will work with the Architect to identify changes necessary to balance budget and estimated cost. 81.4.5. FINAL CHANGES lf the Estimate of Probable Construction Cost is higher than the proposed budget, and the City identifies changes which will bring the estimate to within the budget, the Architect will make those changes to the Final Construction Documents. 81.5 PERMITTING The architect will apply for building and m echanical permits for the buildings and the fueling installations. This contract assumes the City will apply for permits for site development designed by City Engineering or other consultants retained directly by City Enginp,ering' Th'rs contratt assumes electrical permits will be secured by the Contractors. 81.5.1 DELIVERABLES city permits to construct the buildings and installthe fueling systems. Other permits necessary for the installation of the fueling systems. %llprovideBiddingDocuments,answerquestionsfromprospectivebidders,attenda pre-bid conference and site walk-thru, review the bids, and recommend award of contract. 81.6.1 DELIVERABLES Bidding Documents including draft Bid advertisement, Drawings, and Project Manuals Pre-Bid Meeting Agenda Minutes from Meeting Written summary of Bidder Questions Addendum as necessary for Document clarification Summary of Bid Results Letter documenting review of Bidders Letter recommending award of Bid 81.7 CONSTRUCTION PHASE ConstructionPhaseServiceswiththegoalofachievingacompleted projectwithin budget and schedule. The City recognizes that the architect does not have control over the Contractdr, nor of his means and methods of construction, nor of any aspect relating to safety of property oi people on the site during construction. Management of those tasks identified in thii section ofihe contract will include answering questions about the intent of the contract documents, reviewing shop drawings and submittals, reviewing pay requests, reviewing the apparent quality of the woik, and generally monitoring compliance with the contract documents. Proposed fees are based on the completion schedule outlined in Attachment C, and on a construction phase which does not encounter difficulties. If the schedule is extended, or if the contractor is difficult, or if unexpected problems arise, the scope, consultant time, and fees will be adjusted. 71512007 SCOPE OFSERVICES: KENTEASTHILL OPERATIONS CENTER WAGNER ARCHITECTS Page 6 of 9 EXHIBIT A: Scope of Architeclurql >ervices KENT EAST HILL OPERATIONS CENTER 81.7.1 DELIVERABLES Minutes of weeklyjob meetings Logs which include and respond to Requests for lnformation Logs which include Field Directives to the Contractor Change Orders tog oisnop Drawings required, approved, and any modifications of said submittals Reviews of Pay Requests and running cost summaries defining the total budget Punch Lists Recommendation for Acceptance of work As-Built Drawings of the work in each contract ADDITIONAL SERVICES Additional services are described separately for different reasons. Some services are necessary to the basic architectural contract but are more easily described as separate tasks. Some are services which are not now part of the scope of work, and these are mentioned to explain what is excluded. Some are services which will be necessary, but the specific scope and fee is difficult to define before the project is underway. ln all cases, the fee schedule associated with this scope of work outlines which tasks are now included and which are not. 82. BUILDING COMMISSIONING The consultant team will provide commissioning services for building systems to insure operate as intended. This will include training of staff and documentation of operational procedures. they B2.1 DELIVERABLES Commissioning reports as necessary for LEED certification 83. ,APPLYING FOR LEED CERTIFICATION Document compliance with LEED goals and apply for certification 83.1 DELIVERABLE: Modify contract documents for LEED requirements. On going memos on compliance Documentation required for LEED certification Application for certification The consultant team will provide all documentation necessary for LEED certification 84. GRAPHICS Design all signage necessary for the project. B,4.1 DELIVERABLE: Preliminary and final design schedules. Documents which can be incorporated into the overall bid package. 