HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works Committee - 06/06/2016Public Works Committee Minutes
June 6, 2016
Item 1 – Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:04 p.m. by Committee
Chair, Dennis Higgins.
Item 2 – Roll Call: Committee Chair, Dennis Higgins and Committee members Dana Ralph
and Brenda Fincher were present.
Item 3 – Changes to the Agenda: There were no changes to the agenda.
Item 4 – Approval of Meeting Minutes Dated May 16, 2016:
Council member Fincher MOVED to approve the minutes of May 16, 2016. The
motion was SECONDED by Committee member Ralph and PASSED 3-0.
Item 5 – Amendment to KBA Contract for Central Ave S Consturction Project:
Eric Connor, Construction Engineering Manager noted that the Central Avenue South
Pavement Preservation and Utility Improvements Project is a federally funded project
located on Central Avenue South between Willis Street and the Green River Bridge.
Connor gave a brief description of the project, noting that construction began the summer
of 2015. KBA, Inc. has been managing the construction of this project. The contract
amendment presented to the committee allows KBA additional funding to cover additional
costs for sub consultants and manage the balance of the construction project. In addition,
this will provide KBA funding necessary to prepare for the Project Management Review
(PMR) Audit that is forthcoming from WSDOT’s Local Programs Office, which is required for
Federal Funding portion of the project. Conner further noted that the project is under
budget and will be completed early.
Council member Ralph MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign an amendment to
the agreement with KBA Inc. in an amount not to exceed $77,000 to provide
additional construction management services for the Central Avenue S. Project,
subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public
Works Director. The motion was SECONDED by Council member Fincher and
PASSED 3 - 0.
Item 6 – 2017 Business & Occupation List and Residential Asphalt Overlay:
Joe Araucto, Pavement Engineering Manager and Kelly Peterson, Transportation Engineering
Manager noted that the majority of the 2016 Business & Occupation and Residential Street
improvements, funded from previous Council authorization, are either under construction or
under contract. Continuing improvements include the James Street pavement overlay,
Pacific Highway & James Street landscaping, 80th Avenue South pavement rehabilitation,
sidewalks, and pavement markings.
Public Works Committee Minutes
June 6, 2016
B&O Recommended Project List:
2017 Completion of the pavement rehabilitation on James Street between Central
Avenue North and Jason Street.
Work on the James Street Pump Station is ongoing and will not likely be completed in
Pavement replacement at the intersection of South 212th Street and 72nd Avenue South.
Due to high truck count and the high water table staff is recommending this be repaved
with concrete.
Proposed 2017 improvements include a new sidewalk on the east side of 6th Avenue
North between West Meeker and West Smith Streets. It was noted that similar to the
2016 proposal, the list includes a 4 person crew funded out of the B&O account for the
sidewalk program.
$850,000 for further sidewalk, walking path, and ADA improvements. Included in this
work is completion of the missing link on the north side of West James Street between
Russell Road and Lakeside Boulevard.
$200,000 for continuing the flashing yellow left turn arrow program
$375,000 for street tree replacement/maintenance
$300,000 for the first phase of improvements required for the railroad Quiet Zone
Recommended Residential Street Repair List:
Residential streets planned for pavement overlay work were discussed, a list and map
were provided with the packet.
Asphalt overlays are proposed in the Misty Meadows, Star Lake Highlands, and Seven
Oaks neighborhoods.
Attached is the Proposed Utilization of 2017 Business and Occupation Funds list.
Discussion Only/No Motion Required at this time.
Item 7 – 2016 Guardrail Repairs – Added Scope:
Joe Araucto, Pavement Engineering Manager, noted that since awarding the guardrail repair
contract to Peterson Brothers, Inc. on April 19, 2016 three additional guardrails have been
damaged by errant vehicles. It is imperative to have repairs made as soon as possible.
Peterson Brothers is able to perform the additional work at the unit bid prices.
