HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations Committee - 06/21/2016 (2) Unless otherwise noted, the Operations Committee meets at 4 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of each month in Kent City Hall, Council Chambers East, 220 4th Ave S, Kent, 98032. For additional information please contact Jennifer Hays at 253-856-5700. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk’s Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388. Operations Committee Agenda Councilmembers: Bill Boyce – Les Thomas – Dana Ralph, Chair June 21, 2016 4 p.m. Item Description Action Speaker Time Page 1. Call to order Chair Ralph 1 2. Roll Call Chair Ralph 1 3. Changes to the Agenda Chair Ralph 1 4. Approval of Check Summary Report dated 5/16/2016 thru 5/31/2016 YES Chair Ralph 2 5. Approval of Meeting Minutes Dated June 7, 2016 YES Chair Ralph 2 1 6. Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Court – Information Only NO Tami Perdue 10 3 7. April Financial Report – Information Only NO Aaron BeMiller 5 5 8. 2016 Bond Refunding Report – Information Only NO Aaron BeMiller 5 21 9. City Investment Report – Information Only NO Aaron BeMiller 5 27 10. Director’s Report – Information Only NO Aaron BeMiller 10 29 This page intentionally left blank OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES June 7, 2016 Committee Members Present: Les Thomas; Bill Boyce; Dana Ralph, excused The meeting was called to order by Les Thomas at 4:00 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL. 2. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA. There were no changes to the agenda. 3. APPROVAL OF THE CHECK SUMMARY REPORT DATED 5/01/2016 THRU 5/15/2016. B. Boyce moved to approve the check summary report dated 5/01/16 through 5/15/16. L. Thomas seconded the motion, which passed 2-0. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED MAY 17, 2016. B. Boyce moved to approve the Operations Committee minutes dated May 17, 2016. L. Thomas seconded the motion, which passed 2-0. 5. PRIMARY DATA CENTER ASSESSMENT & IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - RECOMMEND. Information Technology (IT) Director Mike Carrington and Technical Services Manager James Endicott requested to move the City’s primary data center to the King County Institutional Network at the Sabey Data Center (Sabey) facility in Tukwila, Washington. The City’s current location is at Fire Station 74 in Kent. In the event of a natural or manmade disaster, moving to this new location provides the City with increased infrastructure redundancy and a stronger Disaster Recover Business Continuity capability. The Sabey move significantly improves reliability, security posture, provides for efficient future expansion and scalability and will also allow IT to concentrate its efforts on restoration of business systems, applications and data. This would remove the additional burden IT and Facilities faces by also needing to address restoration of data center infrastructure, hardware and equipment. Budget impact to the 2016 expenditures includes the implementation cost of $37,750 and recurring monthly charges of $5,600. B. Boyce moved to recommend council authorize the Mayor to execute all documents necessary to enter into a three year contract with King County to establish the Sabey Data Center in Tukwila, Washington as the City’s new primary data center facility . L. Thomas seconded the motion, which passed 2-0. 1 Operations Committee Minutes June 7, 2016 Page: 2 6. C3 HIGH SPEED FIBER OPTIC RING EXTENSION PROJECT AGREEMENT #70 - RECOMMEND. Mr. Carrington and Mr. Endicott made a request to have Community Connectivity Consortium (C3), University of Washington, and contributing project members such as Kent to design, provisioning and delivery of a high speed optical network around and extended beyond Lake Washington. The project includes pathway, conduit, fiber and electronics to build and operate a high speed Dense Wave Division Multiplex (DWDM) optical network connecting the Westen-Seattle, UW-Bothell Campus, the City of Bellevue, The King County Regional Communications and Emergency Coordination Center/RCECC, Renton, Valley Communications Center, Kent and the King County Data Center/KDCD at Sabey Campus in Tukwila. Kent Public Works Department and the IT Department have been working in conjunction to have spare conduit and dark fiber placed in city right of ways whenever public works projects were being planned and executed on non-fiber specific projects. For its part the City is making an in-kind asset contribution of shared network equipment costs estimated to be approximately $3,500 - $4,500, right of way/conduit system access and spare fiber optic cable use of approximately 59,300 feet. B. Boyce moved to recommend council authorize the Mayor to execute all documents necessary to enter into an agreement with the Community Connectivity Consortium to design, provision and deliver a high speed optical