85. VALUE ENGINEERING REVIEW fhe goal of the review is to review the design at a point where changes can be made without having to make substantial, costly design revisions. This will occur at the end of the Schematic Design stage. 85.1 DELIVERABLES: An agenda and meeting minutes for workshop meeting with all consultants. A report describing potential changes with cost impacts will be subrnitted. 86. CONSTRUCTABILITY REVIEW The goal of the review is to identify specific parts of the contract documents which may present a problem or unnecessary cost during construction. This will occur at the 95% completion stage. 86.1 DELIVERABLES: An agenda and meeting minutes for workshop meeting with all consultants. A report describing potential problems and solutions will be submitted. 71512007 SCOPE OF SERVICES: I(ENT EAST I-IILL OPERATIONS CENTER WAGNER ARCHITECTS Page 7 of 9 EXHIBIT A: Scope of Archilecturol lervices KENT EAST HILL OPERATIONS CENTER E}7. BUILDING E REVIEW AND DESIGN The goal of the review is to review the design for weather-tightness 87.1 DELIVERABLES: Recommended details and specifications for building envelope components 88. FUEL SYSTEM DESIGN @oprovidecompletedesigndocumentsforthefuelsystem,theenclosure,and the vending system. 88.1 DELIVERABLES: Schematic, DD, and CD documents for complete systems. Permitting, bidding, and construction phase services.. 89. ADDTTIONAL COMMUNICATIONS AND DATA SYSTEM DESIGNS frastructurefordatacommunicationsonsite,includingconduit, cabling, and ouilets for data and phone service. lt includes coordination with phone and computer systems selected and provided by the City. Basic services include door control and fuel vending systems. Basic services include iire alarm and security alarm systems. A paging system which allows paging from any phone on site will be included' This task includes recommendations for new phone, computer, CCTV, and antenna systems Fee allowances are included separately for each system so the City can ask for each independently. Bg.1 DELIVERABLES: Recommendations and cost estimates for each of the following components, at Schematic Design, Design Development, and Contract Document phases, Bidding and Construction Phase services for each. 89.1a 89.1b 89.1 c 89.1d Video Monitoring Selection of Phone System Selection of Computer System Design of new Antenna Systems are not included in the March 20 fee. 81O. DATA TER DESIGN Basic architectural services will provide finished space for a new Data Center and UPS room including all HVAC, electrical, plumbing, and supportin g conduits and connections to off site installation s. This task would provide consultant assistance to relocate the City's existing data center with all associated existing and necessary new equipment This will include the identification of any antenna requirements. to the new Administration SPace. 