The additional locations are:
72nd Ave @ S 262nd St (outside curve)
SE 240th St about 500 ft. east of 144th Ave SE
Frager Rd S @ Meeker St (southeast corner)
Araucto noted that restitution at two of these locations is currently being pursued.
The original contract amount with Peterson Brothers was $80,689.22 with the additional
work it will increase the contract amount to $117,787.95.
Committee member Fincher MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to
sign a Construction Change order with Peterson Brothers, Inc. in the amount of
$37,098.73 to repair recently damaged guardrail, subject to the final terms and
Public Works Committee Minutes
June 6, 2016
conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion
was SECONDED by Committee member Ralph and PASSED 3-0.
Item 8 – Amendment to the Consultant Agreement with AECOM for the Upper Mill
Creek Dam Improvements:
Stephen Lincoln, Environmental Engineer explained that the Upper Mill Creek Dam
Improvements project is located on 104th street just south of Target. The dam
improvements will provide flood risk reduction to the Kent Valley, significantly reducing
flood risk to the Downtown Business District, including Kent Station, James Street, Smith
Street, and Central Avenue areas. The improvements to the dam’s diversion structure will
also open Upper Mill Creek to re-habitation by salmon.
Lincoln noted the contract amendment with AECOM will complete the design.
Committee member Ralph MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to
sign an Amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with AECOM in the
amount not to exceed $159,966.98 to provide additional design services related to
the Upper Mill Creek Dam Project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable
to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was SECONDED by
Committee member Fincher and PASSED 3-0.
Item 9 – King County Flood Control District Sub-Regional Opportunity Fund for the
Upper Mill Creek Dam Improvements Project:
Stephen Lincoln, P.E., Environmental Engineer noted the King County Flood Control District
(District) collects an annual levy from properties within King County. Through the District’s
Sub-Regional Opportunity Fund, ten percent of the levy collected within each jurisdiction is
granted back to the jurisdiction to be used for stormwater or habitat projects.
The City has requested its portion of the Opportunity Fund be directed to the Upper Mill
Creek Dam Project in the amount of $191,079. Approval is needed by our City Council to
accept these funds for the project and establish a budget. The Upper Mill Creek Dam Project
is scheduled for construction in 2017 and as noted above will greatly reduce the flooding
risk in the Downtown Business District.
Committee member Fincher MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to
direct staff to accept the King County Flood Control District Sub-Regional
Opportunity Fund in the amount of $191,079 for the Upper Mill Creek Dam Project
and to establish a budget for the funds to be spent within this project, subject to
final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works
Director. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Ralph and PASSED
Item 10 – South 228th Street UPRR Grade Separation – Connecting WA Grant:
Mark Madfai, P.E., Design Engineering Supervisor noted that this is a housekeeping item
that requires funding be obligated for the South 228th Street Union Pacific Railroad Grade
Separation project in order to move ahead on design and appraisals for the project.
Public Works Committee Minutes
June 6, 2016
Relocation of utilities are planned to take place in September of 2016, staff is working with
the state to get final authorization.
Madfai went on to note that in October 2015 the City received notice that this project
received funding through the Connect Washington Program and has been authorized
by the legislature, in the amount of $15 m illion. $13 million is available in the 2015–
2017 biennium the additional $2 million will be available in the 2017– 2019 biennium
pending enacting legislation. The funds will be administered through Washington State
Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Local Programs, which also administers the
federal funding. Acceptance and obligation of state funds will be authorized using
Supplements to a Local Agency Agreement currently in place with WSDOT.
Committee member Ralph MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor
and/or designees to sign agreements with the Washington State Department of
Transportation to obligate $15 million of Connecting Washington funds for
expenditure on the South 228th Street Union Pacific Grade Separation Project,
subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public
Works Director. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Fincher and
PASSED 3 - 0.
Item 11 – Interlocal Agreement for Milwaukee II:
Mark Madfai, P.E., Design Engineering Supervisor noted the Milwaukee II levee is part of
the Horseshoe Bend/Foster Park Levee that spans between 3rd Avenue South and the Union
Pacific railroad embankment. In order to be accredited the adjacent levee and the levees
downstream needs additional freeboard along the right bank of the Green River.
