HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works Committee - 01/04/2016Public Works Committee Minutes January 4, 2016 1 Item 1 – Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:04 p.m. by Committee Chair, Dennis Higgins. Item 2 – Roll Call: Committee Chair, Dennis Higgins and Committee members Dana Ralph and Brenda Fincher were present. Item 3 – Changes to the Agenda: There were no items added to the agenda. Item 4 – Approval of Meeting Minutes Dated December 7, 2015: Committee member Fincher MOVED to approve the minutes of December 7, 2015. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Ralph and PASSED 3 - 0. Item 5 –2016 Information Only/Update on Grant Projects: Interim Design Engineering Manager, Ken Langholz and Mike Mactutis updated the committee on the grant status, showing projects for which the City has been awarded grant funds. Committee members requested that staff includes the grant status spreadsheets in the minutes of this meeting. See attached grant status spreadsheet’s for more information. Information Only/No Motion Required Item 6 – Kent Kangley Pedestrian Improvements Project - Financing: Design Engineering Supervisor Kelly Casteel gave a brief overview of the project. Casteel noted that this area on the East Hill is a high use area and that the Washington Stated Department of Transportation (WSDOT) has recommended that there be a mid-block crossing at 106th Ave SE. A traffic count was conducted at mid-block on 106th Ave SE and over 300 mid-crossings were documented. Casteel noted that WSDOT approval of the channelization is significant. There will be an educational piece to this project as well. Staff will continue to work closely with the Police department and the Kent School District. Committee members noted that along with the educational piece there will need to be an enforcement piece, a jaywalking ordinance was discussed. Aaron BeMiller stated that a one-time only LID payment of $2.5 million could be used. It would need budget authority, each quarter. This item will move forward to Council at the Tuesday, January 5, 2016 meeting. Councilmembers all agreed that the alternative one time only payment was the best solution. Committee Member Ralph MOVED to award the Kent Kangley Pedestrian Improvements Project to R.W. Scott Construction Co. in the amount of $574,897.45 and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director, Council further directs that funds required to match the grant and complete the project financing that come from the Street fund. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Fincher and PASSED 3-0. Item 7 – Engineering Services Agreement with Puget Sound Energy for Design of the Relocation of Transmission facilities for the South 228th Street Union Pacific Grade Separation Project: Design Engineering Supervisor, Mark Madfai noted that the South 228th Street Grade Separation project will construct an overpass over the Union Pacific rail lines to eliminate the at -grade Public Works Committee Minutes January 4, 2016 2 crossing and the conflict between vehicles and trains. He went on to state that the bridge will also span across the Interurban Trail located within Puget Sound Energy (PSE) right of way. Madfai showed visuals of a different overpass that PSE designed and relocated overhead transmission lines in order to accommodate the new bridge. Committee Member Fincher MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign an Engineering Services Agreement with Puget Sound Energy in an amount not to exceed $208,510 to provide Engineering services for the relocation of their transmission facilities for the 228th Street Union Pacific Grade Separation project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Ralph and PASSED 3-0. Item 8 – Information Only/South 224th Street Project Update: Design Engineering Supervisor Garrett Inouye noted that this project is divided into three phases. Phase I includes the construction of a bridge over SR 167. Phase II includes improving 88 th Avenue south and South 218th to 94th Place South, and Phase III includes improving and widening the remainder of South 218th Street, 98th Avenue South and South 216th Street. Inouye also noted the proposed wetland mitigation at the Hytek site. A wetland oil spill was reported in December. • Approximately 250-300 gallons of lube oil with diesel fuel • No responsible party identified (to date) • Active cleanup completed Public Works Director, Tim LaPorte noted that there is a cost factor but not enough to back out of discussions with Hytek, the property will still meet the needs of the city. Item 9 – Information Only/640 Zone Update: Water Superintendent, Sean Bauer provided and update on the 640 pressure zone including improvements that have been made to date. Improvements needed to start up the new pressure zone included the following:  Water Tank  2 Pump Stations  17,000 Feet of Pipe  3 Large Pressure reducing Valves  20 Zone Isolation Valves  1,000 Individual Pressure Reducing Valves Bauer noted that currently there are low pressure conditions areas of the 590 Zone, in the new 640 Zone 3,000 customers will have double the water pressure that they currently have. The anticipated start-up of the 640 Zone is three years. Information Only/No motion required Item 10 – Information Only/Guiberson Reservoir Inlet Piping Modifications: Water Superintendent, Sean Bauer showed a slide of the Guiberson Reservoir inlet piping. He stated that the reservoir inlet piping needs to be relocated ahead of a reservoir lining project. Holiday Parks Inc. will be installing a new 16-inch header, risers and brackets. The reservoir lining project is a temporary fix (15-20 years) in an effort to allow staff to raise the reservoir operating level back to normal conditions for peak demand and fire flow conditions. Public Works Committee Minutes January 4, 2016 3 Information Only/No Motion Required Item 11 – Information Only/Kent $50,000 Stormwater Grant Award from Washington Department of Ecology: Environmental Conservation Analyst, Laura Haren stated that the city of Kent will receive a $50,000 no-match grant from the Washington State Department of Ecology. The grants are for municipal stormwater permitees to implement programs to ensure compliance with the Clean Water Act. Haren went on to note that the funds must be used to improve Clean Water Act compliance programs National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) to maximize efficiency and ensure continued compliance with increasing municipal stormwater permit requirements. Haren presented a list of possible expenditures for the grant funds:  Production and distribution of pollution prevention educational materials  Purchase of inspection equipment to improve our inspection efficiency  Purchase of monitoring supplies to identify water quality prob lems  Consultant services for stormwater related projects This is a no match grant. Information Only/No Motion Required Item 12 – Information Only/Pacific Highway Planters: City Engineer Chad Bieren noted that Staff has been working on the replanting of traffic islands along Pacific Highway South between Kent-Des Moines Road and S. 272nd Street. He noted that we are getting closer to advertise it for bid, sometime in the first quarter of 2016. There is a million dollars set aside over last two years to complete improvements along Pacific Highway. Information Only/No Motion Required Added Items: Washington Ave. & Meeker: Bill Doolittle mentioned that two months ago he came before the committee asking about the Washington Avenue and Meeker Street congestion. He presented a new idea to the committee. Have two left turns with one left green arrow like on Smith and Central. Or have a flashi ng yellow light. The way it currently is the little pocket only fits a few vehicles and then back up the through lane. Committee members and staff all liked the idea of the double turn lane, staff will look into it further and see what can be done. Quiet Zone: City Engineer Chad Bieren, will be back next Monday to go over the options - needs vs. wants. Information Only/No Motion Required The meeting was adjourned at 5:23 p.m. Cheryl Viseth Council Committee Recorder