810.1 DELIVERABLES: A report outlining all work and equipment necessary for relocation of the City's cjata center. Compiete contract ciocuments tbr the reiocation of ihe Data Center. On site coordination of the move. Drawings that provide the detailed design for the Data Center and UPS room.. 811. EMERGENCYRE PONSE ROOM DESIGN Basic architectural services will provide finished space for a new Emergency Response Room including all HVAC, electrical, plumbing, and supporti ng conduits and connections to off site installations. This task would include the detailed programmi ng of equipment for this room, identifying existing equipment to be relocated, and identifying new equipment which is necessary. lt will include the design of any elements which are not normally available and the preparation of any contract documents for moving equipment from existing locations The programming for this room will be completed during the pre schematic phase. This will include the identification of any antenna requirements. 7t5t2007 SCOPE OF SERVICES: KENTEAST HIII OPEIIATIONS CENTER WAGNER ARCHITECTS Page B of 9 EXHIBIT A: Scope of Archileciurol rervices KENT EAST HILL OPERATIONS CENTER 81 1 .1 DELIVERABLES: A report outlining all work and equipment necessary for relocation of the City's Emergency Response iRoom. Complete contract documents for the relocation of the ERR. On site coordination of the move. Drawings that provide the detailed design for the Emergency Response Room 812.1 DELIVERABLES: A report outlining all work and equipment necessary for relocation of the City's Traffic Control Management Centei. Complete contract documents for the relocation of the TCMC On site coordination of the move Drawings that provide the detailed design for both the Traffic Control Management Center. 813. ACOUSTICAL STUDIES @storeviewtheprojectdesignsolutionsforcompliancewithnoisestandards, to iddntify potential problems with neighbors, and to recommend changes if necessary. Services also includ'e acoustical review and recommendations for the design of the Administration Building. This task may not be necessary, so an allowance is included in the fee schedule. 813.1 DELIVERABLES: A report reviewing design solutions and recommending changes to mitigate problems. 814. WORK TASKS AND COSTS NOT lN THIS CONTMqT e'Thissectiononlyhighlightsworkandcostsnot included in the contract, but is not meant to suggest that only this work is excluded' 812. TRAFFIC CONTROL MANAGEMENT R DESIGN Basic arch itectural services will provide finished space for a new Traffic Control Management Center including all HVAC, electrical, plumbing, and supporting con duits and connections to off site locations This task would include the detailed programming of equip ment for this room, identifYing existing equip ment to be relocated, and identifying new equipment wh ich is necessary. lt will include the design of any elements which are not normally available and the pre paration of any contract documents for moving equipm ent from existing locations. The program ming for this room will be completed during the pre schem requirements. atic phase. This will include the identification of any antenna Civil Engineering Design Landscape Architecture Design Writing the environmental impact review documents' Testing lab services, lnterior design (Space planning work station layouts and for finishes are included.) We assume the Conditional Use Permit is already in place' The costs of printing documents is difficult to estimate in advance, so the fees associated with this contract only'includ6 one copy of documents at each submission stage. The Consultant will provide as many cofiies of the docum-ents as requested by the City, but the additional copies will be charged as an extra cost. 814. SCHEDULE - proposed schematic design schedute is to begin in May 20A7 and be complete in September 2007. 