network extension that includes the City of Kent, subject to terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Information Technology Director. L. Thomas seconded the motion, which passed 2-0. The meeting was adjourned at 4:16 p.m. by L. Thomas. J. Hays Jennifer Hays Operations Committee Secretary 2 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Tom Brubaker, City Attorney Phone: 253-856-5770 Fax: 253-856-6770 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 DATE: June 21, 2016 TO: Operations Committee FROM: Tami Perdue, Chief Prosecutor SUBJECT: Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Court – Information Only MOTION: Information Only SUMMARY: Kent Municipal Court wants to establish a DUI Therapeutic Court, which would be the first municipal DUI Court in Washington State. DUI courts are criminal justice courts that bring together drug and alcohol treatment and the criminal justice system with the goal of reducing recidivism in DUI offenders. Approximately 400 DUI courts and over 2000 drug court operate in the United States. The main goal of a DUI court is to create safer roads and save lives by reducing or eliminating repeat DUI offenses. These courts utilize increased supervision, frequent alcohol monitoring, and driver’s license reinstatement plans. Prosecutors and defense attorneys modify their traditional adversarial roles to support treatment and supervision needs of program participants. DUI courts have been shown to be effective in reducing recidivism (in DUI and other crimes) and in reducing taxpayer costs due to fewer re-arrests, less jail time and less time in prison (Carey, S. M., Fuller, B., E., Kissick, K., Taylor, E., & Zold-Kilbourn, P. (2008). Michigan DUI Courts Outcome Evaluation, final report, submitted to Michigan Supreme Court.) It is anticipated that our court would target individuals who have been charged with a DUI related offense and have two or more prior DUI related offenses in their criminal history. These repeat offenders would enter into DUI Court post-conviction. In 2015, there would have been 41 people who would have been eligible for DUI Court. Between January 1 to May 29, 2016, 117 DUI related cases were filed in Kent Municipal Court. Of those 117 cases, 15 defendants had two or more prior DUI or DUI related convictions in their criminal history: seven with two priors; three with three priors; four 3 Operations Committee June 21, 2016 Page: 2 with four priors; one with five priors; and one included a prior Vehicle Homicide (DUI) in the history. Funding is currently available to the City to pay for the development of a DUI Court. The Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) has funding available to us for training and startup funds. The Kent Municipal Court will receive funding to send a team to observe a court in Washington (likely Spokane District Court) and to send a team (Judge; Probation Officer; Prosecutor; Defense Attorney) to three day training in California towards the end of 2016. The cost of the out of state training will likely be $12,000-$16,000. WTSC would also assist with startup funds, which for the first year is estimated to be $50,000 - $75,000. Those funds could start as early as October 2016. These funds would be used to pay for increased drug testing, drug and alcohol assessments, and other costs incurred from increased supervision. After the initial observation/training and startup cost investment by the WTSC, Kent would then submit a project proposal to the WTSC (RFP opens 12/2016) for FFY18 which starts October 1, 2017. At that point, we would request the amount of funding we believed necessary for the first full year of DUI Court operation. Average requests for this first year are in the $75,000 range. It’s hard to say how much Kent will need the first year. The following is an example of a common DUI court WSTC funding grid. This is a draft outline of what the budget could look like for a Kent DUI Court. Date Funding details Funding Amounts (Approximate amounts - Negotiable) Present Date – September 2017 Observation of operational DUI Court Training (out of state) Planning Startup costs 65K October 2017 – September 2018 First full year operational DUI Court 50-100k October 2018 – September 2019 Second year 50-75k October 2019 – September 2020 Third year 35-60k Grant proposals for funding consideration after September 2020 could be negotiated, but would go through the standard grant review process. Exhibits: none Budget Impact: There may be a budgetary impact beginning in 2020. 