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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works Committee - 04/04/2016 (2)Public Works Committee Agenda
Councilmembers: Brenda FincherDana Ralph•Dennis Higgins, Chair
Unless otherwise noted, the Public Works Committee meets at 4:00 p.m. on the 1st & 3rd Mondays of each month.
Council Chambers East, Kent City Hall, 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, 98032-5895.
For information please contact Public Works Administration (253) 856-5500.
Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk’s Office at
(253) 856-5725 in advance.
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April 4, 2016
4:00 p.m.
Item Description Action Speaker Time Page
1. Call to Order -- Chair Higgins 01 --
2. Roll Call -- Chair Higgins 01 --
3. Changes to the Agenda -- Chair Higgins 01 --
4. Approval of March 21, 2016 Meeting
YES None 03 03
5. Information Only/Sewer Rates NO Paul Scott &
Kristin Lykken
50 07
6. Information Only/Crosswalk Policy NO Lacey Jane Wolfe 20 09
7. Information Only/Quiet Zone Update NO Chad Bieren 05 11
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Special Public Works Committee Minutes
March 21, 2016
Item 1 – Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m. by Committee Chair, Dennis
Item 2 – Roll Call: Committee Chair, Dennis Higgins and Committee members Dana Ralph and
Brenda Fincher were present.
Item 3 – Changes to the Agenda: There were no changes to the agenda.
Item 4 – Approval of Meeting Minutes Dated March 7, 2016:
Council member Fincher MOVED to approve the minutes of March 7, 2016. The motion was
SECONDED by Committee member Ralph and PASSED 3 - 0.
Item 5 – Consultant Services Agreement with Shearer Design, LLC – Bridge Analysis:
Tim LaPorte Public Works Director was filling in for Joseph Araucto who was called away. LaPorte
reminded committee members that this item was brought to them a few meetings ago at which time
the Committee chose to defer action until a later date.
LaPorte noted that the bridges listed below were not on the B & O list at the start of 2016 and
reminded the committee that these inspections are a new requirement by the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA). It is now required of agencies who own bridges within the National Bridge
Inventory (NBI) to have structural analyses of the bridges performed to account for use by specialized
hauling vehicles such as; commercial vehicles with closely spaced multi-axles including dump trucks,
cranes, solid waste trucks, specialized hauling trucks and other multi-axle vehicles that were
introduced by the trucking industry during the last decade.
The compliance schedule provided by the FHWA allows the City to group its bridges into 2 groups.
Group 1 bridges are required to be analyzed by December 31, 2017 for compliance (6 City of Kent
bridges), and Group 2 by December 31, 2022 (11 City of Kent bridges).
After much discussion, Committee members decided to table the motion until a funding source could
be decided.
Action was deferred until a later date.
Item 6 – Consultant Agreement with Tierra Right of Way - South 228th Street Union Pacific
Railroad Grade Separation Project:
Mark Madfai, P.E., Design Engineering Supervisor noted that in order to construct the South 228th
Street Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation project the City will need to acquire property rights
from adjacent owners to install utilities and pay damages for modified access to certain properties.
Under this agreement the Consultant will help the City negotiate with property owners for these rights
based on values determined by professional appraisers. Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director noted that
because this is a federal project, we are not permitted to begin construction until the right-of-way
process is done; appraisals and review appraisals are part of the process.
Committee member Ralph MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a
Consultant Services Agreement with Tierra Right of Way in an amount not to exceed
$71,200.00 to provide Property Negotiation Services for the South 228th Street Union Pacific
Railroad Grade Separation project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the
City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member
Fincher and PASSED 3 - 0.
Special Public Works Committee Minutes
March 21, 2016
Item 7 – Consultant Agreement with PSE for 228th Street Grade Separation Project –
Transmission Relocation:
Mark Madfai, P.E., Design Engineering Supervisor noted the background for this item is the same as
Item 6 on today’s agenda.
Under this agreement Puget Sound Energy will complete the relocation/raising of its overhead
transmission system to accommodate the new bridge.
Committee member Fincher MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a
Facility Relocation/Modification Agreement with Puget Sound Energy in an amount not to
exceed $1,579,286.00 to raise their transmission facilities for the 228th Street Union Pacific
Grade Separation project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City
Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member
Ralph and PASSED 3 - 0.
Item 8 – Interlocal Agreement with King County Flood Control Zone District:
Mark Madfai, P.E., Design Engineering Supervisor noted that the Milwaukee II levee is a part of the
Horseshoe Bend Levee that spans between 3rd Avenue South and the Union Pacific railroad
The King County Flood Control District (KCFCD) has allocated funding to Kent for this project to
purchase property and construct the levee improvements. Mike Mactutis, Environmental Engineering
Manager noted that he went to the KCFCD meeting earlier in the day and that only a few changes were
made to the agreement that were sent earlier in the packet.