815. AUTHORIZED PHASE ONE SERVICES Services will be authorized per the attached fee schedule' 815. COST OF SERVICES @willbepertheattachedfeeschedule,ExhibitB'ltisunderstoodthat adjustments between categories may be necessary, with the agreement of the City. 71512007 SCOPE OF SERVICES: KENTEASTHILL OPERATIONS CENTER WAGNER ARCHITECTS Page 9 of 9 EXHIBIT B: FEE SCHEDULE FORARCHITECTURAL SERVTCESKENT EAST I{ILL OPEIL{TIONS CENTERKFOLLOW$ 6,201$5,637654.62!$1,012$564$ 6,201s 6.201J81.7CONSTRUCTIONDec.200811Nov, Z0D9$ 566,237$$11,000$35.000$35.000$33,81 2$2,169$31.652$$'tlI 1.340$s54.735$$99.887$16 729s14 870$1.a59I 0, /00$$$16,232$178 548$ 253.800$ 432,34EB 1.6BIDDINGOct2$39,108s$15,0004,000$$4,000$s2 715$$840s4 055$$4,055$$7,4001.685$$1.575$110$$1 300$$s1 43Es15 824s21 l4ns37 304Etl.5PERMITTINGSept2Oct$14.944$3.02$2.52t$500$1,000s2 505s2 345s$E40$4 055$$4,055$$$$$$$s$$sE40$9.240s3 0?0$12.26081.4April6$ 755,321325.180$310,480$15-000s70 000$70,000$45.083$2.88042.203$$$$72.976$$72.975$$21,437$20,000$ 1,837$$31.800$3l,800$$$12,265$25.908$ 295.989s325 480$621.46981.3DESIGN5Februarv,2008$ s2s,27 4$272,250250,250$12,000$35.OOO$35-000$$25.O47$1.600$23,447$I$8 400ss$40.544$1,83/$22,900s22,9AO$$10.705$16,871$ 185.584$272.258$ 457,834E81.2SCHEMATIC3$ 481,086$10,000$35.00035.00032,280$1,040515,240$16.000$t5.460$$8.000ss26 353$$26,353$72.O93s28 413$s21 310s4_103s$19 900s$$8.480$16,389s1AO27a$ 224,655$ 404.930DE}1.1PRE--EaFffiiib -Jul{71$81,072$21 680$20 180$s1 500$$sa ooo4,000${16.00015$12,000$1,600${6.0001$$I 000$8 000$2t,600s$s$$$8.800$8.800$$$4,320c31n$38.1 92$2l,680$59,472theshrts 2,472,142s1j22:65g119 272210.718$100,41 I$$95,400$$$35,770$82.711$909.852s1 122 365$2,O32,217BTotal Fees for KEHOGSubtotal Tres Wesl10%ArchitectTotal Basic ServicesSrenson Sav FaoeiDesion Mainlenance cPaladinoITER {KEHOC)KENT EAST HILL OPERATIONS CENTERBasic ServicesArchitectural ContactSiteBuildinosExoenses bv ahase1eeiln8fieildihds=lectdcal EnoineerindSiteBuildingsBringing Power to SiteEuildingsEringing Data to SiteSite Work CD'sExpenses bv phaserqineerinqSiteBuildinqsGas lo Slielurpmenlpec'alist)gSiteBuildinqsFEE SCHEDULEBSTJECONSULTAN]BcDcDEcB1bsl!55 IBB38iI23467II10111517182A212426272930_323336374C41424341464A43515253WAGNER ARCHITECTS7t13t2007Page 1 of3 EXHIBIT B: FEE SCHEDULE FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICESKENT I-,AST HILL OPEIL{TIONS CENTERKUP$$$$J81.7PHASE$10,120$3,120$58,310$29,3609,450$19.500$$$$s$$$i20,000$3,000$ 1.000$-$3,240$2,160$$$1.080$$$81.6BIDDING$$700$700$$$$$$$$700$ 700$240$160$60$$H81.5PERMITTING$c$700t9g$$$$$$ss$s1,500$ 1,500$240$160$80$s81.4col,tsTRUcTtoNDOCUMENTS$$12,600$12 600$$5,000$$55,000$5$47,040I 04030.000$8.000$$20,000$9,500$2.000$ 5.000$ ,5m$4.320$1.110$7.000$7,000s2 000$1,000$1,000FB1.3DESIGNDEVELOPMENT$$7,000$7.000$8 200$$$$s$$3,500$1,0002,000$2,400$$$800$3,500$3,5002.000$1,000E81.2SCHEMATIC$$$4.5004.500$$45,1 40tI,040$2E,1003I 000$3$$5$$$$2.900$I,000$ 1,400s 500$1,560$$$3,500$3,5002.000s1 000I,OO0D81.1PRESCHEMATIC$$I$$$$$$$$$$2,400$ 1,400$4,1 002_500$$$1.600$$2,000$1_000sI 000c$40.12012,000$83.810$29,350$34,950$19,500$$s,200$50.1409.040$2A 1nOs5.0008 000$$47,04030,000$$40.000$23,500$ 15,0002.500$15, t00s10.500s$$5,600$14,000$14 000$8,000$4.000s4 000BTres WestAfil /bgnerAflAil/VetherholtstemsAIAilEulldinq CommissioninqCLYMPICLeeds CertificationPaladinoGraphicsValue Enqineerinq ReviewWAGNER9LYMPICTres WestMaintenance Design GroupPaladinoWAGNERIOLYMPIClswensonI ltes westMahEnance Design GroupPaladinoE,nveropeFuel Svstem DesiqnAdditional Communications and Data SComouter SvstemData Genter DesignruaqnerEmerqencv Response Room Desiqny'Vagnerlres w6taccEEFEFz345678o101rlEtsBBBBBBB5€5l59606i64656667686970711274767781E48586878889si929395959?989St0!t01l0210:{0€t0l10E10sWAGNER ARCHITECTS7t13n007Page 2 of3 Jc1.7$190$ 9,219$ 101,409$ 32,480$ 133,889$ 432,348ryIc1.6164$'1,E04$10EHc1.5$$ 244$ 2,684LtF*$ 12,260=Gc1.4't1I$133,852621,459Fc1.3500$$ 4,s40$ 53,2.t0$ 18,200$ 71,440$ 457,834$ 