4 FINANCE Aaron BeMiller, Director Phone: 253-856-5260 Fax: 253-856-6255 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 DATE: June 21, 2016 TO: Operations Committee FROM: Aaron BeMiller, Finance Director SUBJECT: April Financial Report – Information Only MOTION: Information Only SUMMARY: The Finance Director will report out the April 2016 financial report. BUDGET IMPACT: BACKGROUND: 5 2016 Budget 2016 YTD 2016 Est Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) %Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Revenues 87,662,060 32,603,858 90,097,260 2,435,200 2.8% Expenditures 88,525,900 23,873,680 87,783,810 742,090 0.8% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (863,840) 8,730,178 2,313,450 3,177,290 Beginning Fund Balance 15,372,499 15,372,499 15,372,499 Ending Fund Balance 14,508,659 24,102,677 17,685,949 Ending Fund Balance Detail: General Fund Reserves 11,666,049 14,784,749 13.2%16.8% Contingency for Unanticipated Costs 1,500,000 1,500,000 Strategic Opportunities Fund 425,000 425,000 Restricted for Annexation 917,610 976,200 Revenue Overview Expenditures Overview April 2016 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington General Fund Overview Summary Analysis through April show both revenues and expenditures ending the year favorable compared to budget, creating an overall favorable variance amount of nearly $3.2m. The current estimated ending fund balance reserves for 2016 calculates to 16.8% of estimated 2016 expenses. Revenues are estimated to end the year at $2.4m or 2.8% higher than budgeted. Most of the City's major revenue sources show favorable variances compared to budget, including property tax ($656k) sales tax ($466k), licenses and permits ($340k), and miscellaneous revenues ($304k). This is offset by unfavorable variances compared to budget for other taxes ($179k) and fines and forfeitures ($133k). Through April, all departments are remaining fairly close to budget, with no significant variances. 6 Revenue Categories 2016 Budget 2016 YTD 2016 Est Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) %Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Taxes: Property 22,210,230 10,467,541 22,866,500 656,270 3.0% Sales & Use 18,633,990 6,580,132 19,100,100 466,110 2.5% Utility 18,140,150 7,004,076 18,232,300 92,150 0.5% Business & Occupation 6,500,000 1,335,170 7,055,170 555,170 8.5% Other 1,100,100 215,766 920,700 (179,400) -16.3% Licenses and Permits 5,139,120 2,063,585 5,479,300 340,180 6.6% Intergovernmental Revenue 7,419,970 2,160,752 7,709,000 289,030 3.9% Charges for Services 4,627,290 1,746,016 4,671,100 43,810 0.9% Fines and Forfeitures 1,565,970 512,731 1,433,000 (132,970)-8.5% Miscellaneous Revenue 1,393,650 518,088 1,698,500 304,850 21.9% Transfers In 931,590 - 931,590 - Total Revenues 87,662,060 32,603,858 90,097,260 2,435,200 2.8% Variance Notes April 2016 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington General Fund Overview - Revenues Other Taxes: Estimated reduction of $200,000 due to the closure of a casino in the first quarter of 2015. The 2016 budget was not updated to reflect the closure. Variance analysis for revenues is provided for particular line items or those in which the estimated actual amount differs from the budgeted amount by at least 10% or minimum of $500,000. Miscellaneous Revenue: Continues a steady positive trend again this year, largely due to interest on investments. Year-end projection is expected to exceed budget by $305,000, which equates to 21.9%. 7 Prior Year Revenues Budgeted Revenues Actual Revenues January 5,234 4,899 4,829 February 4,537 5,263 5,138 March 6,375 7,118 6,546 April 15,434 14,001 16,091 May 6,025 6,815 0 June 5,793 6,138 0 July 6,619 5,508 0 August 4,702 4,683 0 September 6,462 6,411 0 October 15,775 14,340 0 November 5,636 5,753 0 December 8,678 6,731 0 Total 91,270 87,662 32,604 Prior Year Revenues Budgeted Revenues Actual Revenues January 0 0 0 February 167 173 199 March 718 678 719 April 8,857 8,468 9,550 May 1,667 2,163 0 June 110 125 0 July 25 36 0 August 87 94 0 September 573 483 0 October 8,564 8,452 0 November 1,084 1,362 0 December 164 177 0 Total 22,016 22,210 10,468 Prior Year Revenues Budgeted Revenues Actual Revenues January 1,435 1,429 1,461 February 1,817 1,867 2,026 March 1,414 1,347 1,519 April 1,408 1,335 1,575 May 1,493 1,539 0 June 1,333 1,363 0 July 1,456 1,542 0 August 1,681 1,674 0 September 1,605 1,581 0 October 1,478 1,553 0 November 1,718 1,696 0 December 1,745 1,708 0 Total 18,583 18,634 6,580 Sales Tax March 2016 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington General Fund Revenues ($ in Thousands) All Revenues Sources Property Tax $0 $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 $60,000 $70,000 $80,000 $90,000 $100,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 16 Bud 15 Act 16 Act $0 $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 16 Bud 15 Act 16 Act $0 $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 16 Bud 15 Act 16 Act 8 March 2016 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington General Fund Revenues ($ in Thousands) Prior Year Revenues Budgeted Revenues Actual Revenues January 2,343 1,978 2,115 February 1,578 1,533 1,708 March 1,560 1,495 1,584 April 1,909 1,825 1,597 May 1,459 1,378 0 June 1,393 1,308 0 July 1,886 1,691 0 August 1,513 1,283 0 September 1,518 1,473 0 