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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 10/24/2016 LAND USE AND PLANNING; BOARD ® MINUTES KENT OCTOBER 24, 2016 WASH IN G T O N 1. Call to Order Chair Cornelius called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm 2. Roll Call ® LUPB Members: Frank Cornelius Chair; Katherine Jones Vice Chair; Barbara Phillips and Randall Smith were in attendance. Jack Ottini was absent and excused. ® City Staff: Hayley Bonsteel, Long Range Planner/GIS Coordinator: Shawn Gilbertson, Environmental Engineering Supervisor; Tom Brubaker, City Attorney 3. Approval of Minutes Board Member Phillips MOVED and Board Member Jones SECONDED a Motion to Approve the Minutes of September 26, 2016. MOTION PASSED 4-0 with Ottini absent. 4. Added Items None S. Communications None 6. Notice of Upcoming Meetings None 7. Public blearing MULTIFAMILY DESIGN GUIDELINES [ZCA-2016-31 Chair Cornelius stated that this public hearing is to consider a proposal to adopt updated multifamily design guidelines and associated code amendments to the Kent City Code Title 15 for multifamily development. I Cornelius opened the Public Hearing. Bonsteel stated that our current Multifamily Design Guidelines (MDG) are over 20 years old. As part of the Comprehensive Plan, there is a land use element goal revising development regulations to encourage multifamily development that is more flexible and innovative in terms of building design, street standards and site design. She spoke about how staff has formatted the MDG and described the objectives of the MDG. She spoke about the concerns the Economic and Community Development Committee raised regarding solar access for adjacent single family residences; and how staff has responded to those concerns by adding more guidelines and an additional intent statement for clarity. The intent of the associated code amendment is to streamline design review and ensure that only one type of design review applies to any one project. The intent of the update is to codify, make clear and streamline the code. She explained that multifamily setback regulations were changed from 20 to 10 feet. I i Concluding deliberations, seeing no speakers, Chair Cornelius closed the Public Hearing and called for a motion. Board Member Smith MOVED and Board Member Jones Seconded a Motion to recommend to the City Council approval of the proposed code amendments to Title 1.5 of the Kent City Code and adoption of updated Multifamily Design Guidelines as presented by staff. Motion PASSED Unanimously with 4 Yeas. Adjournment Chair Cornelius adjourned the meeting at 7:15 pm. f Charlene Anderson, AICP, Long Rang fanning Manager, LUPB Board Secretary I i Land Use& Planning Board Minutes October 24, 2016 Page 2 of 2 �I