HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works Committee - 04/18/2016Public Works Committee Minutes
April 18, 2016
Item 1 – Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:04 p.m. by Committee Chair,
Dennis Higgins.
Item 2 – Roll Call: Committee Chair, Dennis Higgins and Committee members Dana Ralph
and Brenda Fincher were present.
Item 3 – Changes to the Agenda: There were no changes to the agenda.
Item 4 – Approval of Meeting Minutes Dated April 18, 2016:
Council member Fincher MOVED to approve the minutes of April 18, 2016. The
motion was SECONDED by Committee member Ralph and PASSED 3-0.
Item 5 – Information Only/King County Metro Long Range Plan Updates:
Lacey Jane Wolfe, Senior Transportation Planner introduced Stephen Hunt from the King
County Department of Transportation. Hunt gave an update on Metro’s Long Range Plan. In
drafting this update, Metro is anticipating the needs of King County through 2040. Major
features of the plan include integration of bus and rail, expanded RapidRide, and more transit
Ms. Wolfe noted that Kent staff provides input into the plan through Metro’s Technical
Advisory Committee. In December of 2015, Mayor Cooke provided comments on the draft
preliminary concept for King County Metro service. In the comment letter, the Mayor
emphasized the need for east-west connections as well as alternative services to serve Kent’s
Mr. Hunt went on to state that Metro and Sound Transit are working on a long range plan
with One Vision across King County. They are focusing on the right types of transit or
alternative services to meet local needs. Increasing mobility is not just about increasing the
amount of fixed route service. Metro Connects will increase Metro’s capacity to integrate with
more options. And they will use technology to help break down the barriers that keep people
from using transit including integrated, cashless fare payment. A strong partnership with
cities is needed in order to make the program a success.
Item 6 – Information Only/Water Festival Update:
Gina Hungerford, Conservation Coordinator gave a brief summary of the Water Festival which
took place on March 22 and 23 at Green River College.
Water Festival
1,730 Students Participated
- 1,013 from Kent Schools
- 717 from Federal Way and Auburn Schools
43 Presenters
- 10 In-house Staff
Public Works Committee Minutes
April 18, 2016
353 Teaching sessions held during the two days
25,000 Students have attended the Water Festival since it was established in 2000
Repair Time
The second session was held on April 7, 2016 at the Kent Senior Center. 22 items were
brought in, of those 88% were successfully repaired, saving an estimated 129 pounds from
being dumped in the landfill. The next Repair Time event will be on June 15, from 3:00 -7:00
p.m. at the Kent Senior Center.
Curbside Cleanup
Held the week of April 4-15, Hungerford stated that she receives a lot of positive feedback
from citizens.
Just Eat It
Hungerford noted that the city is partnering with King County, Maple Valley, Covington and
Black Diamond to present the film Just Eat It. The focus of the film is on reducing the
estimated 133 billion pounds of food thrown out each year. The film will be shown at the
Kentlake High School Performing Arts Center, Thursday, April 28, at 7:00 p.m., it will be
followed by a discussion panel.
Item 7 – Information Only/Grandview Development Project Update:
Katie Fischnaller MW 3-Drainage Vegetation and Phil Becker, Construction Inspector gave a
brief presentation showing the fun that will be had at this year’s Public Works Week and that
this year’s celebration includes a free open-to-the-public event on Thursday, May 19, from
10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the ShoWare Center. Both Fischnaller and Becker encouraged
everyone to stop by and:
Meet the people providing services
Climb into the machines that do the ‘heavy lifting’
Experience hands-on educational displays
Join an interactive scavenger hunt
Explore career opportunities
Learn what it take to bring our city to life
For more information contact Public Works at (253)856-5600 or at www.KentWA.gov/PWW.
Item 8 – Information Only/Grandview Development Project Update:
Evan Swanson, Water Quality Inspector gave a brief update on the status of compliance
efforts related to stormwater discharges from construction at the Grandview development.