October 1,834 1,484 0 November 1,451 1,314 0 December 1,264 1,379 0 Total 19,709 18,140 7,004 Prior Year Revenues Budgeted Revenues Actual Revenues January 11 7 1 February 18 52 2 March 103 148 165 April 1,784 1,704 1,383 May 77 245 0 June 52 121 0 July 1,790 1,339 0 August 115 200 0 September 77 102 0 October 1,893 1,326 0 November 254 283 0 December 2,505 2,072 0 Total 8,680 7,600 1,551 Prior Year Revenues Budgeted Revenues Actual Revenues January 1,444 1,387 1,252 February 957 921 1,203 March 2,579 2,631 2,559 April 1,477 1,292 1,986 May 1,329 1,381 0 June 2,905 2,989 0 July 1,461 1,408 0 August 1,305 1,319 0 September 2,690 2,678 0 October 2,006 1,597 0 November 1,129 1,000 0 December 3,000 2,474 0 Total 22,283 21,078 7,001 Utility Tax Other Taxes Other Revenues (Intergovernmental, Licenses & Permits, Charges for Service, Fines & Forfeits, and Misc Revenues) $0 $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov 16 Bud 15 Act 16 Act $0 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 16 Bud 15 Act 16 Act $0 $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 16 Bud 15 Act 16 Act 9 Department 2016 Budget 2016 YTD 2016 Est Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) %Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) City Council 351,780 104,260 332,500 19,280 5.5% Mayor's Office/City Clerk 2,415,270 834,913 2,386,100 29,170 1.2% Economic & Community Dev 6,026,570 1,749,538 5,920,800 105,770 1.8% Finance 2,644,570 810,818 2,643,600 970 0.0% Fire Contracted Services 3,537,380 950,831 3,514,800 22,580 0.6% Human Resources 2,027,840 522,002 1,839,100 188,740 9.3% Information Technology 480,010 172,070 493,800 (13,790)-2.9% Law 1,283,240 473,991 1,281,600 1,640 0.1% Municipal Court 3,042,040 1,000,437 3,035,000 7,040 0.2% Parks, Recreation & Comm Svcs 16,823,700 4,983,451 16,554,000 269,700 1.6% Police 34,664,570 11,219,910 34,645,500 19,070 0.1% Public Works 1,436,120 586,743 1,432,200 3,920 0.3% Non-Departmental 13,792,810 464,715 13,704,810 88,000 0.6% Total Expenditures 88,525,900 23,873,680 87,783,810 742,090 0.8% Variance Notes April 2016 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington General Fund Overview - Expenditures No variances meet the criteria stated above. Variance analysis for expenditures is provided for particular departments or those in which the estimated actual amount differs from the budgeted amount by at least 10% or a minimum of $500,000. 10 2014 2015 2016 2016 2016 Actual Actual Adj Budget YTD Est Actual Beginning Fund Balance 7,471,860 *11,312,140 15,372,499 15,372,499 15,372,499 Revenues Taxes: Property 20,696,272 22,015,525 22,210,230 10,467,541 22,866,500 Sales & Use 17,761,585 18,583,057 18,633,990 6,580,132 19,100,100 Utility 17,775,687 18,151,853 18,140,150 7,004,076 18,232,300 Business & Occupation 303,600 7,656,220 6,500,000 1,335,170 7,055,170 Other 1,106,821 1,023,500 1,100,100 215,766 920,700 Licenses and Permits 5,818,615 5,827,474 5,139,120 2,063,585 5,479,300 Intergovernmental Revenue 7,515,935 7,783,935 7,419,970 2,160,752 7,709,000 Charges for Services 6,182,649 5,814,133 4,627,290 1,746,016 4,671,100 Fines and Forfeitures 1,284,798 1,660,366 1,565,970 512,731 1,433,000 Miscellaneous Revenue 1,533,392 1,756,485 1,393,650 518,088 1,698,500 Transfers In 931,217 996,921 931,590 - 931,590 Total Revenues 80,910,572 91,269,469 87,662,060 32,603,858 90,097,260 Expenditures City Council 293,125 298,884 351,780 104,260 332,500 Mayor's Office/City Clerk 1,927,073 2,211,861 2,415,270 834,913 2,386,100 Economic & Community Dev 5,251,662 5,345,212 6,026,570 1,749,538 5,920,800 Finance 2,363,613 2,419,039 2,644,570 810,818 2,643,600 Fire Contracted Services 3,422,675 3,513,988 3,537,380 950,831 3,514,800 Human Resources 1,167,331 1,039,875 2,027,840 522,002 1,839,100 Information Technology 349,002 456,328 480,010 172,070 493,800 Law 1,003,202 1,198,769 1,283,240 473,991 1,281,600 Municipal Court 2,849,954 2,988,951 3,042,040 1,000,437 3,035,000 Parks, Recreation & Comm Svcs 14,854,585 15,897,126 16,823,700 4,983,451 16,554,000 Police 31,263,200 32,992,234 34,664,570 11,219,910 34,645,500 Public Works 4,929,327 4,896,300 1,436,120 586,743 1,432,200 Non-Departmental 7,395,544 13,950,543 13,792,810 464,715 13,704,810 Total Expenditures 77,070,292 87,209,110 88,525,900 23,873,680 87,783,810 Net Revenues less Expenditures 3,840,280 4,060,359 (863,840)2,313,450 Ending Fund Balance 11,312,140 15,372,499 14,508,659 17,685,949 Ending Fund Balance Detail: General Fund Reserves 8,159,940 11,749,159 11,666,049 14,784,749 9.4%13.3% 13.2%16.8% Contingency for Unanticipated Costs 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 Strategic Opportunities Fund 425,000 425,000 425,000 425,000 Restricted for Annexation 1,652,200 1,698,340 917,610 976,200 * 2014 beginning fund balance reduced by $2,026,000 to reflect the prior period adjustment required to properly record the repayment owed to the Utility Funds. April 2016 