City needs to discuss Alternative Analysis with the Flood District
Consultant agreement would be submitted to the District before approval
County wants the City to own South 259th Street
This Interlocal Agreement (ILA) will allow the City to proceed with an Alternatives Analysis and acquire
property for the levee project. A future ILA will be required to design and construct levee
Committee member Ralph MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign an
Interlocal Agreement with the King County Flood Control District for the Milwaukee II Levee
project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public
Works Director. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Fincher and PASSED 3 -
Item 9 – Information Only/FAST & TIGER Grant Applications:
Lacey Jane Wolfe, Senior Transportation Planner gave a brief PowerPoint presentation on both the
Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) and the Nationally Significant
Freight and Highway Projects (FASTLANE) programs. Wolfe noted that both the TIGER and Freight
Mobility Investment Strategic Board (FMISB) provide federal Department of Transportation grant
funding for large transportation projects. Applications for both opportunities are due in April.
Wolfe suggested that the following key preparation items needed to be done before applying for the
Make key decisions about phasing and design
Begin to acquire right of way
Begin discussion with railroad
Then apply for funding
Special Public Works Committee Minutes
March 21, 2016
Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director stated that this would take at least 2 years, and that was
optimistic. Applying for these programs could not occur until 2017 at the earliest. Chair Higgins would
like to know how much effort it would take to develop competitive grant applications. The item will be
discussed at the next meeting.
Information Only/No Motion Required
ITEM 10 – Information Only/Kent Water Supply & Treatment:
Water Superintendent, Sean Bauer brought in show and tell items (pipes) of varying ages and
conditions. He spoke of Flint, Michigan lead issue as well as information on how Kent’s water system
stays in compliance with the federal Lead & Copper Rule. Kent is in compliance for both lead and
copper, with levels below the concentration level. He further noted that water main cleaning is in the
department annual work plan.
Information Only/No Motion Required
Item 11 – Information Only/Traffic Control Signal Box-Lightning Damage:
This item was deferred until a later date.
Information Only/No Motion Required
Item 12 – Information Only/Quiet Zone Update:
City Engineer, Chad Bieren noted that staff met with Burlington Northern Railway personnel about the
quiet zone. Staff will bring back a cost estimate report later in April.
Information Item/No Motion Required
ADDED Item – Perry Sobolick 735 3rd Ave S:
Mr. Sobolick was happy to report that the neighborhood was happy with the traffic signage
improvements and that it has had a positive effect on the speeding in the area.
Mr. Sobolick said he would still like to see an ordinance that precludes heavy truck traffic in residential
neighborhoods, specifically in his neighborhood. Committee Chair Higgins asked that the underpass at
the Union Pacific Railroad on South 259th Street be revisited. Staff will come back to the committee at
a later date with more information.
Information Item/No Motion Required
The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m.
Cheryl Viseth,
Council Committee Recorder
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Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director
Phone: 253-856-5500
Fax: 253-856-6500
Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S.
Kent, WA 98032-5895
Date: March 29, 2016
To: Chair Dennis Higgins and Public Works Committee Members
PW Committee Meeting Date: April 4, 2016
From: Paul Scott, Finance Manager
Kristin Lykken, Financial Analyst
Through: Chad Bieren, P.E., City Engineer
Item 5: Information Only/Sewer Rates
Summary: Paul Scott, Accounting Manager and Kristin Lykken, Financial Analyst
will give a presentation with recommendations for Sewer Rates.
Exhibit: N/A
Budget Impact: N/A
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Timothy J LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director
Phone: 253-856-5500
Fax: 253-856-6500
Address: 400 West Gowe Street
Kent, WA 98032-5895
Date: April 1, 2016
To: Chair Dennis Higgins and Public Works Committee Members
From: Lacey Jane Wolfe, Senior Transportation Planner
Through: Chad Bieren, P.E., City Engineer
Item 6: Crosswalks Policy Recommendations
Summary: Public Works staff is developing a crosswalk policy for Council
consideration. The purpose of this policy is to establish a consistent methodology for
marking and maintaining crosswalks.
Exhibits: None
Budget Impact: None
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Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director
Phone: 253-856-5500
Fax: 253-856-6500
Address: 400 West Gowe Street
Kent, WA 98032-5895
Date: April 1, 2016
To: Chair Dennis Higgins and Public Works Committee Members
Meeting Date: April 4, 2016
From: Chad Bieren, P.E., City Engineer
Item 7: Information Only/Quiet Zone Update
Summary: Staff will provide an update on progress to date.
Exhibit: None
Budget Impact: None