HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works Committee - 11/21/2016 P a g e | 1 CITY OF KENT PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Summary Minutes of Regular Meeting November 21, 2016 Kent City Hall, 4:00 p.m. Council Chambers East Kent, Washington 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 4:01 p.m., by Chair Higgins. 2. Roll Call Councilmembers B. Fincher and D. Ralph were present. ABSENT: 3. Changes to the Agenda Deputy Director / City Engineer Chad Bieren indicated there were no changes to the agenda. 4. Approval of Minutes, dated November 07, 2016 Committee member Fincher MOVED to approve the Minutes of November 07, 2016. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Ralph and PASSED 3 - 0. 5. Consultant Services Agreement with Gray & Osborne, Inc. – Design Pump Station for 640 Water Pressure Zone – Recommend Engineering Project Coordinator, Bryan Bond presented information regarding an agreement for the design of a pump station needed to supply water to the proposed 640 Water Pressure Zone. We intend to create the northern-portion of the new 640 Zone in 2018 and then work to complete the southern portion at a later date. The pump station will provide increased water pressure in the northern portion of the 640 Zone until the entire zone has been completed. Bond noted that the last major project needed to activate the zone will be the installation of 623 small pressure reducing valves on private homes and businesses. This work will be completed under a separate project. P a g e | 2 Councilmember Ralph MOVED to Recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with Gray & Osborne Inc. in an amount not to exceed $241,627 to design a pump station for the new 640 Zone Water Pressure Zone, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Fincher and PASSED 3 - 0. Item 6. Consultant Services Agreement with RH2 Engineering, Inc. for Kent Springs and Pump Station No. 4 Electrical Upgrades – Recommend Engineering Project Coordinator, Bryan Bond presented information regarding an agreement for a new standby generator system at Kent Springs and electrical improvements at Pump Station No. 4. Bond noted that these are two of the City’s critical components for supplying water to the residents of Kent. Pump Station No. 4 has aging electrical and motor control equipment that is in need of replacement and we need to add space for a portable generator; Kent Springs has the same electrical component issues and lacks back up power generation on site. The City has requested the services of RH2 Engineering, Inc., (RH2) for the design of replacement electrical and motor starter equipment at Kent Springs and Pump Station No. 4 facilities, a standby generator system and shelter at Kent Springs, and a concrete pad and retaining wall for a portable generator at Pump Station No. 4. Committee member Fincher MOVED recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with RH2 Consultants Inc. in an amount not to exceed $79,710 to design a standby generator system, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Ralph and PASSED 3 - 0. Item 7. Goods and Services Agreement with Environmental Coalition of South Seattle (ECOSS) - Recommend Gina Hungerford, Environmental Conservation Specialist, presented information regarding a goods and services agreement with Environmental Coalition of South Seattle (ECOSS). ECOSS would provide assistance in overseeing three city-wide recycling events and provide outreach to businesses and multi-family complexes to help reduce waste and increase recycling in Kent. P a g e | 3 Hungerford mentioned that staff is working with Green Apartments/Condo’s training onsite coaches who will in turn train tenants on how to recycle; there are currently 10 coaches singed up. Committee member Ralph MOVED recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign the consultant services agreement with Environmental Coalition of South Seattle (ECOSS) in an amount not to exceed $124,850 for the 2017 – 2018 Recycling Program, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Fincher and PASSED 3 - 0. Item 8. Parking Ordinance Revision KCC 9.38 – Recommend Transportation Manager, Kelly Peterson provided a brief history regarding the Regional Mobility grant for the 1st Avenue North Project which required the inclusion of the two electric vehicle parking stalls. Sidewalks, street lights, street trees and parking along the west side of 1st Avenue North are also included in the project. Due to parking restrictions at the electric vehicle parking stalls, Kent City Code 9.38 must be amended. These restrictions include prohibiting non-electric cars from parking in these stalls; require vehicles to be plugged in while parked and requires payment for electricity being used while parked. Two additional amendments to KCC 9.38 will prohibit parking on 72nd Avenue South from South 262nd Street to S. 277th Street due to sight distance issues and 43rd Avenue South due to undesirable activities. Committee member Fincher MOVED to recommend Council Adopt an Ordinance Amending Chapter 9.38 of the Kent City Code to place parking restrictions on 1st Avenue North pertaining to electric vehicle charging stations, and along 43rd Avenue South and 72nd Avenue South subject to final terms and conditions as approved by Public Works Director and the City Attorney. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Ralph and PASSED 3 – 0. Item 9. LED Street Light Conversion – Information Only Transportation Manager, Kelly Peterson provided information regarding the recently completed the conversion of city owned street lights from incandescent bulbs to LED’s. The city received a $375,000 Energy grant from the Washington State Department of Commerce and rebates of $509,511 from Puget Sound Energy. Overall the project was completed under budget. The project was funded in part P a g e | 4 through a $1.5 million inter-fund loan. The payback period will be less than 7 years; which will be about 1.5 years earlier than first thought. This project was completed in partnership with the Kent Parks Department, Washington Departments of Commerce and Enterprise Services, and Puget Sound Energy. INFORMATION ONLY/NO MOTION REQUIRED Item 10. Surface Water Design Manual - Information Only Laura Haren, Conservation Coordinator presented information on the Surface Water Design Manual that will be updated to adopt the new 2016 King County Surface Water Design Manual; required in order to comply with the State of Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater General Permit; under which the city of Kent is covered. The update is needed to comply with the Permit requirement that the City of Kent’s standards for stormwater management are equivalent to those of the Washington State Department of Ecology’s 2014 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington. The new King County Surface Water Design Manual contains many of the same requirements that have been a part of Kent’s design standards for at least 14 years. However, there will be new standards that will impact development in a significant way; mainly the requirements for increased flow control, including the use of Low Impact Development stormwater management practices like rain gardens and pervious pavement. The new King County Manual is available online at: http://www.kingcounty.gov/services/environment/water-and- land/stormwater/documents/surface-water-design-manual.aspx INFORMATION ONLY/NO MOTION REQUIRED 11. Quiet Zone Update – Information Only Deputy Director / City Engineer, Chad Bieren gave a brief update on the quiet zone, noting that channelization devises needing to be replace will go through committee in 2018. P a g e | 5 Bieren noted the Burlington Northern equipment failure the day following the presentation to the Public Works committee. Staff will continue to work with the railroad and is in discussions with the United Transportation Commission (UTC) and the Federal Railway Administration (FRA). INFORMATION ONLY/NO MOTION REQUIRED 12. Adjournment At 4:55 p.m., Committee Chair Higgins declared the meeting adjourned. Cheryl Viseth Cheryl Viseth Public Works Committee Secretary