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington General Fund 11 2014 2015 2016 % of thru April thru April thru April Budget Revenues Taxes: Property 8,210,828 9,742,293 10,467,541 725,248 7.4% 47.1% Sales & Use 5,380,184 6,074,745 6,580,132 505,387 8.3% 35.3% Utility 7,330,075 7,389,338 7,004,076 (385,261) -5.2% 38.6% Business & Occupation 300,000 1,662,716 1,335,170 (327,545) -19.7% 20.5% Other 249,569 254,086 215,766 (38,320) -15.1% 19.6% Licenses and Permits 1,424,400 1,431,657 2,063,585 631,928 44.1% 40.2% Intergovernmental Revenue 1,953,364 1,967,346 2,160,752 193,407 9.8% 29.1% Charges for Services 2,220,181 2,024,435 1,746,016 (278,418) -13.8% 37.7% Fines and Forfeitures 404,280 543,857 512,731 (31,126) -5.7% 32.7% Miscellaneous Revenue 421,968 489,969 518,088 28,119 5.7% 37.2% Transfers In - - - - Total Revenues 27,894,849 31,580,441 32,603,858 1,023,417 3.2% 37.2% Expenditures City Council 95,460 102,380 104,260 1,881 1.8% 29.6% Mayor's Office/City Clerk 704,574 719,974 834,913 114,939 16.0% 34.6% Economic & Community Dev 1,689,486 1,757,407 1,749,538 (7,869) -0.4% 29.0% Finance 691,784 682,784 810,818 128,034 18.8% 30.7% Fire Contracted Services 1,081,064 1,027,453 950,831 (76,621) -7.5% 26.9% Human Resources 440,922 363,987 522,002 158,015 43.4% 25.7% Information Technology 115,416 121,422 172,070 50,648 41.7% 35.8% Law 290,840 418,715 473,991 55,276 13.2% 36.9% Municipal Court 896,227 965,665 1,000,437 34,772 3.6% 32.9% Parks, Recreation & Comm Svcs 4,528,114 4,865,007 4,983,451 118,444 2.4% 29.6% Police 10,166,510 10,524,078 11,219,910 695,833 6.6% 32.4% Public Works *1,133,080 1,386,927 586,743 (800,184) -57.7% 40.9% Non-Departmental 125,576 81,282 464,715 383,432 471.7% 3.4% Total Expenditures 21,959,052 23,017,081 23,873,680 856,599 3.7% 27.0% * Most Public Works costs were moved to the Street Operating Fund effective January 1, 2016. Only costs allocated to the Panther Lake annexation remain in the General Fund. General Fund 2015-16 Variance April 2016 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington Year-to-Year Month Comparison 12 2014 2015 2016 2016 2016 Actual Actual Budget YTD Est Actual Operating revenues and expenditures only, capital is excluded. In instances where expenditures exceed revenues, fund balance is being utilized. Street Operations Revenues 10,654,053 11,793,043 11,945,140 4,199,761 12,692,650 Expenditures 10,351,988 9,072,561 14,551,090 2,725,082 13,762,750 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 302,065 2,720,483 (2,605,950)1,474,679 (1,070,100) LEOFF 1 Retiree Benefits Revenues 1,055,840 1,341,722 1,164,510 289,899 1,118,430 Expenditures 887,036 1,279,216 1,125,890 288,524 1,115,570 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 168,803 62,506 38,620 1,375 2,860 Lodging Tax Revenues 249,581 279,878 210,230 66,326 276,000 Expenditures 71,441 257,164 188,500 54,104 162,300 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 178,140 22,714 21,730 12,222 113,700 Youth/Teen Programs Revenues 888,250 894,592 912,600 337,069 902,940 Expenditures 898,524 920,380 942,000 942,000 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (10,274)(25,788)(29,400)337,069 (39,060) Capital Resources Revenues 16,413,708 20,561,359 14,414,120 4,555,415 15,523,940 Expenditures 11,997,869 11,538,631 14,422,330 761,312 15,170,000 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 4,415,838 9,022,728 (8,210)3,794,103 353,940 Criminal Justice Revenues 3,780,757 4,753,967 3,953,990 1,595,811 4,105,100 Expenditures 3,096,924 2,965,408 4,552,105 932,151 3,587,950 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 683,833 1,788,558 (598,115)663,660 517,150 Community Development Block Grant Revenues 835,776 808,466 914,740 112,810 914,740 Expenditures 835,776 808,466 914,740 209,871 914,740 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (97,061) ShoWare Operating Revenues 3,456,124 1,680,882 1,065,810 125,148 1,149,300 Expenditures 980,046 518,720 835,930 137,215 411,650 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 2,476,077 1,162,163 229,880 (12,067)737,650 Other Operating Revenues 134,073 143,726 140,280 1,630 140,280 Expenditures 70,478 64,765 140,280 19,852 109,280 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 63,595 78,961 (18,222)31,000 Water Utility Revenues 20,948,199 20,140,494 18,870,370 5,379,334 20,968,700 Expenditures 15,890,786 17,620,354 19,214,740 3,569,729 18,709,200 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 5,057,413 2,520,140 (344,370)1,809,605 2,259,500 Special Revenue Funds Enterprise Funds April 2016 Monthly Financial Report Other Funds Overview (Revenues and Expenditures) City of Kent, Washington 2015: Net revenues less expenditures include $2.27m street operating revenues returned from LID funded projects. These funds have been allocated to projects in the 2016 budget. 