The Flood Control District has allocated funding to Kent to make offers to purchase property
and construct levee improvements for this project. This Interlocal Agreement (ILA) allows
the City to proceed with an Alternatives Analysis and acquire property for the levee project.
Madfai noted that a future ILA will be required in order to move forward to design and
construct the levee improvements.
The ILA presented to the committee has been modified from the version presented to the
Public Works Committee on March 21, 2016 and was approved in the modified form by the
King County Flood Control District Board of Supervisors on May 23, 2016.
Jeff Watling, Park and Recreation Director and Brian Levenhagen noted that a key link is
missing to the Green River Trail. Confirmation was requested from Watling who stated that
King County Parks supports and advocates for this project. It was confirmed that the
committee was directing Parks and Engineering staff to include the missing trail link in any
alternatives analysis.
Committee member Fincher MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to
sign an Interlocal Agreement with the King County Flood Control District for the
Milwaukee II Levee project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to
the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was SECONDED by
Committee member Ralph and PASSED 3 - 0.
Public Works Committee Minutes
June 6, 2016
Item 12 – Information Only/Complete Streets:
Charlene Anderson, Long Range Planning Manager joined Lacey Jane Wolfe, Senior
Transportation Planner at the table. Wolfe noted that Complete Streets is a policy and
design approach that requires streets to be planned, designed, operated and maintained to
enable safe, convenient and comfortable access for all users, regardless of age or ability.
Complete Streets concepts are becoming more crucial every day for planning and
transportation projects in the region, as traffic congestion worsens, transportation costs rise
and public health initiatives strive to increase people’s activity levels. Wolfe stated that to
date, more than 700 agencies at local, regional and state levels have adopted Complete
Streets Ordinances; adopting such an ordinance in Kent would enable the City to be more
competitive for regional funding and steer future updates to plans and standards, which
would have real impacts on implemented projects.
Wolfe went on to note that Kent’s existing pedestrian and bicycle network consists of
sidewalks, pathways, trails, bike lanes, shared off-street paths and striped shoulders. In the
past, many sidewalks and bicycle lanes have been constructed as part of individual
development projects resulting in gaps, missing connections and inconsistencies in the
connections of facilities.
It was noted that Kent has a number of strong Complete Streets-supportive policies and
plans in place, including the Transportation Master Plan (which recognizes the need to
improve connectivity and identifies a network of streets to receive bicycle and pedestrian
facilities) and the Comprehensive Plan (which has policies in land use and transportation
chapters related to improving non-motorized access and encouraging walking and
bicycling). Complete Streets policies improve safety, lower transportation costs, provide
mobility alternatives, encourage healthy activity, stimulate local economies, contribute to
economic development goals through creating a sense of place, improve social interaction
and generally improve adjacent property values.
ITEM 13 – Information Only/Vegetation Update:
Ryan Carroll, Maintenance Worker 4, and Joe Codiga, Field Storm Vegetation Lead gave an
informative presentation on what the vegetation crews are working on throughout the year.
They showed slides of typical sites and the amount of maintenance they require. Ground
crews work on vision obstructions that the mowers aren’t able to. Codiga noted that the
spray trucks are used to help keep the grass down. Mowers were down a total of 37 days
during 2 months of mowing. If the crews had two more mowers they could keep 3 on the
road at all times. Vegetation staff receives 5-10 calls per day for mowing requests. Citizens
are urged to call (253)856-5500 if they see a vision obstruction due to tall weeds or grass
Monday – Friday 7:00 am – 4:00 pm. Both Codiga and Carroll noted that safety is their
number one priority.
Public Works Committee Minutes
June 6, 2016
Item 14 - Information Only/Quiet Zone Update:
Chad Bieren, City Engineer noted that staff is pulling together a bid package for
maintenance items which include 50 signs, center line barriers and extending crossing
paddles. Work could start later this fall.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:32 p.m.
Cheryl Viseth,
Council Committee Recorder