HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Facilities District Board - 07/28/2016Public Facilities District Board Regular Meeting Minutes July 28, 2OL6 Kent, Washington Date: Time: Place: Attending Board: Other Attendeesl Absent: Agenda: Approved January 26, 20t7 July 28,20t6 4 p.m. ShoWare Center Mike Miller, Chair Lew Sellers Randall Smith Jeff Piecewicz Carmen Goers Tim Higgins, ShoWare Center General Manager Jason Thomsen, ShoWare Center Director of Corporate Paftnerships Ryan Hart, ShoWare Center Director of Marketing Josh Holmes, ShoWare Center Director of Operations Arletta Voter, ShoWare Finance Director Aaron BeMiller, City of Kent Finance Director (Board Treasurer) Tom Brubaker, City Attorney Ben Wolters, City of Kent Economic & Community Dev. Director Sue Hanson, City of Kent Interim City Clerk (Board Secretary) None 4 5 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 4:28 p.ffi., with acting Chair Lew Sellers presiding. 2. Changes to the Agenda 3. Introductions All present íntroduced themselves. State Auditor's Office Audit Year Ending 2O15 Aoproval of the Special Meeting Minutes of April 21. 2O16 Minutes will be approved at the next regular meeting. 6. Finance Reoorts Page I of 3 Public Facilities District Board Regular Meeting Minutes July 28, 2016 Kent, Washington Approved January 26, 2OL7 a. City of Kent. Aaron BeMiller, presented the summary review of the Washington State Auditor, located in the packet. The full report will be available on the State Auditor's Website today. There are no findings and only a few language changes to the comprehensive plan. Arron provided details on the refunding of the $53 million sales tax bond. The bond was initially under the Public Facility District, but after entering into an interlocal financing agreement, the bond is now on the City's books. This should result in an $8.5 million dollar savings over the life of the bond. Aaron provided details on the sales tax credit that the PDF will receive until 2032. Aaron provided details on the financial reports for 2015-2OL6, and indicated that 2016 is sales tax receipts are 13olo higher than this time last year. b. ShoWare Center. Arletta Voter reviewed the updated report that included a revision to the admission tax paid to the City for first half of 2OL6. Arletta provided details on the income and expense reports and the year-to-date status. 7. Operations Uodate a. General Manager Update, Tim Higgins, provided details on 3'd quarter events and sales. ShoWare has developed good relationships with agents and promoters. Season ticket sales for the Thunderbirds have improved since last year and are the highest it has ever been. b, Marketing Update Ryan Hart, provided details of attendance, and is hoping to set a new record of 400,000 attendees by year end. The Venues Today publication has recognized the ShoWare Center as the number 15 top spot for venues of 5,000-6,000 capacity. Ryan indicated the ShoWare Center hosted 16 graduations with over 60,000 attendees; Christian shows are doing very well; Tacoma Stars open October 29th; 10 Disney on Ice performances; and Dolly Parton is sold out for September 21't. ShoWare Center.com will be completely redesigned at an expense of approximately $15,000. Seattle Thunderbirds Hockey kicks off October 1't. Page 2 of 3 Public Facilities District Board Regular Meeting Minutes July 28, 2Ot6 Kent, Washington 9 Approved January 26, 2OL7 Josh Holmes indicated new LED lighting was installed. The LED lights will not only save money, but have additional technical features including the abilíty to be dimmed and strobed. A $40,000 rebate from Puget Sound Energy was received. 8. Seattle Thunderbirds Uodate - NONE a. Thunderbird Sales, Marketing & Attendance b. Adveftising & Suite Sales Other Business None 10 Adjournment Chair Miller moved to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m. S,r,o4a^Á"* Sue Hanson, Acting City Clerk Board Secretary July 28, 2OL7 Page 3 of 3