529,274-_-Ec1.211$6'l116$76,156404.930$181Dc1.1500$$21$$41,o72c24,OO0s 32,015$ 352,165$ 87,760$ 439,925$ 2,p32,217t*____je!4irly ,00? d.", iuly ,O$-tsm$ 1ro"o0$ -- 80J0s 750nBtoAdditionalBasicFees for KEHOClntem ArchileclTrafficGenterAcoStudiesA[BBBII1213BB'131111113115116- 117- 11S_ ils_12A121-1n-14124n5116121EXHIBIT B: FEE SCHEDUTE FOR ARCHTTECTURAL SERVTCESKENT EAST HILL OPEN-{TIONS CENTERWAGNER ARCHITECTS711312007Pase 3 of3 Insurance The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the.Agreement,insurance ueuittit.luims for injiries to persons or damage to property yhtlh may arise from or in .6""..ti"" with the performance of the workhereunder by the Contractor, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance contractor shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1. Automobile Liability insurance covering a! owned, _non-owned, hired and leasedvehicle@ittenonInsuranceServicesoffice(ISo)formCA b-O Oi or a substitute f6rm providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. EXHIBIT C INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENTS 3. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. 4. Professional Liability insurance appropriate to the Consultant's profession. B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits: l. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1,000,000 per accident' 2. Commercial General Liability lnsurance shall be written with limits no lessthan$1,00o,ooogeneralaggregateanda$1,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate limit. 3. Professional Liabilitv insurance shall be written with limits no less than -$5:e00f€0 per clairn and $+0001000 policy aggregate limit. 4216oo16"o ' $ z-1ooo1c,oo l-W rcrlq/\'lDtl EXHIBIT C lcontinued ) t<tJo 1=1"$cr]-JA4\1- gi\Je.1StQ_ek INrC2 g\lgdJ LIMTTS oF cov%-frGe tAiltl, l3e J l looot60o C. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobild Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance: 1. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any Insurance, self-insura.nc9, or insuiance" p9.ol coverag.e maintained by the City str'att be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it' 2. The Contractor's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) dgys prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt iequested, lias been given to the City. 3. The City of Kent shall be named as an additional insured on all policies (except professionat iiaUitity) as respects work.performed 9y. .ot on behalf of the io"tii.tor and a copy of the endorsement namilg tlie City as additional insured shall be ;;dd a" the Certificate of Insurance. The City reserves the right to.rgceive a certified ."pv"fatreq@TheContractor,SCommercia1GeneralLiability ins'urance shali also contain a ilause stating that coverage shall apply separately to-.eagh i"r"i.a "g"irrt *ho* claim is made or suii is brought, except wilh respects to the limits of the insuter's liability. D. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. E. Verification of Coverage Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and a gopy o_q!\e ameldatory ""aoir"-.ntr, including but not necEssarily limited to the additional insured ""Jotr.-"nt,' evidencirig the insurance requirements of the Contractor before commencement of the work. F. Subcontractors Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance requirements as stated herein for the Contractor, excepT rcoFegsioFr6l- ulrglsylt, @l4,Nc6 t wllg€ UMTTS oF o6ft(v:bo Wt,u- % 4 e- Pq ooo F>( ,a"r,ecrr*pt &teL& SU{{AMIS/ AIJD ftr< x+frrer< scJ &ott surJ*65y6.Rlru ?oduu7'467 Rtch, ACORD,CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE OP lDx,r COVERAGES CERTIFICATE HOLDER 08 ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR A.TER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW OF INFORMATIONIYIAEKTHISIS ISSUED AS A NAIC #INSURERS AFFORD]NG COVERAGE PFODUCER ROGERS & NORMAN, INC. The westin Building 2001 Stnth Avenue sEe 2717 Seattle wA 98121 Plrone: 206-443-2600 Faxt 206-44L-6752 20494INSURERA: Insurance CoINSURERA:us INSURERC: INSURERO: INSURERE: gtagner Architects Plannera 1915 Pike Place, ste. 221 Seattle WA 98101 INEUREO THEPOLICIE9 OF INSUMNCE LIS'ED BELOW MVE BEEN TSSUEO IO NE TNSUR€DNAMEDAAOVE FOR NE POLICYPERIOOINOICATEO' NOMITHS'ANDINO ANY REOUIREMENT, TEM OR CONOMON OFANY CON'MCT OR OTHER DOCUMENIWIH RESPECT IO WHICN TNIS CERT ICATE MAY AE ESUED OR tAypERTAIN. tHE rNsuMNcE aFFoRDEo EyrHE polrcrEsoEscRrBEo tsEFErN rssuBJEctroALLTHE TERMs, ExclustoNsaNocoriotttons orsucl POIICIES, AOoREOATE LIMITS SAOWN MAY HAV€ BEEN REOUCEO BY PAID OIAIMS' POLICY POLICY EXPIRAIION POIICY NUTEER r 1000000ilCH@URRENCE s 300000xr 10000MEO ExP (tuy fr tsr&n) r 1000000PERS@A! & ADV INJURYx s 2000000 $ 2000000PRODUCTS . @ilP/OP AgG 06/oL/o806/ot/012054400800AxCOMMERCIAL GENERAT LIABI!Ifr x OEN'! AGGREOATE IMII APPTIES PERI @UR L@ WA Stop Gap 32m/L cutMs ilAoE JECT s 1000000 SOOIIYINJURY x BOOILYINJURY x o6/oL/0806/ot/01 ALLOWEOAUTOS SCHEOULEOAUTOS HIRED AUTOS 2064400800A 3AUTO ONLY. EAA@IOENT I I OfrERflAN tEACH@URRENCE aA@REq]E s s s @CUR E.L, EACHAGIOENT sE.L. OISEAS€ -EA EMPIOYEE IE,L. OISEASE. rcLrcY LIMIT WORKER9 CO*PENSATION dD EUPLOYERS'IIEIIfY ANY PROPRIETO@ARTNEMXECUTIVE o6/oL/08 2000000 5000 Prof Liab Ded 06/ ot / o7us0 7 12 5350 1BProfessional r,iab oEscRlPTloNdoPEMTloNs/locATloNs,vEHlc!EslExcLUsloNsmoEoBYENDoRsEMEM/sPEclALPRovl6loN3 RE: Project 13 Kent Eagb Hitl OperationE center aDd Project 28 Kent Russell Rd operations center,The city of Kent ia Addlbional Insured under General Liability for work perfomed on their behalf by tbe Nalred Insured. coverage is prinary and non-contributory per attacbed form S8145958A. B&O limits are $2,000,000 as respects the listed projects onIy. CANCELLATION City of, Kent Attsns Charlie Lindsey DePt of Parks, Recreation & comunity 220 4th Ave S. Ken! wA 98032 KENTI{A1 AHOUIONY OF THE EOVE *SCREEO POLrcES BE CArcEILED BEFORE THE EXPIMTION DATE 'HEREOF, THE ISSUINO INSURERWLL €NDEAVORIO MAL rcTEE 'OTHE C€RTFrcAIE H4OER XAIED TO IHE lEf,, 86 FALURE TO @ SO SHdL IilFOSE NO OB!I3ATION OR LIABILITY OF NY XIND UPON THE IilSURER, IT9 AGEMS OR 45 oAYs wRrtrEN ACORD 25 (2001/08)@ ACORD 1988 IMPORTANT lf the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. A staterent on this certificde does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). lf SUBROGATION lS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this ceftificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of lnsurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate lplder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage affoded by the policies listed thereon. ACORD 25 (2001/08) CNA A. WHO lS AN INSURED (Section C.) of the Businessowners Liability Coverage Form is amended to include as an insured any person or organization whom you are required to add as an additional insured on this policy under a written contract or written agreement; but the written contract or written agreement must be: 1. Cunently in effect or becoming effective during the term of this policy; and 2. Executed prior to the "bodily injury," "property damage," or "personal and advertising injury." B. The insurance provided to the additional insured is limited as follows: 1. That person or organization is an additional insured solely for liability due to your negligence specifically resulting from "your work" for the additional insured which is the subject of the written conlract or written agreement. No coverage applies to liability resulting from the sole negligence of the additional insured. 