2016: Includes street and transportation revenues and costs moved from the General Fund. 13 2014 2015 2016 2016 2016 Actual Actual Budget YTD Est Actual Operating revenues and expenditures only, capital is excluded. In instances where expenditures exceed revenues, fund balance is being utilized. April 2016 Monthly Financial Report Other Funds Overview (Revenues and Expenditures) City of Kent, Washington Sewer/Drainage Utility Revenues 46,608,123 48,525,436 46,250,710 15,835,683 47,497,165 Expenditures 43,535,541 47,086,396 46,992,300 12,201,817 47,419,180 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 3,072,581 1,439,040 (741,590)3,633,866 77,985 Solid Waste Utility Revenues 575,750 208,109 624,300 Expenditures 365 253,280 128,526 258,948 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (365)322,470 79,583 365,352 Golf Complex Revenues 2,489,362 2,661,490 2,774,450 600,345 2,630,000 Expenditures 2,693,040 2,867,873 3,143,490 866,256 2,978,000 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (203,678)(206,383)(369,040)(265,911)(348,000) Fleet Services Revenues 4,425,076 4,537,950 4,674,240 1,593,652 4,766,250 Expenditures 3,955,111 3,194,529 5,892,350 1,007,230 5,521,090 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 469,965 1,343,420 (1,218,110)586,421 (754,840) Central Services Revenues 356,338 372,070 422,320 134,110 402,330 Expenditures 336,633 350,962 401,760 116,070 352,000 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 19,704 21,108 20,560 18,040 50,330 Information Technology Revenues 6,878,827 7,603,220 7,127,530 2,516,499 7,549,900 Expenditures 6,130,328 6,708,773 7,481,090 2,262,097 7,424,680 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 748,499 894,447 (353,560)254,402 125,220 Facilities Revenues 5,096,650 5,429,412 5,382,650 1,795,110 5,372,930 Expenditures 4,673,883 5,527,155 5,402,190 1,414,727 5,185,180 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 422,768 (97,744)(19,540)380,383 187,750 Unemployment Revenues 380,356 397,641 402,720 138,310 412,100 Expenditures 112,106 98,860 401,740 49,731 149,200 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 268,250 298,781 980 88,579 262,900 Workers Compensation Revenues 1,506,197 1,095,382 1,074,910 392,574 1,118,820 Expenditures 80,344 681,822 1,495,730 361,225 1,238,550 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 1,425,853 413,560 (420,820)31,350 (119,730) 2015: Revenues reflect 2015-16 rate reduction, with GF savings going to the CR Fund to reduce the deficit. Employee Health & Wellness Revenues 9,626,446 10,487,102 10,210,310 3,508,466 10,525,400 Expenditures 9,809,909 11,298,096 11,583,040 4,285,944 11,554,000 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (183,463)(810,993)(1,372,730)(777,478)(1,028,600) Internal Service Funds 14 2014 2015 2016 2016 2016 Actual Actual Budget YTD Est Actual Operating revenues and expenditures only, capital is excluded. In instances where expenditures exceed revenues, fund balance is being utilized. April 2016 Monthly Financial Report Other Funds Overview (Revenues and Expenditures) City of Kent, Washington Liability Insurance Revenues 543,969 1,135,932 1,187,110 380,558 1,141,670 Expenditures 1,543,321 1,187,054 1,926,880 1,211,719 1,782,590 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (999,353)(51,122)(739,770)(831,161)(640,920) 2014: Revenues reflect a one-time adjustment to reduce cash reserves. 2015: Revenues reflect 2015-16 rate reduction, with GF savings going to the CR Fund to reduce the deficit. Property Insurance Revenues 568,107 582,938 612,050 204,180 612,260 Expenditures 508,423 471,003 604,600 241,693 601,200 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 59,684 111,935 7,450 (37,513)11,060 15 2014 2015 2016 thru April thru April thru April Operating revenues and expenditures only, capital is excluded. Street Operations Revenues 2,992,643 2,656,382 4,199,761 1,543,379 58.1% Expenditures 744,180 734,802 2,725,082 1,990,280 270.9% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 2,248,463 1,921,580 1,474,679 2016 includes street and transportation revenues and costs moved from the General Fund. LEOFF 1 Retiree Benefits Revenues 400,510 154,350 289,899 135,548 87.8% Expenditures 279,062 431,480 288,524 (142,956)-33.1% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 121,448 (277,129)1,375 2015 claims were up dramatically compared to 2014, while 2016 thru April is consistent with past years. Lodging Tax Revenues 53,733 58,590 66,326 7,737 13.2% Expenditures 9,904 13,195 54,104 40,909 310.0% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 43,829 45,395 12,222 2016 expenditures reflect increased marketing activities. Youth/Teen Programs Revenues 343,755 342,358 337,069 (5,289)-1.5% Expenditures - - - Net Revenues Less Expenditures 343,755 342,358 337,069 Capital Resources Revenues 2,744,571 3,789,259 4,555,415 766,156 20.2% Expenditures 9,005 326,439 761,312 434,873 133.2% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 2,735,565 3,462,820 3,794,103 Criminal Justice Revenues 1,255,602 1,243,553 