HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works Committee - 06/20/2016Public Works Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 1 Item 1 – Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m. by Committee Chair, Dennis Higgins. Item 2 – Roll Call: Committee Chair, Dennis Higgins and Committee members Dana Ralph and Brenda Fincher were present. Item 3 – Changes to the Agenda: There were no changes to the agenda. Item 4 – Approval of Meeting Minutes Dated June 6, 2016: Council member Fincher MOVED to approve the minutes of June 6, 2016. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Ralph and PASSED 3-0. Item 5 – Spoils Disposal Agreement with Republic Services, Inc: Greg Reed, Utilities Superintendent sat in on behalf of Jens Vincent. Reed noted that they are looking at getting rid of spoils from the vactor site due to lack of room to aerate the spoils and there is too much material to work with at one time. Crews are screening a lot of the material which they then reuse for fill and plantings. Reed further stated that through normal business operations of catch basin pumping and drainage ditch cleaning, a considerable volume of soil (material) is generated annually. This material is temporarily stored and processed at the utilities vactor decant facility located along 64th Ave South. The level of contaminants (hydrocarbons and metals) within the material is tested prior to disposal to determine an appropriate disposal location. Currently there are approximately 1,200 cubic yards of material that contains high levels of contaminants requiring disposal at an approximate cost of $70,000. Staff is recommending disposal of the material through Republic Services Inc. It was decided by Committee Members to hold off making a motion on this topic at this time. Item 6 – Complete Streets Ordinance: Lacey Jane Wolfe, Senior Transportation Planner noted that the goal of the Complete Streets policy is to include a design approach that requires streets to be planned, designed, operated and maintained to enable safe, convenient and comfortable access for all users, regardless of age or ability. Wolfe briefed the committee on what the ordinance states, she summarized the exemptions (mowing and sweeping to alleviate a back log). Hayley Bonsteel noted that Planning and Public Works staff have been working together on this ordinance. Since the June 6, 2016 presentation to Public Works Committee, staff has presented to Economic and Community Development Committee and conducted a public hearing at the Land Use and Planning Board. Edits to the draft since June 6 include: - Amended recitals to reflect potential action by the Public Works Committee Public Works Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 2 - Clarified the applicability section - Refined the decision-making process for exceptions - Defined “disconnected sections” and “historic structures and sites” Committee member Ralph MOVED to recommend Council approve amendments to the Kent City Code, related to Complete Streets, as presented by staff and recommended by the Land Use and Planning Board, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Fincher and PASSED 3-0. Item 7 – Crosswalk Recommendations: Lacey Jane Wolfe, Senior Transportation Planner presented a draft resolution that provides guidelines for installing and maintaining marked crosswalks within the City. The guidelines are consistent with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), which is the national standard approved by the Federal Highway Administration and adopted by the Washington State Department of Transportation. Staff solicited public input through a series of focus groups and individual outreach to residents and businesses most impacted by the recommended changes. Wolfe noted that staff has compared the City’s approximately 700 existing marked crosswalks against the proposed recommendations. While the majority of existing marked crosswalks were found to be consistent with the guidelines, 47 marked crosswalks were identified as candidates for removal. Two marked crosswalks require pedestrian volume studies before a recommendation can be made. Staff has also identified 61 locations that could be improved by adding crosswalk markings. Further outreach will be done with neighborhood groups. Committee member Fincher MOVED to recommend Council recommend the Public Works Committee forward the Draft Crosswalks Resolution to the full Council and recommend that Council set a date for a Public Hearing. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Ralph and PASSED 3-0. Item 8 – Mill Creek (Auburn) Bridge Change Order: Eric Connor, Construction Engineering Manager noted that the West Valley Highway bridge at 261st Street there is a significant void where materials have washed away. Scarsella Brothers Construction from Kent began work on the Upper Mill Creek (Auburn) 14 West Valley bridge to install the sheet piles to secure the failing wing walls that have compromised guardrail and roadway subgrade and an existing water main that crosses the bridge. Work is expected to cost in the range of $60,000 to $90,000. Committee member Ralph MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a change order for emergency bridge repair of the Mill Creek (Auburn) 14 Bridge on West Valley Highway, subject to the final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Fincher and PASSED 3-0. Public Works Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 3 Item 9 – Information Only/Grant Award: Kelly Peterson, Transportation Engineering Manager noted that Kent submitted a Preservation Grant through the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) for 180th – 196th Street. The King County Project Evaluation Committee recommended approval to the King County members of the Transportation Policy Board which is the first step of approval. We are hopeful that a $1.5-million grant will be awarded later this fall. INFORMATION ONLY/NO MOTION REQUIRED Item 10 – Information Only/FEMA Re-Mapping: Mike Mactutis, Environmental Engineering Manager gave a brief history about the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). FEMA is now starting to update the FIRMs in King County for flood hazard areas not affected by levees. They recently provided a webinar and report on areas that will be updated and others that will be secluded from this update until levee policies are interpreted. Mactutis noted that later this year community meetings will be held with final appeals due in 2017. It is anticipated that by spring of 2018 a plan will be adopted. INFORMATION ONLY/NO MOTION REQUIRED Item 11 – Sewer Rate Discussion: Paul Scott, Accounting Manager, Engineering and Kristin Lykken, Financial Analyst presented a proposed change to the allocation of the internal utility tax to be charged to each utility (Water, Sewer and Drainage) based on the percentage of the city served by each utility. This change would decrease the Sewer internal utility tax from 13% to 9.5%, the Water internal utility tax would remain the same at 13% and the Drainage internal utility tax would increase from 13% to 19.5%. Each utility tax was shown in comparison to other cities in Washington. There were also proposed rate changes for Sewer rates to include an increase over the next three years to the city rate, in addition to continuing to pass along any metro increases. On top of the city increase and metro pass along a cost of living increase is proposed using the consumer price index for Seattle/Tacoma/Bremerton. For the years of 2017-2022 the cost of living increase will not exceed 2.4% of the entire rate with the cap on the increase expiring in 2023. Committee member Fincher MOVED to direct staff to prepare an ordinance to amend the Sewer Rates, adopt cost of living increases and redistribute the Internal Utility Tax for Water, Sewer and Drainage based on the percent of the City each Utility covers as presented to the Public Works Committee on June 20, 2016, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Ralph and PASSED 3-0. Public Works Committee Minutes June 20, 2016 4 Item 12 – Information Only/Quiet Zone Update: Chad Bieren, City Engineer noted that staff will continue to move ahead contingent on money from the Business & Occupation funds. INFORMATION ONLY/NO MOTION REQUIRED ADDED ITEM: Perry Sobolick 735 3rd Avenue South wanted to say Thank You for doing such a great job on the asphalt overlay, the neighborhood is very happy! The meeting was adjourned at 5:37 p.m. Cheryl Viseth, Council Committee Recorder