Swanson noted that the contractor for this project has been fined by the Department of
Ecololgy for non-compliance. The project is large and is located in a difficult site, it didn’t help
that this year has been wettest winter on record.
Public Works Committee Minutes
April 18, 2016
Item 9 - Information Only/Update on Construction Projects:
Chad Bieren, City Engineer noted that it will be a very busy construction season with over
$15 million so far this season for capital projects out of our office. You will see a lot of activity
over the season. We will be updating the committee on projects throughout the season.
James Street Pump Station, Street Overlay and Planting Project – There will be a 10
day closure of James Street after school ends this summer from Jason to the top of the
South 72nd Avenue Improvements – This project will complete the roadway. There will
be some fill work done in the coming months. The project is anticipated to be
completed by the end of 2017.
Upper Russell Road South Reach Levee Projects – Started last summer had to shut
down late last fall due to the weather. We are working to finish up the project in the
next 6 – 8 weeks.
Titus Ave & Titus – City crews are replacing some asphalt slabs that have been there
for almost 80 years, detour signs are up and work should be completed by the end of
next week.
Central Avenue - A letter is going out to local property owner’s night work 16” water
line installation, paving to be done in the next 6-8 weeks. Information can be found on
the Kent web at www.DriveKent.org as well as on Facebook and Kent E-Alerts.
Every effort will be made to keep everyone aware of upcoming projects.
Item 10 - Information Only/Pacific Highway Landscape Project:
Chad Bieren, City Engineer gave a brief update on the Pacific Highway Landscape project he
noted that Council will have the opportunity to award the Pacific Highway bid tomorrow.
Bid includes replanting between 272nd and 240th. Planters to the north of 240th were taken
out of the bid because Sound Transit ST2/Highline will be coming right through that area. The
bids came in at $1,038,000 about $60,000 more than the whole project was estimated. We
will be requesting an additional $160,000 dollars for the project. Public Works Director, Tim
LaPorte noted the remaining amount could come out of existing B&O funds. He stated that
staff knew we would come in very close on the bids and decided to go ahead and move
forward. Higgins said he is sure there will be many questions tomorrow and would like to see
this project move forward.
Item 11 - Information Only/Mill Creek Side Channel/Leber Homestead Property
Project Update:
Mike Mactutis, Environmental Manager update the committee on the Leber Homestead
project. He noted that it is a large, regionally supported restoration project that will provide
rearing and refuge habitat for juvenile salmonids as well as additional flood storage just
across the Green River from the Riverview Park project. Grants from the Salmon Recovery
Funding Board, Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration Fund, King County Cooperative
Public Works Committee Minutes
April 18, 2016
Watershed Management Fund and King County Waterworks Grant Program are being used to
cover construction costs. This project has been planned, designed and permitted over the
past 10-years on property purchased (with other grant funds) specifically for this purpose.
The project will include 43 woody structures and 51,000 trees and shrubs which are being
grown in-house at a savings.
Item 12 - Information Only/Quiet Zone Update:
Chad Bieren, City Engineer noted the estimated cost to complete the Quiet Zone is
$1,500,000. Council authorized staff to look into forming a Local Improvement District (LID)
to complete the Quiet Zone, but staff needed to estimate the total project cost first. Bieren
stated that staff is working on putting together funding options as a LID may not be the best
option for completing the project. Committee members asked if staff could put together a list
and break the list down into individual cost and how we could fund each item. For example, a
list of each intersection, what it would cost and what are the possible funding options. Bieren
stated that we have this information and will bring to committee at a later date.
Bieren noted that there are opportunities to complete some of the work, most notably fencing
through downtown, via safety grants from the UTC which could save about $20,000-$30,000.
Assuming that Council proceeds with the Quiet Zone, staff would pursue these and any other
available grants to offset the cost of implementation.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:29 p.m.
Cheryl Viseth,
Council Committee Recorder