1,595,811 352,258 28.3% Expenditures 832,995 965,092 932,151 (32,941)-3.4% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 422,607 278,461 663,660 2016 increase in revenues due to strong sales tax trends and an increase in seized assets. Community Development Block Grants Revenues 98,936 127,388 112,810 (14,578)-11.4% Expenditures 213,562 208,974 209,871 897 0.4% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (114,626)(81,587)(97,061) Lag in grant reimbursement for expenses incurred. ShoWare Operating Revenues 105,576 81,282 125,148 43,866 35.1% Expenditures 188,771 21,811 137,215 115,404 529.1% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (83,195)59,471 (12,067) 2015-16 Variance Year-to-Year Month Comparison April 2016 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington Other Funds Overview (Revenues and Expenditures) Special Revenue Funds 2016 increase in revenues due to strong REET and sales tax trends. 2015 expenditures reflect one-time land acquisition costs; 2016 includes Pine Tree Park settlement. 16 2014 2015 2016 thru April thru April thru April Operating revenues and expenditures only, capital is excluded. 2015-16 Variance Year-to-Year Month Comparison April 2016 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington Other Funds Overview (Revenues and Expenditures) Other Operating Revenues 1,000 1,120 1,630 510 45.5% Expenditures 16,460 6,006 19,852 13,846 230.5% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (15,460)(4,886)(18,222) Includes City Art Program, Neighborhood Matching Grants and Human Services Emergency Programs Water Utility Revenues 5,297,607 5,118,753 5,379,334 260,580 5.1% Expenditures 5,440,703 3,661,386 3,569,729 (91,658)-2.5% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (143,096)1,457,367 1,809,605 Sewer/Drainage Utility Revenues 18,357,387 15,471,771 15,835,683 363,912 2.4% Expenditures 11,785,395 11,705,403 12,201,817 496,415 4.2% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 6,571,992 3,766,368 3,633,866 Solid Waste Utility Revenues 208,109 208,109 100.0% Expenditures 128,526 128,526 100.0% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 79,583 Solid Waste Utility established in 2016. Golf Complex Revenues 575,493 654,417 600,345 (54,072)-8.3% Expenditures 775,769 790,881 866,256 75,375 9.5% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (200,275)(136,464)(265,911) 2016 revenues down due to inclement weather conditions in Q1. Fleet Services Revenues 1,467,054 1,522,257 1,593,652 71,394 4.7% Expenditures 1,179,343 766,955 1,007,230 240,276 31.3% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 287,710 755,303 586,421 Central Services Revenues 107,408 117,693 134,110 16,417 13.9% Expenditures 93,671 130,277 116,070 (14,207)-10.9% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 13,736 (12,584)18,040 Information Technology Revenues 2,257,036 2,310,748 2,516,499 205,751 8.9% Expenditures 1,861,204 2,194,139 2,262,097 67,957 3.1% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 395,832 116,608 254,402 Facilities Internal Service Funds Enterprise Funds 17 2014 2015 2016 thru April thru April thru April Operating revenues and expenditures only, capital is excluded. 2015-16 Variance Year-to-Year Month Comparison April 2016 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington Other Funds Overview (Revenues and Expenditures) Revenues 1,698,829 1,765,179 1,795,110 29,931 1.7% Expenditures 1,288,416 1,343,999 1,414,727 70,727 5.3% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 410,413 421,180 380,383 Unemployment Revenues 125,435 131,847 138,310 6,463 4.9% Expenditures 7,810 32,992 49,731 16,740 50.7% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 117,624 98,856 88,579 Workers Compensation Revenues 474,774 361,015 392,574 31,559 8.7% Expenditures 259,229 287,305 361,225 73,920 25.7% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 215,544 73,711 31,350 Employee Health & Wellness Revenues 3,293,411 3,462,439 3,508,466 46,027 1.3% Expenditures 3,249,638 3,559,104 4,285,944 726,841 20.4% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 43,773 (96,664)(777,478) Liability Insurance Revenues 664,677 377,988 380,558 2,570 0.7% Expenditures 860,462 925,932 1,211,719 285,787 30.9% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (195,784)(547,944)(831,161) Property Insurance Revenues 189,364 194,310 204,180 9,871 5.1% Expenditures 266,857 248,147 243,733 (4,414)-1.8% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (77,493)(53,838)(39,553) 18 2016 2016 2016 2016 Beginning Fund Balance Estimated Revenues Estimated Expenditures Ending Fund Balance Operating funds only, capital funds are excluded. General Fund 15,372,499 90,097,260 87,783,810 17,685,949 Street Operations 4,092,055 12,692,650 13,762,750 3,021,955 LEOFF 1 Retiree Benefits 1,093,532 1,118,430 1,115,570 1,096,392 Lodging Tax 394,516 276,000 162,300 508,216 Youth/Teen Programs 121,275 902,940 942,000 82,215 Capital