2. The Limits of lnsurance applicable to the additional insured are those specified in the written contract or writlen agreement or in the Declarations of this policy, whichever is less. These Limits of lnsurance are inclusive of, and not in addition to, the Limits of lnsurance shown in the Declarations. 3. The coverage provided to the additional insured within this endorsement and section titled LIABILITY AND MEDICAL EXPENSE DEFINITIONS - "lnsured Gontract" (Section F.9.) within the Businessowners Liability Coverage Form, does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property damage" arising out of the "products-completed operations hazard" unless required by the written contract or written agreement. sB-146968-A (Ed. 01/06) I I IMPORTANT: THIS ENDORSEMENT GONTAINS DUTIES THAT APPLY TO THE ADDITIONAL INSURED IN THE EVENT OF OCCURRENCE, OFFENSE, CLAIM OR SUIT. SEE PARAGRAPH C., OF THIS ENDORSEMENT FOR THESE DUTIES. THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT WITH PRODUCTS-COMPLETED OPERATIONS COVERAG E & BLANKET WAIVER OF SUBROGATION Arch itects, Engineers and Su rveyors This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESSOWNERS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM BUSINESSOWNERS COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS 4. The insurance provided to the additional insured does not apply to "bodi[ injury," "property damage," "personal and advertising injury" arising out of an architects, engineer's, or surveyor's rendering of or failure to render any professional services including: a. The preparing, approving, or failing to prepare or approve maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, field orders, change orders or drawings and specifications by any architect, engineer or surveyor performing services on a project of which you serve as construction manager; or b. lnspection, supervision, quality control, engineering or architectural services done by you on a project of which you serve as construction manager. 5. This insurance does not apply to "bodily injury," "property damage," or "personal and advertising injury" arising out of: a. The construction or demolition work while you are acting as a construction or demolition contractor. This exclusion does not apply to work done for or by you at your premises. C. BUSINESSOWNERS GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS - Duties ln The Event of Occurrence, Offense, Claim or Suit (Section E.2.) of the Businessowners Liability Coverage Form is amended to add the following: An additional insured under this endorsement will as soon as practicable: 1, Give written notice of an occurrence or an offense to us which may result in a claim or "suit" under this insurance; sB-146968-A (Ed. o1106) Pagel ol2 2. Tender the defense and indemnity of any claim or "suit" to us for a loss we cover under this Coverage Part; 3. Tender the defense and indemnity of any claim or "suit" to any other insurer which also has insurance for a loss we cover under this Coverage Part;and '4, Agree to make available any other insurance which the additional insured has for a loss we cover under this Coverage Part. We have no duty to defend or indemnify an additional insured under this endorsement until we receive written notice of a claim or "suit" from the additional insured. D. OTHER INSURANCE (Section H. 2. & 3.) of the Businessowners Common Policy Conditions are deleted and replaced with the following: 2. This insurance is excess over any other insurance naming the additional insured as an insured whether primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis unless a written contract or written agreement specifically requires that this insurance be either primary or primary and noncontributing to the additional insured's own coverage. This insurance is excess over any other insurance to which the additional insured has been added as an additional insured by endorsement. 