HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations Committee - 08/16/2016 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES August 16, 2016 Committee Members Present: Les Thomas; Bill Boyce; and Dana Ralph, Chair The meeting was called to order by Dana Ralph at 4:00 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL. 2. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA. There were no changes to the agenda. 3. APPROVAL OF THE CHECK SUMMARY REPORT DATED 7/16/2016 THRU 7/31/2016. B. Boyce moved to approve the check summary report dated 7/16/2016 thru 7/31/2016. L. Thomas seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED AUGUST 2, 2016. L. Thomas moved to approve the Operations Committee minutes dated August 2, 2016. B. Boyce seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 5. STORM VEGETATION UTILITY JOB-SHARE POSITIONS - RECOMMEND. Public Works Street Superintendent Bill Thomas and Parks Department Co-Interim Director Garin Lee made a request to add four .25 storm vegetation positions. Parks Operations was previously approved for four .75 positions in the 2015/2016 biennial budget and have not been filled yet. Public Works and the Parks Departments have an opportunity to job-share these full time employees:  Parks Operations schedule will be March through November, and  Public Works Storm Vegetation will be December through February. Salaries for the four .25 positions will cost $80,000 annually and will be drawn from the Public Works Drainage Utility Fund. It was noted there was an error on the motion sheet regarding the biennial budget dates, 2014/2015 should actually be 2015/2016. B. Boyce moved to recommend Council approve funding four .25 storm vegetation utility positions in the current Public Works Drainage Utility Fund budget . L. Thomas seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. Operations Committee Minutes August 16, 2016 Page: 2 6. NON REPRESENTED SALARY SURVEY RESOLUTION – RECOMMEND. Human Resources (HR) Labor Relations Manager Leialani Jensen asked members to approve a compensation review for non-represented positions due in large part to the time lapse since the previous 2006 survey and the increasingly competitive labor market for specialty classifications (e.g. engineering and design), technical classifications (e.g. information technology), and key management positions. The salary survey will be conducted using a three-phase approach beginning Fall 2016 with line level (professional/administrative) positions and ending in summer 2017 with the executive level positions. HR intends to utilize existing staff (three full time employees) to conduct the survey, which results in no additional cost to the City. To assist the Labor, Class and Comp staff with some of the initial work in the phases and in the appeals process stage, a delegate from each department has been chosen to be part of a task force and each will be given duties/deadlines to carry out to meet the timelines of this project. The City gathered cost information on benchmark positions using the 2016 Association of Washington Cities survey and Milliman Puget Sound Public Agency survey results in three job classification family categories. If the survey is approved to be conducted, it is estimated that the final cost for market adjustment of non-represented positions in the City will be as follows:  Phase 1 – professional/technical positions: $343,454.00  Phase 2 – mid-management level positions: $157,733.00  Phase 3 – executive positions: $25,776.00 $526,963.00  Social Security/DRS/Medicare: X 18% $621,816.34 L. Thomas moved to recommend council adopt the resolution authorizing a salary survey for non-represented employees. B. Boyce seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 7. JUNE FINANCIAL REPORT – INFORMATION ONLY. Finance Director Aaron BeMiller reported overall the City is in line with what was reported for the May report. Analysis through June show both revenues and expenditures ending the year favorable compared to budget, creating an overall positive variance amount of nearly $3.7 million. The current estimated ending balance reserves for 2016 calculates to 16 percent of estimated 2016 expenses. The following highlights were reported: Revenues are estimated to end the year at nearly $2.8 million or 3.2 percent higher than budgeted. Most of the City’s major revenue sources show positive variances compared to budget, including sales tax ($560,000), licenses and permits ($196,000), and B&O ($1 million). This is offset by unfavorable variances compared to budget for other taxes ($181,000) and forfeitures ($67,000). Operations Committee Minutes August 16, 2016 Page: 3 Through June, all departments are remaining fairly close to budget. The meeting was adjourned at 4:24 p.m. by D. Ralph. J. Hays Jennifer Hays Operations Committee Secretary