Resources 5,775,064 15,523,940 15,170,000 6,129,004 Criminal Justice 3,981,627 4,105,100 3,587,950 4,498,777 Community Development Block Grants 914,740 914,740 ShoWare Operating 1,596,543 1,149,300 411,650 2,334,193 Other Operating 364,242 140,280 109,280 395,242 Water Utility 8,158,504 20,968,700 18,709,200 10,418,004 Sewer/Drainage Utility 10,093,986 47,497,165 47,419,180 10,171,971 Solid Waste Utility 365 624,300 258,948 365,717 Golf Complex (3,043,675) 2,630,000 2,978,000 (3,391,675) Fleet Services 4,301,237 4,766,250 5,521,090 3,546,397 Central Services (46,226) 402,330 352,000 4,104 Information Technology 2,808,737 7,549,900 7,424,680 2,933,957 Facilities 1,672,947 5,372,930 5,185,180 1,860,697 Unemployment 1,038,938 412,100 149,200 1,301,838 Workers Compensation 2,541,813 1,118,820 1,238,550 2,422,083 Employee Health & Wellness 6,122,922 10,525,400 11,554,000 5,094,322 Liability Insurance 2,452,656 1,141,670 1,782,590 1,811,736 Property Insurance 348,579 612,260 601,200 359,639 Internal Service Funds General Fund April 2016 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington Fund Balances Special Revenue Funds Enterprise Funds 19 This page intentionally left blank 20 Kent Council Operations Committee FINANCE Aaron BeMiller, Director Phone: 253-856-5260 Fax: 253-856-6255 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 DATE: June 21, 2016 TO: Operations Committee FROM: Aaron BeMiller, Finance Director SUBJECT: 2016 Bond Refunding Report – Information Only MOTION: No motion required. Information only. SUMMARY: The City’s 2016 Bond Refunding process has successfully come to a close. The final delivery, settlement, and closing procedures took place as scheduled on Wednesday morning, June 15. As required by Ordinance 4198, the City’s Finance Director is to report out on the final bond numbers to ensure compliance with the directives in that Ordinance. BUDGET IMPACT: N/A BACKGROUND: 21 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE JUNE 21, 2016 City of Kent Operations Committee, 6/21/2016 2016 Bond Refunding Report 22 2016 refunding City of Kent Operations Committee, 6/21/2016 On April 19, 2016 the Council unanimously approved Ordinance 4198 allowing for the refunding of the City’s 2008 general obligation bonds and the City of Kent Public Facilities District’s 2008 Sales Tax Bonds. The Ordinance requires that a report from the Finance Director be made demonstrating that the final terms of the bond sale satisfy the conditions as set in the Ordinance. 23 2016 refunding City of Kent Operations Committee, 6/21/2016 The bonds were sold on May 11th. The sale was very successful and helped in great part by the bond rating upgrade the City received as well as the bond market. Through this refunding, the City achieved nearly a $10.7 million savings over the life of the bonds The sale closed on schedule on June 15th. 24 Refunding requirements City of Kent Operations Committee, 6/21/2016 The aggregate principal amount of the Bonds does not exceed $80M. Yes, the 2016 Refunding principal amount is $64,575,000. Final maturity date is not later than December 1, 2037. Yes, the final maturity date on the refunded bonds is December 1, 2037. Each series of Bonds are sold in the aggregate at a price of not less than 97% and not greater than 130%. Yes, the refunding bonds were sold at an aggregate price of 118%. 25 Refunding requirements (con’t) City of Kent Operations Committee, 6/21/2016 Any bonds sold for the purpose of refunding must result in a minimum net present value savings of at least 3.00%. Yes, the refunding results in a NPV savings of 15.3% on refunded bonds. The dollar value of savings is $10,692,489. The true interest cost for each series of Bonds, in the aggregate, does not exceed 4.00%. Yes, the true interest cost of the refunded bonds is 2.74%. Any refunding must take place before December 31, 2016. Yes, bond sale became final on June 15, 2016. 26 Kent Council Operations Committee FINANCE Aaron BeMiller, Director Phone: 253-856-5260 Fax: 253-856-6255 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 DATE: June 21, 2016 TO: Operations Committee FROM: Aaron BeMiller, Finance Director SUBJECT: City Investment Report – Information Only MOTION: No motion required. Information only. SUMMARY: The investment policy prescribes that once a quarter the Finance Director shall submit a report to the Operations Committee that summarizes the portfolio’s average rate of return, market value, and average maturity. BUDGET IMPACT: N/A BACKGROUND: 27 28 Kent Council Operations Committee FINANCE Aaron BeMiller, Director Phone: 253-856-5260 Fax: 253-856-6255 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 DATE: June 21, 2016 TO: Operations Committee FROM: Aaron BeMiller, Finance Director SUBJECT: Director’s Report – Information Only MOTION: No motion: Non-action item SUMMARY: The Finance Director will report out financial or operational item(s). BUDGET IMPACT: BACKGROUND: 29