3, When this insurance is excess, we will have no duty under Coverages A or B to defend the additional insured against any "suit" if any other insurer has a duty to defend the additional insured sB-146968-A (Ed.01/06) against that "suit" lf no other insurer defends, we will undertake to do so, but we will be entitled to the additional insured's rights against all those other insurers. When this insurance is excess over other insurance, we will pay only our share of the amount of the loss, if any, that exceeds the sum of: (a) The total amount that all such other insurance would pay for the loss in the absence of this insurance; and (b) The total of all deductible and self-insured amounts under all that other insurance' We will share the remaining loss, if any, with any other insurance that is not described in this Excess lnsurance provision and was not bought specifically to apply in excess of the Limits of lnsurance shown in the Declarations of this Coverage Part. E. TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHERS TO US (Section K.2.1 of the Businessowners Common Policy Conditions is deleted and replaced with the following: 2. We waive any right of recovery we may have against any person or organization against whom you have agreed to waive such right of recovery in a written contract or agreement because of payments we make for injury or damage arising out of your ongoing operations or "your work" done under a contract with that person or organization and included within the "products-completed operations hazard." sB-146968-A (Ed.01/06) Page 2 of 2 Aug 02 07 01:3Op Ezra Teshom€20F 122 1357 p,1 G RTIFI CA oFl ]t'..J'J\\ -:/SuGH'IN$URANCE AS RESPEGTS THE l[IEi-EqI OF THE CERTTFTCATE HOLDER NME,e BELOW W|LL NOT BEeANeEtED oR orHERwrse -riniiiiilrr5b wlinout'-cillqc r0- iiAtf F;iiia wnnrE' NorcE ro rHEcERrlFrcArE HoLDER, euflii N-d eiE-ni-sriil riisi'rhnirrcnrc'eE valio-mo_nE IHAN r0 DAys FR.MIilt" 33li"y$l"-;tl,'#ils"EffiIlF. 'cAiE opnsu-nni'iEe-o-ora noi cffiH-dFine covERAGE pRovrDED By This certifies that:STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY of Bloomington, lllinoisSTATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY of Bloomington , lllinoisSTATE FARM COU NTY MUTUAL INS URANCE COMPAIIY OFTEXAS of Dallas, Te:<asSTATE FARM IND EMNIry COMpANy of Bloomington, ll linois, or has STATE FARM G UARANry INSURANCE COMPANY of Bloomington, lltinoisin force for the Named lnsured as shown below: C --d7 ot Tide of for liabitfu coverage INTERNAL STA RobertMED a I1916 P ke td ttolltrln^APOLICY NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE DESCRIPTION OF VEHICLE (tnctudins VtN) D tvo E068 I 403_F06_4 -ro712*o6-06 r1 1-a '93 Chev S1O B zer 31 GNDT1 9P21 47 YEStrr NO YESD EYes Druo DYes Druo LIABILITY COVERAGE LIMITS OF LTABILITY a. Bodily tnirry Eactr Accident b. Property Damage c. Bodily tnjury & Property Damage Single Limit $1,000,000 a. PHYSICAL DAI/IAGE COVERAGES E ves $2 I tto Deductible I ves fl ruo Dedudible [ruo Deductible [] ves $ E ves Dno Deductibte EMFLOYERS NONOT'\'NED GARHIRED LIABITIIY b. Collision flr,ro Deducthle YES El tto NOD ves I ves D tto Deductible flves Druo D tttoflves flves INO Oeductibte flves IHo EHofl ves I ves E tto Deducdbte flves flves D trto E vrs El rrro D Yes I ttO nYEs [ruo flves D rrro I Yes D r,ro city of Kent ?.pt of parks,Recreation uommunity Services220 4th Ave sKent ?la 98032 & llAta tAtf,&rlltutltc EZFA M. TESHOhIE AGENT 16O7 lsfrAvenue sedrt€, wA s122ofl: (zoe gA2-a91O 122429.3 Rev. 07-26-2005 Certificate Holder to be added as an Additional lnsured.